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在城镇化和工业化不断深入推进的背景下,乡村正面临严峻的人口流失、城乡收入差距扩大、农业资源价值实现不充分、城乡二元结构突出等不可持续问题,已经成为中国全面落实联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)的短板。对接国家乡村振兴战略、可持续发展战略的实施需求,在乡村可持续发展的概念演变与发展形势分析基础上,该研究瞄准实现可持续发展目标的3个基本维度(发展动力、发展质量、发展公平),从乡村生产要素、自然要素、社会要素与乡村治理四个方面讨论了乡村可持续发展的内涵及核心目标,即:激活乡村产业发展动力,保障乡村发展质量,建设公平和谐乡村社会,形成健全乡村治理机制,尝试阐释“什么样的乡村才是可持续发展的乡村?”这一核心命题。借鉴当前国家和城市层面SDGs进展情况的评价经验和评估范式,讨论了乡村可持续发展评价指标体系设计的基本原则、构建思路和评估方法。聚焦乡村可持续发展目标与方向,在SDGs本土化探索经验分析基础上,统筹国家相关战略、规划和政策行动确定的关键指标,识别筛选了乡村可持续发展密切相关的SDGs考核指标,构建了由136项指标组成的乡村可持续发展基础指标库。考虑乡村可持续发展能力和水平评估的现实需求,进...  相似文献   

联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)是2030年可持续发展议程的核心内容,全球可持续发展指标框架以此为基础,用多领域指标监测可持续发展进展。SDGs通过后,各国都将其作为自身经济社会协调发展的重要指导,中国政府也将其上升到战略层面,并与国家"十三五"规划等实践路径有机结合。然而,SDGs的评价主体是全球和区域进展,对于可持续发展程度各异的国家进行统一评价并不适用,亟待研究一套适合于中国情况的评估体系,一方面形成国内可持续发展各领域的综合现状评价,摸清基本情况,另一方面形成对SDGs评估的对标,以促成SDGs各项目标的落地。基于此背景,本文重点分析了全球可持续发展指标框架的出台过程、概念框架、以及评估应用中的具体问题,以中国落实2030年可持续发展议程为基础,以可持续发展强调的经济、社会、资源环境的协调发展为理论支撑,对标SDGs的各项目标和具体目标,构建了一套适用于中国国家层面可持续发展进展评估的指标体系,旨在形成对中国落实联合国2030年议程的评价指标建议。选择2012—2016年为研究期,综合运用层次分析法、专家咨询法构建了针对民生改善、经济发展、资源利用、环境质量综合评价的指标体系,同时与SDGs评价目标相对应。评价结果表明:可持续发展的总得分在研究期内均保持增长的趋势,可持续发展的总体态势始终改善。总分增长较快的年份,资源环境质量改善的得分也较高,其中贡献率较大的主要是与能耗和污染物排放下降相关的指标,通过现状评价明确了发展的薄弱环节,形成了SDGs框架下适用于中国评估的指标建议。  相似文献   

可持续发展目标(SDGs)是继千年发展目标(MDGs)之后联合国期望彻底解决社会、经济和环境3个维度发展问题而制定的具有一定约束性的目标指标体系。科学地监测和评估可持续发展目标的进展是确保实现SDGs的关键,也是各国均面临的困难和挑战之一。受制于发展的不充分性与不平衡性,不同国家及地区在实施SDGs上面临的主要问题和关注的重点也不同。文章以可持续发展目标演变为基础,梳理了MDGs到SDGs的变化过程,结合可持续发展目标指标机构间专家组(IAEG-SDGs)提出的全球指标框架及动态发展分析了全球层面落实SDGs的进展情况,指出了当前中国实施SDGs的机遇与挑战。以全球指标框架为基础,统筹国家相关规划和政策行动确定的关键指标,考虑中国当前统计数据的可获得性、相关指标的权威性及频度,对接SDGs语境下17项目标、169项子目标、231个指标的考核基础条件,对SDGs相对应的国内考核指标进行筛选,提出了构建SDGs中国本土化评价指标体系的设计原则与思路,建立了由142项指标组成的SDGs中国本土化指标框架体系。对接当前城市尺度可持续发展相关评价与考核基础,衔接国家可持续发展议程创新示范区建立的目标指标,对中国本土化评价指标体系进行城市层面的二次本地化,建立了由71项指标组成的中国城市可持续发展指标体系;考虑城市可持续发展能力和水平评估的现实需求,确定了23项关键指标,建立了由人类健康福祉指数、资源环境可持续利用指数及社会经济发展动力可持续性指数组成的城市可持续发展水平评估技术体系,以推动SDGs在中国从理念到实践、从目标到结果的实现。  相似文献   

全球可持续发展目标(SDGs)明确指出了2015—2030年全球发展的目标和方向。然而,该项议程的执行和落实却面临着重重挑战,执行进展也饱受质疑。基于此,本文从公共政策执行的视角出发,对2016年和2017年已经参与联合国可持续发展高级别政治论坛(HLPF)的64个国家进行了梳理和总结,依据在SDGs执行中发挥主导作用的行为主体区分了四种执行模式:政府主导、社会主导、共同治理与执行阻滞模式。文章以中国、瑞典、日本和博茨瓦纳为例,重点比较和分析了这四种执行模式的实现形式和治理特点。研究显示:(1)不同国家SDGs执行模式的选择与其资源条件高度相关,包括经济发展水平、政治支持环境与社会组织发育程度;(2)国家层面的SDGs执行模式仍处于动态演化过程中,政府主导模式与社会主导模式都出现一些向共同治理模式演化的趋势;(3)参与意愿和能力不足的发展中国家更可能陷入SDGs执行阻滞。观察和比较不同SDGs执行模式有助于我们拓展对于公共管理视角下全球治理的理解,促进国际社会更有针对性地解决SDGs执行中所面临的问题。同时,也为中国推动进一步落实SDGs提供实践参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

建立旅游型城市可持续发展评价技术体系是科学识别旅游型城市发展问题、定量评估其可持续发展状况的关键举措。文章基于联合国可持续发展目标体系(SDGs)和旅游竞争力指数评估实践,构建了由3大系统、14个支柱、37个独立指标和6个综合指标组成的旅游型城市可持续发展评价指标体系,采用基于变异系数—熵权法的指标线性加权判断方法,并引入耦合度及耦合协调度分析、灰色关联度分析、障碍度分析等技术方法建立综合评价技术体系。以桂林市(国务院第一批批准建设的国家可持续发展议程创新示范区,国家发展改革委首次批准建设的国际旅游胜地)为评价对象,对其2008—2019年连续12年的可持续发展水平进行分析,结果显示:(1)桂林市可持续发展水平呈现波动上升趋势,2008—2019年综合得分由26.26分提升至50.10分,其中社会治理系统得分提升34.79分,景观资源系统得分提升27.41分,经济动力系统得分提升6.14分,经济动力不足是制约桂林市可持续发展水平的短板。(2)在14个支柱中经济开放度和科技创新支柱得分下降、亟需在后续发展规划中重点关注,景观资源保护支柱得分未发生明显变化、有进一步提升的潜力,其余11个支柱得分均有所提升,尤其是旅游安全与健康医疗支柱得分提升明显。(3)景观资源、经济动力及社会治理三系统处于高水平耦合状态,耦合协调度从2008年的勉强失调型演变为2019年的初级协调发展型,但经济动力与景观资源、社会治理两系统的耦合协调度较低,经济新动能的培育是未来发展的关键。(4)从关联度上看,与桂林市可持续发展水平变化关联度最高的指标为道路密度、旅游资源开发利用程度、人均旅游接待人次、空气质量达标率;从障碍度上看,制约桂林市可持续发展水平提升的关键指标是地均星级饭店数量、万人非物质文化遗产数量、每万人口发明专利拥有量、贸易自由度,上述指标在未来桂林市可持续发展水平提升过程中需要重点关注。  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines variations and changes in manufacturing concentration and their determinants in China over the 1980-2003 period with a sample of 26 industries. The analysis indicates that average industrial concentration has increased during the 1990s. Studies show that scale economies and industry policies are important determinants for industries geographical concentration; factor endowments and the location of foreign direct investment are also found to have a positive effect on concentration.  相似文献   

China has won the name of the world factory being famous for exporting a great deal of and various kinds of low-price merchandise. However, most of Chinese exports are primary goods or manufactured products that create heavy pollution and require intensive use of resources. Chinese products go abroad, but their following harms stay behind. The article analyzes many obvious low-price facts in China and their concomitant terrible environmental results in detail, and points out that there are huge hidden troubles in the way of China's sustainable development behind her seemingly flourishing economy.  相似文献   

This report summarizes the surveys on carbon inventories and initiatives on sustainable carbon cycling taken by RCEES. The first part of this report deals with the concept of sustainable carbon cycling, the historical evolution of carbon cycling processes in China, carbon pool enhancement, value addition, carbon sequestration and carbon balance. The second part covers the modeling of carbon dynamics, emission inventories of various carbon containing greenhouse gases and their potential abatement measures.  相似文献   

After the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, the concept of sustainable development has been widely recognized all over the world. More than 100 countries, including C...  相似文献   

All seven emissions trading pilots in China operate independently. One challenge facing most of them is the low inclusion thresholds for enterprises and the few total covered emissions, which negatively influences the effects of the emissions trading systems (ETSs). Some pilot sites, such as Guangdong, Hubei, Tianjin and Beijing, have indicated their willingness to link their schemes with others. ETS linking could expand scheme coverages and therefore help to reduce the overall costs of achieving the linked schemes’ emissions control targets. Linking could also help to address the issues of carbon leakage and reduce price fluctuations. The potential benefits and feasibility of linking different pilot systems are analyzed in this article. The seven pilot regions are at different stages of social and economic development, with significant differences in total emissions and emissions structures as well as carbon abatement potentials and costs. Through linking, more-developed regions such as Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, which are typically considered to face higher mitigation costs, will have the opportunity to achieve their emissions control targets by purchasing carbon units from less-developed regions, which will earn financial revenues from selling the units. To realize this win-win result, a series of policy and technical barriers at both the central government and pilot government levels needs to be overcome. Establishing a unified national emissions trading market would appear to be the ideal solution to these challenges, but it will take considerable time and will not be the short-term solution. In the absence of a unified national scheme, it is recommended that the central government encourage pilot schemes to link, that it develops corresponding national policies to support the linking efforts and that the pilot schemes that are intended to be linked coordinate on certain design elements. Based on the coordinating need, the major elements of an ETS can be divided into four categories: elements that need mutual recognition (cap setting and allowance allocation methods); elements that should be completely identical (compliance mechanisms, price containment measures, banking and borrowing rules, and offset mechanisms); technical elements that are preferably identical and easy to coordinate (MRV standards, technical registry standards); and elements that require no coordination (coverages and scopes).  相似文献   

The problem of climate change is a global challenge.It is closely associated with social development and human survival,and it has a significant impact to all countries on energy development,economic competitiveness,technological innovation,and way of life.In recent years,with the rapid economic development in China,there is a rumor that the rapid growth of China’s carbon dioxide emission offset the efforts of the international community in reducing emissions,and China should bear the international responsibility corresponding to its significant role in greenhouse gas emission,which obviously are unfair and not objective.As this paper reveals,"China environment responsibility" that is the socalled "China environment threat" or theories,China has made a positive contribution to addressing the climate change in the past and China will still be the backbone on the protection of global climate in the future.  相似文献   

The problem of climate change is a global challenge. It is closely associated with social development and human survival, and it has a significant impact to all countries on energy develop- ment, economic competitiveness, technological innovation, and way of life. In recent years, with the rapid economic development in China, there is a rumor that the rapid growth of China's carbon dioxide emission offset the efforts of the international community in reducing emissions, and China should bear the international responsibility corresponding to its significant role in greenhouse gas emission, which obviously are unfair and not objective. As this paper reveals, "China environment responsibility" that is the socalled "China environment threat" or theories, China has made a positive contribution to addressing the climate change in the past and China will still be the backbone on the protection of global climate in the future.  相似文献   

According to the United Nations population projections, the population of the elderly is expected to roughly triple in China from 2000 to 2050, particularly when the generations who were born between the 1950s and 1970s move through the age structure, and also because people are living longer and fertility rates have fallen, population aging is expected to put pressure on government's fiscal balance through higher old-age security benefits and health-care expenditures. This work draws together the broad range of elements involved within a consistent framework, based on a computable dynamic general equilibrium model with an overlapping generation structure. Further analysis using model simulation illustrates that the alternative schemes for the benefit rate, retirement age and technological progress are likely to be beneficial, and that an obvious slow-down in the growth of living standards is likely to be avoided.  相似文献   

In industrialized countries, the idea of degrowth has emerged as a response to environmental, social, and economic crises. Realizing environmental limits to and failures of more than half a century of continual economic growth in terms of social progress and environmental sustainability, the degrowth paradigm calls for a downscaling of consumption and production for social equity and ecological sustainability. The call for economic degrowth is generally considered to be delimited to rich countries, where reduced consumption can save “ecological space” enabling people in poor countries to enjoy the benefits of economic growth. China, as one of the economically most expanding countries in the world, has dramatically improved its living standards, particularly along the Eastern coast, over the latest 30 years. However, China is absent from the international debates on growth. This article discusses the implications of the Western degrowth debates for China. Given the distinctive features of China’s development, the paper aims to enrich the degrowth debates, which have hitherto been dominated by Western perspectives. Based upon reflections on social, environmental, and moral dimensions of economic growth, the paper argues that limited natural resources may not continuously support universal affluence at the current level of the rich countries, a level that China is likely to reach within a few decades. Priority for growth in China should therefore be given to the poor regions of the country, and future growth should be beneficial to social and environmental development.  相似文献   

China's WTO accession will have important environmental implications. This arfide aims at providing environmental analysis of the impact of China's accession to the WTO, based on its final offer for WTO accession and a 53-sector, recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of China. We try to provide some empirical evidences for policy makers to evaluate the effects ofChina's WTO accession from environmental prospective.  相似文献   

Climatic disaster-induced migration and its effects on land exploitation of new settlements is a crucial topic that needs to be researched to better understand the impact of climate change and human adaptation. This paper focuses on the process and mechanism of migrant–reclamation in Northeast China in response to climatic disasters over the past 300 years. The research used comparative analysis of key interlinked factors in this response involving drought/flood events, population, cropland area, farmer revolts, administrations establishment, and land reclamation policies. It draws the following conclusions: (1) seven peaks of migrants–reclamation in Northeast China were evident, most likely when frequent climatic disasters happened in North China, such as the drought–flood in 1851–1859, drought in 1875–1877, and drought 1927–1929; (2) six instances of policy transformation adopted to cope with extreme climatic events, including distinctive examples like changing to a firm policy prohibiting migration in 1740 and a subsequent lifting of that prohibition in 1860; and (3) the fast expansion of the northern agricultural boundary since the middle of the nineteenth century in this area benefited from a climate change trend from a cold period into a warm period. Altogether, over the past 300 years, extreme climatic disasters in North China have deepened the contradiction between the limited land resources and the rapidly increasing population and have resulted in migration and reclamation in Northeast China. Climate, policy, and reclamation constructed an organic chain of response that dominated the land use/cover change process of Northeast China.  相似文献   

Sand-dust storms are the result of the integrated influences of climate, geography, society and human factors. A theoretical framework is built to explain the coherence of population growth, agriculture change and environmental degradation. On the basis of the analysis of the causes of the sand-dust storm in terms of human factors, a discussion will be given to show that these factors are internally consistent with the theoretical framework. After that, it will look at China's Agenda 21 and try to find relevant measures to reduce such large sand-dust storms happening in Northwest China and eventually make this area develop sustainably.  相似文献   

China passed its Plant Variety Protection Act (PVPA) in 1997 which allowed us to do some initial testing of this proposition. We used a unique dataset on the applications of the new Plant Variety Protection (PVP), morphological characteristics, and institutional sources of all the important varieties of rice in three provinces of China to estimate the determinants of plant variety protection applications in China. The evidence suggests that both the government and private research programs are responding to economic and policy incentives and investing in plant variety protection as economists would expect profit maximizing firms to invest. The discussion of the evolution of the seed industry suggested that the combination of the new seed law in 2000 and the new plant variety protection regulation had changed the structure of the seed industry and provided an important incentive to invest in PVPs both by public research institutes and commercial firms. Finally, there is some preliminary evidence that private firms have smaller incentives to develop new varieties than to purchase the new varieties.  相似文献   


A series of water disputes and conflicts have gradually emerged between China and some neighboring countries after 2000, influencing China’s neighborhood relations. China increasingly realizes the importance and urgency of the water resource governance in the regional cooperation, but under complicated geopolitical context, China’s water resource governance must serve several important main functions in its regional cooperation. Overall, water resource governance is the demands of crisis management and conflict prevention, and also is a kind of positive factor that promotes sub-regional cooperation. From the perspective of the current situation, China should take more proactive attitude toward the water resource governance, expand the areas and stakeholders of the water resource governance, and thus promote the formulation of water resource governance strategy.  相似文献   

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