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马新昌 《环境》2007,(2):88-88
我校是广东省一级学校,自2004年5月被评为江门市绿色学校后,我校积极创建省级绿色学校.为此,我校把环境教育和学校的全面工作有机地结合,将环境管理融入学校管理的各个方面,加大资金投入,改善校园环境,营造绿色校园,培育绿色文明.  相似文献   

京溪园镇地处揭西县东北部,面积73.3623平方公里,有耕地1.79万亩,山地6.3万亩.现辖1个社区居民委员会,13个村民委员会,总人口46781人.2005年全镇工农业总产值52350万元,其中农业总产值9350万元,工业总产值43000万元,年人均收入3863元.  相似文献   

在分析了建设项目管理现状及存在问题后,简要阐述了我省开展环境监理工作的进展及我市适时开展环境监理的必要性。同时,结合地方出台的相关文件内容及多年工作经验,对下阶段环境监理工作的实施及开展提出了几点思考。  相似文献   

根据住宅小区建设项目的特点,阐述了住宅小区项目建设对外环境造成的影响以及外环境对项目本身的影响,并提出了相应的污染防治措施。  相似文献   

Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) form the core of societal and economic development. However, most people query on the implementation and performance of environmental management. In this paper, the manufacturing SMEs in Northern China with different pollution levels are studied to explore the main forces (e.g., government, society, market, and enterprise itself) driving SMEs for promoting environmental management. It focuses on the correlation between environmental management and economic performance for SMEs at different pollution levels. The results show that SMEs of different pollution levels have significant differences in the relationship of driving forces and performance. First, for SMEs with high-pollution levels, social and market driving forces and government incentives are revealed having a significant effect on their environmental performance. Driving forces from within the enterprise itself and the market provide a positive effect on the economic performance, while social forces have a negative effect. Second, for SMEs with light pollution, social and market driving forces, and government assistance play a supporting role on corporate environmental performance improvement. It is also found that the driving force of the enterprise itself does not have a significant effect on the environmental performance for SMEs with different pollution levels. In addition, the environmental performance and economic performance for SMEs with high or light-pollution levels are positively correlated. Further, it shows that the environmental performance is moderately correlated with financial indices, but not significantly with the non-financial indices.  相似文献   

随着《环评法》的颁布实施,环评市场不断扩大,本文针对杭州市余杭区环评价格高低有错、环评质量良莠不齐的现象,分析了环评机构间的环评价格博弈关系、环评机构与环保管理部门间的环评质量博弈关系,并指出环保管理部门适当融入到环评市场中有利于突破"囚徒困境"及"小偷与守卫"博弈,引导环评市场健康、有序发展。  相似文献   

综述了美国、欧盟、荷兰、加拿大、澳大利亚、德国、英国、挪威、瑞典、日本、韩国等国家(国际组织),以及国内不同地区、流域的优先污染物名单的制定情况,介绍了国内外优先污染物筛选的原则和技术方法,并分析了国内外优先污染物筛选排序方法的优缺点。通过对国内外主要筛选排序方法的比较发现,我国环境优先污染物筛选排序过程中主要存在环境介质单一、主观影响较大、缺少本土化模型参数、常规监测项目不完善、缺少污染物动态变化的连续性监测等问题。提出了加强基础数据搜集,充分考虑不同环境介质,开发建立本土化技术方法及模型参数,对污染物进行名单动态更新等针对性建议。  相似文献   

就环境技术引进的社会背景及其相关法律问题作了简要说明,对环境技术引进的一般法律管制进行了分析,较为深入的阐述了对环境技术引进环境法律规制的必要性,并提出了对环境技术引进进行环境法律规制的基本原则及基本制度。  相似文献   

气候破坏、生物多样性和生态系统失能、地球毒化、核战的潜在影响以及社会和经济的不公平,这些人类的困境阻碍了环境问题的解决,以至环境问题愈演愈烈.尽管解决这些困境的步骤是清晰的,却很少被采用—恰在此时,环境状态每况日下.温室气体排放的趋势仍持续快速上升,生物多样性的灭绝和生态系统服务的丧失的现象有增无减,饥饿人口的数量已达到了十亿,意味着有同等数量免疫系统缺陷的人群.加之人口增长迅速,大规模传染病爆发的可能性升高.在亚洲,喜马拉雅山脉冰川的消融和上升的气温威胁着亚洲次大陆上十六亿人口的用水和食品供应.  相似文献   

<正>党的十八大把生态文明建设纳入中国特色社会主义事业五位一体总体布局,提出大力推进生态文明建设的总目标。十八届三中全会明确提出紧紧围绕建设美丽中国深化生态文明体制改革,加快生态文明制度建设,推动形成人与自然和谐发展现代化建设新格局。实现上述目标,离不开公众的广泛参与。环保社会组织(又称环保NGO)作为公众参与环境事务的重要力量,如何培育引导环保NGO有序发展,充分发挥为社会提供优质环境公共服  相似文献   

曹树坚 《环境》2006,(12):86-87
广州市电子信息学校(原广州市电子职业高级中学)创建于1980年,1996年首评被确认为国家级重点职业高中,1999年通过复评被认定为国家级重点中等职业学校;2003年再次通过国家级重点中等职业学校的复评。2000年以来,学校结合实际,努力建设以现代职业教育为特征的绿色学校,于2003年被评为广州市绿色学校。  相似文献   

Implementation of current environmental and natural resource policy has created an era of regulatory discontent, and has prompted calls for new approaches to management that can achieve both long-term ecological sustainability and improved policy performance. These new approaches, such as ecosystem management, emphasize the importance of holistic and integrated science, meaningful public involvement to reflect changing societal goals and objectives, collaborative decisionmaking, and flexible and adaptable institutions. Implementing such approaches will require significant institutional change in all institutions, including the institution of science. Attributes of the scientific culture — including adherence to the myth of objective, value-free science, preference for technical solutions as first-order solutions, and advancement of the scientific method and scientific rationality as preferred logic — have often worked to separate scientists from citizens and science from the policymaking process. They have also fostered undemocratic processes and results. Changes in the institution and culture of science, including embracing more holistic and integrated scientific processes, creating a more civic science, and rethinking the role of scientific advocacy in the policy process, will be required to move toward democratic as well as ecological sustainability.  相似文献   

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