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This study presents concentration levels of pollutants (lead, and cadmium) in tissues (livers, kidneys, muscles, and bones) of shorebirds (Kentish Plovers (n = 5), Mongolian Plovers (n = 2), Dunlins (n = 6), Great Knots (n = 10), Terek Sandpipers (n = 10)) from Yeongjong Island, Korea in the East Asian–Australian migration flyways during the autumn migration in 1994–1995. Lead concentrations in livers, in kidneys, in muscles, and in bones were significantly different among shorebird species. Lead concentrations in livers of Kentish Plovers (4.76 ± 2.72 μg/wet g), Mongolian Plovers (2.05 μg/wet g), Dunlins (3.77 ± 1.07 μg/wet g), and Great Knots (4.27 ± 3.19 μg/wet g) were less than the toxic level, and lead concentrations in livers of Terek Sandpipers (1.20 ± 0.94 μg/wet g) were at the background level. Cadmium concentrations in livers, in kidneys, in muscles, and in bones did not vary among shorebirds, and concentrations of cadmium in livers and in kidneys were at background level (respectively, approximate 1 μg/wet g, approximate 2.67 μg/wet g) in all shorebird species. We suggest that interspecific differences of lead and cadmium concentrations were attributed to differences in exposure time and differences of diet, microhabitats in wintering ground. In livers and kidney of shorebirds from Yeongjong Island, lead and cadmium concentrations were higher than other locations previously reported.  相似文献   

Organochlorines and selenium in California night-heron and egret eggs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Exceptionally high concentrations of DDE were found in black-crowned night-heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) (geometric mean 8.62 g g–1 wet wt.) and great egret (Casmerodius albus) (24.0 g g–1) eggs collected from the Imperial Valley (Salton Sea), California in 1985. DDE concentrations in 14 of the 87 (16%) randomly selected night-heron eggs from six colonies (two in San Francisco Bay, three in the San Joaquin Valley, and one at Salton Sea) were higher than those associated with reduced reproductive success of night-herons (8 g g–1). In addition, mean shell thickness of night-heron eggs collected from the San Joaquin Valley and from San Francisco Bay during 1982–1984 was significantly less than pre-DDT thickness and was negatively correlated (r=–0.50, n=75, P<0.0001) with DDE concentration. Mean selenium concentration in night-heron eggs from Salton Sea (1.10 g g–1) was significantly higher than in eggs from three locations in the San Joaquin Valley, and in egret eggs from Salton Sea.  相似文献   

Lead,cadmium, arsenic and zinc in the ecosystem surrounding a lead smelter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A lead smelter has been operating at Belledune in the province of New Brunswick, in eastern Canada, since 1966. This paper presents data on the concentrations of the four primary metals emitted from the smelter — lead, cadmium, arsenic and zinc — which were measured in the terrestrial environment near the smelter and the concentrate transport route. Deposition of these metals to the snowpack and the uptake by grass forage are discussed in relation to non-regulatory guidelines, toxicity and atmospheric emissions. A 1992 snowpack transect survey extending 0.5–40 km northwest, southeast and south of the smelter revealed lead concentrations of 2–3193 ppb, cadmium <0.10–49.7 ppb, arsenic <3.0–72.0 ppb, and zinc 3–401 ppb. Deposition estimates within this zone for lead were between 0.046 and 20.1 kg/ha/yr, cadmium <0.007 and 313 g/ha/yr, arsenic <0.016 and 453 g/ha/yr and zinc 0.020 and 2.52 kg/ha/yr. Concentrations of these metals in the snowpack were highest within 3 km of the smelter and were detectable at greater distances SE of the smelter. Lead was dispersed greater distances from the smelter than cadmium or arsenic. Snowpack samples collected within 5–20 m of the railway contained 140–7270 ppb of lead, 0.4–36.9 ppb of cadmium, <3.0–72.0 ppb of arsenic and 41–13100 ppb of zinc. Grass forage sampled within 0.6–16 km of the smelter contained lead 5–152 ppm, cadmium 0.10–4.1 ppm, and zinc 22–154 ppm. Highest concentrations of lead, cadmium and zinc in grass forage were found were found within 2.2 km of the smelter. Grass forage collected within 10–70 m of the railway contained lead 13–288 ppm, cadmium 0.4–1.3 ppm and zinc 98–831 ppm.  相似文献   

Mercury concentrations in feather, liver, kidney, and muscle tissue of Little egret (n?=?8) and Cattle egret (n?=?3) from Shadegan Wetlands in south-western Iran were examined. Liver of Little egret had significantly higher mercury compared to Cattle egret (p?<?0.05). In addition, mercury values were consistently larger in Little egret when compared to Cattle egret, but mercury levels found in feather, kidney, and muscle did not differ statistically between the two bird species (p?>?0.05). The small Cattle egret sample size, however, makes it difficult to conclude that the same trend would persist had we been able to include more Cattle egrets in this study. An interesting regional comparison between mercury concentrations in the feather of Little egret chicks, from China, Hong Kong, and Pakistan, and adult Little egrets, from Shadegan wetlands, revealed higher mercury in the adult of the species, as one would expect. Conversely, feathers of adult Cattle egrets form Shadegan had less mercury than values reported for young birds of the same species from Aswan in Egypt; but our Cattle egrets had higher or similar mercury concentrations to Cattle egrets from Pakistan, New York, Delaware, Puerto Rico, Hong Kong, and Cairo in Egypt.  相似文献   

The selenium distribution in the flight feathers of a marine wader, the Oystercatcher (Heamatopus ostralegus), is investigated. In the wing the highest concentrations are found in the outer primaries, notably primary 8. The inner tail feather exceeds the primary 8 concentration. Whithin the vane of a single feather, the highest concentrations are found in the tip, the lowest at the basis of the feather. The results are discussed in relation to the use of the feather as an indicator of selenium exposure.In comparing marine wader species shortly after completion of the feather growth, a negative relation is found between the fresh primary 8 vane concentration and body weight of the species. A functional role of selenium in respect to the metabolic rate is suggested.  相似文献   

In this work, water and sediment samples were collected from three different stations located along the Sakarya river between May and September 2003. Lead, copper, chromium, zinc, nickel and cadmium concentrations were determined by using solvent extraction and flame atomic absorption spectrometric method. The results show that differences based upon sampling times, regions, sediment and water samples were observed. The mean levels of copper, nickel, chromium, lead, cadmium, zinc for sediment samples are; 4.630 μg g−1, 13.520 μg g−1, 8.780 μg g−1, 2.550 μg g−1, 9.990 μg g−1 and for water samples are; 0.851 μg g−1, 1.050 μg g−1, 0.027 μg g−1, 1.786 μg g−1, 0.236 μg g−1, 0.173 μg g−1, respectively.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and iron (Fe) were analyzed in the breast feather of white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons, n?=?15), mallards (Anas platyrhynchos, n?=?4), and spot-billed ducks (Anas poecilorhyncha, n?=?13) found dead in Gimpo, Korea. All of the mallards and eight of the 13 spot-billed ducks had embedded shot. Concentrations of Pb, Cr, Cu, Mn, Zn, and Fe were significantly different among waterfowl species. Mallards with embedded shot had relatively higher Pb, Cr, Mn, and Fe concentrations than the other species. Cd and Cr in feathers of waterfowl species were within the range reported for other birds, and no specimen exceeded the tentative threshold effect levels of Cd (2 μg/g dry weight (dw)) and Cr (2.8 μg/g dw) for birds. However, Pb in feathers of all four mallards and two spot-billed ducks exceeded the threshold for deleterious effects (>4 μg/g dw). Essential elements such as Cu, Mn, Zn, and Fe in the feather of waterfowl species were not at toxic levels and within the background or normal range for the homeostatic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury and selenium were examined in the down feathers and eggs of female common eiders (Somateria mollissima) from Amchitka and Kiska Islands in the Aleutian Chain of Alaska to determine whether there were (1) differences between levels in feathers and eggs, (2) differences between the two islands, (3) positive correlations between metal levels in females and their eggs, and (4) whether there was more variation within or among clutches. Mean levels in eggs (dry weight) were as follows: arsenic (769 ppb, ng/g), cadmium (1.49 ppb), chromium (414 ppb), lead (306 ppb), manganese (1,470 ppb), mercury (431 ppb) and selenium (1,730 ppb). Levels of arsenic were higher in eggs, while chromium, lead, manganese, and mercury were higher in feathers; there were no differences for selenium. There were no significant interisland differences in female feather levels, except for manganese (eider feathers from Amchitka were four times higher than feathers from Kiska). Levels of manganese in eggs were also higher from Amchitka than Kiska, and eider eggs from Kiska had significantly higher levels of arsenic, but lower levels of selenium. There were no significant correlations between the levels of any metals in down feathers of females and in their eggs. The levels of mercury in eggs were below ecological benchmark levels, and were below human health risk levels. However, Aleuts can seasonally consume several meals of bird eggs a week, suggesting cause for concern for sensitive (pregnant) women.  相似文献   

Concentrations of lead, cadmium, mercury, selenium, chromium and manganese were examined in breast feathers of shorebirds migrating north through Cape May, New Jersey in 1991 and 1992. Although we predicted that metal levels would be positively correlated with weight, this was only true for mercury in red knots (Calidris canutus). Selenium was negatively correlated with weight in red knots. No other significant correlation of metal concentrations with weight were found. Lead and mercury were highest in sanderlings (C. alba). Selenium and manganese were highest in red knots, while chromium and cadmium levels were highest in semipalmated sandpipers (C. pusilus). For 1991, interspecific metals differences were significant for all metals except lead. For semipalmated sandpipers, cadmium and chromium concentrations were significantly higher in 1991 while managese concentrations were significantly higher in 1992.  相似文献   

Selection of an appropriate species is a key element of effective ecological risk assessments (ERA), especially when site-specific field studies are to be employed. Great blue herons (GBH) possess several ideal characteristics of a receptor species for the assessment of bioaccumulative compounds in the environment, such as ease of study, high potential for exposure, widespread distribution, and territorial foraging behavior. Methodologies for assessing exposure and population health are described herein. As outlined, the collection of GBH eggs, GBH nestling blood, and adult GBH blood allows for the determination of contaminant concentrations in various GBH tissues, a top-down assessment, which can be done in conjunction with predicted dietary exposure, a bottom-up assessment, to support a multiple lines of evidence approach. Additionally, population parameters, such as productivity and survival, can also be measured to elucidate if the contaminant exposure may be causing population level effects. Over the course of two years, three GBH rookeries were monitored for productivity and nestling exposure. Nests were monitored from blinds and individually accessed at multiple time points to obtain measures of nestling health, band nestlings, and collect eggs and nestling plasma. Multiple nests could frequently be accessed by climbing one tree, resulting in minimal effort to obtain the necessary sample size. Additionally, 51 adult GBH, captured in their foraging areas, were banded, and provided a blood sample. With these samples, a statistical difference in tissue based exposure was identified between the reference and target area. Statistically significant differences were also identified between the upper and lower reaches of the target area, thereby identifying a range of doses geographically which could be correlated to specific measurement endpoints. The ability to identify a dose response greatly increases the ability of the dataset to determine causation, a key goal of such studies. Overall, the use of the described methods allowed for the collection of a statistically sufficient and ecologically relevant dataset with reasonable effort and minimal impact on GBH.  相似文献   

石油勘探开发中的石油类污染及其监测分析技术   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
首先介绍了陆地石油勘探开发过程对环境的影响 ,并总结出这种影响集中体现在油田附近水体和土壤受到石油类的污染。然后针对石油类监测分析方法展开探讨 ,并分水中石油类和土壤中石油类两部分 ,把我国和美国的监测方法进行了对比研究。在此基础上提出了在进行油田环境现状评价和石油类污染物环境变迁规律研究中使用石油类分析方法的建议  相似文献   

Levels of mercury and other contaminants should be lower in birds nesting on isolated oceanic islands and at high latitudes without any local or regional sources of contamination, compared to more urban and industrialized temperate regions. We examined concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury and selenium in the eggs, and the feathers of fledgling and adult glaucous-winged gulls (Larus glaucescens) nesting in breeding colonies on Adak, Amchitka, and Kiska Islands in the Aleutian Chain of Alaska in the Bering Sea/North Pacific. We tested the following null hypotheses: 1) There were no differences in metal levels among eggs and feathers of adult and fledgling glaucous-winged gulls, 2) There were no differences in metal levels among gulls nesting near the three underground nuclear test sites (Long Shot 1965, Milrow 1969, Cannikin 1971) on Amchitka, 3) There were no differences in metal levels among the three islands, and 4) There were no gender-related differences in metal levels. All four null hypotheses were rejected at the 0.05 level, although there were few differences among the three test sites on Amchitka. Eggs had the lowest levels of cadmium, lead, and mercury, and the feathers of adults had the lowest levels of selenium. Comparing only adults and fledglings, adults had higher levels of cadmium, chromium, lead and mercury, and fledglings had higher levels of arsenic, manganese and selenium. There were few consistent interisland differences, although levels were generally lower for eggs and feathers from gulls on Amchitka compared to the other islands. Arsenic was higher in both adult feathers and eggs from Amchitka compared to Adak, and chromium and lead were higher in adult feathers and eggs from Adak compared to Amchitka. Mercury and arsenic, and chromium and manganese levels were significantly correlated in the feathers of both adult and fledgling gulls. The feathers of males had significantly higher levels of chromium and manganese than did females. The levels of most metals in feathers are below those known to be associated with adverse effects in the gulls or their predators. However, levels of mercury in some gull eggs are within a range suggesting that several eggs should not be eaten in one day by sensitive humans.  相似文献   

Lead is a purely toxic heavy metal which induces a wide variety of adverse physiologic effects. Nevertheless, it has been mined and used for more than 8,000 years. Among the different contemporary sources of lead pollution, traffic-induced emissions from the combustion of leaded gasoline is of particular concern, as it can constitute more than 90 percent of total lead emissions into the atmosphere in congested urban areas where no phase-out activities have been adopted. Gasoline lead content and traffic volume are strongly correlated with concentrations of lead in various environmental media. In the absence of policies to reduce the use of lead in gasoline or to favor the use of unleaded gasoline, leaded gasoline remains the predominant grade in many countries. This paper assesses the status of lead pollution from the combustion of leaded gasoline in Beirut based on field measurements of lead in air and roadside dust of urban and rural/suburban areas and recent data on soil and blood lead levels. Average atmospheric lead concentrations was about 1.86 microg m(-3) at urban locations and 0.147 microg m(-3) at suburban locations. The analysis of roadside dust revealed an average lead level of 353 microg g(-1) along urban streets and 125 microg g(-1) along rural/suburban roads. Blood lead levels were also relatively high in comparison to countries where leaded gasoline has been phased-out.  相似文献   

California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) foods and feathers, and turkey vultures (Cathartes aura), common ravens (Corvus corax), and their eggs were collected within the condor range to determine exposure of condors to environmental contaminants. Samples were analyzed for organochlorines and trace elements. Food items contained low concentrations of organochlorines and generally low concentrations of lead. DDE was detected in all vulture carcasses and nearly all raven carcasses at generally moderate concentrations. Other organochlorines occurred infrequently in carcasses and generally at low concentrations. Turkey vulture eggshells were 16% thinner than the pre-DDT mean; there was no change in shell thickness of raven eggs. Vulture eggs contained an average of 6.9 ppm DDE and two contained excessive concentrations of endrin. DDE concentrations were low in raven eggs. Residues of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Ni, Se, Tl, and Zn in tissues of vultures and ravens appeared normal when compared with reference values for other species. Lead concentrations in bone of turkey vultures and feathers of condors appeared to be elevated above normal background concentrations in some cases. Current exposure of condors to organochlorines appears low; however, we are concerned about the excessive exposure of turkey vultures to organochlorines, possibly in Central America. Lead exposure to vultures and condors has occurred, but its significance to their populations is unknown.  相似文献   

Arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury, selemium,and tin concentrations were measured in the feathers of Capecormorant (Phalacrocorax capensis), Hartlaubs gull(Larus hartlaubii), kelp gull (Larus dominicanus), andlesser flamingo (Phoeniconaias minor) from the coast ofNamibia in southern Africa. Metal concentrations in feathers represent the concentrations in the blood supply at the time offeather formation. Cape Cormorants are piscivores; kelp gullsare primarily piscivores; Hartlaubs gull is an omnivore; and lesser flamingos eat primarily blue-green algae and invertebrates filtered from the water and sediment ofhypersaline lagoons. We predicted that metal concentrationswould reflect these trophic level differences. There weresignificant species differences in the concentrations of allmetals, with flamingos having the lowest levels, and cormorantshaving the highest levels of 4 metals but not mercury. The gulls hadthe highest levels of mercury, perhaps reflecting their morescavenging behavior.  相似文献   

In 1991 we compared eggs, down and body feathers of chicks of Common Terns, Herring Gulls and Black-headed Gulls in their utility to assess contamination with mercury. Like eggs feathers distinctly show interspecific and intersite differences in contamination. Highest levels were found in Common Terns, lowest in Black-headed Gulls. Chicks hatched at the Elbe had much higher mercury levels than those in other areas of the German North Sea coast. Conversion ratios between tissues have to be used with caution.  相似文献   

采用微波消解,电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定海产品中铅含量及其同位素比。通过选择本底铅浓度低的硝酸降低背景值,选择合适内标以减少仪器波动带来的误差,使得该方法在0μg/L~100μg/L范围内线性良好,~(204)Pb、~(206)Pb、~(207)Pb和208Pb的方法检出限为0.041μg/L~0.180μg/L。用该方法测定有证标准物质,结果在标准值范围内,海产品样品6次测定结果的RSD为3.1%~8.6%,加标回收率为89.9%~96.3%。26种海产品中总铅质量比为0.018 mg/kg~2.32 mg/kg,铅同位素~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb值为0.783 55~0.881 61。  相似文献   

Levels of lead, cadmium, mercury, selenium, manganese and chromium were examined in breast feathers of Australasian Gannets (Morus serrator) from New Zealand waters, where they breed on coastal rocky stacks, islands, and occasionally coastal headlands. There were significant differences in the concentrations of all metals except mercury, with gannets from Ninety Mile Beach having significantly lower levels of all metals than those from the other beaches. Ninety Mile Beach is on the northern tip of the North Island, away from urbanization and industrialization, whereas the other beaches are closer to Auckland, the largest city in New Zealand. The levels of most metals were similar or lower than those reported for feathers from elsewhere around the world. Mercury, however, was at the high end, being exceeded only by raptors and gulls from industrialized countries. Several metal levels were highly correlated, indicating that gannets were usually exposed to several metals at once.  相似文献   

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