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Using the micronucleus assay, decreased levels of DNA damage were found after high dose ionizing radiation exposure of liver cells taken from frogs inhabiting a natural environment with above-background levels of ionizing radiation, compared to cells taken from frogs inhabiting background areas. The data obtained from a small number of animals suggest that stress present in the above-background environment could induce an adaptive response to ionizing radiation. This study did not reveal harmful effects of exposure to low levels of radioactivity. On the contrary, stress present in the above-background area may serve to enhance cellular defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

The paper presents data on radiation effects in populations of wild vertebrate animals inhabiting contaminated terrestrial ecosystems. The data were extracted from the database "Radiation effects on biota", compiled within the framework of the EC Project EPIC (2000-2003). The data collection, based on publications in Russian, demonstrates radiation effects in the areas characterized with high levels of radionuclides (Kyshtym radioactive trace; "spots" of enhanced natural radioactivity in the Komi region of Russia; territories contaminated from the Chernobyl fallout). The data covers a wide range of exposures from acute accidental irradiation to lifetime exposures at relatively low dose rates. Radiation effects include mortality, changes in reproduction, decrease of health, ecological effects, cytogenetic effects, adaptation to radiation, and others. Peculiarities of radiation effects caused by different radionuclides are described, also the severity of effects as they appear in different organisms (e.g. mice, frogs, birds, etc.).  相似文献   

Effects of non-human species irradiation after the Chernobyl NPP accident   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The area affected by the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident in 1986 has become a unique test site where long-term ecological and biological consequences of a drastic change in a range of environmental factors as well as trends and intensity of selection are studied in natural settings. The consequences of the Chernobyl accident for biota varied from an enhanced rate of mutagenesis to damage at the ecosystem level. The review comprehensively brings together key data of the long-term studies of biological effects in plants and animals inhabiting over 20 years the Chernobyl NPP zone. The severity of radiation effects was strongly dependent on the dose received in the early period after the accident. The most exposed phytocenoses and soil animals' communities exhibited dose dependent alterations in the species composition and reduction in biological diversity. On the other hand, no decrease in numbers or taxonomic diversity of small mammals even in the most radioactive habitat was shown. In a majority of the studies, in both plant and animal populations from the Chernobyl zone, in the first years after the accident high increases in mutation rates were documented. In most cases the dose-effect relationships were nonlinear and the mutation rates per unit dose were higher at low doses and dose rates. In subsequent years a decline in the radiation background rate occurred faster than reduction in the mutation rate. Plant and animal populations have shown signs of adaptation to chronic exposure. In adaptation to the enhanced level of exposure an essential role of epigenetic mechanisms of gene expression regulation was shown. Based on the Chernobyl NPP accident studies, in the present review attempts were made to assess minimum doses at which ecological and biological effects were observed.  相似文献   

Patterns in the quantitative manifestation of meristic characters of seismosensory canals on the head of roach have been studied in fish from populations inhabiting ten river and pond water areas of the Udmurt Republic exposed to different kinds and levels of anthropogenic pollution. Trends of interpopulation variation in the average numbers of pores in some seismosensory canals have been revealed, and their statistical relationship with the level of pollution has been evaluated.  相似文献   

Consideration is given to production and decomposition processes in herbaceous communities exposed to chemical pollution with heavy metals in the Middle Urals. High variation in the aboveground phytomass of agrobotanical groups (legumes, forbs, grasses) is due to spatial heterogeneity of soil pollution levels and consequent changes in the species composition of plant communities in the areas studied. Therefore, nonparametric statistical methods have been used (Kruskal–Wallis test with subsequent pairwise comparisons by Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons). The phytomass of legumes remains unchanged in the increasing pollution gradient, while the contribution of forbs to the total phytomass decreases and that of grasses increases. Soils rich in nutrient elements can maintain a high rate of plant debris decomposition, counterbalancing the adverse effect of increased heavy metal concentrations on relevant processes. The balance between production and mineralization processes provides for the sustainable, long-term existence of herbaceous communities under conditions of intense pollution of the natural environment.  相似文献   

Coal- and lignite-fired power plants produce significant amounts of ashes, which are quite often being used as additives in cement and other building materials. In many cases, coal and lignite present high concentrations of naturally occurring radionuclides, such as 238U, 226Ra, 210Pb, 232Th and 40K. During the combustion process, the produced ashes are enriched in the above radionuclides. The different enrichment of the various radionuclides within a radioactive series, such as that of 238U, results in the disturbance of radioactive secular equilibrium. An extensive research project for the determination of the natural radioactivity of lignite and ashes from Greek lignite-fired power plants is in progress in the Nuclear Engineering Department of the National Technical University of Athens (NED-NTUA) since 1983. This paper presents detailed results for the natural radioactivity, the secular radioactive equilibrium disturbance and the radon exhalation rate of the fly-ash collected at the different stages along the emission control system of a lignite-fired power plant as well as of the bottom-ash. From the results obtained so far, it may be concluded that 226Ra radioactivity of fly-ash in some cases exceeds 1 kBq kg(-1), which is much higher than the mean 226Ra radioactivity of surface soils in Greece (25 Bq kg(-1)). Furthermore, the radioactivity of 210Pb in fly-ash may reach 4 kBq kg(-1). These results are interpreted in relation to the physical properties of the investigated nuclides, the temperature in the flue-gas pathway, as well as the fly-ash grain size distribution. It is concluded that towards the coldest parts of the emission control system of the power plant, the radioactivity of some natural nuclides is gradually enhanced, secular radioactive equilibrium is significantly disturbed and the radon exhalation rate tends to increase.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out along the Golfe du Lion, that focussed on the beaches of the Camargue, to locate the main areas where enriched U and Th are found, and to better understand the processes that concentrate radioactivity on beaches. Indeed enriched areas are observed on some Camargue beaches, where high-dose rates are recorded due to excess U and Th activity (>1000 Bq kg(-1)). The coastline was mapped by means of an aerial gamma survey and the results indicated that the main actinides deposits occurred in the Camargue area. This concentrating effect is possibly due to a greater sedimentary contribution from the River Rhone relative to other minor Mediterranean rivers. Across the along-shore profile, the variability in actinides observed at the eastern part of Beauduc spit is mainly explained by variations in heavy and light mineral contents. Such variability can be accounted for by redistribution of the sand caused by erosion/deposition processes occurring in the eastern part of the spit. Further parameters such as grain size and heavy minerals content were studied in connection with the distribution of U, Th and (40)K in the field at a more localised level (i.e. across-shore beach profile). The <200-micro m fraction contains more than 50% of the radioactivity and heavy minerals (especially zircon) are the main contributors to the high levels of external radiation. Therefore the enriched areas, where U and Th exceed 1000 Bq kg(-1), presumably result from the sorting of sand grains according to their size and density.  相似文献   

Saline waters from underground coal mines in Poland often contain natural radioactive isotopes, mainly 226Ra from the uranium decay series and 228Ra from the thorium series. Approximately 40% of the total amount of radium remains underground as radioactive deposits, but 225 MBq of 226Ra and 400 MBq of 228Ra are released daily into the rivers along with the other mine effluents from all Polish coal mines. Technical measures such as inducing the precipitation of radium in gobs, decreasing the amount of meteoric inflow water into underground workings, etc. have been undertaken in several coal mines, and as a result of these measures, the total amount of radium released to the surface waters has diminished by about 60% during the last 5-6 years. Mine water can have a severe impact on the natural environment, mainly due to its salinity. However, associated high levels of radium concentration in river waters, bottom sediments and vegetation have also been observed. Sometimes radium concentrations in rivers exceed 0.7 kBq/m3, which is the permitted level for waste waters under Polish law. The extensive investigations described here were carried out for all coal mines and on this basis the total radium balance in the effluents has been calculated. Measurements in the vicinity of mine settling ponds and in rivers have given us an opportunity to study radium behaviour in river waters and to assess the degree of contamination. Solid waste materials with enhanced natural radioactivity have been produced in huge amounts in the power and coal industries in Poland. As a result of the combustion of coal in power plants, low-radioactive waste materials are produced, with 226Ra concentration seldom exceeding a few hundreds of Bq/kg. A different situation is observed in coal mines, where, as a result of precipitation of radium from radium-bearing waters, highly radioactive deposits are formed. Sometimes the radioactivity of such materials is extremely high; precipitates from coal mines may have radium concentrations of 400,000 Bq/kg--equivalent to 3% uranium ore. Usually, such deposition takes place underground, but sometimes co-precipitation of radium with barium takes place on the surface, in settling ponds and in rivers. Therefore management of solid waste with technologically enhanced natural radioactivity (TENR) is a very important subject.  相似文献   

Fifty-two soil samples in the vicinity of a coal-fired power plant (CFPP) in Figueira (Brazil) were analyzed. The radionuclide concentration for the uranium and thorium series in soils ranged from <9 to 282 Bq kg(-1). The range of 40K concentration in soils varied from <59 to 412 Bq kg(-1). The CFPP (10 MWe) has been operating for 35 years and caused a small increment in natural radionuclide concentration in the surroundings. This technologically enhanced natural radioactivity (TENR) was mainly due to the uranium series (234Th, 226Ra and 210Pb) and was observable within the first kilometer from the power plant. The CFPP influence was only observed in the 0-25 cm soil horizon. The soil properties prevent the radionuclides of the 238U-series from reaching deeper soil profiles. The same behavior was observed for 40K as well. No influence was observed for 232Th, which was found in low concentrations in the coal.  相似文献   

This work focuses on the study of signs given to humans by domestic and wild vertebrates. These signs are interpreted culturally by settlers who live on the Central Patagonian Plateau and are taken into account in making decisions relating to their lives as subsistence livestock farmers. Open and in-depth interviews were carried out with 20 livestock farmers from 20 rural establishments of Sierra Rosada, Sierra Ventana and El Escorial. We found that locals’ body of knowledge is pervaded by dynamic events in a dialectical, bidirectional process that sustains their traditional way of life. In local discourses, we have distinguished two types of signs: biophysical (e.g. variations in vegetation and climate) and sociocultural (changes in family conformation or in the community, announcement of visit, etc.). We describe 30 signs given by 18 animal ethno-indicators (15 wild and 3 domestic animals, 9 belonging to the class Mammalia and 9 to the class Aves). These signs are used to interpret the natural surroundings and predict both short- and long-term environmental and social processes of change. Amongst the main results, it was found that domestic animals are important principally as ethno-indicators of long-term biophysical changes, whereas wild animals are mainly important in marking short-term biophysical changes and as sociocultural indicators. Finally, the importance of traditional ecological knowledge is discussed with regard to perception, through signs given by domestic animals, of desertification processes such as drought and lack of food on the land.  相似文献   

Changes in natural radioactivity as a result of the operations of three Polish brown-coal-fired power plants have been assessed via calculations based on the results of radio-spectrometric measurements of coal and fly ash, information on local climatic conditions and data on atmospheric releases from the plants. Calculations were performed using a computer code derived from solution of the Pasquille equation. Transfer coefficients and conversion factors of absorbed radioactivity to effective dose equivalent (EDE) were selected using literature data. Values for EDE due to inhalation, ingestion and external gamma radiation from radionuclides deposited on the ground were calculated for the population inhabiting the most polllated area and also for the whole population. The individual maximum EDE for the most ‘radioactive’ power plant was estimated at 10·4 μSv y−1. This EDE is less than 1% of the total natural radiation burden of 2 mSv y−1. EDE estimates for the vicinities of the other two power plants are 0·5 and 4·2 μSv y−1. The collective EDE resulting from the production of electrical energy from brown coal was calculated to be 104 man-Sv y−1, i.e. 14 man-Sv per GW-year. It is concluded that some of the brown-coal-fired power plants in Poland should improve their fly ash control and that the manner in which existing transfer coefficients are reported in the literature does not lead to unequivocal results when applied to EDE calculations.  相似文献   

Ramsar, a northern coastal city of Iran, overlooking the Caspian Sea, has some high level natural radiation areas (HLNRAs) as well as over 50 hot springs with low and high radium contents used as spas by the public and vacationers. The average whole body dose received by population in these areas is about 5 times higher than the normal background radiation level. Studies on the long-term effects of high level natural radioactivity on some immunological and cytogenetical parameters, in the Ramsar inhabitants are summarized in this paper. Our results showed a significant increase of CD69 expression on TCD4+ stimulated cells (P < 0.004) and a significant increase of total serum IgE (P < 0.05), and also higher incidence of stable and unstable chromosomal aberrations in the HLNRA group compared to the control group with normal background radiation (P < 0.05).Other humoral immune parameters, did not show significant differences between the two groups.  相似文献   

This paper provides details of a dynamic compartment model for estimating the (14)C radioactivity in an agricultural plant exposed to an amount of airborne (14)CO(2) gas. The plant, in the model, is divided into two compartments, the plant body (shoot and root) and ears, to predict the radioactivity of different parts of a plant. The carbon transports from, to and between the compartments are described by the processes of a photosynthesis, respiration, and translocation. The carbon transport fluxes of these processes are determined from the growth rates of a plant, which are usually easily attained. The model predictions showed that the present model could converge to a region where the specific activity model is applicable when the elapsed exposure time was extended up to the harvest time of a plant. The (14)C activity of a plant was greatly affected by the elapsed exposure time, the developmental stages of a plant at an exposure time, and the airborne (14)C activity during an exposure. It was expected that the peak of the ears' (14)C activity appeared when the exposure time was close to the ears-maturity date. The model predictions agreed reasonably well with the measured (14)C radioactivity of the rice plants that were artificially exposed to (14)CO(2) of a high (14)C source for a short period of time in an exposure box.  相似文献   

Since 1996, higher than background levels of naturally occurring radioactivity have been documented in both fossil and mineral deposits at Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument in south-central Idaho. Radioactive fossil sites occur primarily within an elevation zone of 900-1000 m above sea level and are most commonly found associated with ancient river channels filled with sand. Fossils found in clay rich deposits do not exhibit discernable levels of radioactivity. Out of 300 randomly selected fossils, approximately three-fourths exhibit detectable levels of natural radioactivity ranging from 1 to 2 orders of magnitude above ambient background levels when surveyed with a portable hand held Geiger-Muller survey instrument. Mineral deposits in geologic strata also show above ambient background levels of radioactivity. Radiochemical lab analysis has documented the presence of numerous natural radioactive isotopes. It is postulated that ancient groundwater transported radioactive elements through sand bodies containing fossils which precipitated out of solution during the fossilization process. The elevated levels of natural radioactivity in fossils may require special precautions to ensure that exposures to personnel from stored or displayed items are kept as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).  相似文献   

A close link exists between environmental radioactivity and thermoluminescence (TL) and this connection can be gainfully employed in (i) environmental radiation surveillance, (ii) radioactive prospecting and (iii) dating. The science of thermoluminescence dosimetry (TLD) is very well established for use in routine radiation monitoring. With the increased public awareness of health effects due to radioactivity releases from nuclear operations. TLDs have become indispensible ‘watchdogs’ in environmental surveillance; in high natural background areas such as the monazite regions, TLDs have yielded invaluable dosimetric data. Over large areas where the cosmic background can be assumed constant, the TLD-recorded radiation profiles can reflected the terrestrial gamma radioactivity distribution pattern and even seasonal variations in the radiation levels above ground may be delineated. A variety of natural materials like minerals, rocks, soils, sands, sediments, fossils, etc., as well as ancient artefacts like potteries and ceramic wares, yield TL even without any irradiation in the laboratory: the natural radioactivity in these materials, together with the radiation incident on them from the environment, causes a TL build-up during antiquity. It is possible to measure this natural TL and relate it to the natural radioactivity of the sample and hence to its age. In contrast, observations of a kind of anticorrelation between TL and a sample's radioactivity have also been made in recent times and the effect is mostly ascribable to alpha-radioactivity-induced damage effects.Typical results from recent investigations of the various aspects mentioned above are presented in this review, with particular emphasis on applications in India.  相似文献   

Analysis and generalization of long-term monitoring data on the accumulation of 90Sr in the bone tissue of rodents inhabiting the East-Ural Radioactive Trace and the adjacent control area have shown that the skeletal content of 90Sr depends on the level of radionuclide contamination of soil in animal habitats. An assessment of animal migration between contaminated and clean areas by this criterion has shown that the proportion of migrants does not exceed 10%. On this basis, the conclusion is drawn concerning relative isolation of rodent populations in the EURT zone.  相似文献   

There is a growing consensus among researchers that social aspects and the involvement of local communities play a critical role in public decision-making processes in the coastal zone. Social capital is a parameter which has recently gained significant attention in this context. It is regarded that it has a significant influence on the adaptation capacity of local communities to climate change impacts. The present paper aims to contribute to this field through an examination of citizens’ perceptions of three coastal zone management policies (hold the line, managed realignment and no active intervention) along with the influence of social capital on the level of social acceptability for these proposed policy options. For this purpose, a quantitative empirical study was conducted for the first time in five coastal areas of Greece that are regarded as high flood-risk areas due to sea-level rise. Respondents demonstrated that they are willing to accept changes in their social and natural environments in order to confront sea-level rise and are more positive towards the managed realignment option, as long as this is accompanied by financial compensation for those whose properties will be affected. Regarding the influence of social capital, through the results of an ordinal regression, it was observed that institutional and social trust influence positively citizens’ level of agreement for the managed realignment policy. Furthermore, respondents who believe that a sense of reciprocity exists in their community are also more willing to accept active intervention policies.  相似文献   

The effect of geographic origin on morphometric characteristics of ants has been studies by means of one-way ANOVA using 120 worker specimens of M. angulinodis from four population groups inhabiting different parts of the Baikal region. Similarity between the population groups has been evaluated using cluster analysis. The results show that worker specimens in populations from areas with lower air temperatures have significantly greater body size and that ants with an elongated head and more strongly curved frontal carinae dominate in the south of Irkutsk oblast, while ants with a wider frons prevail in the south of the Republic of Buryatia.  相似文献   

Decisions on appropriate countermeasures in the case of a contamination of large areas due to fallout from a weapon's detonations or a serious reactor or reprocessing plant accident depend on fallout level and the time period required for the exposure levels to fall below a given intervention limit. This is particularly relevant for countermeasures with high costs and substantial consequences to the population involved, such as relocation or soil perturbation. Natural processes which result in a decrease in activity concentrations in foodstuffs and external exposure with time, are least detrimental to the soil among all countermeasures proposed for rehabilitation of contaminated areas. The impact of these natural self-healing effects (soil sustainability) on the temporal activity reduction in foodstuffs, as well as their effect on the time period required for exposure levels to decrease to sufficiently low levels to allow unrestricted re-utilization and re-settlement of the land, are discussed. Depending on the type of foodstuff, in Central Europe this temporal decrease follows an effective half life of about 0.25-1.3 y from first to second year after fallout, followed by a decrease in milk with an effective half-life of 1-2 y in the next 7 y and about 5 y thereafter, while in cereals and vegetables in Austria a decrease by 2.3 y and in fruit by 1.3 y over a period of more than a decade is observed. In contrast, the decrease in foodstuffs derived from semi-natural environs is much slower by an effective half-life of roughly 8 y. The time-span for adequate recovery of a contaminated territory, therefore, depends on the fallout level and the radionuclides involved and the contribution of natural and semi-natural derived foodstuffs to the diet. It is shown that for 137Cs and a typical Central European diet the time span amounts to about 1 y for a deposition of 300 kBq m(-2) and to about 10 y for a deposition of 10,000 kBq m(-2). Thus it is demonstrated that natural restoration effects may contribute significantly to the environmentally safe and sustainable resettlement of an area substantially contaminated with fission products.  相似文献   

During a preliminary survey at the area of an abandoned fertilizer plant, increased levels of radioactivity were measured at places, buildings, constructions and materials. The extent of the contamination was determined and the affected areas were characterized as controlled areas. After the quantitative and qualitative determination of the contaminated materials, the decontamination was planned and performed step by step: the contaminated materials were categorized according to their physical characteristics (scrap metals, plastic pipes, scales and residues, building materials, etc) and according to their level of radioactivity. Depending on the material type, different decontamination and disposal options were proposed; the most appropriate technique was chosen taking into account apart from technical issues, the legal framework, radiation protection issues, the opinion of the local authorities involved as well as the owner’s wish. After taking away the biggest amount of the contaminated materials, an iterative process consisting of surveys and decontamination actions was performed in order to remove the residual traces of contamination from the area. During the final survey, no residual surface contamination was detected; some sparsely distributed low level contaminated materials deeply immersed into the soil were found and removed.  相似文献   

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