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Sediments can be both a source and a sink of dissolved phosphorus (P) in surface water and shallow groundwater. Using laboratory mesocosms, we studied the influence of flooding with deionized water and simulated river water on P release to solution using sediment columns taken from a riparian wetland. The mesocosm incubation results showed that rather than retaining nutrients, sediments in the riparian zone may be a significant source of P. Concentrations of dissolved P in porewater reached more than 3 mg L(-1) and in surface water over 0.8 mg L(-1) within a month of sediment inundation. The reductive dissolution of P-bearing iron (Fe) oxides was the likely mechanism responsible for P release. Dissolved P to Fe molar ratios in anaerobic samples were approximately 0.45 when columns were flooded with water that simulated the chemistry of the adjacent river. This suggests there was insufficient Fe in the anaerobic samples to precipitate all P if the solutions were oxygenated or transported to an aerobic environment. If the anaerobic wetland solutions were delivered to oxygenated rivers and streams adjacent to the riparian zone, the equilibrium concentration of P in these systems could rise. The timing of P release was inversely related to the nitrate (NO3-) concentration in floodwater. This indicates that in riparian zones receiving low nitrate loads, or where NO3- loads are being progressively reduced, the risk of dissolved P release may increase. These findings present particular challenges for restoration and management in riparian areas.  相似文献   

Sediments have a significant influence on the overlying water, and phosphorus (P) release from sediments is an important source for the lake eutrophication, particularly in shallow ones. In this study, effects of organic matter on P release from sediments in different trophic lakes from the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River, China, were investigated, and the release kinetics of different P fractions at different temperature were studied. The results show that the release kinetics of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) and dissolved total phosphorus (DTP) were similar for the studied sediments, the release rate increased rapidly in the initial hours, and it increased gradually after 10h. The release kinetics of SRP, DOP and DTP followed the Power Function model. SRP was the major fraction among the released DTP, while DOP was an important fraction in the heavily polluted sediments. Organic matter restricted the SRP and DTP release while it promoted the DOP release. Both DOP and SRP release processes were endothermic. The thermodynamic properties in the P release kinetics were calculated and discussed.  相似文献   

Recognition of the threat to the sustainable use of the earth's resources posed by soil erosion and associated off-site sedimentation has generated an increasing need for reliable information on global rates of soil loss. Existing methods of assessing rates of soil loss across large areas possess many limitations and there is a need to explore alternative approaches to characterizing land surface erosion at the regional and global scale. The downcore profiles of 137Cs activity available for numerous lakes and reservoirs located in different areas of the world can be used to provide information on land surface erosion within the upstream catchments. The rate of decline of 137Cs activity toward the surface of the sediment deposited in a lake or reservoir can be used to estimate the rate of surface lowering associated with eroding areas within the upstream catchment, and the concentration of 137Cs in recently deposited sediment provides a basis for estimating the relative importance of surface and channel, gully, and/or subsurface erosion as a source of the deposited sediment. The approach has been tested using 137Cs data from several lakes and reservoirs in southern England and China, spanning a wide range of specific suspended sediment yield. The results obtained are consistent with other independent evidence of erosion rates and sediment sources within the lake and reservoir catchments and confirm the validity of the overall approach. The approach appears to offer valuable potential for characterizing land surface erosion, particularly in terms of its ability to provide information on the rate of surface lowering associated with the eroding areas, rather than an average rate of lowering for the entire catchment surface.  相似文献   

Phosphorus application in excess of crop needs has increased the concentration of P in surface soil and runoff and led many states to develop P-based nutrient management strategies. However, insufficient data are available relating P in surface soil, surface runoff, and subsurface drainage to develop sound guidelines. Thus, we investigated P release from the surface (0-5 cm depth) of a Denbigh silt loam from Devon, U.K. (30-160 mg kg-1 Olsen P) and Alvin, Berks, Calvin, and Watson soils from Pennsylvania (10-763 mg kg-1 Mehlich-3 P) in relation to the concentration of P in surface runoff and subsurface drainage. A change point, where the slopes of two linear relationships between water- or CaCl2-extractable soil P and soil test phosphorus (STP) (Olsen or Mehlich-3) meet, was evident for the Denbigh at 33 to 36 mg kg-1 Olsen P, and the Alvin and Berks soils at 185 to 190 mg Mehlich-3 P kg-1. Similar change points were also observed when STP was related to the P concentration of surface runoff (185 mg kg-1) and subsurface drainage (193 mg kg-1). The use of water and CaCl2 extraction of surface soil is suggested to estimate surface runoff P (r2 of 0.92 for UK and 0.86 for PA soils) and subsurface drainage P (r2 of 0.82 for UK and 0.88 for PA soils), and to determine a change point in STP, which may be used in support of agricultural and environmental P management.  相似文献   

In confined animal feeding operations, liquid manure systems present special handling and storage challenges because of the large volume of diluted wastes. Water treatment polymers and mineral phosphorus (P) immobilizing chemicals [AI2(SO4)3 x 18H2O, FeCl3-6H2O, and Class C fly ash] were used to determine particulate and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) reduction mechanisms in high total suspended solid (TSS) dairy manure and the P release from treated manure and amended soils. Co-application exceeded the aggregation level achieved with individual manure amendments and resulted in 80 and 90% reduction in metal salt and polymer rates, respectively. At marginally effective polymer rates between 0.01 and 0.25 g L(-1), maximal aggregation was attained in combination with 1 and 10 g L(-1) of aluminum sulfate (3 and 30 mmol Al3+ L(-1)) and iron chloride (3.7 and 37 mmol Fe3+ L(-1)) in 30 g L(-1) (TSS30) and 100 g L(-1) TSS (TSS100) suspensions, respectively. Fly ash induced particulate destabilization at rates > or = 50 g L(-1) and reduced solution-phase DRP at all rates > or = 1 g L(-1) by 52 and 71% in TSS30 and TSS100 suspensions, respectively. Aluminum and Fe salts also lowered DRP at rates < or = 10 g L(-1) and higher concentrations redispersed particulates and increased DRP due to increased suspension acidity and electrical conductivity. The DRP release from treated manure solids and a Typic Paleudult amended with treated manure was reduced, although the amendments increased Mehlich 3-extractable P. Therefore, the synergism of flocculant types allowed input reduction in aggregation aid chemicals, enhancing particulate and dissolved P separation and immobilization in high TSS liquid manure.  相似文献   

Large quantities of sediment are transported by the River Ganga (The Ganges) particularly In its deltaic region. Attempts have been made to study the physicochemical parameters of the bottom sediments of the River Ganga at various depths at Kamarhati and along the banks of the River Ganga in the lower deltaic region. The results give vital information regarding the pollution load carried by the river and the enrichment of its sediments with nutrients such as P, N and other substances such as C and S (as sulphates). The mobilization of the P, N, C and S (as sulphates) in the sediments is compared with their natural abundance. The enrichment of the river beds with P, the interaction of the sediment and the characteristics of the sediments are ascertained. Some aspects of the phosphorus cycle and its importance are also discussed. The recycling and reuse of sediments for agricultural purposes have been proposed in order to restore ecological imbalances due to nutrient loss.Mrs M. Chattopadhyay (née Ray) and D. Mukherjee are both post-doctorate ex-senior research scholars within the Department of Chemistry, Kalyani University, where Professor S.C. Lahiri was until recently head of department. Mr S.K. Bhattacharya is director of the Ganga Action Plan Sector, Calcutta Metropolitan Development Authority, Unnayan Bhavan (1st floor), Salt Lake, Calcutta 700 091, India. The information given in this paper is supplementary to that provided by certain of the same authors inThe Environmentalist 13(3), 199–210.  相似文献   

Dissolved phosphorus (DP) can be released from wetlands as a result of flooding or shifts in water column concentrations. Our objectives were to determine the long-term (1460 d) DP retention and release characteristics of an in-stream wetland, and to evaluate how these characteristics respond to flooding, draining, and changes in DP concentrations. The studied in-stream wetland drains an agriculturally intensive subwatershed in the North Carolina Coastal Plain region. The wetland's DP retention and release characteristics were evaluated by measuring inflow and outflow DP concentrations, DP mass balance, and DP movement across the sediment-water column interface. Phosphorus sorption isotherms were measured to determine the sediment's equilibria P concentration (EPCo), and passive samplers were used to measure sediment pore water DP concentrations. Initially, the in-stream wetland was undersized (0.31 ha) and released 1.5 kg of DP. Increasing the in-stream wetland area to 0.67 ha by flooding resulted in more DP retention (28 kg) and low outflow DP concentrations. Draining the in-stream wetland from 0.67 to 0.33 ha caused the release of stored DP (12.1 kg). Shifts both in sediment pore water DP concentrations and sediment EPCo values corroborate the release of stored DP. Reflooding the wetland from 0.33 to 0.85 ha caused additional release of stored DP into the outflowing stream (10.9 kg). We conclude that for a time period, this in-stream wetland did provide DP retention. During other time periods, DP was released due to changes in wetland area, rainfall, and DP concentrations.  相似文献   

Uptake and release of phosphorus from overland flow in a stream environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phosphorus runoff from agricultural fields has been linked to fresh-water eutrophication. However, edge-of-field P losses can be modified by benthic sediments during stream flow by physiochemical processes associated with Al, Fe, and Ca, and by biological assimilation. We investigated fluvial P when exposed to stream-bed sediments (top 3 cm) collected from seven sites representing forested and agricultural areas (pasture and cultivated), in a mixed-land-use watershed. Sediment was placed in a 10-m-long, 0.2-m-wide fluvarium to a 3-cm depth and water was recirculated over the sediment at 2 L s(-1) and 5% slope. When overland flow (4 mg dissolved reactive phosphorus [DRP] and 9 mg total phosphorus [TP] L(-1)) from manured soils was first recirculated, P uptake was associated with Al and Fe hydrous oxides for sediments from forested areas (pH 5.2-5.4) and by Ca for sediments from agricultural areas (pH 6.5-7.2). A large increase (up to 200%) in readily available P NH4Cl fraction was noted. After 24 h, DRP concentration in channel flow was related to sediment solution P concentration at which no net sorption or desorption of P occurs (EPC0) (r2 = 0.77), indicating quasi-equilibrium. When fresh water (approximately 0.005 mg P L(-1) mean base flow DRP at seven sites) was recirculated over the sediments for 24 h, P release kinetics followed an exponential function. Microbial biomass P accounted for 34 to 43% of sediment P uptake from manure-rich overland flow. Although abiotic sediment processes played a dominant role in determining P uptake, biotic process are clearly important and both should be considered along with the location and management of landscape inputs for remedial strategies to be effective.  相似文献   

Dairy manure application to soils can result in phosphorus (P)-related degradation of water quality. The P in these manure-impacted soils can be labile even years after abandonment and under conditions normally associated with high P stability. Failure of P to stabilize with time compounds the environmental consequences of dairy manure disposal, especially on sandy soils. The objectives of this study were to compare chemical characteristics of active and abandoned dairy manure-impacted soils and minimally impacted soils and to assess the continuous release of P in relation to sparingly soluble salts using repeated water extractions, X-ray diffraction, and speciation modeling of column leachates. Soil samples from Ap horizons were collected from nine highly manure-impacted (total P > 1000 mg P kg(-1) soil) areas on four active and five abandoned dairies and four minimally impacted soils (total P < 200 mg P kg(-1) soil). Soil extracts were analyzed for electrical conductivity (EC), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), Ca, Mg, Na, and K. The EC of the soil solutions decreased as active dairy > abandoned dairy > minimally impacted soils. Release of Mg and SRP were significantly correlated (r2 = 0.68) and did not decline after abandonment; Ca release was not correlated with SRP (r2 = 0.01), and declined significantly (p < 0.05) after abandonment. Speciation data from column leachates suggested that Mg-P phases and/or the most soluble Ca-P phases could control P solution activities. An implication of this study is that P stabilization via crystallization of calcium phosphates (even at near-neutral pH) may be preempted by Mg-P association. Thus, mechanisms to minimize P release may require P-retaining soil amendments or management of animal rations to eliminate Mg-P formation.  相似文献   

Evaluation of phosphorus transport in surface runoff from packed soil boxes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Evaluation of phosphorus (P) management strategies to protect water quality has largely relied on research using simulated rainfall to generate runoff from either field plots or shallow boxes packed with soil. Runoff from unmanured, grassed field plots (1 m wide x 2 m long, 3-8% slope) and bare soil boxes (0.2 m wide and 1 m long, 3% slope) was compared using rainfall simulation (75 mm h(-1)) standardized by 30-min runoff duration (rainfall averaged 55 mm for field plots and 41 mm for packed boxes). Packed boxes had lower infiltration (1.2 cm) and greater runoff (2.9 cm) and erosion (542 kg ha(-1)) than field plots (3.7 cm infiltration; 1.8 cm runoff; 149 kg ha(-1) erosion), yielding greater total phosphorus (TP) losses in runoff. Despite these differences, regressions of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) in runoff and Mehlich-3 soil P were consistent between field plots and packed boxes reflecting similar buffering by soils and sediments. A second experiment compared manured boxes of 5- and 25-cm depths to determine if variable hydrology based on box depth influenced P transport. Runoff properties did not differ significantly between box depths before or after broadcasting dairy, poultry, or swine manure (100 kg TP ha(-1)). Water-extractable phosphorus (WEP) from manures dominated runoff P, and translocation of manure P into soil was consistent between box types. This study reveals the practical, but limited, comparability of field plot and soil box data, highlighting soil and sediment buffering in unamended soils and manure WEP in amended soils as dominant controls of DRP transport.  相似文献   

Currently, several state and federal agencies are proposing upper limits on soil test phosphorus (P), above which animal manures cannot be applied, based on the assumption that high P concentrations in runoff are due to high soil test P. Recent studies show that other factors are more indicative of P concentrations in runoff from areas where manure is being applied. The original P index was developed as an alternative P management tool incorporating factors affecting both the source and transport of P. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of multiple variables on P concentrations in runoff water and to construct a P source component of a P index for pastures that incorporates these effects. The evaluated variables were: (i) soil test P, (ii) soluble P in poultry litter, (iii) P in poultry diets, (iv) fertilizer type, and (v) poultry litter application rate. Field studies with simulated rainfall showed that P runoff was affected by the amount of soluble P applied in the fertilizer source. Before manure applications, soil test P was directly related to soluble P concentrations in runoff water. However, soil test P had little effect on P runoff after animal manure was applied. Unlike most other P indices, weighting factors of the P source components in the P index for pastures are based on results from runoff studies conducted under various management scenarios. As a result, weighting factors for the P source potential variables are well justified. A modification of the P index using scientific data should strengthen the ability of the P index concept to evaluate locations and management alternatives for P losses.  相似文献   

Colloid-facilitated phosphorus (P) delivery from agricultural soils in different hydrological pathways was investigated using a series of laboratory and field experiments. A soil colloidal P test was developed that yields information on the propensity of different soils to release P attached to soil colloids. The relationship between turbidity of soil extracts and total phosphorus (TP) was significant (r2 = 0.996, p < 0.001) across a range of agricultural soils, and a strong positive relationship (r2 = 0.86, p < 0.001) was found between "colloidal P" (H2O-CaCl2 extracts) and turbidity. Linear regression of the proportion of fine clay (<2 microm) for each soil type evaluated against the (H2O-CaCl2) colloidal P fraction gave a weak but positive relationship (r2 = 0.38, p = 0.082). The relative contribution of different particle-size fractions in transporting P in agricultural runoff from grassland soils was evaluated using a randomized plot experiment. A significant difference (p = 0.05) in both TP and reactive phosphorus (RP) in subsurface flow was recorded for different particle-size fractions, with most TP transferred either in association with the 2-microm fraction or with the 0.001-microm or smaller fractions. Total P concentrations in runoff were higher from plots receiving P amendments compared with the zero-P plots; however, these differences were only significant for the >0.45-microm particle-size fractions (p = 0.05), and may be evidence of surface applications of organic and inorganic fertilizers being transferred through the soil either as intact organic colloids or attached to mineral particles. Our results highlight the potential for drainage water to mobilize colloids and associated P during rainfall events.  相似文献   

Though runoff from manure spread fields is recognized as an important mode of nonpoint-source pollution, there are no models that mechanistically describe transport from a field-spread manure-type source. A mechanistic, physically based model for pollutant release from a surface source, such as field-spread manure, was hypothesized, laboratory tested, and field-applied. The primary objective of this study was to demonstrate the potential applicability of a mechanistic model to pollutant release from surface sources. The laboratory investigation used stable sources and a conservative "pollutant" (KCl) so that the dynamic effects of source dissolution and chemical transformations could be ignored and transport processes isolated. The field investigation used runoff and soluble reactive phosphorus (SP) data collected from a dairy-manure-spread field in the Cannonsville watershed in the Catskills region of New York State. The model predictions corroborated well with observations of runoff and pollutant delivery in both the laboratory and the field. "Pollutant" release from surface sources was generally predicted within 11% of laboratory KCl measurements and field SP observations. Laboratory flume runoff predictions with 15 and 26% errors for 25 and 15 mm h(-1) simulated rainfall intensity experiments, respectively, represented root mean square errors of less than 0.2 mLs(-1). A 26% error was calculated for overland flow predictions in the field, which translated into approximately a 39 mLs(-1) error. Results suggest that the hypothesized model satisfactorily represents the primary mechanisms in pollutant release from surface sources.  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that a significant portion of the total loss of phosphorus (P) from agricultural soils may occur via subsurface drainflow. The aim of this study was to compare the concentrations of different P forms in surface and subsurface runoff, and to assess the potential algal availability of particulate phosphorus (PP) in runoff waters. The material consisted of 91 water-sample pairs (surface runoff vs. subsurface drainage waters) from two artificially drained clayey soils (a Typic Cryaquept and an Aeric Cryaquept) and was analyzed for total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus (TP), dissolved molybdate-reactive phosphorus (DRP), and anion exchange resin-extractable phosphorus (AER-P). On the basis of these determinations, we calculated the concentrations of PP, desorbable particulate phosphorus (PPi), and particulate unavailable (nondesorbable) phosphorus (PUP). Some water samples and the soils were also analyzed for 137Cs activity and particle-size distribution. The major P fraction in the waters studied was PP and, on average, only 7% of it was desorbable by AER. However, a mean of 47% of potentially bioavailable P (AER-P) consisted of PPi. The suspended soil material carried by drainflow contained as much PPi (47-79 mg kg-1) as did the surface runoff sediment (45-82 mg kg-1). The runoff sediments were enriched in clay-sized particles and 137Cs by a factor of about two relative to the surface soils. Our results show that desorbable PP derived from topsoil may be as important a contributor to potentially algal-available P as DRP in both surface and subsurface runoff from clayey soils.  相似文献   

Continual application of mineral fertilizer and manures to meet crop production goals has resulted in the buildup of soil P concentrations in many areas. A rainfall simulation study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the application of P sources differing in water-soluble P (WSP) concentration on P transport in runoff from two grassed and one no-till soil (2 m(2) plots). Triple superphosphate (TSP)-79% WSP, low-grade single superphosphate (LGSSP)-50% WSP, North Carolina rock phosphate (NCRP)-0.5% WSP, and swine manure (SM)-30% WSP, were broadcast (100 kg total P ha(-1)) and simulated rainfall (50 mm h(-1) for 30 min of runoff) applied 1, 7, 21, and 42 d after P source application. In the first rainfall event one d after fertilizer application, dissolved reactive P (DRP) and total P (TP) concentrations of runoff increased (P < 0.05) for all soils with an increase of source WSP; with DRP averaging 0.27, 0.50, 14.66, 41.69, and 90.47 mg L(-1); and total P averaging 0.34, 0.61, 19.05, 43.10, and 98.06 mg L(-1) for the control, NCRP, SM, LGSSP, and TSP, respectively. The loss of P in runoff decreased with time for TSP and SM, such that after 42 d, losses from TSP, SM, and LGSSP did not differ. These results support that P water solubility in P sources may be considered as an indicator of P loss potential.  相似文献   

Phosphorus losses from agricultural land can cause accelerated eutrophication of surface water bodies. This study evaluated the use of soil test phosphorus (STP) levels to predict dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) concentrations in runoff water from agricultural soils using laboratory rainfall simulation. The objectives of this study were to determine (i) to what extent STP concentrations can be used as a basis to predict P losses from Alberta soils and (ii) how extended rainfall simulation run times affected DIP losses. Soil samples collected from a total of 38 field sites, widely scattered throughout the southern half of Alberta, were subjected to rainfall simulation in the laboratory. The STP concentrations were determined using Miller-Axley, Norwest, Kelowna, Modified Kelowna Mehlich-III, and distilled water extraction methods. Each rainfall simulation event lasted for at least 90 min. Runoff samples were collected in time series for the duration of each simulation, during two distinct runoff intervals: (i) for the first 30 min of continuous runoff (T30) and (ii) for 40 min during runoff equilibrium (Teq). For all the STP extractants and both runoff intervals, the relationship with DIP-flow-weighted mean concentration (FWMC) was linear and highly significant with r2 values ranging from 0.74 to 0.96. However, the slopes of the resulting regression lines were, on average, 1.85 times greater for the T30 runoff interval over those computed for the Teq interval. Thus experimental methodology greatly influenced regression parameters, suggesting that more work was needed to verify these relationships under natural conditions. In addition, with many of the r2 values greater than 0.90 there would be little, if any, benefit derived by including soil properties in regression analysis.  相似文献   

Colloidal particles in runoff may have an important role in P transfer from soils to waterbodies, but remain poorly understood. We investigated colloidal molybdate-reactive phosphorus (MRP) in surface runoff and water extracts of calcareous arable soils from the semiarid western United States. Colloidal MRP was determined by ultrafiltration and operationally defined as MRP associated with particles between 1 microm and 1 nm diameter, although a smaller pore-size filter (0.3 nm) was used to define the lower size limit of colloids in water extracts. In surface runoff from three calcareous soils generated by simulated sprinkler irrigation, colloidal MRP concentrations ranged between 0.16 and 3.07 microM, constituting between 11 and 56% of the MRP in the <1-microm fraction. Concentrations were strongly correlated with agronomic and environmental soil-test P concentrations for individual soils. Water extracts of a range of similar soils contained two size fractions of colloidal MRP: a larger fraction (1.0-0.2 microm) probably associated with fine clays, and a smaller fraction (3-0.3 nm) probably associated with Ca-phosphate minerals. Colloidal MRP was solubilized in the acidic medium of the colorimetric detection procedure, suggesting that a fraction of the filterable MRP in runoff from calcareous soils may not be as readily bioavailable as free phosphate in waterbodies. Our results suggest that colloidal MRP is an important but poorly understood component of P transfer in runoff from calcareous western U.S. soils and should be given greater consideration in mechanistic studies of the P transfer process.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) loss from agricultural land in surface runoff can contribute to eutrophication of surface water. This study was conducted to evaluate a range of environmental and agronomic soil P tests as indicators of potential soil surface runoff dissolved reactive P (DRP) losses from Ontario soils. The soil samples (0- to 20-cm depth) were collected from six soil series in Ontario, with 10 sites each to provide a wide range of soil test P (STP) values. Rainfall simulation studies were conducted following the USEPA National P Research Project protocol. The average DRP concentration (DRP30) in runoff water collected over 30 min after the start of runoff increased (p < 0.001) in either a linear or curvilinear manner with increases in levels of various STPs and estimates of degree of soil P saturation (DPS). Among the 16 measurements of STPs and DPSs assessed, DPS(M3) 2 (Mehlich-3 P/[Mehlich-3 Al + Fe]) (r2 = 0.90), DPS(M3)-3 (Mehlich-3 P/Mehlich-3 Al) (r2 = 0.89), and water-extractable P (WEP) (r2 = 0.89) had the strongest overall relationship with runoff DRP30 across all six soil series. The DPS(M3)-2 and DPS(M3)-3 were equally accurate in predicting runoff DRP30 loss. However, DPS(M3)-3 was preferred as its prediction of DRP30 was soil pH insensitive and simpler in analytical procedure, ifa DPS approach is adopted.  相似文献   

Following a period of prolonged drought or intentional lake level drawdown, large littoral areas that once contained submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) are reinundated when lake levels rise. A complete assessment of the contribution made by decomposing SAV to the in-lake phosphorus (P) concentration is important in both the management of Lake Okeechobee and understanding basic P processes. The P contribution to the open waters of Lake Okeechobee from a rapid inundation of exposed SAV was calculated by four methods: cores of field-desiccated SAV, cores of lab-desiccated SAV in the presence and absence of sediments, in situ decomposition, and sequential macrophyte harvesting. P releases, given such an episodic event, were similar among the four methods, ranging from 116±48 to 384±528 mg/m2 in the absence of sediment. When SAV is in contact with sediment, which is the realistic field situation, the amount of P released was four times less (30±14 mg/m2) than in the absence of sediment. The calculated P releases would result in total P concentration increases in the lake from 2 to 15 μg/liter (upper 95% CI=2–25 μg/liter) in the absence of sediment; only 1 μg/liter increase was predicted when SAV released P in contact with sediment. Thus it is unlikely that a significant rise in total P concentrations in the limnetic zone of the lake would occur from the export of P released during the desiccation of SAV in the littoral-marsh zone during a drawdown.  相似文献   

Coastal and freshwater eutrophication continues to accelerate at sites around the world despite intense efforts to control agricultural P loss using traditional conservation and nutrient management strategies. To achieve required reductions in nonpoint P over the next decade, new tools will be needed to address P transfers from soils and applied P sources. Innovative remediation practices are being developed to remove nonpoint P sources from surface water and groundwater using P sorbing materials (PSMs) derived from natural, synthetic, and industrial sources. A wide array of technologies has been conceived, ranging from amendments that immobilize P in soils and manures to filters that remove P from agricultural drainage waters. This collection of papers summarizes theoretical modeling, laboratory, field, and economic assessments of P removal technologies. Modeling and laboratory studies demonstrate the importance of evaluating P removal technologies under controlled conditions before field deployment, and field studies highlight several challenges to P removal that may be unanticipated in the laboratory, including limited P retention by filters during storms, as well as clogging of filters due to sedimentation. Despite the potential of P removal technologies to improve water quality, gaps in our knowledge remain, and additional studies are needed to characterize the long-term performance of these technologies, as well as to more fully understand their costs and benefits in the context of whole-farm- and watershed-scale P management.  相似文献   

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