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对乡镇企业职工的职业安全卫生知识、态度、行为的调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从对某市部分乡镇企业职工的职业安全卫生知识、态度、行为所进行的调查看,不同状况的人群对职业安全卫生知识、态度、习惯有显著性差异。为此,提示职业安全卫生监督管理部门及企业的有关职能部门在职工的职业安全卫生教育中,要加强对文化程度低、年轻、工龄较短的职工的教育,并采用形式多样化手段。另外,职业安全监督管理部门还要加强监督外资企业做好职工的职业安全卫生教育。从职工对职业安全卫生的态度及行为结果看,提出在进行职业安全卫生教育时,要有针对性。不仅要给职工配备劳保用品,更重要的是监督职工经常和正确地使用劳保用品,并养成良好的卫生习惯  相似文献   

为了解铁路隧道作业场所职业病危害特征,评估其职业病危害风险控制效果,采用现场调查与职业病危害因素检测相结合的方法,对某铁路隧道作业场所职业病危害特征进行调查,采用职业病危害风险指数评估模型进行控制效果评估。结果表明,该铁路隧道作业场所职业危害因素主要包括生产过程中职业病危害、劳动过程中危害和生产环境中危害;主要职业病危害因素为电焊烟尘、矽尘、NO、NO2、CO、CO2、噪声、振动、高湿等;隧道内工务、电务、供电三大线路作业场所的线路维护人员接触的噪声均为轻中度危害,氮氧化物(NO、NO2)为轻度危害,接触的CO为中高度危害,线路维护人员矽尘作业岗位为轻中高度危害,易导致职业病损的发生。提出应重点监控该铁路隧道接触噪声、CO和矽尘的作业岗位,采取科学综合防控措施,改善作业环境质量,强化个人防护。  相似文献   

Problem: Outcome measures for safety training effectiveness research often do not include measures such as occupational injury experience. Effectiveness mediators also receive sparse attention. Method: A new safety training curriculum was delivered to workers in a stratified random sample of food service facilities across three companies. A similar group of facilities received usual training. We collected post-test measures of demographic variables, safety knowledge, perceptions of transfer of training climate, and workers' compensation claim data for one year after the initial training activities. Results: Knowledge test scores were apparently higher in the new-training units than in the usual-training units. Some demographic variables were inconsistently associated with these differences. Evidence for reduction of the injury rate associated with the new training was observed from two companies but only approached significance for one company. A second company revealed a similar but non-significant trend. Knowledge scores were not significantly associated with lower injury rates. Discussion: We found evidence that safety training increases knowledge and reduces injuries. We found almost no evidence of effects of training effectiveness mediators, including no relationship between safety knowledge and injury experience. Methodological issues related to conducting a large study may have influenced these results. Impact on Industry: Although safety training leads to greater knowledge and, in some cases, reduced occupational injuries, the influence of mediating variables remains to be fully explained.  相似文献   

某垃圾焚烧热电联产项目职业病危害控制效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对某垃圾焚烧热电联产项目职业病危害控制效果进行评价,确定其主要的职业病危害因素。根据项目职业病危害的特点,通过职业卫生现场调查、职业卫生检测、职业健康检查等方法收集数据和资料,并结合职业病防护设施、个人职业病防护水平和定量分级结果,对试运行期间作业人员的职业病危害因素接触水平及职业健康影响进行评价。该项目主要职业病危害因素有硫化氢、氨、氢氧化钠、氯化氢、氟化氢、粉尘、一氧化碳、二氧化碳、NOX、SOX、重金属(如铅、汞、镉等)、二噁英等有毒气体(或有毒粉尘)和噪声、高温等物理因素。项目除输煤系统4#皮带头作业点煤尘浓度和5#皮带头、5#皮带卸煤口、碎煤机(三楼)检测点的噪声强度不符合国家职业卫生标准外,其余均符合国家职业卫生标准。该项目职业病危害控制效果基本符合国家职业卫生标准。建议改进完善部分岗位的职业病防护设施,建立健全职业卫生管理制度,完善现场职业病危害警示标识和警示说明。  相似文献   

劳动环境,对劳动者的生理、心理产生着直接影响。而一些企业发生了工伤事故,往往却强调操作者的责任,很少从劳动场所的噪音、空间、空气、照明、尘埃等劳动环境去作综合评价考虑。恰好正是这些环境因素,像一只无形的手,支配和干扰着人们的思想、情绪和行为。  相似文献   

通过对木制家具生产工艺流程及加工过程的调研分析,归纳出木粉尘、噪声、有机挥发物、机械伤害等10种主要危害因素,将各种危害因素对安全健康的影响和致病形式进行总结,并对木制家具生产企业进行现场调查。指出企业在职业危害防护措施方面的欠缺与不足,同时对木制家具生产行业职业危害的防护措施、个体防护装备的选用以及防护装备使用中的注意事项进行说明。研究认为,木制家具生产行业中危害因素多且危害程度严重,安监部门应加强对企业的监督管理,企业应为职工提供有效防护措施和个体防护装备。  相似文献   

我国职业噪声危害成因分析及总体控制对策   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
职业噪声不仅属于职业卫生问题 ,也是当今世界上主要的环境公害之一。有效控制职业噪声不仅能够保护劳动者的听力不受损害 ,使其身心安全与健康得到保障 ,同时也是消除安全隐患 ,实现安全生产的重要途径。笔者分析了我国职业噪声危害的现状 ,论述了我国职业噪声危害的严重性以及控制的重要性与迫切性。然后采用“人 -机 -环境”系统工程方法 ,分别从人的行为、物的状态以及工作环境等 3个方面 ,分析职业噪声危害的成因 ,构造了基于宏观管理维、中观人机环境维以及微观技术维等三维结构的我国职业噪声危害控制总体框架 ,并从政府、企业以及劳动者等角度 ,对职业噪声危害控制的运行机制进行了研究 ,以解决我国日益严重的职业噪声危害问题 ,不断改善我国安全生产现状并进一步提高劳动保护工作的整体水平。  相似文献   

调查铁路轨道施工工艺及施工过程中职业病危害因素,对铁路轨道施工现场进行职业卫生学调查及工作场所职业病危害因素检测。结果表明,铁路轨道施工现场部分岗位接触的矽尘/其他粉尘、水泥粉尘、电焊烟尘、锰及其化合物、手传振动和噪声是职业病主要危害因素,建议加强铁路轨道施工作业个体防护。  相似文献   

随着建筑行业的持续快速发展,建筑企业作业场所中的职业病危害呈现出高发性、复杂性和持续性等特点.通过针对建筑企业员工的实际状况设计调查问卷获取第一手资料,并运用SPSS17.0统计软件建立相关分析、回归分析等模型进行数据分析,可以得知建筑企业作业场所员工遭受职业病危害的可能性与对安全知识的了解程度、从业时间、性别及文化背景这四个因素的线性相关性.通过对建筑企业作业人员职业病危害的调查与分析,辨识出影响职业病危害的人为因素,提出相关的建议措施以改善建筑企业作业场所职业病危害严重的局面,提高建筑企业员工自我保护意识,增加其职业病危害防护知识,减少职业病危害事故的发生.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: The aim of this study was to examine individual workers' cognitive, behavioral, and motivational processes leading up to occupational falls from heights. METHOD: The study is based on 26 semistructured personal interviews and on-site investigations with male workers who reported to an emergency department for treatment of injuries due to falls from heights. RESULTS: A greater number of workers carrying out nonroutine compared to routine tasks perceived, identified, interpreted, and attempted to control a fall hazard. Two cases are presented illustrating how cognition and behavior in context progresses from a lesser to a greater active role in the incident processes. SUMMARY AND IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The addition of full-scale investigations of how and why workers thought and behaved the way they did in a particular situation can give important clues as to whether preventive measures will be effective in a similar situation in the future.  相似文献   

针对我国乡镇工业职业卫生面临的“高需求、低服务”。以及与农村初级卫生保健(PHC)相脱节问题。提出实施乡镇企业职业卫生与PHC相结合的必要性和迫切性。结合WHO职业卫生合作中心(上海)在华东地区的试点探索,提出两者结合的内容和方式的若干设想,强调从更新观念全面认识PHC和把职业卫生与安全作为PHC组成部分入手,深入实践,共同为卫生部领导下的全国性探索作贡献。  相似文献   

This meta-analysis examines whether the relationships between organizational commitment (OC) and its antecedents differ across occupational groups. Two models representing different antecedents are proposed: the member model, presented by the personal variables, and the organization model, presented by role related, structural and work experiences variables. The study is based on 98 samples with correlational data for the relationships between OC and its antecedents. The total sample was divided into two main occupational groups: white collar employees, subdivided into professionals and nonprofessionals, and blue collar employees. The findings reveal that in general the relationship between OC and personal antecedents, representing the member model, is stronger for blue collar and nonprofessional white collar employees than for professional employees. For the role-related, structural, and work experiences antecedents, representing the organization model, differences among the occupational groups were found to be less consistent. In general, the findings demonstrate that the member and the organization model operate differently for varying occupational groups. The findings are discussed in terms of the need for elaboration of the existing explanations for the development of OC.  相似文献   

In a constantly changing work environment, hazards for occupational accidents are created easily. In these circumstances, more demands are made on the workers' ability to identify and to control the hazards. The objective of this study is to determine whether hazard consciousness among workers can be enhanced by a poster campaign. Attention was also paid to the role of the poster campaign in improving safety. The campaign was conducted in the shipbuilding industry and was directed primarily to workers who were exposed to risks associated with the use of scaffolds. Local conditions of the shipyard under study were taken into account in creating the campaign material. After the campaign the workers were more conscious of hazards associated with the use of scaffolds, and the number of occupational accidents was reduced in the intervention area. Improving safety at a workplace is a continual process affected by numerous factors. A poster campaign is one such action contributing to this process.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Work-related asthma has become the most prevalent occupational respiratory disease in the developed world. Occupational asthma is thought to affect 5%-10% of people worldwide. The first step in the diagnosis of occupational asthma is to establish work-relatedness. Although considerable research has been conducted in the area of occupational asthma, no simple, effective, and statistically sound method has been developed that can be used as an initial step to effectively identify the workers at risk for occupational asthma. The purpose of this research was to investigate whether Shewhart control chart method can be used as an effective method to detect occupational asthma. METHOD: Forty-five workers who completed the study and provided usable peak expiratory flow (a lung function marker) recordings while at work and away from work were included in this study. Control charts were developed using Shewhart's Method. The lower control limit of at work control chart (LCL(W)) was compared to each subject's Personal Best (PB) value. RESULTS: Reviewing the results of this comparison showed LCL(W)<60% PB to have a sensitivity of 85.71%, specificity of 87.50%, and an error rate of 13.33%. When the subjects suspected for false positive and false negative diagnoses were identified, the test produced a sensitivity of 95.24%, a specificity of 95.83% and an error rate of 4.44%. CONCLUSIONS: Our results were as good as, and in some cases better than, published clinical guidelines. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Our research showed that the control chart method is an effective, simple, and inexpensive tool for early intervention in workers suspected for occupational asthma.  相似文献   

噪声是纺织业的主要职业危害之一。纺织企业生产车间的噪声不仅会影响到纺织生产的效率、工人的工作能力及安全,还会对纺织工人的健康造成危害,甚至导致职业病。以南方某纺织企业为研究对象,对其生产车间的噪声进行了调查测量,并采用职业病作业危害、职业接触风险评估二种评价方法,对该企业各生产工序的噪声职业危害进行风险评价,得出评价结论,从声源、声传播途径、个体防护及管理制度四个方面提出了降噪措施,以便更好地加强防治,预防减少噪声职业危害。  相似文献   

为了解听力防护用品使用过程中的问题,提高我国噪声暴露工人听力防护用品的使用率和有效率,选择噪声危害较大的某飞机维修公司的员工,进行听力防护用品使用情况的问卷调查。结果显示:该公司为员工提供耳塞和耳罩两种听力防护用品;员工的听力保护意识、使用情况较好,使用率达95%,但对听力防护用品相关知识的了解不够全面;能够在工作中一直坚持使用的工人较少,仅占11%,影响工人工作时间使用听力防护用品时间长短的因素主要是其舒适性。调查分析提示:在未来听力防护用品的生产过程中,需要进一步加强和改善舒适性的技术;政府、企业和个人3方面共同参与,降低职业性噪声暴露对工人听力的损伤。  相似文献   

为进一步开展城市污水处理厂职业健康风险评估工作,运用文献调研方法对国内外城市污水处理厂职业健康风险评估研究现状进行综述和展望。研究结果表明:目前,污水处理厂职业健康风险评估主要针对有毒有害气体和生物气溶胶2类危害因素;主要采用问卷调查、矩阵法和剂量-反应模型等3种评估方法;噪声和人机工程等职业危害因素的健康风险评估、暴露特征污染物的识别、复合污染物的健康风险评估、职业与非职业危害因素对工人健康影响等研究工作还有待开展。  相似文献   

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