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攀枝花市土壤微量元素分布   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
以攀技花市为例,初步研究了该市土壤中微量元素分布的地球化学特征及城市环境污染特征。因子分析结果表明,各层土壤中的元素可分为两类:一类是引起城市土壤污染的重金属元素,另一类则是以稀土元素为代表的微量元素。城市土壤微量元素污染的分布特征表明,该市土壤微量元素的污染与该市的采矿冶炼等工业活动有直接联系。  相似文献   

Urban Geochemistry: Investigations in the Berlin Metropolitan Area   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The distribution of 41 trace and 11 major elements in 4000 samples of topsoils (0–20cm) from the Berlin Megacity is interpreted. The detailed comparative analysis of the element distributions and the results of factor analysis showed that the distributions of the elements Al, K, Na, Rb, Zr, Nb and Ti are mainly natural origin, i.e. related to the composition of the parent material. Industrial and commercial areas often display considerably elevated values for Mo, Ni, As, Ag, Cr, Sb, Fe, Mn, Mg, P, TOC and especially Pb, Hg and electrical conductivity relative to the geogenic background of the area surrounding Berlin. Industrial areas tend to be characterised by contamination of the subsoil with Cu, Cd, Zn, Hg, Pb and Sn. In the area around Berlin, extensive, strong anamalies of Cd, Zn, Pb, Cu and Hg occur near iron and steel industries and construction materials industries, as well as in the vicinity of sewage farms.  相似文献   

A Geochemical Survey of Topsoil in the City of Oslo, Norway   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The city of Oslo is situated centrally in the Oslo-graben, which is a Permian rift basin consisting of different kinds of volcanic and sedimentary rocks. In the summer of 1998, approximately 300 samples of surface soil (2–3cm) were taken systematically, 1km–2. The investigated area covers about 500km2. Samples were dissolved in 7M HNO3 and analysed for 29 elements with ICP-AES, mercury with cold-vapour technique (CV-AAS) and arsenic and cadmium with a graphite furnace (GF-AAS). A factor analysis is frequently used to identify relationships among sets of interrelated variables. To describe the covariant relationships among the elements, a factor analysis has been completed. The first factor contains the elements Sc, Fe, Li, Co, Al, Cr, Be, K, Ni, V, Mg, Y, Ba, Zr, Mn and As (listed with decreasing communality). These elements are typical for the minerals in the area and most of these elements have a near normal distribution. Sources for this factor are probably geological. The second factor contains Cd, Hg, P, Zn, Cu, Ba and Pb. They have a log-normal distribution. Road traffic is probably one of the sources contributing to this factor. In Norway studded tyres are used frequently in the winter season which results in large amounts of road dust. Leaded petrol has been a major source for Pb but is not in use any more. Wear and tear of tyres and brakes contribute also to this factor. Other sources contributing to this factor are probably industry, rubbish incineration, crematoria and release of some of these elements from structural material by fire. Factors 3, 4 and 6 with elements such as Ca, Na, La, Ti and Sr probably have geological sources. They are associated with minerals like amphiboles, pyroxenes and feldspars and some of the elements are from sea aerosols. Factor 5 contains Mn, Cd, Zn, As and Pb. Manganese may be derived from many different sources such as rock weathering, windblown dust, agriculture and traffic. Since As and Mn are placed in both factor 1 and 5 they probably have both geological and anthropogenic sources. Concentrations of the elements in the second factor are much higher in the central parts of Oslo, than in the rest of Oslo. The median value of Hg in the centre is 0.48mgkg–1, which is 8 times higher than that in the rest of the city. Also, the other elements have much higher levels in the centre. The industrial district north-east of the centre also has high values. The distribution of arsenic is regular throughout the whole city, but has a slightly higher level in the centre. Norm values for contaminated land used by the Norwegian authorities are 2mg As kg–1 and 25mg Cr kg–1. Of 297 samples, 61% contain more than 25mg Cr kg–1 and 79% more than 3mg As kg–1, which is the detection limit of the analysis. These samples will therefore be regarded as contaminated. Factor analysis places these elements in the geological factor. The Norm value of zinc is 150mgkg–1, and 40% of the samples contain more than this. The Norm value of lead is 150mgkg–1, and 35% of the samples contain. Road traffic is probably the major source for these elements.  相似文献   

Urban soils in medium- and large-sized cities generally have shown elevated contents of environmentally important trace metals (e.g. lead, copper, zinc). Such high concentrations in soils of green areas, mainly recreational areas, can be a source of potentially toxic elements and pose a risk for human health. Thus the availability of these contaminants is an essential control parameter, as it indicates potential plant uptake and their transfer to humans via inhalation of suspended dust, or direct ingestion (i.e. hand to mouth pathway), or consumption of contaminated foodstuff. Young children are the most sensitive segment of the population. Addition of amendments to the soil is a feasible technique to reduce the availability of trace metals. Accordingly, four urban soils of green areas of Seville (Spain), with relatively high lead contents and moderate copper and zinc contents, were amended in the laboratory with four inorganic materials [acid zeolite (AZ), sodium zeolite (SZ), Slovakite (SL), apatite (AP)], at two rates (1%, 5% w/w) and incubated for 1 year. Significant decreases in EDTA-extractable metal contents were observed in some of the treatments after adding the amendments even before the incubation begun, mainly for SL treatments. The amendment that produced the longest lasting immobilisation effect, compared to control treatments, was AZ at the higher rate. The effects of SZ and SL tended to decrease with time, while the AP effect was almost negligible after 3 months of ageing. This study confirms the feasibility of using certain inexpensive soil amendments to at least temporarily immobilise metals in urban soils for the purpose of protecting human health, especially that of young children.  相似文献   

合肥市城市土壤重金属元素含量及空间分布特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了合肥市城市土壤中重金属的含量、空间分布特征及来源。结果表明,合肥市城市土壤中,Ni和As2种元素污染不明显,但受到Cu、Zn、Pb、Sr、Cd、Hg6种元素不同程度的污染,其中Hg污染最严重。Ni和As2种元素的分布主要受自然因素影响,Cu、Zn、Pb、Sr、Cd、Hg6种元素主要来源于人为输入。Zn,Cd,Pb3种元素的空间分布规律比较相似,表现为在东部工业区和老城区内明显出现富集。Cu和Hg2种元素在合肥市城市土壤中含量的分布规律比较相似,峰值出现在东部工业区、老城区、北部和南部交通干线交汇区。Zn、Cd、Pb、Cu、Hg5种元素可能主要来源于工业活动和交通污染。Sr元素峰值出现在老城区和工业区中间,主要交通干线沿线和交汇地区含量也较高,Sr元素可能主要来源于交通污染。  相似文献   

长春市城区土壤重金属污染趋势预测预警   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在分析了长春市土壤重金属污染历史基础上,估算了重金属累积现速率和加速度,建立了污染超标年限预测模型,并分别在匀速累积模式和加速累积模式下对表层土壤重金属污染趋势进行了预测预警。结果表明:在匀速累积模式下,长春市城市表层土壤中As、Cr、Pb累积速率相对缓慢,在未来50年内不会出现大面积超警戒线的情况,同时,分别将有约50%左右的表层土壤中的Hg、Cu、Zn和Cd含量在20~50年内超警戒线;在加速累积模式下,土壤中重金属累积迅速,在20~50年内,分别将有约80%、90%、65%和60%的土壤中Hg、Cu、Zn和Cd含量超过警戒线。值得注意的是10年内受As污染的土壤面积将从目前不足1%迅速上升到11.65%,在20~50年内,约58%的土壤中As含量超过警戒线。Cr和Pb在50年内不会对表层土壤造成大面积污染,土壤对其尚有较大环境容量。  相似文献   

在中国东部花岗岩、玄武岩和石灰岩地区布设91个采样点,采集土壤剖面和母岩样品,测试13种微量元素的含量,研究其纬向分异规律及影响因素。结果表时:(1)土壤微量元素含量顺序为:玄武岩土壤>石灰岩土壤>花岗岩土壤;(2)花岗岩和玄武岩上土壤微量元素含量与母岩接近,石灰岩上土壤微量元素含量远高于母岩;(3)花岗岩上土壤微量元素的含量由北向南呈降低趋势,而玄武岩和石灰岩上土壤微量元素含量由北向南均呈增高趋势,且与游离氧化铁含量的增高同步;(4)微量元素含量与氧化铁含量在玄武岩土壤中的相关性大于这两者在花岗岩土壤中的相关性。  相似文献   

贵阳市中心城区土壤重金属污染现状及其评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以贵阳市中心城区五大功能区(工业区、商业区、行政区、文教区、居民区)的土壤为对象,研究土壤中重金属(Hg、As、Cu、Cr和Zn)污染的特征,采用单因子污染指数和内梅罗(N.L.Neiow)综合污染指数法对土壤重金属污染现状进行了检测与初步评价,Hakanson潜在生态危害指数评价法评价了土壤重金属的潜在生态危害,其结...  相似文献   

Fifty-two samples of surface soils were taken in the urban area of Seville, to assess the possible influence of different land uses on their metal contents and their relationship with several soil properties. The samples corresponded to five categories or land uses: agricultural, parks, ornamental gardens, riverbanks, and roadsides. Sequential extraction of metal according to the procedure proposed by the former Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) was carried out, and pseudo-total (aqua regia soluble) metal contents were determined. Lower organic C, total N and available P and K contents were found in riverbank samples, probably due to the lack of manuring of those sites, left in a natural status. In contrast, significantly higher electrical conductivity was found in those sites, due to the tidal influence of the nearby Atlantic Ocean. Other land uses did not show significant differences in the general properties. Concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn, both aqua-regia soluble and sequentially extracted, were clearly higher in soils from ornamental gardens, whereas the concentrations in the riverbank samples were slightly lower than the other categories. In contrast, other metals (Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni) were uniformly distributed throughout all land uses. A strong statistical association is found among the concentrations of Cu, Pb, Zn and organic C, suggesting that the larger contents of these metals in ornamental gardens are partly due to organic amendments added to those sites more frequently than to other kinds of sites. Considering the conclusions of previous studies, heavy traffic can also contribute to those `urban’ metals in urban soils. Periodic monitoring of the concentrations of urban metals in busy city centres and of the quality of amendments added to soils of recreational areas are recommended.  相似文献   

城市土壤重金属和有机污染物复合污染广泛存在,而城市草坪除草剂的应用使城市绿地土壤的农药污染问题成为了新的关注点。为了准确评价城市绿地重金属污染土壤的农药污染生态风险,选择不同重金属污染程度的土壤为研究对象,以土壤有机氮矿化量、基础呼吸以及土壤酶活性为指标,采用室内模拟试验方法,探讨了草坪除草剂环草隆污染对土壤微生物的生态毒理效应。结果表明:(1)土壤有机氮矿化、基础呼吸、芳基硫酸酯酶和碱性磷酸酶对重金属和环草隆污染响应较为敏感,脲酶和蔗糖酶对重金属和环草隆污染不敏感。(2)环草隆浓度为0~1 000 mg·kg~(-1)范围内,和污染较轻的样点N土壤的碱性磷酸酶活性抑制(激活)率的线性相关关系显著,和污染较为严重的样点D和G土壤的芳基硫酸酯酶活性抑制(激活)率的线性关系显著。(3)土壤中环草隆对样点D和G土壤芳香硫酸酯酶活性、对样点N土壤碱性磷酸酶活性抑制(激活)率的EC10分别为568 mg·kg~(-1)、1 306 mg·kg~(-1)(抑制值)和56 mg·kg~(-1)(激活值)、99 mg·kg~(-1),EC50分别为1 901 mg·kg~(-1)、3 806 mg·kg~(-1)、2 321 mg·kg~(-1)。以上研究结果能够为城市土壤重金属和农药复合污染生态风险评价提供基础数据和技术方法。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the concentrations of ten trace elements (Cu, Zn, Mn, Se, Ni, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg, and As) and their trophodynamics in a benthic food chain of Deer Island, Northern Yellow Sea. The concentrations of Cu, Zn, Mn, Se, Ni, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg, and As in the food chain ranged from 3.2 to 23.2, from 71 to 227, from 7.4 to 45.6, from 0.44 to 5.80, from 0.73 to 7.60, from 0.14 to 1.65, from 0.68 to 6.70, from 0.08 to 1.86, from 0.08 to 1.18, and from 0.24 to 3.92 mg kg?1 dry weight, respectively. Among these trace elements, the linear regression between the log-transformed concentrations of Hg and Cd and δ15N values showed statistically significant increase (p<0.05) with the slopes of 0.134 and 0.144, indicating biomagnification of Hg and Cd occurred in the benthic food chain of Deer Island. While the linear regression for other eight trace elements (Cu, Zn, Mn, Se, Ni, Cr, Pb and As) were characterised by extensive scatter with non-significant correlation coefficients (R 2=0.002–0.235) and slopes (p=0.079–0.875), indicating there were not biomagnified or biodiluted of these trace elements.  相似文献   

长春市城区表层土壤重金属污染来源解析   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
为剖析长春市城区表层土壤中重金属污染来源,采用网格化均匀布点系统采集了352件长春市城区表层(0~20 cm)土壤样品,分别采用X荧光光谱法(XRF)、原子荧光光度法(AFS)和石墨炉原子吸收光谱法(GF-AAS)测定土壤中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cr、As、Hg和Cd。结果表明:长春市城区表层土壤中w(As)、w(Cd)、w(Cr)、w(Cu)、w(Hg)、w(Pb)和w(Zn)分别为12.5、0.132、66.0、29.4、0.118、35.4、90.0 mg/kg,且其变化范围较大,同时均显著高于研究区表层土壤背景值,已受到一定程度重金属污染。运用主成分分析法对土壤中重金属污染来源进行解析,结果表明,长春市城区表层土壤中不同重金属来源存在着差异,其中Cu、Pb和Zn主要来自交通污染;Cr目前仍然主要受自然因素控制,来源于自然源;As和Hg主要来源于燃煤源;Cd主要来源于工业源及化肥施用。  相似文献   

采集并分析全场不同母质形成的有代表性的土壤样本142个.研究结果表明,各类土壤全B、Mo、Zn和Mn含量的平均值均低于全国平均值,全量Cu平均值高于全国平均值.有效B、Mo、Zn和Mn含量的平均值均低于临界值,有效Cu的平均值稍高于临界值;但66.7%的土样有效Cu含量低于临界值.硼、钼、锌和锰严重缺乏,铜多数缺乏.全场各类土壤的微量元素含量差异较大,各类土壤微量元素的垂直和水平分布特征不尽相同,尤其是垂直分布差异明显.从土壤微量元素的全量与母质的关系来看,以玄武岩、紫色砂页岩母质形成的土壤全量较高,砂砾岩母质形成的土壤全量中等,砂页岩和冲积物母质形成的土壤全量较低.  相似文献   

南京城市土壤的特性与重金属污染的研究   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33  
研究了南京市城市土壤母质组成、剖面结构、pH值、土壤质地、土壤有机质、重金属元素全量及其不同形态含量等理化性质和分布规律。结果表明,城市土壤母质来源复杂,剖面层次混乱,土壤反应石灰性、粗粒化、有机质含量升高和表聚现象较明显。城市土壤重金属污染较为严重。不同功能区的污染元素和污染程度有显著差异。综合污染程度以老工业区含量最高。依次为老居民区、商业区、风景区、城市广场、开发区。但各功能区土壤重金属的形态分异不明显。城市土壤的随机空间变异十分突出,无论是土壤性质还是重金属污染积累都如此。城市中可能存在一些高度污染的岛状区域,这在城市环境质量上必须予以密切关注。  相似文献   

典型河谷城市儿童土壤与灰尘铅暴露风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为定量评价河谷型城市土壤与灰尘铅对城市儿童健康的影响与风险,结合野外调查的基础上,以陕西渭河谷地典型工业城市宝鸡、西安、渭南和铜川为研究区域,以定量分析河谷型城市儿童环境铅暴露为核心,收集4个城市土壤与灰尘分析样品总计243个。利用X射线荧光光谱法测定了4个城市土壤与灰尘铅的含量;采用BCR连续形态分级法探究了城市土壤与灰尘重金属铅地球化学形态分布与迁移特征;根据US EPA污染物暴露与健康风险评价模型对城市儿童铅暴露进行了评价。研究结果表明渭河谷地典型城市宝鸡、铜川、西安和渭南城市土壤与灰尘铅浓度(X±SD)分别为(409.2±52.54)和(624.70±66.15)mg·kg-1、(357.47±41.37)和(592.60±36.78)mg·kg-1、(61.4±13.31)和(78.42±14.89)mg·kg-1、(46.71±12.11)和(64.7±13.76)mg·kg-1,均高出陕西省土壤铅背景值;污染水平依次为宝鸡铜川西安渭南。4个河谷型城市土壤与灰尘重金属铅发生整体迁移的趋势为:宝鸡城市灰尘(90.71%)西安城市灰尘(84.74%)≥宝鸡城市土壤(83.12%)渭南城市灰尘(74.89%)≥西安城市土壤(74.50%)铜川城市灰尘(72.49%)铜川城市土壤(57.50%)渭南城市土壤(53.79%)。可见,铅在均在城市灰尘中的迁移趋势远大于相应的城市土壤。4个城市土壤与灰尘均表现出较大的儿童暴露致癌风险,宝鸡和铜川城市儿童土壤与灰尘铅暴露也分别存在非致癌风险,风险程度依次为宝鸡铜川西安渭南。儿童铅暴露致癌与非致癌风险程度与其城市土壤和灰尘中铅可氧化态分布呈相似的规律,表明碱性的城市土壤与城市灰尘(p H7)中可氧化态铅可能是导致河谷型城市儿童铅暴露风险和儿童血铅污染的主要形态和因素。由此,城市燃煤排放与含铅制品的加工等活动可能是渭河谷地河谷型城市儿童血铅与铅暴露最主要的贡献源,必须采取长期有效的监测与控制措施。  相似文献   

街尘作为城市各种污染物的载体和地表径流污染物的主要来源对水环境的影响日益受到关注.论文分析了北京市城区街尘与地表径流中重金属浓度和颗粒的粒径分布.结果表明:不同城市土地利用类型对街尘和径流中的重金属含量、颗粒粒径分布具有重要影响.在商业区、主要道路、住宅区、城中村4种土地利用类型中,街尘重金属浓度和地面单位面积重金属质量均以主要道路最高;径流重金属浓度由高到低顺序依次为:主要道路>城中村>居民区;主要道路和商业区街尘颗粒中细粒径占的比例较高,在全部土地利用类型的径流水样中颗粒物粒径分布差别不大;随着街尘中颗粒物粒径的减小,重金属浓度增加;街尘中小于149μm的颗粒物质量百分比和重金属浓度均较高,且在径流中这个粒径段的颗粒物含量也高,体积比达80%以上.建议在今后的城市街尘面源污染控制中应特别关注土地利用类型和街尘粒径的影响.  相似文献   

金华典型中药材产地环境地球化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在金华市主要中药材种植区采集耕作层土壤和中药材样品,分析其重金属含量,并从环境地球化学角度分析中药材重金属超标的原因.结果表明,白术(Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae)、玄参(Radix Scrophulariae)和浙贝母(Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii)中Cd超标率分别为64.3%、40.0%和47.2%,白术、玄参和元胡(Rhizoma Corydalis)中Cu超标率分别为35.7%、10.0%和5.9%.从中药材对重金属的选择性吸收、种植区的土壤环境、地形地貌和气候条件等方面研究发现,气候温暖湿润,地形陡峭,岩石在风化成土过程中淋溶作用强烈,从土壤母质、淋溶层到土壤表层pH值逐渐降低,土壤酸化是导致中药材Cd和Cu含量超标的主要原因.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variations of some trace metals in the surface sediments of Cochin Estuary were analyzed along with their geochemical associations to identify the possible sources, bioavailability and the health risks posed by them. The dominance of kaolinite and suggested that clay minerals distribution is influenced by sediment sorting. Total metal analysis revealed enrichment for Cd, Pb and Zn due to anthropogenic activities. The speciation analysis established that notwithstanding the large availability, carbonate as well as organic and sulfides bound fractions showed negligible associations with most of the metals. Hydrous Fe–Mn oxides appeared to play a major role in controlling the fate and transport of these metals in the sediments of Cochin Estuary. Lower contribution of the residual fractions for Cd (21%–26%), Pb (<60%) and Zn (24%–42%) indicated an obvious increase of other geochemical fractions. Risk assessment analysis revealed that regardless of total concentration, none of the analyzed metals were at safe levels in the estuary as appreciable percentages were found to be associated with mobile geochemical forms. The speciation study conspicuously established that the metals originating from non-geogenic sources are largely associated with the labile fractions and hence are more detrimental to the aquatic biota.  相似文献   

徐州市城区公园绿地土壤重金属污染及其评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对徐州市泉山、云龙、鼓楼、九里4个城区的公园绿地土壤进行系统采样测定,对其土壤重金属富集与污染状况进行分析与评价。结果表明,该城区表层土壤中5种重金属(Cd、Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr)含量均高于中国土壤元素背景值,其中Cd单因子富集指数为30.00,污染指数为14.56,富集程度较高,污染较严重;Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr单因子富集指数和污染指数均接近1,富集程度较低,无污染或轻度污染。  相似文献   

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