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在分析DMF废液处理技术的基础上,指出焚烧法具有占地面积小、处理速度快、污染物破除彻底等优点,在国内具有较大的发展前景。同时指出该技术在实际工程应用中,还存在一些难点,如加热技术不成熟、处理成本高、二英的排放不易控制等,亟待解决。  相似文献   

MBR处理工艺的发展与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MBR处理技术目前发展的新工艺有:改良式序列间歇反应器(MSBR)、MBR与氧化沟结合工艺、MBR与高效生物反应器相结合(MHCR)等。MBR技术推广应用的关键是解决膜污染问题和降低膜成本。MBR技术已经在水处理领域应用,和常规水处理工艺相比,MBR工艺具有处理效果好、出水水质稳定,设备简单、占地空间省等优势,对于发展城市污水回用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Epuvalisation生态净化床处理技术是一种主要针对分散型废水的新型污水处理技术,较人工湿地或生物塘等传统生态处理技术有着显著的优势,具有更高的净化效率、更好的灵活性、更低的运行维护成本及产生附有价值的副产品如蔬菜、花卉以及植物饲料或肥料等。无论是开路还是闭路系统,作为对废水进行深度(二级或三级)处理的技术,Epuvalisation废水生态处理系统对废水中的氮、磷以及像大肠杆菌、链球菌等生活污水的一些指示性污染物都具有良好的去除效果,处理后的废水可以用作农业灌溉或直接排放至地表水体中而无需担忧造成二次污染或引起地表水体的富营养化的问题。  相似文献   

国内相关企业应对溢油通常采用人工清理和机械清理,清理效率较低,无法满足企业应急需求。文章重点介绍国外已较为成熟的现场控制燃烧技术,结合我国管道分布情况,从法律支持、实施流程、过程监测、产物处理等重点环节入手,开展该项技术在我国的适用性分析。通过对比分析,溢油现场控制燃烧技术具有处理效率高、避免二次污染环境等特点,在国外已经有多起成功应用,有效提升应急处置效率,在我国法律支持的情况下具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

微电解技术处理废水具有耗能低、效率高、造价低、可提高难降解污染物的可生化性等优点,近年来微电解技术的应用研究不断加深,其中包括微电解与其他技术联用降解污染物的研究,微电解填料的改造研究,以及微电解技术的机理研究等,但微电解技术处理废水的反应条件有待进一步拓宽,对于固废污染物的处理也有待研究。  相似文献   

1989年,英国阿拉斯加威廉王子海湾发生了“瓦尔迪兹号”溢油事故。Exxon公司在这次除油工作中获得了大量有关溢油处理技术的经验,并将其作为评价技术优缺点的基准。尽管这些经验没有在不同条件下得以验证,但在油的控制与清除、受污染海岸带的处理以及溢油处理的海上作业与后勤补给等方面均具有一定的指导意义,堪称海上溢油处理措施技术评估的典范。  相似文献   

老化原油的及时回收与高效处理,对于节约能源、减轻污水处理和集输系统的压力等问题,具有重要的经济和环境效益。文章对回收处理老化原油的常规技术和近几年出现的新技术进行分析,并对各种回收处理技术的优缺点进行对比,对老化原油回收处理技术的发展趋势提出了展望。  相似文献   

膜分离技术作为一种新型分离技术,具有分离效率高、过程能耗低等特点,被广泛应用于废水处理领域。由于电镀废水污染物种.是多样,纳滤、反渗透、聚合物强化超滤、电渗析等膜分离过程作为电镀废水的处理与资源化技术被深入研究,纳滤、反渗透及其组合工艺等被应用于电镀废水的处理及其资源化,有着良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

针对天然气开采废水量大、矿化度高、杂质含量多、处理难度大的问题,从预处理技术、COD处理技术、氨氮处理技术、脱盐处理到深度处理技术等对各种处理技术进行分析和对比,说明了各种方法的特点和适用情况等。根据对各种方法的特点总结,结合不同废水的水质特点,提出适宜的组合处理方法,并探讨了综合处理技术在部分地区的工程化应用情况。  相似文献   

"聚合物驱"采油技术在提高原油采收率的同时也产生了大量的采油废水。传统处理工艺多采用核桃壳过滤,处理效果不理想。戈尔膜过滤器因其具有效率高、运行稳定、易于维修以及全自动化控制等优点,更适合现行处理工艺的改造需求,在采油废水处理中避免了一些生物与化学处理所引起的二次污染等问题,具有较高的推广价值。  相似文献   

通过分析各种医疗废物处理技术的特点,指出医疗废物集中焚烧处置技术能够有效处理医疗废物、满足国家对医疗废物处理的要求,适宜在医疗废物集中处置项目中广泛应用。但该技术在实际工程应用中,还存在如处理成本高、设备使用寿命短和二英排放不易控制等问题,尚需进一步研究加以克服。  相似文献   

德、日两国循环经济立法经验及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循环经济立法是发展循环经济的前提,对发展循环经济具有首要的、决定性的作用。借鉴德国、日本两个经济发达国家循环经济立法的成功经验,提出建立符合我国国情的循环经济立法模式和循环经济法律体系的构建。  相似文献   

高平  王乐 《中国环保产业》2012,(3):54-56,61
介绍了荆州市污水处理厂污泥处置的现状,以及污泥无害化处置BOT项目的技术路线选择、营养土的市场分析、拦标价的测算和设定、BOT融资方式的优势等关键问题;分析了该项目的技术路线和融资模式,以及对国内污水处理厂污泥处置项目的示范作用和意义。  相似文献   

Sustainable management of Electronic waste (E-waste) is a major challenge for contemporary India, an emerging economy burdened with both the domestic generation and illegal import of E-waste. Considering the ever-increasing complexities of E-waste in Indian cities, this paper aims to evaluate the current trends, opportunities and challenges associated with consumption of electronic items (with respect to computers and mobile phones) and disposal of E-waste in urban India. Bangalore, a city popularly known as the ‘Silicon Valley of India’, is considered as a case study in order to evaluate public awareness, household consumption and E-waste disposal behaviours. The city profile of Bangalore indicates that it has a rapidly emerging market for electronics and thus, has the potential to act as a ‘model’ for evaluating the issues concerning E-waste in metropolitan India. Questionnaires were distributed originally among 300 households with an effective response rate of 63.3%. The results indicate that the majority of households (59.3%) still retain their obsolete electronics due to lack of knowledge about proper E-waste management. High awareness about E-waste and high willingness to recycle/repair their E-waste (above 80% in both cases) are yet to be translated into responsible disposal/recycling behaviour as 95.8% of households have no knowledge about the presence of any formal recycling centre. Income, education, age and gender dimensions associated with E-waste disposal behaviour and awareness were also evaluated. Although we found no gender differences for most of the parameters, there have been some interesting correlations in age and income-wise segregation of disposal behaviour. We noted that the city of Bangalore still possesses some typical Indian socio-cultural characteristics, such as considering E-waste as ‘valuables’, changing several hands before final disposal, defying ‘brand’ or ‘looks’ consciousness, etc., which could be directed towards responsible E-waste disposal behaviours. We suggest that establishing appropriate and convenient E-waste collection/recycling facilities, ensuring responsible household disposal behaviour, implementing effective laws and legislation, and organizing mass E-waste awareness campaigns would aid in addressing the current E-waste concerns in the city.  相似文献   

/ In modern intensive animal farming the disposal of a large amount of waste is of great concern, as, if not properly performed, it can cause the pollution of water, mainly because of the high content of nitrate and phosphate. This paper presents the results of a study intended to assess the environmental sustainability of animal waste disposal on agricultural soils in the alluvial plain of the River Chiana (Tuscany, Italy), a particularly sensitive area because of the high vulnerability of the shallow aquifer and of the intensive agricultural and breeding activities. With this aim, a strategy has been employed, that consists of the integrated use of a management model and GISs. The consequences on groundwater of applying animal waste to different kind of soils and crop arrangements have been simulated by means of the management model GLEAMS (Groundwater Loading Effects of Agricultural Management Systems, ver 2.01). As the huge amount of data required by such a sophisticated model does not allow applications at a scale larger than the field size, IDRISI and GRASS GIS packages have been used to divide the study area into land units, with homogeneous environmental characteristics, and then to generalize on these units the outputs of the model. The main conclusions can be synthesized as follows: The amount of animal waste produced in some of the investigated areas (i.e., municipal territory) is greater than that disposable on their own agricultural soil with no risks to the groundwater; consequently a cooperative approach among municipalities is necessary in order to plan waste disposal in a comprehensive and centralized way.KEY WORDS: Land use; Animal waste disposal; Groundwater protection; GIS, Management models  相似文献   

Currently there is widespread interest on the part of local Governments in incorporating municipal solid waste (MSW) composting into their integrated solid waste management systems. However, there is little information on the costs of MSW composting and how those costs compare with the costs of alternative forms of waste disposal (especially traditional land disposal). This article begins to fill this information gap by reporting the results of a survey of 19 MSW composting facilities around the United States. Results indicate that MSW composting generally costs around $50 per ton, and that very few facilities receive any revenues from the sale of compost to offset operating costs. Additional economic analysis indicates that, at present, MSW composting cannot be justified on financial grounds in most parts of the US, but may be competitive with land disposal where the cost of landfilling is high (such as the north-east).1998 Academic Press  相似文献   

我国医疗废物集中处置行业呈现多种投资来源和多种运营模式并存的格局,医疗废物集中处置设施建设和运营主要采用以BOT为主的特许经营模式,部分设施由于模式选择不当,导致产权边界不清、稳定运行困难等问题,一定程度限制了行业的可持续发展。近年来开始应用于我国污水处理设施的DBO模式具有责任主体一致、建设运营效率较高等特点,在环境污染治理领域的应用前景较为广阔。本文通过对DBO模式和BOT模式的所有权归属、责任主体、实施期限等方面进行对比,分析得出DBO模式较BOT模式在设施的运营阶段具有突出优势,应用于医疗废物集中处置设施可以更有效地保证运营效率、节约财政支出、强化政府监管。同时,预期在医疗废物集中处置项目中推行DBO模式可能存在的阻碍,包括政府积极性不高、招商面临一定难度、实施过程的不确定因素较多等,并有针对性提出了在中小城市开展试点、发放环境基础设施建设债券、邻近区域多个项目捆绑招商等建议,以促进DBO模式在医疗废物集中处置设施中的应用。  相似文献   

王文川  闫静 《四川环境》2010,29(5):66-72
本文针对我国进入家用电器报废淘汰高峰期的现状,简析了电子废物对环境和人体健康造成的危害,着重分析了我国青岛市及德国、瑞士、日本等发达国家电子废物处理处置的现状。针对我国出现的问题,提出对电子废物处置行业加强监管,采取实施生产者责任延伸制度等措施,学习借鉴欧洲、日本等国政府所采用的电子废弃物管理措施及处置技术,切实防止电子废物对环境造成的污染。  相似文献   

我国危险废物处置收费政策在十多年的发展历程中逐步建立健全,促进了危险废物处置行业的发展壮大。本文基于对我国各省份危险废物处置收费政策的定价主体、分档方式、收费标准、调整情况等制定和执行状况的梳理分析发现,各省份以不同形式出台了危险废物处置收费政策,然而,重要内容缺失、动态调整滞后、有效监管不足等问题较为普遍。针对这些问题,文章提出了因地制宜健全收费政策、科学开展处置价格核算、加快建立动态调整机制、实施部门联动管理监督等建议,可为完善我国危险废物处置收费政策提供参考。  相似文献   

含汞废弃荧光灯管处理现状及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
废弃荧光灯管中含有金属汞,属于《国家危险废物名录》中的HW29含汞废物类,随意处置会破坏环境,危害人类健康,因此必须采取合理的方法对其进行处理。综合比较后发现资源化、无害化回收金属汞是最佳的处理方法。部分发达国家通过法律和技术手段的加强实现了对废弃荧光灯管的无害化回收处理,但我国在这方面的工作尚且不足,主要存在着灯管收集难、处理成本高等问题。因此,我国需要借鉴国外的管理经验,出台有效的法规措施,同时需要不断完善处理技术和大型工程建设。在我国节能减排和环境保护形势日益严峻的大环境下,辅之以合理的管理体制和技术手段,才能实现社会效益和经济效益双赢的局面。  相似文献   

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