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通过水文地质调查和地下水监测孔观测资料,运用DRASTIC模型与GIS软件的区叠加功能,对研究区地下水脆弱性作评价,以及对地下水防污性能进行分区。结果表明:地下水防污性能较高区主要分布在西北部台地区及其附近,防污性能中等区主要分布于二级阶地,防污性能较低区主要沿河流及其分支河道的漫滩、一级阶地等地带呈条带状分布。总体来看,该区域地下水防污性能较好。  相似文献   

地下水在线监测技术可以实现地下水水质的高频监测,是未来发展的重要趋势。梳理国内外地下水在线监测技术研究进展,以上海市典型水文地质特征与环境质量状况为例,探讨地下水在线监测点位布设、指标筛选、监测方式及监测井设计等技术要点。首先,优化监测点位布设,对需要开展高频监测的区域或重点风险源开展在线监测,以代表性点位反映总体地下水环境质量状况。其次,综合筛选监测指标,除常规参数外,优先选取水体中的氨氮、高锰酸盐指数等作为在线监测指标,在具有潜在有机污染的区域,选取水中有机物、水中油等作为有机污染指示性指标。应进一步加强指标之间的相关性分析,为指示性指标的确立提供依据。再次,合理确定监测方式,根据取样方式以及污染源风险等级,设置相应的微型站和小型站。最后,优化监测井设计技术方案,进一步研究不同井管材质对地下水中无机或有机污染物的长期吸附(解吸)作用。  相似文献   

为保障上海世博会期间环境质量尤其是空气质量,江苏、浙江、上海将引入长三角区域联动机制,划定以世博园区为核心的300km。区域,严格控制污染物排放。上海市环保局局长张全介绍,世博期间空气质量监控引入了3个层面的联动:首先世博园区内部有监测点,实时监控园区内的空气质量;其次全上海有一个由40多个监测站组成的监测系统,全天候监控企业排放;  相似文献   

借鉴环境风险源目标管理的理念,按照“分区、分类、分级”监测的原则,建立了化工园区地下水环境状况调查监测布点方法体系,并以某化工园区为示例展开应用研究。结果显示,该方法能对化工园区不同区域、不同类型、不同级别的地下水污染源构建差异化监测网络,解决化工园区地下水污染多元化监测布点问题,可为化工园区地下水环境状况调查监测布点方案的拟定或优化调整提供工作参考。  相似文献   

美国Surfer 8.0软件在地下水环境质量评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过Surfer 8.0软件在某地地下水环境评价中的应用实例,重点阐述了其在浅层地下水污染物浓度空间分布图绘制、地下水质量分区图绘制、地下水污染分区图绘制、区域地下水污染趋势分析、地下水污染原因分析等方面的应用。  相似文献   

地下水环境监测系统的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了地下水环境监测的现状,特点和设计地下水环境监测系统的目的,详细阐述了地下水环境监测系统的站位布设,采样频率和时间分配,监测项目,以及地下水采样井的布设。  相似文献   

通过系统整理分析自然资源、水利、生态环境等部门已有地下水监测网,针对广东地下水监测存在的问题和未来地下水环境管理需求,提出较大空间尺度和水质监控的地下水环境监测网建设框架及广东省"三层七级"共237个网点的层级化地下水环境监测网建设方案,并与水文地质单元、浅层地下水功能区划进行了空间叠加分析。结果表明,广东省三大部门监测网在空间上分布总体较为分散,相互补充性好,提出的监测网方案总体上与广东省地下水本底条件、地下水资源开发利用现状、地下水环境功能分区、重点污染源空间分布特征等相匹配,契合地下水饮用水源保护和重点污染源监控两大管理需求,构建的地下水环境监测网框架可为其他地区提供参考,提出的地下水环境监测网建设方案可为广东省地下水环境管理和污染防控提供决策支持。  相似文献   

设计并实现了一种基于无线传输GPRS技术尾矿库水质实时监控系统;该监控系统由监测传感器、变送器、模拟量测量模块、GPRS无线监控终端、监测服务器及监测软件、浮标装置、电源系统等构成。系统监控点分布在尾矿库的不同区域,监控点布设浮标并配置有监测传感器,变送器把来自传感器的基准信号经放大后输出相对应的4~20m A恒流电流信号,模拟量测量模块测量4~20m A信号并以RS-485标准接口通讯输出,信号通过GPRS无线监控终端系统传递给监测服务器;通过安装在监测服务器中的基于B/S模式监测软件实现监测数据的保存、查询、打印、报警等功能。通过该系统应用,可以方便快捷的监测尾矿库水质p H变化情况,对在役尾矿库水域污染控制、运行管理、水质分析提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

探讨了大气环境监测点位的布设方法,在区域规划环境影响评价布设大气监测点位时,应综合考虑开发区的功能区划分、区内产业分布及环境敏感点分布等情况;结合规划区内外现状及规划实施后重点污染源的位置及排放高度,根据区域污染气象条件,采用Gauss模式预测最大浓度落地点,并以此作为区域大气环境监测点的布设依据.对某区域开发规划案例进行了大气环境监测点位布设研究,通过实践,该布设方法不仅可以反映区域大气环境质量现状的空间分布特征,而且可以为区域大气环境预测提供良好的数据支持,为优化区域规划提供依据;同时,对规划后的污染源最大浓度落地点的监测,可以为单个项目的环境预测提供背景值,起到简化入区建设项目环评的作用.  相似文献   

针对"双源"地下水(地下水污染源和集中式地下水型饮用水源)环境监管需求,研发了一套集地下水污染在线监测预警、评价溯源、预测应急于一体的可视化技术集成与应用平台。该平台将物联网、地下水数值模拟、大数据、云计算等技术集成应用于环境监管,实现了工业园区地下水环境实时动态监测评价及预警、地下水污染路径溯源计算、地下水事故污染预测及应急支撑等网络服务与计算功能,并通过地下空间三维数字化处理,构建了"所见即所得"的三维虚拟现实界面,实现了对地下水环境的便捷、高效监管与决策。该平台兼容手机、平板电脑、台式计算机等固定和移动设备,可为"双源"地下水污染监控、管理和应急提供实时、高效的科技支撑。  相似文献   

Investigation indicates that the subsidence pattern in the lower Yangtze Delta area is related to groundwater extraction. Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou region ("Su-Xi-Chang") belongs to the hinterland of the lower Yangtze Delta that has a total area of 12,000 km2. From 1979 to 2000, long-term pumping of groundwater at Su-Xi-Chang has caused a rapid decline in groundwater table, resulting in large-scale land subsidence. In this paper, establishment of a GPS-based monitoring system for land subsidence using 30 years of data, is presented. The data were obtained through monitoring of 184 wells. Also analyzed herein is the relationship between the observed lowering of the groundwater table and subsidence. Monitoring data indicate that the depression cone of groundwater table and the occurrence of subsidence are basically identical in time and space. The generation of both features is attributed to excessive extraction of ground water in the region. Finally, countermeasures against subsidence are proposed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the impact of urbanization on the groundwater regime in a fast growing city, Solapur, in central India, giving special emphasis on the management of the present and ultimate demand of water in 2,020 AD. The objective is to apprise the city planners and administrators of the effects of urbanization on the groundwater regime in a fast growing medium-sized city in a developing country where the infrastructure developments are not in conformity with the rapid growth in population. Solapur city with an area of 178.57 km2 receives a recharge of about 24 million m3 of groundwater from various sources annually. Reduction in recharge, as conventionally assumed due to the impact of urbanization, could not, however, be well established. Instead, there was a rise in recharge as water use in the city grew from time to time and more and more water was supplied to satisfy the human needs. Compared to mid-1970s, groundwater levels have increased within the main city area due to increased recharge and decreased groundwater abstraction. However, outside the main city area, there is a general decline in groundwater levels due to increased groundwater utilization for irrigation purposes. Groundwater quality deterioration has been highly localized. Water quality has deteriorated during the last 10 years, especially in dugwells, mainly due to misuse and disuse of these structures and poor circulation of groundwater. However, in case of borewells, comparison of the present water quality with that in mid-1970s and early 1980s does not show any perceptible change. Deeper groundwater tapped by borewells can still be used for drinking purposes with caution.  相似文献   

This study assesses the occurrence of nitrate in the groundwater beneath the R'mel area of the Loukkos perimeter (north-west Morocco), which covers an approximate area of 2,560 km2 and is located between the towns of Ksar el Kebir and Larache. It also borders the Atlantic Ocean. Groundwater supplies are the principal source of drinking water in this region and there is no public drinking water network in the rural area. This perimeter has a population of about 500,000 inhabitants of which the rural population represents 60%, many of whom have depended on and used the water from the aquifers for many years. The inhabitants and farmers depend on the groundwater supplies for drinking water, crop irrigation and other uses. The plain provides the ideal conditions for agriculture and the use of chemical fertilisers has been increasing. In this study, 53 water samples were collected from wells and springs. Each well or spring was sampled once or twice during 1998-2000. Nitrate concentrations ranged from extremely low up to 144 mg L(-1). Nitrate concentrations exceeded the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 50 mg L(-1) in 12 of the 53 groundwater samples (23%), whereas 31 of the 53 samples (58%) had nitrate concentrations of less than 25 mg L(-1).  相似文献   

基于近些年的调查和监测结果,统计分析了我国地下水环境质量基本状况及主要超标指标的地区分布情况。指出,当前我国地下水环境监测工作主要由自然资源、水利、生态环境等部门分别组织开展,存在地下水监测信息共享与整合难度较大、尚未形成全国统一的地下水环境监测体系、“双源”地下水监测现状尚未摸清、地下水监测能力明显不足、地下水监测的生态环境保护作用尚未体现等问题。提出,进一步推动部门资源共享与整〖JP2〗合、统一全国地下水监测体系、优化完善考核机制、尽快摸清地下水监测现状和逐步提升监测能力等工作建议,以期为下一阶段全国地下水环境监测工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper is based on long-term monitoring data for soil water, salt content, and groundwater characteristics taken from shelterbelts where there has been no irrigation for at least 5 years. This study investigated the distribution characteristics of soil water and salt content in soils with different textures. The relationships between soil moisture, soil salinity, and groundwater level were analyzed using 3 years of monitoring data from a typical oasis located in an extremely arid area in northwest China. The results showed that (1) the variation trend in soil moisture with soil depth in the shelterbelts varied depending on soil texture. The soil moisture was lower in sandy and loamy shelterbelts and higher in clay shelterbelts. (2) Salinity was higher (about 3.0 mS cm?1) in clay shelterbelts and lower (about 0.8 mS cm?1) in sandy shelterbelts. (3) There was a negative correlation between soil moisture in the shelterbelts and groundwater level. Soil moisture decreased gradually as the depth of groundwater table declined. (4) There was a positive correlation between soil salinity in the shelterbelts and the depth of groundwater table. Salinity increased gradually as groundwater levels declined.  相似文献   

Based on data collected over 2 years of monitoring the lower reaches of the Tarim River, the groundwater table depth was divided into six classes; 0 to 2 m, 2 to 4 m, 4 to 6 m, 6 to 8 m, 8 to 10 m, >10 m. We investigated the vegetation in this area to measure the influence of groundwater table depth on plant diversity and species ecological niche. The results indicated that plant diversity was highest at the 2 to 4 m groundwater table depth, followed by that at 4 to 6 m, and then that at 0 to 2 m. When the groundwater depth dropped to below 6 m, species diversity decreased dramatically, and the slope of Hill's index tended to level off. The ecological niche of the major species in this area initially expanded as the groundwater level dropped. The widest niche appeared at the 4 to 6 m groundwater table depth and gradually narrowed with deepening groundwater. Ecological niche analysis also revealed that the 4 to 6 m groundwater table depth was associated with the lowest degree of niche overlap and the richest variety of species. Our findings indicate that in the lower reaches of the Tarim River, the groundwater table depth must be a minimum of 6 m for vegetation restoration; it should be maintained at 2 to 4 m in the vicinity of the water path, and at 4 to 6 m for the rest of this arid area.  相似文献   

The integration of the Geographic Information System (GIS) with groundwater modeling and satellite remote sensing capabilities has provided an efficient way of analyzing and monitoring groundwater behavior and its associated land conditions. A 3-dimensional finite element model (Feflow) has been used for regional groundwater flow modeling of Upper Chaj Doab in Indus Basin, Pakistan. The approach of using GIS techniques that partially fulfill the data requirements and define the parameters of existing hydrologic models was adopted. The numerical groundwater flow model is developed to configure the groundwater equipotential surface, hydraulic head gradient, and estimation of the groundwater budget of the aquifer. GIS is used for spatial database development, integration with a remote sensing, and numerical groundwater flow modeling capabilities. The thematic layers of soils, land use, hydrology, infrastructure, and climate were developed using GIS. The Arcview GIS software is used as additive tool to develop supportive data for numerical groundwater flow modeling and integration and presentation of image processing and modeling results. The groundwater flow model was calibrated to simulate future changes in piezometric heads from the period 2006 to 2020. Different scenarios were developed to study the impact of extreme climatic conditions (drought/flood) and variable groundwater abstraction on the regional groundwater system. The model results indicated a significant response in watertable due to external influential factors. The developed model provides an effective tool for evaluating better management options for monitoring future groundwater development in the study area.  相似文献   

Groundwater and water resources management plays a key role in conserving the sustainable conditions in arid and semi-arid regions. Applying management tools which can reveal the critical and hot conditions seems necessary due to some limitations such as labor and funding. In this study, spatial and temporal analysis of monthly groundwater level fluctuations of 39 piezometric wells monitored during 12 years was carried out. Geostatistics which has been introduced as a management and decision tool by many researchers has been applied to reveal the spatial and temporal structure of groundwater level fluctuation. Results showed that a strong spatial and temporal structure existed for groundwater level fluctuations due to very low nugget effects. Spatial analysis showed a strong structure of groundwater level drop across the study area and temporal analysis showed that groundwater level fluctuations have temporal structure. On average, the range of variograms for spatial and temporal analysis was about 9.7 km and 7.2 months, respectively. Ordinary and universal kriging methods with cross-validation were applied to assess the accuracy of the chosen variograms in estimation of the groundwater level drop and groundwater level fluctuations for spatial and temporal scales, respectively. Results of ordinary and universal krigings revealed that groundwater level drop and groundwater level fluctuations were underestimated by 3% and 6% for spatial and temporal analysis, respectively, which are very low and acceptable errors and support the unbiasedness hypothesis of kriging. Although, our results demonstrated that spatial structure was a little bit stronger than temporal structure, however, estimation of groundwater level drop and groundwater level fluctuations could be performed with low uncertainty in both space and time scales. Moreover, the results showed that kriging is a beneficial and capable tool for detecting those critical regions where need more attentions for sustainable use of groundwater. Regions in which were detected as critical areas need to be much more managed for using the current water resources efficiently. Conducting water harvesting systems especially in critical and hot areas in order to recharge the groundwater, and altering the current cropping pattern to another one that need less water requirement and applying modern irrigation techniques are highly recommended; otherwise, it is most likely that in a few years no more crop would be cultivated.  相似文献   

High-frequency, long-term monitoring of water quality has revolutionized the study of surface waters in recent years. However, application of these techniques to groundwater has been limited by the ability to remotely pump and analyze groundwater. This paper describes a novel autonomous groundwater quality monitoring system which samples multiple wells to evaluate temporal changes and identify trends in groundwater chemistry. The system, deployed near Fresno, California, USA, collects and transmits high-frequency data, including water temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, and nitrate, from supply and monitoring wells, in real-time. The system consists of a water quality sonde and optical nitrate sensor, manifold, submersible three-phase pump, variable frequency drive, data collection platform, solar panels, and rechargeable battery bank. The manifold directs water from three wells to a single set of sensors, thereby reducing setup and operation costs associated with multi-sensor networks. Sampling multiple wells at high frequency for several years provided a means of monitoring the vertical distribution and transport of solutes in the aquifer. Initial results show short period variability of nitrate, specific conductivity, and dissolved oxygen in the shallow aquifer, while the deeper portion of the aquifer remains unchanged—observations that may be missed with traditional discrete sampling approaches. In this aquifer system, nitrate and specific conductance are increasing in the shallow aquifer, while invariant changes in deep groundwater chemistry likely reflect relatively slow groundwater flow. In contrast, systems with high groundwater velocity, such as karst aquifers, have been shown to exhibit higher-frequency groundwater chemistry changes. The stability of the deeper aquifer over the monitoring period was leveraged to develop estimates of measurement system uncertainty, which were typically lower than the manufacturer’s stated specifications, enabling the identification of subtle variability in water chemistry that may have otherwise been missed.  相似文献   

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