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该文根据中国2002年和2007年非竞争型投入产出表、OECD的国外投入产出表和GTAP Version 7.0的CO2排放强度等数据,利用多国投入产出模型方法测算了中国对外贸易中隐含污染物,分析了贸易隐含污染物的行业结构分布以及在主要贸易伙伴国中的贸易流向,并通过结构分解方法分析了出口规模总量、出口结构变化、投入产出表中间结构变化及单位产值CO2排放量四大因素对出口贸易隐含CO2的贡献。研究结果表明:2002-2007年间,我国对外贸易创造了巨大贸易顺差,同时也带来了大量隐含CO2、SO2顺差,2002年和2007年贸易隐含CO2顺差达6.21×108t和1.38×109t。2002年和2007年贸易隐含SO2顺差分别为323.99万t和674.54万t;出口贸易规模的扩大使我国出口贸易隐含CO2大幅增加,带来了巨大的环境压力,且出口贸易结构、投入产出中间结构变化也增加了出口贸易隐含CO2的排放。但是单位产值的CO2排放量的降低对抑制隐含CO2增长值发挥了十分重要作用,故需要进一步优化贸易结构,调整产业结构,提高能源利用效率,也就是贸易结构绿色转型势在必行。  相似文献   

Carbon emissions embodied in international trade of China during 1997-2007 are accounted by input-output method based on Chinese input-output table and global trade analysis project database.It is revealed that carbon emissions embodied in imports and exports both increased during 1997-2007,but carbon emissions embodied in exports are greater than those embodied in imports,China is a net export nation in embodied carbon.The net exports of embodied carbon account for about 10.82% of the total carbon emissions in 1997,dropped to 7.15% in 2002,increased to13.13% in 2006,and slightly dropped to 12.64% in 2007.Low-end position of international industry division is an objective factor of being a net exporter of embodied carbon for China,and usage of a large amount of obsolete energy-using equipments wasted much energy and increased carbon emissions embodied in exports.Importers should take more responsibilities for carbon emissions embodied in trade,and China should take a certain responsibility for unreasonable energy dissipations too.  相似文献   


Carbon emissions embodied in international trade of China during 1997–2007 are accounted by input–output method based on Chinese input–output table and global trade analysis project database. It is revealed that carbon emissions embodied in imports and exports both increased during 1997–2007, but carbon emissions embodied in exports are greater than those embodied in imports, China is a net export nation in embodied carbon. The net exports of embodied carbon account for about 10.82% of the total carbon emissions in 1997, dropped to 7.15% in 2002, increased to 13.13% in 2006, and slightly dropped to 12.64% in 2007. Low-end position of international industry division is an objective factor of being a net exporter of embodied carbon for China, and usage of a large amount of obsolete energy-using equipments wasted much energy and increased carbon emissions embodied in exports. Importers should take more responsibilities for carbon emissions embodied in trade, and China should take a certain responsibility for unreasonable energy dissipations too.  相似文献   

Virtual water embodied in international trade is equivalent to nearly one-third of global water withdrawal, confirming that trade plays a significant role in redistributing global water resources. This paper extends a virtual water analysis by measuring the extent to which virtual water embodied in traded industrial products affects the distribution of global virtual water. The distribution of global virtual water can be improved if trade in industrial products promotes virtual water outflows from water-abundant to water-scarce countries. Analyses were performed using an input–output model that can decompose water consumption into domestic demand and exports by destinations of trade. Focusing on Malaysia, the results indicate that trade in industrial products between Malaysia and its main trading partners have a limited capacity to improve the distribution of global virtual water. This limitation can be due to two reasons. Firstly, exports of Malaysian industrial products are mainly driven by less water-intensive sectors. Therefore, the amount of virtual water that outflows into other countries is also low. Secondly, trade in Malaysian industrial products largely involves water flows with other water-abundant countries. Only several water-scarce countries benefit from virtual water trade in industrial products with Malaysia, namely the Netherlands, Australia and China.  相似文献   

The interprovincial trade embodied carbon emissions plays an important role in the national emission reduction target among China’s provinces. Furthermore, it will affect the smooth start-up of the national carbon trade market as well as the implementation of targets in 2030 for dealing with the climate change. Based on constructed MRIO model, this paper analyzes the embodied carbon emission trade flows among Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and surrounding regions such as Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Inner Mongolia. The results indicate that six provinces have formed different patterns of carbon trade balance, where Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei provinces are in a deficit position, while the other three provinces are in a surplus position. Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei have transferred part of the carbon emissions to the other three provinces, which shows greater heterogeneity among various provinces and provincial different sectors. On basis of the conclusions, this paper puts forward some suggestions on provincial decomposition, responsibility distribution, and provincial collaborative reduction for national emission reduction targets.  相似文献   

在世界经济一体化进程中,国际贸易成为影响各国环境污染变化的重要因素,将其纳入经济增长与环境污染间关系的分析框架是环境学界关注的一个重要问题。本文基于联立方程模型,从经济产出、污染排放、污染治理和国际贸易等四个方面探讨了经济增长与污染排放的相互作用机理,并以美国、中国SO2排放为例进行了实证研究。结果表明:污染排放对经济产出有影响,且对美国和中国分别为正作用和负作用。经济增长增加了两国国内污染排放,且中国增加的相对更多。而污染治理均减少了国内污染排放,美、中的污染减排弹性系数分别为-0.277和-0.417。国际贸易对美国起到污染减排作用,对中国的影响不显著,考虑到贸易对中国经济增长的拉动作用,其经济规模间接污染效应不容忽视。对于中国而言,加大污染治理投资、改善贸易进出口状况、降低经济发展过程中的污染排放是实现经济与环境协调发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

首先按照各省环保财政支出占GDP比重与按主成分分析法计算的地方环境污染物排放综合指数的排名情况把中国30个省份分成两个区域,区域1环保财政支出污染治理效应较强,区域2环保财政支出污染治理效应较弱。区域1包括北京、海南等14个省市,区域2包括天津、上海等16个省市。其次基于2007—2014年中国省级和行业面板数据,分析开放经济、环保财政支出对污染治理的影响。最后借鉴门限回归模型检验开放经济是否存在环保财政支出与污染治理的门槛效应。结果显示:(1)环境污染物排放存在区域差异和行业差异,区域1呈现出开放程度和污染物排放双低的特征,而区域2则表现为双高特征。制造业、电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业污染物排放较高,采掘业污染物排放年均增长速度最快。(2)样本期内省级和行业面板数据均表明开放经济与环境污染物排放显著负相关,对外开放不是助推环境污染的原因。(3)中国环保财政支出与环境污染物排放显著负相关,环保财政支出具有显著的污染治理效应。(4)开放经济对环保财政支出的污染治理效应具有门槛效应,当进口和出口贸易总额高于门槛值-1.221、-1.016时环保财政支出的污染治理效应很难发挥。(5)以进、出口贸易总额为门槛变量时,有107个观测值低于门槛值,占总观测值的44.58%,其中有59个位于区域1,占55.14%。鉴于此应继续加大环境保护财政支出,进一步提升环保财政专项支出在GDP中所占比重,保持适度的对外开放,优化能源消费结构和实现产业结构升级,全面改善环境质量,提升开放经济下环保财政支出的污染治理效应。  相似文献   

基于2002~2016年的省级面板数据,以农业水资源利用过程中的化肥源面源污染、厩肥源面源污染、灌溉过程碳排放及农药流失作为非合意产出,构建了以"蓝水-绿水"为中心的水资源分析框架,借助SBM模型和Malmquist-Luenberger指数,探析我国农业水资源利用过程的绿色技术进步情况,利用空间面板模型重点考察绿色技术进步、农业经济发展水平与农业水资源利用过程的污染排放之间的关系。化肥源面源污染排放量和农药流失量均表现出空间聚集的特性;在其他投入和产出不变的的既定条件下,促进农业水资源利用过程中的绿色技术进步能够缓解农业污染的局面;将农药流失污染作为非合意产出的农业水资源利用绿色技术进步带来的环境污染减排积极影响更强;农业经济发展水平与4类污染排放分别体现为倒N型、倒U型、正N型和倒N型的关系,随着农业经济发展水平的提升,我国绝大多数地区仍处于农药、化肥粗放使用的倒N型的上升阶段,农药流失和化肥施用引起的面源污染情况仍在加剧,农业经济发展水平与厩肥还田造成的面源污染相分离的状态逐渐消失,而农业水资源利用过程中产生的碳排放污染情况则不容乐观,大部分地区农业灌溉所产生的碳排放面临快速上升的趋势。  相似文献   

Becoming the world’s largest emitter of carbon makes China the object of criticism;however,people may ignore the fact that when China exports low-carbon products,the carbon emissions have been left in the meanwhile,forming the so-called"embodied carbon".Using the input-output model,this paper analyzes the carbon emission intensity and amount of embodied carbon of various sectors in China’s export trade in 2002 and 2007,and filters out high carbon emission sectors.In addition,this paper also points out the problem of carbon emissions’international transfer from developed countries to China through the analysis of national and regional flow of export carbon emissions and changing of the proportion of emissions for exports relative to total emissions,and explains the reason that caused carbon transfer to China by using the treadmill of production theory.Based on that,this paper proposes some measures for carbon reduction in China from the foreign trade perspective.  相似文献   


The EU, the United States and other economies, with the intention to implement unilateral trade measures Border Carbon Adjustments, impose emission reduction pressure on developing countries. Once implemented, the measures will have great impact on China’s foreign trade. Using the input-output table in 2007, this paper had analyzed the influences on China’s foreign trade as a whole and sub-sectors in three tax rates scenarios. The results showed that the tariff level of China’s exports will increase by 3.6%–6.3% if the tax was levied on exports embodied emissions, and by 1.0%–1.7% if levied on export direct emissions. In 2007, the former total amount of carbon tax was about US$42.6–73.0 billion, 4 times that of the latter. Based on export embodied emissions, sectors largely influenced were non-traditional energy intensive ones, such as textile, et al. These sectors should be encouraged to carry out industrial upgrading, raising the value-added of export goods, and reducing their embodied emissions by reduction of energy intensity. Taking into account of the complexity of data collection, the tax levied on products direct emission is more operational. The results showed that the five top sectors most affected were other chemical materials, processing of petroleum and nuclear fuel, coking, smelting and rolling of ferrous metal and textile. Most of them were energy intensive sectors. Therefore, adjusting export products structure, and controlling too fast development of energy intensive industries are also important strategies in China.  相似文献   

The EU, the United States and other economies, with the intention to implement unilateral trade measures Border Carbon Adjustments, impose emission reduction pressure on developing countries. Once implemented, the measures will have great impact on China’s foreign trade. Using the input-output table in 2007, this paper had analyzed the influences on China’s foreign trade as a whole and sub-sectors in three tax rates scenarios. The results showed that the tariff level of China’s exports will increase by 3.6%-6.3% if the tax was levied on exports embodied emissions, and by 1.0%-1.7% if levied on export direct emissions. In 2007, the former total amount of carbon tax was about US$42.6-73.0 billion, 4 times that of the latter. Based on export embodied emissions, sectors largely influenced were non-traditional energy intensive ones, such as textile, et al. These sectors should be encour-aged to carry out industrial upgrading, raising the value-added of export goods, and reducing their embodied emissions by reduction of energy intensity. Taking into account of the complexity of data collection, the tax levied on products direct emission is more operational. The results showed that the five top sectors most affected were other chemical materials, processing of petroleum and nuclear fuel, coking, smelting and rolling of ferrous metal and textile. Most of them were energy intensive sectors. Therefore, adjusting export products structure, and controlling too fast development of energy intensive industries are also important strategies in China.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of foreign trade in China, industrial import and export has been an absolute subject in recent years. The huge trade surplus of import and export trade of industrial products brings not only high profits, but also pollution costs as well. Based on the concept of water pollution footprints (WPFs), this study applies the input-output method and calculates pollutant-producing coefficients of 20 major industrial sectors in China and investigates the WPFs caused by the import and export trades of these industrial sectors. The research results show that WPF resulting from exports exceeds that of imports from 2011 to 2015 in China. The net inflow of pollution footprint is mainly from paper mills, printing and stationery manufacturing, and textile industry; whereas a great number of WPFs are transferred to other countries by these sectors, such as metal mining and dressing industry and oil and natural gas exploitation industry.  相似文献   

实施水功能区限制纳污红线管理,控制陆域范围污染物排放总量,是保障水功能区水质达标的根本途径。针对现有水功能区划分及管理偏重考虑水体自然属性和完整性,缺乏与行政区划、陆域污染源分布的衔接,提出以水功能区划分成果为基础,综合考虑自然水系、行政区划、污染源分布情况的陆域控制单元划分方法,在此基础上,利用GIS空间分析建立水功能区与陆域控制单元的响应关系,制定基于水功能区纳污能力的陆域污染物限制排放总量方案。以攀枝花市河段为例,将攀枝花市划分为15个控制单元,19个控制子单元进行限制排污总量计算及分配,攀枝花全市COD、氨氮限制排放总量分别为17 437.6 t/a、1 866.0 t/a,与攀枝花市污染物总量控制规划成果基本一致。  相似文献   

合力打好污染防治攻坚战、强化区域生态环境共保是全面贯彻落实绿色发展理念,推动长三角地区更高质量一体化发展的重要内容。在中国区域经济转型发展背景下,利用城市工业污染物排放和经济社会发展统计数据,重点分析了2003~2015年长三角地区主要工业污染物排放相对规模和强度的时空格局演变规律,探讨了经济转型发展等因素对工业污染时空格局的动态影响机制。研究结果表明:(1)长三角地区主要工业污染物排放相对规模和强度总体呈下降趋势,2003~2015年工业废水、SO_2排放总量分别削减约13%和24%,每万亿元工业总产值的废水、SO_2和烟(粉)尘排放量分别削减87%、88%和71%左右。(2)工业污染排放仍主要集聚在沿沪宁、沿长江和沿沪杭甬等工业发达地区以及部分资源型城市,并呈现由核心区向皖江城市带、苏北等外围区转移扩散的态势,但不同污染物之间差异较为显著。(3)外围区工业污染物排放相对强度较高(多为1.0以上),但近年来南京、杭州等核心区的工业污染物(尤其是工业粉尘)排放相对强度有所上升。(4)经济转型是工业污染时空格局演变的重要驱动力,其中产业结构升级、创新与消费驱动转型增长等是抑制工业污染物排放规模扩张的重要因素;而创新投入及技术进步、企业质效提升、外资外贸结构优化等则有利于降低工业污染物排放相对强度;但由于各地经济转型阶段不同,上述因素对工业污染的影响机制存在显著的空间差异。该研究揭示了经济转型背景下工业污染时空格局演变及驱动因素,对于强化新时期长三角地区工业污染协同防治等具有一定政策参考价值。  相似文献   

区域排污权交易模型研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文在分析了排污权交易研究进展的基础上,指出区域污染权交易比传统的排污权交易意义更大,并提出排污权交易地区交叉补贴的设想:将发达地区的排污权交易所得向欠发达地区转移,以解决欠发达地区产业结构调整乏力以及对发达地区的二次污染和发达地区环境容量资源短缺问题。在不考虑交易成本的假设下,通过建立不同地区排污权交易模型以确定排污权交易总量及其交易价格以及交易所获净增纯收益等。太湖流域由于经济最为发达,环境问题十分突出,是目前我国最适宜率先进行区域排污权交易试点的地区。通过假定太湖流域无锡和常州两市进行排污权交易,并利用两市1991—2000年的环境统计资料等相关资料进行了验证。计算结果表明区域排污权交易不仅具有明显的经济和环境效益,而且也是协调环境区域矛盾的重要手段。因此,不同地区间进行排污权交易在我国具有重要意义,在太湖流域等经济发达地区收效尤其明显。  相似文献   

With the worldwide intensification of agriculture, non-point source pollution of surface waters has become a pressing issue. Conventional river water quality models consider non-point sources as accumulated entries into the rivers and do not investigate into the processes generating the pollution at its source, thus preventing the determination of effective mitigation measures. The models require extensive data inputs, which is a deficiency in many developing and emerging countries with limited data availability. The current study applies a Material Flow Model as a complementary approach to quantify non-point source pollution from agricultural areas. Rice farming in the Thachin River Basin is presented as a case study, with a focus on nutrients. The total nitrogen and phosphorus flows from rice farming to the river system are quantified, the key parameters influencing these flows are determined and potential mitigation measures are discussed. The results show that rice contributes considerable nutrient loads to the Thachin River Basin. Scenario simulations demonstrate that a significant nutrient load reduction could be achieved by following the official recommendations for fertilizer application, thus confirming the local efforts to introduce best management practice. Our results underline the importance of non-point source pollution control in intensive agricultural areas, particularly of tropical lowland delta areas such as the Central Plains of Thailand. The specific benefit of applying a Material Flow Model in this context is that with limited data availability, one can reach an understanding of the system and gain a first overview over its key pollution problems. This can serve as supportive basis for determining consecutive in-depth research requirements.  相似文献   

基于LMDI方法的中国国际贸易隐含碳分解   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对国际贸易产生环境影响的定量研究正日益受到关注,特别是对隐含碳的研究.以中国2005年为例,对中国国际贸易隐含碳进行估算,应用对数平均D氏指数法(LMDI)对影响隐含碳净转移的因素进行分解分析.结果显示中国因生产排放碳量远大于其消费需要排放的碳量,从国外净转移到中国的隐含碳为395.66MtC;净转移隐含碳影响因素中强度效应(进出口商品完全碳排放系数差异)贡献率为60%,规模效应(进出额差异)贡献率为55%,结构效应(进出口结构差异)贡献率为-14%,此结果表明中国相比国外的高碳排放强度是造成目前碳转移额外增加的主要因素,分析结构效应发现中国主要净出口行业大部分不是高碳排放强度行业,而净进口行业却主要由高碳排放强度行业构成,特别是与碳排放密切相关的能源行业居净进口行业首位.  相似文献   

中国工业水污染排放的空间格局及结构演变研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国工业企业污染物排放的空间格局正在发生变化。现有的统计数据不能提供区分区域和行业层面的工业企业污染物排放数据,无法刻画地市尺度上各个工业部门污染排放的空间格局及其演变。工业企业污染物排放的空间认知是制定环境污染控制和区域产业发展规划的科学基础。本文聚焦于工业水污染,构建了新的工业企业水污染排放的空间估算方法,估算分行业分区域的工业水污染排放量,来分析地市尺度上中国工业水污染排放的空间格局及其演变。本文构建的空间估算方法首先将全国分行业污染排放量依据产值分解到省级和地市层面,再依据企业规模校正系数、生产工艺校正系数和环境管制能力校正系数对未考虑区域差异的排放强度进行校正,最后采用适时修正法对污染物排放量的估算结果进行部门和区域的平衡调整。以基于空间估算方法估算的工业COD为例,剔除个别异常值后,2010年省级尺度重点行业工业COD排放量估算结果的平均误差为12.7%,数据质量优良,显示本估算方法较强的适用性。根据本文的结果,发现2005年至2010年间我国工业COD的减排主要由造纸及纸制品业的技术效应贡献,其中又以西部地区造纸及纸制品业贡献突出,其次是东部地区,中部地区略有贡献,东北部地区贡献为负值。其他对工业COD减排作出较大贡献的行业包括食品加工业和化学原料及化学品制造业,但不同产业的区域差异显著。基于可持续性发展的视角,技术效应与规模效应同样显著的产业应当作为区域的主导产业予以重点发展。  相似文献   

Universal two-child policy has been implemented since the end of 2015 in China. This policy is anticipated to bring a significant increase in the total population, with profound influences on the resources and environment in the future. This paper analyzes the changing dynamics of urban and rural population, and forecasts urban and rural population from 2016 to 2030 at national and provincial scale using a double log linear regression model. Drawing upon the results of these two predictions, the impact of the population policy change on Chinese resources consumption and environmental pollution are predicted quantitatively. Given the future total population maintains current levels on resources consumption and environmental emission, the additional demand of resources and environment demand for the new population is forecasted and compared against the capacity on supply side. The findings are as follows: after implementing the universal two-child policy, China’s grain, energy consumption, domestic water demand, and pollutant emissions are projected to increase at different rates across provinces. To meet the needs arising from future population growth, food and energy self-sufficiency rate will be significantly reduced in the future, while relying more on imports. Stability of the water supply needs to be improved, especially in Beijing, Henan, Jiangsu, Qinghai, and Sichuan where the gap in future domestic water demand is comparatively larger. Environmental protection and associated governing capability are in urgent need of upgrade not least due to the increasing pressure of pollution.  相似文献   

根据乐安河流域2009~2011年17个监测断面的定期观测数据,初步分析了流域内总氮、总磷的时空分布规律。运用WATLAC水文模型和MESAW营养盐模型,对乐安河流域营养物质产出与输移进行模拟,估算主要土地利用方式营养物输出系数、产出量及河道滞留率。研究表明:该流域氮年产出量为10 4380 t,对流域出口处的贡献量为5 8557 t,滞留率为439%;磷年产出量为1 0037 t,对流域出口贡献量为3449 t,滞留率为656%。由于氮的可溶性强和流动性更强,因此比磷的产生量和贡献量都更多,并且滞留率受降雨影响更为显著。延长污染物的迁移路径和时间,可增加营养物的滞留率,减少对河道的贡献量  相似文献   

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