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The nitrate (NO(3)(-)) removal capacity of riparian zones is well documented, but information is lacking with regard to N(2)O emission from riparian ecosystems and factors controlling temporal dynamics of this potent greenhouse gas. We monitored N(2)O fluxes (static chambers) and measured denitrification (C(2)H(2) block using soil cores) at six riparian sites along a fourth-order stretch of the White River (Indiana, USA) to assess the effect of flood regime, vegetation type, and forest maturity on these processes. The study sites included shrub/grass, aggrading (<15 yr-old), and mature (>80 yr) forests that were flooded either frequently (more than four to six times per year), occasionally (two to three times per year), or rarely (every 20 yr). While the effect of forest maturity and vegetation type (0.52 and 0.65 mg N(2)O-m(-2) d(-1) in adjacent grassed and forested sites) was not significant, analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a significant effect ( < 0.01) of flood regime on N(2)O emission. Among the mature forests, mean N(2)O flux was in this order: rarely flooded (0.33) < occasionally flooded (0.99) < frequently flooded (1.72). Large pulses of N(2)O emission (up to 80 mg N(2)O-m(-2) d(-1)) occurred after flood events, but the magnitude of the flux enhancement varied with flood event, being higher after short-duration than after long-duration floods. This pattern was consistent with the inverse relationship between soil moisture and mole fraction of N(2)O, and instances of N(2)O uptake near the river margin after flood events. These results highlight the complexity of N(2)O dynamics in riparian zones and suggest that detailed flood analysis (frequency and duration) is required to determine the contribution of riparian ecosystems to regional N(2)O budget.  相似文献   

To quantify ground water denitrification in discrete locations of riparian aquifers, we modified and evaluated an in situ method based on conservative tracers and 15N-enriched nitrate. Ground water was "pushed" (i.e., injected) into a mini-piezometer and then "pulled" (i.e., extracted) from the same mini-piezometer after an incubation period. This push-pull method was applied in replicate mini-piezometers at two Rhode Island riparian sites, one fresh water and one brackish water. Conservative tracer pretests were conducted to determine incubation periods, ranging from 5 to 120 h, to optimize recovery of introduced plumes. For nitrate push-pull tests, we used two conservative tracers, sulfur hexafluoride and bromide, to provide insight into plume recovery. The two conservative tracers behaved similarly. The dosing solutions were amended with 15N-enriched nitrate that enabled us to quantify the mass of denitrification gases generated during the incubation period. The in situ push-pull method detected substantial denitrification rates at a site where we had previously observed high denitrification rates. At our brackish site, we found high rates of ground water denitrification in marsh locations and minimal denitrification in soils fringing the marsh. The push-pull method can provide useful insights into spatial and temporal patterns of denitrification in riparian zones. The method is robust and results are not seriously affected by dilution or degassing from ground water to soil air. In conjunction with measurements of ground water flow-paths, this method holds promise for evaluating the influence of site and management factors on the ground water nitrate removal capacity of riparian zones.  相似文献   

Denitrification potential in urban riparian zones   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Denitrification, the anaerobic microbial conversion of nitrate (NO3-) to nitrogen (N) gases, is an important process contributing to the ability of riparian zones to function as "sinks" for NO3- in watersheds. There has been little analysis of riparian zones in urban watersheds despite concerns about high NO3- concentrations in many urban streams. Vegetation and soils in urban ecosystems are often highly disturbed, and few studies have examined microbial processes like denitrification in these ecosystems. In this study, we measured denitrification potential and a suite of related microbial parameters (microbial biomass carbon [C] and N content, potential net N mineralization and nitrification, soil inorganic N pools) in four rural and four urban riparian zones in the Baltimore, MD metropolitan area. Two of the riparian zones were forested and two had herbaceous vegetation in each land use context. There were few differences between urban and rural and herbaceous and forest riparian zones, but variability was much higher in urban than rural sites. There were strong positive relationships between soil moisture and organic matter content and denitrification potential. Given the importance of surface runoff in urban watersheds, the high denitrification potential of the surface soils that we observed suggests that if surface runoff can be channeled through areas with high denitrification potential (e.g., stormwater detention basins with wetland vegetation), these areas could function as important NO3- sinks in urban watersheds.  相似文献   

Riparian buffers are used throughout the world for the protection of water bodies from nonpoint-source nitrogen pollution. Few studies of riparian or treatment wetland denitrification consider the production of nitrous oxide (N2O). The objectives of this research were to ascertain the level of potential N2O production in riparian buffers and identify controlling factors for N2O accumulations within riparian soils of an agricultural watershed in the southeastern Coastal Plain of the USA. Soil samples were obtained from ten sites (site types) with different agronomic management and landscape position. Denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) was measured by the acetylene inhibition method. Nitrous oxide accumulations were measured after incubation with and without acetylene (baseline N2O production). The mean DEA (with acetylene) was 59 microg N2O-N kg(-1) soil h(-1) for all soil samples from the watershed. If no acetylene was added to block conversion of N2O to N2, only 15 microg N2O-N kg(-1) soil h(-1) were accumulated. Half of the samples accumulated no N2O. The highest level of denitrification was found in the soil surface layers and in buffers impacted by either livestock waste or nitrogen from legume production. Nitrous oxide accumulations (with acetylene inhibition) were correlated to soil nitrogen (r2=0.59). Without acetylene inhibition, correlations with soil and site characteristics were lower. Nitrous oxide accumulations were found to be essentially zero, if the soil C/N ratios>25. Soil C/N ratios may be an easily measured and widely applicable parameter for identification of potential hot spots of N2O productions from riparian buffers.  相似文献   

We investigated the seasonal patterns of denitrification rates and potentials in soil profiles along the topohydrosequence formed at the upland-wetland interface in three riparian wetlands with different vegetation cover (i.e., forest, understory vegetation, and grass). Denitrification was measured using the acetylene inhibition method on soil cores and slurries, which provided a means of comparing the relative activity of this process in different locations. We evaluated, on a seasonal basis, the respective importance of the vegetative cover and the hydromorphic gradient as factors limiting denitrification. Regardless of the season, vegetation type, or lateral position along each topohydrosequence in the riparian wetlands, strong significant gradients of both in situ and potential denitrification rates were measured within a soil profile. Results confirm that the upper organic soil horizon is the most active, when in contact with the ground water. In deeper soil horizons, denitrification activity was low (from 0.004 to 0.5 mg N kg(-1) dry soil d(-1)), but contributed significantly to the reduction of ground water NO3- load along the riparian ground water flowpath (from 9.32 to 0.98 mg NO3-N L(-1)). Along the soil topohydrosequence, the denitrifying community of the upper soil horizons did not vary significantly on a seasonal basis despite the large seasonal ground water fluctuations. Along each topohydrosequence, the denitrification-limiting factor gradually shifted from anaerobiosis to NO3- supply. In situ denitrification rates in the forested, understory vegetation and grass sites were not significantly different. This result emphasizes the importance of the topography of the valley rather than the vegetation cover in controlling denitrification activity in riparian wetlands.  相似文献   

Mediterranean riparian zones can experience severe drought periods that lead to low soil moisture content, which dramatically affects their performance as nitrate removal systems. In the Mediterranean riparian zone of this study, we determined that N2O emission was practically nil. To understand the role of forest floor processes in nitrogen retention of a Mediterranean riparian area, we studied leaf litter dynamics of two tree species, London planetree [Platanus x acerifolia (Aiton) Willd.] and alder [Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.], for two years, along with soil nitrogen mineralization rates. Annual leaf litter fall equaled 562.6 +/- 10.1 (standard error) g dry wt. m(-2), 68% of which was planetree and 32% of which was alder. The temporal distribution of litterfall showed a two-peak annual cycle, one occurring in midsummer, the other in autumn. Planetree provided the major input of organic nitrogen to the forest floor, and the amount of planetree leaves remaining on the forest floor was equivalent to approximately four years of stock. Leaf litter decomposition was three times higher for alder (decay coefficient [k] = 1.13 yr(-1)) than for planetree (k = 0.365 yr(-1)). Mineralization rates showed a seasonal pattern, with the maximum rate in summer (1.92 mg N kg(-1) d(-1)). Although the forest floor was an important sink for nitrogen due to planetree leaf accumulation, 7.5% of this leaf litter was scoured to the streambed by wind. This loss was irrelevant for alder leaves. Due to the litter quality, the forest floor of this Mediterranean riparian forest acts as a nitrogen sink.  相似文献   

Surface runoff water quality in a managed three zone riparian buffer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Managed riparian forest buffers are an important conservation practice but there are little data on the water quality effects of buffer management. We measured surface runoff volumes and nutrient concentrations and loads in a riparian buffer system consisting of (moving down slope from the field) a grass strip, a managed forest, and an unmanaged forest. The managed forest consisted of sections of clear-cut, thinned, and mature forest. The mature forest had significantly lower flow-weighted concentrations of nitrate, ammonium, total Kjeldahl N (TKN), sediment TKN, total N (nitrate + TKN), dissolved molybdate reactive P (DMRP), total P, and chloride. The average buffer represented the conditions along a stream reach with a buffer system in different stages of growth. Compared with the field output, flow-weighted concentrations of nitrate, ammonium, DMRP, and total P decreased significantly within the buffer and flow-weighted concentrations of TKN, total N, and chloride increased significantly within the buffer. All loads decreased significantly from the field to the middle of the buffer, but most loads increased from the middle of the buffer to the sampling point nearest the stream because surface runoff volume increased near the stream. The largest percentage reduction of the incoming nutrient load (at least 65% for all nutrient forms) took place in the grass buffer zone because of the large decrease (68%) in flow. The average buffer reduced loadings for all nutrient species, from 27% for TKN to 63% for sediment P. The managed forest and grass buffer combined was an effective buffer system.  相似文献   

The influence of riparian zone lithology on nitrate dynamics is poorly understood. We investigated vertical variations in potential denitrification activity in relation to the lithology and stratigraphy of five headwater riparian zones on glacial till and outwash landscapes in southern Ontario, Canada. Conductive coarse sand and gravel layers occurred in four of the five riparian areas. These layers were thin and did not extend to the field-riparian perimeter in some riparian zones, which limited their role as conduits for ground water flow. We found widespread organic-rich layers at depths ranging from 40 to 300 cm that resulted from natural floodplain processes and the burial of surface soils by rapid valley-bottom sedimentation after European settlement. The organic matter content of these layers varied considerably from 2 to 5% (relic channel deposit) to 5 to 21% (buried soils) and 30 to 62% (buried peat). Denitrification potential (DNP) was measured by the acetylene block method in sediment slurries amended with nitrate. The highest DNP rates were usually found in the top 0- to 15-cm surface soil layer in all riparian zones. However, a steep decline in DNP with depth was often absent and high DNP activity occurred in the deep organic-rich layers. Water table variations in 2000-2002 indicated that ground water only interacted frequently with riparian surface soils between late March and May, whereas subsurface organic layers that sustain considerable DNP were below the water table for most of the year. These results suggest that riparian zones with organic deposits at depth may effectively remove nitrate from ground water even when the water table does not interact with organic-rich surface soil horizons.  相似文献   

The ground water denitrification capacity of riparian zones in deep soils, where substantial ground water can flow through low-gradient stratified sediments, may affect watershed nitrogen export. We hypothesized that the vertical pattern of ground water denitrification in riparian hydric soils varies with geomorphic setting and follows expected subsurface carbon distribution (i.e., abrupt decline with depth in glacial outwash vs. negligible decline with depth in alluvium). We measured in situ ground water denitrification rates at three depths (65, 150, and 300 cm) within hydric soils at four riparian sites (two per setting) using a 15N-enriched nitrate "push-pull" method. No significant difference was found in the pattern and magnitude of denitrification when grouping sites by setting. At three sites there was no significant difference in denitrification among depths. Correlations of site characteristics with denitrification varied with depth. At 65 cm, ground water denitrification correlated with variables associated with the surface ecosystem (temperature, dissolved organic carbon). At deeper depths, rates were significantly higher closer to the stream where the subsoil often contains organically enriched deposits that indicate fluvial geomorphic processes. Mean rates ranged from 30 to 120 microg N kg(-1) d(-1) within 10 m versus <1 to 40 microg N kg(-1) d(-1) at >30 m from the stream. High denitrification rates observed in hydric soils, down to 3 m within 10 m of the stream in both alluvial and glacial outwash settings, argue for the importance of both settings in evaluating the significance of riparian wetlands in catchment-scale N dynamics.  相似文献   

The intensity of management of lowland grassland fields in the United Kingdom, coupled with the fact that such grasslands dominate much of the lowland landscape, means that there are now few opportunities for many plants, invertebrates, birds, or mammals to survive. The Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) has investigated whether fencing off the margins of such fields next to watercourses to control diffuse pollution has any positive impacts on biodiversity, based on assessments of vegetation composition and condition and structure of assemblages of invertebrates of importance as foodstuffs to farmland birds. Fencing watercourses increased the abundance of key groups of invertebrates. However, the invertebrate species diversity was not increased unless the margins were ≥ 5.4 m in width. Margins established in the study area to prevent access by livestock to watercourses or to enhance biodiversity are generally ≤ 2.6 m wide and are therefore unlikely to provide conditions for additional invertebrate species to use. The dense, tall swards within such margins are also unlikely to provide foraging opportunities for farmland birds. Management (such as low-intensity grazing by livestock in the margins) is essential to provide the conditions required for these groups, but this could conflict with the diffuse pollution mitigation aims. A compromise is proposed whereby limited autumn/winter grazing by livestock could be used to open the vegetation structure in the margins. Grazing by livestock at that time may be acceptable since it is not occurring in the period of main diffuse pollution concern (i.e., the fecal contamination of watercourses and bathing waters in the spring and summer). It is also essential that a landscape-scale approach is taken, driven by knowledge of the full needs of the species concerned, when deciding where best to target agri-environmental actions aimed at farmland bird conservation.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emissions from corn-soybean systems in the midwest   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil N2O emissions from three corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] systems in central Iowa were measured from the spring of 2003 through February 2005. The three managements systems evaluated were full-width tillage (fall chisel plow, spring disk), no-till, and no-till with a rye (Secale cereale L. 'Rymin') winter cover crop. Four replicate plots of each treatment were established within each crop of the rotation and both crops were present in each of the two growing seasons. Nitrous oxide fluxes were measured weekly during the periods of April through October, biweekly during March and November, and monthly in December, January, and February. Two polyvinyl chloride rings (30-cm diameter) were installed in each plot (in and between plant rows) and were used to support soil chambers during the gas flux measurements. Flux measurements were performed by placing vented chambers on the rings and collecting gas samples 0, 15, 30, and 45 min following chamber deployment. Nitrous oxide fluxes were computed from the change in N2O concentration with time, after accounting for diffusional constraints. We observed no significant tillage or cover crop effects on N2O flux in either year. In 2003 mean N2O fluxes were 2.7, 2.2, and 2.3 kg N2O-N ha(-1) yr(-1) from the soybean plots under chisel plow, no-till, and no-till + cover crop, respectively. Emissions from the chisel plow, no-till, and no-till + cover crop plots planted to corn averaged 10.2, 7.9, and 7.6 kg N2O-N ha(-1) yr(-1), respectively. In 2004 fluxes from both crops were higher than in 2003, but fluxes did not differ among the management systems. Fluxes from the corn plots were significantly higher than from the soybean plots in both years. Comparison of our results with estimates calculated using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change default emission factor of 0.0125 indicate that the estimated fluxes underestimate measured emissions by a factor of 3 at our sites.  相似文献   

The Willamette Valley of Oregon has extensive areas of poorly drained, commercial grass seed lands. Little is know about the ability of riparian areas in these settings to reduce nitrate in water draining from grass seed fields. We established two study sites with similar soils and hydrology but contrasting riparian vegetation along an intermittent stream that drains perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) fields in the Willamette Valley of western Oregon. We installed a series of nested piezometers along three transects at each site to examine NO3-N in shallow ground water in grass seed fields and riparian areas. Results showed that a noncultivated riparian zone comprised of grasses and herbaceous vegetation significantly reduced NO3-N concentrations of shallow ground water moving from grass seed fields. Darcy's law-based estimates of shallow ground water flow through riparian zone A/E horizons revealed that this water flowpath could account for only a very small percentage of the streamflow. Even though there is great potential for NO3-N to be reduced as water moves through the noncultivated riparian zone with grass-herbaceous vegetation, the potential was not fully realized because only a small proportion of the stream flow interacts with riparian zone soils. Consequently, effective NO3-N water quality management in poorly drained landscapes similar to the study watershed is primarily dependent on implementation of sound agricultural practices within grass seed fields and is less influenced by riparian zone vegetation. Wise fertilizer application rates and timing are key management tools to reduce export of NO3-N in stream waters.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide dynamics in a braided river system, New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emission factor EF5-r was revised downward to a value of 0.0025 kg N?O-N per kg NO?-N leached. It was not reduced further due to the continued uncertainty surrounding the dynamics of N?O in river systems. There have been few studies where river system N?O yields and fluxes have been measured. In this study, we examined the relationship between NO?-N and N?O-N fluxes at 10 sites along a braided river system (84 km) over a 397-d period. Isotopic analysis of NO?-N river water samples and the potential agricultural nitrogen (N) sources demonstrated that the NO?-N came from agricultural or sewage sources. Percent saturation of N?O varied with site and date (average, 114%) and correlated with river N?O-N concentrations. Modeled N?O fluxes (16-30 μg m(-2) h(-1)) from five sites were strongly related to river NO?-N concentrations ( r2 = 0.86). The modeled N?O-N fluxes ranged from 39 to 81% of the IPCC-derived emissions based on the NO?-N load in the river over 397 d and do not support further lowering of the EF5-r. Further in situ river studies are required to verify the N?O-N fluxes and the calculated gas transfer velocity values for these braided river systems.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N?O) is a long-lived and potent greenhouse gas produced during microbial nitrification and denitrification. In developed countries, centralized water reclamation plants often use these processes for N removal before effluent is used for irrigation or discharged to surface water, thus making this treatment a potentially large source of N?O in urban areas. In the arid but densely populated southwestern United States, water reclamation for irrigation is an important alternative to long-distance water importation. We measured N?O concentrations and fluxes from several wastewater treatment processes in urban southern California. We found that N removal during water reclamation may lead to in situ N?O emission rates that are three or more times greater than traditional treatment processes (C oxidation only). In the water reclamation plants tested, N?O production was a greater percentage of total N removed (1.2%) than traditional treatment processes (C oxidation only) (0.4%). We also measured stable isotope ratios (δN and δO) of emitted N?O and found distinct δN signatures of N?O from denitrification (0.0 ± 4.0 ‰) and nitrification reactors (-24.5 ± 2.2 ‰), respectively. These isotope data confirm that both nitrification and denitrification contribute to N?O emissions within the same treatment plant. Our estimates indicate that N?O emissions from biological N removal for water reclamation may be several orders of magnitude greater than N?O emissions from agricultural activities in highly urbanized southern California. Our results suggest that wastewater treatment that includes biological nitrogen removal can significantly increase urban N?O emissions.  相似文献   

In the United States, swine (Sus scrofa) operations produce more than 14 Tg of manure each year. About 30% of this manure is stored in anaerobic lagoons before application to land. While land application of manure supplies nutrients for crop production, it may lead to gaseous emissions of ammonia (NH3) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Our objectives were to quantify gaseous fluxes of NH3 and N2O from effluent applications under field conditions. Three applications of swine effluent were applied to soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. 'Brim'] and gaseous fluxes were determined from gas concentration profiles and the flux-gradient gas transport technique. About 12% of ammonium (NH4-N) in the effluent was lost through drift or secondary volatilization of NH3 during irrigation. An additional 23% was volatilized within 48 h of application. Under conditions of low windspeed and with the wind blowing from the lagoon to the field, atmospheric concentrations of NH3 increased and the crop absorbed NH3 at the rate of 1.2 kg NH3 ha(-1) d(-1), which was 22 to 33% of the NH3 emitted from the lagoon during these periods. Nitrous oxide emissions were low before effluent applications (0.016 g N2O-N ha(-1) d(-1)) and increased to 25 to 38 g N2O-N ha(-1) d(-1) after irrigation. Total N2O emissions during the measurement period were 4.1 kg N2O-N ha(-1), which was about 1.5% of total N applied. The large losses of NH3 and N2O illustrate the difficulty of basing effluent irrigation schedules on N concentrations and that NH3 emissions can significantly contribute to N enrichment of the environment.  相似文献   

Urban ecosystems are rapidly expanding and their effects on atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O) inventories are unknown. Our objectives were to: (i) measure the magnitude, seasonal patterns, and annual emissions of N2O in turfgrass; (ii) evaluate effects of fertilization with a high and low rate of urea N; and (iii) evaluate effects of urea and ammonium sulfate on N2O emissions in turfgrass. Nitrogen fertilizers were applied to turfgrass: (i) urea, high rate (UH; 250 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)); (ii) urea, low rate (UL; 50 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)); and (iii) ammonium sulfate, high rate (AS; 250 kg N ha(-1) y(-1)); high N rates were applied in five split applications. Soil fluxes of N2O were measured weekly for 1 yr using static surface chambers and analyzing N2O by gas chromatography. Fluxes of N2O ranged from -22 microg N2O-N m(-2) h(-1) during winter to 407 microg N2O-N m(-2) h(-1) after fall fertilization. Nitrogen fertilization increased N2O emissions by up to 15 times within 3 d, although the amount of increase differed after each fertilization. Increases were greater when significant precipitation occurred within 3 d after fertilization. Cumulative annual emissions of N2O-N were 1.65 kg ha(-1) in UH, 1.60 kg ha(-1) in AS, and 1.01 kg ha(-1) in UL. Thus, annual N2O emissions increased 63% in turfgrass fertilized at the high compared with the low rate of urea, but no significant effects were observed between the two fertilizer types. Results suggest that N fertilization rates may be managed to mitigate N2O emissions in turfgrass ecosystems.  相似文献   

Riparian zones are deemed significant due to their interception capability of non-point source impacts and the maintenance of ecosystem integrity region wide. To improve classification and change detection of riparian buffers, this paper developed an evolutionary computational, supervised classification method--the RIparian Classification Algorithm (RICAL)--to conduct the seasonal change detection of riparian zones in a vast semi-arid watershed, South Texas. RICAL uniquely demonstrates an integrative effort to incorporate both vegetation indices and soil moisture images derived from LANDSAT 5 TM and RADARSAT-1 satellite images, respectively. First, an estimation of soil moisture based on RADARSAT-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images was conducted via the first-stage genetic programming (GP) practice. Second, for the statistical analyses and image classification, eight vegetation indices were prepared based on reflectance factors that were calculated as the response of the instrument on LANDSAT. These spectral vegetation indices were then independently used for discriminate analysis along with soil moisture images to classify the riparian zones via the second-stage GP practice. The practical implementation was assessed by a case study in the Choke Canyon Reservoir Watershed (CCRW), South Texas, which is mostly agricultural and range land in a semi-arid coastal environment. To enhance the application potential, a combination of Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Techniques (ISODATA) and maximum likelihood supervised classification was also performed for spectral discrimination and classification of riparian varieties comparatively. Research findings show that the RICAL algorithm may yield around 90% accuracy based on the unseen ground data. But using different vegetation indices would not significantly improve the final quality of the spectral discrimination and classification. Such practices may lead to the formulation of more effective management strategies for the handling of non-point source pollution, bird habitat monitoring, and grazing and live stock management in the future.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas, and NO and NO2 play a key role in atmospheric chemistry. Nitrous oxide, NO, and NO2 fluxes from fertilized soils were measured six times per day by an automated flux monitoring system for one year, beginning on 21 May 1998. Pac choi (Brassica spp.) was cultivated for two months, and the plots were left fallow the remainder of the year. Two types of manure, poultry manure (PM) and swine manure (SM), and a chemical fertilizer, urea, were applied to the soil. The total amount of nitrogen applied in each case was 15 g N m(-2). The total fluxes from PM, SM, and urea for the year were 184, 61.3, and 44.8 mg N m(-2) for N2O, respectively; 9.95, 16.6, and 148 mg N m(-2) for NO, respectively; and -6.21, -7.23, and -7.84 mg N m(-2) for NO2, respectively. A negative correlation was found between the NO flux and the NO concentration of the chamber air just after the chamber was closed, when a flux from the atmosphere to soil was observed for 10 months. The mean gross NO production, the NO uptake rate constant, and the apparent compensation point for this period were 0.79 to 0.95 microg N m(-2) h(-1), 120 to 128 L m(-2) h(-1), and 5.65 to 7.35 ppbv, respectively.  相似文献   

The use of various animal manures for nitrogen (N) fertilization is often viewed as a viable replacement for mineral N fertilizers. However, the impacts of amendment type on NO production may vary. In this study, NO emissions were measured for 2 yr on two soil types with contrasting texture and carbon (C) content under a cool, humid climate. Treatments consisted of a no-N control, calcium ammonium nitrate, poultry manure, liquid cattle manure, or liquid swine manure. The N sources were surface applied and immediately incorporated at 90 kg N ha before seeding of spring wheat ( L.). Cumulative NO-N emissions from the silty clay ranged from 2.2 to 8.3 kg ha yr and were slightly lower in the control than in the fertilized plots ( = 0.067). The 2-yr mean NO emission factors ranged from 2.0 to 4.4% of added N, with no difference among N sources. Emissions of NO from the sandy loam soil ranged from 0.3 to 2.2 kg NO-N ha yr, with higher emissions with organic than mineral N sources ( = 0.015) and the greatest emissions with poultry manure ( < 0.001). The NO emission factor from plots amended with poultry manure was 1.8%, more than double that of the other treatments (0.3-0.9%), likely because of its high C content. On the silty clay, the yield-based NO emissions (g NO-N kg grain yield N) were similar between treatments, whereas on the sandy loam, they were greatest when amended with poultry manure. Our findings suggest that, compared with mineral N sources, manure application only increases soil NO flux in soils with low C content.  相似文献   

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