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Today, competing land use is continuing to occur in many developed regions. In the Agricultural Development Zone of Western Sydney Region, which is characterised by complex landscape patterns, land use competition is widespread. From a land use planning perspective, identification of suitable locations for a given type of land use is necessary for decision makers to formulate land use alternatives in different locations, based on existing land potential and constraints. For such a region, use of a simple method that implements a categorical system and considers only inherent land characteristics in the analysis is often inadequate to arrive at an optimal spatial decision. The primary aim of this paper is to develop spatial modelling procedures for agricultural land suitability analysis using compromise programming (CoPr) and fuzzy set approach within a geographical information systems (GIS) environment. Five main sets of spatial data for use as decision criteria were developed by using fuzzy set methodology: a land suitability index (LSI) for maximising the land productivity objective; an erosion tolerance index (ETI) for minimising the erosion risk objective; a runoff curve number (CN) for maximising the water discharge regulation objective; an accessibility (RP) measure for maximising the land accessibility objective; and the proximity to water body (WP) for minimising the water pollution objective. An L p -metric was used in the analysis utilising different strategies with representative indices ranging from a situation where full tradeoff among criteria occurs to a noncompensatory condition. Different weighting combinations were also applied, and decision analysis was carried out by using values ranging from 0 to 1.0, where 1.0 is considered as an ideal point. The CoPr model demonstrated in this paper yielded a promising result, as several different techniques of sensitivity analysis show reasonably good results. Likewise, an overlay of that result with the present land use/land cover indicates a good corresponding spatial matching between existing land use (orchard and cultivated land), and the cells (land parcels) classified as the best in CoPr. The results are amenable to various map display techniques, either using continuous values or by defining different cut off points in the data space within a raster GIS environment.  相似文献   

环境系统权重分配的二级决策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
权重分配是环境质量评价的关键技术问题.应用多目标二级决策方法,从寻找环境系统客观背景入手,对环境系统各组成要素及各要素的表征参数进行客观自动赋权,为克服环境质量评价中权重分配的主观随意性提供了一种方法.应用表明,这种方法物理意义清晰,算法简便,具有较好的应用价值.  相似文献   

Benchmarking of environmental performance to demonstrate theachievement of best practice environmental management is acomponent of a new form of licensing of industrialdischarges in Western Australia. The paper describes theapproaches to benchmarking for the critical environmentalissues for an alumina refinery and wastewater treatmentplant. It also describes the lessons learnt from thebenchmarking process on appropriate methods, the benefitsand difficulties in the benchmarking process, and changesthat would assist benchmarking for best practiceenvironmental management.  相似文献   

The paper presents an evaluation of post-project impacts of the Barekese Dam on three riparian communities downstream about 30 years after its construction. A network diagram, which incorporated a mathematical model, was used for impact identification and analysis. The expected environmental impacts, expressed as quantitative weighted impact scores, showed that the dam appeared to have exerted adverse impacts on the environmental quality of the communities. The impacts in the communities, however, increased with relative distances away from the dam and the river suggestive of cumulative impacts transmitted downstream. Strategic measures for improving environmental quality of the communities have been given.  相似文献   

In this study, we present the application of the passive microwave emission models to snow-cover environment monitoring and assessment in Northeast China. The study employs the radiative transfer function and strong fluctuation theory to develop the models. We used the exponential form of a spherical symmetric correlation function to describe random permittivity fluctuations. From strong fluctuation, we then obtained the phase matrix and extinction coefficients of snow-packs for the spherical symmetric correlation function. We also used the vector radiative transfer formula for the layer of a random medium by solving Gaussian quadrature and eigen analysis. By comparing the brightness temperatures at 5, 10.7, 18, and 37 GHz, the modelling results agreed with experimental data of dry-snow physical parameters as measured in the fieldwork.  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of simple linear models to help design environmental monitoring systems. This process involves five steps: (1) The derivation of a schematic of the identified pollutant's transport and fate. (2) The derivation of the equation in the schematic. (3) Estimation of input data and numerical solution. (4) Comparison with initial field data. (5) Design of a monitoring system.Two examples of how this system was applied under field conditions are given. Advantages of this approach are: (1) It forces a consideration of the system as a whole rather than a series of distinct environmental components. (2) It forces a consideration of the physical-chemical and biological factors effecting pollutant transport in the system. (3) It sets up an analytical procedure for data analysis at the time the monitoring system is designed. (4) It helps show the functional relationship between pollutant levels in different environmental media. (5) It identifies points where sampling design could be changed to provide for a more efficient monitoring system. (6) It identifies gaps in our knowledge base.  相似文献   

环境监测实验室的环境污染与防治   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
主要分析了环境监测实验室产生的污染特点 ,指出环境监测实验室是一类典型的小型污染源。同时详细阐述了环境监测实验室防治污染、加强实验室环境管理的几种途径  相似文献   

A methodology for rating the suitability of sites forthe location of industrial facilities is formulated and appliedto the case of a coal-fired power plant location. The methodologycomprises two major interlinked components: the environmentalplant location indexing component, which involves theidentification, scaling and weighting of environmentalsensitivity factors; and the impact analysis component, whichinvolves the superimposition of the pollution generation impactsof an industrial facility on spatially gridded zones of variousenvironmental sensitivities. For each rectangular areal unitdefined by a square grid, the Unit Pollution Potential Index isdetermined by the severity and distribution of key environmentalsensitivity factors and the coverage of superimposed pollutanteffects as determined by contaminant fate and transport models.For any alternative site of a planned facility, the summation ofthe unit indices over the area of influence of the facilityprovides the quantitative Pollution Index, which can be used as abasis for comparison of alternative sites for planned facilities.For this paper, this methodology is applied to the hypotheticalcase of the siting of a coal-fired power plant in thenortheastern region of the United States, in which threealternative sites are considered. The three sites: A, B and Cyielded indices of 47.83, 47.91 and 47.6, respectively, indicatingthat site C is the most suitable for siting the power plant.  相似文献   

生态环境补偿机制的探索   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章提出生态环境补偿机制问题 ,并对三种生态补偿机制进行研究。目的在于促进源头区、重点山区、水源涵养区的生态良性循环发展 ,全面改善我国的生态环境状况。  相似文献   

江苏省饮用水环境安全问题及对策研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在了解江苏省饮用水环境安全现状的基础上,提出了适合省情的保障饮用水环境安全对策。  相似文献   

城市环境中磁学响应的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用磁学方法研究城市环境中重金属元素的污染受到普遍关注和重视。比较系统地探讨了城市环境中磁性矿物的来源和特征,阐述了城市环境磁学的研究内容,探讨了城市磁学研究的发展趋势,强调了运用简便、经济的磁学方法研究城市环境中重金属等污染物是今后环境磁学的一个重要的发展方向。  相似文献   

Long-term water quality monitoring is of high value for environmental management as well as for research. Artificial level shifts in time series due to method improvements, flaws in laboratory practices or changes in laboratory are a common limitation for analysis, which, however, are often ignored. Statistical estimation of such artefacts is complicated by the simultaneous existence of trends, seasonal variation and effects of other influencing factors, such as weather conditions. Here, we investigate the performance of generalised additive mixed models (GAMM) to simultaneously identify one or more artefacts associated with artificial level shifts, longitudinal effects related to temporal trends and seasonal variation, as well as to model the serial correlation structure of the data. In the same model, it is possible to estimate separate residual variances for different periods so as to identify if artefacts not only influence the mean level but also the dispersion of a series. Even with an appropriate statistical methodology, it is difficult to quantify artificial level shifts and make appropriate adjustments to the time series. The underlying temporal structure of the series is especially important. As long as there is no prominent underlying trend in the series, the shift estimates are rather stable and show less variation. If an artificial shift occurs during a slower downward or upward tendency, it is difficult to separate these two effects and shift estimates can be both biased and have large variation. In the case of a change in method or laboratory, we show that conducting the analyses with both methods in parallel strongly improves estimates of artefact effects on the time series, even if certain problems remain. Due to the difficulties of estimating artificial level shifts, posterior adjustment is problematic and can lead to time series that no longer can be used for trend analysis or other analysis based on the longitudinal structure of the series. Before carrying out a change in analytic method or laboratory, it should be considered if this is absolutely necessary. If changes cannot be avoided, the analysis of the two methods considered, or the two laboratories contracted, should be run in parallel for a considerable period of time so as to enable a good assessment of changes introduced to the data series.  相似文献   

环境质量评价中关键因子识别的方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用投影寻踪聚类方法分析环境影响指标的数据资料 ,不但可以根据数据内在特性确定各评价指标的相对权重 ,避免权重人为给定的任意性 ,而且还可以通过逐次筛选找出影响环境质量的关键因子。本文将该方法成功地应用于南京市秦淮河水环境评价中 ,筛选出了影响秦淮河水质的关键因子 ,可供秦淮河水环境监测和治理作参考。另一方面 ,该方法还可以推广应用于其它类似问题的综合分析研究中。  相似文献   

Before-After Control Impact (BACI) sampling designsare commonly used in environmental impact assessmentand are considered the most effective for detectingchanges due to anthropogenic disturbances. Thesedesigns handle local spatial variability throughrandomized placement of samples into a treatmentstratum and a control stratum. When a contaminantdisperses with distance from a point source it issuggested that a gradient design will be moresensitive to change than randomized placement ofsamples. This requires allocating samples according todistance, rather than by random placement withinrandomly placed blocks. In this paper gradient versusrandom sampling designs were compared using data froman oil field in the North Sea. The gradient samplingdesign was more powerful than a randomized CI sampling design.  相似文献   

论中国环境监测发展战略   总被引:23,自引:10,他引:23  
介绍了中国环境监测的发展历程,分析了中国环境监测发展面临的压力,提出了中国环境监测的发展战略和实现战略目标的保障措施.  相似文献   

介绍了采用美国达拉斯 (Dallas)半导体公司近年推出的单总线技术研制的自动气象站 ,它很适用于对地面气象参数的监测。论述了用单总线技术改造原来人工监测的实施方案。该系统也可广泛用于关心气象信息的各种部门  相似文献   

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