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Some wetland plant species are adapted to growing in the areas of higher metal concentrations. Use of such vegetation in remediation of soil and water contaminated with heavy metals is a promising cost-effective alternative to the more established treatment methods. Throughout the year, composite industrial effluents bringing various kinds of heavy metals contaminate our study site, the East Calcutta Wetlands, a Ramsar site at the eastern fringe of Kolkata city (formerly Calcutta), India. In the present study, possible measures for remediation of contaminated soil and water (with elements namely, Ca, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn, and Fe) of the ecosystem had been investigated. Ten common regional wetland plant species were selected to study their efficiency and diversity in metal uptake and accumulation. Results showed that Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) had the highest total Cr concentration (6,601 ± 33 mg kg???1 dw). The extent of accumulation of various elements in ten common wetland plants of the study sites was: Pb (4.4?C57 mg kg???1 dw), Cu (6.2?C39 mg kg???1 dw), Zn (59?C364 mg kg???1 dw), Mn (87?C376 mg kg???1 dw), Fe (188?C8,625 mg kg???1 dw), Ca (969?C3,756 mg kg???1 dw), and Cr (27?C660 mg kg???1 dw) indicating an uptake gradient of elements by plants as Ca>Fe>Mn>Cr>Zn>Cu>Pb. The present study indicates the importance of identification and efficiency of metal uptake and accumulation capabilities by plants in relation to their applications in remediation of a contaminated East Calcutta Wetland ecosystem.  相似文献   

The Sava River is the biggest tributary to the Danube River. As a part of the 6th FW EU project, Sava River Basin: Sustainable Use, Management and Protection of Resources (SARIB), ecological status of sediments was investigated. In order to assess the geographical distribution in sediment contamination of the Sava River, inorganic and persistent organic pollutants were analyzed in sediments at 20 selected sampling sites along the Sava River from its spring to its outfall into the Danube River. For comparability of data to other river basins the sediment fraction below 63 μm was studied. Due to complexity of the work performed, the results are published separately (“Part I: Selected elements” and “Part II: Persistent organic pollutants”). In the present study, the extent of pollution was estimated by determination of the total element concentrations and by the identification of the most hazardous highly mobile element fractions and anthropogenic inputs of elements to sediments. To assess the mobile metal fraction extraction in 0.11 mol L???1, acetic acid was performed (first step of the Community Bureau of Reference extraction procedure), while anthropogenic inputs of elements were estimated on the basis of normalization to aluminum (Al) concentration. According to the Water Framework Directive, the following elements were investigated in sediments: cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), and mercury (Hg). Furthermore, copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), arsenic (As), and phosphorous (P) were determined. The analyses of sediments demonstrated slightly elevated values for Hg, Cr, and Ni in industrially exposed sites (concentrations up to 0.6, 380, and 210 mg kg???1, respectively). However, the latter two elements exist in sparingly soluble forms and therefore do not represent an environmental burden. P concentrations were found in elevated concentrations at agricultural areas and big cities (up to 1,000 mg kg???1).  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution of sediments is a growing concern in most parts of the world, and numerous studies focussed on identifying contaminated sediments by using a range of digestion methods and pollution indices to estimate sediment contamination have been described in the literature. The current work provides a critical review of the more commonly used sediment digestion methods and identifies that weak acid digestion is more likely to provide guidance on elements that are likely to be bioavailable than other traditional methods of digestion. This work also reviews common pollution indices and identifies the Nemerow Pollution Index as the most appropriate method for establishing overall sediment quality. Consequently, a modified Pollution Index that can lead to a more reliable understanding of whole sediment quality is proposed. This modified pollution index is then tested against a number of existing studies and demonstrated to give a reliable and rapid estimate of sediment contamination and quality.  相似文献   

Metallic pollution caused by elements Zn, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Cd, and Hg in water and sediments of Aras River within a specific area in Ardabil province of Iran is considered. Water and sediment samples were collected seasonally and once respectively from the five selected stations. Regarding WHO published permissible values, only Ni concentration in spring and summer water samples has exceeded the acceptable limit up to four times greater than the limit. The concentration of metals Ni, Pb, and Fe in river water shows a direct relationship with river water discharge and the amount of precipitation. Enhanced soil erosion, bed load dissolution, and runoffs may play a key role in remarkable augmentation of metallic ions concentration. Furthermore, excessive use of pesticides which contain a variety of metallic ions (mainly Cu) in spring and summer may also result in an increase in the metals’ concentration. The potential risk of Ni exposure to the water environment of the study area is assigned to juice, dairy products, edible oil, and sugar cane factories as well as soybean crop lands which are located within the sub-basin of Aras River in the study area. Regarding the sediment samples, the bioavailable metal concentrations indicate an ascending order from the first station towards the last one. In comparison with earth crust, sedimental and igneous rocks the reported metallic concentration values, except for Cd, lie within the low-risk status. Regarding Cd, the reported values in some stations (S2, S4, and S5) are up to ten times greater than that of shale which may be considered as a remarkable risk potential. The industrial and municipal wastewater generated by Parsabad moqan industrial complex and residential areas, in addition to the discharges of animal husbandry centers, may be addressed as the key factors in the sharp increase of metallic pollution potential in stations 4 and 5.  相似文献   

Hussainsagar Lake in the heart of Hyderabad City (India) receives toxic substances through five streams draining from a catchment area of 245 km2. Of particular interest are heavy metals received from urban runoff as well as municipal sewage and industrial effluents. Heavy metals entering the lake get adsorbed onto the suspended sediments, which eventually settle down in the bottom of the lake. In this study, fractionation of metal ions has been studied on the bed sediments of Hussainsagar Lake in order to determine the ecotoxic potential of metal ions. Comparison of sediments with average shale values indicated anthropogenic enrichment with copper, nickel, lead, cadmium, and zinc. The risk assessment code as applied to the present study reveals that 10–17% of manganese, 10–18% of nickel, 14–24% of chromium, 10–19% of lead, 21–30% of cadmium, and 18–28% of zinc exist in exchangeable fraction and, therefore, comes under medium risk category and may enter into food chain. The association of these metals with the exchangeable fraction may cause deleterious effects to aquatic life. The present database will help in formulating guidelines for carrying out dredging operations under restoration programs in the Hussainsagar Lake.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the levels of trace elements and to discuss the origin and mobility of these contaminants in the canal sediments (alluvial formation of the Danube River). The most significant fractions binding all of the studied elements were oxides and silicates. The high proportion of elements in the residual fraction and the generally low contents of extractable elements reflected the background geochemical conditions. The contents of trace elements (except Hg and As) were dominantly controlled by the presence of Fe and Mn oxides as well as by the grain size and the geochemical composition of the sediment. The studied alluvial sediments were not heavily contaminated; there were only few sites where an anthropogenic influence on the concentrations of some metals (Cu, Cd, Zn, and Pb) was noticed. The results from this study show that impact of Pan?evo industrial zone on the quality of the Danube River and its contamination with trace element is minor.  相似文献   

Sediment pollution of the biggest Danube tributary, the Sava River, was investigated within the sixth framework European Union project “Sava River Basin: Sustainable Use, Management and Protection of Resources” (SARIB). The extent of pollution was estimated by determining the amount of inorganic and persistent organic pollutants in sediment samples at 20 selected sampling sites along the Sava River. For the purpose of clarity, the findings are presented and published separately (part I: selected elements and part II: persistent organic pollutants). This study presents an investigation into the presence of organic pollutants in the Sava River sediment. According to the Water Framework Directive, the following persistent organic pollutants were investigated: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), selected chlorinated pesticides and organotin compounds. The results reveal that PAHs were present in moderate concentrations (sum of 16 PAHs: up to 4,000 ng g???1) and their concentrations increased downstream. Concen trations of PCB were low (sum of seven indicator PCBs: below 4 ng g???1) and among the pesticides analyzed only p,p-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane was found in moderate concentrations at two sampling sites in Croatia (up to 3 ng g???1) and hexachlorobenzene was found in a high concentration in the city of Belgrade (91 ng g???1), although the use of these persistent pesticides has been banned for decades. Repeated sampling at the same location revealed point pollution near Belgrade. Among the organic pollutants surveyed, organotin compounds were not detected. Overall results reveal the presence of persistent organic pollutants in 20 of the Sava River sediments tested that is, in general, comparable or lower than the levels in the Danube River and other moderately polluted European rivers.  相似文献   

The transformation, composition, and distribution characteristics of nutrients in natural wetlands are significantly affected by human activities, such as large-scale water conservancy projects and agricultural activities. It is necessary to reveal the composing and distribution characteristics of nutrients for elucidating its complex removal and retention mechanisms in natural wetlands. In this study, the composition and the spatial distribution characteristics of nitrogen in a natural wetland in central China were illustrated and analyzed. The self-organizing map (SOM) model was used in this study to assess the water quality dataset of the wetland. The relationships between nitrogen and other water quality parameters were revealed by the visualization function of the SOM model with the pre-processed data; the modeling result was in agreement with the linear correlation analysis. The results indicated that the SOM model was suitable for the assessment of field-scale date of natural wetlands, and finally a potential approach for predicting the nutrients concentrations in natural wetlands was also found.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from four small oligotrophic boreal lakes, with minor acidification, in remote regions of central Sweden were used for historical interpretation of their metal content, with focus on Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn in Lake Stensj?n, which has the longest sediment record (at least two centuries according to (210)Pb dating). Comparison is made with the other three lakes. Major and trace elements in lake water, porewater and the acid-leached (HNO(3)) solid sediment phase was analysed with ICP-MS. In addition, general lake water chemistry, TOC and principal anions were measured in the aqueous phases. Redistribution processes were interpreted from geochemical modelling. The solid/solution distribution of pe/pH sensitive elements, indicates a minor diagenetic redistribution and the concentration profiles are therefore suitable for chronological evaluation. The ratios of Al, Ti, Sc and V, indicated a qualitative shift of sedimenting material a century ago, which did not have any impact on the retention of trace elements. Lead had a concentration profile, supported by the (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratio, where it was possible to distinguish preindustrial conditions, early industrialisation in Europe, industrialisation in Sweden, and the use of leaded petrol after the Second World War. Cadmium showed a similar concentration pattern. The zinc profile resembled that of cadmium, but with less enrichment. Local lithogenic sources are believed to be quantitatively important. The solid/solution distribution (K(d)) was independent of depth for all four elements. The sediment concentrations of copper and zinc are not related to early industrialisation but its concentration has doubled since the Second World War.  相似文献   

To supplement an epidemiological investigation into respiratory cancer, a synthetic fabric called tak was used to study the deposition of atmospheric metal pollution within the town of Armadale, central Scotland. Pollution maps showed high concentrations of several metals in areas close to the town's steel foundry and in a second area in the north of the town. Through further statistical analyses, those metals were identified which had probably been emitted by the foundry, and temporal variations in metal deposition patterns were examined. The advantages of this method of low technology sampling, which include the low cost and a high density of sampling sites, are described.  相似文献   

Ambient sediments were collected from a reference site in the North Edisto River, SC and transferred to a laboratory facility to investigate effects of chemical contaminants on estuarine infaunal communities under controlled mesocosm conditions. Sediment contaminant slurries were prepared using dried sediments collected from the reference site and spiked with a metal (copper), a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (pyrene), and a pesticide (4,4-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) to yield nominal mean effects range–median (ERM) quotients of <0.01 (no addition), 0.1, and 1.0 and applied to control, low dose (TRT A), and high dose (TRT B) treatment groups, respectively. Sediment samples for contaminant and benthic analyses were collected at the start of the experiment, 1 month after dosing, and 3 months after dosing. Near-nominal mean ERM quotients of 0.001, 0.075, and 0.818 were measured initially after dosing and remained fairly constant throughout the experiment. Measures of benthic condition, diversity, and richness were significantly reduced in both treatment groups relative to the control 1 month after dosing and persisted in TRT B at 3 months. The results demonstrate that benthic community effects can be observed at mean ERM quotients that are about an order of magnitude lower than levels that have been shown to be associated with significant toxicity in acute laboratory bioassays with single species (e.g., amphipods) in other studies.  相似文献   

In the present research, accumulation of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn were determined in sediments and fillet, liver, kidney, gonads, and gills of three commonly fish species in the largest wetland ecosystem that is located in southwest of Iran; Shadegan wetland. Shadegan is one of the most important wetland that posses various fauna and flora but suffers inputs from agricultural and industrial activities. So, sediment samples and fish species including Barbus grypus, Barbus sharpeyi, and Cyprinus carpio were collected during winter 2009. Results showed that mean concentrations of trace elements (except Ni and Co) were high in liver and gills of B. grypus. Also trace elements had the most accumulation in liver of B. sharpeyi except for Cd (0.26 mg kg − 1 d.w.) and Mn (13.45 mg kg − 1 d.w.) that were high in gills. Beside, kidney is determined as target tissue for Ni and V in B. grypus and for Pb in C. carpio, due to their high concentration. Zn levels in all tissues of C. carpio showed the highest concentrations in comparison to other fish species. Generally, accumulations of most of the studied elements in B. grypus and B. sharpeyi were higher in females than in males, while in fillet and gonads of C. carpio, this trend was inverted. Bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) were determined for different tissues of fish species with respect to elemental concentrations in sediment. BAFs results indicated that Zn, Pb, and Cu have higher BAF than other elements. Also this investigation demonstrated that trace elements have different affinities with condition factor of studied fish species. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) and Pb showed positive correlation together in both B. sharpeyi and B. grypus, respectively, in females and males. Moreover, females of C. carpio showed significantly positive relation of GSI and all studied elements.  相似文献   

Available water quality indices have some limitations such as incorporating a limited number of water quality variables and providing deterministic outputs. This paper presents a hybrid probabilistic water quality index by utilizing fuzzy inference systems (FIS), Bayesian networks (BNs), and probabilistic neural networks (PNNs). The outputs of two traditional water quality indices, namely the indices proposed by the National Sanitation Foundation and the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, are selected as inputs of the FIS. The FIS is trained based on the opinions of several water quality experts. Then the trained FIS is used in a Monte Carlo analysis to provide the required input-output data for training both the BN and PNN. The trained BN and PNN can be used for probabilistic water quality assessment using water quality monitoring data. The efficiency and applicability of the proposed methodology is evaluated using water quality data obtained from water quality monitoring system of the Jajrood River in Iran.  相似文献   

Phytopigment estimation has a considerable interest in the evaluation of freshwater bodies' quality, because it takes into account the synergistic effect of nutrients like phosphorus or nitrogen on algal growth producing eutrophication. Furthermore, their increasing concentration constitutes the first step in the formation of biofilms on the surface sediments, adding a new and very important element to the dynamic nature of the surface sediments. In this study the distribution of phytoplankton--in terms of chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b, phaeophytin-a, phaeophytin-b, total carotenoids, total chlorophyll, and total phaeophytin--was evaluated in river bed sediments. Samples collected at sites with low levels of nutrients (P,N) and metal concentrations showed lower phytopigment concentrations than those collected at the sampling sites affected by sources of pollution. Phytoplankton concentrations were directly and highly related to the organic matter concentrations--in particular to the humic fraction--as well as to the total nitrogen (N), total phosphorus (P(T)) and available phosphorus (P(A)) concentrations in sediments. In addition, phytoplankton also correlates positively with Cu, Zn, Fe and Al extracted in oxalate, being Cu the variable that most influences the phytopigment growth. These are essential metals for the metabolism of the phytoplankton, so therefore the increase in metal concentrations can increase algal growth, unless they reach toxic levels.  相似文献   

湄洲湾海域底质重金属环境背景值研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据湄洲湾区域自然环境特点 ,用背景区调查法 ,选择远离污染源的洁净海区进行表层底质重金属调查 ,并进行数据技术处理和影响因素分析。提出湄洲湾海域底质重金属环境背景值  相似文献   

根据地面水质常规监测中断面的功能特性,对监测数据中出市削减断面的石油类污染指数高于出市断面的现象进行了分析。通过研究当年其它主要污染指数的增长率和厉年石油类和其它主要污染指数的平均动态数列,证实削减断面石油类污染指数反弹属实。指明这是一种利用监测数据发现新污染源的方法。  相似文献   

The transfer of lead, cadmium, zinc, mercury, copper and molybdenum from soil to the tissues of small mammals inhabiting differently polluted areas in Slovenia was investigated. Metals were determined in soil samples and in the livers of 139 individuals of five small mammal species, collected in 2012 in the vicinity of a former lead smelter, the largest Slovenian thermal power plant, along a main road and in a control area. The area in the vicinity of former lead smelter differs considerably from other study areas. The soil from that area is heavily polluted with Pb and Cd. The mean metal concentrations in the liver, irrespective of species, varied in the following ranges—Pb: 0.40–7.40 mg/kg fw and Cd: 0.27–135 mg/kg fw and reached effect concentrations at which toxic effects can be expected in a significant proportion of the livers of the small mammal specimens (Pb 40 %, Cd 67 %). These findings indicate that the majority of small mammals trapped in the area of the former lead smelter are at risk of toxic effects due to the very high bioaccumulation of Pb and Cd in the organism. On the contrary, Pd and Cd concentrations in the livers of small mammals sampled in the vicinity of the thermal power plant and along the main road were comparable with reference values and considerably lower than effect concentrations. Additionally, the study suggests that Apodemus flavicollis and Myodes glareolus are very suitable biomonitors of metal pollution.  相似文献   

The construction of urban transportation infrastructure is bound to have an impact on air pollution. The purpose of this paper is to verify whether strengthening the construction of urban transportation infrastructure can reduce haze pollution. The core innovation of this paper is that the fixed asset investment of urban municipal public facilities and urban road areas are used as the proxy indicator of transportation infrastructure, which is rarely adopted in the existing literature. The relationship between transportation infrastructure and haze pollution is discussed, and the endogenous problems caused by variables omission are also considered. Based on the panel data of 13 prefecture-level cities of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region from 2005 to 2016, we use the slope index as the instrumental variable for urban transportation infrastructure, with the two-stage least squares method (2SLS) applied. The results suggest that: (i)increasing urban transportation infrastructure investment can significantly improve the air quality of the sample cities and mitigate haze pollution levels; (ii)After using the instrumental variable to alleviate endogenous bias, the inhibitory effect is more obvious; (iii)Compared with the fixed asset investment in the construction of public facilities, the increase of urban road area has a better effect on the improvement of haze pollution. What we learned from the conclusions is: traffic management department should strengthen the transportation infrastructure construction to realize the balance between urban construction and environmental protection.  相似文献   

Potable water samples (N?=?74) from 19 zip code locations in a region of Greece were profiled for 13 trace elements composition using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The primary objective was to monitor the drinking water quality, while the primary focus was to find novel associations in trace elements occurrence that may further shed light on common links in their occurrence and fate in the pipe scales and corrosion products observed in urban drinking water distribution systems. Except for arsenic at two locations and in six samples, rest of the analyzed elements was below maximum contaminant levels, for which regulatory values are available. Further, we attempted to hierarchically cluster trace elements based on their covariances resulting in two groups; one with arsenic, antimony, zinc, cadmium, and copper and the second with the rest of the elements. The grouping trends were partially explained by elements’ similar chemical activities in water, underscoring their potential for co-accumulation and co-mobilization phenomena from pipe scales into finished water. Profiling patterns of trace elements in finished water could be indicative of their load on pipe scales and corrosion products, with a corresponding risk of episodic contaminant release. Speculation was made on the role of disinfectants and disinfection byproducts in mobilizing chemically similar trace elements of human health interest from pipe scales to tap water. It is warranted that further studies may eventually prove useful to water regulators from incorporating the acquired knowledge in the drinking water safety plans.  相似文献   

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