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分析了高等职业教育专业内涵建设要素及专业评估现状,基于生态思想下提出专业内涵建设由核心要素、支持要素和输入输出要素组成,构建了专业内涵建设框架体系及其主要内容.  相似文献   

开发建设中生态保护与恢复标准体系研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在论述开发建设生态保护与恢复标准体系框架构建原则,分析生态破坏型开发建设活动的主要类型及其生态保护与恢复技术内容以及我国开发建设生态保护与恢复标准现状的基础上,提出了我国开发建设生态保护与恢复标准体系.该标准体系在结构上包括适用于2个或2个以上生态破坏型开发建设活动大类的通用标准和只适用于某一大类生态破坏型开发建设活动的专用标准2个层次,体系表中共有标准35项,其中现有标准15项,新设标准20项.  相似文献   

黄河与济南息息相关,建设沿黄大型绿化体系,构筑绕城生态屏障是济南建设生态城市的一个重要内容,阐述了构筑黄河生态屏障对建设泉城生态城市的重要意义,提出了沿黄生态屏障的建设思路,进行了生态屏障效果分析,并从生态学原理角度提出了生态化建设中应注意的几个方面。  相似文献   

株洲市生态城市建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述了生态城市的特点、功能及世界生态城市的发展现状,分析了株洲城市经济发展情况及建设生态城市的必要性,在此基础上提出了株洲生态城市建设的措施。  相似文献   

生态城市的构架理论研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
生态城市的建设是可持续发展战略的一项重要内容。近几年关于生态城市的研究较多,然而生态城市的构架体系至今不明确。文章探讨了生态城市的内涵、特征和指标体系等构架理论,提出了创建生态城市的基本策略,以期推动我国生态城市的建设工作。  相似文献   

基于绿色建筑与生态住宅的内涵,结合生态文明建设的基本国策,分析了生态住宅与生态文明建设的关系;系统介绍了国内外与生态住宅相关的评价标准和评价体系;重点讨论分析了生态住宅住区的绿化建设。认为发展生态住宅是推动生态文明建设的重要内容之一,生态住宅评价标准体系的建立是实现可持续发展的有力保障;生态住宅住区的绿化应强调生态住宅住区内形成多层次的立体绿化,除了绿化率,还要考虑选取吸收或吸附污染物能力强的乡土植物为主要绿化植物,慎用外来植物,杜绝外来入侵植物的引入。今后要结合生态文明建设,加强生态住宅的规划、建设与评价等的研究。另外,根据各地的区域特点与特色,尽快制订建立全面规范、可操作性强的地方生态住宅建设与评价指标体系或技术指导细则等,以便更好地指引各地生态住宅的建设与发展,切实推动我国生态文明建设。  相似文献   

运用生态经济学原理,在对汉王乡生态经济系统进行现状分析、模型诊断和预测的基础上利用多目标规划方法,提出了该生态经济系统1995年和2000年生态农业建设规划方案,结果表明,按此方案实施后,系统现有资源将会得到持续,合理的利用、、生态和社会效益将显著提高。  相似文献   

西安市生态文明建设评价及预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据生态文明的涵义和生态市建设的总体思路,提出了生态文明建设3(系统层、子系统层、单项指标层)×3(经济发展,社会进步,环境保护)评价体系,其中包括25个单项指标。对西安市1998-2007年生态文明建设进行了定量评价研究,结果表明西安市生态文明建设处于整体上升的趋势;在此基础上,应用自回归预测模型对西安市经济、社会、环境和生态文明建设发展进行了预测,为西安市全面协调发展提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

体系框架设计是生态环境标准体系建设的基础。按照标准体系设计的基本原则,结合我国生态环境管理工作实践,提出了由生态环境管理领域和技术内容类别二维构成的生态环境标准体系框架。体系框架中,领域维包括保护地管理、生物多样性保护、水土保持、沙化与石漠化控制、开发建设工程生态环境保护、外来物种环境风险管理、转基因生物环境安全、农村生态环境保护、城市生态环境保护、森林生态保护、草原生态保护、荒漠生态保护、湿地生态保护、内陆水域生态保护、海洋生态保护、流域(区域)生态保护和综合17个大类,技术维包括术语、分类与信息、区划、质量、保护与恢复、监测检测、评价和综合8个大类,并就每个大类的相关内容和标准作了详细说明。  相似文献   

运用生态经济学原理,在对汉王乡生态经济系统进行现状分析、模型诊断和预测的基础上利用多目标规划方法,提出了该生态经济系统1995年和2000年生态农业建设规划方案。结果表明,按此方案实施后,系统现有资源将会得到持续、合理的利用,经济、生态和社会效益将显著提高。  相似文献   

The present paper acknowledges the need for sustainable development education in Cuba, after a short review of their national health status and educational system. The environmental situation of the island is outlined, including the role played by environmental education (EE) in the current environment system. The-EE in Cuba is presented, and the problems related to its implementation are analyzed. Recommendations and possible solutions towards the use of education for sustainability as a tool for environmental management are presented, so as to prove the need for environmental awareness management in Cuba.  相似文献   

控制和削减农业污染物排放总量是国家环境保护"十二五"规划的重点工作之一,但现行的环境管理及产排污量削减与控制技术中还没有完整的农业污染减排的指标体系。该文阐述了构建农业污染减排指标体系的基本原则和方法,综合考虑不同农业生产类型污染物产排过程的特点,从种植业、畜禽养殖业和水产养殖业3个方面初步构建农业污染减排指标体系,以期为研究农业主要污染物减排核算体系的关键参数和制定减排核算技术方法提供基础性技术支持。基于当前农业污染减排实施中可能存在的问题,对指标体系的进一步完善提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

近年来,随着"退二进三"、"退城进园"和"产业转移"等政策的实施,中国几乎所有的大中城市正面临着重污染工业企业关闭和搬迁问题,城市出现大量工业遗留和遗弃场地。这些受污染的工业场地多存在较为严重的土壤、地表水和地下水污染;另外,工业污染场地的延迟再开发,会产生生活环境变差、就业机会减少、甚至社会不稳定因素增加等社会影响。所以,城市工业污染场地严重威胁着城市人居环境安全和公众健康,阻碍着城市建设和经济发展。面对工业污染场地目前存在的问题,国家及部分地方政府已针对污染场地的管理、修复及其再开发颁布了诸多文件和技术规范标准。然而,由于工业场地类型的多样性和环境管理学科的交叉性,中国城市工业污染场地的环境管理工作仍处于起步阶段,亟需完善。美国、英国和加拿大经过20~30年的发展已经在工业污染场地管理方面积累了丰富的经验,他们不仅在环境管理中体现了人体健康风险评估的理念,而且还立足本国实际出台了相关的法律法规,明确了污染场地的责任主体,实现了"污染者付费"的原则,同时还建立了各自的污染场地治理优先名录,实现了污染场地管理的信息化和网络化。本文鉴于对这些经验的比较分析,结合我国实际,就城市工业污染场地的环境管理提出了现阶段亟须解决的两大问题。首先,制定工业污染场地管理的专门法律,明确污染场地的责任主体。我国现有的与污染场地有关的国家法律法规,都比较笼统地提出了污染场地的利益相关方,缺乏具有可操作性的细则和威慑力的责任追究条款。对于我国这样地域辽阔、自然地理条件差异大、经济水平不均衡的国家来说,通过地方法律法规的建立明确污染场地的责任主体是一个重要的尝试。其次,构建污染场地健康风险评估系统。我国城市工业污染场地涉及诸多工业行业、污染类型繁多复杂。因此,在全国范围内对城市工业污染场地进行排查、建立优先污染场地名录是构建污染场地风险评估系统的重要内容。此外,我国现有的土壤质量标准和场地评估规范仍存在诸多缺陷,无法满足当前国家城市工业污染场地的管理需要。所以,完善场地评估的技术规范和相关标准将为污染场地风险评估系统的构建提供基础性保障。本文的论述和观点可为我国工业企业关停或搬迁遗留地的决策管理和污染场地管理体系的建立提供有意义的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

In a series of papers, three important system ecologists, Bernard C. Patten, Sven E. Jorgensen and Milan Straškraba attempt to revise the old ecosystem field and construct a new systems ecology. Inevitably, their attempt is faced with some of the same problems that led the field to decline. The indefiniteness of ecosystem boundaries is one of them, maybe the most important. Systems’ ecology failure to define ecosystem boundaries was considered a significant obstacle for the conceptualization of the ecosystem as a valid organizing unit of nature and resulted in a disciplinary identity crisis. To surmount this crisis, the authors introduce into the field innovative ideas which have their origin in the so-called postmodern network theories. These ideas reinforce the concept of environment and allow for a relative conception of space, which might have beneficial effects in delimiting ecosystems. However, the problem-solving potential of these ideas is not activated because the authors remain stitched to the Odumian mode of ecosystem thinking and avoid recontextualizing the old building blocks.  相似文献   

城市绿地系统景观生态规划探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从景观生态的角度对城市绿地系统进行规划探讨,能够为绿地系统规划布局提供科学的理论指导。在介绍了对绿地系统规划有重要指导意义的景观生态理论的基础上,以常州市新北区为例,进行实证研究,概括了其绿地现状并指出了其存在一系列问题,进而利用景观生态的基本原理,对本区域的绿地系统进行规划研究。将整个研究地区分成“区域层面、分区层面以及具体规划设计层面”3个尺度层面,并且在每个层面利用景观生态中相关原理分别进行研究,最终形成层次分明、在功能上相互补充、有机联系的绿地系统结构。  相似文献   

国内外绿色建筑评价体系及其理论分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从评价指标、权重体系、评分方式等方面论述了国内外现有的绿色建筑评价体系,理论分析表明:现有评价体系的主要特点为从全生命周期角度确定评价指标、用AHP确定评价体系的层次结构、特尔菲法确定指标权重、指标合成方法由线性求和向加乘混合发展、评价结果都采用分级制以确定建筑实现绿色的程度。最后指出了当前绿色评价体系中存在的两点不足:评价结果存在较强的主观性;重视技术的应用,忽视实际运行效果。  相似文献   

In the past 30 years, the notion of landscape has emerged in ecology as a result of both theoretical strategies and practical aspects of land use. This has generated a variety of computerized models addressing both objectives and techniques. Scientists model landscapes for at least two reasons: to better understand the landscape dynamics themselves (called intrinsic needs) and to offer a realistic frame to support other ecological processes (extrinsic needs). This special issue concerns both needs and illustrates the way socioeconomic and/or ecological mechanisms of various landscapes have been understood through modelling approaches. It outlines the links between landscape and model concepts, focusing on one hand on several landscape types (agricultural, forested and aquatic) and on the other hand on several landscape model characteristics (explicit or neutral, dynamic or static, patchy or continuous and multi- or mono-scale). The patterns and processes of each landscape model presented in this issue, in particular, should be analysed in order to highlight the way they are contributing to the landscape ecology discipline. We finally argue that the discipline can now offer a theoretical dimension to landscape dynamics, aiming at understanding the possible mechanism unity underlying this complex object.  相似文献   


The emerging concept of industrial ecology (IE) has been applied in practice in few case studies on local/regional industrial recycling networks. Analogously to a natural ecosystem, the aim is to develop material cycles and energy cascades between local cooperative actors. An optimal resource basis of an industrial ecosystem is the sustainable use of local renewable natural resources. In this paper, we consider the region of North Karelia in Finland, with 19 municipalities, and hence somewhat expand the system boundaries of an industrial ecosystem case study. The current situation and two scenarios of municipal heating energy production are presented. The heating system consists of individual, district and electric heating. The heat production and related greenhouse gas emissions are considered. The current fuel use is based on imported oil and regional fuels (peat, wood wastes). Also, shares for co-production of heat and electricity (CHP) are shown. In scenario one, we assume the majority of the fuel basis in oil and absence of CHP. Scenario two illustrates nearly complete dependence on regional wood wastes and firewood with the current share of CHP. The North Karelia region provides the IE theory with a fruitful case study because the supply of waste fuels and local renewables is vast and waste utilisation technologies (CHP, fluidized bed burning) constitute a significant part of energy production. Implications of the applied scenario approach are discussed in the context of regional decision making and, in particular, for its implementation with the concepts of a regional environmental management system (EMS) and a regional industrial ecosystem management system (RIEMS).  相似文献   

我国城市轨道交通规划环境影响评价指标体系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了我国城市轨道交通规划与建设及其规划环评工作现状。在对10个城市轨道交通规划环评指标体系分析的基础上,总结了评价指标体系在结构层次和内容方面存在的问题,并提出了解决问题的关键点。建立了基于交通环境承载力的城市轨道交通规划环评指标体系,并展望了其在城市轨道交通规划环评中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Abstract: Some conservation biologists question the ability of current university curricula to prepare students to meet the needs of the profession in solving real-life conservation problems or to integrate the goals of conservation biology with other societal goals. The gist of the criticism is that curricula tend to emphasize narrow, technical proficiency at the expense of more integrative, "policy-oriented" problem solving. Conservation biologists' work should be relevant to policy, and I argue that professional participation could become more effective through a broader educational curriculum. Such curricula should teach students three things: (1) an understanding of how the policy-making system works and how human value interactions constitute the core of professional work, (2) mastery of skills in critical thinking and development of an interdisciplinary, "procedural rationality" for analyzing problems and evaluating potential solutions, and (3) development of influence and responsibility within policy systems. Seminars, case studies, and field trips are among the tools that can develop these skills in students. Finally, the education committee of the Society for Conservation Biology has great potential to improve the quality and relevance of professional education.  相似文献   

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