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用熏蒸-培养法测定油污染土壤中的微生物量─—碳。对某油田距采油井1、15、30m的土壤测定结果表明,受原油污染的土壤微生物量的大小随土壤含油量变化而变化。熏蒸-培养法受土壤水分状况影响较大,不适用于强酸性土壤及刚施用过大量有机肥的土壤,在测定性质差异很大的土壤时,必须分别测定转换系数Kc,才能得到可靠的结果。  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Taihu occurred at the end of April 2007 and had crucial impacts on the livelihood of millions of people living there. Excessive nutrients may promote bloom formation. Atmospheric nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deposition appears to play an important role in algal bloom formation. Bulk deposition and rain water samples were collected respectively from May 1 to November 30, 2007, the period of optimal algal growth, to measure the bulk atmospheric deposition rate, wet deposition rate, and dry deposition rate for total nitrogen (TN; i.e., all species of nitrogen), and total phosphorus (TP; i.e., all species of phosphorus), in northern Lake Taihu, China. The trends of the bulk atmospheric deposition rate for TN and the wet deposition rate for TN showed double peaks during the observation period and distinct influence with plum rains and typhoons. Meanwhile, monthly bulk atmospheric deposition rates for TP showed little influence of annual precipitation. However, excessive rain may lead to high atmospheric N and P deposition rates. In bulk deposition samples, the average percentage of total dissolved nitrogen accounting for TN was 91.2% and changed little with time. However, the average percentage of total dissolved phosphorus accounting for TP was 65.6% and changed substantially with time. Annual bulk atmospheric deposition rates of TN and TP during 2007 in Lake Taihu were estimated to be 2,976 and 84 kg km−2 a−1, respectively. The results showed decreases of 34.4% and 78.7%, respectively, compared to 2002–2003. Annual bulk deposition load of TN for Lake Taihu was estimated at 6,958 t a−1 in 2007 including 4,642 t a−1 of wet deposition, lower than the values obtained in 2002–2003. This may be due to measures taken to save energy and emission control regulations in the Yangtze River Delta. Nevertheless, high atmospheric N and P deposition loads helped support cyanobacterial blooms in northern Lake Taihu during summer and autumn, the period of favorable algal growth.  相似文献   

地理信息系统(GIS)是处理资源、环境等多种信息的计算机数据管理系统。本文介绍了6IS技术在全国土壤污染状况调查工作中调查点位的布设、现场定位采样、调查数据存储等方面的应用,并探讨该技术在今后土壤污染防治工作中的应用。  相似文献   

针对长春市存在污染的46个土壤采样点,以Hg、Cd、Pb、As、Cu、Cr、Zn七种重金属元素指标作因子分析,从而为长春市表层土壤重金属污染成因的解释提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

An inventory of trace element inputs to agricultural soils in China   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
It is important to understand the status and extent of soil contamination with trace elements to make sustainable management strategies for agricultural soils. The inputs of trace elements to agricultural soils via atmospheric deposition, livestock manures, fertilizers and agrochemicals, sewage irrigation and sewage sludge in China were analyzed and an annual inventory of trace element inputs was developed. The results showed that atmospheric deposition was responsible for 43–85% of the total As, Cr, Hg, Ni and Pb inputs, while livestock manures accounted for approximately 55%, 69% and 51% of the total Cd, Cu and Zn inputs, respectively. Among the elements concerned, Cd was a top priority in agricultural soils in China, with an average input rate of 0.004 mg/kg/yr in the plough layer (0–20 cm). Due to the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the sources, the inventory as well as the environmental risks of trace elements in soils varies on a regional scale. For example, sewage sludge and fertilizers (mainly organic and phosphate-based inorganic fertilizers) can also be the predominant sources of trace elements where these materials were excessively applied. This work provides baseline information to develop policies to control and reduce toxic element inputs to and accumulation in agricultural soils.  相似文献   

Tannery effluents and relevant ground water and soil samples collected from various tanning industries of Peshawar were analyzed for Na, Ca, K, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cr, Co, Cd, Ni, Pb and Zn by the AAS method. The metal concentration data for the three media are reported in terms of basic statistical parameters, metal-to-metal correlations and linear regression analyses. Metal distributions in the three media were quite divergent and showed non-normal distributions with high standard deviation and skewness parameters. Sodium exhibited the highest mean levels of 1,277mg/L, 881mg/L and 12,912mg/kg in the effluent, ground water and soil samples, respectively. Among other metals, Cr concentrations were 410mg/L, 0.145mg/L, 100mg/kg and Ca, 278mg/L, 64.8mg/L, and 2,285mg/kg in the effluent, ground water and soil samples, respectively. Some significant correlations were observed between effluent and soils in terms of Na, Cr, Ni, Co and Pb. The ground water-soil interrelationship suggested that Na levels in the soil and ground water were significantly correlated with each other (r=0.486, P<0.01). Similarly, Cr in the soil is strongly correlated with Ca in ground water (r=0.486, P<0.01). These results were duly supported by the linear regression analysis of data. The source identification studies conducted using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis (CA) evidenced that ground water and soil were being contaminated by the toxic metals emanating from the tannery effluents.  相似文献   

Solid waste presents the potential for contamination of the soil when it is improperly managed. One of the great challenges of today's society is to promote the proper disposal of municipal solid waste in order to guarantee the safety of public health and to avoid risks to the environment. In this context, the objective of this study is to analyze the concentration profiles of heavy metals and aromatic hydrocarbons of risk that human health in landfill soil. Such works provides an important tool to evaluate the possible presence of contaminants from inappropriate waste disposal, as well as to assist in the management of waste and to prevent environmental contamination. In order to analyze cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), arsenic (As), and mercury (Hg), which are toxic elements, and aromatic hydrocarbons, including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, o‐xylene, m‐xylene, and p‐xylene, soil samples were collected at different sites and depths. Neither Cd nor As was detected in any of the samples that were analyzed. Pb levels ranged from 5.34 milligrams per kilograms (mg/kg) to 7.40 mg/kg, Ni levels ranged from 2.17 mg/kg to 3.00 mg/kg, and Hg levels ranged from 75.4 micrograms per kilograms (μg/kg) to 88.3 μg/kg. The aromatic hydrocarbon compounds of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and o‐xylene were below 5.5 μg/kg, and m‐, p‐xylene was below 11 μg/kg. The analysis of heavy metals and aromatic hydrocarbons present in the landfill soil showed concentrations below the soil quality guideline values of the Brazilian National Environment Council (CONAMA) Resolution 420, which has criteria for the presence of chemical substances in soil for Brazil. Therefore, the low levels of chemicals may be related to the operational time of the landfill or to the population profile of the municipality, which is predominantly composed of persons involved in family‐based agriculture.  相似文献   

Santiago, Chile has the distinction of having among the worst urban air pollution problems in Latin America. As part of an atmospheric pollution reduction plan, the Santiago Regional Metropolitan government defined an environmental policy goal of using urban forests to remove particulate matter less than 10 microm (PM(10)) in the Gran Santiago area. We used cost effectiveness, or the process of establishing costs and selecting least cost alternatives for obtaining a defined policy goal of PM(10) removal, to analyze this policy goal. For this study, we quantified PM(10) removal by Santiago's urban forests based on socioeconomic strata and using field and real-time pollution and climate data via a dry deposition urban forest effects model. Municipal urban forest management costs were estimated using management cost surveys and Chilean Ministry of Planning and Cooperation documents. Results indicate that managing municipal urban forests (trees, shrubs, and grass whose management is under the jurisdiction of Santiago's 36 municipalities) to remove PM(10) was a cost-effective policy for abating PM(10) based on criteria set by the World Bank. In addition, we compared the cost effectiveness of managing municipal urban forests and street trees to other control policies (e.g. alternative fuels) to abate PM(10) in Santiago and determined that municipal urban forest management efficiency was similar to these other air quality improvement measures.  相似文献   

我国土壤修复行业现状及亟待解决的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘 要:我国土壤污染形势严峻,在《土壤环境保护法》出台前的过渡期,政策、法规、标准都存在不确定性,尽管土壤修复技术门类众多,但适合中国国情且经济有效的技术路线尚未形成;指出现阶段我国土壤修复行业需要解决的五个问题,并提出了建议。  相似文献   

Implementation of more stringent 8-hour ozone standards has led the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to designate nonattainment status to 474 counties nationwide, many of which had never previously violated air quality standards. As states select emission control measures to achieve attainment in these regions, their choices pose significant implications to local economies and the health of their citizens. Considering a case study of one such nonattainment region, Macon, Georgia, we develop a menu of potential controls that could be implemented locally or in neighboring parts of the state. The control menu offers the potential to control about 20–35% of ozone precursor emissions in most Georgia regions, but marginal costs increase rapidly beyond 15–20%. We link high-order ozone sensitivities with the control menu to identify cost-optimized strategies for achieving attainment and for alternative goals such as reducing spatially averaged or population-weighted ozone concentrations. Strategies targeted toward attainment of Macon ozone would prioritize local reductions of nitrogen oxides, whereas controls in the more densely populated Atlanta region are shown to be more effective for reducing statewide potential population exposure to ozone. A U.S. EPA-sanctioned approach for demonstrating ozone attainment with photochemical models is shown to be highly dependent on the choice of a baseline period and may not foster optimal strategies for assuring attainment and protecting human health.  相似文献   

辽河三角洲土壤中石油类含量光谱分析初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石油类物质对土壤的污染在油田区域内是一个普遍存在的问题。全面了解土壤中石油类物质含量是评价土壤石油污染的前提条件。对土壤石油污染评价的传统方法是在野外实地进行大量土壤采样,然后在试验室内分析石油类物质的含量。文中提出了利用少量野外土壤石油类物质样品,并结合野外光谱测量的方法对土壤中石油类物质进行分析的新方法。该方法应用于辽河三角洲,具有快速、省钱、省时、省力的特点,能对土壤中石油类物质含量进行宏观分析。满足了油田开发对土壤及环境污染评价的需要,并能为制定油田开发管理保护对策提供辅助信息。  相似文献   

Spatial variations in total suspended particulate matter (TSP) were investigated for distribution of metals and particle size fractions in the urban and rural atmosphere of Islamabad, Pakistan. The metals Na, K, Fe, Mn, Pb, Cd, Cr, Zn, Ni and Co, and the particle fractions <2.5, 2.5-10, 10-100 and >100 microm were included in the study. TSP samples were trapped on glass fibre filters using high volume samplers and quantification of metals was done using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry employing HNO(3) based wet digestion. At the urban site, Na was dominant at 2.384 microg/m(3) followed by K, Fe and Zn with 0.778, 0.667 and 0.567 microg/m(3) as mean concentrations, respectively. The metal levels for the rural site ranged from 0.002 microg/m(3) for Cd to 1.077 microg/m(3) for Na. However, compared with the urban site, mean Pb concentration showed an almost two-fold enhancement, i.e., 0.163 Vs. 0.327 microg/m(3). Metals and particle size source identification was done using Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis. Five sources were traced out for the urban site: industrial, soil, automobile emissions, metallurgical industries and excavation activities. For the rural site, four sources were recorded: agricultural, automotive emissions, excavation activities and metallurgical units. Collectively, for both the sites, PM(10-100) emerged as a major contributor to TSP, followed by PM(2.5-10), PM(<2.5) and PM(>100) in that order. The metals showed in general positive relationship with fine particulate fractions (PM(2.5-10), PM(<2.5)), and negative correlation with coarse fractions (PM(10-100), PM(>100)). Comparison with the corresponding data from various Asian sites revealed that the levels of Na, K, Fe, Mn, Co and Ni for the present study were lower than those reported for grossly polluted cities of the world.  相似文献   

大庆油田废钻井液对土壤环境的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过钻井液成分分析及废钻井液在四种土壤中淋渗模拟试验,阐述了废钻井液对土壤理化性质的影响,钻井液中有毒性的重金属和石油类有机物在黑钙土、草甸土、盐碱土、沙壤土中运移、积累及降解情况。  相似文献   

Industrial zones are the main source of soil pollution in Israel. Due to the upcoming approval of the bill on soil contamination and remediation in Israel, it is important to assess the economic feasibility of soil remediation. This study examines the economic feasibility of an extensive remediation project of all contaminated industrial zones in Israel. The estimated economic benefits include both direct benefits, resulting from the increase in the land value of the contaminated site, and indirect benefits, arising from the increase in nearby property values. A cost‐benefit analysis showed a cost benefit ratio of 1:14. Nonetheless, the direct benefits were found to be lower than the costs. Thus, the question of funding requires collaboration between government and the private sector.  相似文献   

Inter-seasonal studies on the trace metal load of surface water, sediment and Tympanotonus fuscatus var. radula of Iko River were conducted between 2003 and 2004. The impact of anthropogenic activities especially industrial effluent, petroleum related wastes, gas flare and episodic oil spills on the ecosystem are remarkable. Trace metals analyzed included cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), vanadium (V) and zinc (Zn). Sediment particle size analysis revealed that they were characteristically psammitic and were predominantly of medium to fine grained sand (>73%), less of silt (<15%) and clay (<10%). These results correlated with low levels of trace elements such as Pb (0.03 ± 0.02 mg kg−1), Cr (0.22 ± 0.12 mg kg−1), Cd (0.05 ± 0.03 mg kg−1), Cu (0.04 ± 0.02 mg kg−1) and Mn (0.23 ± 0.22 mg kg−1) in the sediment samples. This observation is consistent with the scarcity of clayey materials known to be good scavengers for metallic and organic contaminants. Sediments indicated enhanced concentration of Fe, Ni and V, while other metal levels were relatively low. The concentrations of all the metals except Pb in surface water were within the permissible levels, suggesting that the petroleum contaminants had minimal effect on the state of pollution by trace metals in Iko River. Notably, the pollutant concentrations in the sediments were markedly higher than the corresponding concentrations in surface water and T. fuscatus tissues, and decreased with distance from point sources of pollution.  相似文献   

Soil erosion and the invasion of exotic plant species are major constraints to achieve sustainable development around the world. Currently, we find few products devoted concomitantly to combatting soil erosion as well as the establishment of unwanted exotic plants. In this paper, we introduce a new product, called herein a bioblanket, that protects the soil and impedes the establishment of exotic plant species. This product is of simple design, and to manufacture it, we use two biodegradable materials: jute tissue and grass wastes. We designed this product to combat soil erosion and the germination and establishment of new, unwanted, invasive plant species. In this paper, we describe our evaluation of how successful this product was in terms of improving the chemical attributes of soil. We also identified the product's potentialities and weaknesses by means of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. The bioblanket ameliorated the chemical attributes of the soil, as evidenced especially by the neutralization of acidity (8.5%) and aluminum toxicity (33%), and by an increment in nutrients concentration. We argue that after adequate treatment and management, the residues of plants that are normally considered unwanted materials can be transformed into a raw material to control the propagation of unwanted plant species, and concomitantly control soil erosion while improving the chemical conditions of the soil. The improvement of the soil chemical attributes was one of the main positive effects reported through the SWOT analysis. In addition, the SWOT analysis revealed some features that need improvement in future generations of the product, but we argue that these features do not impede the benefits for the use of the product in its present form.  相似文献   

Healthy, fertile soil is the material of life itself. It is chemically, biologically and physically structured to support the growth of healthy, environmentally sustainable foods. Recent years have seen a resurgent focus on soil science in Australia. Yet, the influence of soil in the politics of food systems has received comparatively little attention, despite long awareness in farming communities of how the natural world shapes farmers’ choices and possible actions. Drawing on work with SoilCare, a Landcare group with a focus on soil processes in the Northern Rivers of New South Wales, this paper explores the usefulness of approaching soil as an actor in food systems. Taking a participatory approach, and drawing on recent work on new materialisms, we argue that soil can be understood as an important ally in the struggle to shape a just and sustainable food system. While this work is intended to test this idea through a modest local case study, it may point to important new avenues for investigation in food politics.  相似文献   

Ligustrum lucidum Ait. f. tricolor (Rehd.) Rehd. in relation to atmospheric pollutants in Córdoba city, Argentina. The study area receives regional pollutants and was categorized taking into account traffic level, industrial density, type of industry, location of the sample point in relation to the street corner, treeless condition, and topographic level. Dried weight/fresh weight ratio (DW/FW) and specific leaf area (SLA) were calculated, and concentrations of chlorophylls, carotenoids, total sulfur, soluble proteins, malondialdehyde (MDA), and hydroperoxy conjugated dienes (HPCD) were determined in leaf samples. Sulfur content correlates positively with traffic density and SLA correlates negatively with some combinations of the categorical variables; MDA correlates positively with topographic level and total protein concentration correlates negatively with treeless condition. On the basis of our results, traffic, location of trees, type of industry, situation of a tree with respect to others, and topographic level are the environmental variables to bear in mind when selecting analogous sampling points in a passive monitoring program. An approximation to predict tree injury may be obtained by measuring DW/FW ratio, proteins, pigments, HPCD, and MDA as they are responsible for the major variability of data.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a multilevel structure equation model predicting general and fraction specific self-reported recycling behaviour. The model was tested on a sample of 697 undergraduate students from four Norwegian universities who each reported their degree of participation in the local recycling schemes for paper/cardboard, glass, metal, and plastic. It was demonstrated that variance in recycling behaviour can be divided into a smaller general part that is relatively stable across waste fractions and a specific part that depends on the respective fraction. General recycling behaviour is well predicted by intentions to recycle and recycling habits, whereas perceived behavioural control is to a large extend fraction specific and influences the fraction specific recycling. Perceived behavioural control mediates the influence of the recycling scheme type, distance to recycling containers, and transport mode used to reach the recycling containers.  相似文献   

Abstract: A nitrogen (N) mass‐balance budget was developed to assess the sources of N affecting increasing ground‐water nitrate concentrations in the 960‐km2 karstic Ichetucknee Springs basin. This budget included direct measurements of N species in rainfall, ground water, and spring waters, along with estimates of N loading from fertilizers, septic tanks, animal wastes, and the land application of treated municipal wastewater and residual solids. Based on a range of N leaching estimates, N loads to ground water ranged from 262,000 to 1.3 million kg/year; and were similar to N export from the basin in spring waters (266,000 kg/year) when 80‐90% N losses were assumed. Fertilizers applied to cropland, lawns, and pine stands contributed about 51% of the estimated total annual N load to ground water in the basin. Other sources contributed the following percentages of total N load to ground water: animal wastes, 27%; septic tanks, 12%; atmospheric deposition, 8%; and the land application of treated wastewater and biosolids, 2%. Due to below normal rainfall (97.3 cm) during the 12‐month rainfall collection period, N inputs from rainfall likely were about 30% lower than estimates for normal annual rainfall (136 cm). Low N‐isotope values for six spring waters (δ15N‐NO3 = 3.3 to 6.3‰) and elevated potassium concentrations in ground water and spring waters were consistent with the large N contribution from fertilizers. Given ground‐water residence times on the order of decades for spring waters, possible sinks for excess N inputs to the basin include N storage in the unsaturated zone and parts of the aquifer with relatively sluggish ground‐water movement and denitrification. A geographical‐based model of spatial loading from fertilizers indicated that areas most vulnerable to nitrate contamination were located in closed depressions containing sinkholes and other dissolution features in the southern half of the basin.  相似文献   

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