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污泥是污水处理厂中最主要的固体废物,其处置是整个污水处理工程中最重要的环节之一,妥善处置能有效地防止污水处理工程可能产生的二次污染。以天津市汉沽营城污水处理厂为例,针对污水处理过程中产生的污泥进行成分类比分析,对其拟采取的处理处置措施所带来的环境影响进行论述。  相似文献   

利用城市污泥防治水土流失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据城市污泥的特点,分析了城市污泥在改良土壤和防治水土流失上应用的必要性和可能性,指出了存在的问题和对策。  相似文献   

德国的污泥利用和处置(Ⅱ)(续)   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  

以北京市为例,估算不同电价及运输距离下填埋、焚烧及堆肥等方式的城市污泥处理处置成本,在此基础上讨论各种处理处置方案的前景,展望北京市污泥处理处置出路。污泥填埋在一定时期内还将是主要处理处置方式,但所占比例将逐渐下降;堆肥是经济上较为可行的处理处置方式,适合大力推广;随着经济实力与技术水平提高,焚烧法可以适用于个别特殊地点。同时,分析了政府补贴对污泥处理处置效益的影响。  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂污泥处理处置的政策分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
岑超平  张德见  韩琪 《生态环境》2005,14(5):803-806
简要介绍了城市污水处理厂污泥处理处置技术,提出污泥产业发展政策的建议,指出土地利用是符合我国国情的污泥处置的方向之一:污泥处理技术主要有减量化、浓缩、脱水、消化、堆肥等;污泥处置技术主要有焚烧、填埋、土地利用、建材利用等。污泥处理处置应按照减量化、稳定化、无害化原则,鼓励污泥资源化综合利用。合理确定污水处理厂污泥处理处置设施的布局和设计规模;鼓励对污泥处理处置给与税、费优惠政策,明确将污泥处理处置的运营费用列入污水排污收费范围,建立科学的价格补偿机制;政府在污泥产业发展中起着较为重要的作用,主要体现为服务与监督,包括承诺、保障和协调三个方面。  相似文献   

不同干燥处理对城市污泥物理性质和农业利用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市污泥农用正在成为世界各国处置污泥的主要方式之一,但干燥后的污泥通常结块程度高,硬度大,较难粉碎,对污泥的后续利用产生影响.试验设置了露天、棚内浇水和棚内不浇水等三个不同的污泥干燥处理,试验结果表明,露天状态处理干燥后的污泥要明显松散,结块程度较低;露天状态处理干燥后,粒径在5~10 mm和小于5 mm的污泥颗粒含量要显著高于棚内浇水和棚内不浇水处理,且露天处理干燥后污泥中水稳性团聚体所占比例最大,小于0.001 mm的粒级(粘粒)所占比例最小,不易造成土壤板结.因此,露天处理干燥后的城市污泥对农用较为有利.  相似文献   

中国城市粪便的可持续利用研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本文从可持续发展的概念出发提出了城市粪便可持续利用的发展战略,分析了中国城市粪便可持续利用存在的障碍,进而从若干方面提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

污泥处理,处置与利用的研究现状分析   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
通过对污泥危害性分析和对污处理现的文献及工程调查,论述了目前各种泥处理,处置与利用技术的现状并讨论论它们各自的发展方向,评价了污泥再利用过程中的二次污染问题,拽出了以污泥作为第二资源加以合理利用是污泥处理的最佳途径。  相似文献   

城市污泥干燥研究进展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
随着城市污水处理厂不断增加,城市污泥的产量也大幅度增长。减量化是城市污泥资源化的首要步骤,而干燥是城市污泥减量化最有效的方法之一。本文简述了城市污泥的干燥特性及各种干燥方法,并对各种方法的优缺点进行比较,得出利用太阳能和通过种植植物对污泥进行干燥是较为经济可行的污泥干燥方法。在提倡可持续发展理念及能源危机不断恶化的情况下,这两种方法在污泥干燥方面的应用将具有广泛前景。  相似文献   

污泥处置方式对污水处理系统可持续性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脱水污泥的污染问题影响了城市污水处理厂的生存和发展,不同的中水处置方式对经济和环境的影响也不一样.将污水处理、脱水污泥和中水处置结合起来构建污水处理生态系统有利于研究污水处理的综合效益、探索促进污水处理事业可持续发展的途径.在考虑废物处理处置和排放的影响基础上,提出了针对污水处理生态系统的改进的能值分析方法和指标体系,即能值产出率(WEYR)、环境负载率(WELR) 和可持续发展指标(WESI), 指标反映了资源消耗和废物排放对系统可持续性的影响.以明镜滩污水处理生态系统作为案例,评价了"污水处理系统 污泥填埋系统 中水排放"(方案1)、"污水处理系统 陶粒生产系统 中水排放"(方案2)、"污水处理系统 聚合材料生产系统 中水排放"(方案3)和"污水处理系统 好氧堆肥生产系统 中水排放"(方案4)等4种方案的可持续性.方案1、2、3和4的WEYR分别为1.65、3.84、3.95和3.63, WELR分别为5.19、5.41、7.69和4.24,WESI分别为0.32、0.71、0.51和0.86.方案1由于未对污泥进行资源化利用,其能值产出率远远低于其他3个方案,故可持续性最低;其他三个方案的能值产出率比较接近,但方案4的环境负载率远远低于其他2个方案,故方案4的可持续性最高.结果表明,污泥利用可提高污水处理生态系统的可持续性,而不同废物利用方式由于对不可更新资源的消耗不同对污水处理生态系统的可持续性影响不一样;改进的能值分析方法适合于评价污水处理生态系统的可持续性.  相似文献   

城市污水污泥与稻草、粉煤灰混合堆肥及其利用评价   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
林兰稳  钟继洪  谭军 《生态环境》2005,14(5):678-682
利用城市污水污泥与稻草、粉煤灰混合进行堆肥,分析评价不同物料配比堆肥的物理化学性质变化及其农用价值,探讨了污肥绿化利用的土壤环境容量。结果表明:采用广州市大坦沙污水处理厂脱水污泥与稻草、粉煤灰按照4:1:0.6~1.2的比例(质量比)混合堆肥,60d后,堆肥的植物可利用的有效态养分提高,重金属含量比原污泥有较大幅度降低,粉煤灰对污肥中的重金属有一定的钝化作用,堆肥后的物质疏松,臭味消失;由最小限制因子重金属Cd决定的污肥年最大施用量(连续20a)为82.0t/hm^2(污肥B)和72.1t/hm^2(污肥C),由N决定的污肥年最大施用量分别为31.33t/hm^2(污肥B)和32.49t/hm^2(污肥C)。  相似文献   

In China, over 1.43×107 tons of dewatered sewage sludge, with 80% water content, were generated from wastewater treatment plants in 2007. About 60% of the COD removed during the wastewater treatment process becomes concentrated as sludge. Traditional disposal methods used by municipal solid waste treatment facilities, such as landfills, composting, or incineration, are unsuitable for sludge disposal because of its high water content. Disposal of sludge has therefore become a major focus of current environmental protection policies. The present status of sludge treatment and disposal methodology is introduced in this paper. Decreasing the energy consumption of sludge dewatering from 80% to 50% has been a key issue for safe and economic sludge disposal. In an analysis of sludge water distribution, thermal drying and hydrothermal conditioning processes are compared. Although thermal drying could result in an almost dry sludge, the energy consumption needed for this process is extremely high. In comparison, hydrothermal technology could achieve dewatered sewage sludge with a 50%–60% water content, which is suitable for composting, incineration, or landfill. The energy consumption of hydrothermal technology is lower than that required for thermal drying.  相似文献   

刘洪涛  陈同斌  郑国砥  高定  雷梅 《生态环境》2010,19(4):1000-1003
针对目前国内肥料生产和施用现状,分别从能耗、成本和污染物排放等三个方面对有机肥和化肥进行比较分析。化肥生产呈现高能耗和高污染排放,而有机肥则表现为低能耗、无污染的特点,同时还可消纳废弃物,减轻污染负荷。从投入成本上分析,化肥相对于有机肥具有一定优势,其单位面积和折纯养分投入分别是有机肥的53%和26%。有机肥相对于化肥,其污染物排放负荷很低。从节能减排和降低投入的角度,提出支持基于废弃物资源化的有机肥产业化发展。  相似文献   

• The feasibility of facile fabrication of capacitor from floc sludge is discussed. • The porous carbon composites are obtained by acidification and KOH activation. • The as-prepared 3D structure has large surface area and optimal pore size. • Admirable specific capacitance and outstanding cycling stability are obtained. In this paper, floc sludge was transformed into porous carbon matrix composites by acidification and KOH activation at high temperature and used as an electrode material for application in capacitors. The effects of different treatment processes on the electrochemical properties of sludge materials were compared. The results of electrochemical tests showed that the sludge electrode exhibited excellent energy storage performance after HNO3 acidification and KOH activation with a mass ratio of 3:1 (KOH/C). The specific capacitance of the sludge electrode reached 287 F/g at a current density of 1 A/g. In addition, the sludge electrode material showed excellent cycle stability (specific capacity retained at 93.4% after 5000 cycles at 5 A/g). Based on XRD, FTIR, SEM, TEM, and BET surface analysis, the morphology of sludge electrode materials can be effectively regulated by chemical pretreatment. The best-performing material showed a 3D porous morphology with a large specific surface area (2588 m2/g) and optimal pore size distribution, improving ion channels and charge conductivity. According to the life cycle assessment of floc sludge utilization, it reduced the resource consumption and toxicity risk by more than 90% compared with ordinary sludge disposal processes. This work provided a cost-effective and eco-friendly sludge reuse method and demonstrated the application potential of sludge-based materials in high-performance supercapacitors.  相似文献   

施用城市污泥对杨树土壤化学特性及金属含量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
辛涛  白莉萍  宋金洪  卢振兰  伏亚萍 《生态环境》2010,19(11):2722-2727
采用温室盆栽方法,研究城市污泥对杨树土壤化学特性、金属含量的影响。实验设置6个处理:4个不同用量的污泥处理:30(S1)、60(S2)、90(S3)和120 t.hm-2(S4),以及对照(Control:不施加污泥和肥料)和无机复合肥处理(F:1.5 t.hm-2)。结果表明,施用污泥后,土壤有机质、全氮及全磷均提高,且随污泥施用量的增加而增加。S1~S4处理的土壤有机质、全氮及全磷较Control处理分别提高了32.50%~52.05%、32.00%~95.30%及75.43%~236.25%;较F处理分别提高了47.60%~69.37%、35.04%~99.70%及77.10%~239.46%。但污泥施用降低土壤pH和全钾质量分数,土壤pH较Control和F处理分别下降了0.11~0.42和0.01~0.32,但仍呈弱碱性;土壤全钾质量分数较Control和F处理分别降低了1.65%~21.51%和1.19%~21.14%。随污泥施用量的增加,土壤Cu、Zn、Ca和Na质量分数呈增加趋势,而Mn、Fe、Al、Mg质量分数呈降低趋势,其中Cu和Zn增加明显,并较Control处理分别增加了31.89%~104.36%和38.93%~358.02%,较F处理分别增加了23.10%~90.75%和37.88%~354.55%。总体而言,污泥施用于杨树后,可明显改善土壤的化学特性,但污泥施用量越大,土壤重金属Cu和Zn的质量分数残留越多。  相似文献   

In recent years there has been an increase in the intensity and frequency of environmental monitoring surveys at UK sewage sludge disposal sites. These have been carried out by the regulatory authorities and by the licensees. in order to ensure maximum efficiency, a coordinated and harmonised programme of monitoring has been developed. the programme concentrates on sediment chemical and biological quality but also includes assessments of water and fish quality

In England and Wales the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is the regulatory authority and the Water Authorities are the licensees. the Ministry's first priority is the collection of samples for temporal trend analysis but in addition, infrequent surveys are made to check the status of the disposal site and surrounding areas. in the periods between status surveys, regular spatial surveys designed to define the area of impact are carried out by the Water Authorities.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been an increase in the intensity and frequency of environmental monitoring surveys at UK sewage sludge disposal sites. These have been carried out by the regulatory authorities and by the licensees. in order to ensure maximum efficiency, a coordinated and harmonised programme of monitoring has been developed. the programme concentrates on sediment chemical and biological quality but also includes assessments of water and fish quality

In England and Wales the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is the regulatory authority and the Water Authorities are the licensees. the Ministry's first priority is the collection of samples for temporal trend analysis but in addition, infrequent surveys are made to check the status of the disposal site and surrounding areas. in the periods between status surveys, regular spatial surveys designed to define the area of impact are carried out by the Water Authorities.  相似文献   

德国的污泥利用和处置(Ⅰ)   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:41  
文章论述了德国的污泥利用和处置情况,首先概述了德国的废物立法及其发展。然后比较了欧共体和德国污泥农用法规中的基本要点。随着分析了过去几十年德国的污泥产星的发展和组成,这和比较了德国汛泥和利用和处置的工艺。  相似文献   

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