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Sea turtle tagging carried out in Italy in the period 1981–2006 resulted in 125 re-encounters of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) after a mean of 2.5 years, from different marine areas in the Mediterranean. At first finding, turtles ranged 25–83 cm of curved carapace length. Data were analyzed according to size, area, habitat type, season, in order to provide indication of movement patterns. When integrated with other information, results indicate that: (1) a part of turtles in the oceanic stage show a nomad behavior with movements among different oceanic areas; (2) another part show fidelity to an oceanic area; (3) turtles in the neritic stage show fidelity to neritic areas, and once settled to one area, change to other neritic areas is unlikely; (4) nomad oceanic turtles are significantly larger than sedentary ones, and also larger than turtles found in neritic areas; it is hypothesized that these could be Atlantic turtles that eventually leave the Mediterranean; (5) ecological transition from oceanic to neritic habitats occurs at a wide range of sizes, and some turtles may have a very brief oceanic stage; (6) turtles in the oceanic stage are more likely to recruit to neritic areas close to their oceanic areas than to distant ones; (7) part of turtles from some Mediterranean nesting beaches might frequent a relatively limited area range, including both oceanic and neritic areas; (8) in most of the Mediterranean, latitudinal seasonal migrations are unlikely. A general model of movement patterns of loggerhead turtles in the Mediterranean is proposed.  相似文献   

Longitudinal capture-mark-recapture data were used to estimate abundance and survival rates for green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in San Diego Bay, California, USA. These turtles were closely associated with warm effluent from a power plant during winter months. The life stage distribution of green turtles in the bay ranged from post-pelagic juveniles to adults (44.0–110.4 cm straight carapace length). During 99 capture sessions between December 2, 1990, and March 25, 2009, 96 individual green turtles were caught. To estimate abundance and survival rates, robust-design mark-recapture models were fitted to capture-recapture histories using software MARK. The estimated annual survival rate was 0.861 (SE = 0.147, 95% CI = 0.356–0.986), whereas annual abundance ranged from 16 (SE = 6.3, 95% CI = 4–29) to 61 (SE = 13.2, 95% CI = 36–88). This study provides the first survival rate and abundance estimates for a green turtle foraging population in the highly industrialized San Diego Bay.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta), monitored by satellite telemetry, complete long-distance migration between the western and eastern Mediterranean basins following a seasonal pattern. This study investigated if these migration routes may be influenced by surface currents by superimposing the tracks of three loggerhead turtles (curved carapace length >55 cm), migrating from the western to the eastern Mediterranean basin, on Lagrangian data of current developed into pseudo-eulerian speed fields. The average travel speed of the turtles was 1.6 km h−1 and did not depend on the current speed or direction. We observed a connection between surface currents and the turtles’ migration routes, although not a conclusive one. These observations show that neritic stage loggerhead turtles conduct migration in two distinct alternate phases: the first characterized by high and constant speed of travel both when swimming with or against currents and the second typified by low travel speeds and a good concurrence between the trailed routes and the course of the currents. These two phases corresponded to two types of movements, one where the turtle migrates actively to reach a specific destination (either neritic foraging, wintering or nesting ground) and the other, where the turtle drifts with the mesoscale current and forages pelagically. It seemed thus, that the influence of currents on a turtle’s movements depends on the turtle’s momentary behaviour and location of residence.  相似文献   

Skeletochronological analysis of Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtle humeri and scleral ossicles was conducted to (1) describe the characteristics of scleral ossicles in these species, (2) determine whether the scleral ossicles contain annually deposited skeletal growth marks and (3) evaluate the potential for skeletochronological analysis of ossicles to obtain age data for size classes and species of sea turtles whose humeri exhibit prohibitive amounts of growth mark resorption. Humeri, entire eyes, and/or individual scleral ossicles were collected from stranded, dead sea turtles that were found along the coasts of Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, and Texas, USA. Samples were taken from a total of 77 neritic, juvenile Kemp’s ridleys ranging from 21.1 to 56.8 cm straightline carapace length (SCL), as well as two Kemp’s ridley hatchlings. For loggerheads, samples were obtained from 65 neritic juvenile and adult turtles ranging from 44.7 to 103.6 cm SCL and ten hatchlings. Examination of the ossicles revealed the presence of marks similar in appearance to those found in humeri. The number of marks in the ossicles and humeri of individual juvenile Kemp’s ridleys for which both structures were collected (n = 55) was equivalent, strongly indicating that the marks are annual. However, in large juvenile and adult loggerhead turtles (n = 65), some significant resorption of early growth marks was observed, suggesting that although ossicles might be useful for skeletochronological analysis of small juveniles, they may not provide a reasonable alternative to humeri for obtaining age estimates for older loggerhead sea turtles.  相似文献   

Leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea, are highly migratory, spending most of their lives submerged or offshore where their feeding habits are difficult to observe. In order to elucidate the foraging ecology of leatherbacks off Massachusetts, USA, stable isotope analyses were performed on leatherback tissues and prey collected from 2005 to 2009. Stable isotope ratios of nitrogen and carbon were determined in whole blood, red blood cells, blood plasma, muscle, liver, and skin from adult male, female, and subadult leatherbacks. Isotopic values were analyzed by body size (curved carapace length) and grouped by sex, and groups were tested for dietary differences. Gelatinous zooplankton samples were collected from leatherback foraging grounds using surface dip nets and stratified net tows, and prey contribution to leatherback diet was estimated using a two-isotope Bayesian mixing model. Skin and whole blood δ13C values and red blood cell δ15N values were correlated with body size, while δ13C values of red blood cells, whole blood, and blood plasma differed by sex. Mixing model results suggest that leatherbacks foraging off Massachusetts primarily consume the scyphozoan jellyfishes, Cyanea capillata and Chrysaora quinquecirrha, and ctenophores, while a smaller proportion of their diet comes from holoplanktonic salps and sea butterflies (Cymbuliidae). Our results are consistent with historical observations of leatherback turtles feeding on scyphozoan prey in this region and offer new insight into size- and sex-related differences in leatherback diet.  相似文献   

Previous studies of loggerhead sea turtles have concluded that drifting longlines were the main threat for immature specimens in the western Mediterranean, because immature loggerhead sea turtles mainly inhabit oceanic waters. However, recent aerial surveys have revealed large numbers of immature loggerhead sea turtles over the continental shelf of eastern mainland Spain, where turtles are exposed to neritic fishing gears but not to drifting longlines. We satellite-tracked seven loggerhead sea turtles (minimum straight carapace length (SCLmin) range: 36.5–55.0 cm) to assess whether the turtles in this region are vagrants from the adjoining oceanic regions or whether these loggerheads mostly inhabit the continental shelf. Satellite-tracking revealed that six of the tagged turtles avoided the oceanic realm and made extended use of the continental shelf, whereas only one individual could be considered a true vagrant as it avoided the continental shelf and primarily used the oceanic habitat. These results are in sharp contrast with those previously reported for immature loggerhead sea turtles of similar size from the south-western Mediterranean and fit well a relaxed ontogenic model that was recently proposed for loggerhead sea turtles in the central Mediterranean. Furthermore, these results demonstrate the vulnerability of loggerhead sea turtles of eastern mainland Spain to neritic fishing gears, as three of the seven turtles died and one was bycaught incidentally while being tracked over the continental shelf.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of Merluccius hubbsi was investigated in 2 regions of SE Brazil. The major food sources for the hakes were fish, crustaceans, and squid. In the upwelling system of Cabo Frio, the diet was very similar in the summers of 2001/2002 and spring 2002; fish were the most important prey followed by crustaceans. In Ubatuba, euphausiids were an important prey during the winter 2001 (100 m), while in the summer 2002, fish and amphipods predominated in the diet in the shallower site (40 m) and squid in the deeper site (100 m). The hakes showed temporal differences in stable isotope signatures in both regions, while C:N ratios varied only in Cabo Frio. δ15N and δ13C (bulk and corrected for lipid content) increased with fish length, which seems to be related to the increasing importance of fish and decreasing importance of euphausiids and amphipods in the diet of larger hakes. The mean trophic level of 3.7 for M. hubbsi was estimated using δ15N of bivalves as baseline and the fractionation of 3.4‰ between trophic levels.  相似文献   

Within the tropical and subtropical oceans, tuna forage opportunistically on a wide variety of prey. However, little is known about the trophic ecology of the smallest size classes which play an important role in stock assessments and fisheries management. The foraging behavior of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares (23.5–154.0 cm FL), collected from nearshore Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) around Oahu was studied using stable isotope and stomach contents analyses. Emphasis was placed on small juveniles. Yellowfin tuna changed their diets significantly between 45 and 50 cm forklength (ca. 1.5 kg). Smallest size classes fed on planktonic organisms inhabiting the shallow mixed layer, primarily larval stomatopod and decapod crustaceans, whereas larger tuna fed on teleosts and adult Oplophorus gracilirostris, a vertically migrating mesopelagic species of shrimp. When interpreting the variation in prey δ 15N values, we considered both their relative trophic position and δ 15N values of the nitrogen at the base of the food web. Based on the distinct diet shift of the yellowfin tuna, demonstrated by both isotope and stomach content analyses, we propose a critical mass threshold was reached at about 45 cm FL that enabled sufficient endothermic capability to allow tuna to access prey dwelling in deeper, colder water. These ontogenetic changes in foraging range and commensurate shift in diet of small tunas would affect their vulnerability to fishing pressure.  相似文献   

Sixteen satellite-tagged adult male loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) dispersed widely from an aggregation near Port Canaveral, Florida, USA (28°23′N, −80°32′W) after breeding. Northbound males migrated further (990 ± 303 km) than southbound males (577 ± 168 km) and transited more rapidly (median initial dive duration = 6 (IQR = 4–16) versus 19 (IQR = 10–31) min, respectively).. Migration occurred along a depth corridor (20–40 m) except where constricted by a narrow continental shelf width. Males foraged in areas 27 ± 41 km2 day−1 at locations <1–80 km from shore for 100.1 ± 60.6 days, with variability in foraging patterns not explained by turtle size or geography. Post-breeding dispersal patterns were similar to patterns reported for adult female loggerhead sea turtles in this region and adult male loggerhead sea turtles elsewhere in the northern hemisphere; however, foraging ground distributions were most similar to adult female loggerhead sea turtles in this region.  相似文献   

The effect of the tumour-forming disease, fibropapillomatosis, on the somatic growth dynamics of green turtles resident in the Pala’au foraging grounds (Moloka’i, Hawai’i) was evaluated using a Bayesian generalised additive mixed modelling approach. This regression model enabled us to account for fixed effects (fibropapilloma tumour severity), nonlinear covariate functional form (carapace size, sampling year) as well as random effects due to individual heterogeneity and correlation between repeated growth measurements on some turtles. Somatic growth rates were found to be nonlinear functions of carapace size and sampling year but were not a function of low-to-moderate tumour severity. On the other hand, growth rates were significantly lower for turtles with advanced fibropapillomatosis, which suggests a limited or threshold-specific disease effect. However, tumour severity was an increasing function of carapace size—larger turtles tended to have higher tumour severity scores, presumably due to longer exposure of larger (older) turtles to the factors that cause the disease. Hence turtles with advanced fibropapillomatosis tended to be the larger turtles, which confounds size and tumour severity in this study. But somatic growth rates for the Pala’au population have also declined since the mid-1980s (sampling year effect) while disease prevalence and severity increased from the mid-1980s before levelling off by the mid-1990s. It is unlikely that this decline was related to the increasing tumour severity because growth rates have also declined over the last 10–20 years for other green turtle populations resident in Hawaiian waters that have low or no disease prevalence. The declining somatic growth rate trends evident in the Hawaiian stock are more likely a density-dependent effect caused by a dramatic increase in abundance by this once-seriously-depleted stock since the mid-1980s. So despite increasing fibropapillomatosis risk over the last 20 years, only a limited effect on somatic growth dynamics was apparent and the Hawaiian green turtle stock continues to increase in abundance.  相似文献   

During 1955–2003, flipper tags were attached to 46,983 green turtles and ten turtles were fitted with satellite transmitters at Tortuguero, Costa Rica. Eight satellite-tracked turtles stayed within 135 km of the beach and probably returned to nest after release. The internesting area is more extensive than previously documented. Post-nesting migration routes of satellite-tracked turtles varied. Seven turtles swam close to the coast and three turtles swam through oceanic waters before moving toward nearshore areas. Sea surface height anomaly maps indicate that oceanic movements were consistent with the southwestern Caribbean gyre. Circling and semi-circling turtles could have been disoriented but submergence and surface times suggest they may have been feeding in Sargassum sp. concentrations. Rapid post-nesting migrations (mean 2.2 km hr−1) ended on benthic feeding grounds in shallow waters (<20 m) off Belize (n=1), Honduras (n=1) and Nicaragua (n=8). The spatial distribution of migration end points (n=10) and tag returns (n=4,669) are similar. Fishermen in Nicaragua target green turtles along migratory corridors and on foraging grounds. Management efforts are urgently needed in Nicaragua, particularly in the high-density feeding areas south and east of the Witties (N14°09 W82°45). The proximity of foraging grounds to the nesting beach (mean 512 km) may permit female turtles to invest more energy in reproduction and hence the Tortuguero population may have greater potential for recovery than other green turtle nesting populations. Recovery of the Tortuguero green turtle population will benefit countries and marine ecosystems throughout the Caribbean, especially Nicaragua.  相似文献   

We investigated the habitat use in green turtles exploiting a 13-ha multispecific seagrass meadow at Mayotte Island, south-western Indian Ocean. A phyto-ecological survey shows the occurrence of eight seagrass species, dominated by Halodule uninervis and Syringodium isoetifolium, distributed according to four distinct seagrass communities along the depth gradient. Direct underwater censuses show that green turtles occurred all over the meadow. Yet when community relative surface area was taken into account green turtles preferentially frequented the most seaward, biomass-richer S. isoetifolium-dominated community, suggesting that green turtles compensate for their intrinsically nutrient-poor herbivorous diet. Additionally, smaller (<80 cm standard curved carapace length, SCCL) individuals also preferentially occurred in the most shoreward H. univervis-dominated community where no larger (>80 cm SCCL) individuals were sighted, suggesting habitat use is indicative of diet selection and may reflect size-specific food requirements and physiology.  相似文献   

Cephalopod beaks retrieved from stomachs of dead emperor penguin chicks at Pointe Géologie, Terre Adélie, provide information on taxonomic and size composition of the penguin’s squid diet, on the trophic range of the squid species preyed upon and on the fractional trophic impact of the penguin on the whole food web. Emperor penguins prey upon four squid species (Psychroteuthis glacialis, Kondakovia longimana, Gonatus antarcticus, Alluroteuthis antarcticus) and do not take squid larger than 480 mm mantle length. Larger squid live either below the penguin’s diving range or are beyond its handling capacity. Nitrogen stable isotope ratios indicate that squids cover a range of about two trophic levels (2.5–8‰ δ15N). The impact of the emperor penguin, however, concentrates on the upper part of this range, about 68% of its squid prey being >6‰ δ15N. The principal components of the emperor’s diet, fish, krill and squid, differ distinctly in average trophic level. Consequently the trophic position of the emperor penguin changes accordingly with diet composition and may differ by almost one trophic level between different emperor penguin colonies.  相似文献   

The food sources of benthic deposit feeders were investigated at three stations in an estuarine mudflat (Idoura Lagoon, Sendai Bay, Japan) during July and August 2005, using δ13C and δ15N ratios. Sediment at the stations was characterized by low chlorophyll (chl) a content (0–1 cm depth, <4 μg cm−2) and the dominance of riverine–terrestrial materials (RTM) in the sediment organic matter (SOM) pool. Surface-deposit feeders (Macoma contabulata, Macrophthalmus japonicus, and Cyathura muromiensis) exhibited much higher δ13C values (−18.4 to −12.4‰) than did the SOM pool (<−25‰). A δ13C-based isotopic mixing model estimated that benthic diatoms comprised 45–100% (on average) of their assimilated diet, whereas RTM comprised a lesser fraction (29% maximum). The major diet of the deep-deposit feeding polychaetes Notomastus sp. and Heteromastus sp. was benthic diatoms and/or marine particulate organic matter (POM), with little RTM assimilated (39% maximum). The consumers appeared to lack specific digestive enzymes and to use detritus-derived carbon only after its transfer to the microbial biomass. The isotopic mixing model also showed that the dietary contribution of RTM increased slightly (15% maximum) in the vicinity of freshwater input, suggesting that spatial changes in RTM supply affect the dietary composition of deposit feeders. These results clearly demonstrate that deposit feeders selectively ingest and/or assimilate the more nutritious microalgal fractions in the SOM pool. Such adaptations may allow enhanced energy gain in estuarine mudflats that are rich in vascular plant detritus with low nutritive value.  相似文献   

Many animals, including sea turtles, alter their movements and home range in relation to the particular type and quality of the habitat occupied. When sufficient resources are available, individuals may develop affinities to specific areas for activities, such as foraging and (or) resting. In the case of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas L.), after a number of years in the open ocean, juveniles recruit to shallow-water developmental habitats where they occupy distinct home ranges as they feed and grow to maturity. Our goal was to study the habitat use and home range movements of juvenile green turtles along a shallow, worm-rock reef tract in Palm Beach, Florida. Six turtles, measuring from 27.9 to 48.1 cm in straight carapace length and from 7.2 to 12.6 kg in mass, were tracked via ultrasonic telemetry from August to November 2003. Upon capture, each turtle’s esophagus was flushed via lavage to determine recently ingested foods. In addition, four turtles were recaptured and fitted with a time-depth recorder to study dive patterns. Home range areas measured with 100% minimum convex polygon and 95% fixed kernel estimators varied from 0.69 to 5.05 km2 (mean=2.38±1.78 km2) and 0.73 to 4.89 km2 (mean=2.09±1.80 km2), respectively. Home ranges and core areas of turtles were largely restricted to the reef tract itself, and showed considerable overlap between food and shelter sites. The mean number of dives during daylight hours (0600–1800 hours) was 84±5.0 dives, while the mean during night hours (1800–0600 hours) was 39±3.0 dives. Dives during the day were shallower (mean=3.20±1.26 m) than dives at night (mean=5.59±0.09 m). All six turtles were found to have a mixed diet of similar macroalgae and sponge fragments. Our results reveal that juvenile green turtles occupy stable home ranges along the nearshore worm-rock reefs of Southeast Florida, during the summer and fall. Determining which habitats are used by green turtles will assist conservation managers in their global effort to protect this endangered species.  相似文献   

The diet of 50 juvenile green turtles Chelonia mydas live-captured incidentally by fixed fishing traps between January and June 2009 in Cananéia Estuarine–Lagoon complex, Brazil, was studied through analysis of esophageal lavage samples. Green turtles consumed an omnivorous diet, with 18 food components identified and grouped into 4 categories as follows: terrestrial plants, algae, invertebrates, and seagrass. Black mangrove leaves were of the greatest importance to diet. Turtles incidentally get into fixed traps probably because these devices are located on mangrove margins, where they forage. The additional foods suggest that green turtles also feed opportunistically on material adhered to the trap structure and/or on items that cross into its interior. Green turtle diet in estuarine environments appears to be determined by the availability of food components, with some selectivity toward items of apparently greater nutritional value.  相似文献   

Feeding ecology of juvenile green turtles (Chelonia mydas) was studied from 2008 to 2011 at Samborombón Bay (35°30′–36°30′S, Argentina), combining data on digestive tract examination and stable isotope analysis through a Bayesian mixing model. We found that animal matter, in particular gelatinous plankton, was consumed in large proportions compared to herbivorous food items such as terrestrial plants and macroalgae. This diet is facilitated by the high abundance of gelatinous plankton in the region, thus confirming the adaptive foraging behaviour of the juveniles according to prey abundance in the SW Atlantic. To our knowledge, this is the first study to employ this combination of techniques and to conclusively demonstrate that animal matter, in particular gelatinous plankton, is important in the diet of the neritic green sea turtles.  相似文献   

The feeding preferences of the coastal dolphins Pontoporia blainvillei and Sotalia guianensis in south-eastern Brazil (21o18′S–22o25′S) were assessed through the prey’s index of relative importance (IRI), total mercury concentration (Hgtot), and stable isotopic (δ15N and δ13C) to compare their efficiency in the discrimination of prey contribution to the predators’ diet. The IRI was the best tool to describe the dolphins’ preference, while Hgtot and δ15N seemed to be efficient as a trophic marker when the diet is made up of prey of varying sizes, as observed in S. guianensis. Both dolphins presented lighter δ15N than their prey species, which is an unusual pattern. However, as the sample size to isotope ratios analysis was small, especially to the dolphins, the results should be considered with caution, and further studies are necessary to corroborate these findings. The δ13C values characterized a typical coastal food chain, confirming the preferential area of these species.  相似文献   

The Strait of Gibraltar is inhabited throughout the year by a group of pilot whales (Globicephala melas), but their spatial distribution varies between Summer and Autumn. In this paper, we have used carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) stable isotope signatures to investigate the differences in diet amongst seasons, sex and stable social units. Skin samples were collected from 56 individually photo-identified pilot whales during Autumn 2005 and Summer 2006. These individuals were genetically sexed and their isotopic signature determined. The level of inter-individual association both within and between stable social units were compared to Euclidean distances between individual isotopes signatures. No differences in either δ15N or δ13C were found according to the sex of individuals, but significant seasonal differences were found in δ15N, although not in the δ13C values. This suggests that pilot whales are resident year round in the Strait, a finding supported by independent photo-identification. The variation in δ15N could reflect a shift in pilot whale diet through the year, with pilot whales feeding at a higher trophic level in Autumn compared to Summer. This could also represent a change in the diet of pilot whale prey species. The δ13C values were significantly different amongst the four stable social units sampled and individual δ13C values were significantly related to the level of inter-individual association, while no relationship was found for δ15N. These results suggest that within the same general area (i.e. the Strait of Gibraltar), there is some level of specialisation in habitat or prey choice between pilot whales social units.  相似文献   

Isotopic niches of emperor and Adélie penguins in Adélie Land,Antarctica   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Yves Cherel 《Marine Biology》2008,154(5):813-821
The emperor and Adélie penguins are the only two species of penguins that co-occur at high-Antarctic latitudes. We first measured and compared their isotopic niches on the same year in Adélie Land in spring, when the two species co-exist. Emperor and Adélie penguins segregated by their blood isotopic signatures, with adult δ13C values (−24.5 ± 0.2 and −25.4 ± 0.2‰, respectively) suggesting that emperor penguins foraged in more neritic waters than Adélie penguins in spring. At that time, difference in their δ15N values (4.1‰, 12.0 ± 0.4 vs. 7.9 ± 0.1‰) encompassed more than one trophic level, indicating that emperor penguins preyed mainly upon fish (and squids), while Adélie penguins fed exclusively on euphausiids. Second, we compared the food of breeding adults and chicks. The isotopic signatures of adults and chicks of emperor penguins were not statistically different, but δ15N value of Adélie penguin chicks was higher than that of adults (10.2 ± 0.8 vs. 9.0 ± 0.2‰). The difference showed that adult Adélie penguins captured higher trophic level prey, i.e. higher-quality food, for their chicks. Third, the isotopic signatures of Adélie penguins breeding in Adélie Land showed that adults fed on Antarctic krill in oceanic waters in spring and shifted to neritic waters in summer where they preyed upon ice krill for themselves and upon fish and euphausiids for their chicks. A comparison of isotopic niches revealed large overlaps in both blood δ13C and δ15N values within the community of Antarctic seabirds and pinnipeds. The continuum in δ15N values nevertheless encompassed more than one trophic level (5.2‰) from Adélie penguin and crabeater seal to the Weddell seal. Such a broad continuum emphasizes the fact that all Antarctic seabirds and marine mammals feed on varying proportions of a few crustacean (euphausiids) and fish (Antarctic silverfish) species that dominate the intermediate trophic levels of the pelagic neritic and oceanic ecosystems.  相似文献   

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