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Physicochemical characteristics of sediment and benthic communities were studied in the proximity of seven sewage outfalls with differences in flow and wastewater treatment in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Redox potential was the only abiotic parameter which showed a pattern related with distance to outfalls, whereas granulometry, percentage of organic matter, metal concentrations or pH did not show changes related with outfall presence. Benthic community analysis proved to be the most suitable monitoring tool. The results showed that the highest impacted stations corresponded with those closest to outfall with the highest flow and only pre-treatment, whilst a decrease of this tendency was detected in the locations where secondary treatment takes place. Meta-analysis showed a decrease of amphipods and tanaids abundance as well as redox potential, as the indicators with the clearest response to sewage presence.  相似文献   

This paper reports the adaptational response of a tropical shrub Carissa Carandas L. to urban air pollution stress in Varanasi, India. Saplings of C. carandas were grown at a density of one per pot and kept for two years at 25 selected sites in the urban environment. Different sites received different levels of air pollution input. Changes in vegetative growth pattern (leafing and branching), in morphological features and in the distribution of biomass to above and below ground structures were considered in relation to the ambient air quality.Different levels of air pollution input produced different sets of harmful effects. Although the air pollution level at Varanasi reduced the plant height, basal diameter, canopy area, leaf area and total plant biomass of C. carandas, this species retained a major fraction of its photosynthate to above-ground plant parts where foliage assumes predominance. Since carbon gain is dependent not only on the rate of carbon acquisition per unit leaf tissue but also on the amount of photosynthetic tissue present, a shift in relative contribution of photosynthate to leaf production and shoot growth appears to be a pollution-induced adaptive response in C. carandas.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in the urban environment of Varanasi, India, to evaluate the plant responses to urban air pollution. Twenty sites were selected in four different zones of the city. At each site, seven woody perennials of same age classes were selected. Out of the four zones (I, II, III and IV), zone IV was used as a reference (control) zone as it received the minimum pollution input. Plant species growing in polluted and control areas were compared with respect to foliar dust load, per cent leaf area injury, leaf area, specific leaf weight and chlorophyll, ascorbic acid, SO 4 2– S and total N concentration in the leaves. Results indicated that the air pollution level in Varanasi causes leaf damage, reduces leaf area, specific leaf weight and chlorophyll, ascorbic acid and total N concentrations in the leaves. Sulphur concentration in leaves increased with increasing level of SO2 in the ambient air. The magnitude of such changes was maximum at the zone receiving maximum pollution load. Carissa carandas was found to be the most sensitive species and Bougainvillea spectabilis, the least. The study shows that the urban air pollution level in Varanasi is detrimental for the growth of plants involved in this study.  相似文献   

In the frame of an active monitoring study at the Serra do Mar near the industrial pool of Cubatão, Brazil,Hemerocallis was tested for its suitability as bioindicator of airborne fluoride pollution. In a screening experiment with various cultivars comparison of susceptibility, correlation of visible injury and foliar fluoride concentration as well as comparison with exposure ofGladiolus gave best results for theHemerocallis cultivar ‘Red Moon’. When exposed simultaneously foliar fluoride accumulation ofHemerocallis showed a highly significant linear correlation with fluoride content ofLolium multiflorum, the ‘standardized grass culture’ andGladiolus, well-known bioindicator species for fluoride impact. With respect to the extent of foliar injuryHemerocallis was less sensitive thanGladiolus, in terms of accumulation capacity it ranged betweenLolium andGladiolus. In general, the results of the biomonitoring study proved that the Atlantic Forest vegetation in a valley downwind from the Cubatão fertilizer industries is still suffering from severe fluoride pollution.  相似文献   

Predicting photochemical pollution in an industrial area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to confront pollution events concerning the city of Elefsis, in the environmentally aggravated area of Thriassion Plain, an effort is undertaken to create a model forecasting maximal daily concentrations of NO(x) (NO(2)+NO), NO(2) and O(3). The data analyzed were obtained from the Bureau of Pollution Control and Environments Quality based in Elefsis. The model in question uses hourly values of the pollutants as well as meteorological data recorded at the center of the city of Elefsis from 1993 to 1999. Three fitting methods are utilized, namely ordinary least squares, piecewise, and quantile regression. The verification and reliability of the forecasting models are based on the measurements of the year 2000. The results are considered to be satisfactory, with the forecasted values following the general tendencies.  相似文献   

The analysis of pollution data was the support for the proposed remodelation of the network and allowed an estimation of the Air Quality evolution since 1968.The most important pollution sources in Oporto area are the motor traffic, one oil refinery and one petrochemical complex.Strong acidity levels are generally small, but black smoke concentrations are similar to that observed in several European cities.The interpretation of the temporal evolution of network yearly averages, is sometimes not reliable, in consequence of not being possible to get the mean validation of every sites for all years.The network should be increased installing stations in the oldest commercial areas where sulfur dioxide, black smoke, nitrogen oxides, hidrocarbons, carbon monoxide, lead and ozone should be measured. Sulfur dioxide and black smoke should be measured too, in six more areas of the metropolitan Oporto.  相似文献   

Water samples from rivers, streams, springs, and shallow wells in Alayi-Ovim area of southeast Nigeria have been analyzed for Pb, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mg, PO4, NO3, CO3, SO4, Cl, and pH. The analyses were carried out using atomic absorption spectrometer and Hach Direct Reading Equipment. Results of the analyses from the area conform to the WHO (1995) standards for drinking water. However, the results show relative enrichment of Ca, pH, Mg, CO3, and Cl. Low values were obtained for Fe, SO4, and NO3. While the Cl and Pb enrichment in the area north of Alayi-Ovim axis is attributed to proximity to the lead–zinc and chloride-rich formations of the Turonian Eze-Aku and the Albian Asu River; the Ca, Mg, SO4, and CO3 enrichment in Southern part of Alayi-Ovim is due to the limestone-bearing Late Maastrichtian Nsukka Formation. Furthermore, the very low values of less than 5 ppm for these characters in water in the central region correlate well with the relatively clean Maastrichtian quartz arenite Ajali Sandstone Formation. The Pb–Zn and Cl incursions into the water system from the Older Albian Asu River/Turonian Eze-Aku Formations in the northern part of Alayi-Ovim area and the leaching of Mg, and Ca into the water system in the Maastrichtian limestone area in the south thus constitute geochemical indices for chemical pollution and mineral exploration for brine and dolomitic limestone in the area.  相似文献   

Sewage sludge may be used as an agricultural fertilizer, but the practice has been criticized because sludge may contain trace elements and pathogens. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of total and pseudototal extractants of Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn, and to compare the results with the bioavailable concentrations of these elements to maize and sugarcane in a soil that was amended with sewage sludge for 13 consecutive years and in a separate soil that was amended a single time with sewage sludge and composted sewage sludge. The 13-year amendment experiment involved 3 rates of sludge (5, 10, and 20 t ha?1). The one-time amendment experiment involved treatments reflecting 50, 100, and 200 % of values stipulated by current legislation. The metal concentrations extracted by aqua regia (AR) were more similar to those obtained by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 3052 than to those obtained by EPA3051, and the strongest correlation was observed between pseudo(total) concentrations extracted by AR and EPA3052 and bioavailable concentrations obtained by Mehlich III. An effect of sewage sludge amendment on the concentrations of heavy metals was only observed in samples from the 13-year experiment.  相似文献   

A health hazard, specifically the leukaemia risk, is evaluatedfrom different sources of benzene exposure with relation to apopulation living in an urban area of Italy. The population exposure is calculated for a reference year by sexand lyfestyle, with respect to smokers and non smokers. Potentialhealth risk is therefore quantified by means of mathematicalmodels and the relative significance of the different sources is described. The results of the analysis are useful for the identification ofappropriate risk reduction strategies to minimize exposure, inparticular when resulting from lifestyle and personal activities.  相似文献   

The Singrauli region in the southeastern part of Uttar Pradesh, India is one of the most polluted industrial sites of Asia. It encompasses 11 open cast coalmines and six thermal power stations that generate about 7,500 MW (about 10% of India’s installed generation capacity) electricity. Thermal power plants represent the main source of pollution in this region, emitting six million tonnes of fly-ash per annum. Fly-ash is deposited on soils over a large area surrounding thermal power plants. Fly-ashes have high surface concentrations of several toxic elements (heavy metals) and high atmospheric mobility. Fly ash is produced through high-temperature combustion of fossil fuel rich in ferromagnetic minerals. These contaminants can be identified using rock-magnetic methods. Magnetic susceptibility is directly linked to the concentration of ferromagnetic minerals, primarily high values of magnetite. In this study, magnetic susceptibility of top soil samples collected from surrounding areas of a bituminous-coal-fired power plant were measured to identify areas of high emission levels and to chart the spatial distribution of airborne solid particles. Sites close to the power plant have shown higher values of susceptibility that decreases with increasing distance from the source. A significant correlation between magnetic susceptibility and heavy metal content in soils is found. A comparison of the spatial distribution of magnetic susceptibility with heavy-metal concentrations in soil samples suggests that magnetic measurements can be used as a rapid and inexpensive method for proxy mapping of air borne pollution due to industrial activity.  相似文献   

Estuaries, the important component of natural environment are under pressure nowadays due to pollution from different sources like industries, agricultural fields etc. Ennore estuary one of the highly polluted estuary situated in Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, due to heavy industrialization surrounding this site poses serious threat to its inhabitants. The present paper focuses on studying the response of the fish Mugil cephalus with reference to its antioxidants during their exposure to metals like iron and chromium present in the industrial effluents that are discharged into the Ennore estuary. The results on comparison with unpolluted Kovalam estuary showed that fish from Ennore experiences severe oxidative stress with significant alteration being observed with antioxidant enzyme activities. Since these results were also found to vary with seasons, the determination of oxidative stress biomarkers in M. cephalus along with seasonal variations may serve as a convenient approach during pollution biomonitoring programme.  相似文献   

This study selected a petrochemical industrial complex in Beijing, China, to understand the characteristics of surface ozone (O3) in this industrial area through the on-site measurement campaign during the July–August of 2010 and 2011, and to reveal the response of local O3 to its precursors’ emissions through the NCAR-Master Mechanism model (NCAR-MM) simulation. Measurement results showed that the O3 concentration in this industrial area was significantly higher, with the mean daily average of 124.6 μg/m3 and mean daily maximum of 236.8 μg/m3, which are, respectively, 90.9 and 50.6 % higher than those in Beijing urban area. Moreover, the diurnal O3 peak generally started up early in 11:00–12:00 and usually remained for 5–6 h, greatly different with the normal diurnal pattern of urban O3. Then, we used NCAR-MM to simulate the average diurnal variation of photochemical O3 in sunny days of August 2010 in both industrial and urban areas. A good agreement in O3 diurnal variation pattern and in O3 relative level was obtained for both areas. For example of O3 daily maximum, the calculated value in the industrial area was about 51 % higher than in the urban area, while measured value in the industrial area was approximately 60 % higher than in the urban area. Finally, the sensitivity analysis of photochemical O3 to its precursors was conducted based on a set of VOCs/NOx emissions cases. Simulation results implied that in the industrial area, the response of O3 to VOCs was negative and to NOx was positive under the current conditions, with the sensitivity coefficients of ?0.16~?0.43 and +0.04~+0.06, respectively. By contrast, the urban area was within the VOCs-limitation regime, where ozone enhancement in response to increasing VOCs emissions and to decreasing NOx emission. So, we think that the VOCs emissions control for this petrochemical industrial complex will increase the potential risk of local ozone pollution aggravation, but will be helpful to inhibit the ozone formation in Beijing urban area through reducing the VOCs transport from the industrial area to the urban area.  相似文献   

葫芦岛市近岸海域水生动物重金属污染状况的监测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
参考国内外有关生物残毒研究理论 ,对葫芦岛市沿岸海区 ,包括东起笊笠码头 ,西至绥中芷锚湾海滨海水中现存动物体重金属污染状况进行监测和评价。  相似文献   

The Red Sea encompasses a wide range of tropical marine habitats that are stressed due to anthropogenic activities. The main anthropogenic activities are hydrocarbon exploration and important trading harbors. This work aims to assess the influence of the Red Sea coastal heavy metal contamination on the marine meiofauna along three sites (Ras Gharib, Safaga, and Quseir). Eight heavy metal (Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb, Cr, Co, Ni, and Mn) contents are considered in four benthic foraminiferal species (Elphidium striatopunctatum, Amphistegina lobifera, Amphisorus hemprichii, and Ammonia beccarii). Quseir Harbor showed the highest level of pollution followed by Safaga and Ras Gharib sites. The analyzed benthic foraminiferal tests displayed noteworthy high concentrations of Cd, Zn, and Pb in Quseir Harbor which could be attributed to the anthropogenic activities in the nearshore areas. Some foraminiferal tests exhibited abnormalities in their apertures, coiling, and shape of chambers. A comparison between normal and deformed foraminiferal tests revealed that the deformed ones are highly contaminated with elevated heavy metal contents such as Fe, Mn, Ni, and Cd. Statistics in addition to geo-accumulation and pollution load indices reveal a whistling alarm for the Quseir harbor. The present data are necessary to improve conservation and management of the Red Sea ecosystem in the near future.  相似文献   

闽江流域福州过境段水体病毒污染调查分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自1998年11月至2000年4月,监测了闽江福州段病毒污染与水质状况。肠道病毒阳性率71 1%,平均病毒浓度5 33pfu L,植物病毒检出率32 2%,阳性率水样平均浓度0 3006枯斑 升,其中三个污染控制断面肠道内病毒阳性检出率及病毒浓度显著高于对照和消减断面,揭示闽江福州段水环境病毒污染水平同福州市内河生活污水排放有直接关系,而引水内河冲污工程的实施显然又加剧了闽江水病毒污染的程度,增加了饮用水的卫生微生物学危险性。而水体环境中的植物病毒对农业生产存在着潜在的威胁。  相似文献   

This work centered on a 1-year evaluation campaign of point source pollution from a sewage treatment oxidation pond and its receiving stream. Water samples were collected from the sewage treatment oxidation pond and the receiving stream during July 2002 and June 2003. Concentrations of heavy metals were determined using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) after a triple acid digestion of samples using open beaker method. Generally, the results showed high levels of toxic metals such as Cd, Pb, As, Al, Cr, Mn, Co, and Fe in the influent and effluent samples as well as in the receiving stream. The annual mean concentration of metals in the sewage samples ranged from 11.90 to 16.05, 64.96 to 88.27, 38.91 to 76.35, 17.46 to 24.45 mug/L for Cd, As, Pb, Co, and 4.31 to 8.77, 1.71 to 2.45, 0.46 to 0.74 and 13.82 to 20.47 mg/l for Al, Cr, Mn and Fe, respectively; while in the receiving stream, the concentrations were between 6.89 to 10.45, 35.50 to 59.26, 22.85 to 35.94, 11.33 to 18.83 mug/l for Cd, As, Pb, Co, and 1.99 to 3.49, 1.35 to 2.08, 0.21 to 0.48, and 8.93 to 14.15 mg/l for Al, Cr, Mn and Fe, respectively. The discharge of the effluent from the sewage pond into the receiving stream has therefore led to increase in the concentrations of some heavy metals downstream, thus impacting the receiving stream negatively and could pose a serious health hazard to aquatic ecosystems and humans particularly for rural dwellers and peasant farmers downstream that utilize the water from the receiving stream for various domestic and agricultural purposes untreated.  相似文献   

The flow of heavy metals (Cu, Ni, Cr, Cd, Zn, Pb) and cyanide in the Kokomo, Indiana collection system and wastewater treatment plant is analyzed. The primary objective is to determine the relative contributions of domestic and non-domestic sources to the total pollutant load in the system, and to assess the levels of discharge control required for the disposal of municipal sludge by landfill or agricultural landspreading. Sampling was conducted at point source locations, in major sewer trunk-and feeder lines, and at the treatment plant. Production and waste treatment data are presented for point sources sampled for the purpose of characterizing metal and cyanide discharges as a function of these parameters. A heavy metal mass balance is attempted for the treatment plant. Metal removal factors are presented for various plant operations. A simple statistical approach is presented for the design of a cost-effective sampling program for correlating point source and trunkline pollutant sampling. The purpose is to minimize the amount of sampling required to account for pollutants seen in trunkline and treatment plant streams in terms of discharges from specific point sources.  相似文献   

In this study, metal and metalloid concentrations and pathogens were measured in shellfish at different locations in a tropical estuary, including sites impacted by sewage and industry. Oyster, mangrove snails and mud snails did not exceed Australian and New Zealand Food Standards maximum levels for copper, lead or estimated inorganic arsenic at any site although copper concentrations in oysters and mud snails exceeded generally expected levels at some locations. Bacterial community composition in shellfish was species-specific regardless of location and different to the surrounding water and sediment. In the snails Telescopium telescopium, Terebralia palustris and Nerita balteata, some bacterial taxa differed between sites, but not in Saccostrea cucullata oysters. The abundance of potential human pathogens was very low and pathogen abundance or diversity was not associated with site classification, i.e. sewage impact, industry impact and reference.  相似文献   

There is worldwide concern over the increase use of nanoparticles (NPs) and their ecotoxicological effect. It is not known if the annual production of tons of industrial nanoparticles (NPs) has the potential to impact terrestrial microbial communities, which are so necessary for ecosystem functioning. Here, we have examined the consequences of adding the NPs particularly the metal oxide (CuO, ZnO) on CH4 oxidation activity in vertisol and the abundance of heterotrophs, methane oxidizers, and ammonium oxidizers. Soil samples collected from the agricultural field located at Madhya Pradesh, India, were incubated with either CuO and ZnO NPs or ionic heavy metals (CuCl2, ZnCl2) separately at 0, 10, and 20 μg g?1 soil. CH4 oxidation activity in the soil samples was estimated at 60 and 100 % moisture holding capacity (MHC) in order to link soil moisture regime with impact of NPs. NPs amended to soil were highly toxic for the microbial-mediated CH4 oxidation, compared with the ionic form. The trend of inhibition was Zn 20?>?Zn 10?>?Cu 20?>?Cu 10. NPs delayed the lag phase of CH4 oxidation to a maximum of 4-fold and also decreased the apparent rate constant k up to 50 % over control. ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis (α?=?0.01) revealed significant impact of NPs on the CH4 oxidation activity and microbial abundance (p?<?0.0001, and high F statistics). Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that PC1 (metal concentration) rendered 76.06 % of the total variance, while 18.17 % of variance accounted by second component (MHC). Biplot indicated negative impact of NPs on CH4 oxidation and microbial abundance. Our result also confirmed that higher soil moisture regime alleviates toxicity of NPs and opens new avenues of research to manage ecotoxicity and environmental hazard of NPs.  相似文献   

The rapid urbanization in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) area has aggravated the cross-regional pollution of PM2.5 and aroused concern about the conflicts between urban development and air quality. This study aims to examine the spatial-temporal PM2.5 variations in the BRI region, in which area many countries are undergoing rapid urbanization and the main field of future urbanization, to delineate the driving mechanism of PM2.5 accumulation or dissipation. Previous studies have analyzed the PM2.5 distribution at the national level, providing limited information regarding regional heterogeneity in urbanization and PM2.5 concentrations within each country. Additionally, the regional differences in the driving mechanisms of urbanization factors on PM2.5 concentrations have not been thoroughly investigated within the BRI areas. In this study, remote sensing raster data was combined with geographic grid units to examine variations in urbanization and PM2.5 within the BRI region, identifying “typical regions” where urbanization could enhance PM2.5 accumulation. The main results are as follows: i) The spatial autocorrelation of urbanization and PM2.5 concentrations has gradually strengthened, showing consistent high-value distributions in the North China Plain, Ganges Plain and indicating a synergistic growth among emerging developing regions such as China, India, and the Persian Gulf Coast. ii) The correlation between urbanization and PM2.5 concentrations exhibited a distinct trend of differentiation within the BRI regions. The influence of urbanization on PM2.5 changed from agglomeration to dispersion, forming a “typical region” category composed of ten countries, including China, India, and Morocco. iii) The three main urbanization-related factors for PM2.5 accumulation in the “typical regions” for 2005–2016 were energy pollution emission, economic activities, and human activities. By 2023, the effects of energy pollution and economic activities are expected to converge in some “typical region” countries. Targeted urban strategies and governance actions based on the different driving-types of “typical regions” in BRI have been proposed to coordinate relationship between urban construction and atmospheric environmental protection.  相似文献   

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