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物种敏感度分布(SSD)方法在农药环境风险评估中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物种敏感度分布法(Species Sensitive Distribution,SSD)能够依据不同物种对农药等胁迫因素的敏感度服从一定的累积概率分布,以统计形式将多种非靶标物种的实验室数据进行汇总分析,获得物种对农药的敏感度差异,作为效应评估指标应用于农药风险评估。本文综述了SSD概念、方法原理、国内外研究和应用进展,并以毒死蜱为例进行了数据分析。由此建议继续关注国际上对SSD及更复杂模型模拟研究进展,以便应用于我国农药环境风险评估,推动我国农药管理的持续发展。  相似文献   

Specimens of Philine auriformis have been observed in the southern portion of San Francisco Bay, California, since summer 1992. Specimens from Bodega Harbor were first discovered from intertidal mudflats in April 1994 and probably represent the spread of the San Francisco Bay population to a neighboring estuary. Their numbers have increased steadily and the species is now well established in both estuaries. Examination of the anatomy of specimens collected from California was compared with that described from New Zealand. No significant differences in anatomy were detected in animals from these different localities. It is suggested that the species was introduced into California waters by release of ballast water from international shipping.  相似文献   

Aplodactylus punctatus is a temperate berbivorous fish that changes from an omnivorous to a herbivorous diet and increases its ability ot assimilate algae as it grows. To investigate whether this dietary shift is related to size-specific differences in energetic demands imposed by metabolism and the amount of assimilated energy, oxygen consumption ( ) was determined experimentally in 12 specimens ranging in size from 62 to 545 g. increased allometrically with body size from 8.41 to 55.95 mg O2 individual-1 h-1. Individual energetic requirements were 2.8 to 33.7 kJ d-1. The assimilated energy was estimated, taking into consideration: (1) the energetic value of the most important alga in the diet (Lessonia trabeculata); (2) size-specific differences in assimilation rates for fish fed on this alga; (3) size-specific differences in throughput time and in the amount of food in a full gut. Comparison of the energy required and the assimilated energy revealed that fishes of < 22 to 29 cm total length had a negative energetic balance when consuming algae exclusively. This may explain the reliance of smallA. punctatus on more easily-digested invertebrates. The largest individuals can meet their energetic demands by consuming algae alone, apparently because of their higher assimilation capability. InA. punctatus, changing energetic requirements and capacities for algal assimilation may be responsible for the observed ontogenetic change in diet.  相似文献   

环境标准是实施环境管理的重要依据。我国现行土壤环境质量标准(GB 15618—1995)已不能满足土壤环境管理的实际需求,研究提出我国适宜的土壤环境标准值体系显得十分迫切和必要。结合国家关于"严格控制新增土壤污染"、"确定土壤环境保护优先区域"、"强化被污染土壤的环境风险控制"和"开展土壤污染治理与修复"的土壤环境政策,分析了我国土壤环境保护和综合治理重点任务及对土壤环境标准值的迫切需求,调研综述了发达国家和地区土壤环境法规及标准值体系现状和经验,初步提出了包括土壤环境质量标准、土壤环境风险管控标准和针对特定污染土壤的治理修复标准的标准值体系,提出了针对"老污染"和"新污染"土壤分别建立不同的土壤环境监管制度,该研究可望为完善和建立我国土壤环境标准值框架体系提供参考。  相似文献   

A mass synchronous spawning of the sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus (Valenciennes) was observed in situ in Doubtful Sound, a large New Zealand fiord. Spawning occurred between 17:30 hrs and 18:30 hrs on 27 January 1994 and coincided with a full moon, spring tides and a period of decreasing sea temperatures. During spawning, the sea urchins formed a dense spawning aggregation of both sexes, with >90% of the urchins observed spawning at the time. Spawned gametes clouded the water column, and some were eaten by small labrid fish species. The spawning, which may have been as widespread as 40 km, marked a 42 to 50% decrease in gonad indices and resulted in a widespread, dense cohort of  E. chloroticus larvae within the fiord. Received: 25 September 1997 / Accepted: 6 March 1998  相似文献   

P. M. Stevens 《Marine Biology》1991,108(3):403-410
Seven populations of the pea crabPinnotheres atrinicola Page were sampled from around the North Island of New Zealand from February to October 1987, and individuals were scored at 23 presumptive enzymatic loci. For a brachyuran crab,P. atrinicola revealed high levels of polymorphism and heterozygosity. Of the loci scored, phosphoglucose isomerase (Gpi) and phosphoglucomutase (Pgm) were distinguished by high variability ( =0.602 and 0.526, respectively). A clinal variation in electromorph frequency was evident at several loci, and atGpi in particular. Statistical analyses revealed that, despite relatively small genetic distance separation, a high degree of structuring was present between the geographic populations. The degree of population subdivision observed in this study is atypical of brachyuran crabs. It is suggested that the genetic differentiation observed between pea crab populations is maintained by life-history attributes and current movements which restrict gene flow between populations and, to some extent, by random genetic drift.Publication No. 41 from the Evolutionary Genetics Laboratory, University of Auckland  相似文献   

Molecular systematic studies provide evidence for three new species of Bathymodiolus-like hydrothermal vent mussels (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) from relatively shallow waters (depth less than 750 m) associated with the Kermadec Arc off northern New Zealand. Mitochondrial COI sequences from the three putative new species differed substantially from those of other known bathymodiolin species from the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Population genetic analysis of one of these species (Bathymodiolus new species NZ-1) revealed heterogeneity in allozyme gene frequencies between samples collected from two seamounts about 50 km apart. Factors that might contribute to genetic differentiation between neighbouring seamounts are discussed.Communicated by M.S. Johnson, Crawley  相似文献   

Island populations of endemic birds are known to be particularly susceptible to extinction. This paper focuses on factors behind past and present declines of the highly endangered Takahe ( Porphyrio mantelli ), a flightless rail endemic to New Zealand. Subfossil evidence indicates that Takahe were once found throughout this island nation, being most abundant along forest margins and streams in lowland regions. Their numbers have declined dramatically since human colonization about 800–1000 years ago, probably due to a combination of habitat destruction and hunting by early Polynesian settlers. Today, the wild Takahe population consists of about 100 adult birds in an isolated alpine habitat and approximately 30 individuals recently released on several small offshore islands. Despite protection and intensive management, including removal of an introduced competitor (red deer, Cervus elaphus ), the alpine population has continued to decline. In contrast, the Takahe's nearest relative, the Pukeko ( Porphyrio porphyrio ) has expanded its range across New Zealand despite heavy hunting pressure since its colonization from Australia less than 1000 years ago. We suggest that, unlike Pukeko, Takahe lack appropriate behavioral responses to cope with mammalian predators such as stoats ( Mustela erminea ), which have been introduced relatively recently by European colonists. A study comparing predator defense behavior between these two closely related species is currently underway.  相似文献   

Aspects of moulting and reproduction of a primarily adult population of the spiny lobster Jasus edwardsii (Hutton) (Palinuridae) were investigated in the field and at an adjacent laboratory in northeast New Zealand from 1982 to 1986. Most males moulted in October/November, ensuring they were in intermoult stage at mating. Females moulted in late April–June, 2 to 3 mo later than females from more southern latitudes. For individual females the specific timing of ecdysis and mating and the length of the interval between them were related to size. Larger females (125 to 135 mm carapace length), tended to moult earlier and wait longer (up to 38 d) before mating, but did so prior to smaller females (95 to 105 mm carapace length, CL) which moulted later, but mated within as few as 9 d. These differences are explained equally well by size-dependent growth processes and by social or chemical inhibition by larger females. Most spiny lobsters (93 to 131 mm CL) moulted at night at depths <10 m. No clear reasons for these behaviours could be found. Eggs were incubated for 101 to 116 d by females in the study population, 70% of the time recorded for more southern areas, these differences probably being related to differences in water temperature. A consequence of earlier female moulting and egg-laying, and longer egg-incubation periods with increasing latitude is that the majority of J. edwardsii larvae hatch in September–November.  相似文献   

为评估农药对寄生类自然天敌昆虫的安全性,选择管氏肿腿蜂(Scleroderma guani Xiao et Wu)作为受试生物,采用管测药膜法测定了3种杀虫剂、2种除草剂、2种杀菌剂对其致死效应,并根据田间推荐剂量计算暴露量,采用风险商值HQ对杀虫剂进行风险评估。结果显示,与空白对照比较,3种杀虫剂均具明显毒性作用,其中丁硫克百威、吡虫啉和呋虫胺对管氏肿腿蜂的24 h半致死量(24 h-LR50)分别为5.11、2.92和0.06 g a.i.·ha-1,农田内风险商值分别为60.23、16.64和3 105。除草剂和杀菌剂在3倍最大田间推荐剂量作用下,24 h管氏肿腿蜂死亡率均小于50%。上述结果表明,在田间推荐用量下,3种杀虫剂对管氏肿腿蜂的初级风险评价为存在高风险,建议进一步开展高级阶段风险评估或者采取合理的风险管理措施来降低风险;除草剂和杀菌剂对管氏肿腿蜂的风险可接受。  相似文献   

The strongly nucleophilic cob(I)alamin, i.e. Vitamin B12 with Co(III) reduced to Co(I), is introduced as a trapping agent in the determination of concentrations of electrophilic reagents. This compound was applied, in comparison with the previously used moderately reactive nicotinamide (H.J.C.F. Nelis and J.E. Sinsheimer (1981). Anal. Biochem., 115, 151.). Oxiranes, metabolites of 1-alkenes, were chosen as model electrophiles. The reagents (nicotinamide and cob(I)alamin) were evaluated in the determination of the rates of reaction toward valine methylamide, a model of N-terminal valines in hemoglobin often used for monitoring of doses in vivo of genotoxic carcinogens. The rate constants for reaction at 37°C with valine methylamide (k VMA) determined by the cob(I)alamin and nicotinamide procedure, respectively, were for ethylene oxide (1.6, 1.7), propylene oxide (0.9, 1.1), 1,2-epoxybutane (0.7, 0.8) and 1,2-epoxyoctane (0.5, 0.6) M?1?h?1, decreasing with increasing number of carbons of the oxirane. Concentrations of oxiranes trapped with nicotinamide are underrated in reaction mixtures containing valine methylamide due to consumption by reaction with the competing nucleophile, a disturbance that is not observed in trapping with cob(I)alamin which reacts about 105 times faster than nicotinamide. Cob(I)alamin which was demonstrated to be an efficient nucleophile for trapping of electrophiles, also in the presence of competing nucleophiles, is promising as an analytical tool in toxicological studies of reactive compounds. Furthermore, cob(I)alamin can be used to detect, measure and compare electrophilic reactivity of chemical substances, a property that is associated with genotoxic potency.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of 687 orange roughy [Hoplostethus atlanticus (Collett, 1889)] from the Challenger Plateau, sampled in March, July and November 1984, were examined. The relative importance of different components of the diet was assessed using three feeding indices which combine, in different ways, percentage frequency of occurrence, percentage number, and percentage weight of prey categories. For both sexes, for all size classes and at any time of the year, the most frequent and abundant components of the diet were prawns, followed by fish, squid, amphipods and mysids. The main natant decapod families were Oplophoridae, Pasiphaeidae, and Sergestidae. Fish, mainly Chauliodontidae and Myctophidae, were the most important prey by weight. Most prey species were benthopelagic and mesopelagic organisms which move towards the surface at night. However, H. atlanticus can be caught by bottom trawl (between 750 and 1 200 m) during any 24 h period, and there was no evidence of vertical migration in search of their prey. When the fish grow in length, there is a transition in the diet from prawns, mysids, and fish, to prawns, fish and squid. Squid were not found in the stomach contents of fish smaller than 20 cm. These dietary changes may be linked to modifications in morphology with growth. The relative proportions of the main dietary items, and in particular the natant decapod families, varied with time of the year. Also, the stomach data seem to indicate an increasing importance of fish and squid in the diet in deeper water. H. atlanticus appears to be an opportunistic predator, consuming a wide variety of invertebrates and fishes. Our results provide evidence to support the notion that benthopelagic predators which consume vertically migrating mesopelagic fish, have an important role in the transfer of energy to the benthos.  相似文献   

Inshore and offshore populations ofSclerasterias mollis (Hutton, 1872) were sampled on the outer continental shelf off the Otago Peninsula, New Zealand, and their nutritional and reproductive cycles are described from 1985–1986. Histological changes in the gonads are generally typical of other asteroids. The gametogenic cycle takes 12 mo. The gonad and pyloric caeca indices in both females and males had an inverse relationship.S. mollis accumulates nutrients in the pyloric caeca during summer and early autumn. The gonads develop in the autumn and winter. Offshore seastars were much larger and had significantly higher gonad and pyloric caeca indices than inshore individuals. These differences in body sizes and organ indices arise from differences in food availability and/or population density.  相似文献   

为防控长江上游重大突发水污染事件的发生,收集整理长江宜宾至泸州江段沿江水环境污染源及受体基础资料,构建水环境潜在污染风险分级评价体系。采用地统计学理论和地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,GIS)相结合的方法开展突发水污染风险分区评价研究,以揭示研究区江段突发水污染风险空间分布差异性。结果表明,污染源或受体热点分布主要集中在城镇化、工业化较快的地区,如宜宾市叙州区污染源最多,泸州市龙马潭区高风险污染源最密集,宜宾县和南溪县高敏感受体数量最多;其他区域污染源或受体分布较为均衡,未形成明显的冷点区域。水环境潜在污染高风险区集中分布在龙马潭区江段和江阳区江段,须提高该区域对潜在污染的风险管理能力,以降低污染事故发生的可能性。  相似文献   

邻苯二甲酸酯类(PAEs)作为一类重要的环境激素类化学物质,被广泛应用于塑料的增塑剂中。随着工业的发展,中国PAEs的需求量迅速增加,PAEs已成为中国城市水环境的重要风险因子,因此需要对其进行生态风险评价。本研究首先针对我国典型城市水环境中PAEs的污染现状进行文献综述,总结归纳得到我国典型城市水环境中PAEs的污染分布特征;其次运用熵值法计算了我国典型水环境中PAEs对于藻类、水蚤和鱼类种群的生态风险,并依据生态风险等级划分标准将PAEs生态风险划分为4个水平。文献综述结果表明我国城市水环境中的PAEs浓度多数都高于8.00μg·L~(-1),超过了我国地表水环境质量标准(PRC-NS 2002)和饮用水质量标准(PRC-NS 2006)中的规定限值,且在大城市或PAEs工业区周围的污染水平要显著高于其他区域。将我国与国外典型城市水环境中PAEs的污染水平进行比较,结果表明我国水环境中的PAEs污染水平明显高于其他国家。此外,我国城市水环境中PAEs的污染不仅出现在地表水环境中,而且在广东东莞等地的地下水环境中也出现了PAEs污染,PAEs浓度范围为0.0~6.7μg·L~(-1)。生态风险评价的结果表明,邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)、邻苯二甲酸二异辛酯(DEHP)和邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯(BBP)是我国城市水环境中最主要的风险因子。PAEs污染分布特征和生态风险评价的结果表明我国城市水环境中的PAEs生态风险值总体处于10≤风险熵(RQ)100到RQ≥100水平,尤其是在大城市或者PAEs工业密集区域,因此,亟需对我国城市水环境中PAEs的生态风险进行早期预警和风险管理。  相似文献   

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