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Technetium, uranium and neptunium may all occur in the environment in more than one oxidation state (IV or VII, IV or VI and IV or V respectively). The surface of mackinawite, the first-formed iron sulfide phase in anoxic conditions, can promote redox changes so a series of laboratory experiments were carried out to explore the interactions of Tc, U and Np with this mineral. The products of reaction were characterised using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Technetium, added as TcO4(-), is reduced to oxidation state IV and forms a TcS(2)-like species. On oxidation of the mackinawite in air to form goethite, Tc remains in oxidation state IV but in an oxide, rather than a sulfide environment. At low concentrations, uranium forms uranyl surface complexes on oxidised regions of the mackinawite surface but at higher concentrations, the uranium promotes surface oxidation and forms a mixed oxidation state oxide phase. Neptunium is reduced to oxidation IV and forms a surface complex with surface sulfide ions. The remainder of the Np coordination sphere is filled with water molecules or hydroxide ions.  相似文献   

There is a continual supply of new experimental data that are relevant to the assessment of the potential impacts of nuclear fuel waste disposal. In the biosphere, the traditional assessment models are data intensive, and values are needed for several thousand parameters. This is augmented further when measures of central tendency, statistical dispersion, correlations and truncations are required for each parameter to allow probabilistic risk assessment. Recent reviews proposed values for 10-15 key element-specific parameters relevant to (36)Cl, (129)I, (222)Rn, (226)Ra, (237)Np and (238)U, and some highlights from this data update are summarized here. Several parameters for Np are revised downward by more than 10-fold, as is the fish/water concentration ratio for U. Soil solid/liquid partition coefficients, Kd, are revised downward by 10-770-fold for Ra. Specific parameters are discussed in detail, including degassing of I from soil; sorption of Cl in soil; categorization of plant/soil concentration ratios for U, Ra and Np; Rn transfer from soil to indoor air; Rn degassing from surface water; and the Ca dependence of Ra transfers.  相似文献   

Recent reviews have established benchmark values for transfer factors that describe radionuclide transfer from plants to animal food product such as milk, eggs and meat. They also illustrate the paucity of data for some elements and some food products. The present study quantified transfer data using indigenous elements measured in dairy, poultry and other livestock farms in Canada. Up to 62 elements are reported, with particular emphasis on iodine (I) because of the need to accurately assess the behaviour of 129I from disposal of nuclear fuel waste. There was remarkable agreement with the literature values, and for many elements the present study involved many more observations than were previously available. Perhaps the most important observation was that product/substrate concentration ratios (CR) were quite consistent across species, whereas the traditional fractional transfer factors (TF, units of d kg−1 or d L−1) necessarily vary with body mass (feed intake). This suggests that for long-term assessments, it may be advisable to change the models to use CR rather than TF.  相似文献   

Concentrations of 131I and 134,136,137Cs in tropospheric and stratospheric air were determined over Poland during the first three weeks after the Chernobyl accident. Large amounts of activity were found at the higher levels of the troposphere up to 9 km. In the stratosphere, the activities at 15 km were usually about 1 to 6% of ground-level values.  相似文献   

Groundwaters from the Sebkhet Essijoumi drainage basin, situated in northern Tunisia, West of the city of Tunis, were sampled and analyzed for uranium and radium isotopes. Low (234)U/(238)U activity ratios coupled with relatively high (228)Ra and (238)U concentrations were found in the Manouba plain phreatic aquifer, at the northern part of the basin, where remote sensing has indicated that this plain corresponds to the main humid zone of the area. Low (234)U/(238)U ratios probably reflected short residence time for waters in the Manouba plain, and high ratios longer residence time in the south, where water reaching the phreatic aquifer seems to have previously circulated in rocks constituting the southern hills. Assuming that, in the Manouba plain aquifer, the groundwater flows downstream from the Oued Lill pass area to the South-West of the Sebkha, the difference in the (228)Ra/(226)Ra activity ratio suggests that the residence time of water has been 2.8 years longer near the Sebkha than upstream.  相似文献   

An international conference on polonium (Po) and radioactive isotopes was held in Seville Spain, 26-28 October 2009 at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores. It was attended by 138 participants from 38 different countries. The sessions covered all aspects on Po and lead (Pb) such as radiochemistry, terrestrial and marine radioecology, kinetics, sedimentation rates, atmospheric tracers, NORM industries and dose assessment  相似文献   

A 6-month soil column experiment was conducted to compare the upward migration and plant uptake of radiochlorine and radioiodine from shallow, near-surface contaminated water tables. Both fixed and fluctuating water tables were studied. After 6 months, (36)Cl activity concentrations were relatively uniform throughout the soil profile apart from an accumulation at the soil surface, which was especially marked under a fluctuating water table scenario. In contrast, (125)I (a surrogate for (129)I) tended to accumulate at the boundary between the anoxic conditions at the base of the column and the oxic conditions above, due to its redox-dependent sorption behaviour. The uptake of (36)Cl by perennial ryegrass was much greater than that of (125)I due to its greater migration into the rooting zone and its ready availability in soil solution. In the context of radioactive waste disposal, where these radionuclides may potentially be released into groundwater, (36)Cl would be expected to present a greater potential for contamination of the biosphere than (129)I.  相似文献   

Groundwater samples obtained from the Okchun Belt in Korea were separated into particulate and filtered fraction using a 0.45 microm membrane filter and concentrations and activity ratios of uranium isotopes in the fractions were determined by chemical separation and alpha-spectrometric measurements. Most of the uranium isotopes in the groundwater were found in the filtered water. Only less than 1% of the total uranium was detected in the particulate fraction. The concentrations and activity ratios of uranium isotopes in the groundwater measured in this study were variable, depending upon sampling site. Owing to a rapid material exchange between the subterranean hot waters and the rock strata, the concentrations of 238U in the groundwater in the hot spring area were found to be about four times higher than those elsewhere. Because of the alpha-particle recoil effect, the activity ratios of 234U/238U in the groundwater taken at "cold" spring sites were variable within the range 1.20 to 3.58, depending on the residence time of the groundwater. In the hot spring area, the activity ratios of 234U/238U were close to the equilibrium value (1.10 +/- 0.07) due to rapid erosion of the rock strata by the hot spring water.  相似文献   

Enshi prefecture of Hubei Province is well known for human selenium (Se) poisoning in the early 1960s in China. Sporadic cases of Se poisoning in livestocks are still being found. In this study, Se levels in water, cropland soils and various crops from high-Se areas of Enshi were measured to investigate the distribution and bioavailability of Se in the environments, as well as probable daily intake (PDI) of Se for local residents. The total Se in surface water ranged from 2.0 to 519.3 μg/L with a geometric mean of 46.0 ± 127.8 μg/L (n = 48), 70.5–99.5% of which was present in the form of Se(VI). The soil Se concentration varied from 2.89 to 87.3 μg/g with a geometric mean of 9.36 ± 18.6 μg/g (n = 45), and most of Se was associated with organic matter (OM-Se). The total Se in rice, corn, and vegetable samples were 2.11 ± 2.87 μg/g (n = 21), 3.76 ± 11.6 μg/g (n = 16), and 2.09 ± 3.38 μg/g (n = 25), respectively. Stream water Se is likely leached from carbonaceous shale and mine wastes, leading to Se accumulation in paddy soils. OM-Se may play an important role in Se uptake by rice plant in high-Se area of Enshi.The PDI of Se is approximately 2144 μg/day, and Se concentration in blood is estimated at about 3248 μg/L, posing a potential chronic Se poisoning risk to local residents. Cereal consumption (48.5%) makes a great contribution to human daily Se intake, followed by vegetables (36.6%), meats (8.5%), and drinking water (6.4%). However, when assessing health risk on human in high-Se areas, the contribution of drinking water to daily Se intake cannot be ignored due to high Se content and dominant Se(VI) species. Local inhabitants should be advised not to grow crops in high-Se lands or irrigate using high-Se water. If possible, they should drink pipe water and consume foods mixed with those from outside the high-Se areas.  相似文献   

There is a need for soil-to-plant transfer factors of radionuclides that take into account all possible crops on all soil varieties to support dose assessment studies. Because only limited experimental data exist for worldwide soil systems, such values should necessarily have a generic character. This paper describes a generic system for 137Cs, mainly based on a reference soil-to-plant transfer factor which depends solely on soil properties such as nutrient status, exchangeable K-content, pH and moisture content. Crops are divided into crop groups, cereals serving as reference group. The transfer of other crop groups can be calculated by multiplying data for cereals by a conversion factor. Existing data present in the IUR (International Union of Radioecologists) databank and in large part the work of a FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation)/IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency)/IUR project on tropical systems provided the basis for the derivation of the conversion factors and reference values.  相似文献   

Transfer factors (TFs) of some selected radionuclides from ten different Japanese soils to radish have been studied by radiotracer experiments. The geometric mean values of TFs (on a wet weight basis) of radioactive Cs, Sr, Co, Mn and Zn for edible parts of radish (tuber) were 0.0090. 0.029, 0.00094, 0.0034 and 0.067, respectively. TFs for leaf were higher than those for tuber. The geometric mean values of leaf/tuber ratios were 4.1 for Cs, 4.9 for Sr, 1.6 for Co, 11 for Mn and 1.9 for Zn. Most of the Cs TFs obtained for andosol, which is the most common arable soil in Japan, were higher than those for the other soils. This might be due to the high concentrations of organic matter and alophen in andosol. The obtained TFs were compared to reference values of IAEA Technical Report 364.  相似文献   

The environmental assessment of long-term nuclear waste management requires data to estimate food chain transfers for radionuclides in various environmental settings. For key elements such as iodine (I) and chlorine (Cl), there is a paucity of transfer factor data, particularly outside of agricultural food chains. This study dealt with transfers of I, Cl and 28 other elements to foods that would be typical of boreal hunter/gatherer lifestyles, as well as being common foods for modern recreational and subsistence hunters. Food/substrate concentration ratios (CRs) and related transfer factors for eight species of widely distributed fish, whitetail deer (Odocoileus virginianus), Canada geese (Branta canadensis) and wild blueberries (Vaccinium myrtilloides) were measured and compared to the literature. Limited data were obtained for caribou (Rangifer tarandus), elk (Cervus elaphus) and moose (Alces americanus). Freshwater sediment Kd values and CRs for a ubiquitous freshwater macrophyte were also obtained. The CRs for I in fish were 29 L kg−1 in edible muscle (fillets) of large-bodied species and 85 L kg−1 for whole, small-bodied fish. The log CRs for fish and macrophytes were correlated across elements. For several elements, the Kds for sediments in deep water were ∼4-fold higher than for littoral samples. The elemental transfers to wild animals for some elements were notably different than the literature indicates for domestic animals. It is argued that the transfer data obtained using indigenous elements from real environmental settings, as opposed to contaminant elements in experimental or impacted environments, are especially relevant to assessment of long-term impacts.  相似文献   

Radiochemical results (238U, 226Ra and 228Ra activities; 234U/238U, 228Ra/226Ra and 226Ra/238U activity ratios) are reported for 42 natural water samples collected from wells, hot mineral springs, rivers, tap water, lakes and irrigation water in 15 Moroccan locations. Results show that 238U activity varies between 4.5 and about 309 mBq l(-1) in wells, 0.6 and 8.5 mBq l(-1) in hot springs, 9.7 and 28 mBq l(-1) in rivers, 2.5 and 16 mBq l(-1) in tap waters and between 6 and 24 mBq l(-1) in lakes. The 234U/238U activity ratio varies in the range 0.87-3.35 in all analyzed water samples except for hot springs where it reaches values higher than 7. Unlike well water, mineral water samples present low 238U activities and high 234U/238U activity ratios and 226Ra activities. The highest activity of radium in mineral water is 150 times higher than the highest activity of 226 Ra found in well water. 226Ra/238U activity ratios are in the ranges 0.07-1.14 in wells, 0.04-0.38 in rivers, 0.04-2.48 in lakes, and 1.79-2115 in springs. The calculated equivalent doses to all the measured activities are inferior to the maximum contaminant levels recommended by the International Commission of Radioprotection and they do not present any risk for public health in Morocco.  相似文献   

Both soil and plant samples of nine different plant species grown in soils from southeastern China contaminated with uranium mine tailings were analyzed for the plant uptake and translocation of 238U, 226Ra and 232Th. Substantial differences were observed in the soil-plant transfer factor (TF) among these radionuclides and plant species. Lupine (Lupinus albus) exhibited the highest uptake of 238U (TF value of 3.7x10(-2)), while Chinese mustard (Brassica chinensis) had the least (0.5x10(-2)). However, in the case of 226Ra and 232Th, the highest TFs were observed for white clover (Trifolium pratense) (3.4x10(-2)) and ryegrass (Lolium perenne) (2.1x10(-3)), respectively. 232Th in the tailings/soil mixture was less available for plant uptake than 226Ra or 238U, and this was especially evident for Chinese mustard and corn (Zea mays). The root/shoot (R/S) ratios obtained for different plants and radionuclides shown that Indian mustard had the smallest R/S ratios for both 226Ra (5.3+/-1.2) and 232Th (5.3+/-1.7), while the smallest R/S ratio for 238U was observed in clover (2.8+/-0.9).  相似文献   

The transfer factors (TF) for natural uranium isotopes (238U and 234U), thorium isotopes (232Th, 230Th and 228Th), and 226Ra were obtained in plant samples (grass-pasture) growing in granitic and alluvial soils around a disused uranium mine located in the Extremadura region in the south-west of Spain. Affected and non-affected areas of the mine presented large differences in the activity concentrations of radionuclides of the uranium series. We also determined transfer factors for several stable elements (essential and non-essential). A set of statistical tests were applied to validate the data. The results showed that the transfer factors for both the natural radionuclides and the stable elements are independent of the two substrate types involved and also of the two areas considered in the study.  相似文献   

Soils and food crops from a former tin mining location in a high background radiation area on the Jos-Plateau, Nigeria were collected and analyzed by gamma spectrometry to measure their contents of 40K, 238U and 232Th. As well as collecting samples, in situ dose rates on farms were measured using a precalibrated survey meter. Activity concentrations determined in food crops were compared with the local food derivatives or diets to investigate the possible removal or addition of radionuclides during food preparation by cooking or other means. Potassium-40 was found to contribute the highest activity in all the food products. The activity concentration of 40K, 238U and 232Th in local prepared diets ranged between 60 and 494 Bq kg-1, between BDL and 48 Bq kg-1 and between BDL and 17 Bq kg-1, respectively. The internal effective dose to individuals from the consumption of the food types was estimated on the basis of the measured radionuclide contents in the food crops. It ranged between 0.2 microSv y-1 (beans) and 2164 microSv y-1 (yam) while the annual external gamma effective dose in the farms due to soil radioactivity ranged between 228 microSv and 4065 microSv.  相似文献   

Soil-to-plant transfer factors are commonly used to estimate the food chain transfer of radionuclides. Their definition assumes that the concentration of a radionuclide in a plant relates linearly solely to its average concentration in the rooting zone of the soil. However, the large range of transfer factors reported in the literature shows that the concentration of a radionuclide in a soil is not the only factor influencing its uptake by a plant. With emphasis on radiocesium and -strontium, this paper reviews the effects of competition with major ions present in the soil-plant system, the effects of rhizosphere processes and soil micro-organisms on bioavailability, the factors influencing transport to and uptake by roots and the processes affecting long-term uptake rates. Attention is given to summarizing the results of recent novel electrophysiological and genetic techniques which provide a physiologically based understanding of the processes involved in the uptake and translocation of radiocesium and -strontium by plants.  相似文献   

The transfer of natural radionuclides of the U decay series through the biosphere is important, especially for assessment of the impacts of mining and milling of U ores. The pathway from soil through plants to humans can contribute significantly to the overall dose received from these radionuclides. Element-specific concentration ratios (CRs) used to model the impact of radionuclides have been reported for U, Th and Pb but have not received the research or critical review accorded other radionuclides associated with the nuclear industry. This paper compiles and analyses many of the available data on CRs for U, Th and Pb and recommends values appropriate for environmental assessments. A brief overview of the statistical properties of CR values and the complex soil/plant processes encompassed by this ratio is also given, as well as an overview of some of the physical, chemical and biological factors likely to influence CR values.Our analysis showed that CR values decreased significantly as the corresponding soil concentrations increased. Although the variability was substantial, with ranges of 1000- to 30 000-fold, CR values did differ significantly among some soil and plant types. The overall geometric means were 0·0045, 0·0036 and 0·052 for U, Th and Pb, respectively.  相似文献   

Radionuclide concentrations in air from uranium milling emissions were estimated for the town of Uravan, Colorado, USA and the surrounding area for a 49-yr period of mill operations beginning in 1936 and ending in 1984. Milling processes with the potential to emit radionuclides to the air included crushing and grinding of ores; conveyance of ore; ore roasting, drying, and packaging of the product (U(3)O(8)); and fugitive dust releases from ore piles, tailings' piles, and roads. The town of Uravan is located in a narrow canyon formed by the San Miguel River in western Colorado. Atmospheric transport modeling required a complex terrain model. Because historical meteorological data necessary for a complex terrain model were lacking, meteorological instruments were installed, and relevant data were collected for 1 yr. Monthly average dispersion and deposition factors were calculated using the complex terrain model, CALPUFF. Radionuclide concentrations in air and deposition on ground were calculated by multiplying the estimated source-specific release rate by the dispersion or deposition factor. Time-dependent resuspension was also included in the model. Predicted concentrations in air and soil were compared to measurements from continuous air samplers from 1979 to 1986 and to soil profile sampling performed in 2006. The geometric mean predicted-to-observed ratio for annual average air concentrations was 1.25 with a geometric standard deviation of 1.8. Predicted-to-observed ratios for uranium concentrations in undisturbed soil ranged from 0.67 to 1.22. Average air concentrations from 1936 to 1984 in housing blocks ranged from about 2.5 to 6 mBq m(-3) for (238)U and 1.5 to 3.5 mBq m(-3) for (230)Th, (226)Ra, and (210)Pb.  相似文献   

A technique for the isolation of thorium (Th), plutonium (Pu), americium (Am), uranium (U) and strontium (Sr) isotopes from various environmental matrices has been adapted from a previously published method specific to water samples (Maxwell, 2006). Separation and isolation of the various elemental fractions from a single sub-sample is possible, thereby eliminating the need for multiple analyses.The technique involves sample dissolution, concentration via calcium phosphate co-precipitation, rapid column extraction using TEVA™, TRU™ and Sr-Spec™ resin cartridges, alpha spectrometry for Th, Pu, U and Am and Cerenkov counting for Sr.Various standard reference materials were analysed and chemical yields are in the range of 70-80% for Th, Am, U and Sr and 50-60% for Pu. Sample sizes of up to 10 L for water, 5 g for dry soil and sediment and 10 g for dry vegetation and seaweed can be processed using this technique.  相似文献   

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