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Thousands of hard rock mines exist in the western USA and in other parts of the world as a result of historic and current gold, silver, lead, and mercury mining. Many of these sites in the USA are on public lands. Typical mine waste associated with these sites are tailings and waste rock dumps that may be used by wildlife and open-range livestock. This report provides wildlife screening criteria levels for metals in soil and mine waste to evaluate risk and to determine the need for site-specific risk assessment, remediation, or a change in management practices. The screening levels are calculated from toxicity reference values based on maximum tolerable levels of metals in feed, on soil and plant ingestion rates, and on soil to plant uptake factors for a variety of receptors. The metals chosen for this report are common toxic metals found at mining sites: arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, and zinc. The resulting soil screening values are well above those developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency. The difference in values was mainly a result of using toxicity reference values that were more specific to the receptors addressed rather than the most sensitive receptor.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is the assessment of metal toxicity in runoff, in their contaminated soils and in the groundwater sampled from two mining areas in the region of Marrakech using a microbial bioassay MetPLATE™. This bioassay is based on the specific inhibition of the β-galactosidase enzyme of a mutant strain of Escherichia coli, by the metallic pollutants. The stream waters from all sampling stations in the two mines were all very toxic and displayed percent enzyme inhibition exceeding 87% except SWA4 and SWB1 stations in mine C. Their high concentrations of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) confirm the acute toxicity shown by MetPLATE. The pH of stream waters from mine B and C varied between 2.1 and 6.2 and was probably responsible for metal mobilization, suggesting a problem of acid mine drainage in these mining areas. The bioassay MetPLATE™ was also applied to mine tailings and to soils contaminated by the acidic waters. The results show that the high toxicity of these soils and tailings was mainly due to the relatively concentration of soluble Zn and Cu. The use of MetPLATE™ in groundwater toxicity testing shows that, most of the samples exhibited low metal toxicity (2.7–45.5% inhibition) except GW3 of the mine B (95.3% inhibition during the wet season and 82.9% inhibition during the dry season). This high toxicity is attributed to the higher than usual concentrations of Cu (189 μg Cu l−1) and Zn (1505 μg Zn l−1). These results show the potential risk of the contamination of different ecosystems situated to the vicinity of these two metalliferous sites. The general trend observed was an increase in metal toxicity measured by the MetPLATE with increasing total and mobile metal concentrations in the studied matrices. Therefore, the MetPLATE bioassay is a reliable and fast bioassay to estimate the metals toxicity in the aquatic and solids samples.  相似文献   

Two populations of the European bee-eater were studied, one living at a reference site and the other at a metal mining site. The concentration of arsenic and 11 metals (Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) was measured in feathers and regurgitated pellets collected at both sites. Cadmium, chromium, mercury, nickel, and lead were at least twofold higher in feathers of birds from the contaminated site than in the reference site, suggesting that this population was exposed to higher metal levels. Similarly, levels of aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, iron, and lead were also at least twofold higher in pellets from the contaminated area. The obtained results suggested that the impacted population of Merops apiaster is at risk due to the exposure to some metals.  相似文献   

Revegetation and ecological restoration of a Mn mineland are important concerns in southern China. To determine the major constraints for revegetation and select suitable plants for phytorestoration, pedological and botanical characteristics of a Mn mine in Guangxi, southern China were investigated. All the soils were characterized by low pH and low nitrogen and phosphorus levels except for the control soil, suggesting that soil acidity and poor nutrition were disadvantageous to plant growth. In general, the studied mine soils had normal organic matter (OM) and cation exchange capacity (CEC). However, OM (8.9 g/kg) and CEC (7.15 cmol/kg) were very low in the soils from tailing dumps. The sandy texture and nutrient deficiency made it difficult to establish vegetation on tailing dumps. Mn and Cd concentrations in all soils and Cr and Zn concentrations in three soils exceeded the pollution threshold. Soil Mn and Cd were above phytotoxic levels, indicating that they were considered to be the major constraints for phytorestoration. A botanical survey of the mineland showed that 13 plant species grew on the mineland without obvious toxicity symptoms. High Mn and Cd concentrations have been found in the aerial parts of Polygonum pubescens, Celosia argentea, Camellia oleifera, and Solanum nigrum, which would be interesting for soil phytoremediation. Miscanthus floridulus, Erigeron acer, Eleusina indica, and Kummerowia striata showed high resistance to the heavy metal and harsh condition of the soils. These species could be well suited to restore local degraded land in a phytostabilization strategy.  相似文献   

Studies on personal dust and endotoxin concentrations among animal farmers have been either small or limited to a few sectors in their investigations. The present study aimed to provide comparable information on the levels and variability of exposure to personal dust and endotoxin in different types of animal farmers. 507 personal inhalable dust samples were collected from 327 farmers employed in 54 pig, 26 dairy, 3 poultry, and 3 mink farms in Denmark. Measurements in pig and dairy farmers were full-shift and performed during summer and winter, while poultry and mink farmers were monitored during 4 well-defined production stages. The collected samples were measured for dust gravimetrically and analyzed for endotoxin by the Limulus amebocyte lysate assay. Simple statistics and random-effect analysis were used to describe the levels and the variability in measured dust and endotoxin exposure concentrations. Measured inhalable dust levels had an overall geometric mean of 2.5 mg m(-3) (range 相似文献   

An active biomonitoring of the heavy metals pollution experiment was undertaken by means of the bryophyte species Scleropodium purum transplanted at three different sites exposed to rural, traffic, or industrial influences. Concentrations of about 40 elements in S. purum were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Accumulation rates of heavy metals were determined in the three sites. These accumulation rates in polluted sites were matched together and also to those recorded at the rural site. The changes of the accumulation rate of heavy metals in S. purum versus their concentrations in PM10 particles simultaneously collected above show some different accumulation properties of S. purum according to elements and sites. S. purum has a weak efficiency in the three sites to accumulate elements like V, Cr, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Sb, and Pb originating from atmospheric hot sources generally enriched in particulates matter (PM10), whereas it is particularly high for Br, Th, and Rb. For other elements, Co, La, Ce, and Hf, and rare earth elements, Fe, Sr, Nb, Ti, Al, and Sc, the collection efficiency by S. purum is intermediate. In the industrial site Dunkerque, a magnification of the collection efficiency by S. purum for elements originating from steel and aluminum productions and petroleum refinement suggests that these metals could be enriched in coarse particles with a better accumulation by the bryophyte with respect to PM10.  相似文献   

Protection from the hazards from radioactivity is of prime importance in the management of uranium mine and mill wastes. Such wastes also contain non-radiological contaminants (heavy metals, acids and neutralising agents) which give rise to potential long-term health and environmental hazards and short-term hazards to the aquatic ecosystem, e.g. as a result of release of waste water. This study seeks to identify non-radiological contaminants (elements) transferred to waste water at the Ranger uranium mine/mill complex at Jabiru, which are likely to hazardous to the aquatic environment. The two principal sources of contaminants are:
  1. ore and waste rock mobilised from mining; and
  2. process reagents used in the milling and mineral extraction process.
These substances may or may not already be present in the natural environment but may lead to deleterious effects on the aquatic environment if increased above threshold levels. Rhenium, derived from the ore body, was found to be significantly enriched in waste water from Ranger, indicating its suitability as an indicator element for water originating from the mining and milling process, but only uranium, likewise derived from the ore, and magnesium, manganese and sulfur (as sulfate) from the milling process were found to be significant environmental contaminants.  相似文献   

In this paper the kinetic method for the determination of toxicity using Vibrio fischeri is described and suggested as a potential method for the continuous screening of wastewater toxicity. The kinetic method was demonstrated to be free from interferences due to colour and turbidity normally observed when testing wastewater samples with this organism. This is of great importance for the application of the method to remote toxicity screening of wastewaters. The effect of colour, investigated using 50 ppm Zn(2+) solutions containing the food-dye tropaeolin O, and the effect of turbidity, investigated using 50 ppm Zn(2+) solutions containing white optically reflective and coloured optically absorbing polystyrene beads, is reported. It was also found that the design of the light detection system of the instrument ensures efficient collection of the light scattered by particles in the sample, which enables a greater range of turbid samples to be tested. In addition the natural light decay was found to be negligible during the duration of a 10 min test and thus one channel would be enough to carry out the tests. This would mean halving the quantity of bacterial reagent used and reducing the cost of the tests.  相似文献   

2000 years of mining activity at Wiesloch, Germanyleft behind a legacy of mining wastes, some of which haveextremely high contents of toxic elements like As, Cd, Tl,Sb, Pb and Zn. To evaluate their long-term impact ondifferent environmental compartments, the detailedenvironmental monitoring presented here focused on themineralogical and chemical characterization of thedifferent waste materials, consisting of dumpings with orefragments, flotation tailings and medieval metallurgicalslags. Leaching experiments with these materials, usingeluents of different compositions and pHs were carried outto assess the conditions governing the mobilization and re-fixation of these species. It was shown, that the carbonatehost rock of the mineralization, the loess blanket coveringthe area and the organically rich municipal sewage sludgesdeposited on top of the tailings, represent potentialbarriers to the dispersion of toxic elements over a muchlarger area. Moreover, particulate emissions from thesteep, unvegetated escarpments of the tailing heapsrepresent a continuous thread to the environment.  相似文献   

In this study, PM10 concentrations and elemental (Al, Fe, Sc, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, Ba, Pb, and Bi) contents of particles were determined in Düzce, Turkey. The particulate matter samplings were carried out in the winter and summer seasons simultaneously in both urban and sub-urban sampling sites. The average PM10 concentration measured in the winter season was 86.4 and 27.3 μg/m3, respectively, in the urban and sub-urban sampling sites, while it was measured as 53.2 and 34.7 μg/m3 in the summer season. According to the results, it was observed that the PM10 levels and the element concentrations reached higher levels, especially at the urban sampling site, in the winter season. The positive matrix factorization model (PMF) was applied to the data set for source apportionment. Analysis with the PMF model revealed six factors for both the urban (coal combustion, traffic, oil combustion, industry, biomass combustion, and soil) and sub-urban (industry, oil combustion, traffic, road dust, soil resuspension, domestic heating) sampling sites. Loadings of grouped elements on these factors showed that the major sources of the elements in the atmosphere of Düzce were traffic, fossil fuel combustion, and metal industry-related emissions.  相似文献   

根据2011—2020年云南辐射环境质量土壤国省控点238U、232Th、226Ra、40K、137Cs、90Sr的监测结果,给出云南环境土壤放射性水平,得出云南环境土壤放射性水平总体平稳;云南环境土壤国省控点238U、232Th、226Ra、40K的监测结果与云南省环境天然放射性水平调查结果相近,与云南土壤238U、232Th、226Ra、40K分布趋势基本吻合;云南土壤238U、232Th、226Ra活度浓度略低于全国平均水平;由于大气迁移、沉降作用,早期核试验、核事故释放的核素137Cs、90Sr在云南环境土壤均有不同程度的检出。云南属伴生放射性矿产资源大省,滇西南某地...  相似文献   

Buried mineral soil-bags and natural solutions were studied as indicators of forest ecosystem response to elevated N and S inputs at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM). The BBWM is the site of a paired watershed manipulation experiment in a northern New England forested ecosystem. The study includes two small (10 ha each) catchments dominated by northern hardwood forests with red spruce in the upper elevations. Treatments consist of (NH4)2SO4 applied to the West Bear watershed six times per year, increasing N and S deposition 3× and 2× above ambient values, respectively. Buried mineral soil-bag changes over time reflected both the native soil environment and the treatments. Most of the treatment effects on mineral soils were evident as higher inorganic S found in the treated watershed soils. Adsorbed SO4 in the buried mineral soil-bags increased by approximately 40% under softwood stands and 50% under hardwood stands over the study period. Hardwood soil solutions responded with significant increases in NO3 and SO4 concentrations that resulted in accelerated cation leaching, primarily Ca and Al. Few differences that could be attributed to treatments were evident in soil solutions under softwoods. No treatment effects were evident in throughfall and stemflow chemistry.  相似文献   

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