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为了在降低能耗的前提下获得更高的污泥堆肥效率和提高堆肥产品质量,利用梨形筒式好氧堆肥反应器,设置2种物料投加方式和3种通风速率,研究堆肥过程中温度、含水率、总氮以及发芽指数(GI)的变化特性。结果表明,与间歇式堆肥相比,连续式堆肥可以显著提高堆体温度和堆体腐熟度,降低堆体含水率及缩短腐熟期,但氮素损失也显著增大(P-1的连续式堆肥,堆体维持高温时间最长,且最终温度稳定在较高温度47~48 ℃,堆末含水率最低,氮素损失处于三者的中间水平,腐熟期最短。综合分析,在通风速率为1.95 L·min-1的连续运行方式下,梨形筒式反应器用于污泥稳定高效堆肥是可行的。  相似文献   

通风速率对烟草废料堆肥腐熟及元素变化影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以烟草废料为原料堆肥,设置不同的通风速率,通过对堆肥中温度、营养元素和腐殖质等指标变化的研究,揭示了通风速率对堆肥腐熟和主要元素变化的影响。结果表明,通风速率为0.1和0.2 m3/(h·m3)的处理的高温期持续时间在5 d以上,满足堆肥无害化卫生标准要求,堆肥积温以0.2 m3/(h·m3)的处理最高;堆肥结束时,通风速率为0.2和0.3 m3/(h·m3)处理的总碳含量降低率、总氮含量增加率及NO3--N含量增幅均强于0.1 和0.4 m3/(h·m3)的通风处理,且两处理的NH4+-N含量至堆肥结束时降至400 mg/kg阈值以下;通风速率为0.2 m3/(h·m3)的处理的终产品的腐殖化质数为1.91,达到腐熟阈值1.90。综合以上结果表明,0.2 m3/(h·m3)的通风速率较适于烟草废料堆肥腐熟和营养转化。  相似文献   

快腐剂对畜禽粪便堆肥过程中腐熟度的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以牛粪、菌糠和鸡粪等为材料按照两种比例调配为混合基质,在添加或不添加快腐剂的条件下在发酵桶中进行为期38 d的堆肥发酵实验,通过对发酵产物的温度、pH值、总有机碳、C/N、硝铵态氮含量和种子发芽指数等指标变化的研究,揭示了快腐剂对发酵过程的影响。结果表明,虽然快腐剂对有机物料的温度、C/N比无显著的影响,但可以促进铵态氮向硝态氮的转化,在16 d时使发酵产物NH4+-N/NO3--N比值降为0.15,达到腐熟标准(0.16);提升种子发芽指数,在腐解29 d时使种子发芽指数达到82.76%,达到完全腐熟指标(0.8),比不添加快腐剂的处理提前了4 d左右。快腐剂的作用效果受腐解物料配比的影响。  相似文献   

固定床厌氧反应器处理高浓度禽畜粪尿   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为开展高效厌氧生物技术处理家禽粪便的应用研究,试验依据固定床厌氧反应器(anaerobic pecked bed reac-tor)的特点,设计了一个有效容积为20 L的高效厌氧反应器,以猪粪尿为发酵原料,进水COD浓度范围在4 820~54 000mg/L,实验过程为55 d。按进料的水力停留时间可将实验划分为2个阶段:前期(44 d)和后期(11 d),前期通过提高进料浓度直接提高反应器处理浓度,水力停留时间保持为2 d,每7~8 d为一个周期;后期通过缩短水力停留时间间接提高反应器处理浓度,进料浓度保持不变,每2~3 d为一个周期。通过对厌氧处理系统运行过程中COD、pH、挥发性成分、TN、TP和NH3-N含量的测定,分析了该系统运行特点。结果表明:在发酵的第1~55 d,整个厌氧处理系统能够稳定运行,COD去除率稳定在67%~88%之间;对TN、TP、NH3-N都有很好的去除能力。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of temperature and time on the mechanisms of phosphorus removal in swine manure during aeration. Removal of soluble orthophosphates significantly increased with aeration time and temperature. Successive significant ortho-P removals were observed between days one and nine but no significant additional removals were recorded thereafter. Removals were significantly higher at temperatures of 20 and 25 degrees C than at temperatures of 5, 10, and 15 degrees C and ranged between 22.9 to 31.0%. Insoluble inorganic phosphorus also changed significantly with aeration time and temperature and with a similar trend as soluble orthophosphates. The pH of the manure explained 92 and 87% of the content of insoluble inorganic phosphorus at lower temperatures (5, 10, 15 degrees C) and at higher temperatures (20, and 25 degrees C), respectively. Organic phosphorus and aerobes growth patterns were similar to that of soluble orthophosphates removal. The rapid growth of aerobes was most probably the principal factor behind a rapid soluble ortho-P removal above 15 degrees C. The contribution of inorganic phosphates to the removal of soluble orthophosphates was approximately 61% while that due to organic P was approximately 35%. Precipitation was found to be the principal mechanism governing removal of soluble ortho-P in swine manure during aeration treatments.  相似文献   

Effects of composting on phytotoxicity of spent pig-manure sawdust litter   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The phytotoxicity of spent pig-manure sawdust litter (spent litter) was evaluated during further composting. Aqueous extracts of the spent litter were prepared by shaking the sample with water (1:10 w/v), and the toxicity of these extracts was determined on relative seed germination, relative root elongation and germination index (GI, a factor of relative seed germination and relative root elongation). The sensitivity of six plant species, namely Brassica parachinensis (Chinese cabbage), Brassica albogalera (Chinese kale), Allium sativum (onion), Cucumis sativus (cucumber), Amaranthus espinosus (Chinese spinach), and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato) were compared. The effect of different moisture levels during composting on the phytotoxicity of the spent litter was also examined. Phytotoxicity of the spent litter was only evident during the earlier stage of composting (first 14 days) and, that seed germination and root elongation reached 100% (same as the control) towards the end of the composting. The concentrations of the major inhibitors, water-extractable Cu and Zn, and NH4(+)-N of the spent litter, declined during composting, indicating that these inhibitors were gradually eliminated as composting proceeded. Multiple regression analysis showed that the NH4(+)-N content of the spent litter was the most important chemical factor affecting phytotoxicity of the plant species selected for this study. Relative root elongation and GI were more sensitive indicators of phytotoxicity than seed germination. In the present study, the GI's of all plant species were >80% at day 60, indicating that the spent litter had reached its maturation by day 60. The responses of different plant species to the water-extracts of the spent litter were different. Among the six species, Chinese cabbage and Chinese spinach were the most sensitive species, and tomato and cucumber were the least sensitive species to indicate phytotoxicity of the spent litter. Moisture adjustment during the composting process did not affect the results of the phytotoxicity test.  相似文献   

运行OHR(Original Hydrodynamic Reaction)混合器微气泡曝气生物膜反应器,比较不同曝气方式下,生物膜反应器对污染物的去除性能及能耗情况。结果表明,微气泡曝气生物膜反应器可以实现废水中碳氮同步去除,连续曝气时COD、NH3-N和TN平均去除率分别为88.5%、53.4%和43.4%,平均去除负荷分别为1.60、0.089和0.092 kg·(m3·d)-1。生物膜反应器采用微气泡间歇曝气,随着曝气时间的减少,溶解氧(DO)浓度下降,反应器COD和NH3-N去除性能随之降低;COD和NH3-N去除效果下降与生物膜好氧生物活性降低相一致。受硝化作用抑制影响,同步硝化反硝化过程对TN的去除性能也有所降低。采用微气泡间歇曝气能够降低曝气能耗。同时,随着曝气时间的减少,单位COD去除所需能耗降低,单位NH3-N去除所需能耗有所升高,单位TN去除所需能耗基本不变。  相似文献   

新型堆肥生物反应器人粪便堆肥功效的评价   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
利用以锯末为载体的Bio-Lux S15型生态卫生设备,对人粪便进行了连续性堆肥实验,考察了BOD5、粪大肠菌和蛔虫卵的灭活以及最终产品N、P和K等肥料成分的含量。实验结果表明,最初30 d,BOD5的累积去除率由27%快速增加到50%,之后的30 d维持在50%左右,随后下降至40%左右。生态卫生设备中维持50~60℃的温度是杀灭粪便病原微生物的适宜条件,可保证粪便投入后在24 h内,粪大肠菌的灭活率达到99.99%,蛔虫卵的灭活率在2 h内达100%。对反应周期内载体的N、P和K等肥料成分的分析结果表明,反应过程中3种肥分都持续积累,在反应末期,按TN、P2O5和K2O计算的3种肥分最终分别达到25.1、123.4和2.0 g/kg,基本上达到了农用肥料的国家标准,表明以锯末为载体的反应器具有良好的堆肥效果。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Composting is an environment-friendly method for recycling organic waste, and incorporation of heat and aeration can enhance favorable conditions for...  相似文献   

以复合微生物菌剂降解垃圾的适宜条件为出发点 ,根据堆肥小试实验结果 ,确定进料垃圾特性、合理的工艺参数及一次发酵完成时间 ,结合制备装置材料的保温性、堆肥物料平衡、热量平衡 ,合理确定反应装置容积、供气方式、操作运行条件 ,开发了翻转式堆肥反应装置。该装置具有堆料搅拌均匀、进出料简单、供气均衡等特点  相似文献   

Removal of DEHP in composting and aeration of sewage sludge   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The potential of composting and aeration to remove bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) from municipal sewage sludge was studied with two dewatered sludges: raw sludge and anaerobically digested sludge. Composting removed 58% of the DEHP content of the raw sludge and 34% of that of the anaerobically digested sludge during 85 days stabilisation in compost bins. A similar removal for the anaerobically digested sludge was achieved in a rotary drum in 28 days. Less than 1% of DEHP was removed with the compost leachate. Although DEHP removal was greater from raw sludge compost than anaerobically digested sludge compost, the total and volatile solids removals were on the same level in the two composts. In the aeration of raw sludge at 20 degrees C the DEHP removals were 33-41% and 50-62% in 7 and 28 days, respectively. Both composting and aeration are concluded to have the potential to reduce the DEHP contents typically found in sewage sludges to levels acceptable for agricultural use.  相似文献   

微生物菌剂和鸡粪对蔬菜废弃物堆肥化处理的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
由于我国缺乏适用的蔬菜废物循环利用技术,致使蔬菜产地的生产废物难以处理与再循环利用而被弃置。为获得适用的蔬菜废物堆肥化处理技术,本研究以小麦秸秆为水分调理剂,并分别以鸡粪和微生物菌剂为接种剂,在初始物料含水率65%和C/N为25的条件下,设置了V1(蔬菜残体+小麦秸秆)、V2(V1+鸡粪)、V3(V2+微生物菌剂)和V4(V1+微生物菌剂)等4个处理,通过测定4个不同堆肥处理对温度、含水率、C/N比以及发芽指数(GI)等指标的影响。结果表明:同时加入微生物菌剂和鸡粪的处理(V3)可使堆肥最高温度达到67.5℃,且水分脱除效果最好,最终产品的含水率是最低的;鸡粪也是较好的接种剂,提升堆肥温度且能缩短堆肥周期;发芽率指数(GI)的结果显示,4个处理之间的堆肥腐熟成度为V3>V4>V2>V1,这进一步表明,添加微生物菌剂和鸡粪可降低堆肥产品对后茬植物发芽和生长的不良抑制。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾堆肥试验装置的设计   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
堆肥装置是研究堆肥过程中各种参数变化和获取优化参数的必不可少的工具。本文从堆肥维持其温度的先决条件出发,并在大量调研的基础上确定了实验室好氧发酵装置的合理尺寸、渗沥水收集和回喷系统、布气系统等。该装置的尺寸为长1m,宽0.5m,高0.6m,堆料的高度为0.48m;根据垃圾样品的理化性质,确定了渗滤液回喷的时间为116S、鼓风机的风量为0.055m^3/min,风压为300Pa,并且对其引入自动控制设备,使通风工作5min、休息35min。最后利用生活垃圾堆肥试验验证该装置满足堆肥的一次发酵要求。该装置采用自动控制系统,布水、布气均匀,保温效果好,发酵过程温度测定方便快捷,而且还有功率消耗小、臭气集中易于处理的优点。  相似文献   

堆肥装置是研究堆肥过程中各种参数变化和获取优化参数的必不可少的工具.本文从堆肥维持其温度的先决条件出发,并在大量调研的基础上确定了实验室好氧发酵装置的合理尺寸、渗沥水收集和回喷系统、布气系统等.该装置的尺寸为长1 m,宽0.5 m,高0.6 m,堆料的高度为0.48 m;根据垃圾样品的理化性质,确定了渗滤液回喷的时间为116 s、鼓风机的风量为0.055 m3/min,风压为300 Pa,并且对其引入自动控制设备,使通风工作5 min、休息35 min.最后利用生活垃圾堆肥试验验证该装置满足堆肥的一次发酵要求.该装置采用自动控制系统,布水、布气均匀,保温效果好,发酵过程温度测定方便快捷,而且还有功率消耗小、臭气集中易于处理的优点.  相似文献   

不同堆肥方式对鸡粪与秸秆混合堆肥效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以鸡粪和玉米秸秆为堆肥原材料,进行了露天堆肥和反应器堆肥对比实验。结果表明,反应器堆肥(堆体P2)较露天堆肥(堆体P1)升温快,堆体P2达到了《粪便无害化卫生标准(GB7959—87)》的要求,堆体P1未达到;在整个堆肥过程中,堆体P1的水分总损失量(26.5%)大于堆体P2的水分总损失量(20.6%);堆体P1和P2的有机质降解主要发生在堆肥前期0~21d,分别完成了81.4%和84.5%的有机质降解量;堆体P1和P2的C/N比在堆肥过程中均呈下降趋势,最终C/N比分别为18.3和14.8;种子发芽指数GI_P1〈GI_P2,表明采用堆体P2的堆肥产品的植物毒性较堆体P1更小。各指标实测数据表明,反应器堆肥的堆肥产品的稳定性和腐熟程度较露天堆肥更好。  相似文献   

Spent litter (a mixture of partially composted pig manure and sawdust) was taken from pig pens employing the pig-on-litter system with and without the addition of a commercial bacterial product (Odor control (OC)-organic fertilizers (OF)). A duplicate series of windrows was set up with spent litter which contained the bacterial product and a further duplicate series was set up with spent litter which did not contain the bacterial product. All four sets had their initial moisture content adjusted to 60% but one of each duplicate pair had its moisture content adjusted to 60% during the entire period of further composting in windrows. The rate of further (windrow) composting was significantly different in the litter which contained no bacterial product and which only had its moisture content adjusted at the beginning of the experiment. Decomposition was incomplete in this set even after day 91. In the three other sets, the rate of decomposition was faster and the spent litter became stabilised by day 56. This result suggests that if the bacterial product has been added during the initial pig-on-litter composting process, moisture adjustment during further (windrow) composting is not important. Conversely, if moisture was adjusted during further composting, the addition of bacterial product during initial pig-on-litter composting would be of no value. Such a finding is of remarkable significance in the further composting of spent litter since this indicates that the process could be run on a much more economical basis.  相似文献   

Two low level aeration schemes (intermittent vs. continuous) were investigated on a laboratory scale, in conjunction with swine manure pH adjustment using sodium hydroxide (1.0 M), for manure phosphorus (P) removal. According to the data, an 80% reduction in soluble P was observed when the manure pH was increased to 8. Both intermittent and continuous aeration treatments could raise manure pH above 8 with an airflow rate of 1 L/minute in a period of 15 days. A drastic increase in pH (about 1 unit) was observed for both aeration schemes within the first day of test, resulting in a 76% reduction in soluble P concentration in the liquid. It appeared that there is no difference in terms of P removal between the two aeration programs, suggesting that the intermittent aeration be preferred to save energy while still achieving the same level of P removal.  相似文献   

添加小麦秸秆对猪粪高温堆肥腐熟进程的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选用猪粪与小麦秸秆为堆肥原料进行高温好氧堆肥实验,研究添加小麦秸秆对猪粪高温好氧堆肥过程中堆体温度、pH值、种子发芽指数、碳氮比和养分等理化指标的影响,寻求猪粪高温堆肥时的最佳秸秆配比,旨在为猪粪快速资源化利用提供科学依据。结果表明,猪粪高温堆肥时添加小麦秸秆可以缩短进入高温发酵阶段的时间,减少氮素损失,加快C/N的降低速率,加速有毒有害物质分解。其中猪粪和小麦秸秆6∶4处理各层温度在2~5 d内上升至50℃,并持续37~46 d,在堆肥结束时,有机质和速效氮含量较堆肥初期下降幅度最小,分别为33.90%和23.76%,全氮、全磷、全钾、速效磷和速效钾含量较堆肥初期提高幅度最大,分别为13.34%、20.24%、53.19%、41.53%和16.57%。若以种子发芽指数80%作为堆肥腐熟的评价指标,猪粪和小麦秸秆6∶4配比堆肥的腐熟速度比纯猪粪快18 d,36 d即可腐熟。综合判断,实际应用中,猪粪与小麦秸秆按体积6∶4进行堆肥较为适宜。  相似文献   

We examined chemical, microbiological and biochemical parameters in order to assess their effectiveness as stability and maturity indicators during the composting process of cattle manure. The composting material obtained after 15 d in trenches and at different times during the maturation phase (i.e. 80, 180 and 270 d) were analyzed. We found that the material collected at the end of the active phase was inadequate to be applied to soil as organic amendment due to its high content of NH4+, its high level of phytotoxicity and the low degree of organic matter stability. After a maturation period of 80 d, the stability of the sample increased. This was shown by a reduction in the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content and NH4+ concentration and also by a reduction in the microbial activity and biomass; however, 180 d of composting were not sufficient to reduce the phytotoxicity to levels consistent for a safe soil application. Among the various parameters studied, the change in DOC with composting time gave a good indication of stability.  相似文献   

曝气量和曝气时长对好氧颗粒污泥活性恢复的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用啤酒废水,在SBR中对在4℃的冰箱中储存8周的好氧颗粒污泥进行活性恢复。设置曝气时长分别为150 min和270 min,曝气量分别为0.1 m3/h和0.2 m3/h,考察了曝气时长和曝气量对好氧颗粒污泥活性恢复的影响。实验结果表明,好氧颗粒污泥在4℃冰箱中储存8周后,其颜色、粒径无明显变化;设置较长曝气时间(270 min)、较大曝气量(0.2 m3/h)时,颗粒污泥平均沉降速率、MLSS和SVI恢复最快,且对COD处理效果也恢复较快。而短曝气时间(150 min)、小曝气量(0.1 m3/h)有利于好氧颗粒污泥对氨氮去除效果的恢复。  相似文献   

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