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Smelter waste deposits pose an environmental threat worldwide. Biosolids are potentialy useful in reclamation of such sites. Biological aspects of revegetation of Zn and Pb smelter wastelands using biosolids are discussed in this report. The goal of the studies was to assess to what extent biosolid treatment would support ecosystem functioning as measured by biological indicators such as enzyme activities of revegetated metal waste or plant growth. Another crucial aspect was related to the assessment of metal transfer to the ecosystem which could affect the health of local fauna and also create a food chain risk. A field experiment was conducted on a smelter waste deposit in Piekary Slaskie, Silesia, Poland, with two separate fields - established on wastes from the Welz and Doerschel smelting processes. The tested methods allowed revegetation of the fields - application of municipal biosolid at the rate 300 dry t ha(-1) combined with the incorporation of commercial lime in a mixed oxide and carbonate form at the rate of 1.5 and 30 t for Welz waste or use of a 30 cm by-product lime cap followed by incorporation of biosolid at a rate of 300 t ha(-1) for the more acidic Doerschel waste. Studies on biological activities demonstrated that the reclamation methods used are an effective way to establish new, fully-functioning ecosystems that support plant growth. They also provided strong evidence that forage crops grown on Zn, Cd and Pb contaminated sites reclaimed using lime and biosolids do not pose identified risk for wildlife and food safety.  相似文献   

Due to geochemical processes, peat soils often have elevated concentrations of trace elements, which are gradually released following drainage for agriculture. Our objectives were to use incubation temperatures to vary microbial activity in two metalliferous peats (M7 acidic peat and M3 neutral peat) from the Elba, New York region, and to use periodic leaching to assess the extent of trace element release from these soils. Dried soils were mixed with glass beads to maintain aeration, moistened, and incubated at 4, 16, 28, and 37 degrees C in 10-cm-diameter x 8-cm-tall columns. Five incubation-leaching cycles were performed, each consisting of 7.3 d of incubation (28 d for the final cycle) followed by 16 h of leaching with synthetic acid rain at 2.5 mm h(-1). Microbial activity was determined initially and after the final leaching by measuring C mineralization following glucose stimulation. Cumulative respiration results were ranked 28 > 16 > 4 > 37 degrees C, with M7 acidic peat respiration values greater than M3 neutral peat at each temperature. Initial leachate pH levels were between 2 and 4, with acidification less pronounced and shorter-lived for the M3 peat. Leachate S, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), NO3-N, and trace elements declined with successive leachings (rebounding slightly in the final M3 leachate), with concentrations typically greater in the M7 leachate. Elemental losses followed the same general ranking (28 > 16 > 4 > 37 degrees C); losses at 28 degrees C were 15 to 22% for As, Cd, Ni, and Zn from the M7 peat; losses from M3 were comparable only for Cu (1%) and Ni (19%). The correlation of respiration with S, DOC, and trace elements losses indicates that microbial processes mediated the release of trace elements in both peat soils. Neutral M3 peat pH levels limited losses of most analytes.  相似文献   

Soil amendments can immobilize metals in soils, reducing the risks of metal exposure and associated impacts to flora, fauna and human health. In this study, soil amendments were compared, based on "closed system" water extracts, for reducing metal mobility in metal-contaminated soil from the Broken Hill mining center, Australia. Phosphatefertilizer (bovine bone meal, superphosphate, triple superphosphate, potassium orthophosphate) and pine bark (Pinus radiata) were applied to two soils (BH1, BH2) contaminated with mining waste. Both soils had near neutral to alkaline pH values, were sulfide- or sulfate-rich, and contained metal and metalloid at concentrations that pose high environmental risks (e.g., Pb = 1.25 wt% and 0.55 wt%, Zn = 0.71 wt% and 0.47 wt% for BH1 and BH2, respectively). The addition of fertilizers and/or pine bark to both soil types increased water extractable metals and metalloids concentrations (As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Sb, Zn) compared with nonamended soils. One or more of the elements As, Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Zn increased significantly in extracts of a range of different soil+pine bark and soil+fertilizer+piner+pine bark tests in response to increased pine bark doses. By contrast, Fe and Sb concentrations in extracts did not change significantly with pine bark addition. Solution pH was decreased by phosphate fertilizers (except for bovine bone meal) and pine bark, and pine bark enhanced dissolved organic carbon. At least in the short-term, the application of phosphate fertilizers and pine bark proved to be an ineffective method for controlling metal and metalloid mobility in soils that contain admixtures of polymetallic, polymineralic mine wastes.  相似文献   

Nutrient leaching in a Colombian savanna Oxisol amended with biochar   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nutrient leaching in highly weathered tropical soils often poses a challenge for crop production. We investigated the effects of applying 20 t ha biochar (BC) to a Colombian savanna Oxisol on soil hydrology and nutrient leaching in field experiments. Measurements were made over the third and fourth years after a single BC application. Nutrient contents in the soil solution were measured under one maize and one soybean crop each year that were routinely fertilized with mineral fertilizers. Leaching by unsaturated water flux was calculated using soil solution sampled with suction cup lysimeters and water flux estimates generated by the model HYDRUS 1-D. No significant difference ( > 0.05) was observed in surface-saturated hydraulic conductivity or soil water retention curves, resulting in no relevant changes in water percolation after BC additions in the studied soils. However, due to differences in soil solution concentrations, leaching of inorganic N, Ca, Mg, and K measured up to a depth of 0.6 m increased ( < 0.05), whereas P leaching decreased, and leaching of all nutrients (except P) at a depth of 1.2 m was significantly reduced with BC application. Changes in leaching at 2.0 m depth with BC additions were about one order of magnitude lower than at other depths, except for P. Biochar applications increased soil solution concentrations and downward movement of nutrients in the root zone and decreased leaching of Ca, Mg, and Sr at 1.2 m, possibly by a combination of retention and crop nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

Soil stability and revegetation is a great concern following forest wildfires. Biosolids application might enhance revegetation efforts and enhance soil stability. In May 1997, we applied Metro Wastewater Reclamation District (Denver, CO, USA) composted biosolids at rates of 0, 5, 10, 20, 40, and 80 Mg ha(-1) to a severely burned, previously forested site near Buffalo Creek, CO to improve soil C and N levels and help establish eight native, seeded grasses. The soils on the site belong to the Sphinx series (sandy-skeletal, mixed, frigid, shallow Typic Ustorthents). Vegetation and soils data were collected for four years following treatment. During the four years following treatment, total plant biomass ranged from approximately 50 to 230 g m(-2) and generally increased with increasing biosolids application. The percentage of bare ground ranged from 4 to 58% and generally decreased with increasing biosolids rate. Higher rates of biosolids application were associated with increased concentrations of N, P, and Zn in tissue of the dominant plant species, streambank wheatgrass [Elymus lanceolatus (Scribn. & J.G. Sm) Gould subsp. lanceolatus], relative to the unamended, unfertilized control. At two months following biosolids application (1997), total soil C and N at soil depths of 0 to 7.5, 7.5 to 15, and 15 to 30 cm showed significant (P < 0.05) linear increases (r2 > 0.88) as biosolids rate increased. The surface soil layer also showed this effect one year after application (1998). For Years 2 through 4 (1999-2001) following treatment, soil C and N levels declined but did not show consistent trends. The increase in productivity and cover resulting from the use of biosolids can aid in the rehabilitation of wildfire sites and reduce soil erosion in ecosystems similar to the Buffalo Creek area.  相似文献   


To date, research on mine remediation in North America has focused primarily on technical management; relatively less is known about the historical, political and social dimensions of remediation. Remediation, as a continuation of the mining process, alters local landscapes and economies and can be both dangerous and beneficial for surrounding communities. Because remediation projects tend to focus on the technical aspects of clean-up, such projects risk overlooking the environmental injustices associated with past development and obscuring blame or responsibility from industry and government for environmental degradation. Insofar as it is understood as cleaning up or repairing environmental damage, remediation is generally seen as “doing the good” and is less amenable to political or ethical challenges based on community concerns or values. This paper argues that greater attention needs to be paid to public participation and justice concerns associated with cleaning up mine sites. Drawing from the literatures on ecological restoration, environmental justice, reconciliation, discard studies, and matters of care, we highlight critical, yet overlooked issues in the remediation of post-mining landscapes. We argue that remediation projects present a unique opportunity for the negotiation and articulation of morals, values, histories, and physical experiences associated with mine sites and we seek to re-frame remediation as an ongoing, creative process of community healing.  相似文献   

The use of large quantities of neutral coal fly ash (NFA) may be facilitated by co-application with a lime-stabilized biosolid (LSB) for the reclamation of acid mine spoil (AMS). Although NFA may not aid in the mitigation of acid drainage, questions concerning the leachability and mineralogy of native and NFA- and LSB-born metals must be addressed. In this study, the potential long-term influence of LSB and NFA on AMS leachate chemistry and trace element mineralogy was evaluated using laboratory weathering and selective dissolution techniques. The application of LSB at a rate sufficient to neutralize the potential acidity of the AMS increased leachate pH from approximately 3 to 7.5 for the duration of the study. Fly ash rates (1X, 1.5X, and 2X LSB rate) did not affect leachate pH. The dominant electrolytes in all leachates were Ca and SO4, the concentrations of which were mirrored by solution electrical conductivity (EC). Leachate concentrations of Al, Fe, Mn, K, Cu, Ni, and Zn were significantly reduced by LSB application, whereas concentrations of Ca, SO4, Mg, Cl, F, B, and P were increased. Nitrate concentrations were not affected by LSB. With the exception of leachate B, which increased with increasing NFA rate and was regenerated during the weathering study, NFA did not affect leachate composition. Sequential selective dissolution indicated a transformation of Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn into less labile mineral pools with weathering. The results of these evaluations suggest that the application of NFA during AMS reclamation would have little effect on leachate chemistry or the mineralogy of trace elements. Thus, the high-volume application of NFA to AMS during reclamation may offer an additional opportunity for the use of this combustion by-product.  相似文献   

From 1974 to 1984, 543 Mg ha(-1) of biosolids were applied to portions of a land-reclamation site in Fulton County, IL. Soil organic C increased to 5.1% then decreased significantly (p < 0.01) to 3.8% following cessation of biosolids applications (1985-1997). Metal concentrations in amended soils (1995-1997) were not significantly different (p > 0.05) (Ni and Zn) or were significantly lower (p < 0.05) (6.4% for Cd and 8.4% for Cu) than concentrations from 1985-1987. For the same biosolids-amended fields, metal concentrations in corn (Zea mays L.) either remained the same (p > 0.05, grain Cu and Zn) or decreased (p < 0.05, grain Cd and Ni, leaf Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn) for plants grown in 1995-1997 compared with plants grown immediately following termination of biosolids applications (1985-1987). Biosolids application increased (p < 0.05) Cd and Zn concentrations in grain compared with unamended fields (0.01 to 0.10 mg kg(-1) for Cd and 23 to 28 mg kg(-1) for Zn) but had no effect (p > 0.05) on grain Ni concentrations. Biosolids reduced (p < 0.05) Cu concentration in grain compared with grain from unamended fields (1.9 to 1.5 mg kg(-1)). Biosolids increased (p < 0.05) Cd, Ni, and Zn concentrations in leaves compared with unamended fields (0.3 to 5.6 mg kg(-1) for Cd, 0.2 to 0.5 mg kg(-1) for Ni, and 32 to 87 mg kg(-1) for Zn), but had no significant effect (p > 0.05) on leaf Cu concentrations. Based on results from this field study, USEPA's Part 503 risk model overpredicted transfer of these metals from biosolids-amended soil to corn.  相似文献   

High N fertilizer and irrigation amounts applied to potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) on coarse-textured soils often result in nitrate (NO3) leaching and low recovery of applied fertilizer N. This 3-yr study compared the effects of two rates (140 and 280 kg N ha(-1)) of a single polyolefin-coated urea (PCU) application versus split applications of urea on 'Russet Burbank' potato yield and on NO3 leaching and N recovery efficiency (RE) on a loamy sand. Standard irrigation was applied in all years and excessive irrigation was used in another experiment in the third year. At the recommended rate of 280 kg N ha(-1), NO3 leaching during the growing season was 34 to 49% lower with PCU than three applications of urea. Under standard irrigation in the third year, leaching from five applications of urea (280 kg N ha(-1)) was 38% higher than PCU. Under leaching conditions in the first year (> or = 25 mm drainage water in at least one 24-h period) and excessive irrigation in the third year, PCU at 280 kg N ha(-1) improved total and marketable tuber yields by 12 to 19% compared with three applications of urea. Fertilizer N RE estimated by the difference and 15N isotope methods at the 280 kg N ha(-1) rate was, on average, higher with PCU (mean 50%) than urea (mean 43%). Fertilizer N RE values estimated by the isotope method (mean 51%) were greater than those estimated by the difference method (mean 47%). Results from this study indicate that PCU can reduce leaching and improve N recovery and tuber yield during seasons with high leaching.  相似文献   

Manganese solubility has become a primary concern in the soils and water supplies in the Alamosa River basin, Colorado due to both crop toxicity problems and concentrations that exceed water quality standards. Some of the land in this region has received inputs of acid and trace metals as a result of irrigation with water affected by acid mine drainage and naturally occurring acid mineral seeps. The release of Mn, Zn, Ni, and Cu following saturation with water was studied in four soils from the Alamosa River basin. Redox potentials decreased to values adequate for dissolution of Mn oxides within 24 h following saturation. Soluble Mn concentrations were increased to levels exceeding water quality standards within 84 h. Soluble concentrations of Zn and Ni correlated positively with Mn following reduction for all four soils studied. The correlation between Cu and Mn was significant for only one of the soils studied. The soluble concentrations of Zn and Ni were greater than predicted based on the content of each of these metals in the Mn oxide fraction only. Increases in total electrolyte concentration during reduction indicate that this may be the result of displacement of exchangeable metals by Mn following reductive dissolution of Mn oxides.  相似文献   

Land application is becoming a preferred option for disposal of sewage sludge (biosolids) from wastewater treatment plants. However, it creates potential risks due to the heavy metal contents of these materials, with copper (Cu) being of chief concern. The long-term fate of biosolid metals applied to agricultural soils is not well understood, particularly in the soils of the Middle East. This investigation was conducted to determine whether the availability of Cu changes with time in biosolid-amended and nonamended soils from Israel. Seven soils, typifying the span of properties and formation environments encountered in Israel, were incubated with and without biosolids for 7 yr, and changes in organic carbon (OC) content and labile Cu concentration were determined. Isotopic exchange techniques, using 64Cu, and ion activity measurements, using a Cu2+ ion selective electrode, revealed that the available Cu concentration remained relatively low and stable over the 7-yr incubation. This was despite substantial reductions in OC. This study shows that, with regard to Cu, application of such biosolids to these soils at rates of up to 250 Mg ha(-1) does not pose a threat to the environment in the short to medium term.  相似文献   

Municipal biosolids are typically not used on the steepest of forested slopes in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. The primary concern in using biosolids on steep slopes is movement of biosolids particles and soluble nutrients to surface waters during runoff events. We examined the pattern and extent of P and N runoff from a perennial stream draining a small, forested 21.4-ha watershed in western Washington before and after biosolids application. In this study, we applied biosolids at a rate of 13.5 Mg ha(-1) (700 kg N ha(-1) and 500 kg P ha(-1)) to 40% of the watershed following nearly 1.5 years of pre-application water sampling and 1.5 years thereafter. There was no evidence of direct runoff of P or N from biosolids into surface water. Elevated surface water discharge did not change the concentration of PO4-P, biologically available phosphorus (BAP), bioavailable particulate phosphorus (BPP), or total P nor did it affect the concentration-discharge relationship. Some instances of total P concentrations exceeding the USEPA surface water standard of 0.1 mg L(-1) were observed following biosolids application. However, total P in 27 Creek was predominately in particulate form and not labile, suggesting that detritus moving into the main creek channel and ephemeral drainage courses may be the principal P source. Ammonium N concentrations in runoff water were consistent before and after biosolids application, ranging from below detection limits (0.01 mg L(-1)) to 0.1 mg L(-1); no concentration-discharge relationship existed. Biosolids application changed the 27 Creek concentration-discharge relationship for NO3(-)-N. Before application, no relationship existed. Beginning nine months after biosolids application, increases in discharge were positively related to increases in NO3(-)-N concentrations. Nitrate concentrations in runoff following biosolids application were approximately 10 times less than the USEPA drinking water standard of 10 mg L(-1).  相似文献   

We study the optimal hardwood tree planting decision on reclaimed surface coal mines in the Appalachian region using a mine operator-focused, expected cost model that recognizes costs of preparing the site for tree planting, unit costs of planting seedlings, and opportunity costs of reforestation treatments and the performance bond. We also consider the possibility of failed initial attempts by incorporating the probability of reforestation success, based on empirical seedling ,survival rates and regulated tree survival standards, as well as fixed and unit costs of returning for additional planting. Optimal planting levels from 319 to 780 trees per acre and expected costs from $1049 to $2338 were found using simulations over a range of unit planting costs, fixed costs of replanting, tree survival standards, and interest rates. Further simulations compared optimal planting across un-weathered gray sandstone and weathered brown sandstone substrate materials, finding gray sandstone to be associated with lower expected costs. We conclude that optimal planting density and expected reforestation cost are sensitive to economic parameters, regulations, and planting substrate materials; and those policies influencing these factors may have substantial impact on reforestation outcomes and the choice of post-mining land use by mine operators. Our study provides a framework for understanding forest reclamation decisions that incorporates incentives faced by the mine operators who develop and implement the plans for mine reclamation, including forestry.  相似文献   

Methyl iodide (MeI) is a promising alternative to methyl bromide in soil fumigation. The pest-control efficacy and ground water contamination risks of MeI as a fumigant are highly related to its gas-phase distribution and leaching after soil application. In this study, the distribution and leaching of MeI in soil following shank injection and subsurface drip application were investigated. Methyl iodide (200 kg ha(-1)) was directly injected or drip-applied at a 20-cm depth into Arlington sandy loam (coarse-loamy, mixed, thermic Haplic Durixeralfs) columns (12-cm i.d., 70-cm height) tarped with virtually impermeable film. Concentration profiles of MeI in the soil air were monitored for 7 d. Methyl iodide diffused rapidly after soil application, and reached a 70-cm depth within 2 h. Relative to shank injection, drip application inhibited diffusion, resulting in significantly lower concentration profiles in the soil air. Seven days after MeI application, fumigated soil was uncapped, aerated for 7 d, and leached with water. Leaching of MeI was significant from the soil columns under both application methods, with concentrations of >10 mug L(-1) in the early leachate. The leaching was greater following shank injection than drip application, with an overall potential of 33 g ha(-1) for shank injection and 19 g ha(-1) for drip application. Persistent residues of MeI remaining in soils after leaching were 50 to 240 ng kg(-1), and the contents were slightly higher following shank injection than drip application. The results suggest that fumigation with MeI may pose a risk of ground water contamination in vulnerable areas.  相似文献   

Malodor emissions limit public acceptance of using municipal biosolids as natural organic resources in agricultural production. We aimed to identify major odorants and to evaluate odor concentrations associated with land application of anaerobically digested sewage sludges (Class B) and their alkaline (lime and coal fly ash)-stabilized products (Class A). These two types of biosolids were applied at 12.6 tonnes ha(-1) (dry weight) to microplots of very fine clayey Vertisol in the Jezreel Valley, northern Israel. The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from the biosolids before and during alkaline stabilization and after incorporation into the soil were analyzed by headspace solid-phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Odor concentrations at the plots were evaluated on site with a Nasal Ranger field olfactometer that sniffed over a defined land surface area through a static chamber. The odors emitted by anaerobically digested sewage sludges from three activated sludge water treatment plants had one characteristic chemical fingerprint. Alkaline stabilization emitted substantial odors associated with high concentrations of ammonia and release of nitrogen-containing VOCs and did not effectively reduce the potential odor annoyance. Odorous VOCs could be generated within the soil after biosolids incorporation, presumably because of anaerobic conditions within soil-biosolids aggregates. We propose that dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide, which seem to be most related to the odor concentrations of biosolids-treated soil, be used as potential chemical markers for the odor annoyance associated with incorporation of anaerobically digested sewage sludges.  相似文献   

Florida Spodosols are sandy, inherently low in Fe- and Al-based minerals, and sorb phosphorus (P) poorly. We evaluated runoff and leachate P losses from a typical Florida Spodosol amended with biosolids and triple superphosphate (TSP). Phosphorus losses were evaluated with traditional indoor rainfall simulations but used a double-deck box arrangement that allowed leaching and runoff to be determined simultaneously. Biosolids (Lakeland, OCUD, Milorganite, and Disney) represented contrasting values of total P, percent water-extractable P (PWEP), and percentage of solids. All P sources were surface applied at 224 kg P ha(-1), representing a soil P rate typical of N-based biosolids application. All biosolids-P sources lost less P than TSP, and leachate-P losses generally dominated. For Lakeland-amended soil, bioavailable P (BAP) was mainly lost by runoff (81% of total BAP losses). This behavior was due to surface sealing and drying after application of the slurry (31 g kg(-1) solids) material. For all other P sources, BAP losses in leachate were much greater than in runoff, representing 94% of total BAP losses for TSP, 80% for Milorganite, 72% for Disney, and 69% for OCUD treatments. Phosphorus leaching can be extreme and represents a great concern in many coarse-textured Florida Spodosols and other coastal plain soils with low P-sorption capacities. The PWEP values of P sources were significantly correlated with total P and BAP losses in runoff and leachate. The PWEP of a source can serve as a good indicator of potential P loss when amended to sandy soils with low P-retention capacities.  相似文献   

Incorporation of manure into cultivated soils is generally recommended to minimize nutrient losses. A 3-yr study was conducted to evaluate sediment and nutrient losses with different tillage methods (moldboard plow, heavy-duty cultivator, double disk, and no-incorporation) for incorporation of beef cattle manure in a silage barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cropping system. Runoff depths, sediment losses, and surface and subsurface nutrient transfers were determined from manured and unmanured field plots at Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. A Guelph rainfall simulator was used to generate 30 min of runoff. Sediment losses among our tillage treatments (137.4-203.6 kg ha(-1)) were not significantly different due to compensating differences in runoff depths. Mass losses of total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) in surface runoff were greatest from the no-incorporation (NI) treatments, with reductions in TP loads of 14% for double disk (DD), 43% for cultivator (CU), and 79% for moldboard plow (MP) treatments. Total N load reductions in 2002 were 26% for DD, 70% for CU, and 95% for MP treatments compared to the NI treatments. Nutrient losses following incorporation of manure with the DD or CU methods were not significantly different from the NI treatments. Manure treatments generally had lower runoff depths and sediment losses, and higher phosphorus and nitrogen losses than the control treatments. Subsurface concentrations of NH4-N, NO3-N, and TN were greatest from the MP treatments, whereas subsurface phosphorus concentrations were not affected by tillage method. Tillage with a cultivator or double disk minimized combined surface and subsurface nutrient losses immediately after annual manure applications.  相似文献   

Acidic (pH 4.1) and high Cd, Pb, and Zn mine tailings (mean +/- SD: 17 +/- 0.4, 3800 +/- 100, and 3500 +/- 100 mg kg(-1), respectively) from an alluvial tailings deposit in Leadville, Colorado were amended with municipal biosolids (BS) (224 Mg ha(-1)) and different types of lime (calcium carbonate equivalent of 224 Mg ha(-1) CaCO3) in a greenhouse column study to test the ability of the amendments to neutralize surface and subsoil acidity and restore plant growth. The types of lime included coarse, agricultural, and fine-textured lime (CL, AL, and FL), sugar beet lime (SBL), and lime kiln dust (LK). The FL was also added alone. All treatments increased bulk pH in the amended horizon in comparison to the control, with the most significant increases observed in the FL, SBL+BS, and LK+BS treatments (7.33, 7.34, and 7.63, respectively). All treatments, excluding the FL, increased the pH in the horizon directly below the amended layer, with the most significant increases observed in the SBL+BS and LK+BS treatments (6.01 and 5.41, respectively). Significant decreases in 0.01 M Ca(NO3)2-extractable Zn and Cd were observed in the subsoil for all treatments that included BS, with the largest decrease in the SBL+BS treatment (344 and 3.9 versus 4 and 0.1 mg kg(-1) Zn and Cd, respectively). Plant growth of annual rye (Lolium multiflorum L.) was vigorous in all treatments that included BS with plant Zn, Cd, and Pb concentrations reduced over the control.  相似文献   

Biosolids are effective forest fertilizers. In order to facilitate their use it is important that one be able to predict the amount and rate of mineralization of nutrients, particularly nitrogen, and the relationship between substrate chemistry and N release. We examined the relationships between substrate quality and nitrogen release in a variety of organic materials. Rates of decomposition and net N mineralization from four biosolids, wheat straw, paper fines, and Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] needle litter were measured during 391-d incubations in a greenhouse, and at two field sites in wet coastal and dry interior forests. Decomposition rates were best predicted by a model incorporating the ratio of carbon to organic matter. The decomposition model extrapolated well to the field when site-specific correction factors were applied. There was a weak relationship between rates of decomposition and net N mineralization. Rates of net N mineralization were best predicted by a model incorporating the initial organic N concentration and the proportion of phenolic C determined from solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The mineralization model extrapolated less well to the field, but the effect of substrate chemistry was still apparent. Among the four biosolids there was a strong correlation between organic N concentration and indices or protein determined from 13C NMR, suggesting that these protein indices may be useful for predicting N mineralization from biosolids. There was some evidence that the protein content and N mineralization in biosolids may be predictable from the sewage treatment process employed.  相似文献   

Sulfide-bearing mine tailings are a serious environmental problem around the world. In this study, the vertical distribution and speciation of Zn and Pb in the fine-grained flotation residues of a former sulfide ore mine in Germany were investigated to assess the inorganic weathering processes that effect the environmental risk arising from this site. Total metal contents were determined by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF). Mobilizable fractions of Zn, Pb, Fe, and Mn were quantified by sequential chemical extractions (SCE). Furthermore, the speciation of Zn was analyzed by Zn K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) to identify the residual Zn species. The variations in pH and inorganic C content show an acidification of the topsoil to pH 5.5. EXAFS results confirm that Zn is mainly bound in sphalerite in the subsoil and weathering reactions lead to a redistribution of Zn in the topsoil. A loss of 35% Zn and S from the topsoil compared with the parent material with 10 g kg-1 Zn and neutral pH has been observed. If acidification proceeds it will lead to a significant release of Zn, S, and Pb to the ground water. In contrast to Zn, Pb is enriched in the mobile fraction of the topsoil by more than a factor of two compared with the subsoil which contains a total of 2 g kg-1 Pb. Thus, the high bioavailability of Pb and the potential for Pb uptake by plants and animals currently represent the most severe threat for environmental health.  相似文献   

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