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A. Latham  R. Poulin 《Marine Biology》2001,139(6):1147-1154
In the field, the numbers of cystacanths of the parasitic acanthocephalan Profilicollis spp. harboured by crabs are relatively high and correlate with carapace width. In a field experiment, the responses of crabs to the simulated approach of a bird predator (the parasite's definitive host) was not influenced by the number of acanthocephalans they harboured. Crabs that were exposed at the surface of the sediments during receding high tide, however, tended to harbour more parasites than nearby crabs hidden in burrows. An analysis of colour patterns on the carapace of crabs showed that infection levels did not influence carapace pigmentation, and thus did not affect the conspicuousness of a crab relative to the background environment. However, the likelihood of a male crab winning a ritualized fight against a conspecific in the field was associated with its infection level, but in a way that suggests that this finding is a consequence of pathology rather than an adaptation of the parasite to increase its transmission rate. Although only weak evidence was found indicating that Profilicollis manipulates the behaviour or colour of its host to its own benefit, the high infection levels observed suggest that the crab population acts as a major reservoir for larval stages of this parasite that are infective to birds.  相似文献   

The New Zealand sprat Sprattus antipodum (Hector) is phenotypically variable, with two body forms (deep and slender) being recognised in the Canterbury Bight of New Zealand. Electrophoretic analysis of tissue samples from the two body types showed them to be fixed for different alleles at two loci and to have very different allele frequencies at a further three loci. Heterozygosities of 0.088 and 0.104 were found for the deep type and 0.056 for the slender type. Genetic distances of 0.421 and 0.403 were found between samples of deep and slender types and 0.014 between samples of deep types. It is concluded that the two body types are separate species.  相似文献   

D. Gove  J. Paula 《Marine Biology》2000,136(4):685-691
 A study of rhythmicity of larval release in three species of intertidal brachyuran crabs, based on laboratory and field experiments, was undertaken at Inhaca Island, southern Mozambique, using Leptodius exaratus and Macrophthalmus grandidieri from December 1994 to January 1995, and Arcotheres palaensis from April to July 1995. L. exaratus and M. grandidieri showed a semi-lunar cycle in larval release. The release of larvae for L. exaratus, a species having conspicuous larvae, occurred in the first half of the night, after the post-crepuscular high tide, which suggests maximisation of protection of larvae from visual predation. The larval release activity matched the late spring and early neap tides. Results from the field were similar to those from the laboratory. M. grandidieri, having inconspicuous larvae, did not show a pattern related to the light–dark cycle and hatched during spring tides (around full and new moons) to maximise larval dispersion. A. palaensis, living inside the host mussel which inhabits the lowest section of the intertidal zone, did not show a relation with moon phase, tidal or light–dark cycles. Received: 16 February 1999 / Accepted: 8 December 1999  相似文献   

M. Sato  K. Wada 《Marine Biology》2000,137(4):705-714
 For three spider crabs (Tiarinia cornigera, Micippaplatipes and Pugettia quadridens quadridens), patterns of algal utilization for decorating were compared with the dynamics of algae on an intertidal rocky shore reef where the crabs co-occurred. T. cornigera and P. quadridens quadridens were most abundant from autumn to spring when the dominant algae (Boodleacoacta, Sargassum hemiphyllum, S. thunbergii and Corallina pilulifera) occurred in high coverage, while M. platipes was most abundant from spring to autumn. Monthly change of algae used for decorating was not correlated with algae growing in the crab habitat for T. cornigera, but for M. platipes, it was positively correlated for two algal species, and for P. quadridens quadridens, negatively correlated for one algal species. Each species of the spider crabs used some algal species preferentially for decoration. Decorating preference experiments conducted in the laboratory showed that M. platipes and P. quadridens quadridens exhibited similar preference to their algal utilization in the field, whereas for T. cornigera, algal preference in the experiment differed from utilization in the field. Comparisons between materials used for decoration and gut contents revealed that T. cornigera and M. platipes used algal species differently for decorating and feeding, while P. quadridens quadridens used the same algal species for both decorating and feeding. Different tactics for camouflage are discussed in terms of algal utilizations by the three majid species. Received: 25 September 1999 / Accepted: 22 June 2000  相似文献   

P. M. Stevens 《Marine Biology》1991,108(3):403-410
Seven populations of the pea crabPinnotheres atrinicola Page were sampled from around the North Island of New Zealand from February to October 1987, and individuals were scored at 23 presumptive enzymatic loci. For a brachyuran crab,P. atrinicola revealed high levels of polymorphism and heterozygosity. Of the loci scored, phosphoglucose isomerase (Gpi) and phosphoglucomutase (Pgm) were distinguished by high variability ( =0.602 and 0.526, respectively). A clinal variation in electromorph frequency was evident at several loci, and atGpi in particular. Statistical analyses revealed that, despite relatively small genetic distance separation, a high degree of structuring was present between the geographic populations. The degree of population subdivision observed in this study is atypical of brachyuran crabs. It is suggested that the genetic differentiation observed between pea crab populations is maintained by life-history attributes and current movements which restrict gene flow between populations and, to some extent, by random genetic drift.Publication No. 41 from the Evolutionary Genetics Laboratory, University of Auckland  相似文献   

Field and experimental studies were conducted to determine the incidence of chela loss and its effect on mating success in a population of the shore crab Carcinus maenas (Linnaeus, 1758) inhabiting the Menai Straits, North Wales. The study was performed between 1989 and 1993. Male crabs showed a higher degree of chela loss (12.5%) than females (7.9%). In males, frequencies ranged from 10% at sizes 50 mm CW (carapace width) up to 30% in the largest crabs of 70 to 80 mm CW. The percentage of females with missing chelae appears to be unrelated to size. The most common type of chela loss in the population studied was of a missing crusher chela of right-handed crabs. Red crabs, which are assumed to be in prolonged intermoult, had a much higher degree of chela loss (20.5%) than the green, early intermoult crabs (9.7%). The proportion of red crabs with chela losses increased with size, possibly reflecting an increase in intermoult duration with size. In green crabs, there was no such increase. The proportion of male crabs with missing chelae found in mating pairs in the field was much lower than that found in the adult unpaired population, suggesting that the loss of a chela constitutes a handicap to a male crab when trying to mate. Also, by studying the relative frequencies of different categories of chela loss, it is suggested that the loss of a crusher chela exerts a more deleterious effect than the loss of a cutter. Experiments were performed in the laboratory where pairs in pre-copula were confronted with an additional single male in various combinations of sizes and patten of chela loss. These showed that the loss of a chela constitutes a handicap for a male crab when either competing for or defending a paired pre-moult female. This handicap was estimated to be equivalent to a reduction in size of 7 to 8 mm CW relative to the size of the competitor.  相似文献   

Parasites can decrease male mating success in host species in various ways, in particular by affecting male competitive ability for access to females. However, male-male competition can take different forms (i.e. interference vs exploitation competition) and which type of competition is most affected by parasites is not always clear. We investigated the influence of two acanthocephalan parasites Pomphorhynchus laevis and Polymorphus minutus on the pairing success of their intermediate host, Gammarus pulex, using field-based studies and complementary laboratory-based studies. We first studied male pairing success in the field using four large samples of paired and unpaired individuals collected at different dates. In three of the samples, the effects of size and parasite infection were significant, whereas for one sample only male size had a significant effect. There was no difference in size distributions between infected and uninfected gammarids. Large males were paired more often than smaller males, and uninfected males were paired more frequently than infected males, the pairing success of P. minutus-infected males being more severely affected than that of P. laevis-infected males. We then experimentally tested the ability to enter into precopula with a receptive female in the presence or absence of competitors. In competitive situations, the pairing success of P. laevis- and P. minutus-infected males was significantly lower than that of uninfected males, with pairing success being more affected in P. laevis-infected than in P. minutus-infected males. In the absence of competition, males infected with P. laevis were significantly less likely to enter into precopula compared with uninfected males and P. minutus-infected males, whereas there was no difference between uninfected and P. minutus-infected males in their inclination to pair with a receptive female. However, for both parasites, latency time to pair formation was significantly shorter for uninfected than for infected males. In a third experiment, we tested for a potential effect of vertical segregation on the pairing success of infected and uninfected males, but found no evidence for it. We conclude that infected males may be less competitive than uninfected males in competition by exploitation between males for females.  相似文献   

Distribution, abundance, and resistance adaptations to higher temperature and desiccation of three species of intertidal mussels (Mytilus edulis aoteanus, Perna canaliculus and Aulacomya maoriana) were studied in New Zealand. M. edulis aoteanus generally was more abundant upshore, with P. canaliculus dominating downshore. M. edulis aoteanus was more common than P. canaliculus on the outside of mixed-species clumps. Abundance of A. maoriana was variable, with individuals favouring damp habitats such as inside mussel clumps. In moving air at 75% relative humidity and at 20°C or 30°C, median lethal levels of water loss were similar for P. canaliculus and M. edulis aoteanus but lower for A. maoriana. Rates of desiccation varied inversely with size and were higher for P. canaliculus, due mainly to valve gaping with resultant loss of water from the mantle cavity. M. edulis aoteanus was more tolerant of higher water temperatures than were the other species. Success in colonizing upshore or more aerially exposed habitats seems to be related to ability of small mussels to tolerate desiccation, especially during hot, windy weather.  相似文献   

 Mud crabs of the family Panopeidae are common organisms in coastal soft-bottom, vegetated, rubble, and oyster-bed communities along the temperate and tropical coastlines of the American continent. Similar morphology among many species renders their distinction and classification difficult. Here, we present phylogenies of western Atlantic Panopeidae based on DNA sequences of the mitochondrial large subunit rRNA (16S; 529 basepairs) and cytochrome oxidase I (COI; 640 basepairs) genes. Results suggest that the speciose genera Panopeus and Eurypanopeus are not monophyletic and that their taxonomy does not accurately reflect evolutionary partitions. In two cases (P. herbstii complex and E. depressus and allies), the molecular findings strongly support sister-species relationships that differ from previous morphology-based assumptions. We suggest that convergence or morphological stasis are responsible for the phenotypic similarities between divergent evolutionary lineages. Received: 23 July 1999 / Accepted: 5 April 2000  相似文献   

Y. Henmi 《Marine Biology》1989,101(1):53-60
Two behaviorally distinct forms — courtship signal — (Form L and V) of Macrophthalmus japonicus (De Haan) are known. Monthly samples of each form were collected from two areas in Japan: Form L from Amakusa, western Kyushu, between April 1985 and February 1986; Form V from Fukuoka, northern Kyushu, between November 1982 and December 1983. Life-history traits were compared between two populations and discussed. Individuals from the Amakusa population grew more slowly and matured at a smaller size than those from the Fukuoka population. Maturation period and longevity did not differ significantly. In the first year of reproduction, females in the Fukuoka population produced more, and larger broods than those in the Amakusa population and crab mortality was higher in every age group. Egg size did not differ significantly. The major environmental factors — air-temperature, nitrogen content of the surface mud and period of aerial exposure were similar in both areas, and it is suggested that the differences in life-history exhibited by these crabs are genotypic, and perhaps related to their different form.  相似文献   

The incidence of ovigerous females in populations of two grapsid crabs, Hemigrapsus penicillatus (de Haan, 1835) and Sesarma (Parasesarma) pictum (de Haan, 1835) were followed from August 1975 to November 1976. H. penicillatus, which inhabits the lower intertidal region near the mouth of Tatara-Umi Estuary, breeds from March to November. S. pictum, which inhibits crevices and abandoned holes of other species and is abundant at and above the upper intertidal region of the estuary, breeds from May to September. H. penicillatus matures when the female reaches 6 to 7 mm carapace width, whereas S. pictum becomes mature when the carapace width is 12 to 13 mm, although the maximum size attained by females of both species is almost the same. H. penicillatus produces 5 to 6 broods, S. pictum 2 to 3 broods, during a breeding season. The size of a newly laid egg of H. penicillatus is smaller than that of S. pictum. The number of eggs produced by a female H. penicillatus is greater than that of S. pictum during a breeding season. In both species the peak of the breeding season is during summer, at which time the ovarian activity is also apparently accelerated. The major environmental factor which controls the breeding in these crabs appears to be temperature. H. penicillatus is submerged at every high tide, and is relatively inactive from late November to February when the ambient water and air temperatures are rather low. S. pictum is dormant in crevices or understones of the splash zone from November to March. The length of the breeding season of these crabs appears to be inversely proportional to the period of their winter dormancy.  相似文献   

Molecular systematic studies provide evidence for three new species of Bathymodiolus-like hydrothermal vent mussels (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) from relatively shallow waters (depth less than 750 m) associated with the Kermadec Arc off northern New Zealand. Mitochondrial COI sequences from the three putative new species differed substantially from those of other known bathymodiolin species from the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Population genetic analysis of one of these species (Bathymodiolus new species NZ-1) revealed heterogeneity in allozyme gene frequencies between samples collected from two seamounts about 50 km apart. Factors that might contribute to genetic differentiation between neighbouring seamounts are discussed.Communicated by M.S. Johnson, Crawley  相似文献   

Decision tree models were developed to investigate and predict the relative abundance of three key pasture plants [ryegrass (Lolium perenne), browntop (Agrostis capillaris), and white clover (Trifolium repens)] with integration of a geographical information system (GIS) in a naturalised hill-pasture in the North Island, New Zealand, and were compared with regression models with respect to model fit and predictive accuracy. The results indicated that the decision tree models had a better model fit in terms of average squared error (ASE) and a higher percentage of adequately predicted cases in model validation than the corresponding regression models. These decision tree models clearly revealed the relative importance of environmental and management variables in influencing the abundance of these three species. Hill slope was the most significant environmental factor influencing the abundance of ryegrass while soil Olsen P and annual P fertilizer input were the most significant factors influencing the abundance of browntop, and white clover, respectively. Soil Olsen P of approximately 10 μg/g, or a slope of about 10.5° was critical points where the competition between ryegrass and browntop tended to come to an equilibrium. Integrating the decision tree models with a GIS in this study not only facilitated the model development and analyses, but also provided a useful decision support tool in pasture management such as in assisting precision fertilizer placement. The insights obtained from the decision tree models also have important implications for pasture management, for example, it is important to maintain a soil Olsen P higher than 10 μg/g in order to keep the dominance of ryegrass in the hill-pasture.  相似文献   

 Although oysters are commercially very important in Brazil, there is still much dispute about the number of Crassostrea species occurring on the Brazilian coast. The dispute is centered around C. brasiliana, considered by some authors to be a junior synonym of C. rhizophorae. In this paper we compared, by allozyme electrophoresis, sympatric and allopatric populations of the two putative species. Of the 17 loci analysed, five were diagnostic for the two species in sympatry (gene identity = 0.46 to 0.47), clearly demonstrating that they are distinct biological species. Heterozygosity (h) levels were high for both species (h = 0.24 to 0.28), and no heterozygote deficiencies were observed in any population (local inbreeding, F IS  = 0.141; P > 0.70). Levels of population structure in C. rhizophorae along 1300 km of coast were very low (population inbreeding, F ST  = 0.026; P > 0.15), indicating that the planktonic, planktotrophic larvae of these species are capable of long-range dispersal. Received: 14 January 1999 / Accepted: 8 December 1999  相似文献   

 The effects of cadmium exposure and dietary status on cadmium accumulation, fatty acid (FA) content and profiles were investigated in two colour forms of the shore crab Carcinus maenas. Groups of shore crabs were either starved or fed with blue mussels, Mytilus edulis, during a 40 d exposure period to 2 or 6 μM Cd2+ (as CdCl2). Starved green individuals accumulated more cadmium in haemolymph and hepatopancreas than did red crabs and green crabs fed during the experiments. In the red colour form, no difference in cadmium accumulation was observed between starved and fed individuals. In both colour forms, hepatopancreas contained more FA than gills and muscle. The FAs often present in the largest amounts in the tissues were 16:0, 16:1ω7, 18:1ω7, 18:1ω9, 20:4ω6, 20:5ω3 and 22:6ω3. However, saturated (SAFA) and mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) were dominant in hepatopancreas, whereas poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were dominant in gills and muscles. At the beginning of the experiment, the total FA content in the hepatopancreas was 111.6 mg g−1 (dry weight) for red crabs and 78.4 mg g−1 for green shore crabs. During the experiment, however, the FA content decreased in red crabs. This decrease was more pronounced for starved individuals than for fed individuals. Also, the decrease in FA content was more pronounced in crabs exposed to 6 μM cadmium compared to crabs exposed to 2 μM or crabs not exposed to cadmium. No change in FA content was observed in green shore crabs, irrespective of diet and cadmium exposure. For both colour forms, no change in FA content was observed for gills and muscle. In red crabs, a decrease was observed for all FAs in the hepatopancreas. This decrease, however, was more pronounced for SAFAs and MUFAs than for PUFAs, indicating that the metabolism of FAs during starvation and cadmium exposure is selective. The experiments indicate that green colour forms of shore crabs are more tolerant of natural stress such as starvation and anthropogenic stress, e.g. cadmium exposure, than are red colour forms of shore crabs. Received: 23 September 1999 / Accepted: 29 April 2000  相似文献   

The major objective of this study was to determine whether there were significant differences in the physiological responses of shore crabs (Carcinus maenas L.) sampled from environments with varying degrees of contamination. Crabs collected from a range of sites were subjected to a standardised, environmentally realistic sequence of physiological challenges in the laboratory to determine if such measures would prove sensitive enough to differentiate among the sites. Heart-rate changes and osmoregulatory ability were measured. The results indicated that changes in osmoregulatory ability were sufficiently sensitive to detect differences in environmental contamination. The utility of physiological measurements in environmental monitoring is discussed. Received: 2 July 1997 / Accepted: 10 July 1997  相似文献   

The population structure of 4 species of porcellanid crabs, including 2 species of Petrolisthes (P. boscii and P. rufescens) and 2 of Pachycheles (P. tomentosus and P. natalensis) was investigated. Sex ratios deviated from the expected 1:1 distribution in some size classes of the 4 species, but conformed in general to this pattern on the entire population basis. Probability curves developed from sex ratios differ markedly in shape and slope and resemble Wenner's (1972) anomalous and intermediate types. Ovigerous females of Petrolisthes boscii occurred for 9 months, of P. rufescens for 11 months; those of Pachycheles tomentosus and P. natalensis occurred throughout the year. In every size class, a considerably higher number of female Pachycheles tomentosus and P. natalensis became ovigerous than in Petrolisthes boscii and P. rufescens. Size-frequency distributions of the 4 species were unimodal, indicating that recruitment to crab populations was gradual. Juveniles of Petrolisthes boscii and P. rufescens were most abundant towards the commencement of the southwest monsoon season, in June–July; juveniles of Pachycheles tomentosus and P. natalensis were most abundant during the premonsoon month of March. Thirteen percent of Pachycheles natalensis were infected by a bopyrid parasite; the bopyrid also infected 5.2% of Petrolisthes rufescens and 0.6% of P. boscii. The latter two species were also infected by a rhizocephalan parasite, the infection rates being inverse to those by the bopyrid, i.e., 0.3 and 6.4%, respectively.  相似文献   

Green crabs (Carcinus maenas) and rock crabs (Cancer irroratus) were exposed to various concentrations of copper as cupric chloride (CuCl2 · 2 H2O), and cadmium as cadmium chloride (CdCl2 · 21/2 H2O) for 48 h. The exposures were conducted at 5 different salinities. At the end of each exposure period, tests of blood-serum osmolality and gill-tissue oxygen consumption were performed. Copper-exposed crabs exhibited loss of osmoregulatory function with increasing copper concentration until normally hyperosmotic serum became isosmotic with the surrounding medium. Cadmium elevated greencrab serum above its normal hyperosmotic state. Copper had no effect on gill-tissue oxygen consumption; however, cadmium reduced the rate of oxygen consumption in both species tested.  相似文献   

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