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Populations of reintroduced California condors (Gymnogyps californianus) develop complex social structures and dynamics to maintain stable group cohesion, and birds that do not successfully integrate into group hierarchies have highly impaired survivability. Consequently, improved understanding of condor socioecology is needed to inform conservation management strategies. We report on the dominance structure of free-ranging condors and identify the causes and consequences of rank in condor populations by matching social status with the behavioral and physical correlates of individual birds. We characterized the hierarchical social structure of wild condor populations as mildly linear, despotic, and dynamic. Condor social groups were not egalitarian and dominance hierarchies regulated competitive access to food resources. Absence of kin-based social groups also indicated that condor social structure is individualistic. Agonistic interactions among condors were strongly unidirectional, but the overall linearity and steepness of their hierarchies was low. Although one aggressive male maintained the highest dominance rank across the 3-year observation period, there was considerable fluidity in social status among condors within middle and lower rank orders. Older condors were more dominant than younger birds and younger males supplanted older females over time to achieve higher status. Dominance rank did not predict the amount of time that a bird spent feeding at a carcass or the frequency that a bird was interrupted while feeding. Thus, younger, less dominant birds are able to obtain sufficient nutrition in wild social populations.  相似文献   

Summary We studied how age, body size and prior residency affected social dominance in the willow tit (Parus montanus) groups. The contribution of each variable was experimentally tested in unisexual two-bird trials, in which the birds were matched for all variables except the one studied. Large birds were dominant over smaller ones (Fig. 1). The effect of body size was more prominent in males than in females. Age had no influence on dominance. Residents became dominant more often than newcomers (Fig. 2). Adulthood or larger body size did not override the advantage of prior residency (Fig. 2). Therefore, the proximate reason for the age-dependent dominance seen in natural willow tit flocks is most likely the prior residency advantage of the adults. Factors connected with fighting ability (body size and age) seem to be less important than the time of establishment of rank, which may reflect the importance of resource value differences between residents and newcomers in this context. The advantage of residency might make it advantageous to be a member of a flock even as a subordinate, rather than being solitary.  相似文献   

In small, insular populations, behavioral patterns that lead to increased variance in individual reproductive success can accelerate loss of genetic variation. Over a 1-year period, we documented behavior and hormone levels in a breeding group of adult Cuban iguanas (Cyclura nubila) at Guantánamo Bay. Male dominance was associated with body and head size, display behavior, testosterone levels, home-range size, and proximity to females. Based on their success in agonistic encounters, we ranked males in a linear dominance hierarchy. During the subsequent breeding season, we conducted a removal experiment in which the five highest-ranking males were temporarily relocated from the study site. Although we were unable to assess reproductive success directly, previously lower-ranking males assumed control of vacated territories, won more fights, and increased their proximity to females in the absence of the dominant males. When it results in greater mating opportunities for otherwise socially suppressed individuals, temporary alteration of local social structure may help limit erosion of genetic variation in small, insular populations. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Summary Social behavior of a species in the little-known insect order Zoraptera is described for the first time. Zorotypus gurneyi Choe (Insecta: Zoraptera) is a wing-dimorphic species that lives colonially under the bark of rotting logs in central Panama. Males are larger than females in total body size and fight each other to gain access to females. Highly linear and stable dominance hierarchies exist among males. Higher-ranking males show such agonistic behavior as jerking, chasing, head-butting, hindleg-kicking, and grappling, whereas subordinates often try to avoid contacts. Higher-ranking males, the dominant males in particular, are well recognized by others and relatively free of injuries. Although the dominant males are often the largest, the correlation between body size and dominance rank is not always significant. The mating system of Z. gurneyi is an example of female defense polygyny in which the dominant males obtain the majority of matings (75% on average). Mating success among Z. gurneyi males is much more variable than that of some lekking species.  相似文献   

We experimentally studied the relative importance of plumage, dominance status, and courtship behavior in determining male pairing success in the northern pintail Anas acuta and assessed whether these traits function in female choice, male-male competition or both. In an experiment (experiment IA) that eliminated the confounding effects of male-male competition and social courtship, females chose males with pure white breasts and colorful scapular feathers. When the same group of birds were free to interact (experiment 1B), male behavior was more important: females chose males that courted them intensely and were attentive to them, although preferred males again had whiter breasts and more colorful scapulars. In a second experiment (experiment 2), testing the effect of age on pairing success, females showed a significant preference for 2-year-old males over yearlings: 2-year-old males courted more and were more attentive to the female than yearlings; they were also more colorful than yearlings in a number of plumage measurements. Although males (in both experiments 1B and 2) were aggressive to one another while courting the female and dominant males were sometimes able to exclude subordinates from social courtship, contrary to expectation, we found no relationship between initial dominance rank and pairing success or dominance rank and age. In addition, dominance was not correlated with any of the morphological traits measured. Once chosen, however, subordinate males typically initiated fights with the higher-ranked male(s) and quickly achieved dominance. These results suggest that (1) females choose males based on a suite of morphological and behavioral characteristics, (2) male dominance relationships do not constrain active female choice, (3) a male's position in a dominance hierarchy is largely a result rather than a cause of female choice, and (4) female choice plays a more significant role than male-male competition in the evolution of several secondary sexual traits in male northern pintails.  相似文献   

Contrary to classical sexual selection theories, females of many taxa mate with multiple males during one reproductive cycle. In this study, we conducted an experiment on the “trade-up hypothesis”, which proposes that females remate if a subsequently encountered male is potentially superior to previous mates to maximize the genetic quality of their offspring. We presented bank vole females (Clethrionomys glareolus) sequentially with two males of known dominance rank in different orders, i.e., either first subordinate and second dominant, first dominant and second subordinate, or two males that were equal in dominance (high ranking) and observed their mating behavior. We found that 92% of the females mated multiply and did not base their remating decision on male social status. Therefore, polyandry cannot be explained by the “trade-up hypothesis” based on dominance rank in this species. However, we found that dominant males sired significantly more offspring than subordinate males. This varied according to mating order: dominant males sired more offspring when they were second than when they were first. Moreover, litter sizes were significantly smaller when the dominant male was first (smallest relative success of dominant males) compared to litter sizes when mating order was reversed or both males equal in status. Our results suggest that even though multimale mating includes males that are of poorer quality and thus potentially decreases the fitness of offspring, most of a female’s offspring are sired by dominant males. Whether this is due to cryptic female choice, sperm competition, or a combination of both, remains to be tested.  相似文献   

Despite the many benefits that testosterone has on male reproduction, sustaining high levels of testosterone for long periods can be costly. The challenge hypothesis predicts that males will show temporarily sustained elevations of testosterone at critical periods, counterbalanced by decreased levels during noncritical periods. We investigated male testosterone measures extracted from fecal samples in a group of chacma baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus) living in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Because rank serves as a proxy for competition for mates, we examined how male testosterone was related to dominance rank, age, aggression, and mating activity. Males showed an elevation in testosterone at maturity; young adult males had the highest testosterone levels followed by a steady decline with age. Among dispersing males, testosterone was temporarily elevated in the month following dispersal. After controlling for age, testosterone and rank were unrelated, but testosterone and changes in rank were positively correlated, such that males rising in rank had higher testosterone than males falling in rank. Thus, for males in this group, testosterone was predictive of a male's rank trajectory, or future rank. Similarly, male testosterone levels predicted future, rather than current, mating activity. Finally, male testosterone and aggression rates were unrelated during stable periods in the dominance hierarchy but positively related during unstable periods when high ranks were being contested. In general, our results support the challenge hypothesis with males exhibiting elevated testosterone in association with the acquisition of high rank (ensuring access to mates), rather than with mating itself.  相似文献   

Sooty mangabeys are terrestrial monkeys exhibiting female philopatry and male dispersal. Studies in captivity as well as in the wild have found that adult females form linear dominance hierarchies. However, while captive studies found no evidence for a matrilineal social system, a previous study in Taï National Park, Ivory Coast, suggested that relatedness could influence both dominance rank and affiliation pattern among adult females. Here I test whether the dominance rank, coalitionary behavior, and affiliative behavior of juveniles in a group of free-ranging mangabeys in the Taï National Park are in accordance with a matrilineal, individual, or age-related dominance system. I found that juvenile females' dominance ranks remained stable over time and were highly correlated with the dominance ranks of their mothers, whereas juvenile males' dominance ranks were initially correlated with the ranks of their mothers, but showed greater instability with increasing age. Moreover, coalitions occurred mainly between juveniles and animals that were close in rank, including their mothers and siblings. Finally, juvenile females associated and groomed preferentially with close-ranking juvenile and adult females. Juvenile males showed similar preferences in affiliation with adult females, but when associating with juvenile males, they preferred peers. The observed social behavior of free-ranging juvenile sooty mangabeys resembled the social behavior described for juveniles of many matrilineal primate species.  相似文献   

Summary Foundresses in pre-emergence and post-emergence nests of Belonogaster petiolata were organized into linear dominance hierarchies according to their level of physical aggression towards cofoundresses. The female at the top of the hierarchy became the queen, while foundresses ranked below her became worker-like subordinates. In pre-matrifilial colonies, worker offspring were socially subordinate to both their queen and the subordinate foundresses. Queens of matrifilial colonies retained full social dominance over their workers. Queens were reproductively dominant over subordinates and workers, and laid the majority of, if not all, surviving eggs. Subordinate-laid eggs were invariably discovered and destroyed by the queen through oophagy; workers in pre-matrifilial and matrifilial colonies never laid or ate eggs. Colonies contained a single (and the same) functional queen throughout the pre- and post-emergence periods and were, therefore, long-term monogynous.In both established pre-emergence colonies and post-emergence colonies, virtually all foraging for food and nesting material was performed by the subordinates and workers. More dominant subordinates generally foraged less than low-ranked subordinates. Queens were more active builders than subordinates or workers in pre-matrifilial and matrifilial colonies. Queens enjoyed a surplus in exchanged food loads, while subordinates and workers did not. Among cofoundresses, an advantage in food exchange was also positively associated with dominance rank. Queens solicited larvae for their salivary fluid more often than did subordinates and workers. Among cofoundresses, frequency of adult-larva trophallaxis was positively associated with rank. Queens rested most often in the central zones of the nest containing late instar larvae and pupae, while subordinates and particularly workers spent more time in the peripheral, broodless regions of the nest.This paper is dedicated to the late Professor Leo Pardi, whose pioneering studies of Belonogaster served as a constant source of inspiration and reference for the present work  相似文献   

Body size is clearly an important factor influencing the outcome of agonistic contests, but is often weakly correlated with dominance ranks in Zorotypus gurneyi Choe (Insecta: Zoraptera). The study of the development and dynamics of dominance relations using artificially constructed colonies show that age, or tenure within the colony, is the prime determinant of dominance among males. Dominance hierarchies become relatively stable within 2 or 3 days and males that emerge later normally begin at the bottom of the hierarchy regardless of size. Males interact much more frequently when they are simultaneously introduced to each other than when they are allowed to emerge at different times. In the latter case, males that emerge late appear to recognize relative dominance of older males and avoid direct contests. Considering the high correlation between dominance rank and mating success, there is a strong selective advantage to males that emerge earlier and such pressure of sexual selection may be responsible for the difference in life history strategies between Z. gurneyi and its sympatric congener, Z. barberi Gurney, in central Panama.  相似文献   

Socially dominant males often signal their status to rival males and/or females. We tested the hypotheses that Lacerta monticola femoral gland secretions and copulatory plugs convey chemical information about male identity and dominance status. We estimated male dominance status by staging male–male agonistic encounters in a neutral arena. We then conducted two experiments to compare male tongue-flick behavior toward chemical stimuli consisting of cotton swabs bearing (1) deionized water (control), the lizard’s own femoral secretions, and the femoral secretions of another male and (2) phosphate-buffered saline solution (control), the lizard’s own plug products, and the plug products of another male. Results indicate that males discriminated their own femoral secretions and plugs from those of other males. They also discriminated morphological attributes of other males that were associated with dominance status based on chemical cues arising from femoral secretions and discriminated the dominance status of other males based on chemical cues arising from the plugs. Femoral secretions that convey information about male identity and dominance status may be hypothesized to function in the establishment of L. monticola dominance hierarchies through scent-marking of territories. We suggest that copulatory plugs and femoral secretions may allow males to scent-mark the female body and postulate that this behavior may influence male and female reproductive decisions under selective pressures of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Species characterized by female-defense polygyny have extreme variance in male mating success. Many studies have considered alternative male strategies for access to females, but few have considered age-specific strategies. Male boat-tailed grackles (Quiscalus major) compete for access to colonies of females and form linear dominance hierarchies. I observed two groups of males that competed for females at seven colonies. Dominance rank was significantly correlated with mass, but not after controlling for age. In contrast, the correlation between dominance rank and age remained significant after controlling for mass. Older males dominated younger males and dominance relationships were very stable. Thus, dominance hierarchies represent queues for mating opportunities. A male's rank in the hierarchy determined how closely he approached a colony. Furthermore, males of all ranks prevented lower-ranked individuals from approaching the colonies. Dominance rank thus determined access to nesting females. One top-ranking male's loss of mass over the course of the breeding season presumably reflected the energetic cost of defending females, but he maintained his position in the hierarchy despite the small loss of mass. One alpha male held a colony for at least 4 years, and the ages of males from two queues indicated that males wait 6 or more years before becoming an alpha male. Therefore, most males die before acquiring a colony of females. Spatial structure such as that documented here could obscure recognition of queues and explain why they have not been documented in more species. Received: 13 May 1996 / Accepted after revision: 26 April 1997  相似文献   

Crayfish are excellent model organisms to study the proximate mechanisms underlying the maintenance of dominance hierarchies in invertebrates. Our aim here was to investigate whether Procambarus clarkii males use social eavesdropping to discriminate dominant from subordinate crayfish. To this end, we conducted an experiment composed of a “passive” and an “active” phase. In the passive phase, “focal” individuals were allowed (treatment 1) or not (treatment 2) to see and smell two size-matched crayfish fighting while, in the subsequent active phase, they were allowed to freely interact with the fighting dyad. None of the recorded variables showed any significant difference between the two treatments, but, invariably, focal individuals were able to promptly discriminate dominant from subordinate crayfish. This study provides evidence that male crayfish recognize the social status of a conspecific without the need of direct or indirect experience with it and avoid dominants—and thus dangerous opponents—by means of a badge of status. A form of “winner and loser effects” could also contribute to the structuring of dominance/subordinate relationships. The implication of these results in understanding the maintenance of dominance hierarchies in invertebrates are discussed and compared with findings previously achieved in the context of mate choice by P. clarkii females, who do appear to use eavesdropping to identify dominants and subordinates.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of dominance on crayfish social spacing and resource control. Spatial distributions of individual crayfish, Orconectes propinquus, were recorded from five sample sites in Douglas Lake, MI, USA. Crayfish populations from each site were collected and then immediately transferred to artificial ponds in order to reproduce potential dominance hierarchies. After 15 h of observation in the artificial ponds, hierarchies were found to stabilize and dominance for each crayfish was scored based on the percentage of total fights an individual won. These dominance scores were then regressed against nearest neighbor distance obtained from field data, crayfish size, and shelter evictions observed during hierarchy formation. Dominant crayfish were found to have greater nearest neighbor distances than lower ranking crayfish. In addition, as the difference in dominance score between nearest neighbors increased, the distance between them also increased. Although claw size was an accurate predictor of dominance, size did not correlate with nearest neighbor distance. Factors such as social dynamics may thus play a larger role in natural crayfish populations than previously thought. Dominant crayfish also performed more shelter evictions during hierarchy formation, which were correlated with nearest neighbor distance, suggesting that eviction by dominant crayfish may enforce spacing. Social status appears to significantly impact crayfish spatial distribution and shelter acquisition such that more dominant crayfish exhibit increased control over space and shelter. Finally, this study suggests the possibility that stable crayfish dominance hierarchies exist in nature.  相似文献   

Summary After an interval (X = 6 months), high ranking male chacma baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus) lose their status to immigrants. Attainment of alpha rank by immigrants is a qualitatively different process from thestepwise increase in status noted in linear dominance hierarchies. The departing rank of natal emigrants was 5.4, while the first measured rank, shortly after transfer into a new troop, was 1.5. Abrupt rises to alpha rank involve direct challenges to the current alpha male. Fourteen of 19 prime immigrants attained alpha rank at first transfer. Rank rises may result if individuals forego contests, retaining lower hierarchical positions in their natal troop to avoid the costs of conflict prior to natal emigration. In this population some males do breed in their natal troops without differing from immigrants in their reprodocutive success. Five males that rose to high rank within their natal troops also made rapid rank rises to the top of the hierarchy. Withholding of aggressive efforts in natal troops to avoid inbreeding thus is not an adequate explanation of the rank rises we observe in this population. The high probability of successful challenges can be explained by assuming an asymmetry in costs of losing (resource value) to tenured alpha males or a greater fighting ability of challengers. Offprint requests to: W.J. Hamilton III  相似文献   

The establishment of dominance hierarchies through aggressive interactions is very common in insect societies. In many cases, it is also mediated through pheromone emissions that enable individuals to evaluate the reproductive quality and level of aggressiveness of the dominant individual, thereby reducing the number and intensity of costly fights. Here, we studied these processes in the primitively eusocial bee Bombus terrestris, using a paired bee system. Specifically, we investigated the behavioral, reproductive, and pheromonal correlates of dominance establishment. Workers were shown to establish dominance hierarchies using overt aggression within 3–4 days. Thereafter, the aggression drastically decreased, and dominance was maintained mostly by ritualized agonistic behavior. The behaviorally dominant bee lost the ester compounds that workers produce in their Dufour's gland (the so-called “sterility signal”) concomitantly with the development of her ovaries. The other bee announced as subordinate by continuously producing high amounts of those esters. The hypothesis that sterility signaling serves as an appeasement signal to pacify the dominant bees is supported by the negative correlation found between the proportion of these esters and the level of aggression that the subordinate received from the dominant worker. Physical interactions, and presumably also the ensuing overt aggression between the bees, were essential for the above pheromonal change to take place and enabled the dominant workers to develop their ovaries and to lay eggs. The subordinate bee’s signaling of non-reproductive status may minimize energy expenditure in costly fights and help stabilize the reproductive division of labor among workers.  相似文献   

Female rhesus macaques exhibit matrilineal dominance structures, and high dominance rank confers fitness benefits across a lifetime and across generations. Rank effects are “inherited” through social processes that are well understood; however, biological mechanisms that might impact these processes are not well known. Recently, it has been shown that prenatal androgens appear to be implicated in supporting dominance rank hierarchies in some mammals. In humans, interindividual differences in the second (index) to fourth (ring) digit ratio (2D:4D) have been linked indirectly to variation in prenatal androgens, with low 2D:4D in both sexes associated with higher inferred prenatal androgen effects. 2D:4D has also been related to dominant social behavior and has been shown to co-vary with social systems across nonhuman primate species. Here, we investigate how 2D:4D co-varies with socially inherited dominance rank in female rhesus macaques. Low 2D:4D was associated with higher-ranking females, while higher 2D:4D was associated with lower-ranking females. Similar relationships were also shown between ranked families within matrilines. This is the first study to show such a relationship between 2D:4D and dominance rank in a nonhuman primate and suggests that prenatal androgen effects could be involved in the maintenance of dominance rank in female cercopithecine primates.  相似文献   

Summary In most vertebrates, males and females are believed to differ in terms of their investment in offspring. Dominance theory suggests that one way individuals of the sex with lower parental investment can increase reproductive success would be to dominate others of the same sex. The dominant competitors are thought to achieve preferred access to mates, and thus, have greater reproductive success than subordinates.Reproduction in parthenogenetic Cnemidophorus uniparens normally proceeds without males, but individuals exhibit mounting behaviors in captivity that are typical of closely related Cnemidophorus species that reproduce sexually. Thus, these animals provide an unusual opportunity to study the effects of behavior on reproduction apart from copulation and fertilization. In this study relationships between dominance and reproduction were investigated in the unisexual lizard species, C. uniparens. Dominance hierarchies were rapidly established and maintained in the laboratory by agonistic encounters among individuals. The number of times an individual charged its cagemates was positively correlated with the number of clutches and eggs laid. Also, dominant animals who charged their cagemates were likely to win agonistic encounters; recipients of charges usually fled. Hierarchies based on different behaviors were not all related to reproduction. Charges as a predictor of dominance was unrelated to body length, percent increase in body length and time spent in the basking site. However, individuals with a high percent increase in body length spent more time basking. This is likely a result of the increased energy demands of growth in addition to reproduction. Physiological stress as measured by plasma corticosterone titers was unrelated to dominance. We suggest that dominance is an important factor affecting reproduction in C. uniparens.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that some female black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) solicit copulations from males that rank higher in winter flocks than their social mates, and extra-pair paternity in nests occurs commonly enough to be considered a potential female mating tactic. This study uses blood samples collected in 1992–1995 from 58 families of black-capped chickadees to test whether females with extra-pair offspring have chosen extra-pair sires higher in social rank than their mates. Paternity was assessed with multilocus DNA fingerprinting in 1992–1994 nests and with microsatellite and single-locus minisatellite DNA typing in 1995 nests. Seventeen of 58 nests (29.3%) contained young genetically mismatched with their social father. In 11 of 15 cases where the identity of the extra-pair male was known, the extra-pair male was dominant to the social father. Using data from 29 nests located in 1994 and 1995 for which we had the most data on relative ranks of males, high-ranking males had greater realized reproductive success than low-ranking males as a result of extra-pair fertilizations. There was no significant difference between the number of nests containing extra-pair young of females mated to low-ranked versus high-ranked males. Two nests in 1995 contained young either genetically mismatched with both social parents (intraspecific brood parasitism) or, in one nest, genetically mismatched with the social mother but not the social father (quasi-parasitism). The implications of female strategies acquiring genetic benefits through extra-pair copulations are discussed. Received: 7 July 1997 / Accepted after revision: 14 March 1998  相似文献   

Summary The value of being dominant in winter flocks of willow tits may not only be a matter of personal survival for males, although their survival probability was highest among flock members. Winter flocks of willow tits contain male-female subunits, and the dominant pair may be viewed as an alliance based on mutual benefits. Dominant males provide their mates with protection in winter, and females return the help in reproductive success. Survival was directly related to rank only within sexes. Mates of dominant males survived significantly better than low-ranked males even though these females were subordinate to these males in direct interactions. Mates of dominant males were relatively spared from costs of low rank as they were subject to aggression less often than expected. Presumably dominant males prevented such attacks, as they excluded other flock members from high tree sections where their mates fed. Males should gain from improving the survival probability of their mates since it was not always possible to replace lost mates in spring populations having a male-biased sex ratio. Dominance in avian winter flocks may thus have more indirect effects than merely to improve the personal survival probability through resource priority. The benefits of being a dominant suggest that subordinate willow tits join groups because there is no space available for them to take up a territory as dominants.  相似文献   

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