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In the course of their foraging bouts, bees frequently encounter spider webs among the vegetation. The ability to see and avoid these webs is vital for the success of the individual bee’s foraging bout. In this study, we report on the response of stingless bees (Trigona carbonaria) towards the webs of the St. Andrew’s Cross spider (Argiope keyserlingi). We studied the ability of bees to avoid webs in different contexts: when bees were on their foraging path or when they were returning to the hive as well as when they were flying North or South. We show that the probability of a bee being able to avoid a web depends on the context of the bee’s flight rather than the visual appearance of the web. Furthermore, the presence of the spider seems to alert the bee to the web, resulting in bees being more able to avoid capture. We show, specifically, that the probability of being captured is higher when the bee is returning to the hive compared with when the bee is foraging. The likelihood of avoiding a web is also influenced by the compass direction of the flight, although to a lesser extent. Our results indicate that the context of the predator–prey encounter has a significant influence on a bee’s ability to escape interception by a spider web.  相似文献   

Teleost fishes capture prey using ram, suction, and biting behaviors. The relative use of these behaviors in feeding on midwater prey is well studied, but few attempts have been made to determine how benthic prey are captured. This issue was addressed in the wrasses (Labridae), a trophically diverse lineage of marine reef fishes that feed extensively on prey that take refuge in the benthos. Most species possess strong jaws with stout conical teeth that appear well-suited to gripping prey. Mechanisms of prey capture were evaluated in five species encompassing a diversity of feeding ecologies: Choerodon anchorago (Bloch, 1791), Coris gaimard (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824), Hologymnosus doliatus (Lacepède, 1801), Novaculichthys taeniourus (Lacepède, 1801) and Oxycheilinus digrammus (Lacepède, 1801). Prey capture sequences were filmed with high-speed video at the Lizard Island Field Station (14°40′S, 145°28′E) during April and May 1998. Recordings were made of feeding on pieces of prawn suspended in the midwater and similar pieces of prawn held in a clip that was fixed to the substratum. Variation was quantified among species and between prey types for kinematic variables describing the magnitude and timing of jaw, hyoid, and head motion. Species differed in prey capture kinematics with mean values of most variables ranging between two and four-fold among species and angular velocity of the opening jaw differing seven-fold. The kinematics of attached prey feeding could be differentiated from that of midwater captures on the basis of faster angular velocities of the jaws and smaller movements of cranial structures which were of shorter duration. All five species used ram and suction in combination during the capture of midwater prey. Surprisingly, ram and suction also dominated feedings on attached prey, with only one species making greater use of biting than suction to remove attached prey. These data suggest an important role for suction in the capture of benthic prey by wrasses. Trade-offs in skull design associated with suction and biting may be particularly relevant to understanding the evolution of feeding mechanisms in this group. Published online: 11 July 2002  相似文献   

Animal structures come at material, energetic, time, and expression costs. Some orb-web spiders add three-dimensional barrier structures to their webs, but many do not. Predator protection is considered to be the principal benefit of adding these structures. Accordingly, it remains paradoxical why some orb-web spiders might construct the barriers while others do not. Here, we experimentally determined whether the barrier structure added to the horizontal orb web of the spider Cyrtophora moluccensis deters predators at the cost of reducing the amount of prey captured in the field. We conducted experiments by day and night to assess whether the effects vary with the time of day. We found that the three-dimensional barriers not only offered protection from predatory wasps by day but also enhanced the amount of prey captured by day and night. Moreover, the barrier structure appears particularly useful at catching moths, the largest and most energetically profitable prey that it encounters. We, therefore, concluded that reducing the energetic and time costs associated with producing and depositing extra silk threads is the principal reason why barrier structures are used intermittently among orb-web spiders.  相似文献   

Aurelia aurita medusae are able to catch their prey with their entire body surface. Catch efficiency in medusae caught in Kiel harbour in May 1985 was found to be highest at the tentacles and lowest at the subumbrella. Surface structures of the medusa as well as the cnidom are described by SEM observations. Microbasic heterotrichous euryteles and atrichous isorhizas were found. Discharged nematocysts on the prey's skin indicate different functions of the two types. The villi in the gastral cavity show a characteristic morphological differentiation that consists of a ciliated distal and a basal area covered by vesicles. Four types of glandular cells were identified by TEM observations. Mucous cell types preferably occur in densely ciliated areas. The presence of serous cells is restricted to the basal region of the gastral villi and gastral cavity where the extracellular predigestion takes place. The time of food passage in young medusae of A. aurita decreases from 19 h at 4°C to 4 h at 22°C.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if environmental chemical cues associated with prey can affect subsequent prey choice in wolf spiderlings (Hogna carolinensis). After emergence from the egg sac, three groups of 10 spiderlings were each fed for one-week on one of three naturally-occurring prey species: group 1 fed on nymphs of the field cricket Gryllus pennsylvanicus; group 2 (house cricket, Acheta domesticus); group 3 (mole cricket, Gryllotalpa hexadactyla). They were then tested for subsequent prey preference in choice tests conducted in a plastic arena. Each spiderlings was presented simultaneously with one individual of each prey species in a randomized design. Spiderlings exhibited a significant first preference for the original diet. Thus, experience with certain foods (environmental chemical cues) encountered by newly hatched spiderlings can affect subsequent prey preference in this species.  相似文献   

Maternal investment in mountain baboons and the hypothesis of reduced care   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
It has been argued that female mammals should terminate expensive forms of infant care earlier as habitat quality declines. More recently it has been shown that among a variety of mammalian species, early termination of care is also associated with highly favourable conditions. In this paper we present data on maternal investment decisions among baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus) inhabiting the Drakensberg Mountains of South Africa, and compare these with data from East African baboon studies. Mothers in the mountain habitat face a set of environmental conditions where the problem of resource allocation to offspring is expected to be particularly acute. We begin by using the model of Altmann (1980) of maternal time budgets to demonstrate that mountain baboon mothers experience greater perturbations to their activity budgets while suckling than do mothers in other populations. They also provide consistently greater levels of care to their infants and do so in the absence of any form of overt conflict over access to the nipple. Although this investment results in a relative lengthening of the interbirth interval (IBI), it is accompanied by relatively higher infant survival. We argue that factors that influence the maternal strategy adopted by mountain baboons include slow infant growth rates and a lack of predation in the habitat which influences probability of offspring survival beyond the immediate postnatal period. We suggest that both “care-dependent” sources of mortality (e.g. female reproductive condition, the amount of milk transferred to offspring) as well as “care independent” sources of mortality (e.g. predation, infectious disease) should be considered in studies of parental investment. Received: 26 May 1997 / Accepted after revision: 9 August 1997  相似文献   

The mechanism of prey capture in two syngnathid fishes, the lined seahorse Hippocampus erectus (Perry) and the dusky pipefish Syngnathus floridae (Jordan and Gilbert), is described based on anatomical observations and high-speed video recordings (200 and 400 images s−1) of feeding events by four seahorses and three pipefish. The fish were collected near Turkey Point, Florida, U.S.A., in January 1994 to March 1995. The dominant features of the morphology of these and many other syngnathiform fishes include extreme elongation of the suspensorium and neurocranium with a small mouth located at the anterior tip of the head. In the seahorse, a preparatory phase of prey capture consisted of slow ventral head flexion. This was followed by rapid elevation of the head and snout as the prey was drawn into the mouth by suction. Both H. erectus and S. floridae capture prey rapidly, with peak head excursions and mouth opening occurring within 5 to 7 ms of the onset of the strike. There was no upper jaw protrusion. In both species the time to recovery of the cranium and hyoid apparatus to resting positions was highly variable but took at least 500 ms. Manipulations of freshly dead specimens indicated a biomechanical linkage between head elevation and hyoid depression. However, the predictions of a previously proposed four-bar linkage model that couples hyoid depression to head elevation were not fully supported by kinematic data from one seahorse, suggesting that additional linkages act during the expansive phase of prey capture. These species exhibit the generalized kinematic pattern of prey capture in bony fishes, with head elevation, hyoid depression and mouth opening occurring almost simultaneously. The derived morphology results in a unique feeding behav‐ior, in which prey are captured during a sudden up-swing of the head, which brings the mouth to the prey. Suction is used to draw the prey into the buccal cavity. Received: 4 August 1996 / Accepted: 27 August 1996  相似文献   

Water motion is an important factor affecting planktivory on coral reefs. The feeding behavior of two species of tube-dwelling coral reef fish (Chaenopsidae) was studied in still and turbulent water. One species of blenny, Acanthemblemaria spinosa , lives in holes higher above the reef surface and feeds mainly on calanoid copepods, while a second, A. aspera , lives closer to the reef surface, feeds mainly on harpacticoid copepods, and is exposed to less water motion than the first. In the laboratory, these two blenny species were video recorded attacking a calanoid copepod ( Acartia tonsa, evasive prey) and an anostracan branchiopod (nauplii of Artemia sp., passive prey). Whereas A. spinosa attacked with the same vigor in still and turbulent water, A. aspera modulated its attack with a more deliberate strike under still conditions than turbulent conditions. For both fish species combined, mean capture success when feeding on Artemia sp. was 100% in still water and dropped to 78% in turbulent water. In contrast, when feeding on Acartia tonsa, mean capture success was 21% in still water and rose to 56% in turbulent water. We hypothesize that, although turbulence reduces capture success by adding erratic movement to Artemia sp. (passive prey), it increases capture success of Acartia tonsa (evasive prey) by interfering with the hydrodynamic sensing of the approaching predator. These opposite effects of water motion increase the complexity of the predator-prey relationship as water motion varies spatially and temporally on structurally complex coral reefs. Some observations were consistent with A. aspera living in a lower energy benthic boundary layer as compared with A. spinosa: slower initial approach to prey, attack speeds modulated according to water velocity, and lower proportion of approaches that result in strikes in turbulent water.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

Numerous studies have focused on whether organisms can signal or perceive pheromones and use chemical signals in species and mate recognition. Recently, there have been an increasing number of studies investigating whether pheromones are used in mate choice. Yet, little attention has been paid in exploring the effects of pheromone-based mate choice on reproductive investment. We first tested this hypothesis by providing virgin Scytodes sp. females with a choice between two virgin males in the presence of chemical signals alone and found strong evidence of an odor-based mate preference. We then examined the consequences of the odor-based mate choice by allowing female Scytodes sp. that had previously made an odor-only mate choice to mate with preferred and non-preferred males, respectively. We measured the success of copulation, mortality of male, pre-oviposition interval, egg-sac weight, egg weight, fecundity, fertility, embryonic period, and size of offspring at hatching. Females that mated with the preferred males produced significantly heavier egg sacs that contained more and larger eggs with a greater fertility. Significantly more non-preferred males than preferred males were killed by spitting. However, pre-oviposition interval, embryonic period, and hatchling size were not affected by female mate choice. This study is the first to demonstrate that female spiders are able to regulate their highly valuable reproductive investment based solely on chemical signals.  相似文献   

Gorgonians are passive suspension feeders, contributing significantly to the energy flow of littoral ecosystems. More than in active suspension feeders (such as bivalves, ascidians and sponges) their prey capture is affected by spatial and temporal prey distribution and water movement. Corallium rubrum is a characteristic gorgonian of Mediterranean sublittoral hard bottom communities. This study found a high variability in the annual cycle of prey capture rate, prey size and ingested biomass, compared to other Mediterranean gorgonians. Detrital particulate organic matter (POM) was found throughout the year in the polyp guts and constituted the main proportion of the diet (25–44%). Crustacean fragments and copepods (14–46%) accounted for the second major proportion, while invertebrate eggs (9–15%) and phytoplankton (8–11%) constituted the smallest part of the diet. To verify the importance of detrital POM in the energy input of this precious octocoral species, in situ experiments were carried out during the winter–spring period. The results confirm the importance of detrital POM as the main source of food for C. rubrum [0.13±0.04 μg C polyp−1 h−1 (mean±SD)]. This study also compares the prey capture rates of two colony size classes and two depth strata: Within the same patch, small colonies (<6 cm height) captured significantly more prey per polyp (0.038±0.09 prey polyp−1 h−1) than larger colonies (>10 cm high) (0.026±0.097 prey polyp−1 h−1) and showed a higher proportion of polyps containing prey (17% compared to 10%). Comparing colonies of similar size (<6 cm height) revealed that the colonies situated at 40 m depth captured significantly more prey (0.038±0.09 prey polyp−1 h−1) than the ones at 20 m (0.025±0.11 prey polyp−1 h−1). One pulse of copepods was recorded that constituted 16% of all captured prey during the 15-month period studied in one of the sampled populations. The data suggest that the variability of hydrodynamic processes may have a higher influence on the feeding rate than seasonal changes in the seston composition. The carbon ingestion combined with data on the density of the exploited population results in 0.4–9.6 mg C m−2 day−1. The grazing impact of current, heavily exploited and small-sized populations is comparable to that of larger Mediterranean gorgonians, suggesting that unexploited red coral populations may have a high impact compared with other passive suspension feeders.  相似文献   

The results of an analysis of 16 laboratory records of Torpedo marmorata Risso attacks are presented: when a fish swims near a T. marmorata at rest, the latter jumps and simultaneously immobilizes the prey by its electric organ discharge (EOD). A water stream is used to direct the paralysed prey beneath its disc before swallowing. The attack is made if the prey swims at short distance ( 4 cm); height and direction of the jump are related to the position of the prey. The EOD, interrupted during the jump, reappears when the prey moves under the disc of T. marmorata, and ceases before swallowing. The strength of the EOD is sufficient to break the vertebral column of the prey. The possible receptor organs involved in this behaviour are presumed to be lateral line organs and touch detectors: the former to localize the prey before the jump, the latter to detect it under the disc. Evolutionary convergence of the prey capture behaviour of Torpedo, Malapterurus, and Electrophorus is also discussed.Supported by Research Grant No. 659440 from the Direction de Recherches et Moyens d'Essais (D.R.M.E.) to Dr. T. Szabo.Dr. Bauer's stay in France was sponsored by a N.A.T.O. and a D.F.G. research fellowship.  相似文献   

Summary The solar orientation response of a small spider (gen. nov.: Araneae: Araneidae: Araneinae) is examined at a semi-arid location in tropical Western Australia. The spiders rest beneath horizontal dome-shaped webs close to the ground surface on spinifex (Triodia sp.). The spiders are small (c. 5 mm long) and robust, being only twice as long as wide. Spider orientation, elevation, wind velocity, radiation and wet and dry bulb temperatures together with spider and egg-sac temperatures were measured throughout the day. The spiders orientated their long axis to the solar azimuth through much of the day and postured to the solar elevation; in so doing they tracked the apparent movement of the sun throughout the day with considerable precision, far exceeding that of other spiders studied. Stepwise regression indicated that the solar position was the most important environmental factor associated with the posturing and orientation. The variance in the orientation of the population was associated with a suite of environmental variables related to wind velocity and temperature. Spider (abdominal) temperature had a curvilinear relationship with ambient temperature, with a plateau at c. 35° C, whereas egg-sac temperature had a strictly linear relationship with ambient temperature. Stepwise regression indicates that both the spider and egg-sac temperatures are related mainly to net radiation and ambient temperature. The spiders can alter the incident radiation to which they are exposed by c. 2.2 times which represent the limits of the exposed silhouette area between full dorsal sunlight and the posterior (or anterior) aspect. Under hot conditions the spiders posture and orientate such that the long axis of the body is orientated abdomen towards the sun.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of feeding on zooplankton often involve the use of non-evasive Artemia spp. to represent zooplanktonic prey. Some zooplankton, however, such as copepods, are potentially evasive due to possession of effective predator-avoidance mechanisms such as high-speed escape swimming. In the present study, we compared the efficiencies with which non-evasive (A. salina) and evasive (copepods) zooplankton were captured by a sessile, suspension feeder, the coral-inhabiting barnacle Nobia grandis (Crustacea, Cirripedia). N. grandis specimens and zooplankton used in the present study were collected near Eilat, Israel in 1993. The effect of different flow speeds (from 0 to 14 cm s-1) on captures of the two preys was also investigated. Additionally, we examined the effect of a flow-induced barnacle behavioral switch from active to passive suspension feeding, on zooplankton capture. Two video cameras were used to make close-up, three dimensional recordings of predator-prey encounters in a computer-controlled flow tank. Frame-by-frame video analysis revealed a highly significant difference (P< 0.001) in the efficiency with which A. salina and copepods were caught (A. salina being much more readily captured than copepods). After an encounter with cirri of feeding barnacles, copepods were usually able to swim out of the barnacles capture zone within one video frame (40 ms), by accelerating from a slow swimming speed (approximately 1.85 cm s-1) to a mean escape swimming speed of 18.11 cm s-1 (ca. 360 body lengths s-1). This was not the case for A. salina nauplii, which usually remained in contact with cirri before being transferred to the mouth and ingested. Thus, experimental studies addressing the methodology of organisms feeding on zooplankton should consider that slow-swimming prey like Artemia sp. nauplii may only represent the non-evasive fraction of natural mesozooplankton assemblages.  相似文献   

Summary This study investigates the possibility that gene flow underlies the apparently maladaptive behavior of a riparian woodland population of the desert spider Agelenopsis aperta with respect to territorial, foraging, and antipredatory behaviors. I found that other local populations of A. aperta in the vicinity of the riparian woodland habitat are prey-limited and exhibit an aridlands phenotype (high aggressiveness in competitive interactions over energy-based territories and a lack of discrimination among potential prey types). The riparian woodland population deviates from surrounding populations in the area in that prey are abundant and this population shows a mixture of aridlands and riparian (low aggressiveness towards conspecifics and discrimination of prey profitability) phenotypes. Electrophoretic analyses of population subdivision in the area indicate that significant levels of gene flow have occurred, at least, sometime in the past. Drift fence analyses of spider movement futher indicate that there is marked unidirectional movement of spiders each year from the more arid habitats into the riparian woodland. Experimental manipulation of gene flow and predation pressure demonstrates that gene flow restricts adaptation in this habitat: one generation of predation pressure in the absence of gene flow is sufficient to cause a marked shift in spider behavior towards the expected riparian phenotype.  相似文献   

K. Raskoff 《Marine Biology》2002,141(6):1099-1107
Narcomedusae are the most common group of medusae in the mesopelagic depths of Monterey Bay, California. Numerous capture events of various prey taxa were recorded in situ and analyzed using the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute's remotely operated vehicle "Ventana". In situ video analysis of the stomach contents of 82 Solmissus incisa and S. marshalli revealed 88 identifiable prey items. Most (88%) were gelatinous animals. Of these gelatinous prey, 60.3% were ctenophores, 20.5% were cnidarians, 12.8% were salps, 3.8% were chaetognaths, and 2.6% were polychaetes. Euphausiids accounted for 11.4% of the diet, but they were probably captured adventitiously, as the gut contents of ctenophore prey. The tentacle-first foraging behavior of the narcomedusae is an effective way to capture large, comparatively fast-moving prey, because the fluid disturbance caused by swimming is decoupled from the area of prey capture. This behavior contrasts with the prevailing models of feeding behavior in medusae. Stealth predation may be the dominant mode of capturing prey by medusae in the mesopelagic depths of the oceans.  相似文献   

Scleractinian corals experience a wide range of flow regimes which, coupled with colony morphology, can affect the ability of corals to capture zooplankton and other particulate materials. We used a field enclosure oriented parallel to prevailing oscillatory flow on the forereef at Discovery Bay, Jamaica, to investigate rates of zooplankton capture by corals of varying morphology and polyp size under realistic flow speeds. Experiments were carried out from 1989 to 1992. Particles (Artemia salina cysts) and naturally occurring zooplankton attracted into the enclosures were used as prey for the corals Madracis mirabilis (Duchassaing and Michelotti) (narrow branches, small polyps), Montastrea cavernosa (Linnaeus) (mounding, large polyps), and Porites porites (Pallas) (wide branches, small polyps). This design allowed corals to be used without removing them or their prey from the reef environment, and avoided contact of zooplankton with net surfaces. Flow speed had significant effects on capture rate for cysts (M. mirabilis), total zooplankton (M. mirabilis, M. cavernosa), and non-copepod zooplankton (M. mirabilis). Zooplankton prey capture increased with prey concentration for M. mirabilis and M. cavernosa, over a broad range of concentrations, indicating that saturation of the feeding response had not occurred until prey density was over 104 items m−3, a concentration at least an order of magnitude greater than the normal range of reef zooplankton concentrations. Location of cyst capture on coral surfaces was not uniform; for M. cavernosa, sides and tops of mounds captured most particles, and for P. porites, capture was greatest near branch tops, but was close to uniform for M. mirabilis branches in all flow conditions. The present study confirms laboratory flume results, and field results for other species, suggesting that many coral species experience particle flux and encounter rate limitations at low flow speeds, decreasing potential zooplankton capture rates. Received: 17 September 1996 / Accepted: 22 November 1997  相似文献   

Summary. The bolas spider, Mastophora hutchinsoni, attracts Lacinipolia renigera and Tetanolita mynesalis males by mimicking the female moth sex pheromones. However, as the prey species use completely different pheromone blends we conducted experiments to determine how this is accomplished by the predator. The periodicity of L. renigera mate-seeking activities occurs early in the scotophase, whereas male T. mynesalis are active late at night, corresponding with periods when these moths are captured by the spider. The pheromone blend of early-flying L. renigera interferes with attraction of late-flying T. mynesalis to its pheromone in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting the spider must always produce a single sub-optimal “compromise” blend for both species or that it adjusts its allomonal blend to optimize capture of the respective prey species at different times during the night. We delayed (L. renigera) or advanced (T. mynesalis) the periodicity of male activity through photoperiodic manipulation and found that the bolas spider attracted both prey species outside their normal activity windows. These results support the idea that bolas spiders produce components of both species at all times rather than producing the pheromone of each prey species at different times of the night. However, using coupled gas chromatography-electroantennography, we also demonstrated that the spider decreases its emission of the L. renigera pheromone over the course of the night. This modification should reduce the behavioral antagonism of the L. renigera pheromone on T. mynesalis males and increase the predator's success of attracting T. mynesalis during this prey's normal activity window late at night. Received 13 October 2001; accepted 28 December 2001.  相似文献   

Two species of salps, Salpa thompsoni and Ihlea racovitzai, were sampled during three cruises to the Lazarev Sea, Southern Ocean, in summer (December–January) 2005/2006, Autumn (April–May) 2004 and Winter (July–August) 2006. Dry weight, carbon, nitrogen, protein, lipid and carbohydrate contents were measured to characterize the potential value of salps as a food source for predators in the Antarctic ecosystem. Biochemical composition measurements showed that despite having a high percentage of water (~94% of wet weight), both species had relatively high carbon and protein contents in their remaining dry weight (DW). In particular I. racovitzai showed high carbon (up to 22% of DW) and protein (up to 32% of DW) values during all seasons sampled, compared to lower values for S. thompsoni (carbon content only about 15% of the DW, protein content about 10% of the DW). At the same time, carbohydrates (CH) and lipids (Lip) only accounted for a small portion of salp DW in both species (1.4% CH and 3.6% Lip for I. racovitzai; 2.1% CH and 2.9% Lip for S. thompsoni). There was little variability in the biochemical composition of either salp species between the seasons sampled. Both biochemical composition and life cycle characteristics suggest that Antarctic salps, especially I. racovitzai, may be important prey items for both cold and warm-blooded predators in an environment where food is often very scarce.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation (IGP) occurs when one predator species consumes another predator species with whom it also competes for shared prey. One question of interest to ecologists is whether multiple predator species suppress prey populations more than a single predator species, and whether this result varies with the presence of IGP. We conducted a meta-analysis to examine this question, and others, regarding the effects of IGP on prey suppression. When predators can potentially consume one another (mutual IGP), prey suppression is greater in the presence of one predator species than in the presence of multiple predator species; however, this result was not found for assemblages with unidirectional or no IGP. With unidirectional IGP, intermediate predators were generally more effective than the top predator at suppressing the shared prey, in agreement with IGP theory. Adding a top predator to an assemblage generally caused prey to be released from predation, while adding an intermediate predator caused prey populations to be suppressed. However, the effects of adding a top or intermediate predator depended on the effectiveness of these predators when they were alone. Effects of IGP varied across different ecosystems (e.g., lentic, lotic, marine, terrestrial invertebrate, and terrestrial vertebrate), with the strongest patterns being driven by terrestrial invertebrates. Finally, although IGP theory is based on equilibrium conditions, data from short-term experiments can inform us about systems that are dominated by transient dynamics. Moreover, short-term experiments may be connected in some way to equilibrium models if the predator and prey densities used in experiments approximate the equilibrium densities in nature.  相似文献   

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