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The risk of P loss from manured soils is more related to P fractions than total P concentration in manure. This study examined the impact of manure P fractions on P losses from liquid swine manure- (LSM), solid cattle manure- (SCM), and monoammonium phosphate- (MAP) treated soils. Manure or fertilizer was applied at 50 mg P kg soil, mixed, and incubated at 20°C for 6 wk to simulate the interaction between applied P and soil when P is applied well in advance of a high risk period for runoff. Phosphorus fractions in manure were determined using the modified Hedley fractionation scheme. We used simulated rainfall (75 mm h?1 for 1 h) to quantify P losses in runoff from two soils (sand and clay loam). The proportion of total labile P (total P in water+NaHCO fractions) in manure was significantly greater in LSM (70%) than SCM (44%). Mean dissolved reactive P (DRP) load in runoff over 60 min was greatest from MAP-treated soil (18.1 mg tray?1), followed by LSM- (14.0 mg tray?1) and SCM- (11.0 mg tray?1) treated soils, all of which were greater than mean DRP load from the check (5.2 mg tray?1). Total labile P (water+NaHCO) in manure was a more accurate predictor of runoff DRP loads than water extractable P, alone, for these two soils. Therefore, NaHCO extraction of manure P may be a useful tool for managing the risk of manure P runoff losses when manure is applied outside a high risk period for runoff loss.  相似文献   

Concern over nonpoint source P losses from agricultural lands to surface waters in frigid climates has focused attention on the role of freezing and thawing on P loss from catch crops (cover crops). This study evaluated the effect of freezing and thawing on the fate of P in bare soils, soils mixed with dairy manure, and soils with an established catch crop of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.). Experiments were conducted to evaluate changes in P runoff from packed soil boxes (100 by 20 by 5 cm) and P leaching from intact soil columns (30 cm deep). Before freezing and thawing, total P (TP) in runoff from catch-cropped soils was lower than from manured and bare soils due to lower erosion. Repeated freezing and thawing significantly increased water-extractable P (WEP) from catch crop biomass and resulted in significantly elevated concentrations of dissolved P in runoff (9.7 mg L(-1)) compared with manured (0.18 mg L(-1)) and bare soils (0.14 mg L(-1)). Catch crop WEP was strongly correlated with the number of freeze-thaw cycles. Freezing and thawing did not change the WEP of soils mixed with manures, nor were differences observed in subsurface losses of P between catch-cropped and bare soils before or after manure application. This study illustrates the trade-offs of establishing catch crops in frigid climates, which can enhance P uptake by biomass and reduce erosion potential but increase dissolved P runoff.  相似文献   

Excessively high soil P can increase P loss with surface runoff. This study used indoor rainfall simulations to characterize soil and runoff P relationships for five Midwest soils (Argiudoll, Calciaquaoll, Hapludalf, and two Hapludolls). Topsoil (15-cm depth, 241-289 g clay kg(-1) and pH 6.0-8.0) was incubated with five NH4H2PO4 rates (0-600 mg P kg(-1)) for 30 d. Total soil P (TPS) and soil-test P (STP) measured with Bray-P1 (BP), Mehlich-3 (M3P), Olsen (OP), Fe-oxide-impregnated paper (FeP), and water (WP) tests were 370 to 1360, 3 to 530, 10 to 675, 4 to 640, 7 to 507, and 2 to 568 mg P kg(-1), respectively. Degree of soil P saturation (DPS) was estimated by indices based on P sorption index (PSI) and STP (DPSSTP) and P, Fe, and Al extracted by ammonium oxalate (DPSox) or Mehlich-3 (DPSM3). Soil was packed to 1.1 g cm(-3) bulk density in triplicate boxes set at 4% slope. Surface runoff was collected during 75 min of 6.5 cm h(-1) rain. Runoff bioavailable P (BAP) and dissolved reactive P (DRP) increased linearly with increased P rate, STP, DPSox, and DPSM3 but curvilinearly with DPSSTP. Correlations between DRP or BAP and soil tests or saturation indices across soils were greatest (r > or = 0.95) for FeP, OP, and WP and poorest for BP and TPS (r = 0.83-0.88). Excluding the calcareous soil (Calciaquoll) significantly improved correlations only for BP. Differences in relationships between runoff P and the soil tests were small or nonexistent among the noncalcareous soils. Routine soil P tests can estimate relationships between runoff P concentration and P application or soil P, although estimates would be improved by separate calibrations for calcareous and noncalcareous soils.  相似文献   

Predicting dissolved phosphorus in runoff from manured field plots   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dissolved inorganic P transport in runoff from agricultural soils is an environmental concern. Models are used to predict P transport but rarely simulate P in runoff from surface-applied manures. Using field-plot data, we tested a previously proposed model to predict manure P in runoff. We updated the model to include more data relating water to manure ratio to manure P released during water extractions. We verified that this update can predict P release from manure to rain using published data. We tested the updated model using field-plot and soil-box data from three manure runoff studies. The model accurately predicted runoff P for boxes, but underpredicted runoff P for plots. Underpredictions were caused by runoff to rain ratios used to distribute P into runoff or infiltration. We developed P distribution fractions from manure water extraction data to replace runoff to rain ratios. Calculating P distribution fractions requires knowing rainfall rate and times that runoff begins and rain stops. Using P distribution fractions gave accurate predictions of runoff P for soil boxes and field plots. We observed relationships between measured runoff to rain ratios and both P distribution fractions and a degree of error in original predictions, calculated as (measured runoff P/predicted runoff P). Using independent field-plot data, we verified that original underpredictions of manure runoff P can be improved by calculating P distribution fractions from measured runoff to rain ratios or adjusting runoff to rain ratios based on their degree of error. Future work should test the model at field or watershed scales and at longer time scales.  相似文献   

Phosphorus application in excess of crop needs has increased the concentration of P in surface soil and runoff and led many states to develop P-based nutrient management strategies. However, insufficient data are available relating P in surface soil, surface runoff, and subsurface drainage to develop sound guidelines. Thus, we investigated P release from the surface (0-5 cm depth) of a Denbigh silt loam from Devon, U.K. (30-160 mg kg-1 Olsen P) and Alvin, Berks, Calvin, and Watson soils from Pennsylvania (10-763 mg kg-1 Mehlich-3 P) in relation to the concentration of P in surface runoff and subsurface drainage. A change point, where the slopes of two linear relationships between water- or CaCl2-extractable soil P and soil test phosphorus (STP) (Olsen or Mehlich-3) meet, was evident for the Denbigh at 33 to 36 mg kg-1 Olsen P, and the Alvin and Berks soils at 185 to 190 mg Mehlich-3 P kg-1. Similar change points were also observed when STP was related to the P concentration of surface runoff (185 mg kg-1) and subsurface drainage (193 mg kg-1). The use of water and CaCl2 extraction of surface soil is suggested to estimate surface runoff P (r2 of 0.92 for UK and 0.86 for PA soils) and subsurface drainage P (r2 of 0.82 for UK and 0.88 for PA soils), and to determine a change point in STP, which may be used in support of agricultural and environmental P management.  相似文献   

Manure applied to agricultural land at rates that exceed annual crop nutrient requirements can be a source of phosphorus in runoff. Manure incorporation is often recommended to reduce phosphorus losses in runoff. A small plot rainfall simulation study was conducted at three sites in Alberta to evaluate the effects of manure rate and incorporation on phosphorus losses. Treatments consisted of three solid beef cattle manure application rates (50, 100, and 200 kg ha(-1) total phosphorus), an unmanured control, and two incorporation methods (nonincorporated and incorporated with one pass of a double disk). Simulated rain was applied to soils with freshly applied and residual (1 yr after application) manure at 70 mm h(-1) to produce 30 min of runoff. Soil test phosphorus (STP), total phosphorus (TP), and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) concentrations in runoff increased with manure rate for fresh and residual manure. Initial abstraction and runoff volumes did not change with manure rate. Initial abstraction, runoff volumes, and phosphorus concentrations did not change with manure incorporation at Lacombe and Wilson, but initial abstraction volumes increased and runoff volumes and phosphorus concentrations decreased with incorporation of fresh manure at Beaverlodge. Phosphorus losses in runoff were directly related to phosphorus additions. Extraction coefficients (slopes of the regression lines) for the linear relationships between residual manure STP and phosphorus in runoff were 0.007 to 0.015 for runoff TP and 0.006 to 0.013 for runoff DRP. While incorporation of manure with a double disk had no significant effect on phosphorus losses in runoff from manure-amended soils 1 yr after application, incorporation of manure is still recommended to control nitrogen losses, improve crop nutrient uptake, and potentially reduce odor concerns.  相似文献   

At any time, the phosphorus (P) concentration in surface waters is determined by a complex interaction of inputs of soluble P and sorption-desorption reactions of P with sediments. This study investigated what factors control P in solution when various soil aggregates were mixed, seen as being analogous to selective soil erosion events, transport, and mixing within river systems. Fifteen soils with widely differing properties were each separated into three aggregate size fractions (2-52 microm, 53-150 microm, and 151-2,000 microm). Resin P, water-soluble phosphorus (WSP), and the phosphorus buffer capacity (PBC = resin P/WSP) were measured for each aggregate size fraction and WSP was also measured for 11 mixes of the aggregate fractions. The smallest aggregates tended to be enriched with resin P relative to the larger aggregates and the whole soils, while the opposite was true for WSP. As the PBC was a function of resin P and WSP, the PBC was greatest in the 2- to 52-microm aggregate size fraction in most cases. When two aggregate size fractions were mixed, the measured WSP was always lower than the predicted WSP (i.e., the average of the WSP in the two individual aggregates), indicating that WSP released by one aggregate fraction could be resorbed by another aggregate fraction. This resorption of P may result in lower than expected solution P concentration in some surface waters. The strength with which an eroded aggregate can release or resorb P to or from solution is in part determined by that aggregate's PBC.  相似文献   

The accumulation of P in agricultural soils due to fertilization has increased the risk of P losses from agricultural fields to surface waters. In risk assessment systems for P losses, both P release from soil to solution and transport mechanisms need to be considered. In this study, the overall objective was to identify soil variables for prediction of potential P release from soil to solution. Soils from nine sites of the Swedish long-term fertility experiment were used, each with four soil P levels. Phosphorus extractable with CaCl2 was used as an estimate of potential P release from soil to solution. Ammonium lactate-extractable phosphorus (P-AL) or NaHCO3-extractable phosphorus (Olsen P) could not be used alone for prediction of potential P release since soils with high phosphorus sorption capacity (PSC) released less P than soils with low PSC at the same soil test phosphorus (STP) level. Degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS) was calculated as Olsen P or P-AL as a percentage of PSC derived from P sorption isotherms or from Fe and Al extractable in ammonium oxalate. The CaCl2-extractable total phosphorus (CaCl2-TP) was exponentially related to these DPS values (r2 > or = 0.79). The CaCl2-TP was also linearly related to ratios between Olsen P or P-AL and a single-point phosphorus sorption index (PSI; r2 > or = 0.86). These ratios, which are easily determined and gave good correlations with CaCl2-TP, seemed to be the most useful estimates of potential P release for risk assessment systems.  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that a significant portion of the total loss of phosphorus (P) from agricultural soils may occur via subsurface drainflow. The aim of this study was to compare the concentrations of different P forms in surface and subsurface runoff, and to assess the potential algal availability of particulate phosphorus (PP) in runoff waters. The material consisted of 91 water-sample pairs (surface runoff vs. subsurface drainage waters) from two artificially drained clayey soils (a Typic Cryaquept and an Aeric Cryaquept) and was analyzed for total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus (TP), dissolved molybdate-reactive phosphorus (DRP), and anion exchange resin-extractable phosphorus (AER-P). On the basis of these determinations, we calculated the concentrations of PP, desorbable particulate phosphorus (PPi), and particulate unavailable (nondesorbable) phosphorus (PUP). Some water samples and the soils were also analyzed for 137Cs activity and particle-size distribution. The major P fraction in the waters studied was PP and, on average, only 7% of it was desorbable by AER. However, a mean of 47% of potentially bioavailable P (AER-P) consisted of PPi. The suspended soil material carried by drainflow contained as much PPi (47-79 mg kg-1) as did the surface runoff sediment (45-82 mg kg-1). The runoff sediments were enriched in clay-sized particles and 137Cs by a factor of about two relative to the surface soils. Our results show that desorbable PP derived from topsoil may be as important a contributor to potentially algal-available P as DRP in both surface and subsurface runoff from clayey soils.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) loss from agricultural land in surface runoff can contribute to eutrophication of surface water. This study was conducted to evaluate a range of environmental and agronomic soil P tests as indicators of potential soil surface runoff dissolved reactive P (DRP) losses from Ontario soils. The soil samples (0- to 20-cm depth) were collected from six soil series in Ontario, with 10 sites each to provide a wide range of soil test P (STP) values. Rainfall simulation studies were conducted following the USEPA National P Research Project protocol. The average DRP concentration (DRP30) in runoff water collected over 30 min after the start of runoff increased (p < 0.001) in either a linear or curvilinear manner with increases in levels of various STPs and estimates of degree of soil P saturation (DPS). Among the 16 measurements of STPs and DPSs assessed, DPS(M3) 2 (Mehlich-3 P/[Mehlich-3 Al + Fe]) (r2 = 0.90), DPS(M3)-3 (Mehlich-3 P/Mehlich-3 Al) (r2 = 0.89), and water-extractable P (WEP) (r2 = 0.89) had the strongest overall relationship with runoff DRP30 across all six soil series. The DPS(M3)-2 and DPS(M3)-3 were equally accurate in predicting runoff DRP30 loss. However, DPS(M3)-3 was preferred as its prediction of DRP30 was soil pH insensitive and simpler in analytical procedure, ifa DPS approach is adopted.  相似文献   

Soil testing to predict phosphorus leaching   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Subsurface pathways can play an important role in agricultural phosphorus (P) losses that can decrease surface water quality. This study evaluated agronomic and environmental soil tests for predicting P losses in water leaching from undisturbed soils. Intact soil columns were collected for five soil types that a wide range in soil test P. The columns were leached with deionized water, the leachate analyzed for dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), and the soils analyzed for water-soluble phosphorus (WSP), 0.01 M CaCl2 P (CaCl2-P), iron-strip phosphorus (FeO-P), and Mehlich-1 and Mehlich-3 extractable P, Al, and Fe. The Mehlich-3 P saturation ratio (M3-PSR) was calculated as the molar ratio of Mehlich-3 extractable P/[Al + Fe]. Leachate DRP was frequently above concentrations associated with eutrophication. For the relationship between DRP in leachate and all of the soil tests used, a change point was determined, below which leachate DRP increased slowly per unit increase in soil test P, and above which leachate DRP increased rapidly. Environmental soil tests (WSP, CaCl2-P, and FeO-P) were slightly better at predicting leachate DRP than agronomic soil tests (Mehlich-1 P, Mehlich-3 P, and the M3-PSR), although the M3-PSR was as good as the environmental soil tests if two outliers were omitted. Our results support the development of Mehlich-3 P and M3-PSR categories for profitable agriculture and environmental protection; however, to most accurately characterize the risk of P loss from soil to water by leaching, soil P testing must be fully integrated with other site properties and P management practices.  相似文献   

A study was initiated to investigate the relationship between soil test P and depth of soil sampling with runoff losses of dissolved molybdate reactive phosphorus (DMRP). Rainfall simulations were conducted on two noncalcareous soils, a Windthorst sandy loam (fine, mixed, thermic Udic Paleustalf) and a Blanket clay loam (fine, mixed, thermic Pachic Argiustoll), and two calcareous soils, a Purves clay (clayey, smectitic, thermic Lithic Calciustoll) and a Houston Black clay (fine, smectitic, thermic Udic Haplustert). Soil (0- to 2.5-, 0- to 5-, and 0- to 15-cm depths) and runoff samples were collected from each of the four soils in permanent pasture exhibiting a wide range in soil test P levels (as determined by Mehlich III and distilled water extraction) due to prior manure applications. Simulated rain was used to produce runoff, which was collected for 30 min. Good regression equations were derived relating soil test P level to runoff DMRP for all four soil types, as indicated by relatively high r2 values (0.715 to 0.961, 0- to 5-cm depth). Differences were observed for the depth of sampling, with the most consistent results observed with the 0- to 5-cm sampling depth. Runoff DMRP losses as a function of the concentration of P in soil were lower in calcareous soils (maximum of 0.74 mg L(-1)) compared with noncalcareous soils (maximum of 1.73 mg L(-1)). The results indicate that a soil test for environmental P could be developed, but it would require establishing different soil test P level criteria for different soils or classes of soils.  相似文献   

Colloidal particles in runoff may have an important role in P transfer from soils to waterbodies, but remain poorly understood. We investigated colloidal molybdate-reactive phosphorus (MRP) in surface runoff and water extracts of calcareous arable soils from the semiarid western United States. Colloidal MRP was determined by ultrafiltration and operationally defined as MRP associated with particles between 1 microm and 1 nm diameter, although a smaller pore-size filter (0.3 nm) was used to define the lower size limit of colloids in water extracts. In surface runoff from three calcareous soils generated by simulated sprinkler irrigation, colloidal MRP concentrations ranged between 0.16 and 3.07 microM, constituting between 11 and 56% of the MRP in the <1-microm fraction. Concentrations were strongly correlated with agronomic and environmental soil-test P concentrations for individual soils. Water extracts of a range of similar soils contained two size fractions of colloidal MRP: a larger fraction (1.0-0.2 microm) probably associated with fine clays, and a smaller fraction (3-0.3 nm) probably associated with Ca-phosphate minerals. Colloidal MRP was solubilized in the acidic medium of the colorimetric detection procedure, suggesting that a fraction of the filterable MRP in runoff from calcareous soils may not be as readily bioavailable as free phosphate in waterbodies. Our results suggest that colloidal MRP is an important but poorly understood component of P transfer in runoff from calcareous western U.S. soils and should be given greater consideration in mechanistic studies of the P transfer process.  相似文献   

Stabilizing phosphorus (P) in poultry waste to reduce P losses from manured soils is important to protect surface waters, while pathogens in manures are an emerging issue. This study was conducted to evaluate CaO and Ca(OH)2 for killing manure bacterial populations (pathogens) and stabilizing P in poultry wastes and to investigate the influence on soils following amendment with the treated wastes. Layer manure and broiler litter varying in moisture content were treated with CaO and Ca(OH)2 at rates of 2.5, 5, 10, and 15% by weight. All treated wastes were analyzed for microbial plate counts, pH, and water-soluble phosphorus (WSP), while a few selected layer manures were analyzed by phosphorus X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES). A loamy sand and a silt loam were amended with broiler litter and layer manure treated with CaO at rates of 0, 2.5, 5, 10, and 15% and soil WSP and pH were measured at times 1, 8, and 29 d. Liming reduced bacterial populations, with greater rates of lime leading to greater reductions; for example 10% CaO applied to 20% solids broiler litter reduced the plate counts from 793,000 to 6500 mL-1. Liming also reduced the WSP in the manures by over 90% in all cases where at least 10% CaO was added. Liming the manures also reduced WSP in soils immediately following application and raised soil pH. The liming process used successfully reduced plate counts and concerns about P losses in runoff following land application of these limed products due to decreased WSP.  相似文献   

Fertilization exceeding crop requirements causes an accumulation of phosphorus (P) in soils, which might increase concentrations of dissolved and colloidal P in drainage. We sampled soils classified as Typic Haplorthods from four fertilization experiments to test (i) whether increasing degrees of phosphorus saturation (DPS) increase concentrations of dissolved and colloidal P, and (ii) if critical DPS levels can be defined for P release from these soils. Oxalate-extractable concentrations of P, iron (Fe), and aluminum (Al) were quantified to characterize DPS. Turbidity, zeta potential, dissolved P, and colloidal P, Fe, Al, and carbon (C) concentrations were determined in water and KCl extracts. While concentrations of dissolved P decreased with increasing depth, concentrations of water-extractable colloidal P remained constant. In topsoils 28 +/- 17% and in subsoils 94 +/- 8% of water-extractable P was bound to colloids. Concentrations of dissolved P increased sharply for DPS > 0.1. Colloidal P concentrations increased with increasing DPS because of an additional mobilization of colloids and due to an increase of the colloids P contents. In addition to DPS, ionic strength and Ca(2+) affected the release of colloidal P. Hence, using KCl for extraction improved the relationship between DPS and colloidal P compared with water extraction. Accumulation of P in soils increases not only concentrations of dissolved P but also the risk of colloidal P mobilization. Leaching of colloidal P is potentially important for inputs of P into water bodies because colloidal P as the dominant water-extractable P fraction in subsoils was released from soils with relatively low DPS.  相似文献   

Computer models help identify agricultural areas where P transport potential is high, but commonly used models do not simulate surface application of manures and P transport from manures to runoff. As part of an effort to model such P transport, we conducted manure slurry separation and soil infiltration experiments to determine how much slurry P infiltrates into soil after application but before rain, thus becoming less available to runoff. We applied dairy and swine slurry to soil columns and after both 24 and 96 h analyzed solids remaining on the soil surface for dry matter, total phosphorus (TP), and water-extractable inorganic (WEIP) and organic (WEOP) phosphorus. We analyzed underlying soils for Mehlich-3 and water-extractable P. We also conducted slurry separation experiments by sieving, centrifuging, and suction-filtering to determine which method could easily estimate slurry P infiltration into soils. About 20% of slurry solids and 40 to 65% of slurry TP and WEIP infiltrated into soil after application, rendering this P less available to transport in runoff. Slurry separation by suction-filtering through a screen with 0.75-mm-diameter openings was the best method to estimate this slurry P infiltration. Measured quantities of manure WEOP changed too much during experiments to estimate WEOP infiltration into soil or what separation method can approximate infiltration. Applying slurries to soils always increased soil P in the top 0 to 1 cm of soil, frequently in the 1- to 2-cm depth of soil, but rarely below 2 cm. Future research should use soils with coarser texture or large macropores, and slurry with low dry matter content (1-2%).  相似文献   

Vertical distribution of phosphorus in agricultural drainage ditch soils   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Pedological processes such as gleization and organic matter accumulation may affect the vertical distribution of P within agricultural drainage ditch soils. The objective of this study was to assess the vertical distribution of P as a function of horizonation in ditch soils at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore Research Farm in Princess Anne, Maryland. Twenty-one profiles were sampled from 10 agricultural ditches ranging in length from 225 to 550 m. Horizon samples were analyzed for total P; water-extractable P; Mehlich-3 P; acid ammonium oxalate-extractable P, Fe, and Al (P ox, Fe ox, Al ox); pH; and organic C (n = 126). Total P ranged from 27 to 4882 mg kg(-1), P ox from 4 to 4631 mg kg(-1), Mehlich-3 P from 2 to 401 mg kg(-1), and water-extractable P from 0 to 17 mg kg(-1). Soil-forming processes that result in differences between horizons had a strong relationship with various P fractions and P sorption capacity. Fibric organic horizons at the ditch soil surface had the greatest mean P ox, Fe ox, and Al ox concentrations of any horizon class. Gleyed A horizons had a mean Fe ox concentrations 2.6 times lower than dark A horizons and were significantly lower in total P and P ox. Variation in P due to organic matter accumulation and gleization provide critical insight into short- and long-term dynamics of P in ditch soils and should be accounted for when applying ditch management practices.  相似文献   

The loss of phosphorus (P) in runoff from agricultural soils may accelerate eutrophication in lakes and streams as well as degrade surface water quality. Limited soil specific data exist on the relationship between runoff P and soil P. This study investigated the relationship between runoff dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) and soil P for three Oklahoma benchmark soils: Richfield (fine, smectitic, mesic Aridic Argiustoll), Dennis (fine, mixed, active, thermic Aquic Argiudoll), and Kirkland (fine, mixed, superactive, thermic Udertic Paleustoll) series. These soils were selected to represent the most important agricultural soils in Oklahoma across three major land resource areas. Surface soil (0-15 cm) was collected from three designated locations, treated with diammonium phosphate (18-46-0) to establish a wide range of water-soluble phosphorus (WSP) (3.15-230 mg kg(-1)) and Mehlich-3 phosphorus (M3P) (27.8-925 mg kg(-1)). Amended soils were allowed to reach a steady state 210 d before simulated rainfall (75 mm h(-1)). Runoff was collected for 30 min from bare soil boxes (1.0 x 0.42 m and 5% slope) and analyzed for DRP and total P. Soil samples collected immediately before rainfall simulation were analyzed for the following: M3P, WSP, ammonium oxalate P saturation index (PSI(ox)), water-soluble phosphorus saturation index (PSI(WSP)), and phosphorus saturation index calculated from M3P and phosphorus sorption maxima (P(sat)). The DRP in runoff was highly related (p < 0.001) to M3P for individual soil series (r2 > 0.92). Highly significant relationships (p < 0.001) were found between runoff DRP and soil WSP for the individual soil series (r2 > 0.88). Highly significant relationships (p < 0.001) existed between DRP and different P saturation indexes. Significant differences (p < 0.05) among the slopes of the regressions for the DRP-M3P, DRP-WSP, DRP-PSI(ox), DRP-PSI(WSP), and DRP-P(sat) relationships indicate that the relationships are soil specific and phosphorus management decisions should consider soil characteristics.  相似文献   

There is a lack of information on how fertilization and initial Mehlich-3 phosphorus (M3P) interact to affect water soluble P (WSP) in soils. Our objectives were to (i) quantify the relationship between WSP and M3P for four textural diverse benchmark soils of North Carolina (NC) and (ii) quantify the change in WSP concentrations following P additions to soils over a wide range of initial M3P. Soils known to represent a wide range in M3P were collected from an Autryville loamy sand (loamy, siliceous, subactive, thermic Arenic Paleudults), Wasda muck (fine-loamy, mixed, semiactive, acid, thermic Histic Humaquepts), Georgeville silt loam (fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults), and Pacolet sandy clay loam (fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults) and analyzed for M3P, Fe, Al, and WSP. An incubation study was also conducted where four samples representing a range in M3P from each series were fertilized at rates of 150 and 300 kg P ha(-1), and WSP was measured at 1, 7, and 21 d after fertilization. The Wasda muck exhibited a change point at 115 mg P kg(-1) across a broad range of M3P concentrations (60-238 mg kg(-1)) while Autryville, Georgeville, and Pacolet series (with ranges in M3P of 32-328, 119-524, 0-1034 mg P kg(-1), respectively) maintained linear relationships between WSP and M3P. For the fertilized soils, significant increases in WSP occurred regardless of P rate. Yet, WSP concentrations were greater in soils with greater initial M3P. Thus, these data suggest that shifting animal waste applications to fields of relatively lower M3P concentrations would have an immediate impact on reducing risk for P losses, if all other factors are equal.  相似文献   

The risk of P losses from agricultural land to surface and ground water generally increases as the degree of soil P saturation increases. A single-point soil P sorption index (PSI) was validated with adsorption isotherm data for determination of the P sorption status of Alberta soils. Soil P thresholds (change points) were then examined for two agricultural soils after eight annual applications of different rates of cattle manure and for three agricultural soils after one application of different rates of cattle manure. Linear relationships were found between soil-test P (STP) levels up to 1000 mg kg(-1) and desorbed P in the five Alberta soils. Weak linear relationships were also found between STP and runoff dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) in three of these soils. Change points for the degree of P saturation (DPS) were detected in four of the five soils at 3 to 44% for water-extractable P (WEP) and at 11 to 51% for CaCl(2)-extractable P (CaCl(2)-P). Change points were not found for DPS or runoff DRP. Overall DPS thresholds for the five soils combined were 27% for WEP and 44% for CaCl(2)-P at a critical desorbable-P value of 1 mg L(-1). The corresponding STP levels (44 mg kg(-1) for WEP and 71 mg kg(-1) for CaCl(2)-P) are similar to agronomic thresholds for crops grown on Alberta soils. Soluble P losses in overland flow and leaching may be greater in soils with DPS values that exceed these thresholds than in soils with lower DPS values.  相似文献   

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