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Photosynthetic, growth, and reproductive characters for colonies of the massive coral Montastraea faveolata were measured at 3-m-depth and 18-m-depth populations in the Florida Keys in 1993 to investigate reproductive behavior across depth. I tested the hypothesis that reproductive traits would exhibit depth-related decreases similar to those documented for photosynthetically derived energy availability and growth rate. Colonies at the 18 m site had significantly reduced access to photosynthetically derived energy compared to colonies at 3 m depth. Linear skeletal extension rates were also reduced at the deep site (mean±SE; 3 m: 6.13 mm year−1±0.35; 18 m: 3.44 mm year−1±0.36; P<0.001). Contrary to expectations, depth did not affect most reproductive characters. Reproductive allocation, the amount of lipid invested in reproduction, was similar between depths (3 m: 3.74 mg lipid cm−2±0.55; 18 m: 3.88 mg lipid cm−2±0.62; P<0.8). Reproductive effort, the proportion of total lipid invested in reproduction, was also similar between sites (3 m: 41.4%±4.7; 18 m: 47.3%±7.12; P<0.163). Colonies within a depth did differ significantly in many gametic characteristics including eggs per gonad, total egg area, spermary area, total gonad area, and male allocation (the proportion of total gonad area invested in spermary tissue), but only total egg area differed between depths, and this was greater at 18 m (3 m: 55.63 μm2×104±4.76; 18 m: 60.51 μm2×104±3.41; P<0.035). Colonies at the two sites had similar polyp fecundity (egg production per polyp); however, a difference in polyp density between sites (3 m: 5.56 polyps cm−2±0.21; 18 m: 4.87 polyps cm−2±0.15; P<0.028) resulted in a significant reduction in area fecundity (egg production per square centimeter) at the 18 m site (3 m: 554 eggs cm−2±27.9; 18 m: 422 eggs cm−2±31.0; P<0.045). Thus, there was a depth-related fecundity cost arising from a change in colony architecture (i.e. polyp spacing) rather than a direct effect of depth on the number of eggs produced per polyp. Egg production per gonad was positively correlated between 1993 and 1994 (r=0.540, P<0.05), indicating that other reproductive characteristics may also be stable between years.  相似文献   

Coralliophila abbreviata is a corallivorous gastropod that has been observed to cause large feeding scars on reef-building corals on Floridian and Caribbean reefs. We detected differences in the population structure (length-frequency distribution and sex ratios) of C. abbreviata populations living on two coral host taxa, Acropora palmata and Montastraea spp., in the Florida Keys in a previous study. We hypothesize that diet (host) has a major influence on snail population structure and, thus, we characterize metabolism, feeding and growth for snails residing on these coral taxa. Here, we present results of a reciprocal transplant experiment demonstrating that the taxon of the host influences snail growth rates, as indicated by changes in shell and body tissue weight. Regardless of the host from which they were drawn, snails resident on A. palmata grew faster than those resident on Montastraea spp. Thus, diet influences snail population structure. However, the tissue of Montastraea spp. provides more N and C per area of tissue than that of A. palmata. Respiration rates and tissue composition of snails collected from the two host taxa did not differ. Therefore, snails feeding on Montastraea spp. should have to consume less tissue per day to satisfy their metabolic requirements compared to snails feeding on A. palmata. Feeding rates for snails on A. palmata were measured in the laboratory over 48 h (1–9 cm2 coral tissue snail−1 day−1) and estimated from feeding scars observed in the field (weekly mean rate of 1.07 cm2 coral tissue snail−1 day−1). The lack of definition of snail feeding scars on Montastraea spp. required the calculation of coral tissue consumption rates based on estimated minimum carbon requirements. Calculated feeding rates for C. abbreviata were 0.13–0.88 cm2 coral tissue day−1 snail−1, when feeding on Montastraea spp., and 0.44–3.28 cm2 coral tissue day−1 snail−1, when feeding on A. palmata. The calculated range for the latter is consistent with measured rates. Thus, C. abbreviata exhibits high variation in growth parameters in response to environmental variability and/or food source. At mean levels of snail density on reefs off Key Largo, Fla., 20% of A. palmata colonies lose between 1.32 and 9.84 cm2 tissue day−1, while 50% of Montastraea spp. colonies lose between 1.04 and 7.04 cm2 tissue day−1. Together with published coral tissue regeneration rates, these results suggest that if sustained, such rates of predation could have a serious effect on the viability of these coral populations on Florida's reefs.  相似文献   

The endangered seagrass Halophila johnsonii Eiseman, exhibits high-light adapted photophysiology consistent with its distribution in intertidal and shallow subtidal (0–3 m) coastal-lagoon habitats along 200 km of southeastern Florida. To examine the short-term responses of this seagrass to three controlled-irradiance treatments (PAR + UVA + UVB [full spectrum], PAR + UVA, and PAR only), greenhouse-acclimated plants were transferred to outdoor mesocosms during July–August 2002. Chlorophyll fluorescence, UV fluorescence, and samples for pigment extraction were collected in the greenhouse, prior to moving the plants outside and on days 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, and 21 of the 24-day experiment. Typical of sun-adapted plants, effective quantum yields measured by pulse-amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry were relatively low in all treatments, ranging from 0.46 ± 0.09 (PAR only) to 0.58 ± 0.08 (PAR + UVA + UVB). In the PAR only treatments, there were strong effects on days 1 and 4, presumably because the irradiance in the greenhouse not only lacked all λ<400 nm, but also had low irradiance maxima (∼700 μmol photons m−2 s−1, compared with ∼1,500 μmol photons m−2 s−1 outside at midday). There were few treatment differences between PAR only and PAR + UVA treatments indicating little effect of UVA radiation on this species. Differences in effective quantum yields and relative electron transport rates between the PAR only and PAR + UVA + UVB treatments on day 4 indicated rapid acclimation to UVB radiation. Tissues of H. johnsonii contained compounds that absorbed strongly in the UV, with a λmax at ∼345 nm (depending on the extraction solvent). Absorption peak maxima and minima changed over the course of the experiment but there were no significant light-treatment differences in any pigment parameters. Percent UV shield values, measured using a newly developed UVA PAM fluorometer, were highest the day after plants were transferred from the greenhouse to the outdoor mesocosms and declined significantly to pretreatment levels in all treatments by day 21. Percent UV shield exhibited a significant positive relationship with UV-absorbing pigment (UVP) absorbance, however, the absence of treatment effects suggests that the wavelengths inducing pigment synthesis must lie between 400 and 700 nm (PAR). The results indicate that H. johnsonii rapidly acclimates to high UVB and PAR which may largely explain its distribution in intertidal and shallow subtidal areas.  相似文献   

The availability of different forms of nitrogen in coastal and estuarine waters may be important in determining the abundance and productivity of different phytoplankton species. Although urea has been shown to contribute as much as 50% of the nitrogen for phytoplankton nutrition, relatively little is known of the activity and expression of urease in phytoplankton. Using an in vitro enzyme assay, urease activities were examined in laboratory cultures of three species: Aureococcus anophagefferens Hargraves et Sieburth, Prorocentrum minimum (Pavillard) Schiller, and Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) Fryxell et Hasle. Cultures of P. minimum and T. weissflogii were grown on three nitrogen sources (NO3m, NH4+, and urea), while A. anophagefferens was grown only on NO3m and urea. Urease was found to be constitutive in all cultures, but activity varied with growth rate and assay temperature for the different cultures. For A. anophagefferens, urease activity varied positively with growth rate regardless of the N source, while for P. minimum, urease activity varied positively with growth rate only for cultures grown on urea and NH4+. In contrast, for T. weissflogii, activity did not vary with growth rate for any of the N sources. For all species, urease activity increased with assay temperature, but with different apparent temperature optima. For A. anophagefferens, in vitro activity increased from near 0-30°C, and remained stable to 50°C, while for P. minimum, increased in vitro activity was noted from near 0-20°C, but constant activity was observed between 20°C and 50°C. For T. weissfloggii, while activity also increased from 0°C to 20°C, subsequent decreases were noted when temperature was elevated above 20°C. Urease activity had a half-saturation constant of 120-165 wg atom N lу in all three species. On both an hourly and daily basis, urease activity in A. anophagefferens exceeded nitrogen demand for growth. In P. minimum, urease activity on an hourly basis matched the nitrogen demand, but was less than the demand on a daily basis. For T. weissflogii, urease activity was always less than the nitrogen demand. These patterns in urease activity in three different species demonstrate that while apparently constitutive, the regulation of activity was substantially different in the diatom. These differences in the physiological regulation of urease activity, as well as other enzymes, may play a role in their ecological success in different environments.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation of 10 populations of Linckia laevigata at 8 polymorphic loci and 13 populations of Tridacna crocea at 6 polymorphic loci were analyzed to compare genetic variability and genetic affinities among reefs in Palawan, Philippines. Two to five populations were sampled from each of four regions: the shelf reefs in (1) northern Palawan and (2) southern Palawan and the offshore reefs in (3) the Kalayaan island group (KIG) in the South China Sea and (4) the Tubbataha shoals in the Sulu Sea. Heterozygosity was highest in populations of L. laevigata from the south shelf of Palawan and populations of T. crocea from the Tubbataha shoals of the Sulu Sea. The lowest heterozygosity estimates were from the reefs of the KIG in the South China Sea, for both species. Overall F ST values for both species were significant, with an estimated average number of effective migrants per generation (N EM) of 4.85 (~5 individuals) for L. laevigata and 3.54 (~4 individuals) for T. crocea. Within-region comparisons showed NEM ranging from 6.29 to 92.34 for L. laevigata and from 3.40 to 6.30 for T. crocea. The higher gene flow among L. laevigata populations relative to T. crocea is consistent with the greater dispersal potential of the former species. Finer scale genetic structuring was evident in T. crocea populations. For both species, the Tubbataha reefs in the Sulu Sea have higher genetic affinity with the populations from the southern shelf of Palawan, while the reefs in the KIG had higher affinity with the northern Palawan shelf reefs. The north and south shelf populations have the least genetic affinity. Genetic patchiness among reefs within regions suggests the importance of small-scale physical factors that affect recruitment success in structuring populations in small island and shoal reef systems in Palawan.  相似文献   

We conducted grazing experiments with the three marine cladoceran genera Penilia, Podon and Evadne, with Penilia avirostris feeding on plankton communities from Blanes Bay (NW Mediterranean, Spain), covering a wide range of food concentrations (0.02–8.8 mm3 l–1, plankton assemblages grown in mesocosms at different nutrient levels), and with Podon intermedius and Evadne nordmanni feeding on the plankton community found in summer in Hopavågen Fjord (NE Atlantic, Norway, 0.4 mm3 l–1). P. avirostris and P. intermedius showed bell-shaped grazing spectra. Both species reached highest grazing coefficients at similar food sizes, i.e. when the food organisms ranged between 15 and 70 µm and between 7.5 and 70 µm at their longest linear extensions, respectively. E. nordmanni preferred organisms of around 125 µm, but also showed high grazing coefficients for particles of around 10 µm, while grazing coefficients for intermediate food sizes were low. Lower size limits were >2.5 µm, for all cladocerans. P. avirostris showed upper food size limits of 100 µm length (longest linear extension) and of 37.5 µm particle width. Upper size limits for P. intermedius were 135 µm long and 60 µm wide; those for E. nordmanni were 210 µm long and 60 µm wide. Effective food concentration (EFC) followed a domed curve with increasing nutrient enrichment for P. avirostris; maximum values were at intermediate enrichment levels. The EFC was significantly higher for P. intermedius than for E. nordmanni. With increasing food concentrations, the clearance rates of P. avirostris showed a curvilinear response, with a narrow modal range; ingestion rates indicated a rectilinear functional response. Mean clearance rates of P. avirostris, P. intermedius and E. nordmanni were 25.5, 18.0 and 19.3 ml ind.–1 day–1, respectively. Ingestion rates at similar food concentrations (0.4 mm3 l–1) were 0.6, 0.8 and 0.9 g C ind.–1 day–1.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Tolerance to hyposalinity of the scleractinian coral S. radians was examined in a mesocosm study. Colonies of S. radians were collected from five basins in Florida Bay, USA, which occur along a northeast-to-southwest salinity gradient. Salinity treatments were based on historical salinity records for these basins. Photophysiology of the endosymbiont Symbiodinium spp. (maximum quantum yield; F v/F m) was measured as an indicator of holobiont stress to hyposalinity. Colonies from each basin were assigned four salinity treatments [The Practical Salinity Scale (PSS) was used to determine salinity. Units are not assigned to salinity values because it is a ratio and has no unit as defined by UNESCO (UNESCO Technical papers no. 45, IAPSO Pub. Sci. No. 32, Paris, France, 1985)] (30, 20, 15, and 10) and salinities were reduced 2 per day from ambient (30) to simulate a natural salinity decrease. Colonies treated with salinities of 20 and 15 showed no decrease in F v/F m versus controls (i.e. 30), up to 5 days after reaching their target salinity. This indicates a greater ability to withstand reduced salinity for relatively extended periods of time in S. radians compared to other reef species. Within 1 day after salinity of 10 was reached, there was a significant reduction in F v/F m, indicating a critical threshold for hyposaline tolerance. At the lowest treatment salinity (10), F v/F m for the more estuarine, northeast-basin colonies were significantly higher than the most marine southwest-basin colonies (Twin Key Basin). Our results suggest that historical salinity ranges within basins determine coral population salinity tolerances.  相似文献   

Life-history features of the sympatric amphipods Themisto pacifica and T. japonica in the western North Pacific were analyzed based on seasonal field samples collected from July 1996 through July 1998, and data from laboratory rearing experiments. T. pacfica occurred throughout the year, with populations peaking from spring to summer. In contrast, T. japonica were rare from autumn to early winter, but became abundant in late winter to spring. Mature T. pacifica females and juveniles occurred together throughout the year, indicating year-round reproduction. Mature T. japonica females were observed only in spring, and juveniles occurred irregularly in small numbers, suggesting limited, early-spring reproduction in this study area. Size composition analysis of T. pacifica identified a total of eight cohorts over the 2 years of the study. Due to the smaller sample size and rarity of mature females (>9.6 mm) and males (>7.1 mm), cohort analyses of T. japonica were not comparable. Laboratory rearing of specimens at 2°C, 5°C, 8°C and 12°C revealed that a linear equation best expressed body length growth by T. pacifica, while a logistic equation best expressed body length growth by T. japoncia. Combining these laboratory-derived growth patterns with maturity sizes of wild specimens, the minimum and maximum generation times of females at a temperature range of 2–12°C were computed as 32 days (12°C) and 224 days (2°C), respectively, for T. pacifica, and 66 days (12°C) and 358 days (2°C), respectively, for T. japonica. The numbers of eggs or juveniles in females marsupia increased with female body length and ranged from 23 to 64 for T. pacifica and from 152 to 601 for T. japonica. Taking into account the number of mature female instars, lifetime fecundities were estimated as 342 eggs for T. pacifica and 1195 eggs for T. japonica. Possible mechanisms for the coexistence of these two amphipods in the Oyashio region are also discussed.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Previous research on gametic incompatibility in marine invertebrates suggests that for highly dispersive marine invertebrate species, barriers to fertilization among closely related taxa are often incomplete and sometimes asymmetric. The nature of these barriers can dramatically affect the patterns of gene flow and genetic differentiation between species, and thus speciation. Blue mussels, in the genus Mytilus, are genetically distinct in allopatry yet hybrids are present wherever any two species within the group co-occur. The present study sampled M. edulis (L.) and M. trossulus (Gould) in May and June 2001 from the East Bay section of Cobscook Bay, Maine, USA (latitude 44°56′30″N; longitude 67°07′50″W), where the two species are sympatric. Gamete incompatibility was investigated in a series of laboratory fertilizations carried out in July 2001. The proportion of fertilized eggs typically exceeded 80% at sperm concentrations of 103–104 ml?1 among intraspecific matings (n=18), but was <30% even at sperm concentrations in excess of 105–106 ml?1 for interspecific matings (n=13). Further analysis indicated that approximately 100- to 700-fold higher sperm concentrations were required to achieve 20% fertilization in interspecific matings relative to intraspecific matings, indicating strong barriers to interspecific fertilization. The proportion of fertilized eggs did not follow this general pattern in all matings, however. The eggs from two (out of five) M. edulis females were almost as receptive to M. trossulus sperm as they were to M. edulis sperm. In contrast, the eggs from all M. trossulus females (n=3) were unreceptive to M. edulis sperm, suggesting that fertilization barriers between these species may be asymmetric. Given the experimental design employed in this study, the results are also consistent with a strong maternal or egg effect on the level of interspecific gamete compatibility in M. edulis.  相似文献   

The effect of ammonium concentration on photosynthetic activity estimated as in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence, i.e. maximal quantum yield (Fv/Fm) and electron transport rate (ETR) and on the accumulation of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs), chlorophyll a (chl a), biliproteins (BP) and soluble proteins (SP) in the red algae Porphyra leucosticta Thuret in Le Jolis collected from Lagos (Málaga, Spain) and Porphyra umbilicalis (Linnaeus) J. Agardh from Helgoland (Germany) was evaluated. Discs of both species were incubated with three ammonium concentrations (0, 100 and 300 µM) under artificial PAR and UV radiation for 7 days. Photosynthetic activity decreased under the culture conditions due to UV radiation and ammonium availability. The decrease of both Fv/Fm and maximal ETR was related to ammonium supply, i.e. the lowest decrease occurred in algae growing with the highest concentration of ammonium. In both species, after 7 days of culture, the content of chl a, BP and SP was higher under 300 µM than that under 0 and 100 µM ammonium. In both species, the content of MAAs was increased under 300 µM ammonium compared to the initial value, whereas a decrease under 0 and 100 µM ammonium was observed only in P. leucosticta. The content of MAAs in P. umbilicalis did not present significant differences compared to the initial value, probably because of the high initial content of MAAs. In both Porphyra species, four MAAs were identified: shinorine, porphyra-334, palythine and asterina-330. However, P. leucosticta modified its MAA pattern during the incubation time, reaching the same percentages found for P. umbilicalis, which did not show any change during the experimental period. P. leucosticta exhibited a decrease in BP/SP and BP/chl a ratios through the incubation time and an increase in MAAs/BP. The ratio MAAs/chl a did not show any variation with time or treatment, as was also true for all ratios in P. umbilicalis. In summary, ammonium supply diminished the decrease of Fv/Fm, increased the content of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll and biliprotein) and soluble protein, and stimulated of the accumulation of MAAs in the red algae P. leucosticta and P. umbilicalis.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Survival and growth of early post-settlement stages are critical for the development of seaweed populations. Fucoid germlings commonly settle in dense monospecific aggregates, where intraspecific competition and environmental variables (e.g. nutrient concentration and temperature) may affect survival and growth. Using factorial experiments, we determined the effects of settlement density (~10, ~50 and ~250 germlings cm–2), nutrient enrichment (from ~10 to ~40 µM N and from ~0.5 to ~2.5 µM P), and temperature (7°C and 17°C) on Fucus serratus and F. evanescens germlings in laboratory cultures over 3 months. Settlement density, nutrient concentration and temperature interactively affected growth of germlings, and the magnitude of this interaction varied between the two species. This represents the first record of such factorial interactions in Fucus spp. germlings. Intraspecific competition, estimated as the relative reduction in germling growth and survival from low to high densities, increased with decreasing nutrient concentration and increasing temperature in both species. While temperature and nutrient concentration had little effect on germling size distributions, size inequality and skewness generally increased with germling density, indicating that a few large individuals gained dominance and suppressed many smaller ones at high density. Self-thinning increased with settlement density and depended on nutrient concentration and species at high density. At high density, self-thinning increased with decreasing nutrient levels in F. evanescens, but not in F. serratus. At low density, nutrient enrichment increased germling growth in F. evanescens, but not in F. serratus, whereas growth in both species was stimulated by nutrient enrichment at higher densities. These results suggest that germling growth and self-thinning are more sensitive to variation in nutrient concentration in F. evanescens than in F. serratus. The potential implications of our findings for the understanding of eutrophication-related abundance changes in both species in southern Norway are discussed.Communicated by L. Hagerman, Helsingør  相似文献   

The effects of light exposure on the photosynthetic activity of kleptoplasts were studied in the sacoglossan mollusc Elysia viridis. The photosynthetic activity of ingested chloroplasts was assessed in vivo by non-destructively measuring photophysiological parameters using pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometry. Animals kept under starvation were exposed to two contrasting light conditions, 30 μmol photons m−2 s−1 (low light, LL), and 140 μmol photons m−2 s−1 (high light, HL), and changes in photosynthetic activity were monitored by measuring the maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII), F v/F m, the minimum fluorescence, F o, related to chlorophyll a content, and by measuring rapid light-response curves (RLC) of relative electron transport rate (rETR). RLCs were characterised by the initial slope of the curve, αRLC, related to efficiency of light capture, and the maximum rETR level, rETRm,RLC, determined by the carbon-fixation metabolism. Starvation induced the decrease of all photophysiological parameters. However, the retention of photosynthetic activity (number of days for F v/F m > 0), as well as the rate and the patterns of its decrease over time, varied markedly with light exposure. Under HL conditions, a rapid, exponential decrease was observed for F v/F m, αRLC and rETRm,RLC, F o not showing any consistent trend of variation, and retention times ranged between 6 and 15 days. These results suggested that the retention of chloroplast functionality is limited by photoinactivation of PSII reaction center protein D1. In contrast, under LL conditions, a slower decrease in all parameters was found, with retention times varying from 15 to 57 days. F v/F m, αRLC and rETRm,RLC exhibited a bi-phasic pattern composed by a long phase of slow decrease in values followed by a rapid decline, whilst F o decayed exponentially. These results were interpreted as resulting from lower rates of D1 photoinactivation under low light and from the gradual decrease in carbon provided by photosynthesis due to reduction of functional photosynthetic units.  相似文献   

The present study compared population genetic structure of two northern hemisphere polychaetes, Neanthes virens (Sars, 1835) and Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776), with different life-history traits. N. virens has a pelagic larval phase that may last as long as 9 days, while H. diversicolor broods its offspring. It was predicted that N. virens populations, especially over relatively short geographic distances, would be more genetically similar than H. diversicolor populations. Sequence data were obtained for two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and cytochrome b (cyt b). The COI gene showed no variation in 16 N. virens individuals from 12 locations, and it was not examined in H. diversicolor. The nucleotide sequence of the cyt b gene was examined in 93 N. virens individuals collected in 1992, 1999, and 2000 from 12 localities throughout its range (North America, Europe, Japan) and from 33 H. diversicolor individuals collected in 1999 and 2001 from one locality in eastern Canada and two localities in France (Roscoff and Marseille). In N. virens, one cyt b haplotype was shared by 89% (83 out of 93) and only two other haplotypes were found. Significant population structure was observed in H. diversicolor. In the 33 sequences compared, 18.9% of sites were polymorphic and 12 haplotypes were identified. There were two haplotypes in the Canadian population, three in the Marseille samples, and seven in the Roscoff samples, and no haplotype was found in common between any two sites. These results show that widely separated H. diversicolor populations are strongly differentiated at the cyt b locus. The most plausible interpretation for the low variation at the COI and cyt b loci in N. virens, and for the lack of variation at allozyme loci (based on an initial survey of a smaller subset of populations), is that this species has experienced a drastic bottleneck and that a few remaining lineages recolonized its entire range.  相似文献   

Grass shrimp are abundant residents of shallow-water habitats in US Atlantic and Gulf coast estuaries. Mark-recapture events determined the extent and direction of their movements in meso-tidal salt marsh creeks at North Inlet, South Carolina. Microwire-tagged Palaemonetes vulgaris demonstrated high fidelity for a dock in a subtidal channel. In the 48 days following release, 11 % of the 422 tagged shrimp were recaptured and 99 % of all recaptures were made there an average of 14 days post-release. Palaemonetes pugio, which favored the use of shallow intertidal areas, exhibited moderate fidelity for pools within creek beds with 53 % of the recaptured shrimp collected at the release site. Higher fidelity was observed for confluences of intertidal creeks and the subtidal channels. Of the 5565 shrimp released with coded microwire tags, 7.5 % were recaptured and 98 % of those recaptures were at release sites up to 53 days later. During another event, P. pugio released 235 m from their origin demonstrated relatively low fidelity for the new site and a lack of homing behavior. Of the 544 tagged shrimp, 3 % were recaptured; only 40 % of those recaptured were from the release site. Site fidelity is a mechanism by which previously discovered large and consistent differences in grass shrimp use of neighboring intertidal creek basins can be sustained over weeks, seasons, and years. Spatial variations and the tendency of these keystone organisms to resist relocation by tidal currents and occupy certain areas for extended periods should be considered in decisions about proposed alterations to creeks and shorelines.  相似文献   

The effects of salinity, temperature, and pH variations on growth, survival, and photosynthetic rates of the seagrass Halophila johnsonii Eiseman were examined. Growth and survival responses to salinity were characterized by aquarium experiments in which plants were exposed to seven different salinity treatments (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 psu) during 15 days. Photosynthetic behavior was assessed for short-term salinity exposures (1 or 20 h) by incubation experiments in biological oxygen demand (BOD) bottles and by measuring photosynthesis versus irradiance (PI) responses in an oxygen electrode chamber. In the bottle experiments the possible effects of interactions between salinity and temperature (15, 25, and 35°C) or pH (5, 6, 7, and 8.2) were also examined. Growth and survival of H. johnsonii were significantly affected by salinity, with maximum rates obtained at 30 psu. Salinity also altered the parameters of the PI curves. Light-saturated photosynthesis (P max) and the photosynthetic efficiency at subsaturating light (α) increased significantly up to an optimum of 40 psu, decreasing again at the highest salinities. Dark respiration rates and compensating irradiance (I c) showed minimum values at 40 and 50 psu, while light-saturation point (I k) was maximum at 30–50 psu. An interaction between salinity and temperature was not found although an increase of temperature alone produced an increase in α, P max, respiration rates, and I k. An interaction between salinity and pH was only found in the P max response: P max increased with pH=5 at 30 psu. In addition, reducing the pH increased α significantly. In the BOD bottles experiment a significant reduction in the dark respiration with decreasing pH was observed, but the opposite trend was observed in the photosynthetic rate. These results suggest that the endemic seagrass H. johnsonii could be negatively affected by hypo- or hypersalinity conditions, although salinity changes did not seem to alter the tolerance of this species to other environmental factors, such as temperature or pH.  相似文献   

Previous molecular phylogenetic analyses have shown that five tropical lucinid species living in or near Thalassia testudinum seagrass beds are colonized by the same bacterial symbiont species. In addition, a new lucinid species belonging to the genus Anodontia, which inhabits reducing sediment found near seagrass beds and in mangrove swamps, has been included in the present study. Endosymbiosis in Anodontia alba was examined according to symbiont phylogenetic and gill ultrastructural analysis. Phylogenetic analysis showed that partial 16S rDNA sequences of A. alba- and Codakia orbicularis-symbionts were 100% identical at all nucleotide positions determined, suggesting that A. alba also harbors the same symbiont species as C. orbicularis (and, consequently, as C. orbiculata, C. pectinella, Linga pensylvanica and Divaricella quadrisulcata). Based on light and electron microscopy, the cellular organization of the gill filament appeared similar to those already described in other lucinids. The most distinctive feature is the lack of "granule cells" in the lateral zone of A. alba gill filaments. In order to confirm the single-species hypothesis, purified fractions of gill bacterial symbionts obtained from the gills of each of the six tropical lucinids cited above were used to infect aposymbiotic juveniles of C. orbicularis. In each case, aposymbiotic juvenile batches were successfully infected by the gill-endosymbiont fractions, whereas, during the experiments, juveniles from the negative control were still uninfected. These experimental data confirm the phylogenetic data and also demonstrate that chemoautotrophic bacterial endosymbionts from their host cells can colonize aposymbiotic juveniles. The conclusion also follows that intracellular gill-endosymbionts still have the capacity to recognize and colonize new host generations. Lucinids provide a unique model for the study of sulfide-oxidizing symbiosis, even if symbionts remain unculturable.  相似文献   

Young-of-the-year (YOY) Sebastes inermis use Zostera and Sargassum beds as nursery grounds, although it is not known which habitat YOY prefer. In this study, YOY S. inermis were accurately assigned to Zostera or Sargassum beds by two approaches: the width and length of the otolith nucleus and the composition of trace elements in otoliths. The otolith nucleus was initially opaque and then showed a marked shift to hyaline deposition once YOY settled in the nursery grounds. The first hyaline zone (FHZ) was deposited earlier in Zostera beds (from mid-May to early June) than in Sargassum beds (around mid-summer). Likewise, irrespective of settlement year, the FHZ was formed at both significantly younger ages and shorter back-calculated sizes (total length, TL) in the Zostera bed (overall mean: 131±3 days; 2.5±1.7 mm TL) than in the Sargassum bed (overall mean: 158±12 days; 61.3±1.00 mm TL). YOY collected in the Zostera bed were born earlier (mainly in January) than YOY from the Sargassum bed (mainly in February). In addition, a significant linear relationship was found between the age at formation of the FHZ and nucleus dimensions, suggesting that nucleus dimensions were a reliable macroscopic indicator of the time of formation of the FHZ and, consequently, also an indicator of the nursery where YOY grew. Linear discriminant function analysis (LDFA) based on the width and length of the otolith nucleus could distinguish juveniles from Zostera (88–96%) and Sargassum (96–97%) beds with a high degree of accuracy. In the other approach, six detectable trace elements (Li, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Ba) in otoliths of YOY collected in the nursery grounds were measured by high-resolution, inductively coupled mass spectrometry. LDFA based on the trace elemental composition separated YOY from three nurseries with 100% of accuracy. Findings suggest that both the trace elemental composition and nucleus dimensions of otoliths can be used as natural tags of the nursery grounds of S. inermis, offering a considerable potential for answering questions on habitat use and the contribution of nursery grounds to the adult stock.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

The photosynthetic capacity of photosystem II (PS II) in symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium sp.), as measured by analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence, was investigated in the primary Caribbean reef-building corals, Montastraea annularis and Montastraea faveolata, for 5 years and Montastraea franksi over 2 years in the Bahamas. Significant seasonal fluctuations in the quantum yield of charge separation (Fv/Fm) of PS II were found in all species at all depths, with the highest photosynthetic capacity consistently recorded between mid-winter and early spring and the lowest photosynthetic capacity occurring in the mid to late summer. Corals residing in shallow depths of 1-2 m showed the greatest fluctuations in Fv/Fm, whereas deeper corals (3-4 and 14 m depths) had consistently higher values of Fv/Fm. Densities of symbiotic dinoflagellates and photosynthetic pigments followed a similar pattern. Fluctuations of photosynthetic capacity showed a strong correlation with seasonal patterns of water temperature and light. Such seasonal shifts in photosynthetic capacity are most likely due to several biochemical processes in the algae that lead to alterations of both photoprotection and photodamage. While symbiont density changed significantly on a seasonal basis, visual signs of coral bleaching were noted only in the fall of 1995 and the spring and summer of 1998. Comparisons of photosynthetic capacity and the decrease in the number of symbionts and their subsequent recovery indicated that symbiont populations in this study had the ability to recover quickly following bleaching events, as long as continued physical perturbation (e.g. thermal stress) did not shorten the recovery phase. Large-scale bleaching events are best viewed as the end points of seasonal physiological variation in which photosynthetic capacity and density of symbiotic dinoflagellates are reduced to a lower level than during "non-bleaching" years.  相似文献   

Non-motile organisms of intertidal shores such as seaweeds have to cope with a great variability of environmental factors. In this survey, we studied whether different morphotypes of the intertidal seaweed Fucus spiralis L. are also reflected in a characteristic performance. Desiccation and recovery of this Phaeophyceae were investigated in field experiments near Aljezur, Portugal. Fucus spiralis is exposed to serious desiccation during periods of falling tide, resulting in a tissue water loss of about 90%. Due to large semidiurnal tidal ranges in this area, two morphotypes can be distinguished: F. spiralis growing in the lower intertidal (LZ) is thicker and fleshier compared with plants in the upper intertidal (HZ), and this is reflected in a significant difference in fresh and dry mass. During sunny days and at low tide, effective quantum yields (ΦPSII) decreased significantly after 2 h desiccation. This continued until re-submersion. The photosynthetic performances of HZ and LZ plants also differed significantly after LZ plants were already submerged and photosynthetisizing, but the HZ specimens still exposed to air. Recovery experiments after desiccation treatments showed fast recovery within 6 min after re-submersion in both morphotypes. HZ specimens showed a slower recovery, which indicates a protection measure to the adverse conditions in the upper intertidal. In 24 h desiccation treatments, however, HZ specimens expressed a significantly higher maximum fluorescence yield F v /F m recovery. Simulated rainfalls during low tides caused photosynthetic activity to drop to 50% of initial F v /F m , independent of the length of the rain period. Treated plants also fully recovered after 6 min re-submersion in seawater. A comparison of single fronds and tufts clearly indicated advantages of the tuft growth strategy: tufts showed higher ΦPSII at prolonged emersion times. Our study indicated a clear relationship between size and drought resistance, which was primarily due to the smaller and hardy HZ plants that withstand longer desiccation times without damage.  相似文献   

Changes in the protein, lipid, glycogen, cholesterol and energy contents, total amino acid and fatty acid profiles of Octopus vulgaris and O. defilippi tissues (gonad, digestive gland and muscle) during sexual maturation (spermatogenesis and oogenesis) were investigated. Both species showed an increase of amino acids and protein content in the gonad throughout sexual maturation (namely in oogenesis), but allocation of these nitrogen compounds from the digestive gland and muscle was not evident. The major essential amino acids in the three tissues were leucine, lysine and arginine. The major non-essential amino acids were glutamic acid, aspartic acid and alanine. With respect to carbon compounds, a significant increasing trend (P<0.05) in the lipid and fatty acid contents in the three tissues was observed, and, consequently, there was also little evidence of accumulated lipid storage reserves being used for egg production. It seems that for egg production both Octopus species use energy directly from food, rather than from stored products. This direct acquisition model contrasts with the previous model for Octopus vulgaris proposed by ODor and Wells (1978: J Exp Biol 77:15–31). Most of saturated fatty acid content of the three tissues was presented as 16:0 and 18:0, monounsaturated fatty acid content as 18:1 and 20:1 and polyunsaturated fatty acid content as arachidonic acid (20:4n-6), eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3). Though cholesterol is an important precursor of steroid hormones, this sterol content exhibited variations that do not seem to be related with the maturation process. Moreover, significant differences (P<0.05) were obtained between genders, suggesting that perhaps there is a greater physiological demand for cholesterol during spermatogenesis than oogenesis. If the component sterols of octopus are of a dietary origin, considerable variation in the cholesterol content between species might be expected on the basis of the sterol composition of their prey. The glycogen reserves increased significantly in the gonad and decreased significantly (P<0.05) in the digestive gland and muscle of O. vulgaris (these trends were not evident in O. defilippi). Glycogen may play an important role in the maturation process and embryogenesis of these organisms, because carbohydrates are precursors of metabolic intermediates in the production of energy. It was evident that sexual maturation had a significant effect upon the gonad energy content, but the non-significant energy variation (P>0.05) in the digestive gland and muscle revealed no evidence that storage reserves are transferred from tissue to tissue. The biochemical composition of digestive gland and muscle may not be influenced by sexual maturation, but rather by other biotic factors, such as feeding activity, food availability, spawning and brooding.Communicated by S.A. Poulet, Roscoff  相似文献   

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