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经济增长与农业碳排放关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李波 《生态环境》2012,21(2):220-224
研究首先基于农业投入与生产视角的6个主要方面碳源,测算了1993-2008年我国农业生产活动所导致的碳排放量,分析发现我国农业碳排放总量和强度分别年均增长率为4.08%、2.38%,但环比增速总体上处于阶段性下降态势。化肥、农药、农膜、农用柴油、灌溉、翻耕等导致碳排放年均递增率分别为3.45%、4.65%、7.20%、4.77%、1.22%、0.38%。进一步综合运用协整理论及误差修正模型,实证我国经济增长与农业碳排放之间的关系。结果表明:我国经济增长与农业碳排放总强度,以及经济增长与化肥、农药、农膜、农用柴油、翻耕等5类碳源导致的碳排放强度之间存在协整关系,且人均GDP每增加1%,农业碳排放总强度与化肥、农药、农膜、农用柴油、翻耕等碳源的碳排放强度分别增加1.72%、1.61%、1.18%、0.40%、2.48%和1.31%。最后,据此提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Energy is one of the most important elements required for poverty alleviation and socioeconomic development, and it has a particularly strong impact on households in rural areas. An extensive survey on household energy consumption patterns that interrelates socioeconomic and demographic factors was conducted in the disregarded villages of Lijiang City by using the stratified random sampling technique for 120 households. This study focuses on household energy consumption and the related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the study area. Firewood, biogas, and electricity were identified as the main energy sources of the rural households. This study demonstrates that 100% of the households use firewood, 52% use biogas, and 95% use electricity as fuel types. On average, each household consumed 1752 kg of firewood, 280 m3 of biogas, and 392 kWh of electricity annually. All households generated an annual average amount of CO2 emissions of 3851 kg, of which 85.08% come from firewood, 7.66% from biogas, and 7.26% from electricity. Family size, income, and educational level were found to be the major factors that influence CO2 emissions. The results of this study may be useful in explaining the energy consumption characteristics in the rural areas of Lijiang City and are expected to be useful in policy formulation for energy consumption and environmental protection.  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to explore the different factors that affect tourism development in the panel of 34 developed and developing countries, over the period of 2005–2013. Energy consumption, air pollution, health expenditures, and economic growth played a vital role to change tourism development indicators in the region. The results confirmed the long-run association between the energy, environment, growth, and tourism indicators in the panel of selected 34 countries. The results of fully modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS) indicate that health expenditures have a positive relationship with the tourism indicators, while energy consumption exerts a negative association with the tourism indicators in the region. The results of dynamic ordinary least squares regression also confirmed the same results of FMOLS regarding health expenditures and energy consumption, that is, positive and negative impacts on the tourism indicators. However, carbon dioxide emissions exert a positive relationship with the tourism indicators in the region.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship among carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, GDP, and energy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries by using a Responsiveness Scores (RS) approach. Empirical results over the period 1971–2013 suggest that GDP per capita and energy consumption show positive RSs, while trade and urban population negative ones. Moreover, energy consumption and urban population reveal moderate increasing returns to scale, while GDP per capita exhibits decreasing positive returns. Furthermore, three-way factors analysis sets out that most of the countries lays on regions with moderate negative Total Responsiveness Scores (TRS). This means that when all factors are jointly increased, CO2 emissions have a moderate decrease. In addition, some GCC countries present a different pattern compared to the average pattern of MENA countries. Finally, radar plots indicate that, overall, RS pattern over factors is moderately heterogeneous within GCC countries, with larger variability appearing in the response to urban population and GDP.  相似文献   

This paper integrates tourism, economic growth, and environmental issues in a multivariate format. Unlike recent research on this topic, a panel data of selected sample nations of sub-Saharan Africa is adopted by using cointegration and panel regression models. The current research discovers both long-run equilibrium and short-run dynamics between economic growth, tourism, energy use, and carbon emissions in sub-Saharan Africa. Furthermore, tourism and energy use show a highly significant direct impact on economic growth. In addition, tourism, energy use, and economic growth yield a highly significant positive effect on carbon emissions. Dissecting the region into oil producers and non-oil producers further suggests that the economic growth of sub-Saharan Africa has been accomplished by strong growth in tourism and energy use. However, there is highly significant evidence that in oil producing countries, CO2 emissions are directly affected by energy use and economic growth and not by tourism. For non-oil producing countries, tourism and energy use but not economic growth incur a highly significant positive impact on carbon emissions.  相似文献   


Low-carbon development is an essential measure to combat climate change, and the establishment of low-carbon standards is an important means to achieve low-carbon development. Due to the differences in size and development level among counties of China, the applicability and fairness of county-level low-carbon standards are very important in this country. This study analyzed the trends of county-level carbon emissions in China, defined the peak value of carbon emissions per capita, summarized the characteristics of existing low-carbon standards, and proposed a fair county-level low-carbon standard based on carbon emissions per capita. The results of our analysis suggest that, under the constraints of carbon emissions reduction policies, China’s carbon emissions per capita will tend towards a stable range. Additionally, by referring to predictions results of the peak value of China’s carbon emissions per capita, it was determined that, in low-carbon development targets, China’s county-level carbon emissions per capita should be set within the range of 2–4 tons. Besides setting low-carbon standards, the Chinese government and private enterprises should develop low-carbon technologies as soon as possible and innovate management models to achieve the win–win situation of simultaneous economic growth and carbon emissions reduction.  相似文献   

We exploit recent advances in climate science to develop a physically consistent, yet surprisingly simple, model of climate policy. It seems that key economic models have greatly overestimated the delay between carbon emissions and warming, and ignored the saturation of carbon sinks that takes place when the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide rises. This has important implications for climate policy. If carbon emissions are abated, damages are avoided almost immediately. Therefore it is optimal to reduce emissions significantly in the near term and bring about a slow transition to optimal peak warming, even if optimal steady-state/peak warming is high. The optimal carbon price should start relatively high and grow relatively fast.  相似文献   

Poor biodegradability and insufficient carbon source are discovered from influent. Influent indices presented positively normal distribution or skewed distribution. Average energy consumption of WWTPs in Taihu Basin was as high as 0.458 kWh/m3. Energy consumption increases with the increase in influent volume and COD reduction. The total energy consumption decreases with the NH3-N reduction. The water quality and energy consumption of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Taihu Basin were evaluated on the basis of the operation data from 204 municipal WWTPs in the basin by using various statistical methods. The influent ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and total nitrogen (TN) of WWTPs in Taihu Basin showed normal distribution, whereas chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), suspended solid (SS), and total phosphorus (TP) showed positively skewed distribution. The influent BOD5/COD was 0.4%–0.6%, only 39.2% SS/BOD5 exceeded the standard by 36.3%, the average BOD5/TN was 3.82, and the probability of influent BOD5/TP>20 was 82.8%. The average energy consumption of WWTPs in Taihu Basin in 2017 was 0.458 kWh/m3. The specific energy consumption of WWTPs with a daily treatment capacity of more than 5 × 104 m3 in Taihu Basin was stable at 0.33 kWh/m3. A power function relationship was observed between the reduction in COD and NH3-N and the specific energy consumption of pollutant reduction, and the higher the pollutant reduction is, the lower the specific energy consumption of pollutant reduction presents. In addition, a linear relationship existed between the energy consumption of WWTPs and the specific energy consumption of influent volume and pollutant reduction. Therefore, upgrading and operation with less energy consumption of WWTPs is imperative and the suggestions for Taihu WWTPs based on stringent discharge standard are proposed in detail.  相似文献   

This work aims to identify the main factors influencing the energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the iron and steel industry in China during the period of 1995–2007. The logarithmic mean divisia index (LMDI) technique was applied with period-wise analysis and time-series analysis. Changes in energyrelated CO2 emissions were decomposed into four factors: emission factor effect, energy structure effect, energy consumption effect, and the steel production effect. The results show that steel production is the major factor responsible for the rise in CO2 emissions during the sampling period; on the other hand the energy consumption is the largest contributor to the decrease in CO2 emissions. To a lesser extent, the emission factor and energy structure effects have both negative and positive contributions to CO2 emissions, respectively. Policy implications are provided regarding the reduction of CO2 emissions from the iron and steel industry in China, such as controlling the overgrowth of steel production, improving energy-saving technologies, and introducing low-carbon energy sources into the iron and steel industry.  相似文献   

The study aims to examine lagged causal effect of economic development policies on the carbon footprint of Southeast Asia. This study employs unit root test, cointegration test and panel data analysis methods to examine endogeneity concerns in observational data. The study applies panel data analysis methods to address unobserved country effect in the model. The balanced panel data includes a total of 240 observations with five cross sections of five nations in Southeast Asia and with 48 time-specific periods of 1970–2017. The results indicate that (1) exports, industrialization, urbanization and economic growth have lagged negative effect on the carbon footprint of the region in the short-run, and (2) there exists a long-run equilibrium relationship among exports, industrialization, urbanization, economic growth and carbon footprint in the region. The findings suggest that the economic growth, exports, industrialization and urbanization of the developing countries in Southeast Asia have been achieved at the cost of increasing the carbon footprint of the region. The findings imply that the environmental policy of the export-led growth countries never have been effective so far since the nations have achieved their economic growth at the high cost of harming the environment of the nations.  相似文献   

慕庆国 《生态环境》2011,20(12):1970-1973
能源是经济发展的命脉。经济和能源的协调发展是社会发展的原动力。经济发展离开能源的基础,那将是无源之水,无本之木。所以,经济和能源应该协调发展,社会才能稳步前进。发展低碳经济是利用先进的技术和有效的管理方法与手段,保护资源,保护环境,实现社会和经济的可持续化发展的必由之路;是我国经济发展方式转型,产业结构调整过程中必须完成的紧迫任务之一。世界产业结构的变动,必然影响到开放度不断加大的我国,正是在这样的背景下,我国的煤炭及其他矿产品的出口不断增长。在我国融人经济全球化的过程中,要注意在接受国际产业结构调整对我国经济发展有利影响的同时,要用低碳经济的发展战略模式,避免消极影响危及我国经济的长期、根本利益。应该在这个大前提下,对我国自然资源进行有计划的开发和提高自然资源的有效利用。实现可持续发展已经成为中国社会经济发展的一个重要基本方针,可持续发展不仅要强调对环境的保护,而且应包括如何解决在人口已经高度密集,人均资源相对匮乏,自然生态环境已经十分脆弱的条件下,如何实现经济的长期高速发展,同时又要保护环境的这样一个史无前例的社会实践问题。低碳经济和能源资源的协调发展就成了解决这一问题的必经之路。能源既是重要的必不可少的经济发展和社会生活的物质前提,又是现实的重要污染来源,解决好我国的能源可持续发展战略问题,是实现我国社会经济可持续发展的重要环节。  相似文献   

利用格兰杰因果关系检验(Granger causality tests)方法分析了江苏省处在不同发展阶段的三大区域的工业经济增长和环境污染之间双向作用关系。研究结果表明:经济发展水平越高,工业经济增长对环境污染的影响越明显,并且持续时间长,在某种程度上环境污染已经成为受工业经济增长影响的内生变量;江苏省三大区域环境污染都不是工业经济增长的原因,环境污染的加重并不能带来工业经济的增长,因此,在实践中靠牺牲环境来换取经济增长的理念是不可取的,"先污染后治理"的发展思路是不可行的。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the toxic impact of copper on postlarvae (PL) of the penaeid shrimp Penaeus indicus. Tolerance, growth, oxygen consumption and metal accumulation were investigated in these PL on exposure to copper. Tolerance studies were conducted for 96 h to assess the tolerance limits of P. indicus PL exposed to different concentrations of copper using static renewal bioassay tests. Using the Probit method, the regression equation was calculated as Y=0.4899+2.3562 X, with a correlation coefficient of 0.9707. The 96 h LC50 was 0.8204 ppm. The effect of sublethal (one-fifth of 96 h LC50) copper on PL for short- and long-term exposures revealed a significant (p<0.05) decrease in the rate of oxygen consumption, metabolic rate, mean length, wet and dry weight of the exposed PL over their respective controls which can be attributed to a gradual and time-dependent accumulation of the metal, as noticed in the exposed PL through accumulation studies. Overall, the data suggest that on chronic exposure even sublethal concentrations of copper can reduce the metabolic rate and growth in P. indicus PL. This is perhaps the first attempt to use the wild P. indicus PL as a bioindicator of copper toxicity.  相似文献   

China has large regional disparities in carbon dioxide CO2 emissions with economic development among its 31 provincial mainland regions. This paper investigates these disparities in CO2 emission patterns and identifies the factors underlying the differences. Results show that the 30 study China's mainland provinces (Tibet not included) can be divided into seven groups with three typical CO2 emission patterns. Index decomposition results indicate that changes in economic development, the industrial sector, and technology contribute far more to increased CO2 emissions than do population, energy structure, and other sectors. Close inspection reveals that different industry structures and technology contribute greatly to the differences observed in CO2 emissions between provinces with similar economic output. This study highlights the importance of region-specific industrial structure adjustment policies, especially for regions transitioning to heavy industry and for those still in the primary stages of industrialization. The potential application of a domestic carbon emissions trading system, to encourage regional investment in updated technology, is also discussed.  相似文献   

生物质能(Biomass energy)是最为广泛的可再生能源,其中多年生芒属C4植物(Miscanthus)由于具有巨大碳固定能力而成为潜力巨大的生物质能植物。中国是芒属植物芒草起源中心,但相对于欧洲国家应对能源危机和温室效应而采取的芒草研究与应用来说,仍处于起步阶段。我国长期以来传统的草地利用模式,决定了在南方草地的研究显著少于北方,近年来芒草在华南地区的运用研究集中于生态修复,对草本植物群落基于生态系统水平的 CO2气体交换能力的研究仍然相当缺乏,在二氧化碳浓度持续增长及全球变暖背景下,生物质能植物及其碳汇功能的相关研究尤显重要。我国南方近6700万hm2退化丘陵草坡急待恢复或处于恢复中,草坡地芒属植物符合生物质能植物标准,施肥少,害虫少,农药输入少,能够有效地利用光、水等自然资源。考虑到C4植物具有比C3植物更强的光合作用能力,高光能利用率C4芒属植物的碳固定能力及能源潜力值得重视,但缺乏科学的碳动态和碳收支评估。综述了国内外芒草生物量特征与生物质能潜力研究现状,重点论述芒属植物生态系统水平的碳动态和收支能力研究,探讨了系统水平更客观评估芒属碳源汇(Carbon sequestration)功能的方法,基于生物量过程的研究结果及华南地区草坡研究历史和现状,为草坡地生物质能的合理开发利用提出了相关对策,强调在我国南方开发和利用芒属植物资源具有重要能源价值和经济、环境效益。  相似文献   

工业化高速发展时期广州市的碳收支变化初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了了解我国发达城市在工业化高速发展进程中CO2的收支状况,以广州市为研究对象,首次估算了其从1990年到2003年每年的净固碳量和释碳量,并分析了其变化趋势。研究结果表明,这13年间广州市的净固碳量与总释碳量年均增长率分别为0.93%与7.16%;到2003年,其净固碳量为2.57Mt,而其总释碳量已达到22.79Mt,其中约70%的释碳量源于化石燃料的燃烧。工业化高速发展时期也是释碳量日益高于净固碳量的时期,两者之间差距的逐步加大,已经使得广州市目前的碳收支状况发展到了极不平衡的程度。而逐年递增的人口和以化石燃料为主的能源消费是造成广州市碳收支严重失衡的主要原因。  相似文献   

西双版纳森林植被碳储量动态与增汇潜力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学评估区域森林碳储量动态与增汇潜力对理解陆地碳循环具有重要的意义。本文基于生物量转换因子连续函数法,对西双版纳1993—2006年间森林植被碳储量与碳汇潜力进行了研究,结果表明,(1)西双版纳1993—1994年间森林植被整体碳储量为60 770 378.37 t,碳汇增量表现为栎类(Quercus L.)〉经济林〉思茅松(Pinus kesiya)〉其它阔叶〉桤木(Alnus cremastogyne),主要森林类型的碳密度范围为15.08~74.76 t.hm-2;2005—2006年间森林植被整体碳储量为62 347 715.19 t,比1994—1993年间上升2.60%,碳汇增量均表现为其它阔叶〉经济林〉栎类〉思茅松〉桤木〉杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolate)〉其它针叶,主要森林类型的碳密度范围为8.60~70.90 t.hm-2。(2)2005—2006年间,景洪森林植被整体碳储量为23 299 801.23 t,碳密度范围为8.78~73.35 t.hm-2;勐海森林植被整体碳储量为14 058 043.42 t,碳密度范围为7.95~59.51 t.hm-2;勐腊森林植被整体碳储量为25 050 562.32 t,碳密度范围为8.46~98.73 t.hm-2。可见,1993—2006年间,西双版纳森林植被起到了重要的碳汇功能,且其碳汇功能呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

光质对烤烟生长发育、主要经济性状和品质特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈伟  蒋卫  梁贵林  邱雪柏  潘文杰 《生态环境》2011,20(12):1860-1866
以烤烟(Nicotiana tabacum)云烟87为材料,在烤烟团棵期和打顶期用透光率相近的有色薄膜分别对其进行遮光处理直到采收结束,研究光质对烤烟生长发育、主要经济性状和品质特征的影响。结果表明:蓝光有促进烟株生殖生长和延缓烟叶成熟的作用,红光、黄光和白光对烟株的生育进程无明显影响,打顶期遮光有延长烟株大田生育期的趋势。光质对叶片生长发育影响最大,红光和蓝光的影响效应主要表现在烟叶生育前期,黄光和白光的影响效应主要体现在烟叶生育后期。自然光和红膜下烟株的农艺性状综合表现最好,红光有促进烟茎生长和叶片发育的作用,蓝光和黄光则抑制茎干生长和降低叶面积。烟株生长前期增加红光比例有助于初烤烟叶主要经济性状的改善,后期蓝光的作用逐渐凸显。烟株不同生长时期红光和黄光的适当组合在改善烟叶品质中起着重要作用,烟株生长前期增加红光比例有利于降低初烤烟叶烟碱和蛋白质含量,提高糖类物质含量和评吸质量,但对氧化钾含量作负效应贡献;烟株生长后期提高黄光比例可使初烤烟叶的化学成分更为协调,对吸食品质有较好的提升作用。  相似文献   

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