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A laboratory scale two-stage sequencing batch reactor (TSSBR) was used to study the effectiveness of pH as a real-time control parameter in swine wastewater treatment. A Ringlace media was inserted into the A/O (Anoxic/Oxic) reactor for bacteria immobilization. The TSSBR was subjected to three levels of organic loading. The pH and ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) patterns obtained were consistent with distinct features, enabling the real-time control strategy to effectively set a flexible aeration time pending on influent concentration, hence resulting in flexible cycle time and HRT (Hydraulic Retention Time) for the system. The real-time process ensured a removal efficiency of over 99% and 95%, respectively, for ammonia and TOC (Total Organic Carbon). For NO3(-)-N and PO4(-3), the run with influent TOC = 4,000 mg/L yielded the most efficient removal of 61% and 95%, respectively. Test results suggest that pH can be a viable tool for on-line real-time control of a biological treatment process.  相似文献   

This study compared the swine wastewater treatment of two identical lab-scale two-stage sequencing batch reactors (TSSBR) under similar conditions except that one was operated on a fixed-time mode and the other on a real-time mode. While both TSSBR systems performed very well, the real-time TSSBR performed far better then the fixed-time TSSBR, in every aspect of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous removal. The removals of COD, TOC, were at 97% and for BOD5 even at 99.7%. In terms of NH4-N and TKN removals, the real-time TSSBR achieved removal of over 98%. For phosphorus removals (Ortho-P and total P) the results from the real-time TSSBR was quite remarkable at 97.7%.  相似文献   

采用实时控制序批式膜生物反应器(sequencing batch membrane bioreactor,SMBR)工艺处理某种猪场的养殖粪尿污水,通过pH实时曲线上的"氨谷点"对曝气时间进行实时控制实现短程硝化。小试反应器10个月的连续运行结果表明,利用曝气时间实时控制实现了稳定的亚硝态氮累积。短程硝化启动后,SMBR对COD和TN的平均去除率分别达到95.5%和92.4%,亚硝态氮积累率可维持在85%以上。高通量测序与OTU分类的结果表明,实时控制下SMBR内NOB逐渐被淘洗,而AOB得到了富集。从反应器启动初期到获得稳定短程硝化(反应器运行200 d),AOB丰度提高了55倍,而对应的NOB丰度降低了2倍。此外,AOB的绝对数量与DO呈显著负相关(r=-0.846,0.01 p 4+-N浓度呈显著正相关(r=0.45,0.01p 4+-N的积累有利于AOB的富集。因此,利用曝气时间实时控制实现短程硝化是一种面向群落结构优化的控制方法,有利于短程硝化系统长期稳定的运行,具有实际应用价值和工程意义。  相似文献   

生物强化技术提高SBR系统对低温苯胺废水处理能力的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了考察高效菌株生物强化效能,解决低温条件下含苯胺废水处理效果差的问题.选择实验室筛选的高效低温苯胺降解菌JH-9为研究对象,考察了其苯胺降解能力和絮凝特性,并采用生物强化的方法将其投加到SBR反应系统中,考察其对提高系统低温条件下(12℃)含苯胺废水的处理能力的改善.结果表明:JH-9细菌在初始苯胺浓度为250 ms/L的培养液中培养52 h,去除率可达100%,其对石化废水中的其他污染物也有一定的降解能力,并且具有产絮能力.将其应用于SBR的强化系统对提高系统低温条件下(12℃)对苯胺去除效果很有效,针对含有苯胺174 mg/L的石化废水,强化系统对苯胺的去除率达到97.8%.除此以外该菌对系统TOC的去除、污泥的MLSS、MLVSS、SV等指标均有一定改善,利于保证系统快速启动和稳定运行.  相似文献   

The sequencing batch reactor is a viable and flexible tool for the treatment of domestic and industrial wastewater. It removes not only carbonaceous matter, but also nitrogenous species and some biological nutrients. From the economic and operational points of view, it has advantages over the so-called conventional activated sludge system. Besides this, it can be used in various wastewater environments without any major problem. This paper explores the relative advantages of the reactor, its technical background, and its application in various fields. Some case studies in which it has been successfully adopted are described.  相似文献   

A full-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) system was evaluated for its ability to remove carbon and nitrogen from swine wastewater. The SBR was operated on four, six-hour cycles each day, with each cycle consisting of 4.5 hours of “React,” 0.75 hours of “Settling”, 0.75 hours for “Draw” and “Fill.” Within each cycle, an amount of wastewater equivalent to about 5% of the reactor volume (5,500 litres) was removed and added. The SBR system was able to remove 82% of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and more than 75% of nitrogen. Even though the SBR effluent, with an average effluent BOD5 of about 588 mg L? 1, did not meet the discharge criteria, it enabled a reduction of the land base required for land application of swine wastewater by about 75%. Results indicated that the SBR system was a viable method for the treatment of swine wastewater.  相似文献   

A full-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) system was evaluated for its ability to remove carbon and nitrogen from swine wastewater. The SBR was operated on four, six-hour cycles each day, with each cycle consisting of 4.5 hours of "React," 0.75 hours of "Settling", 0.75 hours for "Draw" and "Fill." Within each cycle, an amount of wastewater equivalent to about 5% of the reactor volume (5,500 litres) was removed and added. The SBR system was able to remove 82% of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and more than 75% of nitrogen. Even though the SBR effluent, with an average effluent BOD5 of about 588 mg L(-1), did not meet the discharge criteria, it enabled a reduction of the land base required for land application of swine wastewater by about 75%. Results indicated that the SBR system was a viable method for the treatment of swine wastewater.  相似文献   

两级序批式MBR除磷特性实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决常规MBR工艺中脱氮除磷矛盾问题,采用新的工艺形式——两级序批式MBR工艺(两级SBMBR),对该工艺的除磷特性进行了实验研究。研究结果表明,在系统稳定运行阶段,SBMBR1内聚磷菌优势生长,进水总磷得以高效去除,再通过SBMBR2内膜的进一步截留,系统TP平均值0.46 mg/L,满足城市景观环境用水水质要求;在沉淀期间,POAs的释磷作用对生物除磷系统的影响甚至超过了水中剩余悬浮富磷污泥颗粒本身的影响,所以在满足沉淀要求的前提下,生物除磷系统应注意尽量缩短沉淀时间。  相似文献   

This study focused on laboratory-scaled and real-scaled treatment plant performances and microbiological investigations for the optimum treatment of textile industry wastewater performed with sequencing batch reactor (SBR). As a result of experimental studies of laboratory-scaled SBR treatment unit, optimum treatment efficiency was taken from 0.5 h filling to 1.5 h. reaction to 1.5 h. settlement to 0.5 h. discharge-idle periods. Average chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency of SBR of laboratory-scaled textile industry was 75%, whereas average turbidity and color removal (coloration number [RES, m(-1)] 586 nm) efficiencies were 90% and 75%, respectively. Optimum reaction and settlement periods were used in a real-scaled plant, and plant efficiency was examined for parameters such as COD, phenol, pH, mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) and sludge volume index (SVI). In this study, optimum reaction and settlement periods for treatment of textile industry wastewater were determined within a SBR in a laboratory-scaled plant. These reaction and settlement periods were verified with the measurement of COD, color, and turbidity parameters. Floc structure and protozoa-metazoa species of activated sludge in a SBR were also determined. Optimum reaction and settlement times were used in a real-scaled plant, and plant efficiency was examined for COD, Phenol, pH, MLSS, and SVI parameters. The corresponding values were found as appropriate, acceptable, and meaningful because of variance value of statistical analysis. Protozoa and metazoan in the activated sludge in the laboratory-scaled plant were investigated. Peranema sp., Epistylis sp., Didinium sp., Chilodonella sp., Opercularia sp., Vorticella sp. as protozoa species and Habrotrocha sp., Philodina sp. as metazoa species were determined.  相似文献   

Attempts were made in this study to examine the effectiveness of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for the treatment of beverage industrial wastewater. The SBR was operated at three different organic loading rates (OLRs): 2, 1.7 and 1.1 kg COD/m3 d. Results of continuous long-term operation showed that by decreasing OLR from 2 to 1.7 kg COD/m3 day, the removal efficiency was increased from 95.5 to 99.3% for COD, from 95.3 to 98.1% for BOD and from 87 to 97.7% for TSS. While further decreasing of the OLR to 1.1 kg COD/m3 day, there is no significant adverse effect on organics removal. Also, residual total nitrogen (TN) concentration decreased by decreasing the OLR. However, increasing the OLRs exerted a slightly negative effect on the removal of total phosphorous. On the other hand, the experimental data indicated that the substrate utilization kinetic followed Monod's kinetics model approximately. The maximum specific substrate utilization rate (micro(max), half velocity coefficient (Ks), growth yield coefficient (Y) and decay coefficient (Kd) were 2.94 d(-1), 15.22 mg/L, 0.2384 g VSS/g COD and 0.2019 h(-1), respectively.  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to compare two biological systems using attached-growth biomass, for treatment of leachates generated in a typical municipal solid waste sanitary landfill. A moving-bed biofilm process, which is a relatively new type of biological treatment system, has been examined. It is based on the use of small, free-floating polymeric (polyurethane) elements, while biomass is being grown and attached as biofilm on the surface of these porous carriers. A granular activated carbon (GAC) moving-bed biofilm process was also tested. This method combines both physico-chemical and biological removal mechanisms for the removal of pollutants. The presence of GAC offers a suitable porous media, which is able to adsorb both organic matter and ammonia, as well as to provide an appropriate surface onto which biomass can be attached and grown. A laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was used for the examination of both carriers. The effects of different operation strategies on the efficiency of these biological treatment processes were studied in order to optimize their performance, especially for the removal of nitrogen compounds and of biodegradable organic matter. It has been found that these processes were able to remove nitrogen content almost completely and simultaneously, the removal of organic matter (expressed as BOD5 and COD), color and turbidity were sufficiently achieved.  相似文献   

改进型波形潜流人工湿地处理猪场废水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种改进型波形潜流人工湿地(improved wavy subsurface flow constructed wetland,IW-SFCW)并研究了该湿地系统在5个水力停留时间(hydraulic retention time,HRT)(2、3、4、6和8 d)下对猪场废水的处理效果。结果表明,该湿地系统对猪场废水中各污染物有较好的去除效果。在水力停留时间为4 d,进水COD、TN、NH4+-N和TP浓度分别为511、120、110和10 mg/L左右时,该湿地系统对COD、TN、NH4+-N和TP的去除率分别为86.0%、54.4%、70.1%和91.6%。此外,该湿地系统对废水中COD、TP的去除效率随水力停留时间的延长逐渐提高,在HRT=8 d时去除效果最好,去除率分别达到92.7%和96.8%;但对TN、NH4+-N的去除率却随水力停留时间的延长出现先上升后下降的趋势,在HRT=4 d时去除率最高,分别为54.4%和70.1%。  相似文献   

对序批式反应器 (SBR)用于牛场污水的处理进行了试验研究 ,主要研究了三个水力停留时间 (HRT)和有机负荷率对污染物去除率、出水水质和污泥特性的影响。试验结果表明 ,对 10 0 0 0mg/LCOD牛场污水 ,使用 1dHRT ,相应有机负荷率为 10gCOD/L·d时 ,混合出水COD、TS、VS、TKN和TN的去除率分别为 45 %、2 1.4%、34 .2 %、5 3.2 %和 2 2 .2 % ,上清液出水的分别为 80 .2 %、6 3.4%、6 6 .2 %、75 %和 38.3% ;两种出水的SCOD和NH3 N去除率相同 ,分别为 5 0 .0 %和 76 .5 %。经SBR处理后 ,污泥的沉降浓缩性能也有了比较明显的改善。  相似文献   

进水方式对序批式人工湿地处理效能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周健  陈飞  张乐  杨志  刘轶 《环境工程学报》2012,6(11):3873-3876
序批式人工湿地具有较高的脱氮效能,研究考察了序批式人工湿地间歇和连续2种进水方式对其处理效能的影响。研究表明,进水方式对TN去除效能影响显著,对COD、NH4+-N去除影响不显著。在水温18~25℃,负荷38 gCOD/(m2.d)条件下,采用"进水10 min-反应12 h-排水10 min-排空闲置4 h"的间歇进水方式时,可使进水COD、NH4+-N和TN分别为306、65和73 mg/L的生活污水,出水分别为45、7和19 mg/L,去除率分别为85%、89%和74%,与"进水反应12 h-排水10 min-排空闲置4 h"的连续进水方式相比,COD和TN的去除率分别提高4%和32%。  相似文献   

Biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) analyses and abiotic adsorption of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from different wastewater effluent were conducted to evaluate biotic and abiotic removal mechanisms as a function of the initial DOC concentration and source of DOC using soil batch reactors. To obtain high DOC concentrations, a laboratory-scale reverse osmosis unit was used. It was found that BDOC fraction was independent of the initial DOC concentration and was dependent on the source of wastewater and/or the types of wastewater treatment. The BDOC fractions varied from 9 to 73%. Trickling filter effluent (Tucson, Arizona) showed the highest BDOC, ranging from 65 to 73% biodegradable, while wastewater treated by the soil aquifer treatment (SAT) (NW-4) was found to be most refractory, with DOC removals of 9 to 14%. For nitrified/denitrified tertiary effluent (Mesa, Arizona) and secondary effluent (Scottsdale, Arizona), 36 to 42% removal of DOC was observed during the BDOC test. The amount of BDOC in the wastewater depended not on the concentration of DOC, but on the effectiveness of pretreatment. Abiotic adsorption capacity of wastewater effluent varied from 6 to 18%. Molecular weight distribution analyses showed that more than 50% of DOC in the Scottsdale concentrate had a molecular weight of less than 1000 Da, and no significant change in distribution profiles occurred after approximately 12% abiotic adsorption with both soils with acclimated microorganisms (SAT soil) and soils without acclimated microorganisms (non-SAT soils). Hence, preferential adsorption was not observed and the presence of acclimated microbes did not influence adsorption.  相似文献   

SBR法具有操作简单、运行方式灵活、占地面积小等优点,用于处理间歇排放的工业废水及中小城镇污水取得了巨大成功,并在全世界范围内迅速得到发展和推广应用。随着自控技术的飞速发展和对SBR工艺机理的深入认识,围绕SBR工艺数学模型的研究引起各国学者的重视。回顾了目前SBR法数学模型的研究进展和应用现状,并总结和比较了各种数学模型的优势和不足,特别是对机理模型(白箱模型)和统计模型(黑箱模型)进行了分类、归纳和分析。所有这些数学模型建模与仿真的目的都是为了实现SBR工艺优化控制,为实际SBR污水处理厂的运行提供依据和技术支持。虽然以前的研究有力地推动了数学模型在SBR工艺中的应用,但是在实际应用中还存在很多值得深入研究的问题。最后对SBR工艺数学模型尚待解决的问题进行了总结,并指出今后SBR数学模型的发展方向。  相似文献   

采用两种不同运行模式的间歇曝气序批式活性污泥反应器(IASBR)处理农村废水,反应器连续稳定运行235d,考察了5个工况下,缺氧/好氧循环次数、进水碳氮比(C/N,质量比)、水力停留时间(HRT)等对总有机碳(TOC)、氨氮、TN、TP去除效果的影响。在进水C/N低时,缺氧/好氧循环次数为4的1~#IASBR的脱氮效率及稳定性明显比缺氧/好氧循环次数为2的2~#IASBR高,而脱碳和除磷效果无显著差异。氨氮去除方面,在进水C/N较低的工况1(C/N平均为2.3)、工况2(C/N平均为2.2)和工况4(C/N平均为2.0)下,1~#IASBR的出水氨氮质量浓度明显比2~#IASBR更低,而在进水C/N相对较高时两者无显著差异。TN去除与氨氮去除有类似规律。构建以进水TOC、氨氮、TN、TP、C/N和HRT、缺氧/好氧循环次数为输入的反向传播人工神经网络(BP-ANN)模型,对TOC、氨氮、TN、TP的去除率进行模拟预测,结果显示以上4个输出参数在训练组中的预测结果和实际检测结果之间绝对平均误差分别为2.65%、5.27%、3.56%、34.56%,在测试组中的预测结果和实际检测结果之间绝对平均误差分别为2.74%、3.40%、5.13%、28.32%。  相似文献   

对单级和两级序批式反应器 (SBR)用于牛场高浓度有机污水的处理进行了试验研究 ,对其污水处理性能进行了比较。结果表明 ,与单级SBR相比 ,两级SBR处理系统可使用较短的水力停留时间而获得较高的污染物去除率和较好的出水水质 ,并可通过硝化过程实现氨氮的完全硝化。  相似文献   

Quan X  Shi H  Wang J  Qian Y 《Chemosphere》2003,50(8):1069-1074
2,4-Dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) degrading mixed culture was immobilized in polyvinyl alcohol jel beads and supplemented to sequencing batch reactors (SBR) to treat 2,4-DCP containing wastewater. Impacts of bioaugmentation level on the performance of bioaugmented systems were studied. Results show that inoculum size affected the start-up time of the SBR systems. For the non-augmented SBR system, nine days was needed for the system to start-up, whereas it only took six, four, three and two days for the SBRs with 1.9%, 3.7%, 5.6% and 9.3% immobilized culture, respectively. In addition, bioaugmented SBR systems demonstrated stronger capacity to cope with high 2,4-DCP shock loading than the control system. The control SBR failed to treat 2,4-DCP at 166 mg/l in influent, while the SBR with 1.9% inoculation could successfully cope with 2,4-DCP at 166 mg/l, but failed at 250 mg/l, and the SBR with 3.7%, 5.6% and 9.3% immobilized culture could successfully degrade 250 mg/l 2,4-DCP in feed. Furthermore, the contributions to the removal of 2,4-DCP by the introduced and indigenous culture in an augmented SBR system at various operation stages were investigated. It was found that augmented culture played the primary role in degrading 2,4-DCP at the beginning of system start-up, but after one-month operation, both the indigenous and the introduced culture posed strong ability to degrade 2,4-DCP.  相似文献   

SBBR工艺处理肉类制品厂废水的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李萍  袁河清 《环境工程学报》2008,2(11):1519-1523
在温度为26℃,pH保持在6.8~7.3的条件下,启动序批式生物膜反应器(SBBR)反应器,并在对曝气时间和DO浓度进行优化调整的基础上,对SBBR工艺处理肉类制品厂废水进行研究。SBBR工艺处理肉类制品厂废水的优化参数为:曝气时间8 h,DO浓度为2 mg/L。在此综合优化参数下稳定运行20 d,COD和BOD5的平均去除率分别达到了91.5%和92.5%,氨氮的平均去除率为90.6%,最高达到了92.3%,SS的去除率也保持在90%以上。优化参数条件下SBBR工艺针对肉类制品厂废水的处理效果比较理想。  相似文献   

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