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中国政府环境信息公开实施效果评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
环境信息公开是国际上公认的新一代环境治理手段,也是我国建设"阳光政府"的基本要求.在《环境信息公开办法》实施2 a后,针对31个省级、5个计划单列市和27个省会城市环境保护局落实环境信息公开的制度和行动进行调查分析,通过资料调查、实际公开申请和深入访谈,全面评估政府环境信息公开办法实施的有效性,以期为该办法的进一步完善...  相似文献   

协调性分析是规划环境影响评价的重要组成部分,它的分析对象是被评价的规划草案及其相关的政策、法规、规划等。在以规划草案为评估对象的环境影响评价中,协调性分析能够起到两种作用:解释制定规划草案的“政策背景环境”,和检查规划草案是否存在资源保护、环境保护方面的缺陷和不足。这两种作用不能被截然分开。协调性分析的目的是帮助环评单位和公众更好地理解规划制定的背景,以及使规划环评针对草案的缺陷与不足提出相应的环境目标和环境保护对策。分析结果一般可以使用矩阵来表示。如果规划环评可以早期介入到规划的制定中,描述“政策背景环境”和制定可选择性方案这两个程序就可以达到协调性分析的目的.因此不再需要进行专门的协调性分析。  相似文献   

装备环境适应性的提高有赖于环境工程工作的全面开展,环境工程管理和环境试验是环境工程工作的两大方面。在产品设计定型阶段,通常把环境鉴定试验作为环境质量特性把关的重要手段。以某型直升机新研改型成品为例,通过开展一系列环境工程管理工作,探索出了一套适宜直升机环境鉴定试验管理的方法,规范了试验要求,提升了试验的有效性,保证了该型机环境鉴定试验的权威性,为型号设计定型提供了有力保障,为后续机型的环境工程工作的开展积累了经验。  相似文献   

The Expert Working Group on “Improving the Role of Government in the Promotion of Environmental Management Accounting (EMA)” was set up by the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development (UN DSD) in cooperation with a number of government agencies and non-governmental experts to promote Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) through publications, pilot projects and by establishing an international forum for discussion on the role of governments in the promotion of EMA.EMA, Environmental management accounting represents a combined approach that provides for the transition of data from financial accounting, cost accounting and mass balances to increase material efficiency, reduce environmental impacts and risks and reduce costs of environmental protection. EMA is performed by private or public corporations, but not by nations and has a financial as well as a physical component.The core focus of environmental management accounting and of the EMA UN DSD methodology is assessment of total annual environmental expenditure on emission treatment, disposal, environmental protection and management. In addition, and that is new and challenging for most companies, the material purchase value of all non-product output and its production costs are added. This total sum often provides a frightening picture of total annual costs of inefficiency and gets companies to improve their information systems and material efficiency options, which is the goal in the light of cleaner production.The first book published by the Expert Working Group, Environmental Management Accounting—Procedures and Principles (Jasch, C., United Nations, New York, 2001), defines principles and procedures for EMA, with a focus on techniques for quantifying environmental expenditures or costs, as a basis for better controlling and benchmarking purposes. The methodology excludes costs external to the company (so-called externalities, e.g. environmental and social effects that occur to the general public), but focuses on comprehensive assessment of direct annual expenditure on emission treatment, environmental protection and management as well as wasted material and energy input (efficiency losses in production). Firstly, total annual expenditure is assessed, then improvement options, savings and investment projects as well as product prices can be (re-)calculated. The method is currently applied in several case studies. The following summary provides some of the core definitions and generic assessment tables.  相似文献   

The Asian Network on Climate Science and Technology (www.ancst.org), in collaboration with Tsinghua University, held a conference on environmental and climate science, air pollution, urban planning and transportation in July 2015, with over 40 Asian experts participating and presentation. This was followed by a meeting with local government and community experts on the practical conclusions of the conference. Of the papers presented at the conference a selection are included in this special issue of Journal of Environmental Science, which also reflects the conclusions of the Paris Climate meeting in Dec 2015, when the major nations of the world agreed about the compelling need to reduce the upward trend of adverse impacts associated with global climate change. Now is the time for urban areas to work out the serious consequences for their populations, but also how they should work together to take action to reduce global warming to benefit their own communities and also the whole planet!  相似文献   

In Japan, Environment and Pollution Control Agreements (EPCAs) have been an important local environmental policy tool. This paper aims to define the current functions of EPCAs in Japan based on the author's empirical research. The most important characteristic of EPCAs is that they can set up particular environmental policies according to the locality. The eight functions of EPCAs are: (1) to regulate some activity while national regulations are in preparation, (2) to set standards to protect the area's environment, (3) to regulate major ‘point source polluters’, (4) to regulate substances and issues about which it is difficult to make rules, (5) to regulate activities over which the local governments do not have authority, (6) to reinforce administrative guidance, (7) conflict resolution, and (8) to follow up the Environmental Impact Assessment.The paper contains many case studies to prove the different functions of EPCAs. The paper also examines the environmental effectiveness of the EPCAs.  相似文献   

环境职业伦理学是一门知行统一的极为重要的但长期以来被忽视的学科,本文从我国环保职业道德意识中存在的问题与原因分析入手,提出应对确立我国环保集中控制权的重要地位并在此基础上架构职业伦理本位学说理论体系框架加以研究和界定。  相似文献   

苏州市经济发展与环境污染耦合关系的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取苏州市1990-2004年经济与环境数据, 通过分析经济因子与环境因子相互关系,探究苏州市经济增长与环境质量演替轨迹,建立经济增长与环境污染水平计量模型.根据模型结果分析了苏州市环境库兹涅茨曲线的特征及产生的原因,并提出了相应的改进建议.实证研究表明,苏州市部分环境指标与人均GDP演替轨迹呈现一定的环境库兹涅茨曲线特征,但大部分环境指标尚未达到转折点.产生这种现象的主要原因是产业结构的不合理.  相似文献   

以旅游城市环境系统的综合性、多目标性、动态性和不确定性的特征出发,提出用不确定性模糊多目标规划(IFMOP)模型来解决旅游城市 环境规划优化问题。通过建立旅游城市环境不确定性模糊多目标规划系统模型(IFMOPMTCE),使旅游城市环境系统的特性在模型建立和求解过程中得以充分反映,同时也有效地协调了环境经济等目标之间的矛盾与冲突,该研究为旅游城市环境规划工作提供了一种较为有力的工具。  相似文献   

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) requires that an Environmental Impact Statement (FIS) be prepared whenever a federal action is considered that could result in a significant impact on the environment. Such actions include the issuance of construction or operating licenses for nuclear facilities and power plants, hydroelectric dams, or the diversion of water from rivers and lakes. An EIS is usually required if federal funds are involved. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Council for Environmental Quality have developed guidelines and regulations for the preparation of an EIS.An EIS is not a scientific report. It is a legal document whose primary function is its use by decision-making agencies in approving or not approving the proposed federal action. The EIS is also used to inform the public and other government agencies of the environmental impacts of the proposed facility. The NEPA process allows public input into the decision-making process. An EIS should be short and concise, analytical, conclusory, be written for a non-technical audience, discuss the pros and cons of the proposed facility, and examine the impacts of all alternatives to the proposed action. The EIS should identify all adverse environmental impacts that cannot be avoided. The conclusions reached in the EIS should be clearly stated and supported by discussions and data in the text and by references to show that the agency has made the necessary analyses.The paper discusses the purpose and contents of these documents and the environmental procedures used in the U.S.A., especially as they relate to nuclear power plants.  相似文献   

Environmental impacts associated with the use of fossil fuels, rising prices, potential limitations in supply and concerns about regional and national security are driving the development and use of biomass for bioenergy, biofuels and bioproducts. However, the use of biomass does not automatically imply that its production, conversion and use are sustainable. In order to operationalize sustainability assessments of biomass systems, it is crucial to identify critical criteria, but keep their number and measurement at a manageable level. The selection of these criteria can vary depending on individual's expertise, geographical region where they work, and spatial scale they are focused on. No clear consensus has yet emerged on what experts consider as critical indicators of sustainability. Objectives of this paper were to analyze how key experts perceive the 35 sustainability criteria for bioenergy found in emerging sustainability assessment frameworks and to identify levels of agreement and uncertainty. Experts were asked to rate the criteria for attributes of relevance, practicality, reliability, and importance.Perceptions of the importance of the 35 criteria varied among the experts surveyed. Only two criteria, energy balance and greenhouse gas balance, were perceived as critical by more than half of the respondents. Social criteria and locally applied criteria were generally ranked low for all four attributes. Seven of the 12 criteria scored as most important focused on environmental issues, four were social and only one was economic. Of the 12 most important criteria, seven were ranked low in practicality and reliability indicating that mechanisms to assess a number of important criteria need to be developed. The spatial scale the experts worked at and their profession explained most of the differences in importance ranking between experts, while regional focus had minimal effect. Criteria that were ranked low for importance, were characterized by a lack of consensus, suggesting the need for further debate regarding their inclusion in sustainability assessments.Outcomes of the survey provide a foundation for further discussions and development of sustainability assessments for bioenergy systems and may also provide a basis for assessing individual bioenergy projects within their specific geographic, ecological, societal, and technological context and scale.  相似文献   

环境资源的稀缺性已经使环境资源配置日益成为引发社会问题的主要变量之一.具有(准)公共物品属性的环境资源配置不合理引发的"公地悲剧"表现在时间轴上即为"时间困境".因为激励机制不足和成本过高等,靠市场机制的产权明晰和政府的强制管理并不能有效的解决环境资源配置的"时间困境".相反,在经济高速发展态势下,目标趋同的政府和企业会在某种程度上形成联合,造成现行环境管理权威结构的失衡.由公众自发形成的社会舆论在合法性前提下,有着解除"时间困境"的内在动因和成本优势,可以发展成为环境资源配置过程的有力的监督要素.要实现环境管理权威结构的内在制衡,还需要从公众内在自觉、外在制度,以及知识协助等三方面对内外环境进行创设.  相似文献   

根据环境保护部环境工程评估中心公布的数据,中国环境影响评价机构现状特点是:环评机构的主要类型以科研院所占比例最大,其次是公司,最少的是高等院校;区域分布特点是东部多,西部少,经济发达地区多。经济欠发达地区少;评价范围特点是从事社会区域类别的环评机构最多,其次是化工石化医药类。同时,结合中国地区经济数据和市场化的要求,指出中国环评机构的数量与区域经济状况不对称,部分环评机构的评价范围与区域产业结构不匹配,环评机构市场化程度不高。最后,提出优化中国环境影响评价机构的建议。  相似文献   

The delivery of improved local ambient air quality in the UK has emerged through the implementation of the Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland [DETR, Welsh Office, Scottish Office, Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland, The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, CM 4548, London, The Stationery Office, 2000] by the air quality management (AQM) regime. Local authorities now have the responsibility to undertake a review and assessment of air quality in their area and to identify locations where health-based objectives are likely to be exceeded. If relevant public exposure exists, an air quality management area must be designated. Air Quality Action Plans (AQAPs) provide the mechanism by which local authorities, in collaboration with national agencies and others, will state their intentions for working towards the air quality objectives through the powers they have available and by collaboration with other bodies who are in the position of implementing solutions to their air quality hot spots. This management regime will require a new way of local authority working, involving not only local authority joint working but also regional collaboration and co-operation with outside agencies and authorities such as health authorities, regulators of industry and highways managers. Management aspects of the AQM process have been investigated through the data collection from a series of questionnaire surveys. It is argued that the extent to which a local authority is able to show integration of its air quality management responsibilities is an indicator of their capability for delivering AQAPs. Although local authorities appear to be making moves towards a more integrated approach to managing environmental issues, there are still significant gaps in joint working identified through questionnaire surveys and case studies undertaken by the authors. Some recommendations for the successful implementation of AQAPs are also included.  相似文献   

Developing strategies to mitigate or to adapt to the threats of floods is an important topic in the context of climate changes. Many of the world’s cities are endangered due to rising ocean levels and changing precipitation patterns. It is therefore crucial to develop analytical tools that allow us to evaluate the threats of floods and to investigate the influence of mitigation and adaptation measures, such as stronger dikes, adaptive spatial planning, and flood disaster plans. Up until the present, analytical tools have only been accessible to domain experts, as the involved simulation processes are complex and rely on computational and data-intensive models. Outputs of these analytical tools are presented to practitioners (i.e., policy analysts and political decision-makers) on maps or in graphical user interfaces. In practice, this output is only used in limited measure because practitioners often have different information requirements or do not trust the direct outcome. Nonetheless, literature indicates that a closer collaboration between domain experts and practitioners can ensure that the information requirements of practitioners are better aligned with the opportunities and limitations of analytical tools. The objective of our work is to present a step forward in the effort to make analytical tools in flood management accessible for practitioners to support this collaboration between domain experts and practitioners. Our system allows the user to interactively control the simulation process (addition of water sources or influence of rainfall), while a realistic visualization allows the user to mentally map the results onto the real world. We have developed several novel algorithms to present and interact with flood data. We explain the technologies, discuss their necessity alongside test cases, and introduce a user study to analyze the reactions of practitioners to our system. We conclude that, despite the complexity of flood simulation models and the size of the involved data sets, our system is accessible for practitioners of flood management so that they can carry out flood simulations together with domain experts in interactive work sessions. Therefore, this work has the potential to significantly change the decision-making process and may become an important asset in choosing sustainable flood mitigations and adaptation strategies.  相似文献   

省辖市环境监测站是我国环境监测系统的中坚,其人才的培养与发展决定了我国环境监测工作水平和发展高度。以扬州市环境监测中心站为例,分析了省辖市环境监测站人才队伍现状与存在问题,概括了人才队伍以“三个层级、三大类别”为特点,提出了围绕“国家十二五环境监测规划”要求和解决具有区域特色的环境问题作为人才培养和发展的突破口和发展方向,阐述了人才培养和发展的的方法和途径。  相似文献   

环境审计是深化环境管理的一项重要手段,受到很多国家环境保护部门的重视并积极推广,文章详细阐述了环境审计的定义,范围,目的和具体工作步骤,并根据实际调查,对一家造纸厂进行了环境审计,取得了显著的效果,证明环境审计对开展废物减量和清洁生产有重要作用。  相似文献   

气候变化既是环境问题,也是发展问题,事关人类的生存与发展。中国政府高度重视全球气候变化问题,积极探索有中国特色的绿色低碳发展之路。这不仅是中国作为发展中大国肩负的国际责任.也是加快实现国内发展方式转型的内在要求。近三十年来,中国在保护环境和应对气候变化方面付出了巨大努力,总结出一系列行之有效的经验和做法。为了更好地开展有利于应对气候变化的环境保护工作,近日,环境保护部环境发展中心成立了一个跨部门的应对气候变化工作机构,即“环境发展中心环境与气候变化中心”。日前,编辑部就业界人士和社会大众所关心的一些气候变化相关问题专程采访了环境保护部环境发展中心唐丁丁主任。  相似文献   

随着环境保护部近年来众多环保举措的提出,企业的环境责任研究引起了学者和相关政府机构的重视。企业环境责任评价有利于提高企业环保意识和规范企业的环境行为,但目前仍缺乏相关机构对企业环境责任评价体系的独立研究和实践。本文通过对国内外企业环境责任的研究现状进行分析,引入了企业环境责任评价的必要性;在相关概念界定的基础上构建了企业环境责任评价指标体系,最后对评价成果的应用进行了探讨和研究。  相似文献   

“3S”技术在环保应急系统中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钱杰 《上海环境科学》2001,20(12):598-601
论述了将地理信息系统(GIS)、遥感(RS)和全球定位系统(GPS)集成应用于环保应急系统的建设。系统采用GIS技术进行污染源搜索和定位;将GIS与GPS结合起来,用于出警指挥和导航;以1∶1万数字化三线图为背景,提出选用正射影像航片、Landsat的Ikonos卫片和印度的IRS卫片进行解读,解决了GIS基础底图动态更新问题。通过“3S”技术的综合应用,提高了环保执法在在应急事件中的快速响应能力。  相似文献   

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