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The paper presents the results of the laboratory percolation experiment simulated soil contamination by emissions from a Ni-Cu smelter. Humus (Ao horizon) columns were transferred to lysimeters from an illuvial, humic, ferriferous forest podzol site. Fine metallurgical dust containing Ni and Cu was layered on the columns and irrigated with sulphuric acid solutions at pH 3, 4, 5, and 6. Irrigation for 19 months indicated that the leaching of metals down the humus column was greatest at pH 6. Calculations indicated that it would take 160-270 years for complete leaching of Ni from the Ao layer, and 100-200 years for Cu, depending on the dust composition. Natural decontamination of affected soils will take centuries.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the identification and characterization of microbial communities in contaminated soil and water has previously been limited to those microorganisms that are culturable. The application of molecular techniques to study microbial populations at contaminated sites without the need for culturing has led to the discovery of unique and previously unrecognized microorganisms as well as complex microbial diversity in contaminated soil and water which shows an exciting opportunity for bioremediation strategies. Nucleic acid extraction from contaminated sites and their subsequent amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has proved extremely useful in assessing the changes in microbial community structure by several microbial community profiling techniques. This review examines the current application of molecular techniques for the characterization of microbial communities in contaminated soil and water. Techniques that identify and quantify microbial population and catabolic genes involved in biodegradation are examined. In addition, methods that directly link microbial phylogeny to its ecological function at contaminated sites as well as high throughput methods for complex microbial community studies are discussed.  相似文献   

The capacity of two toxicity bioassays (fertilization and embryo toxicity tests) to discriminate sediment toxicity using the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus was tested in five stations with different levels of pollution in the Lagoon of Venice. Two stations were located in estuarine sites, two in the industrial zone, and one in a site at the top of our quality gradient (reference). Elutriate was chosen as sediment matrix to assess the potential effects of bioavailable pollutants in the water column as a consequence of sediment resuspension (dredging and dumping, fishing gear, etc.). An experimental design based on Quality Assurance/Quality Control procedures (QA/QC) was adopted in order to set the methodological basis for an effective use of these bioassays in monitoring programs. Results revealed both higher embriotoxicity than spermiotoxicity in all stations and the efficacy of combined use of both toxicity bioassays in discriminating differing pollution/bioavailability between stations and periods. The good representativeness of the integrated sampling scheme and the standardization of all experimental phases yielded high precision of results. Clear Toxicity Fingerprints were evidenced for the investigated sites through the combined use of both bioassays. A good fit between ecotoxicological data and chemical contamination levels was found, except for unnatural sediment texture.  相似文献   

Environmental measurements carried out by local authorities during the 1970s, 80s and 90s in an area contaminated by hundreds of years of industrial activities have revealed high levels of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in soil, vegetables, root crops, berries and mushrooms. In 1972, a large quantity of oil contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) was accidentally spilled into the river running through the village. To investigate the possible health effects of exposure from local sources, all cancer diagnoses, registered in 1960–2003 for individuals living in the study area, were collected from the regional cancer register of southeast Sweden. The total cancer incidence was non-significantly decreased both among males and females as compared to national rates (SIR = 0.91) for each gender. Among males, increased risks, of border-line significance, were seen for testicular cancer and lymphomas as well as significantly decreased risks for cancer in the rectum, respiratory system and brain. Information on lifetime residence, occupation, smoking habits, diseases, childbirth and food consumption, was collected via questionnaires from cancer cases and randomly selected controls. In both genders combined, significant associations were found for total cancer and high consumption of local perch, and for lymphomas and high consumption of both perch and pikeperch. Female breast cancer was significantly associated with high consumption of local perch and pike as well as with work in metal production. Mothers residing in the parish before the age of five reported significantly more preterm child deliveries. In spite of study limitations, the results indicate that residing in a rural contaminated area may contribute to the development of certain cancers and reproductive effects. In females, high consumption of local fish was shown to be the strongest determinant for total cancer, while in males, the strongest determinant was residing in the study area the first five years of life. Further research including validation of exposure using biomarkers is required to verify the findings as well as future studies in other polluted areas in Sweden with larger population bases.  相似文献   

There are many small villages where environmental contamination is substantial due to historical industrial activities. The aim of the present study was to investigate if long-term or current consumption of local foods, as reported in food frequency questionnaires, co-vary with measured concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg) in blood, urine and hair from a population living in a historically contaminated village.Blood, urine and hair were provided by men (n = 38) and women (n = 57), who had participated in a previous case–control study in the contaminated area, and were analyzed for PCB, OCPs, Pb, Cd and Hg. A detailed food frequency questionnaire, used in the previous epidemiological study, was repeated, and up-dated information of life-style, exposure factors and other covariates was collected. Associations between reported consumption of local foods and exposure biomarkers were explored in relation to age, gender, life-style factors and other covariates.A large part of the population in the area reported consumption of local food, and thus, was potentially exposed to the contaminants. Despite the limited number of participants and other weaknesses described, it was possible to link reported consumption of different foods to biomarker concentrations.Reported consumption of local vegetables, forest berries and mushrooms co-varied with urinary Cd, indicating an influence from the contaminated area on the Cd exposure. We found no associations between PCB plasma concentrations with reported consumption of local fish, but with consumption of herring (non-local sea fish) which is typically high in PCB. Pesticide (HCB, p,p′-DDE, trans-nonachlor) exposure was mainly associated with agricultural work and having a private well the first five years of life, but we found no associations between pesticide concentrations in plasma and consumption of local vegetables or fish. Exposure to Hg was associated with consumption of fish, both local and non-local, and Pb exposure was associated with the consumption of game.Overall, the contaminant concentrations measured in blood, urine and hair varied substantially among study participants, but on average, the concentrations were similar to concentrations measured in other groups of the general Swedish population in the same age range. Larger studies are needed to evaluate health risks (and causality) associated with historical environmental contamination.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using composted civic waste for the remediation of a soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons (extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH) 10+/-1.8 g kg(-1) and total 16 USEPA PAH 1.62+/-0.5 g kg(-1)) was assessed. The effects of compost to soil ratio, in combination with and without earthworm presence (Dendrobaena veneta), upon the loss of contaminants were determined for EPH (GC-FID) and PAH (GC-MS), respectively. Increasing the ratio of compost substrate to hydrocarbon impacted soil (1:0.5, 1:1, 1:2 and 1:4 (soil:compost wt/wt)) in the absence of earthworms resulted in significantly (p<0.05) greater losses of both EPH and SigmaPAH after an 84 d incubation period, when compared to the soil only control. Where earthworms were present without compost, EPH losses were significantly (p<0.05) enhanced in the soil only treatment (33.4+/-5.3% residual) compared to the soil only control (54.4+/-5.3% residual). However, PAH loss in the soil only treatment (with-earthworm presence) were only slightly enhanced (65.3+/-9.3% residual), with respect to the soil only control (69.2+/-6.4% residual). Synergistic benefits of both earthworm and compost presence were most significant for PAHs (p<0.05), and less so for EPH. (14)C-respirometer studies, to establish catabolic competence in terms of microbial mineralisation of key hydrocarbons, complemented the hydrocarbon analysis.  相似文献   

In the goal of finding efficient scavengers for radioiodide in conditions (pH, pE) close to those encountered in deep geological sites, sorption of iodide ions on cuprous sulfide minerals (especially roxbyite, Cu(1.75)S) has been studied. Surface analysis by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy has shown that commercial cuprous sulfides are covered by an oxidized overlayer (mainly in the form of CuSO(4)). Therefore, a synthetic procedure to get roxbyite (typically by mixing Na(2)S with an aqueous suspension of commercial Cu(2)O) was applied to produce pure samples with clean surfaces. Batch equilibration of cuprous sulfide particles suspended in aqueous solutions containing iodide species has revealed significant consumption of iodide. The sorption mechanism involves the formation of a surface complex via the exchange of surface hydroxyl groups by iodide anions, as highlighted by a transient pH increase during the immobilization process. Other copper and mixed copper-iron sulfides (e.g. CuS, CuFeS(2)), which are stable over wide pH and potential ranges are also likely to accumulate iodide species. Because of the specific interaction between iodide and copper(I) centers on the minerals, high distribution coefficients (>1000 ml/g) were observed.  相似文献   

Sediments act as a net sink for anthropogenic contaminants in marine ecosystems and contaminated sediments may have a range of toxicological effects on benthic fauna and associated species. When resuspended, however, particulate-bound contaminants may be remobilised into the water column and become bioavailable to an additional assemblage of species. Such resuspension occurs through a range of natural and anthropogenic processes each of which may be thought of as pulsed disturbances resulting in pulsed exposures to contaminants. Thus, it is important to understand not only the toxicological responses of organisms to resuspended contaminated sediments (RCS), but also the frequency, magnitude and duration of sediment disturbance events. Such information is rarely collected together with toxicological data. Rather, the majority of published studies (> 50% of the articles captured in this review) have taken the form of fixed-duration laboratory-based exposures with individual species. While this research has clearly demonstrated that resuspension of contaminated sediments can liberate sediment-bound contaminants leading to toxicity and bioaccumulation under controlled conditions, the potential for ecological effects in the field is often unclear. Monitoring studies suggest that recurrent natural disturbances such as tides and waves may cause the majority of contaminant release in many environments. However, various processes also act to limit the spatial and temporal scales across which contaminants are remobilised to the most toxic dissolved state. Various natural and anthropogenic disturbances of contaminated sediments have been linked to both community-level and sub-lethal responses in exposed populations of invertebrates and fish in the field. Together these findings suggest that resuspension of contaminated sediments is a frequently recurring ecological threat in contaminated marine habitats. Further consideration of how marine communities respond to temporally variable exposures to RCS is required, as well as research into the relative importance of various disturbances under field conditions.  相似文献   

Humic substances from eight soils of varying properties were extracted by two different methods: (1) the traditional NaOH-extraction with subsequent acidification to different pH (approximately 1 to approximately 12) and sequential extractions using 0.01 M NaNO(3) at incremental pH (approximately 1 to approximately 11). Cumulative organic matter (OM) in the sequential extractions showed properties that were consistent with NaOH-extracted OM. The release of Al and Fe in the sequential extractions was closely related with the release of organic carbon (OC). The ratio of OC associated with humic acid (HA) and fulvic acid (FA) (the HA:FA ratio) varied widely among the soils indicating heterogeneity in their OM composition. However, a significant correlation between this HA:FA ratio and the NaOH extractable %OC content of the soils is indicative of the possible relationship between them. Between pH 5 and 7, which is a typical soil solution pH, a significant amount of HA-associated OC was soluble. In modeling metal speciation in soil solutions, it has been assumed that all dissolved organic carbon (DOC) that is active toward metal binding is associated with FA. The results of this study indicate that the validity of these assumptions based on model sensitivity alone is questionable.  相似文献   

Manufactured nanoparticles (NPs) are increasingly being used in a range of consumer products and are already entering the environment. NP ZnO is one of the most widely used and potentially toxic NPs in aquatic exposures. It is likely that ZnO nanoparticles will also be bioavailable to soil organisms, studies on ZnO NP toxicity in a soil matrix are lacking. We exposed the earthworm Eisenia veneta to uncoated NP ZnO (<100 nm) dosed to soil and food at 250 and 750 mg Zn kg(-1) for 21 d. Concurrent exposures of equivalent ionic Zn were conducted with ZnCl(2) and for both forms effects on life history traits, immune activity and Zn body concentrations were compared. Despite slightly higher measured body concentrations, NP ZnO generally had less impact than ZnCl(2) on measured traits. At 750 mg Zn kg(-1), reproduction declined by 50% when exposed to NP ZnO but was almost completely inhibited by ZnCl(2). Similarly, immune activity was unaffected by NP ZnO but was suppressed by 20% when exposed to ZnCl(2). Scanning electron microscopy analysis of worm tissues following 24h aqueous exposure showed the presence of ZnO particles suggesting that NPs can be taken up in particulate form. This may explain the reduced effects at similar body concentrations seen in the soil study. Our findings suggest that risk assessments do not need to go beyond considering the metal component of NP ZnO in soils at least for the larger size uncoated particles considered here.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern of soil redistribution rate was investigated using cesium-137 (137Cs) within a cultivated complex hillslope in western Iran. The relationship between soil redistribution rate and soil organic carbon and total nitrogen pattern were studied using co-regionalization analysis. Ninety-one soil cores were sampled for 137Cs, total nitrogen, and soil organic carbon measurements. The simplified mass balance model estimated a gross erosion rate of 29.8 t ha−1 yr−1 and a net soil deposition rate of 21.8 t ha−1 yr−1; hence, a net soil loss rate of 8 t ha−1 yr−1. This magnitude of soil erosion rate is higher than the acceptable rate in semiarid regions. Co-regionalization analysis and co-dispersive coefficients among the selected variables showed that only a small fraction of the variability in total nitrogen and soil organic carbon could be explained by soil redistribution and that the remaining might be the result of different management practices by local farmers.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of a model test carried out within the framework of the COMETES project (EU). The aim of the work was to change the structure of the MOIRA lake model for radiocesium so that it can be applied more generally for, in principle, all types of radionuclides and heavy metals. This general lake model is used within the MOIRA decision support system (DSS; MOIRA and COMETES are acronyms for EU-projects). The model is based on a set of differential equations and a specific modelling structure. It incorporates all important fluxes to, from and within lakes in a general manner. Yet the model is driven by a minimum of variables accessible from standard maps and monitoring programs. The model can be separated into two parts, a general part with equations applicable for all types of water pollutants and a substance-specific part. This model has previously been validated for 137Cs from many lakes covering a wide domain and yielded excellent predictive power. The alterations discussed in this work are meant to be general and radiostrontium is used as a typical element. Radiostrontium is known to be more mobile than radiocesium and all abiotic parts of the model handling fixation and mobility have been altered. The new model for 90Sr has been critically tested using data from four lakes heavily contaminated with 90Sr from the Kyshtym accident in the Southern Urals, Russia, using empirical data from a period from 1958 to 1995 for 90Sr in fish (here goldfish), water and sediments.  相似文献   

The activity concentrations of (237)Np and the two Pu isotopes, (239)Pu and (240)Pu, were determined in lichen samples (Cladonia stellaris) contaminated by fallout from atmospheric nuclear test explosions and the Chernobyl accident. The samples were collected at 18 locations in Sweden, from north to south, between 1986 and 1988 and analysed with high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HR-ICP-MS) and alpha spectrometry. Data on the activity ratios (238)Pu/(239+240)Pu and (134)Cs/(137)Cs measured previously were also included in this study for comparison. The (237)Np activity concentration ranged from 0.08 +/- 0.01 to 2.08 +/- 0.17 MBq kg(-1), depending on the location of the sampling site and time of collection. The (239+240)Pu activity concentration ranged from 0.09 +/- 0.01 to 4.09 +/- 0.15 Bq kg(-1), with the (240)Pu/(239)Pu atomic ratio ranging between 0.16 +/- 0.01 and 0.44 +/- 0.03, the higher ratios indicating a combination of weapons test fallout and Chernobyl fallout. The (237)Np/(239)Pu atomic ratios ranged between 0.06 +/- 0.01 and 0.42 +/- 0.04, the lower ratios indicating combination of weapons test fallout and Chernobyl fallout. At a well-defined sampling site at Lake Rogen (62.32 degrees N, 12.38 degrees E), additional lichen samples were collected between 1987 and 1998 to study the distribution of Np and Pu in different layers. The concentrations of the two elements follow each other quite well in the profile.  相似文献   

The degradation of triphenylphosphine oxide (TPPO) in water, a toxic compound typically found in effluents from the pharmaceutical industry, by means of ultrasonic irradiation at 20 kHz has been investigated with emphasis on the effect of various parameters on conversion and acute toxicity. Experiments were carried out at liquid volumes of 50 and 80 ml, electric power outputs of 125, 187.5 and 250 W, initial TPPO concentrations of 10, 100 and 350 mg/L and temperatures of 5, 20, 35, 50 and 70 degrees C. TPPO conversion was found to increase with increasing power output and decreasing initial concentration and temperature. Measurements of dissolved total carbon showed that liquid-phase degradation by-products were more stable to ultrasonic irradiation than TPPO. Addition of t-butanol as a radical scavenger at a concentration of 1000 mg/L nearly completely suppressed TPPO degradation. Conversely, addition of radical promoters (Fe(2+) ions or H(2)O(2)) had a positive effect on degradation. Acute toxicity to marine bacteria vibrio fischeri was measured before and after ultrasonic irradiation. At the conditions employed in this study, irradiated TPPO samples were always more toxic than TPPO itself with toxicity levels being a function of treatment conditions.  相似文献   

Commercial and recreational harvesting of shellfish within the coastal systems is usually very extensive. Since these ecosystems are frequently subjected to contamination, namely from agricultural, urban and industrial activities, and shellfish generally display a high capacity to bioaccumulate metals, populations may be at risk in terms of toxic metal exposure as a consequence of the harvesting and ingestion of near shore coastal marine organisms. Shellfish is regularly tested for concentrations of metals and other contaminants by legal authorities for commercial purposes, but although health officials use total metal as standards of food safety, only a part of the metal accumulated in shellfish is available to be assimilated and to cause toxic effect. In order to elucidate these issues an investigation on cockles inhabiting the Aveiro estuary was conducted. Element levels in sediments and wild Cerastoderma edule from sampling areas with different levels of contamination were measured; total element burden of cockles was related to accessible fraction for assimilation (TAM); element concentrations in wild C. edule were compared to EFSA (European Food Safe Authorities), USFDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) and FSANZ (Food Standards Australia and New Zealand) maximum levels (MLs); and the amount of cockle flesh needed to be consumed to exceed provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) was determined. The present work showed that although sediment metal and metalloid contamination in Aveiro estuary is low the concentration of elements in C. edule does not reflect the contamination of the sediment. Aluminium (Al) and mercury (Hg) were the less and nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) were the most bioaccumulated metals by cockles. Comparison of MLs from international organisations with the concentration of elements in C. edule showed that arsenic (As) and Pb exceeded standard levels. The ingestion of less than 1 kg for As and 1.5 kg for Pb of cockles would result in exceeding the PTWI threshold (0.015 and 0.025 mg kg?1 week?1 respectively) in any of the areas considered in the study. Cd and Al also appear to be limiting elements for human consumption. Indeed, consumption of more than 3.1 kg and 2.1 kg of whole cockle soft part from one of the study areas during a single week would lead to exceedance of the recommended PTWI value for Cd (0.007 mg kg?1 week?1) and Al (7 mg kg?1 week?1) respectively. The health concerns to humans from cockle consumption from Aveiro estuary are discussed.  相似文献   

Intensification and expansion of agricultural production since the 1970s have increased soil erosion problems in south-central Chile. Quantitative information on soil loss is needed for erosion risk assessment and to establish the effectiveness of improved land management practices. Since information from traditional sources, such as erosion plots, is limited, attention has been directed to the use of environmental radionuclides for documenting erosion rates. Cs-137 has been successfully utilised for this purpose, but only provides information on medium-term erosion rates. There is also a need to document event-related soil erosion. This paper outlines the basis for using (7)Be measurements to document short-term erosion and reports its successful use for quantifying the erosion that occurred within an arable field, as a result of a period of heavy rainfall (400mm in 27 days) occurring in May 2005. The study field had been under a no-till, no-burning system for 18 years, but immediately prior to the period of heavy rainfall the harvest residues were burnt. The erosion recorded therefore reflected both the extreme nature of the rainfall and the effects of the burning in increasing surface runoff and erosion. The sampled area corresponded to that used previously by the authors to document the medium-term erosion rates associated with both conventional tillage and the subsequent switch to a no-till system. Comparisons between the erosion documented for the period of heavy rainfall in 2005 with these medium-term erosion rates permits some tentative conclusions regarding the importance of extreme events and the impact of burning in increasing the erosion associated with the no-till system.  相似文献   

Single point estimates of human health hazard/toxicity values such as a reference dose (RfD) are generally used in chemical hazard and risk assessment programs for assessing potential risks associated with site- or use-specific exposures. The resulting point estimates are often used by risk managers for regulatory decision-making, including standard setting, determination of emission controls, and mitigation of exposures to chemical substances. Risk managers, as well as stakeholders (interested and affected parties), often have limited information regarding assumptions and uncertainty factors in numerical estimates of both hazards and risks. Further, the use of different approaches for addressing uncertainty, which vary in transparency, can lead to a lack of confidence in the scientific underpinning of regulatory decision-making. The overarching goal of this paper, which was developed from an invited participant workshop, is to offer five approaches for presenting toxicity values in a transparent manner in order to improve the understanding, consideration, and informed use of uncertainty by risk assessors, risk managers, and stakeholders. The five approaches for improving the presentation and communication of uncertainty are described using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) as a case study. These approaches will ensure transparency in the documentation, development, and use of toxicity values at EPA, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), and other similar assessment programs in the public and private sector. Further empirical testing will help to inform the approaches that will work best for specific audiences and situations.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the binding efficiency of AFCF and clinoptilolite, mixed to the feed and administered orally using gastric tube to chronically (137)Cs alimentary contaminated broiler chicks. Seventy-five male Hybro broiler chicks, between 35 and 47 days of age were divided into five groups (15 birds per group) reared in cages (five birds in a cage) and fed a standard diet. Every day during 13 days of the experimental period all chicks received orally 1 ml CsCl water solution with activity of 1310 Bq ml(-1)(137)Cs (gastric tube). Group 1 was the control group and received no binders. The experimental groups received the binders. Group 2 received 0.2 g of AFCF in the form of water solution (gastric tube); group 3 received 0.2% AFCF in the feed; group 4 received 2g clinoptilolite in the form of water suspension (gastric tube) and group 5 received 2% clinoptilolite in the feed. Five chicks from each group were sacrificed on days 4, 10 and 13 of the experimental period. Using gamma spectrometric methods specific activity of (137)Cs was determined in the samples of breast meat, liver and gizzard. The results obtained showed that administering binders to the chronically contaminated broiler chicks significantly (p<0.01) reduced (137)Cs transfer and deposition in breast meat, liver and gizzard. Decreasing deposition of (137)Cs in breast meat and internal organs increased with time of contamination and binders' administration. With AFCF as a cesium binder, on day 13 of measuring the (137)Cs activity in breast meat was 80-83% lower than that in the control group, 89% in liver and 83-84% in gizzard. Natural clinoptilolite demonstrated lower binding efficiency. On day 13 of measuring the (137)Cs activity in breast meat was 53-69% lower than that in the control group, 67-60% in liver and 59-71% in gizzard.  相似文献   

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