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The infaunal ophiuroid Amphiura chiajei Forbes is a dominant member of the A. chiajei community in Killary Harbour, a fjord-like inlet on the west coast of Ireland. High density populations (700 individuals/ m2) occur in sediments with a silt/clay content of 80 to 90% and organic carbon levels of 5 to 7%. A study of the population dynamics of this species was carried out from November 1985 to October 1988. At the outset, the population consisted of approximately equal numbers of adults and juveniles. By October 1988, the percentage of adults had increased to 95%, with little or no change in the mean annual dersities. However, there was some degree of variability between the mean monthly densities. Such variability may have been due to very low bottom temperatures, resulting in mortality among the older members of the population. Observations suggest that in Killary Harbour the species may attain an age of 10 yr, with an early annual growth rate of 0.5 mm (oral width). Annual recruitment was variable and low, due presumably to intraspecific competition with the adults; recruitment success may be very closely linked to adult mortality. The Killary Harbour findings are considered in the light of what is currently known of similar amphiurid populations in different geographical locations.  相似文献   

The regeneration rate of arms of the infaunal brittlestar Ophiophragmus filograneus was determined in natural and planted beds of the seagrass (Halodule wrighttii) in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA in 1990. Annually, brittlestar densities did not differ on average between the two beds, but they did show marked differences on individual dates. Rates of arm loss could not be determined for the two sites separately, but were estimated for the entire area. Between 52 and 94% of the brittlestars collected showed evidence of arm regeneration. Approximately one-third of those collected were regenerating one arm, with smaller proportions regenerating two or more arms. Regeneration rate was greater overall for individuals that had lost more tissue; however, the rate of soft-tissue regeneration per arm regenerated was significantly greater for those that had lost one arm compared to those that had lost three arms. The rate of soft-tissue regeneration did not differe between individuals from the two seagrass beds, and regeneration rate was lower than reported for other infaunal brittlestars. Skeletal regeneration per arm was similar in both arm-removal treatments. This result supports the hypothesis that echinoderm skeleton is energetically inexpensive and may help to lengthen arms during early regeneration. The rate of skeletal production was three-fold greater in individuals from the planted seagrass than in those from the natural. bed. As increased skeletal regeneration requires some additional energy, this indicates a greater energy expenditure and differential allocation by brittlestars regenerating in the planted seagrass areas.  相似文献   

To measure amounts of tissue lost in natural populations of the burrowing amphiurid ophiuroid Microphiopholis gracillima (Stimpson), individuals were collected from subtidal mud flats in North Inlet, South Carolina, USA, at monthly intervals between February 1985–February 1987 and December 1989–November 1990. Between 20 and 70% of all individuals were regenerating the disc, and 85% of the 2045 arms examined had regeneration scars; >50% had one scar and some arms had up to 4 scars. Fewer individuals were regenerating discs in warmer months, but there was no seasonality in arm-loss frequency. To quantify rates of arm regeneration in the field, individuals which had 1, 2, or 3 arms removed were placed in mud-filled cores in the field in late July and November 1988 and in March and May 1989, and recovered after periods of about one month. Another set of cores was held in a running seawater laboratory during the May 1989 experiment. No regeneration occurred during the cooler times of year (November and March), and rates of regeneration were slower in May (total: 0.13 mg/d; tissue: 0.03 mg/d) than July (total: 0.17 mg/d; tissue: 0.05 mg/d). These rates indicate complete replacement of lost tissue in 100 to 120 d during the growth season. Within experiments, per arm regeneration rates were similar regardless of the number of arms removed. This finding is complicated by small sample size, high variability and low statistical power, but in general individuals which lost 2 or 3 arms regenerated proportionally more tissue than individuals which lost 1 arm. Individuals held in the laboratory regenerated the same amount of tissue but 30% less skeleton than individuals in the field. Sublethal tissue loss is common in this population, and M. gracillima is capable of regenerating at least 50% (each arm=17% of total body weight x 3) of its standing crop in a single growing season. Burrowing brittlestars probably constitute a significant renewable energy source for higher trophic levels in areas where they occur in dense populations.  相似文献   

Reproductive periods and growth of two populations of Holothuria atra Jaeger distinctly different in body size at two sites of southern Taiwan were determined. Individuals examined in the present study were collected between march 1990 and February 1992. At Nanwan (21° 57N, 120° 45E), large individuals (351 to 1400 g wet wt) spawned from June to September. At Wanlitung (22°N, 120° 42E), a small proportion of frequently dividing individuals (<190 g wet wt) have mature gonads in May, June and September, but histological examination revealed no sign of spawning. Sexual recruits, defined as small individuals <5 g wet wt without sign of regeneration, were not found at either site during this 2-yr study. After the peak of fission at Wanlitung, 40% of the population showed signs of external regeneration. At Nanwan, small individuals transferred from Wanlitung grew from 6 g (n=6) to 166±8 g within 8 mo, and from 48±4 g (n=50) to 324±16 g within 1 yr, with a 6.8-fold biomass increase in 1 yr. At Wanlitung, the monthly average body weight of H. atra is between 33 and 62 g, apparently due to frequent fission, and the biomass increased only 2.9-fold in 1 yr. In southern Taiwan, sexual reproduction of H. atra occurs in large individuals. Asexual reproduction, occurring in small individuals, is the chief mechanism for population maintenance and increase, but it may decrease sexual reproductive potential.  相似文献   

The species composition, catch and mortality rates of sea turtles captured incidentally by the tiger prawn fishery on Australia's northern coast in 1989 and 1990 were estimated by monitoring the fishery's catch. In 1990, the delayed rate of mortality from damage was estimated and the size composition was measured. Five species of turtles were captured: the flatback (Natator depressa, 59% of the total), loggerhead (Caretta caretta, 10%), olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea, 12%), green turtle (Chelonia mydas, 8%) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata, 5%). The turtle catches varied with water depth: the highest catch rates (0.068±0.006 turtles per trawl) were from trawls in water between 20 and 30 m deep, relatively few turtles (10%) were captured in water deeper than 40 m (25% of trawls). Catch rates varied with time of year: the highest catch rates were 0.098 (±0.013) turtles per trawl in winter. There was no significant difference in the overall catch rate (2= 0.047; p=0.8111; df=1) but a significant difference in mortality rate (2= 3.99; p<0.05; df=1) between the two years. The incidence of capture in the commercial fishery was 0.051 (±0.003) turtles per trawl towed for about 180 min, with 0.007 (±0.001) turtles per trawl drowning in the nets. There were no significant differences in the catch and mortality rates between the two years for any of the turtle species except the loggerhead, which had a significantly (2 = 11.029; p=0.0013; df=1) lower catch rate in 1990 (0.002±0.001 turtles per trawl) than in 1989 (0.008±0.002 turtles per trawl), and a significantly higher mortality in 1990 (33%) than in 1989 (19%). Catch rates and mortality varied between the species: the flatback had the highest catch rate (0.030±0.002 turtles per trawl) but the lowest mortality (10.9%); the loggerhead had a catch rate of 0.005±0.001 turtles per trawl, and high mortality (21.9%); the olive ridley had a catch rate of 0.006±0.001 turtles per trawl and a low mortality (12.5%); the green turtle's catch rate was 0.004±0.001 per trawl and mortality 12.0%; the hawksbill had the lowest catch rate (0.002±0.001 turtles per trawl) but highest mortality (26.4%). Based on the fishing effort (27 049 d for 1989 and 25 746 d for 1990), we estimate that 5 503 (±424) turtles were caught and returned to the sea in 1989 and 5 238 (±404) in 1990, of which 567±140 drowned in 1989 and 943±187 in 1990. In 1990, an estimated 25% of all captured turtles suffered some non-lethal damage; an estimated 21% of turltes were captured comatose and 4% were injured. We conclude that, considering other threats, trawl-induced drowning is not the major impact on turtle populations in northern Australia, but that measures to reduce drowning and delayed mortality would be desirable.  相似文献   

The Boreo-Mediterranean amphiurid Amphiura filiformis (O. F. Müller) occurs in high densities within Galway Bay. This burrowing species consistently shows signs of recent regeneration (of both arms and disc “cap”) at the above locality. Specimens were collected by SCUBA in March, April and May 1980, May 1981, and April 1982. Biomass assays have revealed that individuals with up to 50% (mean ca. 25%) of their entire body weight consisting of regenerated tissue are not uncommon. The occurrence of arm breakage and regrowth was found to be more frequent in the proximal (basal) and mid-arm regions than in the exposed arm tip portions. Roughly 3% of the population were found to be in the process of regenerating the disc “cap” or covering. Preliminary results from gut analyses of potential predators at the sampling station indicate that young flatfish (plaice and dab) actively “crop” the arms of A. filiformis. Records from north western Europe of this species occurring in the diets of fish and invertebrates are considered. In this long-lived species, the continual necessity to regenerate is deemed to be a major drain on bodily resources.  相似文献   

Sublethal predation can be a significant trophic pathway in sediment communities, and the regeneration of damaged tissue affects the activity, growth, and reproduction of prey. A field experiment was conducted 12–18 July 2010 in the Tijuana Estuary, California (+32.56617°, −117.13152°), to measure in situ rates of body growth and palp regeneration of the polychaete Polydora cornuta after simulating sublethal predation by removing 2, 1, or 0 palps from labeled individuals. After 3 days in the field, individuals that had 2 palps removed grew significantly slower than worms that had 0 palps removed; 1-palp worms had intermediate growth. After 6 days in the field, rates of body growth were faster than those of worms recovered after 3 days, with similar trends among the three palp treatments. During the 3-day transplantation, removed palps regenerated to half the initial length of unmanipulated palps. After 6 days, palp lengths did not differ significantly among treatment groups, indicating complete regeneration. The regeneration rate of removed palps was significantly faster than the growth rate of undamaged palps, and palp regeneration rate did not differ significantly between worms that had 1 or 2 palps removed.  相似文献   

The occurrence and relative abundance of tissue (arm) regeneration in the ophiuroid, Ophiacantha bidentata (Retzius), was examined in individuals collected primarily among colonies of the deep-water coral Lophelia pertusa off the southeastern United States. Seven deep-water coral sites (384–756 m), located between Cape Lookout, NC, and Cape Canaveral, FL, were sampled in June 2004 using a manned submersible. The presence of regenerative tissue was evaluated by visual inspection of each individual ophiuroid, and the proportion of regenerating arms per individual was examined relative to size of individual, geographic location, and depth of collection. Ophiacantha bidentata, the dominant brittle star collected, commonly displayed signs of sublethal injury with over 60% of individuals displaying some evidence of regeneration. These levels of regeneration rival those reported for shallow-water ophiuroids. Larger individuals (>6.5 mm disc size) had a higher incidence of regeneration than smaller individuals. Size of individual and percent of regeneration were negatively correlated with depth. Although O. bidentata was significantly less abundant in southern versus northern sites, ophiuroid abundance did not appear to be influenced by amount or density of coral substratum. Presence of dense aggregations of O. bidentata indicates that they are an important component of the invertebrate assemblage associated with deep-water coral habitat especially in the northern part of the study area. Assuming that observed frequencies of injury and subsequent regeneration represent predation events then dense ophiuroid aggregations in deep-water coral habitats represent an important renewable trophic resource within these communities.  相似文献   

The multiple defensive strategies of four Mediterranean ascoglossan molluscan species, belonging to two different Polybranchioidea families, Cyerce cristallina (Trinchese, 1881) and Caliphylla mediterranea (Costa A., 1869) (Polybranchiidae), and Ercolania funerea (Costa A., 1867) and Placida dendritica (Alder and Hancock, 1843) (Stiligeridae), were studied. E. funerea, P. dendritica and C. mediterranea were collected from the lake Fusaro (Arco Felice, Naples) in 1992. C. cristallina was collected from Capo Miseno (Bay of Naples) in 1991. C. cristallina and E. funerea easily undergo autotomy of dorso-lateral appendages (cerata) followed by an extraordinarily quick (8 to 10 d) regeneration of the latter. Histological analyses showed the presence, at the basis of both normal and regenerated cerata of these species, of a muscular sphincter which facilitates the autotomic process. C. mediterranea and P. dendritica, which do not undergo autotomy, lack this anatomical feature but feed upon algae belonging to the Chaetomorpha and Bryopsis genera, and, as shown by electron microscopy studies, retain large quantities of chloroplasts which they use as camouflage amidst algae and to escape predation. E. funerea also exploits this behavioral defense mechanism. Histological investigations also revealed in the cerata of all four species several multi-cellular mucous glands responsible for the secretion of the slime typical for these molluscs. C. cristallina, E. funerea and P. dendritica secrete large amounts of slime, whose extracts displayed ichthyotoxic activity when assayed by the Gambusia affinis ichthyotoxicity assay, while extracts of C. mediterranea slime were not toxic. A chemical analysis of the slime, mantle and cerata led to the isolation of polypropionate - and -pyrones from all species except C. mediterranea. These secondary metabolites possess structures that differ only by the degree of methylation and the geometry of double bonds of the side chain and are specifically distributed in cerata and slime of C. cristallina and E. funerea. The pyrones also display different activities in the Hydra vulgaris regeneration assay and in the G. affinis ichthyotoxicity test and, depending on their structural features and tissue distribution, are likely to play a role either as defense allomones or as supportive inducers of cerata regeneration. In conclusion, combined biological observations and histological and chemical techniques generated valuable information on the defensive behavior of these four ascoglossan species which exploit various combinations of the same behavioral and/or chemical defensive strategies and thus successfully avoid predation.  相似文献   

During a period of short-term (19 d) starvation, total lipid in the digestive gland of Euphausia superba Dana decreased from 21 to 9% dry weight. Total lipid per digestive gland decreased significantly during starvation compared to Day 0 individuals, falling from 1960 (±172) to 385 (±81) g. Polar lipid was the major lipid class utilised during starvation, falling from 1510 (±225) to 177 (±46) g per digestive gland (76 to 45%). Absolute levels of triacylglycerol fell from 300 (±41) to 76 (±5) g; however, relative levels remained unchanged. The relative level of free fatty acid increased significantly with starvation (4 to 39%) with absolute levels ranging from 79 (±1) to 156 (±20) g per digestive gland. Absolute levels of all fatty acids per digestive gland declined continually until the end of the starvation period. The long-chain polyunsaturated acids eicosapentaenoic (20:53) and docosahexaenoic (22:63), decreased with starvation from 37 to 26% and 15 to 10%, respectively whereas the saturated fatty acid, palmitic acid (16:0), increased from 15 to 20%. Cholesterol, the major sterol in this organ, increased from 17 (±20) to 44 (±13) g per digestive gland by Day 3, and by Day 19 had returned to levels found in the digestive gland of Day 0 individuals. Desmosterol followed a similar pattern to cholesterol, increasing from 3 (±1) g per digestive gland on Day 0 to 11 (±4) g on Day 3, and falling to 2 (±1) g on Day 19. Other sterols in the digestive gland, predominantly of algal origin, fell from the levels found in Day 0 individuals to near zero amounts by Day 6. The digestive gland of E. superba plays a dynamic role during shortterm starvation in terms of lipid content and composition. The relative levels of polar lipids, free fatty acids and cholesterol in the digestive gland may provide reliable indices of the nutritional condition of E. superba in the field. Sterols in the digestive gland are indicative of recent dietary composition of krill, and may also be used to quantify dietary input from individual phytoplanktonic species.  相似文献   

R. T. Kneib 《Marine Biology》1992,113(3):437-445
The tanaidacean Hargeria rapax (Harger, 1879) was sampled along intertidal transects semi-monthly at one site and quarterly at two other sites in salt marshes on Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA, from July 1985 to July 1986. Tanaids were most abundant near the mean highwater line and became progressively less abundant at lower intertidal elevations. Population density was greatest in the winter (December to February) when there were >29 000 individuals/m2 at one high intertidal station. Although reproductive individuals were present most of the year, peaks in reproductive activity occurred in autumn (late August to early November) and spring (early March to mid June). An increase in population density coincided with increased reproductive activity only in autumn. Tanaid cohorts produced in the spring and summer rarely survived beyond 6 to 8 wk, but those produced in the autumn overwintered and lived 22 to 26 wk. The sex ratio among mature individuals was 2.8:1 (females: males). Mature females ranged in size from 2.2 to 3.9 mm total length (TL) and mature males were 2.3 to 4.1 mm TL; there was no significant sexual difference (Student's t-test, P>0.05) in the mean TL of mature individuals. The mean (±SD) size of brooding females was 2.9±0.32 mm TL and the mean (±SD) nunber of offspring/brood was 8.3±4.99 young/female. The timing of tanaid reproduction together with the effects of predation by juvenile fish and crustaceans may account for most of the spatial and temporal patterns of tanaid abundance observed in this study. There was a significant linear relationship (P<0.001, r 2=0.54) between the growth rate (GR, mm/d) of individuals and average daily air temperature (°C) described by the equation: GR=0.00178 (°C)-0.00971. The potential annual contribution of tanaid production to higher trophic levels, estimated from knowledge of standing stocks, growth rates and fecundity, was 5.71, 0.91 and 0.46 g dry wt/m2 for high, mid and low intertidal areas, respectively. The high intertidal marsh, which supports the largest and most persistent standing stock of H. rapax, provides a rich foraging area for aquatic predators at high tide and an important source of recruits from which tanaid populations at lower intertidal elevations are recolonized after periods of intense predation pressure.  相似文献   

At 33 salinity a tissue stump formed 2 to 3 d after autotomy and developing ossicles were present by the fourth day inOphiothrix angulata (Say). Regeneration proceeded rapidly from the sixth day until the thirteenth day, when the rate decreased greatly. The length of the regenerated arm and the number of ossicles formed did not vary over a salinity range of 28 to 38 S, but were significantly less at 23 S. The number of ossicles regenerated increased linearly (y=1.9 x-7.7;r=0.9089) with the calcium concentrations ranging from 3.8 to 9.5 mM. No ossicle formation occurred at 3.8 mM calcium concentration. Rate of net uptake of calcium-45 into the ossicles of intact individuals in salinities of 28 and 33 was significantly greater than that in 23 and 38 S. However, net uptake rate of calcium into the soft tissues of the arms was significantly higher at 18S than at the lower two salinities.  相似文献   

The pelagic harpacticoid copepod, Macrosetella gracilis (A. Scott), is found in association with colonies of the nitrogen-fixing (diazotrophic), bloomforming cyanobacterium Trichodesmium spp. in tropical and subtropical waters. M. gracilis is one of the few direct grazers of these often toxic cyanobacteria. Experiments investigating NH + 4 regeneration by M. gracilis were conducted in the Caribbean in September 1992 and the Coral Sea, Australia in November 1994. Rates of M. gracilis ingestion of Trichodesmium thiebautii labelled with 15N2 measured in the eastern Caribbean indicated that M. gracilis could consume 33 to 45% of total T. thiebautii colony N d-1 and >100% of new N fixed d-1. We also measured the release of NH + 4 by M. gracilis feeding on T. thiebautii, as well as by non-feeding copepods, using 15N isotope dilution methods. In non-feeding copepods, rates of NH + 4 release increased as numbers of copepods were increased as both copepod numbers and food availability increased. In the presence of T. thiebautii colonies, M. gracilis had an average rate of NH + 4 regeneration of 7.7±1.5 nmol N copepod-1 h-1 (±SE), which was significantly higher than when food was absent (1.9±0.7 nmol N copepod-1 h-1). Rates of M. gracilis excretion were relatively high based on excretion: ingestion ratios, which could be due to having a high-N food source readily available, to sloppy-feeding effects, or as a response to toxins in the cyanobacterium. Incubations of M. gracilis with and without T. erythraeum resulted in significant increases in [NH + 4 ] as a function of copepod density only. Ammonium leakage from the cyanobacterium and/or microheterotroph associates was relatively low. M. gracilis, through excretion and possible mechanical breakage of cells while grazing, appears to provide a direct link between atmospherically derived new nitrogen and regenerated NH + 4 in the oligotrophic systems where Trichodesmium spp. are abundant.  相似文献   

Populations of Holothuria atra Jaeger occurring at Wanlitung and Nanwan were sampled monthly at spring tide from March 1990 to February 1992 in southern Taiwan. At Wanlitung, small individuals with evidence of fission and regeneration were abundant in shallow tidepools on the wide reef flats (density: 98±40 ( ± SD) 100 m-2, body weight: 6 to 182 g). At Nanwan, large individuals with no evidence of fission were sparse in deep tidepools and narrow flats [density: 0.24±0.07 ( ± SD) 100 m- 2, body weight: 351 to 1400 g]. At Wanlitung, fission occurred throughout the year with an average monthly fission frequency of 4.5%, peaking at 18% in September 1990 and 16% in August 1991. Fission was accomplished by revolving, twisting, and stretching of the body, resulting in two unequal fragments. The minimal weight of 3007 individuals measured during 1 yr at Wanlitung was 6 g. All ten individuals weighing 6 to 9 g ( ± SD = 6.7 ± 1.1) 100 m- 2 showed evidence of regeneration from fission products. Nine large individuals (>500 g) transferred from Nanwan to Wanlitung and 50 small individuals (<100 g) transferred from Wanlitung to Nanwan in February 1991 showed no evidence of fission during the following year. Fission occurs in small individuals living in shallow tidepools, suggesting that fission probably is triggered by a stressful environment resulting from solar radiation at the unusually low water level of spring tide. Fission of H. atra at Wanlitung results in a population consisting of small individuals.  相似文献   

Gill epithelia of Modiolus modiolus and Mytilus edulis (Baltic and North Seas), and the skin, pharynx and muscles of Branchiostoma lanceolatum (Pallas) have been investigated at the ultrastructural level, employing hydrostatic pressure, to explore the possibility of structural regeneration following decompression. Restoration of all cell structures seems possible to a certain extent, depending on the degree of disintegration and the time period given after decompression. Structural reorganization after release of pressure begins immediately, but no regenerated organelle is comrable with control species, since structural scars remain. Non-reversible destruction to some systems is apparent near the respective LD50-values of the species.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to examine variation of juvenile growth (% d-1) of the polychaete Nereis virens (Sars) in relation to tidal flat plant species as food sources. We used vegetable materials (algae and vascular plants) which are carried along by tidal currents and are found abundantly at the upper tidal level. Juveniles (2-yr-old) markedly increased in wet weight with the algae Laminaria longicruris (weight-specific growth rate : 1.7% d-1) and Enteromorpha intestinalis (: 1.6% d-1) as food sources. A higher value of assimilation efficiency was observed for algal species (L. longicruris 55.1±7.9%; E. intestinalis 54.8±0.5%; Fucus vesiculosus 40.6%) than for marine vascular plants (Spartina alterniflora 26.8±10.9%; Zostera marina 1.4%). The digestion of marine vascular species lasts longer (19 to 38 h) than that of algal species. All these characteristics (growth, assimilation efficiency and duration of the digestive process) seem to correlate positively with lignin and cellulose concentrations in the plant structure.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in population structure and incidence of fission were measured in intertidal and subtidal populations of Allostichaster insignis, a fissiparous sea star. Population size structure was stable over the course of the 1-year study. Sea stars in the subtidal zone attained greater maximum size (mean arm length, R = 35 mm) than those in the intertidal population (20 mm). Fission rates were greatest among small individuals (R < 20 mm). The frequency of fission ranged from 5 to 32% with peaks in early austral summer in the intertidal zone, and in autumn and winter in the subtidal zone. Sexual reproduction occurred in early spring in sea stars larger than 12 mm. The populations were heavily biased toward males. In the laboratory, A. insignis of three size classes (small, R = 9–13 mm; medium, 19–21 mm; and large, 29–31 mm) were fed mussels ad libitum or starved (not fed macroscopic food) for ∼1 year in a 3 × 2 factorial experiment. Small and medium-sized sea stars divided throughout the experiment and the ramets of most individuals regenerated sufficiently to divide again after 6–9 months. Unfed sea stars did not undergo fission (with one exception), had a higher mortality rate, and did not grow. Small, fed sea stars grew significantly faster than medium-sized or large individuals. At the end of the experiment, the pyloric caeca index (a measure of nutritional condition) was greater in fed than in unfed animals. Gonads (only testes were observed) developed in medium-sized and large, fed sea stars. Our field and laboratory results indicate that asexual reproduction in A. insignis predominantly occurs in small, well-nourished individuals. Ramets grow gradually through repeated fission and regeneration to a size (mean length of regenerating arms, R r ∼ 20 mm) at which they begin to switch to sexual reproduction as the dominant reproductive mode.  相似文献   

Eutintinnus pectinis (Kofoid, 1905) Kofoid and Campbell is a seasonally important component of the Chesapeake Bay, USA, microzooplankton. During the summers of 1986 and 1987, E. pectinis populations commonly reached densities well above 103 cells l-1 and were often heavily infected by Duboscquella cachoni Coats, 1988, a lethal parasitic dinoflagellate. The temporal and spatial occurrence of D. cachoni suggests that this parasite has a significant impact on E. pectinis populations and may, under appropriate conditions, regulate host abundance. Infection levels above 10% were frequently encountered and epizootic events with 20 to 50% of host individuals parasitized by dinoflagellates were observed over broad areas. Epizootic infections were usually recorded in regions of the Bay that had high concentrations of E. pectinis, and data for vertical profiles, when integrated with depth, showed a significant positive correlation (p0.01) between host abundance and parasite prevalence. However, peak E. pectinis density and maximum levels of parasitism were often not vertically coincident at stations, and a clear relationship between host abundance and parasite prevalence was not evident for data from discrete samples. These vertical distributions and the absence of a correlation between host density and parasite prevalence for discrete samples may reflect death of E. pectinis as epizootics spread through the host population. Bay-wide infection levels averaged 10.4% (±1.73 SE) for eight cruises in 1986 and indicate that parasite-induced mortality removes 7 to 24% of the E. pectinis standing stock per day. Comparison of these values to ingestion rates for copepods on tintinnine ciliates reveals that parasite-induced mortality of E. pectinis is comparable to predation pressure by the dominant mesozooplankton grazers in Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

Tidal fluctuations in salinity and temperature were monitored at a location on Lynn Canal, north of Juneau, Alaska. Organisms were collected from 4 tidal levels during each slack water over a period of 24 h. Body-fluid milliosmolality as well as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and chloride levels were determined. Mytilus edulis were collected at the +1.0 m tidal level, where ambient salinity ranged from 7.9 to 25.1% and body fluids from 356±62 to 730±17 mOsm/kg water. Cucumaria vegea and Katherina tunicata were collected at the +0.6 m level, where ambient salinity ranged from 13.5 to 24.9 and body fluids from 461±27 to 662±50 and 443±31 to 616±38 mOsm/kg water, respectively. Eupentacta quinquesemita and Evasterias troschelii were collected at the -0.9 m level, where ambient salinity ranged from 11.0 to 28.2 and body fluids from 504±32 to 632±51 and 316±31 to 664±37 mOsm/kg water, respectively. Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis were collected subtidally at the -3.7 m level, where ambient salinity ranged from 14.1 to 28.0 and perivisceral fluids from 448±35 to 661±51 mOsm/kg water. Ion levels of the perivisceral fluid of c. vegae were not determined. Potassium appeared to be regulated by all animals except Evasterias troschelii. Little regulation occurred for calcium, magnesium, sodium and chloride by the organisms. Eupentacta quinquesemita appeared to be regulating all ions determined, but this may have been due to its microhabitat. Water temperature cycled inversely to salinity at all tidal levels. Ambient-water sodium, chloride and calcium levels deviated from levels that would be expected upon dilution of seawater with deionized water. There was not indication that body-fluid osmoconcentration of the species collected intertidally increased on exposure to air.Communicated by J.S. Pearse, Santa Cruz  相似文献   

Sea otter, Enhydra lutris, predation had no detectable effect on abundance and size distribution of deep-burrowing bivalve prey in the Elkhorn Slough, California, USA. Up to 23 otters were present for 6 mo of the study period (March 1984 through April 1985). This is in contrast to previous studies of sea otter predation, especially on the shallow-burrowing Pismo clam Tivela stultorum, which can be found along the wave-exposed coast near the slough. The deep-burrowing clams Tresus nuttallii and Saxidomus nuttalli made up 61% of the prey taken in the slough, and are more difficult for otters to excavate than Pismo clams. The occurrence of foraging otters was highest in an area where the two bivalve prey were extremely abundant (18 individuals m–2). However, the otters did not selectively prey on the largest clams available within the study sight, but foraged preferentially in a patch of smaller individuals where bivalve burrow depth was restricted by the presence of a dense clay layer. This foraging strategy maximized the amount of prey biomass obtained per unit volume of sediment excavated. Our findings suggest that in soft-sediment habitats deep-burrowing bivalves may be more resistant to otter predation than shallower burrowers.  相似文献   

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