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对越冬迁徙期间中途停留在天津北大港的野生鸟类-东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)体内肌肉、肝脏、心脏、胃和脾中∑OCPs浓度进行了检测.各组织中检出的∑OCPs平均浓度(浓度范围,以脂重计)在心脏中最高,为955.30ng/g(88.65~4102.577ng/g),次之为肝脏,平均浓度为465.55ng/g(37.96~1476.17ng/g),再次之为胃、脾和肌肉,浓度分别为251.64ng/g(102.88~354.61ng/g)、176.5ng/g(158.72~194.50ng/g)和143.96ng/g(10.90~800.51ng/g).在肝脏和心脏中∑DDTs和浓度高于∑HCHs,在其它组织中则相反.与其它研究相比,本研究所检测鸟体内有机氯浓度较低,表明这批东方白鹳并尚未受到环境中OCPs的严重污染.  相似文献   

Moss-associated methylobacteria as phytosymbionts: an experimental study   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Methylotrophic bacteria inhabit the surface of plant organs, but the interaction between these microbes and their host cells is largely unknown. Protonemata (gametophytes) of the moss Funaria hygrometrica were cultivated in vitro under axenic conditions and the growth of the protonemal filaments recorded. In the presence of methylobacteria (different strains of Methylobacterium), average cell length and the number of cells per filament were both enhanced. We tested the hypothesis that auxin (indole-3-acetic acid, IAA), secreted by the epiphytic bacteria and taken up by the plant cells, may in part be responsible for this promotion of protonema development. The antiauxin parachlorophenoxyisobutyric acid (PCIB) was used as a tool to analyze the role of IAA and methylobacteria in the regulation of cell growth. In the presence of PCIB, cell elongation and protonema differentiation were both inhibited. This effect was compensated for by the addition of different Methylobacterium strains to the culture medium. Biosynthesis and secretion of IAA by methylobacteria maintained in liquid culture was documented via a colorimetric assay and thin layer chromatography. Our results support the hypothesis that the development of Funaria protonemata is promoted by beneficial phytohormone-producing methylobacteria, which can be classified as phytosymbionts.  相似文献   

饮食习惯一直被认为是造成食物浪费的重要因素。基于对29省29所高校9192份大学生食堂就餐的实地调查问卷,从南北差异视角探讨了个体食物浪费行为的差异特征。研究表明:相对北方籍大学生,南方籍大学生浪费食物的概率更高,南方籍大学生在高校食堂就餐时食物浪费量和浪费率也高于北方籍大学生。通过中介效应模型,证实南北方主流饮食模式是引发浪费差异的关键所在。进一步匹配大学生南北方籍贯和所就读高校的南北区位,并以“南方大学生在南方高校求学”模式为基准,发现“南方大学生到北方高校求学”模式下,个体有更低的食物浪费概率、浪费量和浪费率。但“北方大学生到南方高校求学”模式下,个体没有显示出较低的食物浪费概率、食物浪费量和食物浪费率,从而稳健地证实南北方主流饮食模式是引发浪费差异的关键所在这一结论。  相似文献   

脱硫石膏改良滨海盐碱土的脱盐过程与效果实验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
针对上海滨海盐碱土的特点,借助土柱淋洗试验方法,研究了脱硫石膏改良滨海盐碱土的脱盐过程与效果,分析了不同石膏质量配比条件下(0%,1%,2.5%,5%和10%),土壤团粒结构和水力传导度变化以及盐碱土-脱硫石膏体系中的离子交换过程与效率.研究结果表明:加入脱硫石膏之后,盐碱土团粒结构得到改善,孔隙度变大,水力传导能力增强,平均导水系数是对照组的4~5倍,有效加快脱盐过程;在土柱开始淋洗的前6d内,离子交换过程表现最活跃,淋洗液的电导率和离子浓度急剧下降.添加脱硫石膏的土柱中钙离子优先置换出钠离子,平均脱钠效率达到对照组的1.8倍.钙钾离子交换和钙镁离子交换也同步发生,但规模明显小于钙钠离子交换.当脱硫石膏质量配比超过1%时,盐碱土的脱盐效果主要取决于原土中的交换性阳离子总量.随着配比增加,盐碱土脱盐的边际效益增加量并不显著.在充分混匀的理想条件下,建议上海滨海盐碱土改良过程中添加脱硫石膏的质量配比高于1%为宜.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment was carried out using IMPACT2002+ to estimate the environmental impact of coated white board production, which is common in China. Normalized results showed that the potential impacts of respiratory inorganics, terrestrial ecotoxicity, global warming, and non-renewable energy had a dominant contributions to overall environmental impact. Specifically, emissions from chemical and energy production processes exhibited higher potential impact (more than 80% of the total contribution) on the environment than that of emissions generated from transport, landfill, wastewater treatment, and paper plants infrastructure. Energy recovery from black liquor and energy generation based on natural gas are key factors in reducing overall environmental potential impact. The current paper presents improvements on the environmental performance of a coated white board production site in China.  相似文献   

“男主外、女主内”的中国传统家庭模式使得女性在家庭生活中占据主导地位,因此,国内女性食物浪费行为对防止家庭食物浪费起决定性的作用。本文基于双系统理论,通过事件相关电位实验从认知神经科学的角度测度不同性别群体的食物浪费程度,并探究影响不同性别群体食物浪费程度的关键因素。结果表明:(1)不同性别实验参与人均出现了明显的N270脑电成分,表明其食物浪费程度均较高,且女性比男性表现出了更明显的食物浪费倾向;(2)相对于90后与00后,50后与60后女性消费者面对食物倒掉刺激材料能诱发更为显著的N270,即年长女性的食物浪费水平显著低于年轻女性;(3)与女性相比,提高男性的节约意识对于减小其食物浪费意愿的作用更为明显。本文以期从性别特征角度为《反食品浪费法》的高效实施提供理论支持。  相似文献   

秦芳  胥晓  刘刚  郇慧慧  陈梦华  杨帅  王悦 《环境科学学报》2014,34(10):2615-2623
以桑树(Morus alba)雌雄幼苗为实验材料,研究了施铅处理对其生长发育、生理过程和铅元素积累的影响,以揭示桑树幼苗对铅污染的生理耐性和积累能力的性别差异.结果表明:施铅后桑树雌雄幼苗的可溶性蛋白(Pr)含量和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性显著增加,雄株增幅略高于雌株,而丙二醛(MDA)含量和相对电导率无显著变化;雌雄幼苗的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)显著增加,雄株比雌株具有更高的Pn和Tr;雌雄幼苗的叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素及叶绿素相对含量显著增加,雄株增幅高于雌株;雌雄幼苗的形态生长与地上部生物量显著增加,根冠比显著降低,而雄株比雌株具有更高的株高、基径和总叶片数;铅在植物体内的分布为根叶茎,雄株根、叶中的铅含量和转移系数略高于雌株.综上,灌施剂量为800 mg·kg-1的铅离子对桑树雄株幼苗生长的促进作用高于雌株,雄株比雌株具有更强的生理耐性和积累能力.  相似文献   

针对餐厨垃圾厌氧消化过程易发生挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)的积累,系统难以稳定高效运行等问题,本研究设计制造了一套中试规模的新型双环嵌套式两相一体厌氧反应器,采用双环嵌套式结构,在反应器内部将内环的产酸阶段与外环的产甲烷阶段分离.反应器共运行184d,初始负荷为60kg/d,运行阶段阶梯式提高负荷,最高达到180kg/d.结果表明,该新型反应器产气与有机固体去除效率高,稳定性好.在稳定运行阶段,有机负荷为3.0kgVS/(m3·d),容积产气率平均达到1.69m3/(m3·d),最高为2.72m3/(m3·d),平均负荷产气率为0.57m3/(kgVS·d),有机固体去除率达77.2%;由于内外环相分离作用,外环pH值相比内环高约0.3~0.4,外环挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)和溶解性化学需氧量(sCOD)平均浓度相比内环分别降低25%和23%.双环嵌套式反应器实现了产酸和产甲烷阶段分离的作用,内环产酸相很好地完成了水解和酸化步骤,同时减轻产甲烷相受到酸积累的冲击,对反应器稳定运行起到关键作用.  相似文献   

近年中国粮食国际依赖程度持续上升,降低损耗、避免浪费成为解决粮食安全体系韧性问题的重要途径。然而由于不同地域城乡居民的饮食结构明显不同,实施开源节流的食品供应保障政策法规必须重视居民食材消耗的地域差异性,因此基于全球化视角解析居民食材的本地供应比例及其地域差异成为有待补阙的课题。为此,以烟台、兰州、新乡、九江4个城市为例,采用问卷调查的方式,探究4个城市食材消耗和对应生产土地需求量的差异性。结果显示:(1)不同食材与对应消耗的土地资源存在显著的地域差异,且这一差异与城市自然本底和居民饮食习俗密切关联;(2)4个城市居民食谱的全球化、本土化和本地化具有明显区别,虽然不同食材的本地化程度差异相对较小,但全球化程度差异显著。基于分析结果,探讨了粮食安全与反食品浪费的政策建议:一是反食品浪费的政策法规实施,需充分结合居民食材消耗的地域性特征,建立针对性的食材消耗标准与动态监测系统;二是在全球波动、强调粮食安全的背景下,地方政府应结合国土空间规划,讨论城市预留本地食材供应的战略性产地的可能性,以减少运输过程中的损耗。  相似文献   

We tested if nesting habits influence ant feeding preferences and predatory behavior in the monophyletic genus Pseudomyrmex (Pseudomyrmecinae) which comprises terrestrial and arboreal species, and, among the latter, plant-ants which are obligate inhabitants of myrmecophytes (i.e., plants sheltering so-called plant-ants in hollow structures). A cafeteria experiment revealed that the diet of ground-nesting Pseudomyrmex consists mostly of prey and that of arboreal species consists mostly of sugary substances, whereas the plant-ants discarded all the food we provided. Workers forage solitarily, detecting prey from a distance thanks to their hypertrophied eyes. Approach is followed by antennal contact, seizure, and the manipulation of the prey to sting it under its thorax (next to the ventral nerve cord). Arboreal species were not more efficient at capturing prey than were ground-nesting species. A large worker size favors prey capture. Workers from ground- and arboreal-nesting species show several uncommon behavioral traits, each known in different ant genera from different subfamilies: leaping abilities, the use of surface tension strengths to transport liquids, short-range recruitment followed by conflicts between nestmates, the consumption of the prey’s hemolymph, and the retrieval of entire prey or pieces of prey after having cut it up. Yet, we never noted group ambushing. We also confirmed that Pseudomyrmex plant-ants live in a kind of food autarky as they feed only on rewards produced by their host myrmecophyte, or on honeydew produced by the hemipterans they attend and possibly on the fungi they cultivate.  相似文献   

反硝化作用是公认的去除水体中硝酸盐的路径,但相比于多孔介质,岩溶地下河中反硝化效果具有不确定性.为更好地认识岩溶地下河中反硝化效果,本研究利用天然碳酸盐岩管道几何模型,以乙醇为可利用电子供体(碳源),示踪了控制流速条件下管道流中反硝化作用,并辅以多孔介质流实验进行对比.反应示踪、地球化学印迹和微生物检测结果表明:当碳源缺乏时,反硝化作用没有明显启动的迹象;一旦补充了碳源,溶解氧、硝酸盐浓度和质量都出现了明显衰减,并且有中间产物亚硝酸盐产生,水体碱度增加.然而,即使在碳源充足情况下,管道流中反硝化强度却明显比多孔介质流中强度低,两者硝酸盐生物去除率分别为39.4%和大于99%,生物降解速率分别为0.113和10.8 mg·L~(-1)·h~(-1).推测其原因,一是碳酸盐岩管道内固体表面积与水体积比值低,固体吸着条件不利于微生物生长与发育,降低了硝酸盐去除率;二是管道富含的溶解氧可能延迟了反硝化作用启动,溶解氧降至3.0 mg·L~(-1)左右时硝酸盐浓度才有明显衰减.相比之下,其它环境因素如p H值和温度没有出现明显变化.该研究意义在于:岩溶管道流反硝化去除硝酸盐的潜能是存在的,但即使可利用碳源充足仍具有明显的局限性,这可能意味着岩溶地下河一旦遭受硝酸盐污染,其作为饮用水源的安全风险更大.  相似文献   

In many parts of the world, freshwater is already a scarce and overexploited natural resource, raising concerns about global food security and damage to freshwater ecosystems. This situation is expected to intensify with the FAO estimating that world food production must double by 2050. Food chains must therefore become much more efficient in terms of consumptive water use. For the small and geographically well-defined Australian mango industry, having an average annual production of 44,692 t of marketable fresh fruit, the average virtual water content (sum of green, blue and gray water) at orchard gate was 2298 l kg?1. However, due to wastage in the distribution and consumption stages of the product life cycle, the average virtual water content of 1 kg of Australian-grown fresh mango consumed by an Australian household was 5218 l. This latter figure compares to an Australian-equivalent water footprint of 217 l kg?1, which is the volume of direct water use in Australia having an equivalent potential to contribute to water scarcity. Nationally, distribution and consumption waste in the food chain of Australian-grown fresh mango to Australian households represented an annual waste of 26.7 Gl of green water and 16.6 Gl of blue water. These findings suggest that interventions to reduce food chain waste will likely have as great or even greater impact on freshwater resource availability as other water use efficiency measures in agriculture and food production.  相似文献   

为探明“城市化如何驱动食物系统变化”以及“食物系统变化蕴含何种人地耦合关系”的问题,本文以北京食物系统为例,研究了该食物系统自1978年以来的演变过程,揭示食物系统演变蕴含的人地耦合关系;并建立食物系统变化指标体系和城市化驱动力指标体系,运用驱动力评价、格兰杰因果关系检验、回归分析与网络分析相结合的方法研究北京食物系统演变的驱动力及作用机制。结果发现:近40多年来北京食物系统总体经历了本地农业生产不断弱化、食物消费需求持续增长、食物流通里程不断增加的演变过程。这种变化从地理学视角来看本质上是城市食物消费蕴含的人地耦合关系从邻近扩展到更远距离的过程——即食物系统近远程耦合的演化过程。在驱动该过程的影响因素中,居民收入增长是主要的初始驱动力,要素非农化是主要中间环节,人口集聚则具有最广泛的影响,最终导致外埠供应比例不断上升,食物里程持续增长。研究表明:蕴含在食物系统中的人地关系不只局限于特定的地点、特定的区域,而是以“流空间”与地点空间相互连接、相互渗透的形式呈现出来。因此,需要采取一种整合“流空间”与地点空间的理论视角及研究方法来认知此类开放系统中的人地耦合关系。  相似文献   

The study investigated the accumulation and transfer of Pb,Zn,Cu,and Cd along a soil-plant-insect-chicken food chain at contaminated sites.The study site nearing the Pb/Zn mine had been contaminated by heavy metals severely.Cadmium and Pb concentrations steadily declined with increasing trophic level (p<0.01),but concentrations of Zn and Cu slightly increased from plant to insect larva (p>0.05).The concentrations of heavy metals were the highest in chicken muscle,with lower values in liver and blood.Bioaccumulation of Pb was observed in the chicken livers.The eliminations of Pb,Zn,Cu,and Cd via insect and chicken feces avoid metal bioaccumulation in insect and chicken body.These results suggest that the accumulation of heavy metals in specific animal organ of tissues could not be neglected,although transfer of metals to chicken from plant and insect is limited.  相似文献   

The internal sedimentary phosphorus(P) load of aquatic systems is able to support eutrophication, especially in dam–reservoir systems where sedimentary P stock is high and where temporary anaerobic conditions occur. The aim of this study therefore is to examine the response of sedimentary P exposed to redox oscillations. Surface sediments collected in the Champsanglard dam–reservoir(on the Creuse River, France) were subjected to two aerobic phases(10 and 12 days) alternated with two anaerobic periods(21 and 27 days)through batch incubations. The studied sediment contained 77 ± 3 μmol/g DW of P, mainly associated with the ascorbate fraction(amorphous Fe/Mn oxyhydroxides). The used sediment was rich in organic matter(OM)(21% ± 1%) with primarily allochthone signature.Our results showed that redox oscillations enhance dissolved inorganic phosphorus release at sediment/water interface. During the first anaerobic stage, the P release was mainly controlled by the dissolution/precipitation of iron minerals. The more pronounced increase of P release during the second anaerobic stage(44%) was due to various mechanisms related to the change in quality of dissolved organic matter(DOM), namely a higher SUVA254 and humification indices. The release of more refractory DOM(rDOM) served to lower the microbial metabolism activity, possibly favored iron oxyhydroxide aggregation and thus limiting iron reduction. In addition, rDOM is able to compete for mineral P sorption sites,leading to a greater P release. In reservoir with predominant allochthone OM input, the release of more aromatic DOM therefore plays an important role in P mobility.  相似文献   

15N isotope tracer techniques and ecological modeling were adopted to investigate the fractionation of nitrogen,its uptake and transformation in algae and snail(Bellamya aeruginosa Reeve).Different algal species were found to differ in their uptake of nitrogen isotopes.Microcystis aeruginisa Ktz.demonstrated the greatest 15N accumulation capacity,with the natural variation in isotopic ratio(δ 15N) and the isotope fractionation factor(ε,‰) being the highest among the species investigated.The transformation and utilization of 15N by snails differed depending on the specific algae consumed(highest for Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick.,lowest for M.aeruginisa).When snails was seeded in the experimental pond,the algae population structure changed significantly,and total algal biomass as well as the concentration of all nitrogen species decreased,causing an increase in water transparency.A model,incorporating several chemical and biological parameters,was developed to predict algal biomass in an aquatic system when snails was present.The data collected during this investigation indicated that the gastropods such as snails could significantly impact biological community and water quality of small water bodies,suggesting a role for biological control of noxious algal blooms associated with eutrophication.  相似文献   

张丹  吴良 《自然资源学报》2022,37(10):2572-2582
食品浪费监测和调查是《中华人民共和国反食品浪费法》实施的重要内容与关键环节。本文依据《反食品浪费法》的原则和要求,从科学性和实用性出发,探索提出“图像法”以推动食品浪费监测、调查、分析和评估工作的有序开展。本文以北京典型食堂食品浪费情况作为主要研究对象,运用图像法开展实证研究,并利用称重法进行对比验证。研究表明:基于图像法所获得的北京典型食堂人均食品浪费指数为0.64,比称重法所得结果低了0.02;基于图像法所获得的人均食品浪费量为58.62 g/(人·餐),比称重法所得结果高出了4.28%;两种方法所得的人均食品浪费指数存在显著的相关关系(皮尔逊相关系数r =0.76,p<0.01),且有很好的一致性(CCC=0.757,p<0.01),表明图像法可以有效评估典型食堂的食品浪费程度;利用图像法开展食品浪费监测和调查时,结合餐厨垃圾量能更好地反映实际情况。本文探索了一个科学、便捷的食品浪费监测和调查方法,以期为《反食品浪费法》的全面推进提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

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