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ABSTRACT: The water-based activity involvement of participants at state and federal and local and private facilities identified by using participation rate groups is examined. No differences between participant groups within activities based on socio-economic characteristics were found. However, groups of highly active individuals were identified at both types of properties. It is suggested that social action system variables be added to traditional social aggregate variables to assist the understanding of leisure involvement.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Participation in water-based recreation activities does not arise in random fashion nor simply as a result of having a water resource immediately available. Neither do individuals and groups engage in the same activities or a specific activity in the same way. The purpose of the present paper is to describe an alternative framework whereby differences among recreation users can be identified. Prior to this time, research directed toward understanding participation patterns at a recreational site have emphasized the activities while ignoring the human behavior factors which determine how participation arises. People consider recreation sites to be leisure settings in which the definition of such places has a broader socio-cultural meaning than that the site was designed. These definitions are reflected within the context of the social group and can be observed in the subsequent orientation to leisure and play. When activities are considered in the context of a human group, differences in participation patterns can be discovered.  相似文献   

Impacts from climate change pose a raft of challenges for societies, governments and policy-makers internationally. The anticipated changes are well documented, including rising sea levels, increased floods and other extreme weather conditions. Much research and policy emphasis has focused on technical and economic aspects. Less debated are questions about different communities' vulnerabilities, inequitable distributional impacts, social justice issues and how vulnerability links to social inclusion/exclusion. This paper explores a case study mapping social exclusion and vulnerability in Brisbane, Queensland, which found that while communities can be vulnerable through physical aspects of an area when social dimensions are added to the equation it amplifies or exacerbates the scale of vulnerability. The findings also suggest that in developing research agendas and policy debates around climate change, there could be benefits from interlinking the currently separate areas of work on social vulnerability to extreme weather events, to forms and processes of social inclusion/exclusion.  相似文献   

京津冀都市圈休闲旅游开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国经济发展和旅游需求的增长,休闲旅游消费日益成为我国居民的重要消费构成。京津冀都市圈休闲旅游的发展将有助于提升生活质量,带动相关产业发展,吸引内部休闲客源,提升都市圈及内部城市旅游竞争力,改善区域生态环境。分析了京津冀都市圈经济和旅游发展状况、休闲旅游发展条件、休闲旅游需求变化及开发潜力。在此基础上,论述了休闲地开发布局及相应的策略。  相似文献   

In this paper we look behind the notion of sustainable transport and highlight the tensions and contradictions between the different ways of achieving this. The paper examines transportation plans for a major UK city and describes how these develop the idea and practice of sustainable transport and demand management along three quite distinct trajectories. By focusing on both the technological and the institutional dimensions of three different routes to sustainable transport, the analysis explicates the different ways in which the urban transport problem is framed, the different socio-technical logics of demand management embodied in the plans and the differing ways in which institutional relationships are (re)constituted. A key finding is that technological and institutional innovations are inversely related so that radical technological innovation often serves to reinforce existing social relations of power and exclusion. The conclusion drawn is that the choice is not just between a sustainable and an unsustainable transport future, but also between different forms of sustainability.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,水资源消耗日益增加,供需矛盾日益突出。秦皇岛市已面临水资源日益紧张的严峻形势,节流和开源,建立节水型社会体系,积极开发利用再生水、海水和雨水等非常规水源以及合理地配置和利用水资源,是实现秦皇岛市水资源可持续利用的有效措施。  相似文献   


In this paper we look behind the notion of sustainable transport and highlight the tensions and contradictions between the different ways of achieving this. The paper examines transportation plans for a major UK city and describes how these develop the idea and practice of sustainable transport and demand management along three quite distinct trajectories. By focusing on both the technological and the institutional dimensions of three different routes to sustainable transport, the analysis explicates the different ways in which the urban transport problem is framed, the different socio-technical logics of demand management embodied in the plans and the differing ways in which institutional relationships are (re)constituted. A key finding is that technological and institutional innovations are inversely related so that radical technological innovation often serves to reinforce existing social relations of power and exclusion. The conclusion drawn is that the choice is not just between a sustainable and an unsustainable transport future, but also between different forms of sustainability.  相似文献   

随着我国城市居民以城市周边为目的地的近距离旅游需求日益增长,环城游憩带旅游发展迅速,作为新疆特大城市的乌鲁木齐市目前也已形成环城游憩带的雏形。乌鲁木齐市地处偏远,民族众多,近300万乌鲁木齐市民的休闲与旅游需求成为重要的民生问题,其研究意义重大。采用2003年国家制定的旅游资源分类和评价标准对乌鲁木齐市环城周边旅游资源进行分类及评价分析后发现,乌鲁木齐市环城游憩带旅游资源丰富、类型齐全、优质资源数量众多、分布较为均衡,可为乌鲁木齐市环城游憩带旅游发展提供较好的资源优势。研究结果既能够促进乌鲁木齐市环城游憩带旅游业的健康、持续发展,推动乌鲁木齐市乃至新疆社会的稳定与和谐,也可为类似少数民族地区大城市发展环城游憩带提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Habermas's theory of communicative action is used in this paper to develop a cultural model for empirical studies of environmental policy processes. The model consists of three cultural ideal types: anthropocentric material; anthropocentric immaterial; and ecocentric immaterial. Obstacles to social learning and public participation, such as forms and styles of reasoning and the exclusion of citizens, are brought into focus. Finally, the model functions as a criticism of a pure liberal view of environmental problems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The role of water resources in the urban economic and social environment, particularly in the inner city, has never been established to the degree necessary for making informed decisions on investments in urban waterway and shoreline improvements. The basic tools for measuring psychological and social impacts of waterway and shoreline developments in the inner city have not been fully developed and utilized to date. However, through a detailed analysis of the water resources in the urban core area of Cleveland, it appears that deliberate development of water-based recreation and other environmental resources can lead to improvement in some of the social problems of the inner city. In recreation analysis, there is currently a great gap between methodologies that are conceptually sound and those that have been applied by urban and water-resources planning agencies. New tools and methodologies can only be used successfully when public agencies are given the institutional and policy means for using them equitably in light of social needs. Present urban-water planning practices have been found to be biased against the inner city, often unintentionally.  相似文献   

Gardening has become a relevant contributor to the quality of life of suburbanites, as a source of leisure, to build a relationship with nature or to express a particular social identity. Nevertheless, water scarcity in the Mediterranean region has increased concerns about how demand should be managed to face future uncertainties, and watering the gardens has become an element for discussion in urban planning. This contribution presents the findings of a survey of permanent residents and secondary homeowners (n?=?230) in the suburban areas surrounding the city of Girona in the northeast of Catalonia (Spain). The area is a popular national and international tourist destination and a preferred place for second-home owners. We explore the main socio-demographic drivers for choosing an alternative watering source and we analyse if water-harvesting tank sizes properly meet net irrigation requirements. Results show that many water-harvesting tanks are oversized. The percentage of unemployed or retired household members, the estimated irrigation water needs of the garden and the education level directly influence the search for alternative sources of water. Moreover, social variables like interest in gardening, water conservation attitudes and household income indirectly influence the search for alternative sources of water.  相似文献   

Two hundred and sixty-two travellers staying in caravan parks and who had completed a 340 km trip in North Queensland, Australia, were asked to draw a route map of their journey. The subjects' sex and age were recorded and they were asked for their state of origin, recency of the journey, previous travel over the route and their role as either a passenger or driver. The maps were scored for the number of landmarks, districts, paths, social comments, texture and three measures of orientation. Chi-square analyses revealed that drivers were better oriented than passengers, older subjects made more errors in labelling the landmarks but also produced more general comments (texture score) and subjects who had completed the trip more recently drew more paths. Travellers from the distant southern states also made more labelling errors and fewer general comments on the route. Travellers who had been over the route more often gained a significantly higher correct orientation score than first time or second time travellers. Overall, interaction effects among the main independent variables were not significant. No sex differences in orientation were apparent. It was argued that an understanding of the social, experiential side of leisure driving, using techniques such as the present study, is important for understanding this high energy consuming leisure activity.  相似文献   

This paper presents a brief review of the South to North Water Diversion Project (STNWDP) in China. Basic information about the geography, climate, water resource, water pollution and social situation are provided in order to understand the decision by the Chinese government on the expedited implementation of the STNWDP. The potential problems associated with the STNWDP are discussed. It is proposed that the ultimate objective is to help improve the water environment in north China, rather than to simply meet the ever-increasing water demand and to produce more sewage, and that water price, investment policy and engineering operations are important for achieving this objective. Legislation is needed in the long run because this project involves a large number of districts. The STNWDP, together with global climate warming, will enlarge the temporal variability of water discharge from the Yangtze into the sea and therefore have far-reaching effects on the freshwater resource in areas around the Yangtze delta.  相似文献   

Overuse of recreation sites seems to justify regulation, and the principal tools for this are fee charging or physical exclusion. Both seem equally costly to administer. Both involve equal costs to consumers if recreationists visit from one origin, but if they come from different origins, costs may be greater and consumers' surplus less under either tool, depending on the shape of the demand curve. Which is the more equitable tool depends on the relative representation of rich and poor participants from near and distant origins. Potentially beneficial use of site revenues is an advantage of charging. Neither availability of substitutes nor variation in daily demand seems likely to change these results substantially, but a system of booking admissions before the trip outset might neutralize the advantages of charging. The optimal level of use varies with the regulatory tool chosen. The optimal admissions under exclusion could be fewer than or more than under charging, or may even be equal to unregulated use.  相似文献   

For many centuries, emeralds have bejeweled the rich and famous all over the world. Emeralds have also made many millionaires overnight, sometimes by chance, as in some of the cases reported in this study. On the other hand, even though emerald mining has brought some economic benefits, many of these have remained at the top of the production chain. In many cases mining activities have caused a number of negative social and environmental impacts locally. Working conditions in small mines are very poor in general: with bad ventilation, high temperatures, long working hours, lack of safety, informal working contracts and no health or life insurance. Environmental impacts can be significant, such as widespread deforestation, erosion of abandoned mines, and soil and water pollution in streams. The economic and social public benefits can be minimal. Even when taxes on gem mining are relatively low, much of the mining local activity is informal and the high value-added formal activities take place outside the mining regions. This study aims to understand the dynamics of emerald mining and its impact on local development using the concept of clusters. The research analyzes three case studies in Brazil: Campos Verdes/Santa Terezinha (Goias state), Nova Era/Itabira (Minas Gerais state) and Carnaiba/Campo Formoso (Bahia state). Emerald mining regions attract many migrants, increasing the demand for public services (infrastructure, health, education, etc.), but local governments are unable to provide for them because the activity produces little tax revenue. In the end, there is a growing mismatch between demand and supply of public services, leading to a series of social and environmental problems. However, working with the concept of cluster can help to shed light on policies to improve the local benefits of gem mining, by organizing the miners and their supporting organizations to allow investments that bring long term benefits locally.  相似文献   

Urban public spaces are important areas for leisure, recreation and physical activity and therefore contribute to the quality of life in cities. In particular, for adolescents they provide important spaces to meet with their peers, away from parental or school control. In many cities worldwide, public spaces have undergone severe developmental processes, and often a withdrawal from public space is noted. With regard to the opportunities those spaces provide for adolescents, it is necessary to investigate their current meaning for adolescents in a leisure context. In this article, qualitative research methods were used to investigate factors affecting adolescents’ use of public spaces in Vienna, Austria. In total 45 adolescents were interviewed. Results show that public open spaces are not regarded as important leisure spaces, and data reveal a strong retreat to private areas for leisure purposes. Perceived insecurities and fears support these processes and often result in avoidance of public spaces but also the wish for more control by authorities.  相似文献   

Numerous drivers are providing stimulus for increased water cycle localisation within urban neighbourhoods. This paper uses predominantly Australasian case studies to highlight trends, successes and challenges in the transition to neighbourhood centred water-based services using 'Low Impact' and 'Water Sensitive' design and development techniques. Major steps towards urban sustainability are demonstrated, for example, up to 70% reduction in the demand for potable water (Aurora, Melbourne), removal of contaminated stormwater and sewage effluent discharge to natural waterways vulnerable to nutrient or toxin accumulation, and up to 55% of the area of the greenfield site planted in indigenous species (Regis Park, New Zealand). Reduced demand for potable water would enable continued undiluted use of 'pure' water sources from limited bush catchments (Waitakere Ranges, New Zealand), and less dependence on rivers stressed by low flows. Reductions and dispersion of sewage effluent discharges protects receiving waters, such as Port Phillip Bay, Melbourne, from eutrophication. Reduced stormwater discharge favours retention of the natural hydrological regime of rivers and minimises bioaccumulation of toxins in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study investigates the degree of economic inefficiency of the current institutional arrangements for surface and ground water management in meeting urban water demand in the Jakarta region. A numerical model of integrated surface and ground water management is developed using GAMS (General Algebraic Modelling System) software. The model maximizes the net present value of social benefits from piped water and ground water consumption across all users over time from 1999 to 2025. Four policy scenarios are examined: the status quo, the social planner's solution, and two ground water pumping quota scenarios: an aggregate ground water pumping quota and a partial quota applied to commercial and industrial users. Three variations in each policy scenario are considered: investment in water infrastructure of the Jakarta water enterprise (PAM Jaya), water demand growth, and discount rates. The status quo, depending on the investment option, the growth of water demand, and the discount rate, results in a 7.4 to 47.8 percent loss in economic efficiency relative to the social planner's solution. The partial quota is the most feasible, applicable, and manageable scenario. The optimal investment option could increase the volume of piped water supply and reduce the cost of water production. The volume of water delivery could increase by up to 156 percent, but it implies only a 35 percent increase in the surface raw water demands above the current level. However, it does not significantly reduce cumulative ground water extraction over the time period considered.  相似文献   


As local climate adaptation activity increases, so does the number of questions about costs, benefits, financing and the role that economic considerations play in adaptation-related decision-making and policy. Through five cases, covering a range of climate risks and types of adaptation measures, this paper critically examines Swedish project coordinators’ perceptions of costs and benefits in already-implemented climate adaptation measures. Our study finds that project coordinators make use of different system boundaries – on temporal, geographical and administrative scales – in their cost/benefit evaluations, making the practice of determining adaptation costs arbitrary and hard to compare. We further demonstrate that the project coordinators interpret costs and benefits in a manner that downplays the intangible environmental and social costs and benefits arising from the adaptation measures, despite their own experience of how such measures negatively impact upon social value. The exclusion of social and environmental costs and benefits has severe implications for justice, as it can bias decisions against people and ecosystems that are affected negatively. Based on the findings, we propose three tentative social justice dilemmas in local climate adaptation planning and implementation: 1. Cost and benefit distribution across scales; 2. The identification and valuation of non-market effects; and 3. The equitable allocation of costs and benefits.  相似文献   

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