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The author examines the dependence of the UK on metal raw material supplies. A statistical analysis of sources of UK imports is undertaken, and comparisons made with other industrialized states. Political aims underlying the economic relationships of supply and implications for government policy are considered. The case of copper is used as an example, with emphasis on the roles of investment and political stability in supply.  相似文献   

This article presents a historical analysis of the power generation choices in Zimbabwe since independence in 1980; their causes and consequences. In the early 1980s, the electricity supply choices of the country were dictated by a policy of self-sufficiency, and least-cost supply options (e.g. imports and hydropower) were rejected at a not negligible economic cost. At the end of the 1980s, a new political environment and pressures from the World Bank prompted substantial changes towards least-cost alternatives. In the early 1990s, security of supply motives still played an important role and financial constraints were severe. At present, however, there is little evidence that imported power is still as cheap a source of electricity as it was about 15 years ago. This situation together with the ongoing trend towards higher discount rates imply that thermal power, in particular coal-fired power, will dominate future electricity supply investments in Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

The ideology and praxis of EPZs are reviewed, followed by an analysis of the economics of EPZs. Namibia's EPZ incentives are analysed in the context of successful EPZs elsewhere in the world. Although the Arandis EPZ in Namibia has some credible advantages, its fiscal incentives are not really special by international standards. The zone's incentives appear suitable for non-mineral processing industries, while the country's comparative advantages are in minerals. The conclusion is that EPZs are not of themselves engines of economic development, and must not be sold as such. Traditional investment strategies, eg R&D and joint ventures, offer better opportunities for development at about the same cost as EPZs.  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》1986,12(2):87-102
A pessimistic appraisal of the recent Mexican-US agreement to limit sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions from the Douglas, Nacozari and Cananea smelters is presented. US regulations will close Douglas, but Mexican and international lending agency regulations are inadequate to affect the Mexican smelters. SO2 production and fixation in both reverberatory and flash furnaces are analysed in terms of the products (acid and gypsum), fixation costs and the problem of their profitable disposal, particularly in Mexico. Relating the costs to Mexican currency exchange rates and economic problems, smelter pollution control reduces the competitive position of Mexican copper production and affects its trade balance, leading to a Mexican reluctance to maintain the agreement.  相似文献   

The soils of the Amazon's rainforests, unlike soils in rainforests in other parts of the world, have very low productivity. Experiments have shown that the Amazon's timber productivity of 2–3 m3 per year per hectare is considerably below that achievable in Northern Europe. Sustainable agricultural development therefore can be expected to be very low. However, the mineral resources of the Amazon are very extensive and offer a way to develop the Amazon without destroying the ecology, provided that some limits are set on non-mining activities.  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines the impact of oil price volatility on key macroeconomic indicators of Thailand. Following Andersen et al. [2004. Analytical evaluation of volatility forecasts. International Economic Review 45(4), 1079–1110], quarterly oil price volatility is measured by using the realized volatility (RV). The impact of the oil price volatility is investigated using the vector auto-regression (VAR) system. The Granger causality test, impulse response functions, and variance decomposition show that oil price volatility has significant impact on macroeconomic indicators, such as unemployment and investment, over the period from 1993Q1 to 2006Q4. Perron's [1997. Further evidence on breaking trend functions in macroeconomic variables. Journal of Econometrics 80(2), 355–385] test identifies structural breaks in all the concerned variables during the time of the Asian Financial Crisis (1997–1998). A VAR for the post-crisis period shows that the impact of oil price volatility is transmitted to budget deficit. The floating exchange rate regime introduced after the crisis may be the key contributor to this new channel of impact.  相似文献   

Between now and 2000, the demand for oil is expected to be moderate and the supply abundant. Economic growth is almost twice as slow as in 1973 and requires 25–30% less energy per unit of GNP. The demand for oil is therefore growing at a rate of two to three times slower. Meeting the demand for oil between now and 2000 is within the capability of the oil-producing countries, in many cases with modest additional investment. Gas and coal will be very cost competitive in relation to oil and will serve as a break on future explosive price increases.  相似文献   

This paper describes the recent economic history of the Scottish economy and uses a synthesised theory of labour market segmentation and the dual economy to identify the origins of the relative decline of Scottish industry and labour over the period, critically evaluating the role of the SDA and of government policy in general. Incorporating the impacts of takeover and merger of indigenous companies, the promotion of the branch plant economy, the selective effects of emigration and training schemes, and the reliance on small and medium sized companies to regenerate the economies of city‐regions, an analysis based on the importance of the centre‐periphery relations of monopoly capitalism for the Scottish economy is undertaken.  相似文献   

This paper presents a predictive model for the world tungsten economy, disregarding short-term speculative activity. The study provides a framework for exploring investment and optimal pricing policies and stabilizing mechanisms. The author discusses the rationale for the formulation of the structural equations, and presents estimates of a simultaneous equation model purporting to explain the structure of the tungsten ore economy. Both ex post and ex ante simulations testify to the model's predictive ability.  相似文献   

The US Bureau of Mines has determined the potential availability of nickel from 36 deposits or districts in 16 market economy countries (MECs). More than 95% of production in MECs was analysed. The study indicates the quantity of nickel available in resources and potential annual production at net production costs and on a total cost basis with a 0% and a 10% discounted cash flow rate of return (DCFROR). The properties included in this study contain approximately 33 million tonnes of recoverable nickel. About 26 million tonnes of nickel is potentially recoverable from nickel laterite deposits, of which 4.5 million tonnes can be produced at $2.50/lb or less with a 0% DCFROR. Approximately 7 million tonnes of nickel is potentially recoverable from nickel sulphide deposits of which about 6.3 million tonnes could be produced at $2.50/lb or less at a 0% DCFROR. Sensitivity studies indicate that the total cost of producing nickel from laterite deposits is most sensitive to increases in energy costs, and that the total costs of producing nickel from sulphide deposits is most sensitive to increases in labour costs and by changes in byproduct revenues.  相似文献   

Territorial disputes in the South China Sea have been exacerbated by the great potential for oil reserves in the area. The Spratly Islands have been a major object of these disputes. While China and other countries have softened their positions to a degree, questions remain regarding how each country would cooperate in oil exploration in this area. The ultimate resolution of the dispute over the Spratly Islands could set an example for the future handling of rival claims, but whether the approach will be one of cooperation or conflict is unclear.  相似文献   

为使毛细管色谱“指纹”特征应用于污染事故的鉴定,采用分辨效能高的毛细管色谱柱及原油指纹识别技术,对江苏油田9个不同地区和来源的原油进行了分析考察,测定了油品中正构烷烃及姥鲛烷、植烷的含量。实验进一步论证了:以正构烷烃轮廓特征和姥鲛烷、植烷特征峰面积比值相结合的原油鉴别方法不受进样和色谱条件的影响,具有一定的准确性和可靠性。  相似文献   

Sustainable development, as it emerged in Agenda 21 from the Rio conference in 1992, will only be meaningful when it touches the lives of ordinary people; then it becomes a reality. Local Agenda 21 (LA21) seeks to achieve that objective. This article assesses the origins of LA21, reviews its social and political significance, and considers its prospects in the light of case study experience emerging from the UK, Germany and Norway, focusing on the role of local government as a major stakeholder in Agenda 21 (A21). The range of response to LA21 has proved to be varied. A successful transformation to a more sustainable world will require visionary political leadership, supportive administrations, networks of experience sharing, alliances with non-governmental organisations and local industry, and effective community mobilisation. All of that, in turn, requires equally supportive economic and social policy backing from national governments. This article will indicate that, not surprisingly, it is the domestic political context, nationally and locally, which in the main determines the speed and nature of response to LA21, now and in the future. By understanding and being aware of these contexts, factors impeding progress towards LA21 may be addressed, whilst at the same time retaining the diversity of response which is an essential part of local sustainability.  相似文献   

Environmental irresponsibility is one of the most prominent issues confronting host communities of transnational corporations (TNCs) engaged in the production of economic goods and, sometimes, services. Drawing mainly on stakeholder theory, combined with legitimacy theory, this article addresses how host communities in Africa combat the challenge of environmental irresponsibility of TNCs. To illustrate the dimensions and dynamics of the challenge, this paper examines the experience of despoliation of Ogoniland by the oil giant Shell in Nigeria. The analysis draws attention to the significance of the role of individuals and civil society groups in securing accountability of one of the most formidable fronts of economic globalisation. The analysis is particularly relevant to the experience of environmental irresponsibility in the context of weak governance structures.  相似文献   

原油对草原植被的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为了定量说明落地原油对大庆地区草原植被的影响,选择了四种植物群落进行浇原油试验,浇油厚度为0.2、0.4、0.8cm,浇油时间为秋、春、夏。试验结果表明原油对植物个体的影响因原油量、季节和植物种类的不同而不同,随原油量的增加影响增大。  相似文献   

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