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金钟藤的年轮生长量与气候因子的相互关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了金钟藤(Merremiaboisiana(Gagn.)vanOoststr.)的年轮特征,并探讨了它与温度等气候因子的关系。金钟藤的年轮极不规则,有许多自然隆起和裂缝。金钟藤的年轮生长量通过格子法来估算。结果表明金钟藤年轮的年平均生长量与温度呈极显著正相关,与降水、日照时数和相对湿度相关性不显著。罗浮山地区降水和日照时数基本能够满足金钟藤的生长,结合相关研究结果推测:温度可能是金钟藤快速生长的主要驱动因子。  相似文献   

金钟藤在海南和广州的爆发成灾严重威胁着当地的森林生态系统。不同林型被金钟藤入侵的程度不一样,干扰严重、透光度较高的次生林容易被入侵,而自然林则不易被入侵。本研究比较金钟藤幼苗在海南五指山干扰林及自然林下土壤上生长的差别,以说明是否土壤性状的差别可部分解释金钟藤入侵性的差别。于2011年11月在五指山自然林和干扰林山坡分别取土及表层凋落物,带回实验室放入花盆中。一半的花盆中加入活性炭以检验凋落物可能释放的化感物质对金钟藤幼苗生长的影响。金钟藤种子经萌发后种入花盆中。在14.72%的透光度及排除地上部分天敌的条件下,于2011年11月至2012年7在大棚内种植8个月后收获、烘干并称重。结果表明:自然林土壤的全氮、全磷、有效氮含量高于干扰林土壤,而有效磷含量低于干扰林土壤,说明土壤资源并不是在干扰林下更高。在自然林土壤生长的金钟藤幼苗地下、地上部分生物量分别为1.496±0.14 g、3.22±0.31 g,比在干扰林土壤生长的生物量略大(1.129±0.135 g、2.93±0.357 g),但两者的差异并不显著(地下:t=1.881,P=0.072。地上:t=0.662,P=0.539);添加活性炭以吸附凋落物化感物质并不显著改变金钟藤地下、地上部分生物量。本实验说明,在一定的光照及排除地上部分天敌的条件下,仅是自然林下的土壤本身并不能抵抗金钟藤的入侵。然而,在野外观察到金钟藤种子可以在自然林下萌发但幼苗却难以存活,说明其他因素造成了金钟藤幼苗的死亡。未来研究这些因素对于保护生物多样性、维护森林生态系统健康具有重要意义。  相似文献   

不同温度处理对金钟藤种子萌发的影响   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
主要研究了恒温25、28、30℃不同处理下温度对金钟藤种子荫发的影响,并采用发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数、芽长和胚根长等指标对金钟藤种子发芽效果进行了评价。结果表明,随着温度的升高,金钟膝种子发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数均上升。此外,随着温度的升高,芽和胚根出现不同的生长趋势,芽生长增加而根生长减少,进一步显示其地上部分受温度影响会加快生长,预示其入侵危害可能加剧。鉴于金钟膝日前在广州的危害情况,文章提出应将金钟滕列为潜在的入侵植物,加强研究,尽早开展预防和控制措施。  相似文献   

温度对金钟藤光合特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了在温度升高(15~35℃)的过程中,离体金钟藤(Merremiaboisiana(Gagn.)vanOoststr.)的一些光合生理指标的变化。结果表明,在15~30℃时,随着温度升高,金钟藤的最大光合速率、光补偿点、气孔导度、胞间CO2摩尔分数、光量子利用率、蒸腾速率都随之升高。在外界环境的光照,CO2摩尔分数和湿度一致的条件下,温度升高能促使金钟藤生长加速,合成更多的有机物。所以,全球气候变暖可能是金钟藤爆发成为有害植物的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

测定了金钟藤(Merremia boisiana)枝条的生长速度,其枝条在生长季内平均每天长0.43-3-3cm,最快达7.8cm,且强枝能产生新的侧枝,营养生长能力强;调查了金钟藤始花期、开花数目、花期长短,并与其结实率进行相关性比较,发现金钟藤始花期和开花数目与结实率无显著相关性,而金钟藤花期长短与结实率呈显著负相关性(花期越长,结实率越低),且开花较多,但果实、种子极少,种子繁殖力低。  相似文献   

植物区系学中的特有现象是其研究的重点内容,对特有现象的概念、类型、起源及其研究意义作了详细的论述;其次,总结了中国植物区系的基本情况、生活型、分布区学、水平分布、垂直分布与起源等研究成果;第三,介绍了研究特有现象的形态-地理学方法、细胞地理学方法和等位酶分析方法;第四,指出了中国植物区系中特有现象研究所面临的困境,认为应该集中力量重点研究滇黔桂、横断山脉以及华中等3个地区的植物区系基本特征、组成、起源、演化与扩散等内容.  相似文献   

地形对中国气温季节分布格局的差异影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用中国气象中心160台站的长期观测资料,分析发现中圜气温的空间分布格局的存在着巨大的季节差异:在冬季,等温线基本上与纬线平行;在夏季,等温线形成一个个闭合高温或低温中心.同时,这些高温中心都足以负地形地区为中心分布,而低温分布是以正地形地区为中心.可见,我国冬夏季节的气温分布格局是由不同的控制机制决定的:冬季气温分布格局主要由纬度控制,夏季气温分布格局主要南地形控制.  相似文献   

国家濒危植物永瓣藤分布的土壤环境特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
永瓣藤(Monimopetalum chinense)是卫矛科(Celastraceae)的一个中国特有单型属植物,被列为国家二级稀有濒危保护物种。本文对永瓣藤分布区14个样地土壤样品的pH值、有机质、全氮、水解氮、硝态氮、全磷、速效磷和全钾进行了检测分析,以期弄清该物种分布与土壤环境因子的关系。结果表明,其pH值的变化幅度为4.55~5.57,主要处于强酸性范围,适应幅度较窄。有机质与氮素非常丰富,相互间具有明显的相关性,有利于永瓣藤的生长与繁衍,但土壤中磷、钾素较为缺乏。土壤酸碱度和有机质的质量分数在某种程度上对永瓣藤的分布范围具有制约作用。  相似文献   

用表型数量分析方法,结合地理分布对川西苹果属11个野生种进行研究,探讨其种间关系与地理分布的联系.得结论如下:1.不同系数的WPGMA和UPGMA聚类结果基本相同.表型数量骤类分析能大体反映近缘种间的亲缘关系;2.滇池海棠与沧江海棠在形态上高度相似,聚类图上极靠近,分布上相重叠,在塑定上有时感到困难;3.花叶海棠与变叶海棠和稻城海棠与小金海棠,从表型及分布上看显然是地理替代种;4.本文所列各种,大都分属两大植物区系范围内,例如花叶海棠属中国-日本区东范围内,变叶海棠属中国-喜马拉雅区系范围内;5.发现沿康定-理塘-巴塘(约(N)30°)存在一条南北物种分布的分界地带线,称康-巴线;沿岷江上游和大渡河流域也存在一条明显的地带线,称岷江-大渡河带,这一带就是中国-喜马拉雅区系和中国-日本区系的交界地带,通过这一地带有些向南分布的种可以越过康-巴线以东地区到达金沙江边,向北分布的种有时也可越过康-巴线以东达到岷江上游。在这南北和东西交界带上,不同物种会集,无疑是物种分化以及种质渗入十分活跃的地带;6.与其它地区相比较,四川西部山区是我国野生苹果植物分化的多样中心。  相似文献   

在对广东省主要跨市河流进行详细调查的基础上,分析现有跨市河流边界水质控制断面的存在问题;综合考虑跨市河段的地理位置、水体现状功能及水环境敏感性等因素,并兼顾上、下游地区社会经济发展现状及趋势,建议在新丰江、增江、韩江、灞江、绥江、西南涌、西江干流、榕江、枫江等河道新设边界水质控制断面13个,在全省共布设38个断面,构成广东省跨市河流边界水质达标管理的监测体系。文章还建议,要尽快制定广东省跨市河流边界水质保护条例,为加强广东跨市河流边界水质的达标管理,解决上下游地区之问的污染纠纷提供法律依据。  相似文献   

Are pelagic species such as sharks and tuna distributed homogenously or heterogeneously in the oceans? Large assemblages of these species have been observed at seamounts and offshore islands in the eastern tropical Pacific, which are considered hotspots of pelagic biodiversity. Is the species distribution uniform at these hotspots or do species aggregate at a finer spatial scale at these sites? We employed three techniques to demonstrate that the aggregations of scalloped hammerhead sharks, Sphyrna lewini, and other pelagic species were confined to the southeastern corner of Wolf Island in the Galapagos Marine Reserve. Coded ultrasonic transmitters were placed on individuals at this site and at another aggregation site at Darwin Island, separated from Wolf by 40 km, and they were detected by monitors moored at the southeastern corner of Wolf Island and rarely by monitors deployed at other sites around the island. Hammerhead sharks, carrying depth-sensing continual transmitters, were tracked for two-day periods in a vessel and shown to reside a disproportionately large fraction of their time at the southeastern corner. Visual censuses were carried out seasonally at the eight monitor sites at Wolf Island, recording the abundance of one species of tuna, four species of jacks, and a number of other species. The highest diversity and abundance of these species occurred in the southeastern corner of the island. Our results support the use of hammerhead sharks as indicator and umbrella species for pelagic hotspots on a fine scale.  相似文献   

Kriging插值法在植物物种地理分布空间格局研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔红梅  韦琳林  刘国华 《生态环境》2010,19(5):1165-1169
Kriging插值法是一种定量化描述地理空间分布格局的方法,主要应用于空间采样以及相关的一些空间格局分析。而物种的地理空间分布是物种在自然及人类活动共同作用下的结果。物种分布的研究目前主要从气候的角度来探讨其与气候之间的关系,并取得了很好的结果,但是仅从气候考虑又有局限性,而且很难真实地反映出物种地理空间的分布格局。因此,将Kriging插值法引进到物种分布的研究中,并以我国广泛分布的物种——栓皮栎为例,探讨其可行性。结果表明:Kriging插值法能很好地拟合物种地理空间分布的实际情况,其误差程度较小。该研究的结果可为物种资源的开发利用和物种的引种栽培提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Transboundary conservation is playing an increasingly important role in maintaining ecosystem integrity and halting biodiversity loss caused by anthropogenic activities. However, lack of information on species distributions in transboundary regions and understanding of the threats in these areas impairs conservation. We developed a spatial conservation plan for the transboundary areas between Yunnan province, southwestern China, and neighboring Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam in the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot. To identify priority areas for conservation and restoration, we determined species distribution patterns and recent land-use changes and examined the spatiotemporal dynamics of the connected natural forest, which supports most species. We assessed connectivity with equivalent connected area (ECA), which is the amount of reachable habitat for a species. An ECA incorporates the presence of habitat in a patch and the amount of habitat in other patches within dispersal distance. We analyzed 197,845 locality records from specimen collections and monographs for 21,004 plant and vertebrate species. The region of Yunnan immediately adjacent to the international borders had the highest species richness, with 61% of recorded species and 56% of threatened vertebrates, which suggests high conservation value. Satellite imagery showed the area of natural forest in the border zone declined by 5.2% (13,255 km2) from 1995 to 2018 and monoculture plantations increased 92.4%, shrubland 10.1%, and other cropland 6.2%. The resulting decline in connected natural forest reduced the amount of habitat, especially for forest specialists with limited dispersal abilities. The most severe decline in connectivity was along the Sino-Vietnamese border. Many priority areas straddle international boundaries, indicating demand and potential for establishing transboundary protected areas. Our results illustrate the importance of bi- and multilateral cooperation to protect biodiversity in this region and provide guidance for future conservation planning and practice.  相似文献   

The coastal sand-dune flora of the Gulf and Caribbean region of Mexico was analyzed to understand differences in floristic composition and richness found along the coast. Each of the 655 species reported was classified according to its ecology and distribution range by checking herbaria specimens, literature and specialists. Three groups were formed: (a) species with predominantly coastal distribution; (b) ruderal or secondary species frequently found inland, common of disturbed areas such as roadsides, abandoned fields or forming part of secondary growths; (c) inland species frequently found in other vegetation types such as tropical dry or seasonal forest and grassland. A total of 71 coastal species, 237 ruderal/secondary and 336 species from other community types were found. The distribution of these groups was analyzed along 44 sites of the Gulf and Caribbean, in the different dune habitats and for the dominant growth forms. Coastal species are more widely distributed; they predominate in habitats with sand movement and the herbaceous component prevails. Ruderal/secondary species and especially those belonging to other vegetation types frequently appear in only one or two sites occupying more protected or stabilized habitats. The two latter groups considerably increase species richness of sand dune flora, but also pose interesting problems for dune conservation.  相似文献   

The at-sea behaviour of marine top predators provides valuable insights into the distribution of prey species and strategies used by predators to exploit patchily distributed resources. We describe the water column usage and dive strategies of female southern elephant seals from Marion Island tracked between 2004 and 2008. Dives representing increases in forage effort were identified using a method that combines dive type analyses and the calculation of relative amounts of time that animals spend in the bottom phases of dives. Results from this analysis indicate that female elephant seals from Marion Island tend to display lower levels of forage effort closer to the island and display intensive opportunistic forage bouts that occur at a minimum distance of approximately 215 km from the island. Females from Marion Island dived deeper and for longer periods of time, compared to females from other populations. Most animals displayed positive diel vertical migration, evidently foraging pelagically on vertically migrating prey. A few animals displayed periods of reverse (negative) diel vertical migration, however, diving to deeper depths at night, compared to daytime. This behaviour is difficult to explain and prey species targeted during such periods unknown. Our results illustrate plasticity in foraging behaviour of southern elephant seals, as well as inter-population differences in forage strategies.  相似文献   

Oceanic islands represent excellent systems for studying the link between geographic isolation and population divergence. Easter Island is the world’s most isolated island and exhibits a high level of endemicity in the nearshore marine environment. Yet few studies have examined the effect of such extreme isolation on the divergence of populations of widespread species that occur at Easter Island. Conus miliaris, a marine gastropod distributed throughout much of the Indo-West Pacific, occurs at Easter Island where the population is ecologically and morphologically distinct from other populations of the species. To determine whether these phenotypic differences are associated with genetic isolation of the Easter Island population, we investigated the phylogeography of this species by examining mitochondrial COI sequences obtained from 141 individuals from eight localities occurring predominantly in the western, central and southeastern Pacific. Results from our analyses show that C. miliaris at Easter Island differs genetically from other populations. We estimate that C. miliaris colonized Easter Island shortly after the origin of the island ≤0.7 million years ago and that since population founding, gene flow has occurred predominantly from Easter Island to the west and that little migration has occurred into Easter Island.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Kachchh is characterised by a strong tidal variation and the reef communities are capable of higher exposure time during negative tides. About 11 sites located along the Marine National Park (MNP) from west to east were studied for assessing the present status of live coral cover along with other life-form categories. In the present study, the maximum live coral cover was recorded in Pirotan Island, followed by Laku Point, Mithapur and Boriya reef. Multivariate analyses such as Principal Component Analysis and Correspondence Analysis supported that the contribution of live coral cover was more towards Pirotan Island whereas the contribution of coral species cover was more towards Laku Point. Bray-Curtis cluster analysis categorized all the study sites into four major clusters with 78 % similarity based on life-form categories. Among them, two clusters from western region (one forming site from Mithapur Reef to Lakku Point and another one forming from Ashaba Gugar Reef to Dabdaba Island), the third one combines the western and eastern regions (Boriya Reef to Kalubar Island), the fourth one comprises the eastern region (Narara Reef to Sikka), and one outlier Pirotan Island. Based on coral species cover, two major clusters with 55 % similarity were formed. Among them, one cluster was formed from Pirotan Island to Kalubar Island in the eastern side of MNP and the second one comprised the western region of MNP (Boriya Reef to Laku Point), and one outlier Mithapur Reef. Thirty one species of live corals belonging to 8 families and 18 genera were recorded in the Marine National Park itself during the study period.  相似文献   

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