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Over the last decade, there has been a major shift in the study of adaptive patterns and processes towards including the role of host-parasite interactions, informed by concepts from evolutionary ecology. As a consequence, a number of major questions have emerged. For example, how genetics affects host-parasite interactions, whether parasitism selects for offspring diversification, whether parasite virulence is an adaptive trait, and what constrains the use of the host's immune defences. Using bumblebees, Bombus spp, and their parasites as a model system, answers to some of these questions have been found, while at the same time the complexity of the interaction has led expectations away from simple theoretical models. In addition, the results have also led to the unexpected discovery of novel phenomena concerning, for instance, female mating strategies.  相似文献   

The research, focused on the specific interactions among seven plant secondary compounds and aphids, was carried out and the preliminary results showed: (1) "T-typed tube method" was regarded as the best method compared with others designed to observe the interactions. (2) Cabbage aphid was able to be attracted by laurolene while it was not susceptible to α-pinene, β-pinene and diamylene. (3) Gossypol, a major secondary substance in cotton, was able to be implicated as feeding attractant to cotton aphid. (4) Rutin might be implicated repellent to cotton aphid.  相似文献   

Chemical compounds of the foraging recruitment pheromone in bumblebees   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When the frenzied and irregular food-recruitment dances of bumblebees were first discovered, it was thought that they might represent an evolutionary prototype to the honeybee waggle dance. It later emerged that the primary function of the bumblebee dance was the distribution of an alerting pheromone. Here, we identify the chemical compounds of the bumblebee recruitment pheromone and their behaviour effects. The presence of two monoterpenes and one sesquiterpene (eucalyptol, ocimene and farnesol) in the nest airspace and in the tergal glands increases strongly during foraging. Of these, eucalyptol has the strongest recruitment effect when a bee nest is experimentally exposed to it. Since honeybees use terpenes for marking food sources rather than recruiting foragers inside the nest, this suggests independent evolutionary roots of food recruitment in these two groups of bees.  相似文献   

The emergence of the genetic code remains an enigma. Proposed mechanisms are based on random, historical, thermodynamic and natural selection. However, they introduce chance as a key factor for overcoming the difficulties encountered by the model. We propose here a model in which three successive levels of chemical specificity generated the nucleotide assignments of amino acids in the genetic code. The first level results from hydrophobic and stereospecific interactions between amino acids and short oligonucleotides (termed oligons). The second and third levels of specificity are determined by conditions of energy transfer from loaded oligons (amino acid-oligomer covalently linked) to formation of phosphodiester bond (second level of specificity) and peptidic bond (third level of specificity), while these reactions are catalyzed by RNA templates. This model is sustained by the relationships observed between dipole moments of the nucleotides (forming the anticodon) and reactivity of the amino acyl linkage of the loaded oligon. Moreover, analysis of modern tRNAs reveals that they were probably generated by loose duplication of the nucleotide sequence forming the oligons, after emergence of the 'genetic code.' Indeed, the similarity of nucleotide composition with that of the anticodon decreases with the tRNA domain's distance from the anticodon, but the acceptor stem is relatively more similar to the anticodon than other stems closer to it. This would be because energy transfer constraints that existed between anticodon and amino acid in prebiotic loaded oligonucleotides still affect the structures of modern tRNA acceptor stems. In the model presented, the genetic code is inherent to the most archaic 'molecular physiology' in protolife, even before emergence of a functional 'protein world.' Simple physical processes, in which a level of specificity is integrated in an emerging meta-structure expressing new properties, generate a parsimonious and realistic explanation of emergence of the genetic code.  相似文献   

The sorption behavior of polar of ionizable organic compounds,such as p-nitrophenol,phenol and aniline,in the water/organobentonite systems is investigated.Both adsorption and partition occur to the sorption of organic compounds to dual-cation organobentonites.The separate contributions of adsorption and partition to the total sorption of organic compounds to dual-cation organobentonites are analyzed mathematically in the first time.The factors to the contributions are also discussed.The results indicated that the contribution of adsorption and partition is related to the composition and ratio of dual-cation surfactants exchanging onto the bentonite.The sorption of organic compounds to dual-cation organobentonite is dominated by adsorption at low concentrations and by partition at high concentrations,making the organobentonites powerful sorbents for organic contaminants over wide range of concentrations.  相似文献   

Public ecology exists at the interface of science and policy. Public ecology is an approach to environmental inquiry and decision making that does not expect scientific knowledge to be perfect or complete. Rather, public ecology requires that science be produced in collaboration with a wide variety of stakeholders in order to construct a body of knowledge that will reflect the pluralist and pragmatic context of its use (decision context), while continuing to maintain the rigor and accountability that earns scientific knowledge its privileged status in contemporary society. As such, public ecology entails both process and content. The process is that of a post-modern scientific method: a process that values the participation of extended peer communities composed of a diversity of research specialists, professional policy-makers, concerned citizens and a variety of other stakeholders. The content of public ecology is a biocultural knowledge of dynamic human ecosystems that directly relates to and results from the participatory, democratic processes that distinguish public ecology as a citizen science. The primary goal of public ecology is to build common ground among competing beliefs and values for the environment. The purpose of this paper is to help unify and establish public ecology as a distinctive approach to environmental science and policy in global society.  相似文献   

Landscapeecology:thetheoreticalfoundationofsustainableagrolandscapeplanninganddesign.WangYanglin(DepartmentofGeography,Peking...  相似文献   

FoundationofregionalecologyanditsmethodologiesYeChangming(ResearchCenterforEco-EnvironrnentalSciences,ChineseAcadernyofScienc...  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured at six sites in Beijing in August, 2004. Up to 148 VOC species, including C3 to C12 alkanes, C3 to C11 alkenes, C6 to C12 aromatics, and halogenated hydrocarbons, were quantified. Although the concentrations differed at the sites, the chemical compositions were similar, except for the Tongzhou site where aromatics were significantly high in the air. Based on the source profiles measured from previous studies, the source apportionment of ambient VOCs was preformed by deploying the chemical mass balance (CMB) model. The results show that urban VOCs are predominant from mobile source emissions, which contribute more than 50% of the VOCs (in mass concentrations) to ambient air at most sites. Other important sources are gasoline evaporation, painting, and solvents. The exception is at the Tongzhou site where vehicle exhaust, painting, and solvents have about equal contribution, around 35% of the ambient VOC concentration. As the receptor model is not valid for deriving the sources of reactive species, such as isoprene and 1,3-butadiene, other methodologies need to be further explored.  相似文献   

单力 《环境》2006,(6):54-55
近日,记者一行来到南雄,就该市经济发展与环境保护的相关问题,采访了南雄市副市长刘发雄.  相似文献   

Industrial ecology: a new field or only a metaphor?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the 10 years since industrial ecology first became a topic of academic interest, it has grown as a field of inquiry and has produced a community of practice in several sectors including academia, business, and government. Even as the shape of industrial ecology becomes clearer, questions remain as to its lasting power beyond the metaphor that gave it its distinctiveness. This paper examines the development of industrial ecology and assesses its progress towards becoming a field of academic inquiry. And, in a related analysis, I look at the progress industrial ecology has made in establishing itself as an institutional (cultural) basis for action in the above sectors. Ideas like industrial ecology must become institutionalized if they are to have much effect on the reality of everyday activities.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the characteristics of Bangladesh basin including river morphology, rain fall pattern, cyclonic storms, forests and coastal area environment and ecosystem. It deals with factors which contribute to floods both natural and man-induced. The paper does with pollution problems including land and water use and indicates briefly policy measures and strategy adopted by government to combat problems of environment and ecology in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

通过对国内外有关学科观念研究的梳理,我们对学科思想与学科观念、学科基本观念与大概念(big ideas)等术语进行了辨析,深入论述了化学基本观念的含义和内容体系,并进一步阐释化学基本观念是否可教以及实施观念建构的化学教学的意义。  相似文献   

The available data on the syntheses of critically important precursor molecules for chemical evolution are reviewed and problems of rates of production versus rates of destruction in the primitive ocean are discussed. It is concluded that many global chemical syntheses would have been improbable in the Earth's oceans and that more attention should be paid to specific environments which would have favored such syntheses. The recent discovery of an accelerating effect of formaldehyde on the oligomerization of HCN as well as the eutectic-concentration mechanism are discussed in relation to a new scenario for chemical evolution on the primitive Earth.  相似文献   

“十五”期间,创建生态示范村作为云浮市把执政为民、统筹城乡协调发展和贯彻落实中央、省委解决“三农”问题重大部署、建设社会主义新农村的重要举措,其成效在广东省内一枝独秀,有力地推进了云浮市农村城镇化,打造了百姓的和谐人居。  相似文献   

Second Life is a virtual, open-access, and user-generated environment that has served as a platform for hosting everything from rock concerts to scientific conferences. Many institutions have also used Second Life as an educational tool, for example by, showcasing scientific exhibits or embedding video and images for learning purposes. Here we discuss the creation and use of an interactive, virtual industrial facility - the Elihu Paper Company - as a way to complement a traditional facility tours in a course in industrial environmental management. Virtual facilities offer a number of educational advantages over real-life ones: they are always open and available for tours, they can be accessed instantaneously from anywhere where there is an adequate internet connection, and most importantly, tours and embedded information can be tailored to specific educational objectives. Our experience in using Elihu Paper as a formal facility visit for the past several years shows that students had significantly more time than usual to ask questions, could and did explore the facility independently, and were still able to produce facility reports that fulfilled the educational objectives of the visits, including mapping material flows and explaining pollution prevention and sustainability opportunities.  相似文献   

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