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The Respicon has been introduced as a sampler for health related measurements of airborne contaminants at workplaces. The instrument is aimed at simultaneous collection of three health related aerosol fractions: (a) the coarser inhalable fraction, defining the aerosol fraction that may enter the nose and mouth during breathing; (b) the intermediate thoracic fraction, defining the fraction that may penetrate beyond the larynx and so reach the lung; and (c) the finer respirable fraction, defining the fraction that may penetrate to gas exchange region of the lung. The instrument has a number of features attractive to occupational hygienists: in addition to providing the three aerosol fractions simultaneously, it is light and compact enough to be used as a personal sampler. yet can be a tripod mounted for area sampling, it can provide samples not only for gravimetric analysis but also microscopic and chemical analyses; and it is also available in a photometric direct-reading version. The instrument has previously been evaluated as an area sampler and, in this mode of operation, has shown reasonable accuracy in collecting respirable, thoracic and inhalable particles, the latter up to particle diameters of ca. 80 microm. Except for some scattered unpublished data there exist no systematic investigations in the Respicon's performance when used as a personal sampler in the industrial environment. In this paper, we will report on a study of side by side comparison of the Respicon with the IOM inhalable sampler, regarded as a reference instrument for the inhalable fraction. The main study was performed at six different workplaces in a nickel refinery. Statistical analysis of the gravimetrically-determined concentration data reveals consistently lower aerosol exposure values for the Respicon as compared to the IOM sampler. The data for the nickel workplaces are compared with findings from other studies. The results are interpreted in the light of the overall results and the possibility of introducing a correction factor is discussed.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) were determined in three species of mollusks and associated sediment. Samples were collected from two locations along the intertidal zone of the Persian Gulf near Bandar Abbas. The study was conducted during the spring of 2011, 10 sediment samples and 15 mollusks from each of the following species: Saccostrea cucullata, Solen brevis, and Callista umbonella, were simultaneously collected. Soft tissue, shell, and sediment were tested for metals using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Geochemical fractions of the sediment were examined for metals using a sequential extraction technique. Our results indicate that over half of Cd and Pb in the sediment had natural origins. Independent sample t test showed statistically significant (p?<?0.05) inter-tissue differences in accumulation of Cd and Pb. Soft tissue of C. umbonella contained highest levels of Cd. Pb accumulation was highest in S. brevis shell. Significant correlations (p?<?0.05) were found between Cd in the soft tissue of C. umbonella and its levels in the geochemical fractions of the sediment. Lead levels in the resistant geochemical fractions of the sediment and S. brevis shell were significantly correlated. Our results suggest that soft tissue of C. umbonella and shell of S. brevis are reliable biomonitoring tools for Cd and Pb, respectively.  相似文献   

Asiatic clams, Corbicula spp., are filter-feeding freshwater bivalves that are widely distributed, abundant, and fast growing with a lifespan of 1–3 yrs. A review of the existing literature demonstrates that Asiatic clams can concentrate organic pollutants from both water and sediment and heavy metals from water. In conjunction with these traits, they exhibit a high tolerance for the effects resulting from exposure to toxic substances. While an organism must possess these traits to serve as an effective biological monitor, they have also permitted the Asiatic clam to rapidly colonize natural and industrial environments resulting in purported ecological disturbances and severe economic repurcussions, respectively. Its invasive biofouling attributes therefore restrict the use of Asiatic clams for biomonitoring purposes from Corbicula-free drainage systems.  相似文献   

Geochemical association plots are used as a screening tool for environmental site assessments and use empirical log–log relationships between total trace metal concentrations and concentrations of a major (i.e., reference) soil metal constituent, such as iron (Fe), to discern sites with naturally elevated trace metal levels from sites with anthropogenic contamination. Log–log relationships have been consistently observed between trace metal and reference metal concentrations and are often considered constant. Consequently, we used a regional geochemistry data set to evaluate background trace metal/Fe log–log associations across soils with highly diverse composition. Our results indicate that, although geochemical associations may be proportional, they significantly differ across predominant United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) soil orders. This suggests that highly complex interactions between soil-forming factors and variable secondary clay mineral composition affect the ratio of trace metals to Fe concentrations in soils. Also, intra-order variability in trace metal/Fe ratios generally ranged multiple orders of magnitude which suggest that the order level of the USDA soil taxonomic system is insufficient to reasonably classify background trace metal concentrations. Consequently, geochemical association plots are a useful screening tool for environmental site assessments, but ubiquitous application of generic background metal data sets could result in erroneous conclusions. Because significantly different ratios were observed across predominant USDA soil orders, an agglomerative clustering technique was used to elucidate hierarchical patterns of association. We present these results as a mechanism to aid environmental assessors in screening candidate background metal data sets for their applicability to site-specific soil composition; although site-specific background metal data should be utilized if ample pristine reference sites with similar (i.e., sub-order) soil composition can be identified and sampled.  相似文献   

Biomonitors are commonly used to assess levels of bioavailable contaminants in the environment, however the relationships between biomonitor tissue concentrations and ecological effects are rarely assessed. The present study investigated metal contamination within a highly industrialised harbour and ecological effects on sessile invertebrates. The native oyster Saccostrea glomerata was deployed as a biomonitor across twenty-six sites to test for correlations between metal levels in their tissues and the recruitment of hard-substrate invertebrates. Concentrations of lead and copper in oyster tissues were negatively correlated with densities of the dominant barnacle, Amphibalanus variegatus, and positively correlated with densities of the dominant polychaete, Hydroides elegans, and the two native encrusting bryozoans Celloporaria nodulosa and Arachnopusia unicornis. Results suggest that highly localised events drive contaminant availability and that these events pose a significant risk to fauna. Biomonitoring studies may be enhanced by running concurrent ecological surveys.  相似文献   

根据南通市大气超级站的观测结果和气象因素,对南通市2019年10月29日—11月2日一次典型沙尘污染过程、颗粒物化学组分、颗粒物消光和退偏进行分析。结果表明,在沙尘影响期间,PM10小时峰值达311 μg/m3, ρ(Ca2+)较污染前上升了7.4倍;在沙尘颗粒物碱性环境条件下,二次组分OM和NO-3的快速生成,浓度分别较污染前上升了96.6 %和34.0 %;ρ(NO-3)/ρ(SO-24)污染中(2.5)高于污染前(1.7),ρ(EC)/ρ(PM2.5)污染中(4.2%)高于污染前(3.6%),受到明显的沙尘传输影响,而移动源排放也有一定贡献,在本地地面气压场较弱情况下,导致沙尘污染过程长时间持续。  相似文献   

Presence of Stachybotrys chartarum in indoor environments has been linked to building-associated disease, however, the causative agents are unknown. Verrucarol (VER) and trichodermol (TRID) are hydrolysis products of some major S. chartarum mycotoxins, i.e. macrocyclic trichothecenes and trichodermin. We optimized gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) methods for detecting VER and TRID in S. chartarum-contaminated indoor environmental samples. Heptafluorobutyryl derivatives of both VER and TRID exhibited little MS fragmentation and gave much higher detection sensitivity (sub-picogram injected onto the GC column), both in GC-MS and GC-MSMS, than trimethylsilyl derivatives. Optimal detection sensitivity and specificity was achieved by combining chemical ionization and negative ion (NICI) detection with MSMS. With this method, VER and TRID were detected in building materials colonized by S. chartarum and TRID was demonstrated in dust settled in the breathing zone in a house where an inner wall was colonized. In summary, we have shown that NICI-GC-MSMS can be used to demonstrate mycotoxins in house dust in S. chartarum-contaminated dwellings.  相似文献   

Coastal lagoons are ecologically and economically important environments but a relative low number of studies were carried out in subtropical and permanently closed coastal lagoons. The present study aimed at assessing the temporal and spatial dynamic of trophic relevant water quality parameters in the small, deep and freshwater Peri coastal lagoon, South Brazil. During the 19 sampled months (March/2008-September/2009) spatial homogeneity (horizontal and vertical) was registered in all seasons for all variables, a condition related to the strong wind influence and low human occupation in the lagoon watershed. Seasonal variations of the water quality could be observed and they can be explained mainly by variation on temperature, wind forces and direction and rainfall, characteristic from the subtropical weather. Comparing this study with two others conducted in Peri lagoon in 1996 and 1998, no critical differences that evidence alteration in the water quality were found, but climate differences may have influenced in some small variations observed. The use of four trophic state indices indicated that indices designed for temperate lakes are inappropriate for the subtropical Peri lagoon. The lagoon was classified as oligotrophic for nutrients concentrations and meso-eutrophic for transparency and chlorophyll-a, which can be explained by the high densities and monodominance of the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and the high recycling rates observed in warmer water bodies, when compared to the temperate ones.  相似文献   

A survey to assess the occurrence of airborne fungal spores in three different industries, dairies, carpentries and greenhouses, was carried out. The results revealed considerable fungal pollution in the environments of the industries sampled. Noteworthy was the occurrence of fungal genera frequently implicated in allergic and non-allergic diseases, or well known for the production of mycotoxins in foods or characterized by a marked degradative activity on different substrata. Penicillium, Candida, Mucor and Geotrichum were the most common genera identified in the dairies; Penicillium, Cladosporium, yeasts, Trichoderma and Rhizopus occurred more frequently in the carpentries; Cladosporium, Alternaria, Penicillium and Stemphilium were prevailing in the greenhouse.The results of our survey support the idea that, due to their high incidence and variety, fungal spores may represent a potential health hazard in working environments, where their concentration can be affected by many operations and handling.  相似文献   

In the present study, the influence of aluminium on the regeneration potential of leaf and stem-cuttings of Portulaca oleracea was studied in order to identify a terrestrial plant species as an alternate biomonitoring toolof fresh water environment. The leaves and stem cuttings of theterrestrial plant, P. oleracea grew well in the distilled water producing adventitious and lateral roots. The aluminium treated leaves and stem cuttings showed a reduction in the growthof the adventitious and lateral roots and increase in the decay of leaves and stem cuttings with increasing aluminium concentration. The tolerance index calculated for the leaves and the stem cuttings showed that the leaves were more sensitivethan stems to aluminium. Since all the parameters studied showedconcentration dependent changes, the terrestrial plant, P. oleracea can be considered a suitable biomonitoring tool of fresh water environment besides its usage in the Al toxicity testing.  相似文献   

The suitability of a single intertidal fish trap for the assessment of long-term trends in fish and epibenthic invertebrate relies upon the assumption of an on-average constant sampling fraction from the study population. This assumption was examined by comparing trends over years in five different traps within the study area. For some species, like cod, the traps showed more or less parallel fluctuations. This is in agreement with the assumption. However, for other species, like mackerel, the assumption was invalidated by distinct trends over years.Publication no. 62 of the project Applied Scientific Research Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (BEWON)  相似文献   

A new sampling system has been developed for the measurement of time-averaged concentrations of organic micropollutants in aquatic environments. The system is based on the diffusion of targeted organic compounds through a rate-limiting membrane and the subsequent accumulation of these species in a bound, hydrophobic, solid-phase material. It provides a novel and robust solution to the problem of monitoring in situations where large temporal fluctuations in pollutant levels may occur. Accumulation rates are regulated by choice of diffusion-limiting membrane and bound solid-phase material and have been found to be dependent on the physico-chemical properties of individual target analytes. Two separate prototype systems are described: one suitable for the sampling of non-polar organic species with log octanol/water partition coefficient (log P) values greater than 4, the other for more polar species with log P values between 2 and 4. Both systems use the same solid-phase material (47 mm C18 Empore disk) as a receiving phase but are fitted with different rate-limiting membrane materials (polysulfone for the polar and polyethylene for the non-polar analytes). The two systems complement each other and together can be used for sampling a wider range of organic analytes than generally possible using current passive sampling techniques. Calibration data are presented for both devices. In each case, linear uptake kinetics were sustained, under constant conditions, for deployment periods of between 1 and 9 days. The effects of water temperature and turbulence on sampling rates have been quantitatively assessed. The performance of the system was further investigated by means of field exposures for one and two weeks in marine environments where calibrated samplers were used to determine the time-averaged concentrations of the polar biocides diuron and irgarol 1051. The quantitative results obtained using the passive sampler were compared with those obtained using spot sampling.  相似文献   

Increasing evidences show that inhalation of indoor bioaerosols has caused numerous adverse health effects and diseases. However, the bioaerosol size distribution, composition, and concentration level, representing different inhalation risks, could vary with different living environments. The six-stage Andersen sampler is designed to simulate the sampling of different human lung regions. Here, the sampler was used in investigating the bioaerosol exposure in six different environments (student dorm, hospital, laboratory, hotel room, dining hall, and outdoor environment) in Beijing. During the sampling, the Andersen sampler was operated for 30 min for each sample, and three independent experiments were performed for each of the environments. The air samples collected onto each of the six stages of the sampler were incubated on agar plates directly at 26 °C, and the colony forming units (CFU) were manually counted and statistically corrected. In addition, the developed CFUs were washed off the agar plates and subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) for diversity analysis. Results revealed that for most environments investigated, the culturable bacterial aerosol concentrations were higher than those of culturable fungal aerosols. The culturable bacterial and fungal aerosol fractions, concentration, size distribution, and diversity were shown to vary significantly with the sampling environments. PCR-DGGE analysis indicated that different environments had different culturable bacterial aerosol compositions as revealed by distinct gel band patterns. For most environments tested, larger (>3 μm) culturable bacterial aerosols with a skewed size distribution were shown to prevail, accounting for more than 60 %, while for culturable fungal aerosols with a normal size distribution, those 2.1–4.7 μm dominated, accounting for 20–40 %. Alternaria, Cladosporium, Chaetomium, and Aspergillus were found abundant in most environments studied here. Viable microbial load per unit of particulate matter was also shown to vary significantly with the sampling environments. The results from this study suggested that different environments even with similar levels of total microbial cuturable aerosol concentrations could present different inhalation risks due to different bioaerosol particle size distribution and composition. This work fills literature gaps regarding bioaerosol size and composition-based exposure risks in different human dwellings in contrast to a vast body of total bioaerosol levels.  相似文献   

The present study proposed to investigate the atmospheric distribution, sources, and inhalation health risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a tropical megacity (Delhi, India). To this end, 16 US EPA priority PAHs were measured in the inhalable fraction of atmospheric particles (PM10; aerodynamic diameter, ≤10 μm) collected weekly at three residential areas in Delhi from December 2008 to November 2009. Mean annual 24 h PM10 levels at the sites (166.5–192.3 μg m?3) were eight to ten times the WHO limit. Weekday/weekend effects on PM10 and associated PAHs were investigated. Σ16PAH concentrations (sum of 16 PAHs analyzed; overall annual mean, 105.3 ng m?3; overall range, 10.5–511.9 ng m?3) observed were at least an order of magnitude greater than values reported from European and US cities. Spatial variations in PAHs were influenced by nearness to traffic and thermal power plants while seasonal variation trends showed highest concentrations in winter. Associations between Σ16PAHs and various meteorological parameters were investigated. The overall PAH profile was dominated by combustion-derived large-ring species (85–87 %) that were essentially local in origin. Carcinogenic PAHs contributed 58–62 % to Σ16PAH loads at the sites. Molecular diagnostic ratios were used for preliminary assessment of PAH sources. Principal component analysis coupled with multiple linear regression-identified vehicular emissions as the predominant source (62–83 %), followed by coal combustion (18–19 %), residential fuel use (19 %), and industrial emissions (16 %). Spatio-temporal variations and time-evolution of source contributions were studied. Inhalation cancer risk assessment showed that a maximum of 39,780 excess cancer cases might occur due to lifetime inhalation exposure to the analyzed PAH concentrations.  相似文献   

Nucella lapillus (L.) is a marine gastropod mollusc widely used as a bioindicator of TBT pollution in the North Atlantic coastlines. The species reproductive cycle and the male penis length seasonal/spatial variation were studied at a single site at Aveiro seashore (NW Portugal) between December 2005 and June 2007. The main objective of this work is to assess if the "Relative Penis Size Index" (RPSI)--an important imposex assessment index--varies seasonally and spatially in the same sampling site and how this can affect results obtained in imposex monitoring programmes. Animals able to reproduce were found every month but a seasonal pattern in N. lapillus reproductive cycle was evident. Female gametogenic maturation varied seasonally and a decrease in capsule gland volume and condition factor occurred in late summer/early autumn. The gametogenesis in males did not show a significant seasonal variation as in females but the condition factor, penis length, amount of sperm and prostate volume also diminished in late summer/early autumn. On the other hand, males that were close to egg capsules clusters had larger penises than those far away from clusters. The temporal and spatial male penis length variation introduces a bias on imposex assessment results when using RPSI and the magnitude of the error involved is evaluated for different TBT pollution levels scenarios. We consider that RPSI provides interesting and complementary information that should not be excluded from monitoring programmes, but temporal or spatial comparisons of imposex should be based on other more reliable imposex indices like the VDSI.  相似文献   

Water table fluctuation (??h) can be used to rapidly assess changes in groundwater storage. But ??h gives acceptable results only if the point of observation is ideally located in the catchment of interest and gives average ??h of the area, a condition which is rarely met. However, if large numbers of observation wells are located within a basin (a catchment) the average ??h can be computed and used. But, a better way is to use points obtained by shallowest water level and deepest water levels to construct a wedge of water table fluctuation across the area of interest; the mean height of this wedge can be assumed to be the mean ??h in the area. And when there is only one observation well, the fact that water table is a subdued replica of the topography, is made use to construct the wedge of water table fluctuation. The results from some randomly selected observations in typical semi-arid, hard rock environment in Andhra Pradesh show that through this approach mean ??h can be effectively used to get change in groundwater storage in area. The mean recharge obtained in this study is in the order of 75 and mean draft is 58?mm/a, while mean recharge and draft obtained by conventional technique are 66 and 54?mm/a, respectively. The most likely specific yield around the middle reaches of a catchment ranges between 0.012 and 0.041 which is within the range given by Groundwater Estimation Committee of India for hard rocks.  相似文献   

A performance study of diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) was applied for the monitoring of the labile fraction of metals Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn, in Sant Joan Despí Drinking Water Treatment Plant located in the South of Barcelona’s Metropolitan Area (Spain). The DWTP monitoring protocol was optimized by working for 1 day of deployment (24 h) with the DGT device in contact with both treated and river water matrixes. Additionally, it was demonstrated that an increase in the deployment time of 1 week did not decrease the evaluated concentrations of the studied metals. The quality parameters of the DGT device and ICP-OES determination, such as limit of quantification, accuracy expressed as relative error (%) and reproducibility expressed as relative standard deviation, were evaluated. Good results were obtained for all the metals in ultrapure water; limits of quantification ranged from 1.5 μg L − 1 for cadmium to 28 μg L − 1 for zinc when deployment time of 24 h was used and from 0.2 μg L − 1 for cadmium to 4 μg L − 1 for zinc when this time was increased by 1 week. Accuracy and precisions lower than or equal to 10% were obtained at a parametric concentration value of the metals regulated in the European Drinking Water Guidelines (98/83/EC). DGT deployment was tested in river and treated water, and good results were obtained for Cd, Ni, Co and Zn, whereas for the other metals, a continuous control of their metallic labile fractions was monitored. Therefore, DGT device allows the continuous monitoring of the labile metal species in a drinking water treatment plant.  相似文献   

The use of underwater optical sensors to monitor pollution and climate change processes has led to the development of robust instruments able to be deployed in lakes and seas for months at a time. However, despite this improvement in their durability they are subject to biofouling on their optical ports resulting in erroneous readings. The use of hydrogel coatings containing the cationic surfactant benzalkonium chloride (BAC) has been shown to prevent the development of biofouling for up to 12 weeks in the marine environment. In this study the use of hydrogel coatings in the freshwater environment was less successful with fouling visible at 2 weeks. In both field and laboratory studies a rapid initial loss of BAC from the hydrogel film was observed. The loss is a combination of diffusive and mass flow but the period from 12 to 50 h appeared to fit to diffusion kinetics and a diffusion coefficient of 7.3 x 10(-8) cm2 s(-1) (13 degrees C) was calculated, an order of 10 times greater than that found in seawater. Subsequently the rate of loss of the residual BAC, for which a diffusion coefficient of 5.7 x 10(-10) cm2 s(-1) (15 degrees C) was measured, was too low to prevent the early stages of biofouling.  相似文献   

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