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In this study an assessment is made of the negative impacts of wastewater irrigation on soils and crops sampled along the Khoshk River channel in suburban area of Shiraz City, SW Iran. For this purpose, samples of soil profiles (0–60 cm in depth) and crops were collected from two wastewater irrigated sites and a tube well-irrigated (control) site. Total concentrations of the five heavy metals (Ni, Pb, Cd, Zn and Cr) and their phytoavailable contents were determined. The Pollution Load Indexes (PLIs) and Contamination Factors (CFs) for soils and Hazard quotients (ΣHQ) for some vegetables were also calculated. The results showed the use of untreated wastewater has caused the following changes as compared to control site: (1) a 20–30% increase in organic matter content of soil; (2) increase in pH by 2–3 units; (3) significant concentration increase in Ex-Ca especially in top layers of soil resulting in high CEC; (4) build up of heavy metals (notably Pb and Ni) in topsoil above Maximum Permissible Limits (MPLs) indicating a moderate contamination (PLI > 1, CF > 2.5); (5) contamination of some vegetables (spinach and lettuce) with Cd due to its high phytoavailability in topsoil causing a HQ > 1; (6) excessive accumulation of Ni and Pb in wheat due to continual addition of heavy metals through long-term wastewater application. The study concludes that strict protection measures, stringent guidelines and an integrated system for the treatment and recycling of wastewater are needed to minimize the negative impacts of wastewater irrigation in the study area.  相似文献   

Status of insecticide contamination of soil and water in Haryana, India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Twelve samples each of soil and ground water were collected from paddy-wheat, paddy-cotton, sugarcane fields and tube wells from same or near by fields around Hisar, Haryana, India during 2002–2003 to monitor pesticide residues. Residues were estimated by GC-ECD and GC-NPD systems equipped with capillary columns for organochlorine, synthetic pyrethroid and organophosphate insecticides. In soil, HCH (0.002–0.051 μg g−1), DDT (0.001–0.066 μg g−1), endosulfan (0.002–0.039 μg g−1) and chlordane (0.0002–0.019 μg g−1) among organochlorines, cypermethrin (0.001–0.035 μg g−1) and fenvalerate (0.001–0.022 μg g−1) among synthetic pyrethroids and chlorpyriphos (0.002–0.172 μg g−1), malathion (0.002–0.008 μg g−1), quinalphos (0.001–0.010 μg g−1) among organophosphates were detected. Dominant contaminants were DDT, cypermethrin and chlorpyriphos from the respective groups. In water samples, HCH, DDT, endosulfan and cypermethrin residues were observed frequently. Only chlorpyriphos among organophosphates was detected in 10 samples. On consideration of tube well water for drinking purpose, about 80% samples were found to contain residues above the regulatory limits.  相似文献   

This paper describes the impact of urbanization on the groundwater regime in a fast growing city, Solapur, in central India, giving special emphasis on the management of the present and ultimate demand of water in 2,020 AD. The objective is to apprise the city planners and administrators of the effects of urbanization on the groundwater regime in a fast growing medium-sized city in a developing country where the infrastructure developments are not in conformity with the rapid growth in population. Solapur city with an area of 178.57 km2 receives a recharge of about 24 million m3 of groundwater from various sources annually. Reduction in recharge, as conventionally assumed due to the impact of urbanization, could not, however, be well established. Instead, there was a rise in recharge as water use in the city grew from time to time and more and more water was supplied to satisfy the human needs. Compared to mid-1970s, groundwater levels have increased within the main city area due to increased recharge and decreased groundwater abstraction. However, outside the main city area, there is a general decline in groundwater levels due to increased groundwater utilization for irrigation purposes. Groundwater quality deterioration has been highly localized. Water quality has deteriorated during the last 10 years, especially in dugwells, mainly due to misuse and disuse of these structures and poor circulation of groundwater. However, in case of borewells, comparison of the present water quality with that in mid-1970s and early 1980s does not show any perceptible change. Deeper groundwater tapped by borewells can still be used for drinking purposes with caution.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiment was conducted to understand the persistence behavior of tetraconazole in three soils of West Bengal (alluvial, red lateritic, and coastal saline) and also in water maintained at three different pH (4.0, 7.0, and 9.2) conditions. Processed soil samples (100 g) were spiked at two treatment doses: 2.5 μg/g (T1) and 5.0 μg/g (T2). Double distilled buffered water (200 ml) was spiked at two treatment doses: 1.0 μg/ml (T1) and 2.00 μg/ml (T2). The tetraconazole dissipation followed first-order reaction kinetics and the residual half-life (T 1/2) values in soil were found to be in the range of 66.9–77.2 days for T1 and 73.4–86.0 days for T2. The persistence increased in the order red lateritic > new alluvial > coastal saline. Interestingly, the red lateritic soil exhibited the lowest pH (5.56) and organic carbon (0.52 %) content as compared to other two soils. However, the dissipation of tetraconazole in case of water was not pH dependant. The T 1/2 values in water were in the range of 94 to 125 days. The study indicated the persistent nature of tetraconazole in soil and water.  相似文献   

Pesticides are shown to have a great effect on soil organisms, but the effect varies with pesticide group and concentration, and is modified by soil organic carbon content and soil texture. In the humid tropical islands of Andaman, India, no systematic study was carried out on pesticide residues in soils of different land uses. The present study used the modified QuEChERS method for multiresidue extraction from soils and detection with a gas chromatograph. DDT and its various metabolites, α-endosulfan, β-endosulfan, endosulfan sulfate, aldrin, and fenvalerate, were detected from the study area. Among the different pesticide groups detected, endosulfan and DDT accounted for 41.7 % each followed by aldrin (16.7 %) and synthetic pyrethroid (8.3 %). A significantly higher concentration of pesticide residues was detected in rice–vegetable grown in the valley followed by rice–fallow and vegetable–fallow in the coastal plains. Soil microbial biomass carbon is negatively correlated with the total pesticide residues in soils, and it varied from 181.2 to 350.6 mg?kg?1. Pesticide residues have adversely affected the soil microbial populations, more significantly the bacterial population. The Azotobacter population has decreased to the extent of 51.8 % while actinomycetes were the least affected though accounted for 32 % when compared to the soils with no residue.  相似文献   

Supervised field trials following good agricultural practices were conducted at the research farms of four agricultural universities located at four different agroclimatic zones of India to evaluate the persistence and dissipation of flubendiamide and its metabolite, des-iodo flubendiamide, on cabbage. Two spray applications of flubendiamide 480 SC of standard and double dose at the rate of 24 and 48 g a.i. ha?1 were given to the crop at a 15-day interval, and the residues of flubendiamide 2 h after spray were found in the range of 0.107–0.33 and 0.20–0.49 mg kg?1 at respective doses. Residue of des-iodo flubendiamide was not detected in any cabbage sample during study period. No residues were found in the soil samples collected from all treated fields after 15 days of application. On the basis of data generated under All India Network Project on Pesticide Residues, a preharvest interval (PHI) of 10 days has been recommended, and the flubendiamide 480 SC has been registered for its use on cabbage by Central Insecticide Board and Registration Committee, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. The maximum residue limit (MRL) of flubendiamide on cabbage has been fixed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, under Food Safety Standard Authority of India as 0.05 μg/g after its risk assessment.  相似文献   

The use of sewage-contaminated municipal water for irrigation of crops is an old practice in many big cities of Pakistan. Since the wastewater is rich in nutrients, it increases crops yield substantially but at the cost of food quality. The objective of this study was to investigate sewage water irrigation as a source of accumulation of heavy metals in soil and its subsequent transfer to crops and underground water. Sewage water, soil, groundwater, and crop samples were collected from selected areas around Peshawar city and analyzed for heavy metals concentration by atomic absorption spectroscopic method. Analysis of data revealed a considerable impact of the irrigation practices in the peri-urban Peshawar. Statistical analysis of the data showed a positive correlation between heavy metals concentration and soil carbon contents on the one hand and cation exchange capacity on the other. A strongly negative correlation was observed between metal contents and soil pH. The vertical movement of heavy metals from contaminated soil has polluted crops and underground water. The results indicated higher concentration of toxic metals in soil accumulated due to long-term sewage-contaminated water irrigation and their subsequent transfer to our food chain. The practice, if continued un-noticed may pose a threat of phytotoxicity to the local population.  相似文献   

Arsenic in the soil and water of eastern districts of Uttar Pradesh (Ballia and Ghazipur) was estimated. Survey results revealed that arsenic in soil samples ranged from 5.40 to 15.43 parts per million (ppm). In water samples, it ranged from 43.75 to 620.75 parts per billion (ppb) which far exceeded the permissible limit of 10 ppb as recommended by the World Health Organization. Maximum concentration of arsenic in water was found in Haldi village of Ballia (620.75 ppb). However, mean arsenic concentration in water followed the order: Karkatpur (257.21 ppb) < Haldi (310.15 ppb) < Sohaon (346.94 ppb) < Dharmarpur (401.75 ppb). In case of soil, maximum arsenic was detected in soil of Sohaon (15.43 ppm). Mean arsenic levels in soils followed the order: Karkatpur (9.24 ppm) < Haldi (9.82 ppm) < Dharmarpur (11.32 ppm) < Sohaon (14.08 ppm). Arsenic levels were higher in soils collected from 15–30 cm depth than 0–15 cm from the soil surface.  相似文献   

Paper industries using different raw materials such as hard wood, bamboo, baggase, rice-straw and waste papers and bleaching chemicals like chlorine, hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, sulphite and oxygen were studied to estimate organic pollution load and Adsorbable Organic Halides (AOX) per ton of production. The hard wood based paper industries generate higher Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) loads (105–182 kg t−1) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) loads (32.0–72 kg t−1) compared to the agro and waste paper based industrial effluents. The bleaching sequences such as C–EP–H–H, C–E–H–H, C–E–Do–D1 and O–Do–EOP–D1 are adopted in the paper industries and the molecular elemental chlorine free bleaching sequence discharges low AOX in the effluent. The range of AOX concentration in the final effluent from the paper industries was 0.08–0.99 kg t−1 of production. Water consumption was in the range of 100–130 m3 t−1 of paper production for wood based industries and 30–50 m3 for the waste paper based industries. Paper machine effluents are partially recycled after treatment and pulp mill black liquor are subject to chemical recovery after evaporation to reduce the water consumption and the total pollution loads. Hypochlorite bleaching units of textile bleaching processes generate more AOX (17.2–18.3 mg l−1) and are consuming more water (45–80 l kg−1) whereas alkali peroxide bleaching hardly generates the AOX in the effluents and water consumption was also comparatively less (40 l kg−1 of yarn/cloth).  相似文献   

The integrated pest management (IPM) modules of pesticide schedule on Basmati rice were validated at field experiments conducted in Northern India for consecutive 3 years (2005–2008). The pesticide residues were found below the detectable limit (<0.01–0.001 mg/kg) in soil and irrigation water samples of Kaithal region. In Dehra Dun region of Uttrakhand, the residues of carbendazim in rice grains and soil were detected below <0.01 mg/kg level. In second year experiments (2006–2007), only four non-IPM soil samples indicated the presence of chlorpyrifos and endosulfan in the range of ND <0.001 to 0.07 mg/kg, out of 45 samples analyzed. Carbendazim applied as seed treatment at Dehradun and Kaithal field trials was found below detectable limit in both IPM and non-IPM rice grains (<0.01 mg/kg) and irrigation water (0.01 μl/ml). Chlorpyrifos was detected in five water samples from Kaithal and one from Pant Nagar in the range of 0.003–0.006 μl/L, α- and β-isomer of endosulfan in the range of 0.005–0.03, and 0.005–0.02 μl/ml, respectively, in one sample from Pant Nagar and two from Kaithal, out of a total of 22 samples. In the region of Uttrakhand and Uttar Pradesh during 2007–2008, four non-IPM samples of soil indicated trace levels of endosulfan, out of 16 samples analyzed. The residues were detected below detection limit for carbendazim (<0.01 mg/kg) in soil samples of Dehradun IPM fields and for endosulfan and carbendazim (0.001–0.01 μl/L) in water samples each from IPM and non-IPM fields of Uttar Pradesh. The results of 3-year trials of IPM module indicated basmati rice as safe and economical with pesticide residue-free rice grains.  相似文献   

Activity concentrations of the uranium and thorium series radionuclides were determined in chicken meat and eggs as well as in soil, water and other dietary intakes of poultry at five sites of the French territory. These data allow the calculation of transfer coefficients which enrich the database given by the technical report series no. 472 of the IAEA. In egg contents, the highest activity concentrations (in mBq kg(-1) fresh weight) are for (226)Ra, ranging between 136 and 190 and are much lower for uranium (between 0.51 and 1.30 for (238)U). In chicken meat, (238)U activity concentration is higher than in egg contents and ranges between 1.7 and 9.7. Concerning (232)Th, its activity concentration is lower than uranium and ranges between 0.5 and 4.9. Daily ingested activity concentration by the animals was assessed taking into account the activity concentrations measured in the grains, in the soil and in the drinking water. The activity concentration in grains and the daily intakes allow the calculation of concentration ratios and transfer coefficients for chicken meat and egg contents. In chicken meat the transfer coefficients (d kg(-1)) range between 0.0018 and 0.0073 for (238)U and between 0.0008 and 0.0028 for (232)Th. In egg contents they range from 0.00018 to 0.0018 for (238)U and are much higher for radium isotopes (0.10-0.23 for (226)Ra and 0.07-0.11 for (228)Ra).  相似文献   

The present study was conducted in environs of the sacred grove of Garhwal Himalaya, India, with a view to assess the impacts of sacred groves and forests on the quality and quantity of water and also to assess the effect of seasonality on perennial stream quality. Water samples were collected from three randomly selected stream spots of both the sacred grove dominated by deodar (Cedrus deodara) and the non-sacred patch dominated by oak (Quercus leucotrichophora). Water samples from both patches were within the World Health Organization (WHO) standard limits. Based on an already established water quality index, water quality of both patches was safe for domestic and irrigation purposes but needs treatment for drinking purposes. Results of the present study also showed a very prominent impact of forest type as well as management condition on water quality and quantity. The water discharge from an oak forest shows more consistency than the discharge from a deodar forest. Due to the presence of the sacred grove, the area has become the source of good quality water supply during lean season for the surrounding villages. Water quality and quantity differed along with the change in season. The sacred grove and the existing forest leave a great impression on local dwellers, as due to its presence, local dwellers never run out of water supply during the dry season. As a result, the villagers sincerely want to protect the area for the sake of their own well-being.  相似文献   

The present investigation studies the effects of cow and chicken manure and sewage sludge at different rates of addition and with two irrigation waters of different salinities on two major calcareous soils in Bahrain. The aim was to quantify potential improvements in soil quality, the accumulation of trace metals, and quality of leachates.From the pot experiments it was found that soil waterholding capacity did not change significantly after addition of organic amendments, except in the case of sewage sludge. Total organic carbon and total Kjeldhal nitrogen content increased in the 0–5 cm layer. Low salinity water and sewage applications improved aggregate stability. Extractable phosphorus was enhanced by the chicken manure treatment more than others. Addition of different organic amendments did not affect exchangeable cations. pH values did not show appreciable changes and soils were neutral. Trace metals studied were present at non-toxic levels in the 0–5 cm layer. Zinc and copper were the only metal showing a tendency to leach to the lower soil layer. In all cases metal levels in the surface layer were proportional to the quantities added in the amendments and their levels in the leachate were very low.  相似文献   

Heavy metal content in the femora of yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis) and wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) caught in different polluted biotopes of a low hill level in Slovakia (Nováky and Kolín?any) was investigated in the present study. Length, weight and histological structure of mouse bones have also been analysed. According to our results, higher concentrations of Cd, Ni, Fe, Cu and Zn were detected in the femora of A. flavicollis from Kolín?any area. Similarly, we observed higher concentrations of Ni, Fe, Cu and Zn in the bones of A. sylvaticus trapped at the same biotope. Significant differences were observed for concentrations of Ni and Zn in both species (P?<?0.05). The measured values for bone length and bone weight were higher in yellow-necked mice and wood mice from Nováky locality (P?<?0.01). Histological observation of thin sections from femora of A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus revealed an outer and inner non-vascular lamellar layer around a poorly developed reticular layer. We did not identify demonstrable changes in qualitative histological characteristics of the femora between the mice (A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus separately) from different types of polluted environment. Also, no statistically significant differences for all the measured variables of primary osteons’ vascular canals were observed. Correlation analysis in yellow-necked mouse showed high positive relation between bone weight and bone length (r?=?0.66), area and perimeter (r?=?0.87) and perimeter and maximum diameter (r?=?0.87). In wood mouse, high positive correlation between bone weight and bone length (r?=?0.80), area and perimeter (r?=?0.72), area and maximum diameter (r?=?0.66) and perimeter and maximum diameter (r?=?0.74) was found. Our results demonstrate slightly elevated accumulation of some heavy metals in the femora of yellow-necked mouse and wood mouse from Kolín?any biotope and thus give an evidence of a contamination of the environment.  相似文献   

Although there is large-scale adoption of Bt cotton by the farmers because of immediate financial gain, there is concern that Bt crops release Bt toxins into the soil environment which reduces soil chemical and biological activities. However, the majorities of such studies were mainly performed under pot experiments, relatively little research has examined the direct and indirect effects of associated cover crop of peanut with fertilization by combined application of organic and inorganic sources of nitrogen under field conditions. We compared soil chemical and biological parameters of Bt cotton with pure crop of peanut to arrive on a valid conclusion. Significantly higher dehydrogenase enzyme activity and KMnO4-N content of soil were observed in Bt cotton with cover crop of peanut over pure Bt cotton followed by pure peanut at all the crop growth stages. However, higher microbial population was maintained by pure peanut over intercropped Bt cotton, but these differences were related to the presence of high amount of KMnO4-N content of soil. By growing cover crop of peanut between Bt cotton rows, bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes population increased by 60%, 14%, and 10%, respectively, over Bt cotton alone. Bt cotton fertilized by combined application of urea and farm yard manure (FYM) maintained higher dehydrogenase enzyme activity, KMnO4-N content of soil and microbial population over urea alone. Significant positive correlations were observed for dry matter accumulation, dehydrogenase enzyme activity, KMnO4-N content, and microbial population of soil of Bt cotton, which indicates no harmful effects of Bt cotton on soil biological parameters and associated cover crop. Our results suggest that inclusion of cover crop of peanut and FYM in Bt cotton enhanced soil chemical and biological parameters which can mask any negative effect of the Bt toxin on microbial activity and thus on enzymatic activities.  相似文献   

Since the 1950s afforestation of degraded land has been the principal means of combatting erosion in a seasonally arid area of central Spain. In the 1970s tree planting of steep hillsides and gully sides was preceded by bench terracing. Experimental sites have been established to monitor runoff and soil losses under mature Pinus forest, 12-year-old Pinus forest, and Cistus matorral. The experiment is being conducted at three scales: large gully or small watershed (c. 3.5 ha), runoff erosion plot (10–21.5 m2), and rainfall simulation plot (1 m2). Monitoring began in October 1992. Discharge was recorded continuously, while sediment loss and soil moisture content were measured on a storm basis. The paper presents summary data on runoff and soil erosion for the three scales and comments on relationships between land management, site characteristics, and these losses. We stress the crucial role of vegetation and its interrelationship with soil properties such as structure and aggregate stability. Matorral was effective in combatting water and soil loss, but we question the practice of afforesting seasonally arid, steeply sided areas that have highly erodible soils.  相似文献   

Morgan Island, located within the ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve in South Carolina, is home to the only free-ranging colony of rhesus monkeys (Macca mulatta) in the continental United States. The purpose of this study was to assess environmental impacts of the monkey colony on water quality in adjacent tidal creeks and on island vegetation. Three tidal creeks were sampled: Morgan Creek, adjacent to the monkey colony; Back Creek, on Morgan Island not adjacent to the colony; and Rock Creek, on a nearby island unoccupied by monkeys. Temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, nutrients and fecal coliform bacteria were measured six times at three sites in each of these creeks, and vegetation change analysis was conducted in a geographic information system using satellite imagery. Results showed elevated fecal coliform concentrations in the Morgan Creek site immediately adjacent to the colony, though no samples exceeded the standard set for recreational water use. Ribotyping reconnaissance matched four Escherichia coli isolates from Morgan and Back Creeks to the monkeys, identifying the colony as one source of fecal coliform bacteria, though relative source loadings could not be quantified. Significant differences were not observed between ammonia or orthophosphate levels in Morgan Creek relative to the other creeks tested; and vegetation change analysis showed a 35% increase in canopy cover between 1979 and 1999. Overall, these results suggest that the rhesus colony’s environmental impacts are localized and minimal. Results from this study provide baseline data on Morgan Island and may be useful in management decisions regarding the future of the monkey colony.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of two insecticides, namely, acetamiprid and carbofuran on the enzymatic activities of arylamidase (as glucose formed from sinigrin) and myrosinase (as β-naphthylamine formed from l-leucine β-naphthylamide) in the black and red clay soils collected from a fallow groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) fields in the Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh, India. The study was realized within the framework of the laboratory experiments in which the acetamiprid and carbofuran were applied to the soils at different doses (1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 kg ha?1). Initially, the physicochechemical properties of the soil samples were analyzed. After 10 days of pesticide application, the soil samples were analyzed for the enzyme activities. Acetamiprid and carbofuran stimulated the arylamidase and myrosinase activities at lower concentrations after 10 days incubation. Striking stimulation in soil enzyme activities was noticed at 2.5 kg ha?1, persists for 20 days in both the soils. Overall, higher concentrations (5.0–10.0 kg ha?1) of acetamiprid and carbofuran were toxic or innocuous to the arylamidase and myrosinase activities. Nevertheless, the outcomes of the present study clearly indicate that the use of these insecticides (at field application rates) in the groundnut fields (black and red clay soils) stimulated the enzyme (arylamidase and myrosinase) activities.  相似文献   

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