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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Nowadays, the remediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)-contaminated soil has received wide attention. In this work, Ochrobactrum sp....  相似文献   

Amounts of fluoride were measured in whole woodlice Oniscus asellus and Porcellio scaber, together with associated soil and litter, from 17 sites near an aluminium reduction plant at Holyhead, Anglesey, in North Wales. There was a strong positive correlation between amounts of fluoride in woodlice, soil and litter in all comparisons (P<0.02). Highest and lowest fluoride concentrations in woodlice differed by a factor of >50. Where both woodlice species occurred together at the more polluted sites, fluoride levels in Oniscus asellus were generally twice as high as those found in Porcellio scaber. At any given site, amounts of environmental fluoride were determined partly by distance and direction from the pot-rooms of the plant (a function of prevailing winds), modified by the presence of trees which acted as collectors for gaseous and particulate fluoride.  相似文献   

Effects of fluoride (F(-)) emissions on previously unpolluted assemblages of saxicolous lichens, near an aluminium reduction works, are described. Lichens contained a mean 16 microg F(-) g(-1) dry weight in 1970 before emissions commenced. Subsequently, where annually monitored Ramalina contained >100microg g(-1) severe damage occurred, including loss of attachment to the rocky substratum. At sites within 1 km of the works well-exposed to emissions, fruticose (shrubby) lichens were eliminated, but in more sheltered locations 18% cover had survived by 1983. Some foliose (leaf-like) lichens tolerated >200 microg g(-1), while crustose (crust-like) species were least affected, 32% and 70% surviving, respectively. Concentrations of fluoride, and associated injury, decreased with increasing distance from the works. Fruticose and sensitive foliose species sustained 40-75% losses of cover up to 4 km NE, downwind of the works, where fluoride averaged 50-100 microg g(-1), but <40% losses were recorded in fruticose species up to 9 km, where concentrations averaged 35-50 microg. Saxicolous lichens were damaged less than corticolous species previously reported and, following decreased emissions, were also regrowing in sheltered and more distant locations by 1985.  相似文献   

Ambient air and deposition samples were collected in the period of July 2004-May 2005 in an industrial district of Bursa, Turkey and analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds. The overall average of fourteen bulk deposition fluxes for PAHs was 3300+/-5100 ng m(-2) d(-1). PAH depositions showed a seasonal variation and they were higher in winter months. This was probably due to increases in residential heating activities and decreases in atmospheric mixing layer levels. Ambient air samples, measured with a high volume air sampler, were collected from the same site. The average total concentration including gas and particulate phase was about 300+/-420 ng m(-3) and it was in the range of previously reported values. Some of the ambient air and bulk deposition samples were collected simultaneously in dry periods. Both concurrently measured values were used to calculate the dry deposition velocities whose overall average value was 0.45+/-0.35 cm s(-1).  相似文献   

Effects of emissions, from a new aluminium works, on previously unpolluted assemblages of corticolous lichens, are described. Injury symptoms included chlorosis, red colorations, necrosis and weakening of attachment of thalli to the bark substratum, resulting in reductions in % cover. Before emissions commenced in 1970, lichens contained <10microg fluoride (F(-)) g(-1) dry weight. Where concentrations in annually monitored samples of Ramalina reached >100microg F(-1) g(-1), within 4 km downwind of the works, severe injury occurred with >75% losses of cover of some species. At increasing distances, injury, and F(-) concentrations, decreased. The lichen flora was almost eliminated within 1 km of the works: after 15 years' operation, 37 species are absent within 650 m, but at least 43 survive at 900 m. A range of sensitivity was shown between, and within, morphological types. Fructicose (shrubby) lichens contained >600microg F(-1) g(-1) after 4 years and were the first, and most severely, affected (<1% cover surviving by 1975). Most foliose (leaf-like) species were sensitive (88% losses by 1977), but some were more tolerant, containing >400microg F(-1) g(-1) after 10 years. Crustose (crust-like) lichens were affected least, some growing markedly to occupy the space formed following elimination of more intolerant species. Since 1978, in response to decreasing emissions, there has been a recovery of some fruticose and foliose species in less-exposed locations.  相似文献   

Analysis of chlordane contamination in selected finfish and shellfish species from estuarine and coastal marine waters of New Jersey, USA, indicates consistently highest organochlorine pesticide levels in samples from the north and northeast regions of the state. Gas chromatographic analysis of tissue samples from four finfish species (American eel, Anguilla rostrata; bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix; striped bass, Morone saxatilis; and weakfish, Cynoscion regalis) and one shellfish species (blue crab, Callinectes sapidus) collected at 28 stations throughout the state during the 1986-1987 sampling period and 42 stations during the 1988-1991 sampling period revealed chlordane concentrations ranging from 5 to 2150 ppb wet weight (wet wt). Highest mean concentrations of chlordane (300 ppb wet wt) occurred in American eel from the Camden region, with secondary maxima (100 ppb wet wt) observed in the northeast region. Lower mean concentrations of chlordane (< 100 ppb wet wt) were recorded in tissue samples of other species collected elsewhere in the state. In general, the lowest levels of chlordane contamination (mean < 50 ppb wet wt) were found in samples from the south coast and Delaware regions. A major conclusion of this study is that some commercially and recreationally important finfish and shellfish species in New Jersey waters, especially those which are lipid-rich, have continued to accumulate chlordane from the environment long after restrictive regulations were first placed on its use in the US. The greatest impact of chlordane contamination is nearby metropolitan centers of the state (i.e., New York, Newark, Camden), although the total concentrations of chlordane in tissue samples from these areas are currently far less than the US Food and Drug Administration action level of 300 ppb wet wt.  相似文献   

Tang  Fang  Wang  Yaru  Li  Jing  Sun  Shuo  Su  Yuhua  Chen  Hongxu  Cui  Wu  Zhao  Chaocheng  Liu  Qiyou 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2023,30(13):35670-35682
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The groundwater polluted by an agricultural hormone site was taken as the research object, and a total of 7 groundwater samples were collected at...  相似文献   

Soil and atmospheric concentrations, dry deposition and soil-air gas exchange of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were investigated at an industrial site in Aliaga, Izmir, Turkey. Current-use pesticides, endosulfan and chlorpyrifos, had the highest atmospheric levels in summer and winter. Summertime total (gas + particle) OCP concentrations in air were higher, probably due to increased volatilization at higher temperatures and seasonal local/regional applications of current-use pesticides. Particle deposition fluxes were generally higher in summer than in winter. Overall average dry particle deposition velocity for all the OCPs was 4.9 ± 4.1 cm s−1 (average ± SD). ΣDDXs (sum of p,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDD, and p,p′-DDE) were the most abundant OCPs in Aliaga soils (= 48), probably due to their heavy historical use and persistence. Calculated fugacity ratios and average net gas fluxes across the soil-air interface indicated volatilization for α-CHL, γ-CHL, heptachlorepoxide, cis-nonachlor, trans-nonachlor, and p,p′-DDT in summer, and for α-CHL, γ-CHL, trans-nonachlor, endosulfan sulfate, and p,p′-DDT in winter. For the remaining OCPs, soil acted as a sink during both seasons. Comparison of the determined fluxes showed that dry particle, gas-phase, and wet deposition are significant OCP input mechanisms to the soil in the study area.  相似文献   

Smokey Mountain Smelters in Knoxville, Tennessee USA is an abandoned aluminium smelter where smelter waste (slag) was dumped on site. ICP analyses indicated the highest slag metal concentrations were 223,000 mg kg−1 Al, 281 mg kg−1 As, 132 mg kg−1 Se, and 2910 mg kg−1 Cu. Metal uptake was quantified in plants growing on slag. Our data indicates that P. cretica accumulates Al in high concentrations, but not As, when grown in slag. Metal concentrations in vegetation grown on slag were lower than controls grown in uncontaminated soil, suggesting low metal availability or root exclusion mechanisms.  相似文献   

Bufo arenarum embryos at the end of their embryonic development were acclimated to cadmium (Cd) by means of a 10-day treatment protocol. Embryos were processed for metallothionein (Mt) isolation and Cd and zinc (Zn) contents were measured. The results showed that: (1) the uptake of Cd in the experimental embryos was 7 microg/g embryo (wet weight) representing a bioaccumulation of Cd 255 times higher than in the maintaining medium; (2) a major Mt-like fraction was Cd-induced 7.8 times that in control embryos; two other protein fractions also bound Cd and Zn but were induced by Cd only about 2 and 1.4 times; (3) the Zn concentration was about 44 microg Zn/g embryo (wet weight) and did not change significantly (p>0.01) in the experimental embryos with respect to controls, but in acclimated embryos the essential metal was released from the Mts. The enhanced Mt synthesis and release of Zn from the native Mts are discussed in relation to the acclimation phenomenon.  相似文献   

High silica content of de-inked paper mill effluents is limiting their regeneration and reuse after membrane treatments such as reverse osmosis (RO). Silica removal during softening processes is a common treatment; however, the effluent from the paper mill studied has a low hardness content, which makes the addition of magnesium compounds necessary to increase silica removal. Two soluble magnesium compounds (MgCl2?6H2O and MgSO4?7H2O) were tested at five dosages (250–1,500 mg/L) and different initial pH values. High removal rates (80–90 %) were obtained with both products at the highest pH tested (11.5). With these removal efficiencies, it is possible to work at high RO recoveries (75–85 %) without silica scaling. Although pH regulation significantly increased the conductivity of the waters (at pH 11.5 from 2.1 to 3.7–4.0 mS/cm), this could be partially solved by using Ca(OH)2 instead of NaOH as pH regulator (final conductivity around 3.0 mS/cm). Maximum chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal obtained with caustic soda was lower than with lime (15 vs. 30 %). Additionally, the combined use of a polyaluminum coagulant during the softening process was studied; the coagulant, however, did not significantly improve silica removal, obtaining a maximum increase of only 10 %.  相似文献   

A methodology based on social participation through the use of resident diaries was applied to evaluate the odour annoyance in the surroundings of an industrial park in Belgium during one year. The studied area covers about 8 km2 and includes13 potential odour emitting facilities. The network involved 44 residents in the survey, among whom 19 were particularly considered for a detailed analysis. The questionnaire aimed at providing an odour rating twice-daily on a 6-level scale together with an odour type.The fact that the response rate corresponding to “no-odour” was high (79%) is particularly discussed. Some tests are proposed to check the plausibility of the answers, the coherence within clusters of residents and the individual performance of respondents to discriminate among odour ratings. The odour rose is presented as an attractive and visual tool, particularly suited in the case of multi-source areas, to map the different odour emissions, to point out the most worrying ones, to identify others creating less annoyance and possibly new unpredicted ones. The resident diary method has proven to be particularly useful, conjointly to other ones, to the case of multi-sources facilities in large areas, when the purpose is the assessment of the long-term evolution of odour annoyance.  相似文献   

Hydrofluorosis in humans and domestic animals is a worldwide health problem and caused by a prolonged period of fluoride exposure through drinking of fluoride contaminated water. But in recent years, due to rapid industrialization in India, diverse serious health problems among industrial workers and residents and domestic animals living in the industrial areas due to fluoride pollution are on the rise. A number of coal-burning and industrial activities such as power-generating stations, welding operations and the manufacturing or production of steel, iron, aluminum, zinc, phosphorus, chemical fertilizers, bricks, glass, plastic, cement, and hydrofluoric acid are generally discharging fluoride in both gaseous and particulate/dust forms into surrounding environments which create a industrial fluoride pollution and are an important cause of occupational exposure to fluoride in several countries including India. An industrial emitted fluoride contaminates not only surrounding soil, air, and water but also vegetation, crops and many other biotic communities on which man and animals are generally dependants for food. Long- time of inhalation or ingestion of industrial fluoride also causes serious health problems in the forms of industrial and neighborhood fluorosis. In India, whatever research works conducted so far on the chronic industrial fluoride intoxication or poisoning (industrial and neighborhood fluorosis) in man and various species of domestic animals due to a prolonged period of industrial fluoride exposure or pollution (contamination) are critically reviewed in the present communication. Simultaneously, we are also focused the various bio-indicators and bio-markers for chronic industrial fluoride intoxication or pollution.  相似文献   

基于环境和经济统计数据,分析了山东省重点工业行业废水中石油类污染物的排放特征,并通过情景分析对2020年该省重点行业的石油类污染物减排潜力进行了测算。结果表明,2006—2012年山东省石油类污染物排放的行业结构特征明显,包括石化行业在内的7个重点行业的排放量占该省排放总量的85%以上;从年际变化来看,石油和天然气开采业和石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业的排放量所占比例出现明显的下降,由2006年的约48%下降至2012年的20%左右;而煤炭开采和洗选业的排放量所占比例明显上升,由2006年的0.18%迅速增加到2012年的23.69%,成为山东省工业废水石油类污染物排放的主要行业;在设计的高标准方案下,2020年石油类污染物的排放量预计为485.31t,比2012年降低了8%,其中石化行业的石油类污染物减排潜力最大,与基准情景相比,2020年在高标准方案下石油类污染物的削减量约达1 006t,约占减排总量的55%。  相似文献   

VOCs是臭氧和二次有机气溶胶等复合型污染的前驱体。基于原辅料和生产工艺的角度,构建江苏省内人造板、印刷、电子、橡胶和塑料、制药、化工、喷涂为代表的典型工业行业VOCs成分谱。通过最大增量反应活性系数(MIR) 、气溶胶生成系数(FAC),依据原辅料、产品和工艺的区别,分析各行业、企业VOCs 组分区别与臭氧生成潜势和二次颗粒物生成潜势。结果表明:橡胶和塑料行业单位OFP最高,约为4.09 g·g−1;SOA较高的印刷、制药、涂装、橡胶和塑料行业,其值约为1.5 g·g−1;通过MIR 和FAC 系数模型可知,橡胶和塑料行业是O3污染管控重点,印刷、制药、涂装、橡胶和塑料行业是二次气溶胶的管控重点。基于江苏省典型工业行业VOCs特征,分析我国现行VOCs治理技术指南推荐工艺与现存低效治理工艺的差异,以估算全国典型工业行业VOCs年产污量和污染特性减排潜力,可为VOCs管理相关法规政策制定提供依据。  相似文献   

A study to investigate the dynamical characteristics of particle matter emissions in a working open yard is conducted in Caofeidian Port of Hebei Province, China. The average diurnal concentrations of the total suspended particulate (TSP) matter and respirable particulate matter (PM10 and PM5) are monitored during the field measurement campaign. Sampling is performed at a regular interval at 8 monitoring stations in the yard with normal industrial activities. The average TSP, PM10 and PM5 concentrations range from 285 to 568, 198 to 423 and 189 to 330 μg.m-3 in the yard, respectively. The linear regression correlation coefficient of TSP/PM10 and TSP/PM5 is 0.95±0.01 and 0.88±0.02, respectively.By using the Spearman correlation method, the wind speed and relative humidity are both weakly correlated with the PM10 and PM5 concentrations according to the measurements. In addition, industrial operation activities, such as vehicular traffic in the yard and the loading time of stackers, are significantly positively correlated with the PM concentration. Using the multivariate regression method, the main parameters influencing the TSP concentration variations are integratedly analysed. The traffic volume is found to be a significant predictor of TSP concentration variation, with the smallest P value (P<0.05).To understand the dynamical characteristics of particle emissions in the yard, the emissions from the truck transports, that is, from unpaved haul roads and from the loading process, are established. Then, the dynamical emission factor (EFD) based on the industrial activities in the yard is proposed. The dynamical emissions average 5.25x105 kg.year-1 and EFD is evaluated to be 0.29 kg.(ton.day)-1 during the measurement period. These outcomes have meaningful implications not only for understanding the dynamical characteristics of particle emissions in the working stockyard but also for implementing effective control measures at appropriate sites in the harbour area.  相似文献   

At many "real world" field sites, the number of available monitoring wells is limited due to economic or geological reasons. Under such restricted conditions, it is difficult to perform a reliable field investigation and to quantify primary lines of evidence for natural attenuation (NA), like the documentation of a decrease of contaminant mass flux in flow direction. This study reports the results of a groundwater investigation at a former manufactured gas plant situated in a Quaternary river valley in southwest Germany. The location, infrastructure and aquifer setting are typical of many industrial sites in Germany. Due to difficult drilling conditions (coarse glaciofluvial gravel deposits and an anthropogenic fill above the aquifer), only 12 monitoring wells were available for the investigation and localisation of the contaminant plume. These wells were situated along three control planes (CP) downgradient from the contaminant source, with four wells along each plane. Based on the sparse set of monitoring wells, field scale mass fluxes and first-order natural attenuation rate constants of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and o-xylene and p-xylene (BTEX) and low molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were estimated utilizing different point scale and also a new integral investigation method. The results show that even at a heterogeneous site with a sparse monitoring network point scale investigation methods can provide reliable information on field scale natural attenuation rates, if a dependable flow model or tracer test data is available. If this information is not available, only the new integral investigation method presented can yield adequate results for the quantification of contaminant mass fluxes under sparse monitoring conditions.  相似文献   

控制工业园区面源污染是解决天津滨海新区日益突出的水环境问题和维持周边海域水生态安全的关键。为缓解该区域日益突出的生态环境恶化与经济可持续发展的矛盾,以天津滨海新区临港工业园区1期建设产业园区丰水期的5场典型降雨径流为研究对象,通过多次降雨事件的平均浓度(EMCs)分析了工业园区不同下垫面的径流污染中氨氮(NH3-N)、总氮(TN)、活性磷(SRP)、总磷(TP)、化学需氧量(COD)、总悬浮物(TSS)及6种溶解性重金属铜(Cu)、铅(Pb)、锌(Zn)、铬(Cr)、镉(Cd)、镍(Ni)污染程度。结果表明,天津临港工业园区径流污染中COD、NH3-N、TN在屋面径流雨水中较为突出,COD(EMCs=170.68 mg·L−1)、氨氮(EMCs=14.49 mg·L−1)和TN(EMCs=29.66 mg·L−1)含量分别是地面径流雨水中EMCs含量的1.4、3.33和1.64倍;地面径流雨水中SRP(EMCs=1.87 mg·L−1)和TSS(EMCs=163.18 mg·L−1)含量分别为屋面径流雨水的2.26倍和2.87倍,TP含量(EMCs=1.43 mg·L−1)在屋面径流雨水和地面径流雨水中含量相当;6种毒性重金属污染程度相对较轻,与天津主城区相当,比较突出的Cr、Zn、Cu 3种元素含量在临港工业园区径流污染中依然具有潜在的生态环境风险。以径流污染输出负荷同径流量关系的M(V)曲线为基础,通过污染物初始冲刷比率(MFFRn)及冲刷强度系数b对不同下垫面径流污染物输移过程进行量化分析。结果表明,总体上,累积径流量的前20%能发生较为显著的初始冲刷效应(MFFR20MFFR30高出10%),且出现初始冲刷现象(b<1.025)的概率约为75%,降雨强度及下垫面累积污染负荷会对次降雨径流污染输移曲线产生较大影响。结合污染物来源解析可知,源头控制、过程清洁及初期雨水截流是缓解当前工业园区径流污染的有效策略。  相似文献   

Carbonaceous components (organic carbon [OC] and elemental carbon [EC]) and optical properties (light absorption and scattering) of fine particulate matter (aerodynamic diameter <2.5 μm; PM2.5) were simultaneously measured at an urban site in Gwangju, Korea, during the winter of 2011. OC was further classified into OC1, OC2, OC3, and OC4, based on a temperature protocol using a Sunset OC/EC analyzer. The average OC and EC concentrations were 5.0 ± 2.5 and 1.7 ± 0.9 μg C m?3, respectively. The average single-scattering albedo (SSA) at a wavelength of 550 nm was 0.58 ± 0.11, suggesting that the aerosols observed in the winter of 2011 had a local warming effect in this area. During the whole sampling period, “stagnant PM” and “long-range transport PM” events were identified. The light absorption coefficient (babs) was higher during the stagnant PM event than during the long-range transport PM event due to the existence of abundant light-absorbing OC during the stagnant PM event. In particular, the OC2 and OC3 concentrations were higher during the stagnant PM event than those during the long-range transport event, suggesting that OC2 and OC3 might be more related to the light-absorbing OC. The light scattering coefficient (bscat) was similar between the events. On average, the mass absorption efficiency attributed to EC (σEC) was 9.6 m2 g?1, whereas the efficiency attributed to OC (σOC) was 1.8 m2 g?1 at λ = 550 nm. Furthermore, the σEC is comparable among the PM event days, but the σOC for the stagnant PM event was significantly higher than that for the long-range transport PM event (1.7 vs. 0.5).

Implications: Optical and thermal properties of carbonaceous aerosol were measured at Gwangju, and carbonaceous aerosol concentration and optical property varied between “stagnant PM” and “long-range transport PM” events. More abundant light absorbing OC was observed during the stagnant PM event.  相似文献   

Hourly measurement of 56 ozone precursors was conducted by a monitoring station located in a metropolitan area in central Taiwan. After nearly a year of continuous operation at this urban site, both diurnal and seasonal cycles of nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) were clearly observed, which was caused by the interplay between source, chemical loss, and meteorology. Selected species representing three different types of major sources namely the household fuel leakage, vehicular exhaust and gasoline evaporation, as well as biogenic emissions exhibit dramatic diurnal or seasonal cycles with each displaying its own unique characteristics.Ethane and propane, largely originated from leakage of natural gas or liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), showed concentrations elevating throughout the night and early morning, but began to decrease towards noon as the nocturnal temperature inversion elevated. Because of the lower chemical reactivity and somewhat more constant emissions than other measured target compounds, their diurnal cycles were presumably the direct reflection of the mixing height over the metropolitan area.For compounds originating from vehicular plus evaporative emissions such as benzene, which accounts for most of the monitored compounds, their diurnal cycles were also largely controlled by the variation in the height of temperature inversion.Of all the 56 species monitored, isoprene, an abundant biogenic species largely released by plants, showed distinct diurnal and seasonal cycles different from the other measured NMHCs. Its concentration usually peaked at noon in summer and fall when temperature and solar radiation reached their maximum level, demonstrating the close relationship of isoprene with photosynthesis.Seasonal variation was also clearly observed for the other NMHCs quantified. With the exception of isoprene, most species show higher average concentration in winter and lower in summer with the fall values being the intermediate, which presumably is caused by both the seasonal variation in HO abundance and the height of the temperature inversion.  相似文献   

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