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攀有火种,暂收缴.带手机,要关掉。要害部,最重要,出入人,登记好。交接班,要做好,各项事.记录到、守纪律,不违章,图省事,责难逃。摩托车,自行车,定地点,要放好。付油区.要做到,提油车,检查好.车进库,戴火帽、虽俪烦,不能少。收发油,操作好,按程序,必做勃。有静电、着不着,导静电.最可靠.化绷浸_,撇丁鞋,进汕库.要换掉,静电线,要传导,」妾卸油,要夹牢。搞维修,为安全,用电器,要防爆。要动火.开“火票,’,需批准,最重要,有措施,有监护.各环节.不减少。灭火器,保完好,灭火液,不失效。消防队,训练好,俏防泵,保养好,几砂钟,发动着,有火警,诅速到.…  相似文献   

通过在一维煤粉燃烧炉上进行无烟煤添加高岭土吸附剂的燃烧实验,研究了无烟煤及其燃烧产物中18种环境有害微量元素的含量和分布;计算了高岭土在不同燃烧工况条件下对每种环境有害微量元素的吸附率.结果表明,高岭土对环境有害微量元素Cd, Pb, Sb, Sn, Ba, Co, Be, Cr, Ni, Mo, Tl, V, U, Mn, Th具有不同的吸附作用,吸附率为11.6%~500%;吸附效率与元素种类、燃烧工况等因素有关,环境有害微量元素Cd, Pb, Zn, Sb, Ba, Co, Be, Cr, Ni, Mo, Tl, V, U, Mn, Th的吸附能力,分级燃烧比不分级燃烧吸附效果更好,总吸附率差为8.4%~481%.  相似文献   

Trace elements in atmospheric particulate matter play a significant role in air quality, human health, and biogeochemical cycles. In this study, the trace elements(Ca, Al, K, Fe, Na,Mg, Zn, Pb, Mn, Ti, Cu, Cr, Sr, Ni) in PM2.5samples collected at the summit of Mt. Lushan were analyzed to quantify their abundance, source, transport, and health risks. During the whole sampling period, the major trace elements was Ca, Al, and K. While the trace metals with the lowest concentrations were Sr, Ni, Rb,...  相似文献   

过去的房子采光不好,避暑一流,民宅也好,官署也罢,尤其皇帝寝宫,都是很节能的。第一,墙体厚,晒不透,冬天暖,夏天凉;第二,屋顶大,窗户小,既挡寒,又遮阴;第三,材料多用土木,不用水泥,比热很高,温度难变,不会太热,也不会太冷。因为以上缘故,古人过夏天是不用开空调的。  相似文献   

The principal objective of this study was to compare bioaccumulative properties of two terrestrial moss species Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi from the Kielce area (south-central Poland), using various statistical techniques. Forty-six moss samples from 23 sampling sites located within the city limits were analyzed for 33 trace elements. The results indicated that 17 elements (Ba, Ce, Co, Cu, Eu, Fe, Gd, Hg, La, Mo, Nd, Ni, Pb, Pr, Sm, V, Y) dominated in H. splendens, whereas only three elements (Mn, Sr, Zn) occurred in excessive amounts in P. schreberi. No differences in the distribution pattern of Dy, Er, Ho, Sn, Tb, Th and Yb were observed. The element concentration ratio (PI/Hy) varied from 0.50 to 1.19. For 14 elements (Ce, Co, Cu, Fe, Gd, Hg, La, Mo, Nd, Ni, Pb, Sm, Th, V), PI/Hy < 1; for 4 elements (Cd, Mn, Sr, Zn), PI/Hy > 1; for 7 elements (Ba, Dy, Er, Eu, Pr, Y, Yb), PI/Hy = equalled 1. Czekanowski’s method showed similarities in rare earth element concentrations for both moss species. The cluster analysis exhibited three significant clusters at D link /D max × 100 < 50 for both moss species. Strong positive Spearman correlations between both moss species were recorded for the following pairs:Ba-Ba, Co-Co, Er-Er, Eu-Eu, Gd Gd, Mn-Mn, Ni-Ni, Pb-Pb, Pr-Pr, Sm-Sm, Th-Th, Y-Y, and Yb-Yb. Nonparametric tests (Sign test, Wilcoxon tests) showed statistically significant differences only for Cd, Ce, Co, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb and Sr. The scanning electron microscope study of H. splendens and P. schreberi revealed a different morphology of these species with no injuries.  相似文献   

入秋之后,早晚凉爽,气候多变,正是各种疫病的高发期。预防各种传染性疾病是秋季保健的第一要务,要注意个人卫生,养成良好的卫生习惯,增强保健意识。其次,是要注意饮食卫生。经过夏天的消耗,人体的消化功能下降,胃肠道抗病能力减弱,易患腹泻和肠胃炎,稍有不慎,就会染疾病而损伤健康。秋天气候干燥,要多吃水果和蔬菜,橙子、柠檬、乌梅能清热退火,是极佳的选择。饮食以清淡为主,“早餐”一碗粥,晚餐一碗汤,大鱼大肉等容易生火的食物尽量少吃。再者,在养生方面,要注意保暖,不要贪凉,夏季时,不少人习惯于敞开门窗睡觉,入秋后昼夜温差大,夜晚风凉,…  相似文献   

为切实加强对中央和省级环保专项资金项目的管理,科学提炼项目,促进建设进度,提高资金使用效率,扎实推进环境改善和污染减排,近年来,山东省根据环保部要求,结合自身实际,按照"注重项目统筹,规范申报程序,严格审核审批,强化跟踪管理,做好绩效评价,确保发挥效益"的总体思路,大胆探索,逐步完善,采取一系列措施,积极推动和加强了环保资金项目绩效管理工作.  相似文献   

1949年全国解放后,蒋家王朝留下来的是一个支离破碎的烂摊子,民生凋蔽,百业待兴,国外是帝国主义的军事威胁和经济封锁,国内是兵匪燹乱,部分地区连年灾荒,农业欠收,可谓是雪上加霜,人民生活极度困难。在这种形势下,党和政府为了休养生息,恢复生产,发展经济,富国强兵,在全国范围内,依靠人民群众,开展生产自救,共度难关。  相似文献   

在语文教学中建构阅读课堂,加强阅读情感体悟,萌生良好阅读语感,积累丰富阅读信息,探究高效研读成果,获得有益的认知体验,滋养内心世界,熏陶美好情操,形成个性文化。眼下,阅读是学生语文学习的一个大难题,急需语文教师建构语文阅读高效课堂,创设语文情境,优化阅读方法,在阅读中,训练学生思维和想象力,丰富情感,增长智慧,使他们爱阅读,会学习,提升能力。  相似文献   

In recent years, Dechloranes have beenwidely detected in the environment around the world. However, understanding and knowledge of Dechloranes in remote regions, such as the Arctic, remain lacking. Therefore, the concentrations of 5 Dechloranes in surface seawater, sediment, soil, moss, and dung collected from Ny-Ålesund in the Arctic were measured with the concentrations 93 pg/L, 342, 325, 1.4, and 258 pg/g, respectively, which were much lower than those in Asian and European regions. The mean ratios of anti-Dechlorane Plus (DP) to total DP (fanti) in seawater, sediment, soil, moss, dung, and atmospheric samples were 0.36, 0.21, 0.18, 0.27, 0.66, and 0.43, respectively. Results suggested that the main source of DP in seawater, sediment, soil, andmosswas long-range atmospheric transport. However, the ratio identified in dung was different, for which the migration behavior of the organism is probably themain source of DP.  相似文献   

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