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Recently, air pollution has attracted a substantial amount of attention in China, which can be influenced by a variety of factors, but the association between air pollution and human activity is not quite clear. Based on real-time online data (January 1, 2014, to December 31, 2014) of air pollution and meteorology reported by official sites, and demographic, economic, and environmental reform data in a statistical yearbook, the influences of meteorological factors (temperature, relative humidity, precipitation intensity, and wind force) and human activities on PM2.5 pollution were explored. After correlation analysis, logistic regression analysis, and a nonparametric test, weak negative correlations between temperature and PM2.5 pollution were found. In most cases, festival and morning peak hours were protection and risk factors of PM2.5 pollution, respectively. In addition, government actions, such as an afforestation project and increasing financial expenditure for energy saving and environmental protection, could greatly contribute to alleviating pollution of PM2.5. The findings could help officials formulate effective laws and regulations, and then PM2.5 pollution related to the pattern of human activity would be ameliorated.

Implications: Most of the time, festival and morning peak hours are protection and risk factors for PM2.5 pollution, respectively. Increasing the percentage of afforestation area and financial expenditure for energy saving and environmental protection could significantly reduce PM2.5 pollution. The findings can help officials formulate effective laws and regulations, and then PM2.5 pollution related to the pattern of human activity, especially government action, will be ameliorated.  相似文献   

In 2012, the WHO classified diesel emissions as carcinogenic, and its European branch suggested creating a public health standard for airborne black carbon (BC). In 2011, EU researchers found that life expectancy could be extended four to nine times by reducing a unit of BC, vs reducing a unit of PM2.5. Only recently could such determinations be made. Steady improvements in research methodologies now enable such judgments.

In this Critical Review, we survey epidemiological and toxicological literature regarding carbonaceous combustion emissions, as research methodologies improved over time. Initially, we focus on studies of BC, diesel, and traffic emissions in the Western countries (where daily urban BC emissions are mainly from diesels). We examine effects of other carbonaceous emissions, e.g., residential burning of biomass and coal without controls, mainly in developing countries.

Throughout the 1990s, air pollution epidemiology studies rarely included species not routinely monitored. As additional PM2.5. chemical species, including carbonaceous species, became more widely available after 1999, they were gradually included in epidemiological studies. Pollutant species concentrations which more accurately reflected subject exposure also improved models.

Natural “interventions” - reductions in emissions concurrent with fuel changes or increased combustion efficiency; introduction of ventilation in highway tunnels; implementation of electronic toll payment systems – demonstrated health benefits of reducing specific carbon emissions. Toxicology studies provided plausible biological mechanisms by which different PM species, e.g., carbonaceous species, may cause harm, aiding interpretation of epidemiological studies.

Our review finds that BC from various sources appears to be causally involved in all-cause, lung cancer, and cardiovascular mortality, morbidity, and perhaps adverse birth and nervous system effects. We recommend that the U.S. EPA rubric for judging possible causality of PM2.5. mass concentrations, be used to assess which PM2.5. species are most harmful to public health.

Implications: Black carbon (BC) and correlated co-emissions appear causally related with all-cause, cardiovascular, and lung cancer mortality, and perhaps with adverse birth outcomes and central nervous system effects. Such findings are recent, since widespread monitoring for BC is also recent. Helpful epidemiological advances (using many health relevant PM2.5 species in models; using better measurements of subject exposure) have also occurred. “Natural intervention” studies also demonstrate harm from partly combusted carbonaceous emissions. Toxicology studies consistently find biological mechanisms explaining how such emissions can cause these adverse outcomes. A consistent mechanism for judging causality for different PM2.5 species is suggested.

A list of acronyms will be found at the end of the article.  相似文献   

Yanbu, on the Red Sea, is an affluent Saudi Arabian industrial city of modest size. Substantial effort has been spent to balance environmental quality, especially air pollution, and industrial development. We have analyzed six years of observations of criteria pollutants O3, SO2, particles (PM2.5 and PM10) and the known ozone precursors—volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). The results suggest frequent VOC-limited conditions in which ozone concentrations increase with decreasing NOx and with increasing VOCs when NOx is plentiful. For the remaining circumstances ozone has a complex non-linear relationship with the VOCs. The interactions between these factors at Yanbu cause measurable impacts on air pollution including the weekend effect in which ozone concentrations stay the same or even increase despite significantly lower emissions of the precursors on the weekends. Air pollution was lower during the Eids (al-Fitr and al-Adha), Ramadan and the Hajj periods. During Ramadan, there were substantial night time emissions as the cycle everyday living is almost reversed between night and day. The exceedances of air pollution standards were evaluated using criteria from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), World Health Organization (WHO), the Saudi Presidency of Meteorology and Environment (PME) and the Royal Commission Environmental Regulations (RCER). The latter are stricter standards set just for Yanbu and Jubail. For the fine particles (PM2.5), an analysis of the winds showed a major impact from desert dust. This effect had to be taken into account but still left many occasions when standards were exceeded. Fewer exceedances were found for SO2, and fewer still for ozone. The paper presents a comprehensive view of air quality at this isolated desert urban environment.

Implications: Frequent VOC-limited conditions are found at Yanbu in Saudi Arabia that increase ozone pollution if NOx is are reduced. In this desert environment, increased nightlife produces the highest levels of VOCs and NOx at night rather than the day. The effects increase during Ramadan. Fine particles peak twice a day—the morning peak is caused by traffic and increases with decreasing wind, potentially representing health concerns, but the larger afternoon peak is caused by the wind, and it increases with increasing wind speeds. These features suggest that exposure to pollutants must be redefined for such an environment.  相似文献   

In the present study, a modified approach was adopted to quantify the assimilative capacity (i.e., the maximum emission an area can take without violating the permissible pollutant standards) of a major industrial cluster (Manali, India) and to assess the effectiveness of adopted air pollution control measures at the region. Seasonal analysis of assimilative capacity was carried out corresponding to critical, high, medium, and low pollution levels to know the best and worst conditions for industrial operations. Bottom-up approach was employed to quantify sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and particulate matter (aerodynamic diameter <10 μm; PM10) emissions at a fine spatial resolution of 500 × 500 m2 in Manali industrial cluster. AERMOD (American Meteorological Society/U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory Model), an U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory model, was used for estimating assimilative capacity. Results indicated that 22.8 tonnes/day of SO2, 7.8 tonnes/day of NO2, and 7.1 tonnes/day of PM10 were emitted from the industries of Manali. The estimated assimilative capacities for SO2, NO2, and PM10 were found to be 16.05, 17.36, and 19.78 tonnes/day, respectively. It was observed that the current SO2 emissions were exceeding the estimated safe load by 6.7 tonnes/day, whereas PM10 and NO2 were within the safe limits. Seasonal analysis of assimilative capacity showed that post-monsoon had the lowest load-carrying capacity, followed by winter, summer, and monsoon seasons, and the allowable SO2 emissions during post-monsoon and winter seasons were found to be 35% and 26% lower, respectively, when compared with monsoon season.

Implications: The authors present a modified approach for quantitative estimation of assimilative capacity of a critically polluted Indian industrial cluster. The authors developed a geo-coded fine-resolution PM10, NO2, and SO2 emission inventory for Manali industrial area and further quantitatively estimated its season-wise assimilative capacities corresponding to various pollution levels. This quantitative representation of assimilative capacity (in terms of emissions), when compared with routine qualitative representation, provides better data for quantifying carrying capacity of an area. This information helps policy makers and regulatory authorities to develop an effective mitigation plan for air pollution abatement.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), state and local agencies have focused their efforts in assessing secondary fine particulate matter (aerodynamic diameter ≤2.5 µm; PM2.5) formation in prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) air dispersion modeling. The National Association of Clean Air Agencies (NACAA) developed a method to account for secondary PM2.5 formation by using sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) offset ratios. These ratios are used to estimate the secondary formation of sulfate and nitrate PM2.5. These ratios were first introduced by the EPA for nonattainment areas in the Implementation of the New Source Review (NSR) Program for Particulate Matter Less than 2.5 Micrometers (PM2.5), 73 FR 28321, to offset emission increases of direct PM2.5 emissions with reductions of PM2.5 precursors and vice versa. Some regulatory agencies such as the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) have developed area-specific offset ratios for SO2 and NOx based on Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions (CAMx) evaluations for air dispersion modeling analyses. The current study evaluates the effect on American Meteorological Society/Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory Model (AERMOD) predicted concentrations from the use of EPA and MPCA developed ratios. The study assesses the effect of these ratios on an electric generating utility (EGU), taconite mine, food processing plant, and a pulp and paper mill. The inputs used for these four scenarios are based on common stack parameters and emissions based on available data. The effect of background concentrations also evaluates these scenarios by presenting results based on uniform annual PM2.5 background values. This evaluation study helps assess the viability of the offset ratio method developed by NACAA in estimating primary and secondary PM2.5 concentrations. An alternative Tier 2 approach to combine modeled and monitored concentrations is also presented.


On January 4, 2012, the EPA committed to engage in rulemaking to evaluate updates to the Guideline on Air Quality Models (Appendix W of 40 CFR 51) and, as appropriate, incorporate new analytical techniques or models for secondary PM2.5. As a result, the National Association of Clean Air Agencies (NACAA) developed a screening method involving offset ratios to account for secondary PM2.5 formation. The use of this method is promising to evaluate total (direct and indirect) PM2.5 impacts for permitting purposes. Therefore, the evaluation of this method is important to determine its viability for widespread use.  相似文献   

As power production from renewable energy and natural gas grows, closures of some coal-fired power plants in Texas become increasingly likely. In this study, the potential effects of such closures on air quality and human health were analyzed by linking a regional photochemical model with a health impacts assessment tool. The impacts varied significantly across 13 of the state’s largest coal-fired power plants, sometimes by more than an order of magnitude, even after normalizing by generation. While some power plants had negligible impacts on concentrations at important monitors, average impacts up to 0.5 parts per billion (ppb) and 0.2 µg/m3 and maximum impacts up to 3.3 ppb and 0.9 µg/m3 were seen for ozone and fine particulate matter (PM2.5), respectively. Individual power plants impacted average visibility by up to 0.25 deciviews in Class I Areas. Health impacts arose mostly from PM2.5 and were an order of magnitude higher for plants that lack scrubbers for SO2. Rankings of health impacts were largely consistent across the base model results and two reduced form models. Carbon dioxide emissions were relatively uniform, ranging from 1.00 to 1.26 short tons/MWh, and can be monetized based on a social cost of carbon. Despite all of these unpaid externalities, estimated direct costs of each power plant exceeded wholesale power prices in 2016.

Implications: While their CO2 emission rates are fairly similar, sharply different NOx and SO2 emission rates and spatial factors cause coal-fired power plants to vary by an order of magnitude in their impacts on ozone, particulate matter, and associated health and visibility outcomes. On a monetized basis, the air pollution health impacts often exceed the value of the electricity generated and are of similar magnitude to climate impacts. This suggests that both air pollution and climate should be considered if externalities are used to inform decision making about power-plant dispatch and retirement.  相似文献   

The formation of PM2.5 (aerosol particulate matter less than 2.5 µm in aerodynamic diameter) in association with SO2 emission during sintering process has been studied by dividing the whole sintering process into six typical sampling stages. A low-pressure cascade impactor was used to collect PM2.5 by automatically segregating particulates into six sizes. It was found that strong correlation existed between the emission properties of PM2.5 and SO2. Wet mixture layer (overwetted layer and raw mixture layer) had the function to simultaneously capture SO2 and PM2.5 during the early sintering stages, and released them back into flue gas mainly in the flue gas temperature-rising period. CaSO4 crystals constituted the main SO2-related PM2.5 during the disappearing process of overwetted layer, which was able to form perfect individual crystals or to form particles with complex chemical compositions. Besides the existence of individual CaSO4 crystals, mixed crystals of K2SO4-CaSO4 in PM2.5 were also found during the first half of the temperature-rising period of flue gas. The interaction between fine-grained Ca-based fluxes, potassium vapors, and SO2 was the potential source of SO2-related PM2.5.

Implications: The emission property of PM2.5 and SO2 throughout the sintering process exhibited well similarity. This phenomenon tightened the relationship between the formation of PM2.5 and the emission of SO2. Through revealing the properties of SO2-related PM2.5 during sintering process, the potential interaction between fine-grained Ca-based fluxes, potassium vapors, and SO2 was found to be the source of SO2-related PM2.5. This information can serve as the guidance to develop efficient techniques to control the formation and emission of PM2.5 in practical sintering plants.  相似文献   

Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is among the most polluted cities in the world. This research evaluates seasonal patterns, day-of-week patterns, spatial gradients, and trends in PM2.5 (<2.5 µm in aerodynamic diameter), PM10 (<10 µm in aerodynamic diameter), and gaseous pollutants concentrations (SO2, NO2, CO, and O3) monitored in Dhaka from 2013 to 2017. It expands on past work by considering multiple monitoring sites and air pollutants. Except for ozone, the average concentrations of these pollutants showed strong seasonal variation, with maximum during winter and minimum during monsoon, with the pollution concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 being roughly five- to sixfold higher during winter versus monsoon. Our comparisons of the pollutant concentrations with Bangladesh NAAQS and U.S. NAAQS limits analysis indicate particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) as the air pollutants of greatest concern, as they frequently exceeded the Bangladesh NAAQS and U.S. NAAQS, especially during nonmonsoon time. In contrast, gaseous pollutants reported far fewer exceedances throughout the study period. During the study period, the highest number of exceedances of NAAQS limits in Dhaka City (Darus-Salam site) were found for PM2.5 (72% of total study days), followed by PM10 (40% of total study days), O3 (1.7% of total study days), SO2 (0.38% of total study days), and CO (0.25% of total study days). The trend analyses results showed statistically significant positive slopes over time for SO2 (5.6 ppb yr?1, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.7, 10.5) and CO (0.32 ppm yr?1, 95% CI: 0.01, 0.56), which suggest increase in brick kilns operation and high-sulfur diesel use. Though statistically nonsignificant annual decreasing slopes for PM2.5 (?4.6 µg/m3 yr?1, 95% CI: ?12.7, 3.6) and PM10 (?2.7 µg/m3 yr?1, 95% CI: ?7.9, 2.5) were observed during this study period, the PM2.5 concentration is still too high (~ 82.0 µg/m3) and can cause severe impact on human health.

Implications: This study revealed key insights into air quality challenges across Dhaka, Bangladesh, indicating particulate matter (PM) as Dhaka’s most serious air pollutant threat to human health. The results of these analyses indicate that there is a need for immediate further investigations, and action based on those investigations, including the conduct local epidemiological PM exposure-human health effects studies for this city, in order to determine the most public health effective interventions.  相似文献   

Under the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), put in place as a result of the Clean Air Amendments of 1990, three regions in the state of Utah are in violation of the NAAQS for PM10 and PM2.5 (Salt Lake County, Ogden City, and Utah County). These regions are susceptible to strong inversions that can persist for days to weeks. This meteorology, coupled with the metropolitan nature of these regions, contributes to its violation of the NAAQS for PM during the winter. During January–February 2009, 1-hr averaged concentrations of PM10-2.5, PM2.5, NOx, NO2, NO, O3, CO, and NH3 were measured. Particulate-phase nitrate, nitrite, and sulfate and gas-phase HONO, HNO3, and SO2 were also measured on a 1-hr average basis. The results indicate that ammonium nitrate averages 40% of the total PM2.5 mass in the absence of inversions and up to 69% during strong inversions. Also, the formation of ammonium nitrate is nitric acid limited. Overall, the lower boundary layer in the Salt Lake Valley appears to be oxidant and volatile organic carbon (VOC) limited with respect to ozone formation. The most effective way to reduce ammonium nitrate secondary particle formation during the inversions period is to reduce NOx emissions. However, a decrease in NOx will increase ozone concentrations. A better definition of the complete ozone isopleths would better inform this decision.

Implications: Monitoring of air pollution constituents in Salt Lake City, UT, during periods in which PM2.5 concentrations exceeded the NAAQS, reveals that secondary aerosol formation for this region is NOx limited. Therefore, NOx emissions should be targeted in order to reduce secondary particle formation and PM2.5. Data also indicate that the highest concentrations of sulfur dioxide are associated with winds from the north-northwest, the location of several small refineries.  相似文献   

Given the significance of mining as a source of particulates, accurate characterization of emissions is important for the development of appropriate emission estimation techniques for use in modeling predictions and to inform regulatory decisions. The currently available emission estimation methods for Australian open-cut coal mines relate primarily to total suspended particulates and PM10 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter <10 μm), and limited data are available relating to the PM2.5 (<2.5 μm) size fraction. To provide an initial analysis of the appropriateness of the currently available emission estimation techniques, this paper presents results of sampling completed at three open-cut coal mines in Australia. The monitoring data demonstrate that the particulate size fraction varies for different mining activities, and that the region in which the mine is located influences the characteristics of the particulates emitted to the atmosphere. The proportion of fine particulates in the sample increased with distance from the source, with the coarse fraction being a more significant proportion of total suspended particulates close to the source of emissions. In terms of particulate composition, the results demonstrate that the particulate emissions are predominantly sourced from naturally occurring geological material, and coal comprises less than 13% of the overall emissions. The size fractionation exhibited by the sampling data sets is similar to that adopted in current Australian emission estimation methods but differs from the size fractionation presented in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency methodology. Development of region-specific emission estimation techniques for PM10 and PM2.5 from open-cut coal mines is necessary to allow accurate prediction of particulate emissions to inform regulatory decisions and for use in modeling predictions.

Implications: Development of region-specific emission estimation techniques for PM10 and PM2.5 from open-cut coal mines is necessary to allow accurate prediction of particulate emissions to inform regulatory decisions and for use in modeling predictions. Comprehensive air quality monitoring was undertaken, and corresponding recommendations were provided.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have reported a positive association between ambient fine particles and daily mortality, but little is known about the particle properties or environmental factors that may contribute to these effects. This study assessed potential modification of radon on PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter <2.5 μm)-associated daily mortality in 108 U.S. cities using a two-stage statistical approach. First, city- and season-specific PM2.5 mortality risks were estimated using over-dispersed Poisson regression models. These PM2.5 effect estimates were then regressed against mean city-level residential radon concentrations to estimate overall PM2.5 effects and potential modification by radon. Radon exposure estimates based on measured short-term basement concentrations and modeled long-term living-area concentrations were both assessed. Exposure to PM2.5 was associated with total, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality in both the spring and the fall. In addition, higher mean city-level radon concentrations increased PM2.5-associated mortality in the spring and fall. For example, a 10 µg/m3 increase in PM2.5 in the spring at the 10th percentile of city-averaged short-term radon concentrations (21.1 Bq/m3) was associated with a 1.92% increase in total mortality (95% CI: 1.29, 2.55), whereas the same PM2.5 exposure at the 90th radon percentile (234.2 Bq/m3) was associated with a 3.73% increase in total mortality (95% CI: 2.87, 4.59). Results were robust to adjustment for spatial confounders, including average planetary boundary height, population age, percent poverty and tobacco use. While additional research is necessary, this study suggests that radon enhances PM2.5 mortality. This is of significant regulatory importance, as effective regulation should consider the increased risk for particle mortality in cities with higher radon levels.

Implications: In this large national study, city-averaged indoor radon concentration was a significant effect modifier of PM2.5-associated total, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality risk in the spring and fall. These results suggest that radon may enhance PM2.5-associated mortality. In addition, local radon concentrations partially explain the significant variability in PM2.5 effect estimates across U.S. cities, noted in this and previous studies. Although the concept of PM as a vector for radon progeny is feasible, additional research is needed on the noncancer health effects of radon and its potential interaction with PM. Future air quality regulations may need to consider the increased risk for particle mortality in cities with higher radon levels.  相似文献   

An ozone abatement strategy for the South Coast Air Basin (SoCAB) has been proposed by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) and the California Air Resources Board (ARB). The proposed emissions reduction strategy is focused on the reduction of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions by the year 2030. Two high PM2.5 concentration episodes with high ammonium nitrate compositions occurring during September and November 2008 were simulated with the Community Multi-scale Air Quality model (CMAQ). All simulations were made with same meteorological files provided by the SCAQMD to allow them to be more directly compared with their previous modeling studies. Although there was an overall under-prediction bias, the CMAQ simulations were within an overall normalized mean error of 50%; a range that is considered acceptable performance for PM modeling. A range of simulations of these episodes were made to evaluate sensitivity to NOx and ammonia emissions inputs for the future year 2030. It was found that the current ozone control strategy will reduce daily average PM2.5 concentrations. However, the targeted NOx reductions for ozone were not found to be optimal for reducing PM2.5 concentrations. Ammonia emission reductions reduced PM2.5 and this might be considered as part of a PM2.5 control strategy.

Implications: The SCAQMD and the ARB have proposed an ozone abatement strategy for the SoCAB that focuses on NOx emission reductions. Their strategy will affect both ozone and PM2.5. Two episodes that occurred during September and November 2008 with high PM2.5 concentrations and high ammonium nitrate composition were selected for simulation with different levels of nitrogen oxide and ammonia emissions for the future year 2030. It was found that the ozone control strategy will reduce maximum daily average PM2.5 concentrations but its effect on PM2.5 concentrations is not optimal.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the residential infiltration factor (Finf) of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and to develop models to predict PM2.5 Finf in Beijing. Eighty-eight paired indoor–outdoor PM2.5 samples were collected by Teflon filters for seven consecutive days during both non-heating and heating seasons (from a total of 55 families between August, 2013 and February, 2014). The mass concentrations of PM2.5 were measured by gravimetric method, and elemental concentrations of sulfur in filter deposits were determined by energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) spectrometry. PM2.5 Finf was estimated as the indoor/outdoor sulfur ratio. Multiple linear regression was used to construct Finf predicting models. The residential PM2.5 Finf in non-heating season (0.70 ± 0.21, median = 0.78, n = 43) was significantly greater than in heating season (0.54 ± 0.18, median = 0.52, n = 45, p < 0.001). Outdoor temperature, window width, frequency of window opening, and air conditioner use were the most important predictors during non-heating season, which could explain 57% variations across residences, while the outdoor temperature was the only predictor identified in heating season, which could explain 18% variations across residences. The substantial variations of PM2.5 Finf between seasons and among residences found in this study highlight the importance of incorporating Finf into exposure assessment in epidemiological studies of air pollution and human health in Beijing. The Finf predicting models developed in this study hold promise for incorporating PM2.5 Finf into large epidemiology studies, thereby reducing exposure misclassification.

Implications: Failure to consider the differences between indoor and outdoor PM2.5 may contribute to exposure misclassification in epidemiological studies estimating exposure from a central site measurement. This study was conducted in Beijing to investigate residential PM2.5 infiltration factor and to develop a localized predictive model in both nonheating and heating seasons. High variations of PM2.5 infiltration factor between the two seasons and across homes within each season were found, highlighting the importance of including infiltration factor in the assessment of exposure to PM2.5 of outdoor origin in epidemiological studies. Localized predictive models for PM2.5 infiltration factor were also developed.  相似文献   

The Imperial County Community Air Monitoring Network was developed as part of a community-engaged research study to provide real-time particulate matter (PM) air quality information at a high spatial resolution in Imperial County, California. The network augmented the few existing regulatory monitors and increased monitoring near susceptible populations. Monitors were both calibrated and field validated, a key component of evaluating the quality of the data produced by the community monitoring network. This paper examines the performance of a customized version of the low-cost Dylos optical particle counter used in the community air monitors compared with both PM2.5 and PM10 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters <2.5 and <10 μm, respectively) federal equivalent method (FEM) beta-attenuation monitors (BAMs) and federal reference method (FRM) gravimetric filters at a collocation site in the study area. A conversion equation was developed that estimates particle mass concentrations from the native Dylos particle counts, taking into account relative humidity. The R2 for converted hourly averaged Dylos mass measurements versus a PM2.5 BAM was 0.79 and that versus a PM10 BAM was 0.78. The performance of the conversion equation was evaluated at six other sites with collocated PM2.5 environmental beta-attenuation monitors (EBAMs) located throughout Imperial County. The agreement of the Dylos with the EBAMs was moderate to high (R2 = 0.35–0.81).

Implications: The performance of low-cost air quality sensors in community networks is currently not well documented. This paper provides a methodology for quantifying the performance of a next-generation Dylos PM sensor used in the Imperial County Community Air Monitoring Network. This air quality network provides data at a much finer spatial and temporal resolution than has previously been possible with government monitoring efforts. Once calibrated and validated, these high-resolution data may provide more information on susceptible populations, assist in the identification of air pollution hotspots, and increase community awareness of air pollution.  相似文献   

Particulate matter mass (PM), trace gaseous pollutants, and select volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with meteorological variables were measured in Logan, Utah (Cache Valley), for >4 weeks during winter 2017 as part of the Utah Winter Fine Particle Study (UWFPS). Higher PM levels for short time periods and lower ozone (O3) levels were present due to meteorological and mountain valley conditions. Nitrogenous pollutants were relatively strongly correlated with PM variables. Diurnal cycles of NOx, O3, and fine PM(PM 2.5) (aerodynamic diameter <2.5 μm [PM2.5]) suggested formation from NOx. O3 levels increased from early morning into midafternoon, and NOx and PM2.5 increased throughout the morning, followed by sharp decreases. Toluene/benzene and xylenes/benzene ratios and VOC correlations with nitrogenous and PM species were indicative of local traffic sources. Wind sector comparisons suggested that pollutant levels were lower when winds were from nearby mountains to the east versus winds from northerly or southerly origins.

Implications: The Cache Valley in Idaho and Utah has been designated a PM2.5 nonattainment area that has been attributed to air pollution buildup during winter stagnation events. To inform state implementation plans for PM2.5 in Cache Valley and other PM2.5 nonattainment areas in Utah, a state and multiagency federal research effort known as the UWFPS was conducted in winter 2017. As part of the UWFPS, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) measured ground-based PM species and their precursors, VOCs, and meteorology in Logan, Utah. Results reported here from the EPA study in Logan provide additional understanding of wintertime air pollution conditions and possible sources of PM and gaseous pollutants as well as being useful for future PM control strategies in this area.  相似文献   

This paper discusses results from a vehicular emissions research study of over 350 vehicles conducted in three communities in Los Angeles, CA, in 2010 using vehicle chase measurements. The study explores the real-world emission behavior of light-duty gasoline vehicles, characterizes real-world super-emitters in the different regions, and investigates the relationship of on-road vehicle emissions with the socioeconomic status (SES) of the region. The study found that in comparison to a 2007 earlier study in a neighboring community, vehicle emissions for all measured pollutants had experienced a significant reduction over the years, with oxides of nitrogen (NOX) and black carbon (BC) emissions showing the largest reductions. Mean emission factors of the sampled vehicles in low-SES communities were roughly 2–3 times higher for NOX, BC, carbon monoxide, and ultrafine particles, and 4–11 times greater for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) than for vehicles in the high-SES neighborhood. Further analysis indicated that the emission factors of vehicles within a technology group were also higher in low-SES communities compared to similar vehicles in the high-SES community, suggesting that vehicle age alone did not explain the higher vehicular emission in low-SES communities.

Evaluation of the emission factor distribution found that emissions from 12% of the sampled vehicles were greater than five times the mean from all of the sampled fleet, and these vehicles were consequently categorized as “real-world super-emitters.” Low-SES communities had approximately twice as many super-emitters for most of the pollutants as compared to the high-SES community. Vehicle emissions calculated using model-year-specific average fuel consumption assumptions suggested that approximately 5% of the sampled vehicles accounted for nearly half of the total CO, PM2.5, and UFP emissions, and 15% of the vehicles were responsible for more than half of the total NOX and BC emissions from the vehicles sampled during the study.

Implications: This study evaluated the real-world emission behavior and super-emitter distribution of light-duty gasoline vehicles in California, and investigated the relationship of on-road vehicle emissions with local socioeconomic conditions. The study observed a significant reduction in vehicle emissions for all measured pollutants when compared to an earlier study in Wilmington, CA, and found a higher prevalence of high-emitting vehicles in low-socioeconomic-status communities. As overall fleet emissions decrease from stringent vehicle emission regulations, a small fraction of the fleet may contribute to a disproportionate share of the overall on-road vehicle emissions. Therefore, this work will have important implications for improving air quality and public health, especially in low-SES communities.  相似文献   

In 1995, Taiwan's Environmental Protection Administration (EPA/TW) instituted a policy of levying emission taxes on polluters in order to combat the rampant national issue of pollution. Since that time, pollution control strategies, tightening exhaust emission standards for industry, improvements in fuel quality, and new stricter vehicle emission standards, etc., have been implemented. This study evaluates the effectiveness of these measures and examines the improvement of Taiwan's air quality. In this paper, we conduct a detailed analysis of change in the concentrations of pollutants (SO2, NOx and particulate matter [PM]) between two three-year periods (from 1996 to1998 and from 2000 to 2002). The pollution levels were generally lower in the latter period. Concentrations at 14 EPA/TW stations in central Taiwan were simulated and source apportionment analyses in three of Central Taiwan's largest cities were conducted using a trajectory transfer-coefficient air quality model. Correlation coefficients (r) between simulations and observations for the monthly means of the concentrations of SO2, NOx, PM2.5 and PM10 during the study periods at the 14 stations are 0.56, 0.63, 0.70 and 0.31, respectively. The sulfur control policy greatly reduced SO2 concentration island-wide, a stringent emission standard put into place for gasoline vehicles reduced NOx concentration along highways, and an emissions tax placed on construction sites, as well as a regular program for road-dust sweeping, reduced primary particulate matter. Among all of the pollution abatement policies implemented, the most effective method for reducing PM2.5 concentrations in the three largest cities involved the reduction of fine ammonium sulfate aerosols from point sources (56–63% of net PM2.5 reduction). The next largest reduction was attributed to a diminishment in primary PM2.5 emanating from point sources (27–56% of net PM2.5 reduction). Secondary particulate matter, especially sulfate, was reduced from distances up to 150 km leeward of major pollution point sources such as Taichung Power Plant.  相似文献   

Motor vehicles are major sources of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and the PM2.5 from mobile vehicles is associated with adverse health effects. Traditional methods for estimating source impacts that employ receptor models are limited by the availability of observational data. To better estimate temporally and spatially resolved mobile source impacts on PM2.5, we developed an approach based on a method that uses elemental carbon (EC), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxide (NOx) measurements as an indicator of mobile source impacts. We extended the original integrated mobile source indicator (IMSI) method in three aspects. First, we generated spatially resolved indicators using 24-hr average concentrations of EC, CO, and NOx estimated at 4 km resolution by applying a method developed to fuse chemical transport model (Community Multiscale Air Quality Model [CMAQ]) simulations and observations. Second, we used spatially resolved emissions instead of county-level emissions in the IMSI formulation. Third, we spatially calibrated the unitless indicators to annually-averaged mobile source impacts estimated by the receptor model Chemical Mass Balance (CMB). Daily total mobile source impacts on PM2.5, as well as separate gasoline and diesel vehicle impacts, were estimated at 12 km resolution from 2002 to 2008 and 4 km resolution from 2008 to 2010 for Georgia. The total mobile and separate vehicle source impacts compared well with daily CMB results, with high temporal correlation (e.g., R ranges from 0.59 to 0.88 for total mobile sources with 4 km resolution at nine locations). The total mobile source impacts had higher correlation and lower error than the separate gasoline and diesel sources when compared with observation-based CMB estimates. Overall, the enhanced approach provides spatially resolved mobile source impacts that are similar to observation-based estimates and can be used to improve assessment of health effects.

Implications: An approach is developed based on an integrated mobile source indicator method to estimate spatiotemporal PM2.5 mobile source impacts. The approach employs three air pollutant concentration fields that are readily simulated at 4 and 12 km resolutions, and is calibrated using PM2.5 source apportionment modeling results to generate daily mobile source impacts in the state of Georgia. The estimated source impacts can be used in investigations of traffic pollution and health.  相似文献   

Organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and 90 organic compounds (36 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [PAHs], 25 n-alkane homologues, 17 hopanes, and 12 steranes) were concurrently quantified in atmospheric particulate matter of PM2.5 and PM10. The 24-hr PM samples were collected using Harvard Impactors at a suburban site in Doha, Qatar, from May to December 2015. The mass concentrations (mean ± standard deviation) of PM2.5 and PM10 were 40 ± 15 and 145 ± 70 µg m?3, respectively, exceeding the World Health Organization (WHO) air quality guidelines. Coarse particles comprised 70% of PM10. Total carbonaceous contents accounted for 14% of PM2.5 and 10% of PM10 particulate mass. The major fraction (90%) of EC was associated with the PM2.5. In contrast, 70% of OC content was found in the PM2.5–10 fraction. The secondary OC accounted for 60–68% of the total OC in both PM fractions, indicating photochemical conversions of organics are much active in the area due to higher air temperatures and solar radiations. Among the studied compounds, n-alkanes were the most abundant group, followed by PAHs, hopanes, and steranes. n-Alkanes from C25 to C35 prevailed with a predominance of odd carbon numbered congeners (C27–C31). High-molecular-weight PAHs (5–6 rings) also prevailed, within their class, with benzo[b + j]fluoranthene (Bb + jF) being the dominant member. PAHs were mainly (80%) associated with the PM2.5 fraction. Local vehicular and fugitive emissions were predominant during low-speed southeasterly winds from urban areas, while remote petrogenic/biogenic emissions were particularly significant under prevailing northwesterly wind conditions.

Implications: An unprecedented study in Qatar established concentration profiles of EC, OC, and 90 organic compounds in PM2.5 and PM10. Multiple tracer organic compounds for each source can be used for convincing source apportionment. Particle concentrations exceeded WHO air quality guidelines for 82–96% of the time, revealing a severe problem of atmospheric PM in Doha. Dominance of EC and PAHs in fine particles signifies contributions from combustion sources. Dependence of pollutants concentrations on wind speed and direction suggests their significant temporal and spatial variability, indicating opportunities for improving the air quality by identifying sources of airborne contaminants.  相似文献   

This study proposes an easy-to-apply method, the Total Life Cycle Emission Model (TLCEM), to calculate the total emissions from shipping and help ship management groups assess the impact on emissions caused by their capital investment or operation decisions. Using TLCEM, we present the total emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHGs) during the 25-yr life cycle of 10 post-Panamax containerships under slow steaming conditions. The life cycle consists of steel production, shipbuilding, crude oil extraction and transportation, fuel refining, bunkering, and ship operation. We calculate total emissions from containerships and compare the effect of emission reduction by using various fuels. The results can be used to differentiate the emissions from various processes and to assess the effectiveness of various reduction approaches. Critical pollutants and GHGs emitted from each process are calculated. If the containerships use heavy fuel oil (HFO), emissions of CO2 total 2.79 million tonnes (Mt), accounting for 95.37% of total emissions, followed by NOx and SOx emissions,which account for 2.25% and 1.30%, respectively.The most significant emissions are from the operation of the ship and originate from the main engine (ME).When fuel is switched to 100% natural gas (NG), SOx, PM10, and CO2 emissions show remarkable reductions of 98.60%, 99.06%, and 21.70%, respectively. Determining the emission factor of each process is critical for estimating the total emissions. The estimated emission factors were compared with the values adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).The proposed TLCEM may contribute to more accurate estimates of total life cycle emissions from global shipping.

Implications: We propose a total life cycle emissions model for 10 post-Panamax container ships. Using heavy fuel oil, emissions of CO2 total 2.79 Mt, accounting for approximately 95% of emissions, followed by NOx and SOx emissions. Using 100% natural gas, SOx, PM10, and CO2 emissions reduce by 98.6%, 99.1%, and 21.7%, respectively. NOx emissions increase by 1.14% when running a dual fuel engine at low load in natural gas mode.  相似文献   

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