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The effects of reproduction and maternal investment (i.e., milk transfer) on trace element levels remain poorly understood in marine mammals. We examined the blood dynamics of mercury (Hg) and selenium (Se) during lactation in the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris), a top predator from the North Pacific Ocean. Total Hg and Se levels were measured in whole blood and milk of 10 mother-pup pairs on days 5 and 22 of lactation. Both Hg and Se were transferred to offspring through the milk. Results suggested that the maternal transfer of Se was prominent during lactation, whereas the Hg transfer was larger during gestation. The lactation period affected Hg and Se levels in the blood of elephant seal mothers and pups. Physiological processes and their relationship to body condition should be considered carefully when interpreting trace element levels in the framework of biomonitoring.  相似文献   

Historically, the function of Arctic ecosystems in terms of cycles of nutrients and carbon has led to low levels of primary production and exchanges of energy, water and greenhouse gases have led to low local and regional cooling. Sequestration of carbon from atmospheric CO2, in extensive, cold organic soils and the high albedo from low, snow-covered vegetation have had impacts on regional climate. However, many aspects of the functioning of Arctic ecosystems are sensitive to changes in climate and its impacts on biodiversity. The current Arctic climate results in slow rates of organic matter decomposition. Arctic ecosystems therefore tend to accumulate organic matter and elements despite low inputs. As a result, soil-available elements like nitrogen and phosphorus are key limitations to increases in carbon fixation and further biomass and organic matter accumulation. Climate warming is expected to increase carbon and element turnover, particularly in soils, which may lead to initial losses of elements but eventual, slow recovery. Individual species and species diversity have clear impacts on element inputs and retention in Arctic ecosystems. Effects of increased CO2 and UV-B on whole ecosystems, on the other hand, are likely to be small although effects on plant tissue chemisty, decomposition and nitrogen fixation may become important in the long-term. Cycling of carbon in trace gas form is mainly as CO2 and CH4. Most carbon loss is in the form of CO2, produced by both plants and soil biota. Carbon emissions as methane from wet and moist tundra ecosystems are about 5% of emissions as CO2 and are responsive to warming in the absence of any other changes. Winter processes and vegetation type also affect CH4 emissions as well as exchanges of energy between biosphere and atmosphere. Arctic ecosystems exhibit the largest seasonal changes in energy exchange of any terrestrial ecosystem because of the large changes in albedo from late winter, when snow reflects most incoming radiation, to summer when the ecosystem absorbs most incoming radiation. Vegetation profoundly influences the water and energy exchange of Arctic ecosystems. Albedo during the period of snow cover declines from tundra to forest tundra to deciduous forest to evergreen forest. Shrubs and trees increase snow depth which in turn increases winter soil temperatures. Future changes in vegetation driven by climate change are therefore, very likely to profoundly alter regional climate.  相似文献   

Species individualistic responses to warming and increased UV-B radiation are moderated by the responses of neighbors within communities, and trophic interactions within ecosystems. All of these responses lead to changes in ecosystem structure. Experimental manipulation of environmental factors expected to change at high latitudes showed that summer warming of tundra vegetation has generally led to smaller changes than fertilizer addition. Some of the factors manipulated have strong effects on the structure of Arctic ecosystems but the effects vary regionally, with the greatest response of plant and invertebrate communities being observed at the coldest locations. Arctic invertebrate communities are very likely to respond rapidly to warming whereas microbial biomass and nutrient stocks are more stable. Experimentally enhanced UV-B radiation altered the community composition of gram-negative bacteria and fungi, but not that of plants. Increased plant productivity due to warmer summers may dominate food-web dynamics. Trophic interactions of tundra and sub-Arctic forest plant-based food webs are centered on a few dominant animal species which often have cyclic population fluctuations that lead to extremely high peak abundances in some years. Population cycles of small rodents and insect defoliators such as the autumn moth affect the structure and diversity of tundra and forest-tundra vegetation and the viability of a number of specialist predators and parasites. Ice crusting in warmer winters is likely to reduce the accessibility of plant food to lemmings, while deep snow may protect them from snow-surface predators. In Fennoscandia, there is evidence already for a pronounced shift in small rodent community structure and dynamics that have resulted in a decline of predators that specialize in feeding on small rodents. Climate is also likely to alter the role of insect pests in the birch forest system: warmer winters may increase survival of eggs and expand the range of the insects. Insects that harass reindeer in the summer are also likely to become more widespread, abundant and active during warmer summers while refuges for reindeer/caribou on glaciers and late snow patches will probably disappear.  相似文献   

Liu  Yao  Zhao  Shi  Li  Yifan  Song  Wanmei  Yu  Cuixiang  Gao  Lei  Ran  Jinjun  He  Daihai  Li  Huaichen 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2021,28(22):27757-27768
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Few studies conducted in China have assessed the effects of ambient air pollution exposure on tuberculosis (TB) risk and mortality, especially with a...  相似文献   

Northern Botswana and adjacent areas, have the world's largest population of African elephant (Loxodonta africana). However, a 100 years ago elephants were rare following excessive hunting. Simultaneously, ungulate populations were severely reduced by decease. The ecological effects of the reduction in large herbivores must have been substantial, but are little known. Today, however, ecosystem changes following the increase in elephant numbers cause considerable concern in Botswana. This was the background for the "BONIC" project, investigating the interactions between the increasing elephant population and other ecosystem components and processes. Results confirm that the ecosystem is changing following the increase in elephant and ungulate populations, and, presumably, developing towards a situation resembling that before the reduction of large herbivores. We see no ecological reasons to artificially change elephant numbers. There are, however, economic and social reasons to control elephants, and their range in northern Botswana may have to be artificially restricted.  相似文献   

S K Jain 《Chemosphere》1999,39(2):247-251
The high ion-exchange capacity of zeolite (sodium aluminium silicate) enhances the removal of lead from water, thus decreasing its availability to fish. Zeolites are very important in the field of environmental preservation due to the low cost and ecological compatibility. Zeolites can adsorb metallic ions by cation exchange reactions. Continuous exposure of the teleost fish Heteropneustes fossilis to sublethal concentrations of lead nitrate in water solution for short (35 days) and long (120 days) periods decreased both the soluble protein, RNA and glycogen contents in the liver and the body weight, but increased the cholesterol content. The presence of zeolite in the exposure solution decreased all of the adverse effects. In fish exposed to zeolite as feed additive, all the parameters improved in comparison to control fish, indicating that zeolites can be used safely in biological systems.  相似文献   

With the help of a large number of monitoring sites, the behaviour of F in forested ecosystems of a formerly polluted area (M?hlin and Rheinfelden, Switzerland) could be studied over 30 years. An aluminium smelting plant originated the pollution of this area in the past: however, after the installation of a filtration plant in 1958 the F emissions were reduced and since 1991 almost absent the primary production of aluminium was stopped. The present-day area with elevated F contents (water-soluble F with >20 mg/kg) is restricted to a radius of about 1000 m from the plant. In 1969 this area had a radius of about 3 and 5 km. Between 1969 and 2000 a significant decrease in the soluble F content in the soil was observed together with a substantial decrease of F in the vegetation. The net losses of water-soluble F in the soil were in the range of 35 up to more than 70% of the original concentration and the F losses in the vegetation between 60 up to more than 80%. After the reduction of high F deposition rates the accumulated SOM was decomposed within the observation period 1969-1993. The combined decrease in F and humus led to chain reactions with losses of major elements and a dealumination of clay minerals, i.e. removal of interlayered Al of 2:1 minerals and consequent formation of smectites.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the toxic effects of bayluscide and malathion against Schistosoma mansoni miracidia. The results indicate that survival of miracidia varied with times of exposure and concentrations of tested chemicals. Statistical analyses reveal that LC5, LC50 and LC95 for bayluscide were 0.04 ppm, 0.06 ppm and 0.12 ppm after 2 hours of exposure; 0.02 ppm, 0.03 ppm and 0.06 ppm after 4 hours of exposure; and 0.01 ppm, 0.02 ppm and 0.04 ppm after 6 hours of exposure respectively. These data indicate that bayluscide is much more toxic to the first stage larvae of schistosomes than to snail intermediate hosts cited in the literature. Application of lower concentrations of molluscicide in the transmission sites is thus expected to curtail the survival of miracidia; therefore controlling schistosomiasis at relatively low costs. Such applications also reduce the risk of toxicity to non target organisms present in the aquatic environment. Statistical analysis of the results of tests using malathion gave LC5, LC50 and LC95 values of 83.38 ppm, 153.11 ppm and 245.85 ppm after 2 hours of exposure; and 76.86 ppm, 116.48 ppm and 172.04 ppm after 4 hours of exposure respectively. These data indicate that the use of malathion as an insecticide in tropical ecosystems may also affect the survival and viability of schistosome miracidia. Such uses could help reducing the risk of schistosomiasis transmission in these particular locations.  相似文献   

Six common macro-invertebrates were exposed to soft water at pH 4.5, with or without 200 microg liter(-1) Al added. Survivals were determined at 6, 12, 24 and 48 h and compared with neutral pH, Al-free controls. The order of acid-sensitivity among the test animals, from greatest to least (with mean 24/48 h survivals in the pH 4.5, low Al treatment in parentheses), was: Caenis sp. (2%) > Hyalella azteca (12%) > Enallagma sp. (20%) > Gyraulus sp. (55%) > Chironomidae (94%) > Hydracarina (99%). Aluminum significantly reduced the survivals of Gyraulus, Hyalella and Chironomidae. The latter group experienced no significant mortality at pH 4.5 except when Al was present. In contrast, the Hydracarina were unaffected by both acid and acid plus Al exposure, and the survivals of Enallagma and Caenis at low pH were enhanced by Al. These differential responses to the treatments indicate that both acid and Al stress may control the structure of the littoral macroinvertebrate community in acid lakes.  相似文献   

Vegetation change has consequences for terrestrial ecosystem structure and functioning and may involve climate feedbacks. Hence, when monitoring ecosystem states and changes thereof, the vegetation is often a primary monitoring target. Here, we summarize current understanding of vegetation change in the High Arctic—the World’s most rapidly warming region—in the context of ecosystem monitoring. To foster development of deployable monitoring strategies, we categorize different kinds of drivers (disturbances or stresses) of vegetation change either as pulse (i.e. drivers that occur as sudden and short events, though their effects may be long lasting) or press (i.e. drivers where change in conditions remains in place for a prolonged period, or slowly increases in pressure). To account for the great heterogeneity in vegetation responses to climate change and other drivers, we stress the need for increased use of ecosystem-specific conceptual models to guide monitoring and ecological studies in the Arctic. We discuss a conceptual model with three hypothesized alternative vegetation states characterized by mosses, herbaceous plants, and bare ground patches, respectively. We use moss-graminoid tundra of Svalbard as a case study to discuss the documented and potential impacts of different drivers on the possible transitions between those states. Our current understanding points to likely additive effects of herbivores and a warming climate, driving this ecosystem from a moss-dominated state with cool soils, shallow active layer and slow nutrient cycling to an ecosystem with warmer soil, deeper permafrost thaw, and faster nutrient cycling. Herbaceous-dominated vegetation and (patchy) bare ground would present two states in response to those drivers. Conceptual models are an operational tool to focus monitoring efforts towards management needs and identify the most pressing scientific questions. We promote greater use of conceptual models in conjunction with a state-and-transition framework in monitoring to ensure fit for purpose approaches. Defined expectations of the focal systems’ responses to different drivers also facilitate linking local and regional monitoring efforts to international initiatives, such as the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program.  相似文献   

Concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were determined in wild mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from seven areas of the N-NW Spanish coast, during the period 1991-2009. The studied area is comprised of highly productive ecosystems which support important commercial fishing and shellfishing activities. The seven PCBs indicator congeners recommended by ICES (IUPAC nos. 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180), were analysed by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector (GC-ECD). Lowest average concentrations of PCBs were recorded in Arousa (1.04 μg kg(-1) wet weight), a low populated area with no industry; while the highest levels were found in areas near cities and/or showing a high industrial activity such as: Bilbao Ziérbena (139 μg kg(-1) ww) or A Coru?a (55 μg kg(-1) ww). The hexachlorinated congeners CB153 and CB138 dominated the profiles in all wild mussel populations, although a geographical pattern was found in which the relative contributions of the lower chlorinated congeners were higher in the west coast (Rías of Vigo, Pontevedra and Arousa), which may reflect the occurrence of recent inputs of those compounds in the area. Finally, the application of the Mann-Kendall's test demonstrate the existence of a significant decrease in PCBs levels since 1991 up to 1996 in the studied area, whereas either a slow decrease or stable concentrations were registered over the past decade.  相似文献   

M R Taylor  P T Harrison 《Chemosphere》1999,39(8):1237-1248
An overview is presented of the main evidence for endocrine disruption in wildlife, focusing on reproductive effects. While there are a few clear examples of endocrine disruptive effects resulting from environmental chemical exposure, in most cases a causal link between the observed abnormalities and chemical exposure has not been established. In other cases there appears to be a link but the specific chemicals responsible for the observed effects, and the mechanisms involved, remain to be elucidated. Also it is largely unknown whether or not observed changes in individual animals lead to population-level effects. Priority research projects for the UK, ultimately aimed at determining the population-level significance of endocrine disruption, are described.  相似文献   

With the Brazilian military governments of the 1960s, systematic economic development of the Amazon began. Social and environmental concerns have entered Amazonian discourses and policies only since the 1990s. Since then, reports of threats to forests and indigenous people have alternated with reports of socio-economic progress and environmental achievements. These contradictions often arise from limited thematic, sectoral, temporal, or spatial perspectives, and lead to misinterpretation. Our paper offers a comprehensive picture of discourses, policies, and socio-environmental dynamics for the entire region over the last five decades. We distinguish eight historical policy phases, each of which had little effect on near-linear dynamics of demographic growth and land-use expansion, although some policies showed the potential to change the course of development. To prevent local, national, and international actors from continuing to assert harmful interests in the region, a coherent long-term commitment and change in the collective mindset are needed.  相似文献   

Du Y  Shi X  Liu C  Yu K  Zhou B 《Chemosphere》2009,74(5):723-729
Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is widely distributed and persistent in the environment and wildlife. The main aim of this study was to investigate the impact of long-term exposure to low concentrations of PFOS in zebrafish. Zebrafish fry (F(0), 14 d post-fertilization, dpf) were exposed via the water for 70 d to 0 (control), 10, 50 and 250 microg L(-1) PFOS, followed by a further 30 d to assess recovery in clean water. The effects on survival and growth parameters and liver histopathology were assessed. Although growth suppression (weight and length) was observed in fish treated with high concentrations PFOS during the exposure period, no mortality was observed throughout the 70 d experiment. Embryos and larvae (F(1)) derived from maternal exposure suffered malformation and mortality. Exposure to 50 and 250 microg L(-1) PFOS could inhibit the growth of the gonads (GSI) in the female zebrafish. Histopathological alterations, primary with lipid droplets accumulation, were most prominently seen in the liver of males and the changes were not reversible, even after the fish were allowed to recover for 30 d in clean water. The triiodothyronine (T(3)) levels were not significantly changed in any of the exposure groups. Hepatic vitellogenin (VTG) gene expression was significantly up-regulated in both male and female zebrafish, but the sex ratio was not altered. The overall results suggested that lower concentrations of PFOS in maternal exposure could result in offspring deformation and mortality.  相似文献   

Human societies derive economic benefit from marine systems, yet these benefits may be modified as humans drive environmental change. Here, we conducted the first systematic review of literature on the potential economic effects of ocean acidification. We identified that while there is a growing literature discussing this topic, assessments of the direction and magnitude of anticipated economic change remain limited. The few assessments which have been conducted indicate largely negative economic effects of ocean acidification. Insights are, however, limited as the scope of the studies remains restricted. We propose that understanding of this topic will benefit from using standard approaches (e.g. timescales and emissions scenarios) to consider an increasing range of species/habitats and ecosystem services over a range of spatial scales. The resulting understanding could inform decisions such that we maintain, or enhance, economic services obtained from future marine environments.  相似文献   

Dias V  Vasseur C  Bonzom JM 《Chemosphere》2008,71(3):574-581
Among non-biologically essential metals, data concerning uranium effects on freshwater benthic macroinvertebrates are scarce. The effects of uranium on survival, development time, growth and mouthpart deformities of midge Chironomus riparius were investigated. A 10-day static laboratory bioassay was performed exposing first instar larvae to artificial sediment spiked with four concentrations of uranium (2.97; 6.07; 11.44; 23.84 microg U g(-1) dry wt). As uranium was released from the sediment to the overlying water during this bioassay, both the sediment and the water column act as contamination pathways in giving rise to the observed effects. Significant negative effects on survival, development time, and growth were detected at 6.07, 6.07 and 2.97 microg U g(-1) dry wt, respectively. An LC20 of 2.49 microg U g(-1) dry wt (95% CI=1.48-4.27), and an LC50 of 5.30 microg U g(-1) dry wt (95% CI=3.94-7.25) were estimated. With respect to effects of uranium on larvae mouthpart deformities, we found that the lower the concentrations, the higher the deformity rates. These results highlight the potential impact of uranium at population level in environmentally realistic concentrations.  相似文献   

Sound whole-seed faba beans were treated with (methyl-14C) fenitrothion [O, O-dimethyl-O-(3-methyl-4-nitrophenyl) phosphorothioate] at 5 and 10 mg insecticide/kg seeds, a dose normally used in practice. During the 30 weeks of storage period, the penetration and distribution of insecticide residues were studied. The amount of surface residues, internal residues and bound insecticide residues was estimated. Surface residues were found to decrease with the increase in time of storage, whereas internal residues showed a gradual increase with time apparently not dose dependent. Grain-bound residues increased with time and reached to its maximum (14–18%) after 24 weeks of storage. Chromatographic analysis of the internal extracts revealed the presence of the parent compound together with three main metabolites which were found in both free and conjugated form. Feeding mice for 90 days with a diet mixed with total internal fenitrothion residues in stored faba beans led to a reduction in body weight gain, and an appreciable decrease in cholinesterase activity of 32% for plasma and 15% for red blood cells (RBCS) after two months of experiment. Also, a significant decrease was showed in both total protein and albumin concentration at the end of feeding period (90 days). Liver and kidney function, as well as lipid profile of treated mice significantly increased at the end of feeding period. After a one-month recovery period, all the examined blood parameters returned to about the control values except blood urea and serum triglyceride.  相似文献   

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