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环境信息公开作为信息化时代环境治理的新型武器,对我国这样一个具有特殊财政体制和政治激励模式的发展中国家而言,其在污染防治攻坚战中的效果有待深入探究。本文基于城市污染源监管信息公开指数(PITI),以2008—2016年120个城市数据为样本,采用动态面板数据模型和系统GMM估计方法,实证检验了环境信息公开的污染减排效应,并重点分析了不同城市区位和城市规模下存在的异质性效应。结果表明:环境信息公开有助于污染防治,改善环境质量,还能有效缓解财政分权引致的环境污染问题。环境信息公开对污染排放的抑制作用呈现“马太效应”,对东、中、西部地区和大、中、小城市的影响均依次递减。对东、中部地区和大、中型城市,其治污效应较显著,而在西部地区和小城市尚不见效。积极推动全面环境信息公开,构建环境多元共治的长效机制,是决胜污染防治攻坚战的关键所在。  相似文献   

落实企业环境责任,推动环境信息披露,有利于推动结构调整和高质量发展。本文根据《环境信息公开办法(试行)》,对发布企业社会责任报告的上市公司环境信息披露进行刻画,基于Richardson投资期望模型对投资效率进行测度,分析环境信息披露对上市公司投资效率的影响。研究发现,环境信息披露能在一定程度上缓解投资不足,但对过度投资的影响并不显著,而且环境信息披露对投资不足的缓解作用在国有企业、两权分离度高等代理成本较高的企业中表现更为显著。本文因此提出推动环境信息披露的建议,一方面发挥政府作用,加大监管压力,确保企业环境责任的落实,健全环境治理企业责任体系;另一方面发挥市场的决定性作用,强化诱致企业披露环境信息的动力,让市场形成对环境信息披露的强需求,促使企业提升环境信息披露水平。  相似文献   

以2010—2019年我国能源行业上市公司数据为样本,利用内容分析法探讨了环境信息披露质量对能源企业价值的影响。结果发现:①能源企业环境信息披露质量与企业价值呈正相关关系。②非货币性环境信息披露质量对企业价值的正向影响更加显著。③市场化程度对环境信息披露质量与企业价值的正相关关系具有增强作用。④市场化程度对非货币性环境信息披露质量与企业价值之间关系的正向调节作用更强。⑤环境信息披露质量能够降低权益资本成本,提高预期现金流量,形成影响企业价值的传导机制。  相似文献   

本文选取264家母公司属环保部门公布的重点排污单位的上市公司作为研究对象,将样本企业在2016年年报、2017年半年报及2016年度社会责任报告等定期报告中披露的环境信息,对照上市公司年报与半年报中环境信息披露的要求与规范,对上市公司环境信息披露合规性进行评估。评估认为:上市公司通过定期报告披露环境信息在形式上和内容上均有所进步,但距离基本的形式上合规披露仍有显著差距,信息披露的全面性、有效性与针对性更远远不能满足强化环保监管与优化资本市场的目标本意与政策需求。基于上述评估结果与发现的问题,本文提出了制定管理办法与技术导则、提升政策层级与规范披露标准,强化部门协作等政策建议。  相似文献   


This paper offers a conceptual examination of the power-effects of transparency, as information disclosure, on those making accountability claims against actors deemed to be causing significant environmental harm. Informed by Lukes’s ([2005]. Power: A radical view (second edition). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.) multi-dimensional theory of power, I review recent scholarship to interrogate four hypotheses positing empowerment for accountability claimants arising from the disclosure of sustainability information. Across public and private governance forms, academic research suggests that information disclosure promotes the communication of the sustainability interests of affected parties, and in some cases enhances the capacity of these parties to evaluate justifications provided by relevant power-wielders. However, evidence is weaker that disclosure of sustainability information empowers accountability claimants to sanction or otherwise steer those responsible; and there is little support that transparency fosters wider political interrogation of the configurations of authority producing environmental harm. Differentiating between behavioural and non-behavioural understandings of power allows an evaluation of these research findings on the power-related effects of information disclosure.  相似文献   

This paper studies the emergence of one particular 'new' environmental policy instrument: disclosure of emission and pollution data. Disclosure is part of a relatively new sub-set of regulatory measures, based on monitoring, transparency, citizen-empowerment and accountability. It originated in the United States but has recently attracted international attention. The attractiveness of disclosure is obvious; it promises environmental improvement combined with strengthened environmental democracy and community empowerment. By analysing the experiences in the US, and the developments in the Netherlands, this paper seeks to assess the functioning and effectiveness of disclosure. The available empirical evidence suggests that disclosure has a positive impact on the environmental performance of industrial facilities as well as a democratising effect. It is argued that Dutch policy makers wrongfully assume that disclosure cannot work in the Netherlands. The consequence is that citizens are provided with little specific information that cannot be used to put pressure on polluters.  相似文献   

近年来我国突发环境事件频发,给经济社会带来了严重影响。对突发环境事件的应对,暴露出信息公开不及时、不充分,对谣言回应不及时等不足。此外,谣言的广泛存在与传播,使得突发环境事件应对效果难以实现最大化。产生这种情况是因为突发环境事件应对中,信息公开法律规定与实践不足、信息传播不对称与集体行为等。对此,体系化的信息公开法律制度建设与完善显得尤为重要。为减少突发环境事件中因信息公开不足及谣言产生的危害,我们一方面需要通过扩大信息公开主体范围、明确信息公开程序、对象等措施强化信息公开制度建设,另一方面需要开展谣言与集体行为方面的研究,为突发环境事件的应对提供有效支撑。  相似文献   

上市公司高管态度对企业环境信息披露会产生重要影响。为充分了解企业高管如何看待上市公司环境信息披露过程中涉及的环境信息沟通、披露制度、能力建设等多方面问题,本文对涉及第一、第二和第三产业的16家上市公司高管进行访谈调研。研究发现,多数高管视社会第三方机构对企业的环境信息需求为较大的潜在风险,非强制是上市公司环境信息选择性披露的主要原因,企业重视环保投资但信息公开能力建设不足,环境信息公开对企业价值影响较弱。本文提出编写环境信息公开指南及实施细则,提升企业环境信息公开的能力建设,拓展政府和社会组织对企业环境信息公开的奖励形式等建议。  相似文献   

This paper studies the emergence of one particular ‘new’ environmental policy instrument: disclosure of emission and pollution data. Disclosure is part of a relatively new sub‐set of regulatory measures, based on monitoring, transparency, citizen‐empowerment and accountability. It originated in the United States but has recently attracted international attention. The attractiveness of disclosure is obvious; it promises environmental improvement combined with strengthened environmental democracy and community empowerment. By analysing the experiences in the US, and the developments in the Netherlands, this paper seeks to assess the functioning and effectiveness of disclosure. The available empirical evidence suggests that disclosure has a positive impact on the environmental performance of industrial facilities as well as a democratising effect. It is argued that Dutch policy makers wrongfully assume that disclosure cannot work in the Netherlands. The consequence is that citizens are provided with little specific information that cannot be used to put pressure on polluters.  相似文献   

近年来,公众已经成为中国环境治理中不可或缺的力量,公众参与的方式和渠道也在不断拓展和丰富。为考察不同类型公众参与方式对环境治理效果的影响差异,本文基于公众参与阶梯理论,选取四类公众参与方式和四类污染物,结合我国2008—2017年30个省份数据,利用面板数据回归模型进行了实证检验。结果表明,横向比较不同类型的公众参与方式,公众环境来访对环境治理的促进效果优于环境信息公开和环保网络舆论,而政协提案、人大议案的积极效应尚不显著。纵向比较不同类型的污染物治理效果,公众参与能显著促进大气污染物的减排,对噪声和固体废物污染效果的影响次之,而在水污染治理中的作用较不理想。建议政府进一步优化健全环境信息公开机制,并重视公众层面的环境诉求,建立公众与地方生态环境部门的良好互动机制,同时鼓励公众通过新媒体渠道参与环境治理。  相似文献   

文章根据DNAPL(密度大于水的化学物质)的性质与特点,阐明其污染动力、扩散模式和污染相态,并根据实际工作经验总结了三条污染判别依据和两大类污染调查技术,对获知土壤与地下水中污染的分布状况起到重要参考作用。  相似文献   

美国EPCRA法案对我国推动企业环境信息公开的启示   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文围绕美国企业环境信息公开专项法案——EPCRA法案和在该法案要求下建立的、为世界各国所广泛采用的企业环境信息公开核心制度——有毒污染物释放清单制度(TRI),分析总结了发达国家促进企业环境信息公开的立法理念、制度体系、工作机制、技术支持、信息平台等方面的经验,并将其与我国企业环境信息公开专项制度《企业事业单位环境信息公开办法》进行了对比分析,识别了我国企业环境信息公开工作相关基础研究、制度设计、制度执行等方面的不足,且结合我国下一阶段推动环境质量全面改善的工作需求、推动排污许可改革等工作任务,就完善我国企业环境信息公开工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

李明华  蒋培 《四川环境》2011,(5):117-120
文章主要论述农村环境信息公开的法律法规的构建过程,首先讲述了农村的环境现状及农民的环境弱势地位,分析了农村环境信息公开制度不完善的原因,同时还考察了国外农村环境信息公开的相关法律法规,最后结合实际情况,从农村环境信息公开法律的立法以及农村环境信息的管理体制、机制上进行分析并提出了相应的对策,逐步完善农村环境信息公开的法律制度。  相似文献   

企业环境信息披露是指把公司各种活动对环境产生影响的信息向外部社会公开.本文主要围绕"企业环境信息披露"这一主题, 简要介绍了中外各国在企业环境信息披露上的政策实践和法律规定,同时,本文梳理了相关的研究,主要集中在三个方面,第一,环境信息内容的界定;第二,企业环境信息披露的决定因素分析;第三,企业环境信息披露的效应分析.本文的介绍将帮助我们初步了解中外各国在企业环境信息披露上的政策差异,以及通过理论文献上的整理厘清企业环境信息披露的主要问题,找到未来中国在企业环境信息披露的理论和政策实践上的方向.  相似文献   

在中国经济和媒体环境发生巨大变革的情况下,外部压力对上市公司环境信息披露的影响研究面临新的社会背景。基于传播学议程设置理论、关注理论与信号传递理论,本文以2016年沪深A股八大重污染行业的315家上市公司为研究对象,研究了媒体报道与政府监管对上市公司环境信息披露水平的影响。其中,媒体类型既考虑了传统纸媒,也考虑了以新浪微博为代表的网络新媒体,政府监管方面采用2014年调整后的PITI指数对监管力度进行评价。研究发现,媒体报道数量越大,上市公司环境信息披露的内容越丰富,但并不能提高其信息披露质量;上市公司环境信息披露质量主要受媒体报道倾向性的影响,而媒体报道的数量对其影响较弱;地方政府对企业环境信息公开的监管力度对企业环境信息披露的影响并不显著。此外,随着地方政府监管力度的加大,媒体对企业的关注度下降,导致政府监管在媒体监督企业环境信息过程中具有一定的削弱作用。研究表明,随着近年来生态环境保护法制化进程的大力推进,环境制度约束相对舆论监督,在企业信息披露过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

Although various studies have shown that farmers believe there is the need for a producer-led initiative to address the environmental problems from agriculture, farmers in several Canadian provinces have been reluctant to widely participate in Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) programs. Few studies have examined the key issues associated with adopting EFP programs based on farmers’, as opposed to policy makers’, perspectives on why producers are reluctant to participate in the program. A study adapting Van Raaij’s (1981) conceptual model of the decision-making environment of the firm, and prospect theory on value functions associated with the gains and losses from risky choices can be used to characterize how farmers perceive potential risks in environmental farm planning. This framework can be used to assert that farmers are concerned about risks of public disclosure of potentially incriminating environmental information from farms because the EFP program requirements for identification and extensive documentation of farm information is perceived by farmers as facilitating the accessibility of environmental information to the public, and public investigative efforts. Although the EFP program does not explicitly generate information about the environmental conditions of a farm nor the disclosure of such information to the public, it creates the possibility of generating and divulging potentially incriminating information that the farmer may want to treat as confidential. Yet, alone, these risks of public disclosure concerns should not prevent farmers from participating in the EFP. Awareness of and participation in environmental farm planning can be increased if farmers and policy makers understand what the risks are, and how they arise. Aspects of the EFP process that have the potential to generate risk of public disclosure concerns relate to farm reviews, documentation and record keeping, and corrective action plans. There are legal and policy instruments that can offer various forms of protection and help minimize such risks, and these need to be assessed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of inoculation of white rot fungus, Pleurotus ostreatus, incubation time, and levels of contamination on anthracene degradation in contaminated soil over a 90-day period. Control samples were set up to compare rates of degradation at different levels of anthracene contamination in soil. Using HPLC, extracts from soil were analyzed on intervals of 30 days to determine the level of anthracene remaining in soil. After 90 days of incubation, it was observed that time, level of contamination, and fungal treatment affected the rate of degradation of all levels of anthracene contamination, inoculated soil showed more degradation of anthracene (76–89%) compared to control soil (33–51%). It was also observed that concentration of the anthracene increased at different sampling dates in some of the soil samples. In this study, such increase in anthracene concentration was attributed to errors of extraction, sorption of the anthracene to soil particles, and possible repolymerization of anthracene in soil organic matter. The release of ligninolytic enzymes such as lignin peroxidase, laccase, and manganese peroxidase by Pleurotus ostreatus was associated with the anthracene degradation observed. A general observation indicates that an interaction between time, level of contamination, and soil treatment is vital in the degradation of high levels of anthracene contamination by the white rot fungus.  相似文献   

The amount of biosolids recycled in agriculture has steadily increased during the last decades. However, few models are available to predict the accompanying risks, mainly due to the presence of trace element and organic contaminants, and benefits for soil fertility of their application. This paper deals with using data mining to assess the benefits and risks of biosolids application in agriculture. The analyzed data come from a 10-yr field experiment in northeast France focusing on the effects of biosolid application and mineral fertilization on soil fertility and contamination. Biosolids were applied at agriculturally recommended rates. Biosolids had a significant effect on soil fertility, causing in particular a persistent increase in plant-available phosphorus (P) relative to plots receiving mineral fertilizer. However, soil fertility at seeding and crop management method had greater effects than biosolid application on soil fertility at harvest, especially soil nitrogen (N) content. Levels of trace elements and organic contaminants in soils remained below legal threshold values. Levels of extractable metals correlated more strongly than total metal levels with other factors. Levels of organic contaminants, particularly polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, were linked to total metal levels in biosolids and treated soil. This study confirmed that biosolid application at rates recommended for agriculture is a safe option for increasing soil fertility. However, the quality of the biosolids selected has to be taken into account. The results also indicate the power of data mining in examining links between parameters in complex data sets.  相似文献   

中国土壤修复与治理的投融资政策最新进展与展望   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
中国目前的土壤污染修复资金主要来源于政府财政性投资,融资渠道较为单一。《土壤污染防治行动计划》实施后,如何满足实现土壤污染修复与治理目标的投资需求是一个迫切需要解决的问题,充分创新发挥市场力量,建立长效的融资政策机制是核心内容。本文评估了中国土壤污染修复与治理投融资政策现状,识别了投融资面临的关键问题和挑战,提出了"十三五"时期中国土壤修复与治理的投融资机制建设的政策建议,为"十三五"时期中国土壤修复投融资模式创新提供管理技术支撑。  相似文献   

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