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Very few investigations have examined the direct impacts of vehicle exhausts on plants and attempted to separate out the key pollutants responsible for observed effects. This paper describes a multi-phase investigation into this topic, using 12 herbaceous species typical of urban areas and representing different functional groups. Fumigations were conducted in solardomes with diesel exhaust pollutants at concentrations designed to simulate those close to a major highway in inner London. A wide range of effects were detected, including growth stimulation and inhibition, changes in gas exchange and premature leaf senescence. This was complemented by controlled fumigations with NO, NO(2) and their mixture, as well as a transect study away from a busy inner London road. All evidence suggested that NO(x) was the key phytotoxic component of exhaust emissions, and highlights the potential for detrimental effects of vehicle emissions on urban ecosystems.  相似文献   

A sensitivity analysis was conducted to characterize sources of uncertainty in results of a molecular marker source apportionment model of ambient particulate matter using mobile source emissions profiles obtained as part of the Gasoline/Diesel PM Split Study. A chemical mass balance (CMB) model was used to determine source contributions to samples of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) collected over 3 weeks at two sites in the Los Angeles area in July 2001. The ambient samples were composited for organic compound analysis by the day of the week to investigate weekly trends in source contributions. The sensitivity analysis specifically examined the impact of the uncertainty in mobile source emissions profiles on the CMB model results. The key parameter impacting model sensitivity was the source profile for gasoline smoker vehicles. High-emitting gasoline smoker vehicles with visible plumes were seen to be a significant source of PM in the area, but use of different measured profiles for smoker vehicles in the model gave very different results for apportionment of gasoline, diesel, and smoker vehicle tailpipe emissions. In addition, the contributions of gasoline and diesel emissions to total ambient PM varied as a function of the site and the day of the week.  相似文献   

Air quality is degraded by many factors, among which the emissions from on-road vehicles play a significant role. Timely and accurate estimate of such emissions becomes very important for policy-making and effective control measures. However, lack of traffic data and outdated emission software make this task difficult. This research has demonstrated a new method that facilitates the vehicular emission inventories at the local level by using shorter-time Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) traffic data along with the latest U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) emission modeling software, MOBILE6. The conversion methodology was developed for converting readily available HPMS traffic volume data into EPA MOBILE-based traffic classifications, and a corresponding software program was written for automating the process. EPA MOBILE6 model was used to obtain emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compound (VOC), and cabon monoxide (CO) emitted by the parent traffic and subsampled traffic data, and these emissions were additionally compared. The case study has shown that the difference of the magnitude between the emission estimates produced by certain subsampled and parent traffic data are minor, indicating that subsampled HPMS data can be used for reporting parent traffic emissions. It was also observed that traffic emissions follow a Weibull distribution, and NOx emissions were more sensitive to the traffic data composition than VOC and CO. Lastly, use of average emission values of 20 or 30 consecutive minutes appears to be valid for representing hourly emissions.  相似文献   

A model which quantifies the relationship between the monthly time series for CO emissions, the monthly time series in ambient CO concentration, and meteorologically driven dispersion was developed. Fifteen cities representing a wide range of geographical and climatic conditions were selected. An eight-year time series (1984–1991 inclusive) of monthly averaged data were examined in each city. A new method of handling missing ambient concentration values which is designed to calculate city-wide average concentrations that follow the trend seen at individual monitor sites is presented. This method is general and can be used in other applications involving missing data. The model uses emissions estimates along with two meteorological variables (wind speed and mixing height) to estimate monthly averages of ambient air pollution concentrations. The model is shown to have a wide range of applicability; it works equally well for a wide range of cities that have very different temporal CO distributions. The model is suited for assessing long-term trends in ambient air pollutants and can also be used for estimating seasonal variations in concentration, estimation of trends in emissions, and for filling in gaps in the ambient concentration record.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org10.1007/s11356-021-13920-8  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A large portion of urban emissions in developing countries come from old gasoline vehicles driven in metropolitan areas. The present study aimed to...  相似文献   

The infiltration of vehicle emissions into a house from the attached garage was studied for 16 homes of differing designs using the same extensively characterized vehicle at each home. Before the in-home measurement program, the cold-start and hot-start tailpipe emissions and hot-soak evaporative emissions from a 1993 Buick Regal were measured using standard vehicle emissions measurement methods. The emissions were chemically characterized for methane, nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHC), and carbonyl compounds. The in-home measurements occurred over two winter seasons (1997-1998 and 1998-1999) in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Samples of indoor air and garage atmosphere were characterized for carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, NMHC, and carbonyl compounds. During the second year, real-time measurements of carbon, carbon dioxide, and total hydrocarbons were made to determine when and for how long the emissions plume infiltrates the house. Chemical mass balance modeling results using 31 NMHC species suggest that between 9 and 71% of the concentrations measured in the house during the hot-soak test and between 13 and 85% of the concentrations measured in the house during the cold-start test could be attributed to vehicle emissions infiltrating from the garage. In contrast, increases in carbonyl compound concentrations caused by the vehicle were difficult to detect above the already significant levels found in the houses.  相似文献   

Emissions from a 1988 GM Corsica with adaptive learning closed loop control were measured with 4 fuels at 40, 75, and 90 degrees F. Evaporative and exhaust emissions were examined from each fuel at each test temperature. Test fuels were unleaded summer grade gasoline; a blend of this gasoline containing 8.1 percent ethanol; a refiner's blend stock; and the blend stock containing 16.2 percent methyl tertiary butyl ether. The ethanol and MTBE blends contained 3.0 percent oxygen by weight. Regulated emissions (total hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen), detailed aldehydes, detailed hydrocarbons, ethanol, MTBE, benzene, and 1,3-butadiene were determined. The highest levels of regulated emissions were produced at the lower temperature. Blended fuels produced almost twice the evaporative hydrocarbon emissions at high temperatures as did the base fuels. Benzene emissions varied with fuels and operating temperatures, while 1,3-butadiene emissions decreased slightly with increasing temperatures. Formaldehyde emissions were not sensitive to fuel or temperature changes. Ethanol fuel blend total aldehyde emissions increased by 40 percent due to increased acetaldehyde emissions. Fuel blends had approximately a 3 percent economy decrease. The MTBE fuel blend appeared to offer the most reduction in total hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen for the fuels and temperatures tested.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown clear contributions of non-exhaust emissions to the traffic related PM10 load of the ambient air. These emissions consist of particles produced by abrasion from brakes, road wear, tire wear, as well as vehicle induced resuspension of deposited road dust. The main scope of the presented work was to identify and quantify the non-exhaust fraction of traffic related PM10 for two roadside locations in Switzerland with different traffic regimes. The two investigated locations, an urban street canyon with heavily congested traffic and an interurban freeway, are considered as being typical for Central Europe. Mass-relevant contributions from abrasion particles and resuspended road dust mainly originated from particles in the size range 1–10 μm. The results showed a major influence of vehicle induced resuspension of road dust. In the street canyon, the traffic related PM10 emissions (LDV: 24 ± 8 mg km?1 vehicle?1, HDV: 498 ± 86 mg km?1 vehicle?1) were assigned to 21% brake wear, 38% resuspended road dust and 41% exhaust emissions. Along the freeway (LDV: 50 ± 13 mg km?1 vehicle?1, HDV: 288 ± 72 mg km?1 vehicle?1), respective contributions were 3% brake wear, 56% resuspended road dust and 41% exhaust emissions. There was no indication for relevant contributions from tire wear and abrasion from undamaged pavements.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of traffic volume on ambient black carbon (BC) concentration in an inner-city neighborhood "hot spot" while accounting for modifying effects of weather and time. Continuous monitoring was conducted for 12 months at the Baltimore Traffic Study site surrounded by major urban streets that together carry over 150,000 vehicles per day. Outdoor BC concentration was measured with an Aethalometer; vehicles were counted pneumatically on two nearby streets. Meteorological data were also obtained. Missing data were imputed and all data were normalized to a 5-min observational interval (n = 105,120). Time-series modeling accounted for autoregressively (AR) correlated errors. This study found that outdoor BC was positively correlated at a statistically significant level with neighborhood-level vehicle counts, which contributed at a rate of 66 +/- 10 (SE) ng/m3 per 100 vehicles every 5 min. Winds from the SW-S-SE quarter were associated with the greatest increases in BC (376-612 ng/m3). These winds would have entrained BC from Baltimore's densely trafficked central business district, as well as a nearby interstate highway. The strong influence of wind direction implicates atmospheric transport processes in determining BC exposure. Dew point, mixing height, wind speed, season, and workday were also statistically significant predictors. Background exposure to BC was estimated to be 905 ng/m3. The optimal, statistically significant representation of BC's autocorrelation was AR([1:6]) x 288 x 2016, where the short-term AR factor (lags 1-6) indicated that BC concentrations are correlated for up to 30 min, and the AR factors for lags 288 and 2016 indicate longer-term autocorrelations at diurnal and weekly cycles, respectively. It was concluded that local exposure to BC from mobile sources is substantially modified by meteorological and temporal conditions, including atmospheric transport processes. BC concentration also demonstrates statistically significant autocorrelation at several time scales.  相似文献   

The occurrence of particle associated PAH and other mutagenic PAC was determined in 1996 in the street air of Copenhagen. In addition, particle extracts were tested for mutagenicity. The measurements were compared with previous measurements in 1992/1993. The levels had decreased in this period. The decrease was caused by an implementation of light diesel fuels for buses and the exchange of older petrol-driven passenger cars with catalystequipped new ones. About 65% of the reduction was caused by the application of the light diesel fuels. Under special conditions, chemical processes in the atmosphere produced many more mutagens than the direct emissions. The concentrations of S-PAC and N-PAC were 10 times lower than those of PAH, while the levels of oxy-PAH were in the same order of magnitude as those of PAH. Benzanthrone, an oxy-PAH, is proposed to be formed in the atmosphere in addition to direct emissions. Benzo(a)pyrene, often applied as an air quality criteria indicator, was photochemically degraded in the atmosphere. A strong increase in the mutagenic activities was observed to coincide with a depletion of benzo(a)pyrene.  相似文献   

China's national government and Beijing city authorities have adopted additional control measures to reduce the negative impact of vehicle emissions on Beijing's air quality. An evaluation of the effectiveness of these measures may provide guidance for future vehicle emission control strategy development. In-use emissions from light-duty gasoline vehicles (LDGVs) were investigated at five sites in Beijing with remote sensing instrumentation. Distance-based mass emission factors were derived with fuel consumption modeled on real world data. The results show that the recently implemented aggressive control strategies are significantly reducing the emissions of on-road vehicles. Older vehicles are contributing substantially to the total fleet emissions. An earlier program to retrofit pre-Euro cars with three-way catalysts produced little emission reduction. The impact of model year and driving conditions on the average mass emission factors indicates that the durability of vehicles emission controls may be inadequate in Beijing.  相似文献   

The dispersion formulation incorporated in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's AERMOD regulatory dispersion model is used to estimate the contribution of traffic-generated emissions of select VOCs – benzene, 1,3-butadiene, toluene – to ambient air concentrations at downwind receptors ranging from 10-m to 100-m from the edge of a major highway in Raleigh, North Carolina. The contributions are computed using the following steps: 1) Evaluate dispersion model estimates with 10-min averaged NO data measured at 7 m and 17 m from the edge of the road during a field study conducted in August, 2006; this step determines the uncertainty in model estimates. 2) Use dispersion model estimates and their uncertainties, determined in step 1, to construct pseudo-observations. 3) Fit pseudo-observations to actual observations of VOC concentrations measured during five periods of the field study. This provides estimates of the contributions of traffic emissions to the VOC concentrations at the receptors located from 10 m to 100 m from the road. In addition, it provides estimates of emission factors and background concentrations of the VOCs, which are supported by independent estimates from motor vehicle emissions models and regional air quality measurements. The results presented in the paper demonstrate the suitability of the formulation in AERMOD for estimating concentrations associated with mobile source emissions near roadways. This paper also presents an evaluation of the key emissions and dispersion modeling inputs necessary for conducting assessments of local-scale impacts from traffic emissions.  相似文献   

The use of both oxygenated fuels in carbon monoxide (CO) nonattainment areas and reformulated gasoline in ozone nonattainment areas has been mandated by the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Methanol has been proposed as an alternative fuel for CO nonattainment areas. Its use will potentially increase indoor methanol inhalation exposure resulting from the evaporation of methanol vapor from methanol-fueled vehicles parked in residential garages. Indoor air concentrations of methanol, benzene, and toluene were measured in a residential home with an attached garage. The effects of vehicle emission control devices (charcoal canister hose connection); home heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) fans; ambient air, garage, and fuel tank temperatures; and wind speed were examined. The disconnection of the charcoal canister hose, which simulates a spent evaporative emission control device, resulted in elevated benzene, toluene, and methanol concentrations in the garage and attached home. Higher fuel tank temperatures resulted in higher benzene and toluene concentrations in the garage, but not methanol. The concentrations for all compounds in the garage and concentrations of benzene and toluene in the adjacent room were lower when the HVAC fan was on than when it was off, while the concentrations of all three compounds in the rest of the house were higher, although these differences were not statistically significant. Thus, the portion of the population that parks cars in garages attached to homes will experience increased methanol exposures if methanol is used as an automotive fuel.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out in the urban environment of the Grenoble area using two epiphytic lichens: the nitrophytic Physcia adscendens and the acidiphytic Hypogymnia physodes. Two complementary studies characterized this experiment. Firstly, a sampling of the two lichens in 48 sites randomly located throughout the Grenoble area indicated that roads (size and proximity to sampling sites) influenced the nitrogen concentrations of P. adscendens, but not those of H. physodes. Secondly, to study more accurately the influence of roads, a traffic index was calculated and applied along two transects located perpendicularly to urban motorways. Significant positive correlations were found between this traffic index and the total nitrogen concentration of P. adscendens.  相似文献   

In response to community concerns, the air quality impact of imploding a 22-story building in east Baltimore, MD, was studied. Time- and space-resolved concentrations of indoor and outdoor particulate matter (PM) (nominally 0.5-10 microm) were measured using a portable nephelometer at seven and four locations, respectively. PM10 levels varied in time and space; there was no measurable effect observed upwind of the implosion. The downwind peak PM10 levels varied with distance (54,000-589 microg/m3) exceeding pre-implosion levels for sites 100 and 1130 m 3000- and 20-fold, respectively. Estimated outdoor 24-hr integrated mass concentrations varied from 15 to 72 microg/m3. The implosion did not result in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for PM10 being exceeded. X-ray fluorescence analysis indicated that the elemental composition was dominated by crustal elements: calcium (57%), silicon (23%), aluminum (7.6%), and iron (6.1%). Lead was above background but at a low level (0.17 microg/m3). Peak PM10 concentrations were short-lived; most sites returned to background within 15 min. No increase in indoor PM10 was observed even at the most proximate 250 m location. These results demonstrate that a building implosion can have a severe but short-lived impact on community air quality. Effective protection is offered by being indoors or upwind.  相似文献   

Hsu YC  Tsai JH  Chen HW  Lin WY 《Chemosphere》2001,42(3):227-234
Motor vehicle emission factors of carbon monoxide (CO) and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) were calculated inside the Chung-Cheng Tunnel of Kaohsiung in Taiwan. The results were compared with those model predictions from the Mobile Taiwan 2.0 model. Individual concentrations of 21 species of NMVOCs were also determined. Photochemical potential of NMVOCs was evaluated by using the maximum incremental reactivity (MIR). Field data showed that the integrated emission factors of CO and NMVOCs for actual fleet were 6.3 and 1.5 g/veh km, respectively. The error range of these factors may be up to 45%. The predicted values by the Mobile Taiwan 2.0 model closely matched the observed data. Concentrations of isopentane, 2-methylpentane, toluene and m,p-xylene were the dominant species of NMVOCs. The ratio of maximum incremental reactivity to NMVOCs concentration was 3.9, similar to those of the studies in the US Fort McHenry and Tuscarora Tunnel.  相似文献   

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