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Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) fractions and different low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) were determined in soil solutions from two lime or ash treated Norway spruce sites in the south of Sweden. At Hasslöv, 3.45 t ha-1 or 8.75 t ha-1 dolomite were applied 15 years before sampling. Horröd was treated with 4.28 t ha-1 ash and 3.25 t ha-1 dolomite and sampled four years later. Propionate (7–268 M) and malonate (2–34 M) were the LMWOAsfound in the highest concentrations at Hasslöv. Two other LMWOAs dominated at Horröd, namely citrate (18–64 M)and fumarate (5–31 M). The differences in concentration of most of the determined LMWOAs at Hasslöv were significantly increased due to treatment. The LMWOAs comprised between 1.1–6.3% of the DOC at Hasslöv and 4.5–17.6% at Horröd. At Hasslöv normally 3–10% of the total acidity (TA) was due to LMWOAs and the average specific buffer capacity was 74 ± 22 mmol mol-1C.The total DOC concentration in the mor layer solution was 16 mM for the dolomite treated plots compared to 10 mM at the untreated plot. A major part of the increase in DOC at the treated plots apparently had a hydrophobic character and was of high molecular weight corresponding to 3–10 kDa. The concentration of DOC < 1 kDa in the control and treated plots was similar.  相似文献   

The effect of lime and ash additions upon the below ground ectomycorrhizal communities was studied at two spruce forest sites, Horröd and Hasslöv, in Southern Sweden. At Hasslöv, fifteen years after the addition of 8.75 ton ha-1 of dolomite, the species richness of the mycorrhizal community was unchanged. However, the liming resulted in an almost total replacement of species normally found under the site conditions, with only three morphotypes from a total of 24 distinguished being common to both the control and limed plots. At Horröd, four years after the application of 3.25 ton ha-1 crushed lime, there was a significant reduction in the number of species recorded. This was not a result of a reduction in root tips sampled, since there was no significant treatment effect upon root tip abundance. Instead, it appeared that the less common species present in the control plots had been lost following liming. At the same site, the addition of 4.28 ton ha-1 of wood ash had little effect upon the mycorrhizal community as a whole, with only small changes recorded in the abundance of a small number of species. This study highlights the urgent need for additional data on the temporal and load response of ectomycorrhizal fungi to the addition of lime. This information is vital in view of the proposed widespread use of lime as a counter measure to soil acidification.  相似文献   

A joint multidisciplinary investigation was undertaken to studythe effects of lime and wood ash applications on two Norway spruce forest Spodosolic soils. The two sites, typical for southern Sweden, were treated in 1994 with either 3.25 t ha-1 dolomite or 4.28 t ha-1 wood ash (Horröd site) or in 1984 with either 3.45 or 8.75 t ha-1 dolomite (Hasslöv site). Both sites show signs of acidification by atmospheric anthropogenic deposition and possessed low soil pH(4.3) and high concentrations of inorganic Al (35 M) in theupper illuvial soil solution. The prevailing soil conditions indicated perturbed soil processes. Following treatment with lime or wood ash, the soil conditions were dramatically altered. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) and base saturation (BS) was considerable increased after addition. Four years after application most of the added Ca and Mg was still present in the mor layer. Fifteen years after application,Mg in particular, became integrated deeper in the soil profile with a greater proportion lost by leaching incomparison to Ca. The concentrations of these ions were greatestin the mor layer soil solutions and Mg had higher mobility givinghigher concentrations also deeper in the profile. Four years after treatment, the application of wood ash and limeresulted in lower pH values and higher inorganic Al in mineral subsoil solutions compared to the untreated soil. We hypothesize that this was probably due to an increased flow of hydrogen ionsfrom the upper soil as a result of displacement by Ca and Mg ionsin the enlarged exchangeable pool. In contrast, fifteen years after lime and wood ash application, the mineral subsoil horizonspossessed a higher pH and lower soil solution Al content than theuntreated plots.Liming promoted soil microbial activity increasing soil respiration 10 to 36%. This is in the same range as net carbon exchange for forests in northern Sweden and could potentially have a climatological impact. The turnover of low molecularweight organic acids (LMWOA) by the soil microbial biomass werecalculated to contribute 6 to 20% to this CO2 evolution.At Horröd, citrate and fumarate were the predominant LMWOAs with lowest concentrations found in the treated areas. In contrast, at the Hasslöv site, propionate and malonate were the most abundant LMWOAs. Higher microbial activity in the upper soil horizons was also theprobable cause of the considerably higher DOC concentrations observed in the soil solution of ash and lime treated areas. Thelime-induced increase in DOC levels at Hasslöv could be attributed to increases in the 3–10 kDa hydrophobic size fraction. Liming also promoted nitrification with high liming doses leading to extreme concentrations of NO3 - (1 mM) in soil solution.At Hasslöv the community of mycorrhizal fungi was dramatically changed by the addition of lime, with only four of 24 species recorded being common to both control and treated areas.Many of the observed effects of lime and ash treatment can be viewed as negative in terms of forest sustainability. After fouryears of treatment, there was a decrease in the pH of the soil solution and higher concentrations of inorganic Al and DOC. Increased organic matter turnover, nitrification and NO3 -leakage were found at Hasslöv. Considering that the weathering rate and the mineral nutrient uptake by trees is mostprobably governed by mycorrhizal hyphae etchingmineral grains in the soil, it is important to maintain this ability of the mycorrhizal fungi. The lime and ash-induced changed mycorrhizal community structure may significantly affect this capability. In light of this investigation and others, as reviewed by Lundström et al. (2003), the implications ofliming on forest health are multifaceted with complex relationships occurring over both space and time.  相似文献   

Chemical weathering losses were calculated for two conifer stands in relation to ongoing studies on liming effects and ash amendments on chemical status, soil solution chemistry and soil genesis. Weathering losses were based on elemental depletion trends in soil profiles since deglaciation and exposure to the weathering environment. Gradients in total geochemical composition were assumed to reflect alteration over time. Study sites were Horröd and Hasslöv in southern Sweden. Both Horröd and Hasslöv sites are located on sandy loamy Weichselian till at an altitude of 85 and 190 m a.s.l., respectively. Aliquots from volume determined samples from a number of soil levels were fused with lithium metaborate, dissolved in HNO3, and analysed by ICP – AES. Results indicated highest cumulative weathering losses at Hasslöv. The weathering losses for the elements are in the following order:Si > Al > K > Na > Ca > MgTotal annual losses for Ca+Mg+K+Na, expressed in mmolc m-2 yr-1, amounted to c. 28 and 58 at Horröd and Hasslöv, respectively. Variations between study sites could not be explained by differences in bulk density, geochemistry or mineralogy. The accumulated weathering losses since deglaciation were larger in the uppermost 15 cm than in deeper B horizons for most elements studied.  相似文献   

The effect of liming and ash treatment on pools, fluxes and concentrations of major solutes was investigated at two forestedsites (Norway spruce) in S. Sweden. One site was treated 15 yrprior to sampling (Hasslöv-Hs; dolomite: 3.45 and 8.75 t ha-1) and the other 4 yr before (Horröd-Hd; dolomite: 3.25 t ha-1; wood ash: 4.28 t ha-1). Effects of limingwere most pronounced in the O horizon solutions where higher pH,elevated Ca (120–700 M) and Mg (50–600 M) were observed as compared to control plots. The impact on the mineralsoil was more moderate. Soil solution concentrations were combined with modelled hydrological flow to calculate mass flows,which largely followed the trends of the solution composition. Liming also resulted in large increases of both exchangeable Caand Mg as well as effective cation exchange capacity (CECE;2–5 times the controls). The base saturation (BS%) was raised to 60–100% in the O horizon while in the mineral soil elevated values were only seen at the Hs site (20–60%; down to 10–15 cm depth for 8.75 t ha-1). Ash treatment did notaffect either the soil solution nor the exchangeable pool to thesame extent as lime. In general, the impact at the Hd site was less pronounced especially in the mineral soil, which might be due to shorter treatment time (4 vs. 15 yr) and also differentthickness of the O horizon. Budget calculations for Ca and Mg originating from the lime showed that a major part of the Ca (40–100%) was retained in the top 30 cm of the soil, of which30–95% was present in the O horizon. The mobility of Mg wasgreater and it was estimated that a significant part had been leached from the profile (30 and 50 cm depth) after 15 yr. Increased mass flows of NO3 - due to nitrification resulting from liming at the Hs site were calculated in the range120–350 mmol m-2 yr-1 (or 1.2–3.5 kmol ha-1 yr-1). There was significant leaching of Al (25–60 mmol m-2 yr-1), of which about 70% was inorganic, in thelower B horizon at both sites with no influence of liming.  相似文献   

The effect of liming (3.45 and 8.75 t ha-1 dolomite; 16 yr after application) on the biodegradation of three low molecular weight organic acids (citrate, oxalate and propionate) in forest soils was investigated. The concentration of organic acids in the soil solution followed the series propionate > citrate > oxalate with liming having no significant impact on soil solution concentrations (mean organic acid concentration = 8.7 ± 2.3 M). Organic acid mineralization by the soil microbial community was rapid in surface organic horizons (mean half-life for citrate = 2–6 h), with biodegradation rate gradually declining with soil depth. Concentration-dependent biodegradation studies (0 to 350 M) showed that the mineralization kinetics generally conformed well to a single Michaelis–Menten equation with Vmax values following the series oxalate > citrate > propionate (mean = 9.8 ± 1.0 nmol g-1 h-1) and KM values following the series oxalate = citrate > propionate (mean 168 ± 25 M). The Vmax values declined with soil depth, which was consistent with a general reduction in microbial activity down the soil profile. Liming induced a significant increase in Vmax for citrate with no change for propionate and reduction in Vmax for oxalate. The latter was probably due to adsorption and precipitation of Ca-oxalate making it unavailable for microbial uptake. The higher adsorption/precipitation capacity for oxalate in the limed soils was confirmed by adsorption isotherms. Generally, liming increased soil microbial activity by approximately 10 to 35% with calculations based on soil solution concentrations indicating that organic acid mineralization constituted approximately 3 to 15% of the total soil respiration.  相似文献   

This Korea-China study monitored the phenomena of sandstorms and significant dustfall (SD) from 1997 to 2000. The analysis of our data included ground measurements of dust concentration, visibility, satellite imagery, aircraft and lidar observations. In addition, an estimation of atmospheric loadings and a studyon the relationship between dust concentrations and visibilitywere carried out. The movement and invasion of dust clouds toKorea were clearly identified with meteorological and satellitedata. The increasing concentrations of TSP and PM10 concurredwell with the satellite information. From case studies, weestimated that atmospheric loadings of a dust cloud were over 1million ton and that the deposition over the Korean Peninsulawas in the range from 46 000 to 86 000 tons. For SD withvisibility of 3 km, we predict TSP 659 g m-3 and PM10 493 g m-3. We recommend the issuance of an SD Watch(advisory) and an SD Warning for the general public.  相似文献   

For characterisation of landscapes in north-eastern Estoniaaffected by alkaline oil shale fly ash and cement dust the zonation-method based on average annual (C y) and short-termconcentrations of pollutants in the air was used, as well as on deposition loads of dust and Ca2+. In the overground layer of atmosphere the zones with different air pollution loads were distinguished. A comparative analysis of pollution zones characteristics and biomonitoring data revealed that for sensitive lichen the dangerous level of alkaline dust in the air, introducingthe degradation of Sphagnum sp. at the level of C y of dust 10–20 g m-3 and at 0.5–1 hr maximums 100–150 g m-3. For Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) this limited concentration (decline of growth parameters) of cement dust is correspondingly following: 30–50 g m-3 and 150–500 g m-3, in case of fly ash the limit level of C y amounting 100 g m-3. Daily deposition load of Ca2+ should not exceed approximately 4.5–15 mg m-2 for lichen; for conifers the harmful pollution load is higher – >22 mg m-2.  相似文献   

Critical N loads for ombrotrophic bogs, which often contain rare and N-sensitive plants (especially those in lower plant groups: lichens, mosses and liverworts), are based on very few experimental data from measured, low background N deposition areas. Additionally the relative effects of reduced versus oxidised N are largely unknown. This paper describes an automated field exposure system (30 km S. of Edinburgh, Scotland) for treating ombrotrophic bog vegetation with fine droplets of oxidised N (NaNO3) and reduced N (NH4Cl). Whim Moss exists in an area of low ambient N deposition (ca. 8 kg N ha–1 y–1), the sources and quantification of which are described. The wet N treatment system is run continuously, and is controlled/activated by wind speed and rainfall to provide a unique simulation of real world treatment patterns (no rain=no treatment). Simulated precipitation is supplied at ionic concentrations below4mMin rainwater collected on site. Treatments provide a replicated dose response to 16, 32 and 64 kg N ha–1 y–1 adjusted for ambient deposition (8 kg N ha–1 y–1). The 16 and 64 kg N ha–1 y–1 are duplicated with a P+K supplement. Baseline soil chemistry and foliar nutrient status was established for all 44 plots for Calluna vulgaris, Sphagnum capillifolium, Hypnum jutlandicum and Cladonia portentosa.  相似文献   

In April 1998, two intense dust storms were generated in CentralAsia and transported eastward across East Asia (15 and 19 April). This article presents the chemical characterization ofHong Kong (HK) aerosols during the dust storms. During the 15 Aprildust storm, hourly respiratory suspended particles (RSP)(particle diameter smaller than 10 m) concentrationsmonitored at 7 sites in Hong Kong reached the peak valuessynchronously between 9 and 11 a.m. on 17 April, in which thehighest concentration was 267 g m-3. Analysis ofthe RSP samples showed that concentrations of crustalelements (Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mg, K+) and anthropogenicspecies (As, Ni, Pb, Zn, NH4 +, NO3 -,SO4 2- and total carbon) were substantiallyenhanced. Enhancement of these species was more than afactor of 2 to 14 relative to the non dust period. The totalcarbon content was high, at 59 g m-3 (notincluding carbonate), and the enrichment factors of Asand Pb on 17 April were 122 and 117, respectively. Thisimplied that anthropogenic materials together with mineraldust were transported to HK from Mainland China. Based onmaterial balance calculations, mineral dust contributed41% to the observed RSP mass on 17 April, which was 2 times thatof the nondust sample (22%). From the 5-day backwardtrajectory analysis, this storm was transported directlyfrom Northwest China to HK. However, there was nocorresponding observation for the 19 April dust stormaerosol. Consequently, 15 April storm had stronger impact onHK's atmosphere than 19 April storm. Compared to the HK AirQuality Objective, 15 April dust storm did not cause seriousair pollution in HK.  相似文献   

The concentrations of heavy, trace elements and major ions measuredin the Uluda and Bursa aerosols were investigated to assess size distributions, spatial and temporal variability, sources and source regions affecting the composition of aerosols in Uluda and Bursa. A total of 81 samples were collected in two sites, one in Bursa city and another in the Uluda Mountain during two sampling campaigns. Daily samples were collected using a high volume sampler on Whatman 41 cellulose filters in Uluda, while three days interval samples were collected in Bursa using an automatic dichotomous sampler on PTFE Teflon filters. Samples were analysed for 15 trace and heavy metals (Al, Fe, Ba, Na, Mg, K, Mn, Ca, Cu), (V, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Zn), and 4 major ions (SO4 2-, NO3 -, Cl-), (NH4 +) using ICP-AES, GFAAS, HPLC and UV/VIS Spectrophotometer,respectively. In general, concentrations of the metals measured inUluda aerosols were lower than those in Bursa. The concentrations of crustal elements were higher in summer than winter, while anthropogenic elements had higher concentrations in winter than summer. Most of the mass of crustal elements was concentrated in the coarse mode while the mass of the heavy metals was concentrated in the fine mode. Factor analysis revealed four factors with sources including crustal, industrial and combustion. Back trajectory calculations were used to determine long range contributions. These calculations showed that contributions were mostly from European countries, former Soviet Union countries, Black Sea and North Africa.  相似文献   

Continuous micrometorological measurements of ammonia (NH3)exchange were made for a period of 19 months (May 1998–November 1999) over intensively managed grassland in southern Scotland. This study focused on the influence of management activities, such as cutting and fertilising, on vegetation-atmosphere exchange of NH3. Measurements were conducted within the European project GRAMINAE (GRassland AMmonia INteractions Across Europe) within which the Scottish site forms one of 6 sites in an E–W transect across Europe. NH3 emissions were enhanced (up to 300 ng m-2 s-1) after cutting followed by larger emissions after fertilising (up to 1400 ng m-2 s-1). Annual budget calculations show the intensive grassland acted as a net source (1.8 kg N ha-1 yr1) although fluxes were bi-directional with deposition dominating in the winter and emission in the summer. Initial modelling of the NH3 exchange using a `canopy compensation point' model has been conducted for key periods. The dynamics of the fluxes during these key periods, such as before and after cutting and fertilising, may be reproduced by introducing different values of the apoplastic ratio, = [NH4 +]/[H+].  相似文献   

The Cairngorms in north-east Scotland is remote from pollutant sources although it currently receives ca. 10 kg ha1 yr1 S and ca. 11 kg ha1 yr1 N deposition from the atmosphere.In 1955, 15 lochs (lakes) at a range of altitudes were sampled and analysed for major ion concentrations. A new survey of these and an additional 23 lochs and their catchment soils was conducted in 1999 to determine the impact of acid deposition, and the changes in loch chemistry since the 1955 survey. The bedrock geology of this region has a strong influence on the loch chemistry. Surface waters were generally more acidic in high altitude areas due to predominantly poorly buffered, thin alpine soils developed on granitic parent material (mean acid neutralising capacity (ANC) for 23 lochs = 30 eq L1). At lower altitudes where the geology is dominated by Dalradian metamorphic rocks surface waters are comparatively base rich and have higher ANC (mean ANC for 15 lochs = 157 eq L1). Surface water nitrate concentrations show a negative relationship with soil C:N status, in that higher nitrate only occurs at low soil C:N ratios. A comparison of data for 1955 and 1999 shows that sulphate concentrations are significantly lower (67.8 and 47.5 eq L1, respectively), and pH has improved (pH 5.6 and 5.9) in response to decreased S deposition since the mid 1970s. However, mean nitrate concentrations were found to increase from 2.48 >eq L1 in 1955 to 5.65 eq L1 in 1999. Differences in the sampling and laboratory methods from 1955 and 1999 are acknowledged in the interpretation of data.  相似文献   

Estimates of the global carbon sink induced by nitrogen enrichment range vary widely, from nearly zero to 2.3 Gt C year-1. It is necessary to reduce this uncertainty if we are to make accurate predictions of the future magnitude of the terrestrial carbon sink. Here, we present a Monte Carlo approach to uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of three ecosystem models, Century,BGCand Hybrid. These models were applied to a coniferous forest ecosystem in Sweden. The best estimate of the change in total carbon content of the ecosystem with the cumulative change in nitrogen deposition over 100 years, Ctotal/Ndeposition was 20.1 kg C (kg N)-1 using the pooled mean, with a pooled standard deviation of 13.8 kg C (kg N)-1. Variability in parameters accounted for 92% of the total uncertainty in Ctotal/Ndeposition, and only 8% was attributable to differences between models. The most sensitive parameters were those which controlled the allocation of assimilate between leaves, roots and stem. In particular, an increase in allocation to fine roots led to a large reduction in Ctotal/Ndeposition in all models, because the fine roots have a very high turnover rate, and extra carbon allocated there is soon lost through mortality and decomposition.  相似文献   

Biodegradable polyesters were synthesized by ring-opening copolymerization of -butyrolactone (BL) and its derivatives withl-lactide (LLA). Although tetraphenyl tin was the main catalyst used, other organometallic catalysts were used as well.1H and13C NMR spectra showed that poly(BL-co-LLA)s were statistical and that their number-average molecular weights were as high as 7×104. The maximum BL content obtained from copolymerization BL/LLA was around 17%. TheT m andT g values of the copolymers showed a gradual depression with an increase in BL content. NoT m was obtained for the copolymers containing more than 13 mol% BL. The biodegradability of the copolyesters was evaluated by enzymatic hydrolysis and nonenzymatic hydrolysis tests. The enzymatic hydrolysis was carried out at 37°C for 24 h using lipases fromRhizopus arrhizus andR. delemar. Hydrolyses by both lipases showed that an increase in BL content of the copolymer resulted in enhanced biodegradability. Nonenzymatic accelerated hydrolysis of copolymers at 70°C was found to increase proportionally to their exposure time. The hydrolysis rate of these copolymers was considerably faster than that of PLLA. The higher hydrolyzability was recorded for the BL-rich copolymers. The copolymerization of -methyl--butyrolactone (MBL) or -ethyl--butyrolactone (EBL) with LLA resulted in relatively LA-rich copolymers.  相似文献   

An epoxy-based thermoplastic polyester, poly(hydroxy ester ether), was incubated under aerobic conditions in a laboratory-scale compost system for 168 days to evaluate its potential for biodegradation. Radiolabeled test polymer [uniformly 14C ring-labeled, poly(hydroxy ester ether)] was incorporated into a mature compost and a sludge-amended compost at a loading of 3 mg test polymer/g compost. 14C-Cellulose was used as the positive control and a biologically inhibited control reactor was used to assess abiotic degradation of the test polymer. Degradation of the test polymer was assessed by measuring the amount of 14C-CO2 from each of the test reactors. In addition, at selected time intervals subsamples of the compost were collected and serially extracted with water, methanol, and dimethylformamide to monitor degradation of the 14C-test polymer and provide a partial characterization of the degradation intermediates. Extensive degradation of 14C-poly(hydroxy ester ether) was observed in the test reactors with degradation half-life of the parent polymer (t 1/2) of approximately 32 days. By the end of the study, only 2% of the total 14C activity in the test reactors was attributed to intact polymer, with most of the measurable 14C activity converted to either 14C-CO2 (26% of total 14C activity) or nonextractable products (accounting for 60% of the total activity). In contrast to the test reactors, only 3% of the 14C-poly(hydroxy ester ether) added to the biologically inhibited control reactor was mineralized to 14C-CO2. The results obtained from the microbially active and biologically inhibited compost systems indicate that the poly(hydroxy ester ether) polymer was degraded, at least in part, by a biologically mediated process.  相似文献   

The biodegradability of poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB), poly--hydroxybutyrate-co-valerate (PHB-V) and poly--caprolactone (PCL) were examined following thermal aging in an oven for 192, 425 and 600 h. Different temperatures, 100, 120 and 140°C for PHB and PHB-V and 30, 40 and 50oC for PCL were used to assess the influence of this parameter on biodegradation. The biodegradability tests were done in soil compostage at pH 11.0 and involved measuring the residual mass of polymer. Thermal analysis of the polymers was done using a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The melting temperature and crystallinity were also determined. Thermal ageing increased the biodegradability only for PHB at 120 and 140oC, and there was no correlation between crystallinity and the biodegradation of the polymers.  相似文献   

As an alternative or in addition to direct seeding, container-grown transplants provide a means of economically and rapidly revegetating waste fly ash lagoons through the expeditious establishment of vegetation islands. Survival and growth ofEnchylaena tomentosaandNitraria billardiereitransplants were largely dependent on the size of the root volume at transplanting. Growth response of both species in fly ash increased significantly as transplant container size increased from 110 ml to 800 ml. Fly ash incorporated into the potting mix during the containerised stage of growth generally reduced plant growth and survival following eventual transplantation. Gradual hardening ofEnchylaena tomentosaseedlings to increasing concentrations of fly ash in the potting mix (25 to 50 to 75% fly ash), however, improved immediate survival following transplantation, into pure ash. Nitrogen deficiency in Port Augusta fly ash was a major nutritional limitation to growth of these two species. Growth and dry matter production responded optimally to application of N fertiliser (NH4NO3) at 100–150 kg N ha−1. Although bicarbonate-extractable P levels in fly ash were high (over 250 mg kg−1), a response ofEnchylaena tomentosato supplementary P application [Ca(H2PO4)2.H2O] at 100–200 kg P ha−1was observed.N. billardiereidid not respond to supplementary P, and it was suggested that fly ash P may be selectively available to plants on a species dependent basis. No growth responses to K application (KCl) at rates of up to 400 kg K ha−1were found.  相似文献   

Innovative methods are currently being sought to safely utilize and reduce the amount of sluiced fly ash stored in on-site facilities at thermal electric power facilities in Ontario, Canada. The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of utilizing sluiced fly ash as a liming material on acidic soils. A greenhouse experiment was established to examine the influence of the ash on soil pH values and the yield and chemical composition of corn, soybeans, wheat and alfalfa grown on amended soil.The sluiced ash had an initial pH value of 9.1 (1:1 H2O) and contained an equivalent CaCO3 content of 11.5% (±0.2%) based on total content of Ca and Mg in the ash. Fly ash was applied at rates of up to 167 tonnes ha−1 to samples of the surface horizon (0–15 cm) of an acidic clay textured soil found local to the power plant. Application of fly ash increased soil pH values but a high concentration of boron in the added ash limited plant growth. Results indicated that the sluiced ash could be used as a liming material at application rates of up to 110 tonnes ha−1, on acidic, clay textured soils provided boron tolerant crops such as alfalfa were grown. Further research is required to establish the potential for leaching of boron to ground water and to determine the potential for plant uptake of other trace elements such as As and Se.  相似文献   

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