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Seyyed Alireza Mousavi Iraj Shahbazi Rastegar Veysinejad Ali Asgar Sobhani Mehdi Bakhti 《中国人口.资源与环境(英文版)》2017,15(4):351-356
In this study, the volume and the cash value of water loss, and reduction of water loss as a result of enforcement action during 2011–2013 in the drinking water network of villages in Kermanshah Province, Iran, have been investigated. Date collected by referring to the different parts of rural water and waste water company of Kermanshah Province and checklist were completed. The study showed the volume of produced water and sold water has increased and the water loss percentage has decreased. High cost of water production compared to revenue of sold water and water loss resulted in significant detriments in terms of the water production costs. Water loss level decreased from 33% to 30% as result of measures taken to reduce water loss but, it is still 15% higher than the world average level. Also the reduction in number of water resources and increase in the number and volume of reservoirs indicates a lack of water and a growing need. As result of high water loss, waste of costs in the contrast of water production cost and also because physical water loss accounts for most of the water loss of villages, necessary measures can be effective in reducing loss and have economic justification. 相似文献
Long-lasting expansion of haze pollution in China has already presented a stern challenge to regional joint prevention and control. There is an urgent need to enlarge and reconstruct the coverage of joint prevention and control of air pollution in key area. Air quality models can identify and quantify the regional contribution of haze pollution and its key components with the help of numerical simulation, but it is difficult to be applied to larger spatial scale due to the complexity of model parameters. The time series analysis can recognize the existence of spatial interaction of haze pollution between cities, but it has not yet been used to further identify the spatial sources of haze pollution in large scale. Using econometric framework of time series analysis, this paper developed a new approach to perform spatial source apportionment. We applied this approach to calculate the contribution from spatial sources of haze pollution in China, using the monitoring data of particulate matter (PM2.5) across 161 Chinese cities. This approach overcame the limitation of numerical simulation that the model complexity increases at excess with the expansion of sample range, and could effectively deal with severe large-scale haze episodes. 相似文献
环境质量是影响目的地旅游竞争力和可持续发展的重要因素。近年来,中国大陆出现了大范围的严重空气质量问题,雾霾成为备受关注的环境问题,关于雾霾的成因及其影响和防治成为当前学术研究的热点。包括北京在内的许多旅游城市饱受雾霾的困扰,雾霾对旅游业的负面影响开始显现,并成为当前旅游发展和学术研究的新问题。北京是世界知名的旅游目的地,旅游业在北京经济社会发展中占有重要地位,科学揭示雾霾对北京作为目的地旅游市场需求的负面影响,对于丰富雾霾影响的认识以及深化旅游研究具有重要意义。本文利用问卷星和微信平台进行了在线问卷调查,通过滚雪球方式获得了大数量较高可靠性的样本数据,研究了京外大陆居民对北京雾霾的旅游影响感知及其决策行为倾向,分析了大陆居民对北京雾霾感知的群体差异。研究表明:1在国内外媒体的广泛报道、亲友的口耳相传以及亲身经历等渠道的综合影响下,大陆居民对北京的雾霾及旅游健康风险、旅游体验风险均有十分强烈的感知;2在雾霾的持续困扰下,北京国内旅游需求减弱,市场增长速度放缓,同时也加剧了北京旅游市场的季节波动;3高学历、高收入群体对北京雾霾的旅游影响更加敏感,雾霾严重地区的居民对北京雾霾的感知强度明显大于雾霾不严重地区的居民,雾霾严重地区的居民在旅游目的地选择方面也更加排斥北京。 相似文献
为探究不同省级区域雾霾、经济增长和环境规制之间的空间关联效应,本文提出针对雾霾的引力模型空间权重矩阵,并利用该矩阵建立了空间杜宾模型,分别对全国、西部、中部和东部省区的面板数据进行了空间计量检验。实证结果显示:全国雾霾的莫兰指数值显著,且取值介于0.367—0.460之间;雾霾"重心"呈现先向东南再向西北移动的趋势,移动距离为76 557 m;雾霾的莫兰指数值为东部省区最大,西部省区最小,中部省区介于二者之间。全国的雾霾与经济增长之间呈显著的"U"型曲线,而西部、中部和东部省区则呈倒"U"型曲线,其中中部省区的曲线最为陡峭,西部省区次之,东部省区最为平缓。环境规制每增加1%,只有西部和东部的雾霾相应减少,且各自相应下降0.009和0.010个百分点。西部和东部经济增长的溢出效应均显著,而环境规制的溢出效应不显著。研究结果表明:(1)雾霾在空间上表现出集聚的特点,全国和三个区域的雾霾都存在显著的正向空间溢出效应,这种空间依赖性在时间维度上大致呈加强的趋势;雾霾的空间相关性表现为东部省区最强,西部省区紧随其后,中部省区最低。(2)西部和东部省区部分省市还未过拐点,全国意义上的环境库茨涅兹假说是不存在的,或者是至少还未出现。(3)西部和东部环境规制效果较为理想,而中部省区的环境规制效果不佳;从全国总体来看,当前的环境规制整体上对雾霾并未起到有效的抑制作用。(4)东西部省区和中部省区经济增长对雾霾溢出效应分别表现为正向和反向;环境规制对雾霾的溢出效应并不显著。建议加强对雾霾的区域协同治理,重点推进西部和东部省区经济结构的转型升级,调整和完善西部、中部和东部省区的环境规制政策。 相似文献
频繁且大面积的雾霾天气不仅严重影响了人们的身心健康和正常的生产生活,而且已成为社会各界广泛关注的重大问题,因此雾霾治理已成为当务之急。为了从经济学视角为雾霾治理决策提供理论支持,本文首先将全国分为东北、京津、北部、东部、南部、中部、西北和西南八大区域,进而建立了中国动态多区域可计算一般均衡模型,用以研究技术进步(能源利用效率和能源清洁技术)和税收(二氧化硫税)在大气污染治理中的作用及其对区域经济发展的影响。在数据方面,本文综合使用了2015年发布的GTAP9.0数据库和最新的区域间投入产出表数据。在情景设置方面,本文对直至2030年中国经济、社会的发展趋势进行了基准情景设定,同时设定了2 000元/t和5 000元/t的硫税情景、能效提高情景、清洁技术进步情景,以及包含三者的综合情景。研究发现:①征收5 000元/t的硫税能够使全国总体和绝大部分区域的PM_(2.5)浓度在2030年达到空气质量二级标准,但会给经济增长带来一定的负面影响;②改进能源清洁技术进一步巩固了治理大气污染的政策效果;③提高能源利用效率对空气污染的影响较小,但配合其他政策使用时能有效地降低对宏观经济的负面影响。根据研究结论,本文提出了相关的政策建议:首先,加强大气污染相关法制建设,只有完善的法制基础才能保障污染治理政策的有效实施;其次,适时提高排污税税率,并分地区、分行业制定不同的排污标准和税收标准;再次,加速发展科学技术,大幅提高与治理大气污染有关的科研投入;最后,区域间应建立生态补偿机制,并加强联防联控工作。 相似文献
Ericson Jogsten I Nadal M van Bavel B Lindström G Domingo JL 《Environment international》2012,39(1):172-180
A total of 27 per- and polyfluorinated compounds (PFCs) were determined in both house dust (n = 10) and indoor air (n = 10) from selected homes in Catalonia, Spain. Concentrations were found to be similar or lower than those previously reported for household microenvironments in other countries. Ten PFCs were detected in all house dust samples. The highest mean concentrations corresponded to perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) and perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), 10.7 ng/g (median: 1.5 ng/g) and 10.4 ng/g (median: 5.4 ng/g), respectively, while the 8:2 fluorotelomer alcohol (FTOH) was the dominating neutral PFC at a concentration of 0.41 ng/g (median: 0.35 ng/g). The indoor air was dominated by the FTOHs, especially the 8:2 FTOH at a mean (median) concentration of 51 pg/m3 (median: 42 pg/m3). A limited number of ionic PFCs were also detected in the indoor air samples. Daily intakes of PFCs were estimated for average and worst case scenarios of human exposure from indoor sources. For toddlers, this resulted in average intakes of ∑ ionic PFCs of 4.9 ng/day (0.33 ng/kgbw/day for a 15 kg toddlers) and ∑ neutral PFCs of 0.072 ng/day (0.005 ng/kgbw/day) from house dust. For adults, the average daily intakes of dust were 3.6 and 0.053 ng/day (0.05 and 0.001 ng/kgbw/day for a 70 kg adult) for ∑ ionic and ∑ neutral PFCs, respectively. The average daily inhalation of ∑ neutral PFCs was estimated to be 0.9 and 1.3 ng/day (0.06 and 0.02 ng/kgbw/day) for toddlers and adults, respectively. For PFOS, the main ionic PFC detected in indoor air samples, the median intakes (based on those samples where PFOS was detected), resulted in indoor exposures of 0.06 and 0.11 ng/day (0.004 and 0.002 ng/kgbw/day) for toddlers and adults, respectively. Based on previous studies on dietary intake and drinking water consumption, both house dust and indoor air contribute significantly less to PFC exposure within this population. 相似文献
空气污染对居民公共健康的影响,引起了人们高度的关注。但大多数学者研究从样本的独立性出发且不考虑内生性问题,忽视区域之间空间相关性,所得结论和政策建议需谨慎对待。为了弥补上述不足,本文基于Grossman中国宏观健康生产函数,选取2001—2014年中国广东省珠江三角洲9个城市作为样本,选择以PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)作为空气污染的代理指标,在充分考虑空间效应和严格假设检验的基础上选择合适的空间计量经济学模型,对此进行实证研究。主要研究结果显示:空气污染对居民的公共健康带来了负面影响,即PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)每增加1%,导致哮喘疾病和内科门诊等疾病人数不断上升,且影响都比较大,尤其是对哮喘疾病的影响分别为0.2236%和0.2272%。经济增长对公共健康均有显著的促进作用,影响最大;其它财政医疗支出、卫生技术人员和人口密度等要素对居民公共健康的影响较小。由于空气污染的负外部性,研究还发现,区域之间空气污染的"溢出效应"对领域居民公共健康存在显著的影响,说明忽视空间自相关性的存在,会使得空气污染对公众健康的估计产生偏差。从长期看,空气污染对本地居民公共健康的直接效应都显著为正,PM_(2.5)间接效应显著为负,但PM_(10)间接效应并不显著。因此,各级政府除了在源头上治理污染物的排放,提高公共健康水平外,还应该打破各自为阵的行政垄断,应该作为一个整体,实现跨区域环保合作,共同治理和制定公共卫生政策等。这对区域之间协同减排和保护居民公共健康具有重要的理论和现实意义。 相似文献
Hermann Fromme Wolfgang Krner Nabil Shahin Antonia Wanner Michael Albrecht Sigrun Boehmer Harun Parlar Richard Mayer Bernhard Liebl Gabriele Bolte 《Environment international》2009,35(8):1125-1135
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) are used as flame retardants in a wide variety of products. As part of the Integrated Exposure Assessment Survey (INES), this study aimed to characterize the exposure of an adult German population using duplicate diet samples, which were collected daily over seven consecutive days, and indoor air and house dust measurements. Our study population consisted of 27 female and 23 male healthy subjects, aged 14–60 years, all of whom resided in 34 homes in southern Bavaria. In these 34 residences the air was sampled using glass fiber filters and polyurethane foams and the dust was collected from used vacuum cleaner bags.The median (95th percentile) daily dietary intake of six Tetra- to HeptaBDE congeners was 1.2 ng/kg b.w. (3.3 ng/kg b.w.) or 67.8 ng/day (208 ng/day) (calculated from the 7-day median values of each study subject). Concentrations in indoor air and dust (cumulative Tri- to DecaBDE congener readings) ranged from 8.2 to 477 pg/m³ (median: 37.8 pg/m³) and 36.6 to 1580 ng/g (median: 386 ng/g), respectively. For some congeners, we identified a significant correlation between air and dust levels.The median (95th percentile) blood concentration of total Tetra- to HexaBDE congener readings was 5.6 (13.2) ng/g lipid. No significant sex differences were observed, but higher blood concentrations were found in younger participants. Using a simplified toxicokinetic model to predict the body burden from exposure doses led to results that were of the same order of magnitude as the measured blood concentrations.Based on these measurements and given our exposure assumptions, we estimated for the total tetra- to heptabrominated congener count an average (high) comprehensive total daily intake of 1.2 ng/kg b.w. (2.5 ng/kg b.w.). Overall, our results suggest that dietary exposure is the dominant intake pathway at least in our study population, responsible for 97% (average intake) and 95% (high intake) of the total intake of an adult population. 相似文献
Sigit Sudarmadi Shosuke Suzuki Tomoyuki Kawada Herawati Netti Soeharsono Soemantri A. Tri Tugaswati 《Environment, Development and Sustainability》2001,3(2):169-183
A quantitative study was conducted in 1998 to investigate differences in perception, knowledge, awareness, and attitude with regard to environmental problems between educated and community groups and to identify human-dimension factors to improve public perception, knowledge, awareness, and attitude in relation to global environmental conservation concerns in developing countries. Educated and community groups in Jakarta were interviewed, and data obtained from a total of 537 males aged 30-49 years were analyzed. The data were evaluated by the chi-squared test and logistic regression was applied after factor analysis. The results show that: (1) The perception, knowledge, awareness, and attitude of educated subjects in regard to regional and global environmental problems were much better than those of subjects in the community group; (2) The highest 'yes' response in the community group was in regard to perception of AIDS (82.9%). Few subjects in the community group knew the effects and the cause or source of environmental problems, however, they were well informed about AIDS (86.4% for effects and 93.9% for cause or source). The conclusions are: (1) subjects in the educated group had better perception, more detailed knowledge, were more aware, and had better attitudes in regard to regional and global environmental problems than those in the community group; (2) more education is needed to develop environmental actions and ethics in developing countries; (3) non-formal environmental education through popular mass media should be used more widely and frequently, and more detailed information on the environment should be provided to literate people by newspapers and other means. 相似文献
Hua Jiang Jeong-Nam Kim Yi Luo 《Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture》2019,13(5):582-602
This study applied a situational approach to understanding an environmental problem: PM2.5 (its resulted haze and smog air pollution) in China. Based on a national sample of 374 citizens living in China, it tested a situational model of problem solving and extended it by adding citizens’ environmental engagement behaviour as an immediate consequence of their communicative action. Results of a structural equation modelling analysis supported all the causal links in the conceptual model. Moreover, communicative action significantly mediated the relationship between referent criterion and environmental engagement. Problem recognition, constraint recognition, and involvement recognition did not influence environmental engagement directly, but exerted their significant indirect impact via two key mediators in the model: situational motivation in problem solving and communicative action in problem solving. Theoretical and practical implications of the present study were discussed. 相似文献
He Jie Département d’économique GREDI Faculté d’administration Université de Sherbrooke boulevard de l’Univesité Sher-brooke QC JKR Canada 《中国人口.资源与环境(英文版)》2008,6(1):14-24
In this paper, we construct a model in which the impact of pollution on health is exerted through both direct and indirect channels. The indirect channel is captured by a production function in which the principal health-improving factor, income growth, can be realized only in the cost of pollution increase. This model is then tested by the aggregated chronicle disease data in over 78 Chinese counties. Our results show, after attaining the threshold of 8 μ g/m^2, continuous increase in industrial SO2 emission density will lead the ratio of population suffering chronicle diseases, among which respiratory diseases occupy a significant proportion, to rise. However, owing to technological progress in pollution control activities, the needed SO2 emission to produce one unit of GDP diminishes with time. Therefore, the negative effect from pollution augmentation on public health seems to be recompensed more and more by the positive effect of economic growth. 相似文献
He Jie 《中国人口.资源与环境(英文版)》2013,11(1):14-24
Abstract In this paper, we construct a model in which the impact of pollution on health is exerted through both direct and indirect channels. The indirect channel is captured by a production function in which the principal health-improving factor, income growth, can be realized only in the cost of pollution increase. This model is then tested by the aggregated chronicle disease data in over 78 Chinese counties. Our results show, after attaining the threshold of 8 μg/m2, continuous increase in industrial SO2 emission density will lead the ratio of population suffering chronicle diseases, among which respiratory diseases occupy a significant proportion, to rise. However, owing to technological progress in pollution control activities, the needed SO2 emission to produce one unit of GDP diminishes with time. Therefore, the negative effect from pollution augmentation on public health seems to be recompensed more and more by the positive effect of economic growth. 相似文献
Natalia Valero Inmaculada Aguilera Sabrina Llop Ana Esplugues Audrey de Nazelle Ferran Ballester Jordi Sunyer 《Environment international》2009,35(8):1196-1201
Determinants of outdoor, indoor and personal concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were assessed in a subset of pregnant women of the Spanish INMA (Environment and Childhood) Study. Home indoor and outdoor NO2 concentrations were measured during 48 h with passive samplers for 50 and 58 women from the INMA cohorts of Valencia and Sabadell, respectively. Women from Sabadell also carried personal NO2 samplers during the same period. Data on time–activity patterns, socio-economic characteristics, and environmental exposures were obtained through questionnaires. Multiple linear regression models were developed to predict NO2 levels.In Valencia, median outdoor NO2 levels (42 µg/m3) were higher than median indoor levels (36 µg/m3). In Sabadell, personal NO2 showed the highest median levels (40 µg/m3), followed by indoor (32 µg/m3) and outdoor (29 µg/m3) levels. Personal exposure to NO2 correlated best with the indoor NO2 levels. Temporal and traffic-related variables were significant predictors for outdoor NO2 levels. Thirty-two percent of the indoor NO2 variability in the two cohorts was explained by outdoor NO2 levels and the use of the gas appliances. The model for personal exposure accounted for 59% of the variance in NO2 levels in Sabadell with four predictor variables (outdoor and indoor NO2 levels, time spent in outdoor environments and time exposed to a gas cooker). No significant association was found between personal or indoor NO2 levels and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) at home.Personal NO2 levels were found to be strongly influenced by indoor NO2 concentrations. The study supports the use of time–activity patterns along with indoor measurements to predict personal exposure to traffic-related air pollution. 相似文献
ABSTRACTIn recent years, high-polluting industries have been gradually shifted from the eastern developed regions to the central and western underdeveloped regions in China. Certain environmental regulations have been in place accordingly in various regions, but the pollution in the central and western regions has risen sharply. Based on the data of interprovincial panel in China from 2006 to 2015, this paper calculates high-pollution industry dynamic agglomeration index, environmental pollution agglomeration index and relative environmental regulation intensity index, and uses Generalized Method of Moments to carry out the regression analyses of the whole samples, regional heterogeneity and temporal heterogeneity. The results show that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between relative environmental regulation and environmental pollution concentration in China. The concentration degrees of industrial wastewater pollution and industrial waste gas pollution are deepened, which are mainly caused by the transfer of highly polluting industries. However, the concentration of industrial solid waste pollution caused by the transfer is not obvious. Furthermore, the deepening of industrialization intensifies the concentration of regional environmental pollution. Environmental Kuznets Curve does exist in China, but it is not significant. The increase of labor cost and quality will reduce the concentration of environmental pollution. 相似文献
PM(10) concentration and chemical composition (ions and carbon compounds) at three sampling stations in Rome and in its surroundings was determined daily during a one-month field study, carried out during December 2003. PM concentration at the traffic station was considerably higher than at the urban background and semi-rural stations; elemental carbon was detected as one of the chemical components responsible for this increase. The difference in the concentration of sulphate and ammonium was negligible, as it was expected for secondary pollutants. A negative artefact in the determination of ammonium nitrate by means of heated automatic monitors was highlighted. The dilution properties of the lower atmosphere were traced by means of a natural radioactivity monitor. This parameter has been found to play an essential role in pollution buildup. A considerable increase in PM concentration was observed to coincide with periods of atmospheric stability. The main difference in PM composition between periods of high concentration and periods of "clean" air was found to be in the increase of ammonium nitrate concentration. 相似文献
K. B. Gongalsky Zh. V. Filimonova A. D. Pokarzhevskii R. O. Butovsky 《Russian Journal of Ecology》2007,38(1):52-57
The influence of the Kosogorsky Metallurgical Plant (KMP; Tula region, Russia) on the abundance and biodiversity of carabid beetles and soil macrofauna and on the trophic activity of soil biota was studied. Metal concentrations in the impact plot were many times higher than those in the control plot located on the same transect. As the transect approached KMP, both the abundance of soil invertebrates (geobionts) and trophic activity of the soil biota remained unchanged, whereas the abundance and diversity of carabids (herpetobionts) decreased drastically. It is suggested that the impact of the KMP on herpetobionts is accounted for by modification of the structure of ecosystems and that herpetobiontic and geobiontic groups of the macrofauna respond differently to this impact because of differences in the ecological mechanisms of population response. 相似文献
Levels of elements in the surficial estuarine sediments of the Hugli River, northeast India and their environmental implications 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Kumar Sarkar S Francisković-Bilinski S Bhattacharya A Saha M Bilinski H 《Environment international》2004,30(8):1089-1098
The present paper is the first document of a detailed geochemical and mineralogical study of muddy to sandy mud estuarine sediments of the Hugli River collected from five different sites along its course in the coastal areas of West Bengal, northeast India. The present work attempts to establish the status of distribution and environmental implications of 52 elements in the surficial estuarine sediments and their possible sources of derivation. The level of both metallic and non-metallic elements shows a wide range of variation all along the course of the estuary and can be attributed to their differential derivation from the source rocks and differential discharge of untreated effluents originating from industrial, agricultural, aquacultural as well as domestic sewage. The element contents, particularly the heavy metal content in the sediments, are the lowest in the upstream part of the estuary at Diamond Harbor, whereas, these are slightly higher in the intermediate stretch of the estuary at Haldia to highest in the mouth of estuary at Gangasagar. These changes indicate that the metals that are carried from upstream find their ultimate depositional sink at the delta mouth near Gangasagar, where almost all the elements showed elevated values. The majority of the elements have their highest concentrations at Canning, a site within the tidal channel network of the Hugli-Matla drainage basin away from the direct influence of the Hugli River. This site is severely contaminated with huge organic load from domestic sewage, aquaculture, intensive trawling activities and agricultural runoff. Moreover, the site suffers from heavy siltation load causing an almost moribund condition of Matla River at this point. Equi-dimensional quartzo-feldspathic mineral grains are consistent components in the siliciclastic composition of the sediments and their sizes at each station are controlled by respective hydrodynamic conditions. Various flaky minerals (mica, chlorite, hornblende) are also present but show inconsistent patterns of distribution. These flaky minerals remain in suspension for a long time and do not follow the usual law of settling of particles depending on the hydrodynamic regime prevailing in the area. Presented data will serve as a baseline against which future anthropogenic effects may be assessed. A comprehensive account of heavy metal content in sediments from different coastal regions of peninsular India has also been presented for purpose of comparison. 相似文献
排污补贴视角下的养殖户环保投资影响因素研究——基于沪、苏、浙生猪养殖户的调查分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
随着畜牧业的发展,畜牧业污染问题日益突出。解决污染问题的关键是增强养殖户参与,鼓励他们自发进行环保投资,而政府补贴对于具有外部性的生产投资活动均具有刺激作用。为了量化分析影响农户环保投资行为的各因素的作用程度,特别是政府补贴的激烈效果,本文运用调查结合实证的研究方法,在农户模型的分析框架上,以沪、苏、浙地区394户生猪养殖户的调查数据为基础,应用有序logit模型验证排污补贴、养殖户生产经营特征、环保需求特征对养殖户环保投资的作用。研究表明除了政府补贴会刺激养殖户的环保投资外,养殖规模对环保投资有激励作用,而养殖年限却会抑制环保投资。养殖户的个人特征,对污染的认知及参与污染治理的意愿也对环保投资水平有正的影响,但作用效果不明显。在此基础上,本文提出了合理制定和推进排污补贴政策,以"离牧补助"等形式促使养殖规模和环保要求不符的养殖户退出养殖业,加大畜牧业污染危害的宣传力度以及政府加强对污染处理技术的研发投资,从而降低处理成本等政策建议。 相似文献
在工业化进程中,中国地方政府利用其掌控的土地资源进行大规模的招商引资活动,其中工业用地出让成为其招商引资的法宝。为了在激烈的竞争中获得某些优势,它们有时甚至不惜降低引资质量底线,从而引来一些高污染、高能耗的工业企业,并带来日益严重的环境污染问题。论文利用工业用地协议出让把工业用地出让、引资质量底线竞争与环境污染三者联系起来,并运用2004—2013年全国252个地级市的土地出让数据、经济数据、环境数据来分析工业用地出让对中国经济和环境的影响。通过协议出让面积对固定资产投资、工业总产值、GDP和地方财政收入进行回归来分析采用协议出让方式引入投资项目的质量;通过协议出让面积对工业二氧化硫和工业废水排放量进行回归来分析协议出让方式对当地环境污染的影响。实证结果表明,当期及前期的工业用地协议出让面积与固定资产投资、工业总产值、GDP、地方财政收入、税收等均呈负相关关系,与当地污染物的排放量呈正相关关系。换言之,地方政府若试图用协议出让方式增加工业用地出让面积来促进地方经济增长,将得不偿失,在短期内虽然对地方经济有一定的促进作用,但在长期内会对地方经济和环境造成危害。为了实现经济和生态环境的可持续发展,应完善地方政府的考核方式,调整以GDP为主的政绩考核机制,综合当地环境状况和除经济增长外的其他社会性服务指标作为考核指标;中央政府应该加强对地方政府的监管,严格规范工业用地出让,优化土地资源配置,提升引资质量;地方政府应加强对当地企业的监管,并严格执行环保标准。 相似文献