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This paper analyses the career backgrounds of local government officials in provincial Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs) in China and explains the appointment patterns of Chinese EPB bureaucrats. Using biographical information of provincial EPB heads and drawing on fieldwork conducted in Shanxi Province and Inner Mongolia, this paper finds that only one-fourth of the provincial EPB heads were promoted through the bureau ranks within the EPBs, while the remaining three-fourths were appointed from positions outside the environment field. Further, nearly all EPB heads' professional backgrounds and associated networks can be clearly categorized as environmental, business, provincial government, or local government oriented. This paper delineates these four types of Chinese EPB leaders and explains why an awareness of the different professional orientations is critical to understanding environmental regulation and protection in China. These findings have implications for inferring the unique characteristics of a province's EPB leadership, the implementation capacities of provincial EPBs, and the appointment preferences of provincial leaders.  相似文献   

China is the world's largest energy consumer, and coal accounts for a higher proportion of the country's total energy consumption, yet during its 12th five-year plan (2011–2015), the coal share among total energy consumption significantly decreased. Previous studies exploring energy performance typically used energy consumption as an input, but this lacks the analytical capacity for the structure of energy consumption. Thus, this study splits energy input into two different inputs, coal consumption and non-coal energy consumption, and based on their differences with other variables, uses the hybrid dynamic data envelopment analysis model to assess the energy performance of China's provincial industrial sector during the period 2011 to 2015. We then compare coal consumption's and non-coal consumption's rooms for improvement and conclude that provinces in eastern and central China should reduce the amount of coal consumption, thereby improving energy performance. Conversely, provinces in the western region should target a balance between energy utilization efficiency and coal consumption.  相似文献   

Northeast British Columbia (BC), Canada, is the site of a fast-growing shale gas industry that is a cornerstone of the current provincial government's economic policy. In this paper, we explore the perspectives of local First Nations (members of Treaty 8) regarding governance of this industry, focusing in particular on the experiences of the Fort Nelson First Nation (FNFN). Based on findings from 15 in-depth interviews with staff from four Treaty 8 First Nations, the Treaty 8 Tribal Association, oil and gas companies, and the Government of BC, we argue that current governance processes fail to adequately protect the environment and treaty rights. We also explore the diverse tactics that the FNFN is using to gain influence over shale gas development within its territories as the Nation seeks to achieve “balanced development” that protects the local ecology and treaty rights while maximising local economic benefits. Through an array of tactics and collaboration with diverse actors, the FNFN has been partially successful in challenging industry's social license to operate and has brought the provincial government back to the table to negotiate new decision-making arrangements on a “government to government” basis. Still, the regulation and management of a fast-paced global industry are a vast burden for a small community to bear. The FNFN's work has also shown the need for further research on how local efforts for equitable and environmentally sustainable approaches to shale gas regulation can be scaled up, institutionalised, and used to create political opportunities in other contexts.  相似文献   

本文基于联合国可持续发展行动网络牵头发布的可持续发展目标指数和指示板报告,对中国实现2030年可持续发展目标状况进行了分析,认为尽管中国的SDG指数在全球整体排名中呈逐步上升趋势,但生态环境相关指标总体依然面临严峻挑战:中国与生态环境相关的目标评级偏低;SDG指数和指示板报告采用的评价指标与中国生态环境保护重点工作关联性不强;中国的统计数据难以满足测量2030年议程的数据需求等。为实现联合国倡议的2030年可持续发展目标,中国应打好污染防治攻坚战,提高环境治理水平,加快建立中国本土化评估指标体系,形成SDGs指标年度报告制,建立SDGs实施机制,建立与2030年议程相适应的统计支撑体系。  相似文献   

当前生态文明指标体系研究和实践中,一方面生态文明指标体系和生态文明指数构建方法不尽相同,另一方面刻意追求统一的指标体系而忽视了不同行政层级间的差异性,对层级间指标衔接等问题缺乏考虑。依照生态文明内涵以及十八大尤其是十八届三中全会关于生态文明建设尤其是生态文明考核指标要求,提出各行政层级构建“橄榄型”生态文明建设指标框架体系。该指标体系强调国家的顶层宏观引导作用,并以市县级生态文明建设指标体系为基础,向上构建省级生态文明建设指标体系,向下构建乡镇级生态文明建设指标体系,体现“国家—省—市县—乡镇”之间的整体性、衔接性、协调性,真正反映生态文明建设是“自上而下引导力”和“自下而上推动力”的合力作用的结果,服务于我国生态文明建设的持续开展和长效管理。  相似文献   

基于"十一五"和"十二五"期间(2006—2015)我国31个省份的面板数据,以二氧化硫排放量为研究对象,发现以环境约束性指标为抓手的环保绩效考核有效减少了地方的二氧化硫排放量,且"十二五"期间的政策驱动力比"十一五"期间更强。随着环保绩效考核的持续推进,年轻的省委书记越来越关注污染减排,但与年长的省委书记相比,环境绩效依然较差。总体来说,官员异质性对环境政策执行效果的影响正在逐渐减弱,制度化机制对地方环境治理的驱动效果正在增强。在"十四五"期间,进一步优化中央环保绩效考核制度将成为"打赢蓝天保卫战"的关键所在。  相似文献   

为积极稳妥推进全国省以下环保机构监测监察执法垂直管理制度改革试点工作,本文紧紧围绕《关于省以下环保机构监测监察执法垂直管理制度改革试点工作的指导意见》精神,以环境执法改革为主体主线,从环境执法的总体方向、基本路径、主要任务三个方面进行政策分析解读,给各地在环保垂直管理制度改革试点工作中有效推进环境执法改革,提供改革路径指引和参考。  相似文献   


This paper seeks to explore Canada's response to the global dialogue over sustainable development on two dimensions: policy articulation at the federal and provincial levels and policy implementation at the municipal level. In order to accomplish these goals, this analysis begins by outlining a critical framework for understanding and assessing local sustainable development. Next, it examines the evolution of Canadian federal and provincial policies supportive of sustainable development, including the role played by non‐governmental organisations (NGOs) in enhancing this process. It then contrasts the Canadian promise and experience with that of the USA. In analysing local responses to the call for sustainable communities, it offers a case study of the Hamilton‐Wentworth Vision 2020 sustainable community programme—a North American showcase of sustainable community initiatives.  相似文献   

Zimbabwean provincial plans were instituted to help in the achievement of the national goal of the creation of an egalitarian, socialist and integrated society. The national goal itself was adopted as an antithesis to the dualist society characterised by spatial, economic, social, politican and technological inequalities that Zimbabwe inherited from colonialism. This meant that provincial plans had to play both a functional (or growth allocating/distribution) and a territorial (or redistribution) role.

This paper reviews their role in achieving the national goal by examining their functions, content, structure and methodology. The paper concludes that because of their nature, provincial plans are not suitable tools for the achievement of the national goal.  相似文献   


In 1995 the Progressive Conservative Party (PC) defeated the New Democratic Party (NDP) to form the government in the province of Ontario, Canada. These parties represent different positions regarding the management, regulation and control of environmental affairs. The effects of provincial legislation on the environment are typically felt at the local level and hence we argue that this study has relevance for those interested in local environments. One policy paper regarding the environment for each party is analysed using a formal discourse analysis technique called textual analysis computing tools (TACT). The rationale for using TACT is included, as is a brief commentary on previous studies that have used discourse analysis to examine environmental issues. The results of the analysis indicate the different ways that the NDP and the PC express their philosophical positions as applied to environmental policy making in Ontario. The shift in 1995 from the social democratic and interventionist stance of the NDP with respect to environmental policy making toward the more corporate, free-market privatisation regime of the PC is demonstrated. Close attention is paid in the discourse analysis to the use of words like 'cost', 'economy' and 'environment' in the two documents analysed. The use of language in a government position paper creates meaning and significance to citizens in the context of their local environment. En 1995 el Partido Conservador Progresista (PC) vencio al Nuevo Partido Democratico (NDP) para formar el gobierno en la provincia de Ontario, Canada. Estos partidos representan diferentes posiciones con respecto al manejo, regulación y control de los asuntos ambientales. Los efectos de la legislación provincial en el ambiente son sentidos típicamente a nivel local y por lo tanto nosotros argumentamos que este estudio tiene relevancia para los interesados en ambientes locales. Un documento de cada partido de politicas concernientes al medio ambiente es analizado usando una técnica de análisis de discurso formal llamada TACT. La razón para usar TACT es incluida yá que es un leve comentario sobre estudios previos que han usado análisis de discurso para examinar temas ambientales. Los resultados del análisis indican las diferentes formas que el NDP y el PC expresan su posiciones filósoficas como aplicación a la creación de politicas ambientales en Ontario. El cambio en 1995 de la actitud intervencionista y social-democrata del NDP con respecto a la creación de politicas ambientales hacia una postura mas corporativa de regimen de privatización de mercado libre del PC es demostrado. En los dos documentos analizados se presta una detenida atención en el análisis de discurso al uso de palabras como 'costo', 'economía', y 'ambiente'. El uso del lenguaje en un documento de la posición del gobierno crea sentido y significado a los ciudadanos en el contexto de su ambiente local.  相似文献   

朱海燕  武友德 《资源开发与市场》2007,23(12):1111-1113,1123
省际边界区域是个特殊的地理单元,对此类区域的研究大多限于经济的协同发展,集中在东部和中部地区。选取云贵两省交界的曲靖市(域)作为研究对象,在分析边界区域城市化特征的基础上,指出发挥边缘效应,突破边界障碍,优先发展中心城区,重点发展大城市,走链条状的空间发展道路是该地区特色城镇化道路的最佳选择。  相似文献   

本文利用经济系统物质流分析框架核算了我国2000—2014年的主要物质流、资源产出率等指标。结果表明:① 2000—2014年本地采掘物质量、进口量和本地处置后排放均有较快增长。2011—2014年本地采掘中生物质采掘量逐年稳步增长,非金属矿石和化石燃料采掘量处于下降趋势。本地处置后排放中空气排放物贡献了绝大部分比例并逐年增长,水污染排放物逐年下降。② 2000—2014年人均资源的采掘、投入和消耗量均有大幅增长,2014年人均物质消耗量比2000年增长1倍以上。资源产出率和单位GDP本地采掘、投入物质量处于波动式增长趋势,本地采掘每吨物质所贡献的GDP已连续三年超过资源产出率。③ 2014年中国资源产出率约为欧盟28国平均水平的1/4。2010年我国省级资源产出率差异较大,小部分地区已超过欧盟同期水平,但仍有大部分地区的资源产出率较低,未达到全国平均水平。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国的对外经济贸易有了显著的发展,外商直接投资和进出口的快速增长有效地推动了经济的快速发展。然而在经济发展的同时,我国碳排放水平日益提高,已成为全球最大排放国。为了更好地管控碳排放,研究外商直接投资(FDI),对外贸易与碳排放的关系具有重要意义。本文通过对我国1995—2011年29个省(市、自治区)的FDI、对外贸易对碳排放的动态效应分析发现,FDI与进出口水平的提升均有利于降低我国碳排放的水平,“污染天堂”假说在我国并未得到证实。同时,本文验证了“环境库兹涅茨曲线”在我国的存在,证实了我国的碳排放水平与人均GDP存在倒“U”型关系。  相似文献   

加快构建独立统一的生态环境监测评估体制,对推进贯彻党的十八届三中全会提出的独立进行环境监管和行政执法的战略部署、落实新环保法赋予生态环境监测的新任务具有重要的意义。本文在梳理我国生态环境监测管理体制现状基础上,剖析了现行监测体制中存在的问题,分析了建立独立统一的生态环境监测体制的必要性。根据强化统一性、权威性、独立性和现实出发原则,本文提出改革分两步走:第一步在环境保护部挂牌成立生态环境监测局,先行推进省级以下监测系统垂直管理;第二步配合生态环境保护大部制改革,成立国家生态环境监测与评估局并对地方监测系统实行全国垂直管理。  相似文献   

Over the past thirty years Bordeaux's politicians and planners have played critical roles in both changing and conserving the inner environments of one of France's most attractive provincial cities. A succession of urban policies has been implemented to attempt to halt depopulation, economic decline and environmental degradation in the inner city. These policies reflect changing emphasis in national planning for urban areas and have ranged from slum clearance and total renovation in the Mériadeck district, to a recent more socially aware set of approaches that attempt to rehabilitate inner‐city housing and promote neighbourhood well‐being in the district of Saint Michel. Investment in architectural conservation continues apace and both private and public capital is being directed to improving housing stock in the inner city. Attempts to revitalise economic activities have achieved modest success but more socially orientated policies prove difficult to implement.  相似文献   

本研究将经济集聚、收入差距和化学需氧量(COD)排放强度纳入统一框架下,构建时空双向固定效应的动态空间杜宾模型(DSDM)和门槛空间动态面板模型(SDPTM),通过中国2011-2020年省级面板数据实证检验,考察经济集聚和收入差距对COD排放强度的影响机制。研究发现:①经济集聚呈“先促排、后减排”的倒“U”形特征,具有本地空间减排效应和空间溢出减排效应;②收入差距呈非线性的倒“N”形特征,具有本地空间减排效应,经济集聚在收入差距对COD排放的影响中存在门槛效应,当经济集聚超过门槛值1.1164时,收入差距的促排和减排效应均明显增强;③收入差距呈倒“N”形特征,具有空间溢出减排效应,且收入差距的长期空间溢出减排效应明显减弱;④收入差距在经济集聚时对COD排放强度的影响中起部分中介效应;⑤COD排放强度具有显著的时间和空间路径依赖性,经济集聚对COD排放的空间依赖特征的影响具有显著的区域异质性。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Pierre Perrault, member of a bourgeois provincial family whose roots were in the Touraine region of France, grew up in Paris. One of six illustrious brothers, all characterized by brilliance and diversity, he was educated as a lawyer but turned to finance and rose to a high position under King Louis XIV. Owing to political naivete and financial imprudence, he fell into disgrace and went bankrupt. He then became an amateur scientist and wrote a book on the origin of springs. This book broke almost wholly with the traditional authoritarianism of 2, 000 years'standing, and set hydrology on the modern path of observation and direct experiment, He developed the concept of the hydrological cycle, correctly accounting for the disposition of rainfall by evaporation, transpiration, ground-water recharge and runoff. Some of his ideas about specific processes were erroneous, but where he was wrong his errors were logically based. Much of his contribution to the foundation of scientific hydrology has been overlooked or distorted by historians and hydrologists alike.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT By creating the 459,000 kW Bay d'Espoir h.e.p. scheme, the Newfoundland government hoped that the consequent doubling of the island's electricity supply would not only eliminate a deficite situation but provide power for industrial development. These hopes have not been fulfilled, and only one company, producing elemental phosphorus, was attracted to the island by the government's ‘cheap power’ policy. In addition to the continuing power subidy, this company received considerable federal and provincial incentives by locating its plant in Newfoundland. To these direct financial costs have to be added the environmental destruction and deterioration stemming from the h.e.p. development and the haste with which its construction was undertaken, and the catastrophic pollution problem created by effluent from the phosphorus plant. The costs of the ‘cheap power’ policy have been, and continue to be, massive for Newfoundland, Canada's poorest province. Further, the policy has made little or no impact on the small job market and the very large unemployment problem.  相似文献   

本文基于1997-2016年中国省级动态面板数据,从产业结构升级视角实证分析了区域财政自主能力作用于碳经济绩效的影响机理。研究发现:产业结构升级在财政自主能力影响碳经济绩效中发挥了中介效应;在高分权地区,财政自主能力能够通过产业结构升级促进碳经济绩效的增长;在低分权地区,财政自主能力会抑制产业结构升级并对碳经济绩效产生不利影响。进一步研究发现,在非农产业占比与非国有企业占比较高的省(区、市)域,财政自主能力能够通过产业结构升级对碳经济绩效产生更强的促进作用。本研究结论能够对地方政府从自身财政自主能力推动产业结构升级,为实现区域经济增长和环境优化的协同发展的政策制定提供理论指导。  相似文献   

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