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正上海市虹口区广中路小学创办于1956年,至今已经有58年历史。学校以建立绿色人文校园为核心,以教育科研为引领,开展环保特色教育,把学科知识的传授和人文素养的熏陶相结合,全面提升学生的素养,提高学校教育教学质量。学校本着"有特色,能吸引人;有活动,能教育人;有评比,能激励人;有成果,能鼓舞人;有创新,能发展人"的办学思想,引导广大师生积极参与学校的各项环保教育活动,让学生获得人与环境  相似文献   

正编者按近10年来,我国各地陆续创建了一批批环境教育基地。同时,随着国门的开放,世界各地各种类型的环境教育基地也通过不同渠道被介绍到中国来。这些国内外基地的共同作用就是利用自身特色,面向社会,特别是青少年开展各种各样形式的环境人文教育,以提高各国公民的环境人文素养,普及生态文明和可持续发展理念。这些基地是人类的共同财富和创造。形象地说,每一  相似文献   

编者按近10年来,我国各地陆续创建了一批批环境教育基地。同时,随着国门的开放,世界各地各种类型的环境教育基地也通过不同渠道被介绍到中国来。这些国内外基地的共同作用就是利用自身特色,面向社会,特别是青少年开展各种各样形式的环境人文教育,以提高各国公民的环境人文素养,普及生态文明和可持续发展理念。这些基地是人类的共同财富和创造。形象地说,每一个环境教育基地都像一座桥梁,将人类的环保理想与环境现实联系得更加紧密。  相似文献   

编者按近10年来,我国各地陆续创建了一批批环境教育基地。同时,随着国门的开放,世界各地各种类型的环境教育基地也通过不同渠道被介绍到中国来。这些国内外基地的共同作用就是利用自身特色,面向社会,特别是青少年开展各种各样形式的环境人文教育,以提高各国公民的环境人文素养,普及生态文明和可持续发展理念。这些基地是人类的共同财富和创造。形象地说,每一个环境教育基地都像一座桥梁,将人类的环保理想与环境现实联系得更加紧密。  相似文献   

正教育部《英语课程标准》明确指出:英语课程的学习,既是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程;又是他们磨砺意志、陶冶情操、拓展视野、丰富生活经历、开发思维能力、培养合作精神、发展个性和提高人文素养的过程。笔者作为一名小学英语  相似文献   

<正>编者按近10年来,我国各地陆续创建了一批批环境教育基地。同时,随着国门的开放,世界各地各种类型的环境教育基地也通过不同渠道被介绍到中国来。这些国内外基地的共同作用就是利用自身特色,面向社会,特别是青少年开展各种各样形式的环境人文教育,以提高各国公民的环境人文素养,普及生态文明和可持续发展理念。这些基地是人类的共同财富和创造。形象地说,每一个环境教育基地都像一座桥梁,将人类的环保理想与环境现实联系得更加紧密。今年,本刊在推出国内较有特色的环境教育基地的同时,也将介绍一些颇有影响的国外环境教  相似文献   

当前中国社会的巨大转型和现代社会多元文化的交融,使人文旅游资源的价值倍增。湖南民族地区蕴含着极其丰富的人文旅游资源,但在开发过程中出现了一些失误,因此必须从开发理念、开发重点、开发特色、开发模式等方面入手,全面、有序地推进湖南民族地区人文旅游资源的开发工作。  相似文献   

<正>教师要不断提升自身的专业水平、教学能力、政治和人文素养,牢记自身“教书育人”的使命,为国家培养“美丽中国”和“经济社会高质量发展”建设重任的时代新人。高校承载着传承历史文化、推动社会进步和培育高质量人才的重要使命,在立德树人关键环节中有着重要作用[1]。  相似文献   

不同的学者从不同角度对现代人文旅游进行了研究和分类。如郭一新、李乃英等对现代农业旅游进行了研究;姚宏等对现代工业旅游的研究。笔者从产业划分的角度对现代人文旅游进行划分,可分为工业旅游、农业旅游和政治、文化旅游。资源的丰富性和可持续性:虽然现代文明时间不长,但人类创造的物质和精神文明却数不胜数,内容和种类包括社会的方方面面,远远超过古代文化。并且随着人类的发展,无论是旅游种类还是旅游内容都将是既丰富而又持续不断地发展深化。开发利用的方便性:一般,我们对自然、人文旅游资源的开发要经过大量的实地调查和…  相似文献   

我国的环境法制建设现状不容乐观。搞好环境法制建设必须提高广大公众特别是环境法制工作者的科学精神,加强环境法制的人文关怀。贯穿科学精神和充满人文关怀的环境法才能成为保护环境资源的有效规范力量。  相似文献   

目前在高职高专数学教育中存在着只注重数学知识、数学思维、数学思想的研究和教学的现象,而数学教学中应体现的人文精神却常常被忽视了。本文分析了数学教学中蕴涵的人文精神,并提出应坚持自觉性与渗透性的原则,加强数学教学中人文精神培养。  相似文献   

Is the use of electrical stunners adequately discharging our moral obligations with respect to the humane slaughter of poultry? Below, three separate lines of investigation show that we cannot give an unequivocal answer to this question. First, five potentially humane methods of poultry slaughter are examined. Electrical stunning is found to be an acceptable method of rendering birds unconscious before slaughter. However, we lack sufficient evidence to claim that it is the most humane method currently available. Second, surveys of poultry processing plants show that, with alarming frequency, a proper stun is not achieved. An investigation of the complexity of the electrical stun process shows the difficulties involved and suggests that under many on-the-floor slaughterhouse conditions, consistently proper stunning is likely to remain unachievable. Finally, the call to overcome inconsistent stun results by increasing current flow to levels that electrocute birds is investigated. Controversy surrounding the impact of electrocution on carcass quality and operator safety will continue to cause resistance to the adoption of this method of poultry slaughter. The conclusion offers four recommendations that follow from the cumulative results of these investigations.  相似文献   

Procedures that increase the sustainability of agriculture often result in animals being treated more humanely:both livestock in animal and mixed farming and wildlife in arable farming. Equally, procedures ensuring humane treatment of farm animals often increase sustainability, for example in disease control and manure management. This overlap between sustainability and humaneness is not coincidental. Both approaches can be said to be animal centered, to be based on the fact that animal production is primarily a biological process. Proponents of both will gain from recognition of commonality and development of cooperation. A collaborative approach to humane sustainable agriculture will benefit animals, people, and the environment.  相似文献   

We sent out a targeted questionnaire to organizations and private individuals across the UK that have expressed an interest in squirrel management and conservation. Respondents were asked to evaluate shooting, trapping, poisoning and immunocontraception (IMC), according to their perceived efficacy, cost efficiency, and whether they were considered to be humane. The majority of both professionals and enthusiasts indicated support for grey squirrel control to help conserve red squirrels and to reduce economic damage to timber crops. Respondents\' comparative evaluations of current forms of control showed that trapping is the most acceptable method. When IMC is compared with the other methods, it was considered to be more humane and acceptable. In contrast, poisoning was seen as humane or acceptable by the fewest respondents. Furthermore, poisoning elicited the greatest difference in opinion between the professional and enthusiast groups. This difference (34\%) may be interpreted partly as concern over the type of death that results from poisoning and partly as due to the possibility of poisoning nontarget species. Our findings indicate a need for more public information regarding secondary poisoning hazards to other species and their predators. Interest and concern about squirrel control correlated with the overlap between contemporary areas of distribution of the two species. It is these areas where consultation and education programs about control methods should be targeted. This research indicates that there would be support for grey squirrel control using IMC from both lay and professional interest groups. It demonstrates the existence of a sound basis for constructive dialog that can lead to the design and implementation of acceptable and efficient control strategies.  相似文献   

山东蓬莱的滨海旅游资源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱龙 《资源开发与市场》2005,21(3):271-272,F003
从蓬莱海洋自然资源、海洋人文景观、海洋文化信仰几方面对蓬莱滨海旅游资源进行了分析,提出了对蓬莱滨海生态旅游资源开发的策略,从沙滩旅游、海洋生物生态旅游、海洋旅游纪念品、海洋历史事件开发的角度阐述了作者的观点.  相似文献   

将参数化设计(PD)应用到无阀滤池工程设计参数化系统的开发中,分析了其参数化设计过程及其优点。通过参数化设计,将无阀滤池工程设计过程的效率提高了大约80%,同时设计过程更加人性化和智能化。  相似文献   

While strengthening public–private interplay is expected to improve the climate profile of urban planning in terms of mitigation and adaptation, less is known about the practice of such new interactive modes of governing. The paper critically examines the role, benefits and limitations of extended public–private interplay in developing a new housing district in Sweden. The developer dialogue between municipal officials and property developers confirms mutual interests, shared understandings and the added value of interacting. However, the closer the dialogue comes to settling agreements, the more difficult it gets for municipal officials to steer the process and its outcomes in favor of climate proofing. Complications with adapting to the new interactive setting means that municipal officials balance between acting as facilitators and/or regulators and property developers between acting as partners, competitors and/or defenders. Refining steering-strategies for sustaining commitments and securing formal agreements are pertinent for using public–private interplay to climate-proof urban planning.  相似文献   

Scientists have shown that the practice of factory farming is an increasingly urgent danger to human health, the environment, and nonhuman animal welfare. For all these reasons, moral agents must consider alternatives. Vegetarian food production, humane food animal farming, and in-vitro meat production are all explored from a variety of ethical perspectives, especially utilitarian and rights-based viewpoints, all in the light of current U.S. and European initiatives in the public and private sectors. It is concluded that vegetarianism and potentially in-vitro meat production are the best-justified options.  相似文献   

论高校图书馆的人性化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合高等院校的实际情况和自身特点,从读者角度、流通角度和高等院校自身特点等方面分析和探讨了高校图书馆如何将“人性化管理”这一理念融入到日常的管理和服务之中,并为我院图书馆在增加新书库、专业论文库和网络图书馆的建设及对于图书的采访和宣传工作中如何同读者交流等方面的改革提出参考建议。  相似文献   

青年教师代表着学院未来发展的前途和希望.随着人才强院战略的实施,他们所占的比例越来越大,要尽快把这些青年人才培养成为优秀的青年教师,就必须分析青年教师队伍现状,按照科学的培养原则和方法,强化对青年教师的培养工作.同时要注意对他们的师德教育和人文关怀,培养他们的团队精神和创新精神.对青年教师的培养要面向未来,不能急于求成,这是一个长期的系统工程,这项工作任重而道远.  相似文献   

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